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Concierge medicine: Like having a doctor on speed dial
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California's leading newspaper)

Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, California's leading newspaper), September 6, 2015
Posted: September 20th, 2015

When Tamara Houstons daughter developed a painful eye condition on a Sunday, during a high school rodeo competition the Yuba City mom ... picked up her cellphone and called her familys primary care doctor, who met them two hours later at his Rocklin office. The cost of the weekend emergency visit? Zero, because it was already included in her familys monthly $200 fee. Houstons family of four is taking advantage of concierge medicine, a small but growing trend. Under a concierge-style practice, patients pay a monthly or annual fee ... in exchange for longer appointment times, same-day visits and round-the-clock access to their doctor by cellphone, text or email. Some concierge doctors even make house calls. I would never go back to a regular practice, said Houston. This takes all of the bureaucracy out of the equation. I dont have to deal with co-pays or insurance. And we get to see a doctor who knows us. Concierge medicine ... has gained more traction in recent years among both physicians and patients. Mainstream medicine doesnt allow you to practice good medicine, said Dr. Chris Campbell, [the Houston familys primary care doctor]. In his old practice, the constant churn of patients felt like assembly-line medicine. Dr. Marcy Zwelling, an internal medicine doctor in Los Alamitos, switched her practice nearly 15 years ago. Weve arranged for good, cash prices so patients can get their care and understand the value of what theyre buying, she said. "Its huge. And its absolutely cheaper.

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