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Coverup claims over revelation that Germany spied on EU partners for US
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers), April 30, 2015
Posted: May 11th, 2015

Germany has been spying and eavesdropping on its closest partners in the EU and passing the information to the US for more than a decade, a parliamentary inquiry in Berlin has found, triggering allegations of lying and coverups reaching to the very top of Angela Merkels administration. Under a 2002 pact between German intelligence (BND) and the NSA, Berlin used its largest electronic eavesdropping facility in Bavaria to monitor email and telephone traffic at the lyse Palace, the offices of the French president, and of key EU institutions in Brussels including the European commission. The BNDs biggest listening post at Bad Aibling in Bavaria was abused for years for NSA spying on European states. The core is the political spying on our European neighbours and EU institutions, an unnamed source said to be familiar with the evidence told the Sddeutsche. As well as the political intelligence activities, the NSA also got the BND to spy on European aerospace and defence firms. German and American individuals and companies were not monitored. The Bad Aibling complex of listening posts was an NSA facility for years. Under an agreement in 2002, it was handed over to the Germans in 2004. Since then, much of the information gleaned was routinely passed to the Americans. According to the Sddeutsche, the Americans supplied search terms on a weekly basis to the Germans totalling 690,000 phone numbers and 7.8m IP addresses up until 2013.

Note: Many countries claim they don't spy on their own citizens. What they do is have agreements to spy on each other's citizens so that they can then share the information and still technically claim they are not breaking any laws. This article shows how it works. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles about government corruption and the erosion of privacy rights from reliable major media sources.

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