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Did Psychic Powers Give Firm a Killing In the Silver Market?
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal, October 22, 1984
Posted: May 8th, 2012

Delphi Associates ... is a struggling three-man partnership formed to cash in on the fruits of its founders' psychic research. "This is not just an amusing exercise," says Anthony R. White, a Stanford University M.B.A., art investor and manager of a family fortune. The research heavyweight is Russell Targ, a physicist who built sophisticated lasers for GTE Sylvania Inc. until 1972, then spent the next 10 years doing hush-hush, still "classified," psychic research for the federal government at SRI [Stanford Research Institute], the sober California think tank. At SRI, [Targ] concentrated on remote-viewing, the ability of one viewer to "see" what another person -- the "beacon" -- is looking at even though the beacon may be thousands of miles away. By 1982, Mr. Targ says, "We'd shown unequivocally that people could describe distant locations as well as events that lie in the future." One of Delphi's first commercial ventures was its foray into the silver-futures market. Delphi tried to forecast roughly how much silver prices would change between Thursday's closing and Monday's closing prices. In all of the first nine tries, Keith Harary, the most psychic partner, made correct predictions. The investors ... made "in the middle six figures," and Delphi got a commission. Alas, the power proved fickle. "Our major client suffered an attack of hubris and started pressing us for more predictions," says Mr. White. Delphi failed on the next two tries. "It was a difficult blow for all of us," Mr. White says. "The existence of psychic functioning shows that there is something fundamentally incorrect about the prevailing view of how space and time are understood," Mr. Targ says.

Note: The above link requires a small payment. To view the full article free, click here. For a great Washington Post article with valuable information on remote viewing, click here. For other amazing and intriguing information on the now-declassified government remote viewing program, click here.

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