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U.S. acknowledges killing of four U.S. citizens in counterterrorism operations
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of Washington Post

Washington Post, May 22, 2013
Posted: May 28th, 2013

The Obama administration acknowledged [on May 22] that it has killed four Americans in overseas counterterrorism operations since 2009, the first time it has publicly taken responsibility for the deaths. Three are known to have died in CIA drone strikes in Yemen in 2011: Anwar al-Awlaki, his 16-year-old son and Samir Khan. The fourth Jude Kennan Mohammad, a Florida native indicted in North Carolina in 2009 was killed in Pakistan, where the CIA has operated a drone campaign against terrorism suspects for nearly a decade. His death was previously unreported. In addition to disclosure of the four killings, Holder wrote that Obama has approved classified briefings for Congress on an overall policy document, informally called the playbook. The document, more than a year in the making, codifies the administrations standards and processes for its unprecedented program of targeted killing and capture of terrorism suspects outside of war zones. Nearly 400 drone strikes, in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, have been launched by the CIA and U.S. military forces during Obamas presidency. According to Holders letter, Awlaki was the only U.S. citizen the administration has specifically targeted and killed. Two weeks after Awlakis death, his 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman who had gone to the Yemeni desert in search of his father was killed in a drone strike meant for someone else. That strike was similarly unacknowledged, although a senior administration official privately characterized it as a mistake.

Note: So an American citizen, Awlaki's son, was killed by a drone by "mistake"? What happened to the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states no citizen shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"? For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on the atrocities carried out by the US and UK in their global wars of aggression, click here.

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