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9/11 Information Center

9-11 Information

This page provides links to reliable, verifiable information which raises important questions about the official account of 9/11. Our hearts go out to those killed in this tragic event and their families. In their honor, let us open to learning more about what happened on that fateful day.

Consider reading through this entire page before exploring the many excellent links provided. presents this 9/11 information as an opportunity for you to educate yourself, and to inspire us to work together to strengthen democracy and build a brighter future for us all.

9/11 Information Summaries

For the best, most concise introduction to the 9/11 information here and key questions about that fateful day, we highly recommend our 9/11 timeline summaries. These fact-filled summaries provide highly revealing 9/11 information from respected media sources with links direct to the articles on their media websites for easy verification of all information presented. The first two summaries take information only from the very top, most highly respected major media sources. The last summary brilliantly ties it all together with amazing, reliable information.

Two-page 9/11 information summary:

Ten-page 9/11 information summary:

25-page 9/11 information summary:

60-page 9/11 information summary:

Seven-page big picture summary:

Most Important 9/11 Information Document

Over 50 senior military, intelligence, and government officials are now on record questioning 9/11. Read media statements from U.S. Senators, members of Congress, a former director of the FBI, a former chief economist of President George W. Bush, an assistant secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, the former head of advanced space programs for the Department of Defense, and more. In reports on respected websites (links provided), each of these prominent leaders now claims there are serious problems with the official government story of 9/11. To see over 100 respected professors with similar claims, click here.

Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials Question 9/11 Commission Report

Top 9/11 Information News Articles

We have collected many news articles from highly respected media sources which contain eye-opening information exposing various aspects of the 9/11 cover-up. Links are always provided to the original sources for verification. The first link below contains one-paragraph excerpts from incredibly revealing news articles with the most important articles listed first. The second contains a list of only headlines and links to some of the most important articles on 9/11. Below these links, headlines and links to the entire text of several articles focused mostly on the growing 9/11 movement are provided. - Highly revealing 9/11 news excerpts - Headlines and links only

Best Individual 9/11 Information News Articles

Washington Post and MSNBC Reveal Growing Power, Prestige of the 9/11 Movement

BBC Article Titled "The 9/11 Conspiracy Movement"

Time Magazine Explores 9/11 Conspiracies and Poll Showing Many Believe 9/11 Cover-up

CNN Gives Major Coverage to 9/11 Cover-up in March 2006 With Charlie Sheen, Others

Ex-FBI Chief Accuses 9/11 Commission of Cover-up in Wall Street Journal

New York Times article on 9/11 movement, 9/11 polls, 9/11 convention

Association of Influential Scholars Challenges 9/11 Commission Results - Miami Herald

Los Angeles Times Questions Official 9/11 Story in Revealing Interview

ABC News: U.S. Military Planned to Orchestrate Terrorism Against U.S. Citizens as War Pretext

9/11 Information Resources

Our 9/11 resource list contains one-paragraph summaries of the best books, videos, and websites we've found which provide reliable 9/11 information. Ratings are given on both interest and reliability for each resource listed. Much of what is listed is available for no charge. Links are always provided for purchase or free viewing.

Best 9/11 Information Free Videos

First, 9/11: Press for Truth is magnificent. Don't miss this entertaining, inspiring documentary focused on the quest of several 9/11 family members to find the truth of 9/11. The second video is an excellent PBS documentary in which experts raise serious questions about the official story of 9/11. In the third video, a caring father shares how his trip down the rabbit hole changed his life. The next video in 15 minutes presents powerful evidence from top architects and engineers that the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11 must have been a planned demolition. Then C-SPAN holds a remarkable interview with the head of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth. It is C-SPAN's most viewed video ever. Finally, The Spy Factory is a PBS Nova documentary providing virtual proof that the NSA could have stopped 9/11, but didn't. - 9/11: Press for Truth - PBS - 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out - Anatomy of a Great Deception - Architects and Engineers on WTC 7 collapse - C-SPAN interviews head of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth - PBS: The Spy Factory

Best 9/11 Online Lesson

A powerfully revealing online lesson brings together the best video, quotes, essays, and much more on the important topic of 9/11. The exploration of the role of secret societies is particularly revealing. Developed by individuals involved with, this dynamic two-hour lesson provides not only a greater context with which to understand 9/11, but also its relevance to our lives and to all that is happening in our world. This eye-opening lesson also gives ideas on what you can do to make a difference, and leaves you feeling a refreshing sense of hope for the future of our world.

9/11 Information Subtopics

The New York Times website archived official interviews with emergency workers who experienced 9/11. Many have very strange stories. For the full New York Times archives on this, click here. To read the story of NY fire department worker Patricia Ondrovic, who saw cars spontaneously explode and much more, click here. For other quotes from these Times oral histories raising serious questions, click here.

The 9/11 Attacks and the Black Eagle Trust Fund - A Huge Secret Fund Raises Big Questions

9/11 Statement Signed by 100 Prominent Americans, 40 9/11 Family Members

Sibel Edmonds: FBI Translator and 9/11 Whistleblower Breaks Gag Order

Susan Lindauer: Courageous 9/11 Whistleblower Jailed Without Trial, Now Speaking Out

Able Danger: Multiple Major Media Reports on 9/11 Commission's Failure and Deception

Excellent History of "False Flag" Operations Leading Up to 9/11

What You Can Do About 9/11 Cover-up & 9/11 Movement Event Listings

We have no doubt that by working together we can and will build a brighter future. When we step out of fear, secrecy, and polarization, we choose to join with the ever increasing numbers of people dedicated to working together for the good of all in our world. You can make a difference right now by sharing this 9/11 information with your family, friends, and colleagues. Click on the "share" link at the top or bottom of this or any page on this website to help spread this valuable information far and wide. To contact your political representatives and the media, click here.

For a listing of current events and activities sponsored by the 9/11 Movement, click here. All pages on this website, especially our summaries, are designed to print well so that you can easily copy and share the powerful 9/11 information given. If you would like to send a short email to friends and colleagues giving a concise, yet powerful introduction to the 9/11 cover-up, click on the link below. And thanks for caring.