No. Cost Account ObjoVClass ions Unliquidated 6 Obligations Obligat Date Fenier'xs and Rt,,fertlnces incurred Liquidated 8alarice 21 DEC Fc. i 9 960 --A 4.0 En Le 2 CO 2 2 3-4 2 rD 2 W .......... 0 At RECEIPll Receipt is hereby acknow]Ledged of the fol I owing: Treasurer's Check No. FE 18333 in the amount of $1,900.00 drawn on the payable to @the 6 Date: -.SAW YOU -"I "P)Xg DVUION VIA Sul Utt. pro amo%Mt *f 2 Le to to 2 iF pies" f&v*ra the Cb"k oer bv V,-r:LWO-).o tabr@*" Bovmr almejt i's it 6 ir*JW - the t@iies ebwJA not IW4UWS /Cho""I Di%ligi j- TSS/FASB TS@/CD- TSS/CD/O@ (5 Feb 60) for aervioea-. (1) It is hereby cer'Afie4-t-mt tbis ic lr,-, and--rvl:@@_dat"h&ll-be provildod-ror---- 2 our:: ports or P-a-)ers whidh=grow-out,of the-- -not-ice., -t by Ct't4er-,tl@@im o above-corWAtion@ -it ir, t h a,@v tl, 2 13. I - tl-.!ec fitnes ba ex:,@one4er-' entirel!j for -the -.-a-saa-r-ch d-3.sil;rAted -and ttiat iio prof ltt@ accrue to anv ln for II -year -olds @,of about 10 nation---- alities ar2id from fiVj6A"ght diffi@@-languages hWman)rL"pg@;t3._ These 11 -year-olds who-are-typi,@all t on age mak@@-close-friendships without - y -at an ac i a common lanyvage. . Fro-m thi@i-We know that attitud4@@sertiments and feelings are communicated with"t-verbal@t@@ission-.-- A pertinent question is whether- they transmit facts-about each other. This was tested-in-i@ily-s--lg5g, at the "WWI The 4@am children were divided into boy pairs and girl --pairs who 2 did not understand one arxoth6r's native language. They were seated across from each other-at-small tables one pair at each. The experiment was condlicted twice with an interval-of six days.-- The task.was the same for - - both interviews@i--- The directions-given at-the -second interviewing follow. "Some days-ago we used an hour for-i-aterviewing ea3ch other and we thuik you d@@@d it very well and that perhaps you-wou-ld likeao do-it-bhc-e-n-Lore=@ --I @ner, and again, one who I am sure you will, but this time you will get a new part does not speak your language gfpaper AE@r e your As the first time half of you will get- a piec wh names are written'on the top of 2the -p-a-g-e. "The interviewing goes-on f6r-thirty--minutes, @Lndlou-rnay use anything you want to ill@i-@Y!Wwhb@ryou are asking-fotr@4iid yoll-don't n-eed-to sit ou may not ask f6t@@@ help in translations from a third in your places -- but2 y person. "Try to find out@as-much as-possib-le ab out the other,-gl@@@ "After the thirty minutes-we shalYcoll6tt--the pap@@"-and-then-the other half of you uilLM a piec4@ of -1@er-%vhere your-na-mes are written at the pa top. Y2oLi too will bia@lowed thirty@@tes _to_inte rview your-partner."-- Each interviewer - recorded th@@@itfgxver s that he obtained fr on-i @-lar ner. Protocols-in other-languages-were translated into Eiiglishby the adult-delegates who chaperoned t.-te respective dele ations to th Treatment of Dati 2 The data willihi@7inalyzed to- answer the following questions,- 1. How many information units (IU)=r@6garding the intervie&v,@-,e -are collected by 1 1 -v_ear -old intervienvers-ir-om partners of the same sex who do--"t-spea'K-the Is @language2 ? Z. Wb-a-t-is the content of -.1 Y..-"ik@--old interviewees' responses to 11-yea,r-@@old interviewers wh6 do not speak the-same language? 3. How do number-and content of information units of the first session compare with-those of the second inte9rviewing se-ss ion held six days -later ? cation of information A coding guide has been prepared for the identifi units. Work directions-have- been formulated for the idelitific o! informatio ation-- units, and for categorizing4@@@g and t2abulating these on multig-raphed summary sheets -- one sheet per-individual-in-terviewer per--int-erviewing session. Control Sample A control grou atched f6k-age, sex, education,-@and for outstanding qualities in interpersonal relatidii"ill b76@@ot-it-d of United-St4tes bi-o-ys--an2d girls -- who thus s not-aaddeal control group, since it is-composed-of -o-nl ti"Ality-.-A composite control group- y one na composed of children from manv nationalities catt@@@@obtainedLf(5t:later studies when funds are available@l@this-more ambit2iddt--Vhdertaking. Estiniated Expenses Identifying and categorizih@@IU Statis*uical Analysic 200 h-rsw--- $1.50-7--300----------- Secretarial and -r-nilltigra g- services 7 5--ht478@-= - TOTAL Res@tf@.,tlt@- tted, References: -during Bjerstedt--@@A@ Reducti6n-of '!barrier tendencies" Acta Ps--yc o og exp@!@@e ot!Att@t"tional@@@iving.. 1958-2.---@-13@@7329-346.- -field fo ce m. odel as a basis for Bi6t:stt-dt-;= AkeA - r pr-edi@@@of soci@(l@havi-cyrv@Huma.n-Rel@i:tidii@@-, -195B.- II,-33" 3 aitesoh@;-G - C-6@@catio"e social matrix-of p h'-t--- N@@@York- W. W@@Norton &-C-o. , U@c.-I-195 November-4-,-1959 Subject: t NOW Po n S up researob. PQ we mve pr4@@rio@isly am which falls In the 2 indirect Assessme4"no-n-voltal-66mmunicati6n) -whii3hthas been a long standing@iraqw@--r@@9 whieb we I-Ave mad"lttie The e@arrent need for funds 70*@,essed b is raodest yet 2 h-- is the firs t w6 bave had f iwa)4tw@@@ - --- -- - ica_ti that exr,re,sses-an@@@,i form of ri6h V--@@rbal commm appears 2 01"PW- end6l=that a grant of It is strong!Y:IeqOmm now O@L comw cation--and for a s.-erib3-ihg aM analv'zi7ng -the data -h#t@@@7atiort. Sdel@-,@C -grant it is Possessed byj__ --t@onal- objective t@vcto f oster an iW&rt@@ hO@@nitarlarv@"n und,2ertaking@Wt=&t the d for cover. will assist U@-the ident-if i6-a-ti6h-@)f promi-sin?, -fd"ign-natior@al@@d U.--S. natioral3 (many of whom are now 'ri @@v-t8ime be of@@t,-Interest their I-atttee to ty,@@ e w o' d -hosd- of which-l- sg4 b@rief 1" The@t -projects enclose -are-t U&t o@f-@ -- -a2t th@ you th-" hological .14@e- -i an4l ussed i!6@ I tihg@ grl@Ater- de_tai 2 Ul@ing my recent:@tr p,to sug t I submit these two-requests,,to NdVembere e-i> oposa o@@@ I- "t2ion stud y workerst@6utsid"f-7tWe r '!W[P-r@@ram-. Dr. 'staift-Pr@ofessor, w n-of-his-time supervising- a ate stu2dent --neit@@'r -of -w'nom was a once-ive and execute an-eva collected'-d4,t4 laat and control data Th4@se-2, c-o d-propos I i-a-A "COMMU'.@lid-a-tior@'-st Camp Ju Iren Botli@67tudies-already@@@igr_@@ handi;@:tBot are-ready, aft7e-r-short-task-69--of-col ect ng@@jF@09 for -treatrrent-o"Wtiland wri-ting:@6f@:tWO@@poits f& publi@&@i@6ii@ eaiing you trip. With