PROPOSAL@@@@ It is oop"ed to contirtue research on- robl4me clarificatioci of the-fundimental *pact@ of the critit&L-to a stimdlus-response-relationabi in biol4kiW'systems. Studies p will be conducted uti with permanent-s-op4"lecttodes.--IrAv-e-stigations. viu-b-e c- utiliting chronic electrode litt2orttion"oupledwitti-ieietttd classical types of -,c@itidding, Studi6-"ll be conducted 6a@ the geogra y of the brain in selected specio"u4iit"le 0 detoymine the 14me in whic"timulations will mce specific 1 reactions. A7@t"eful-literature survIey, especially:bf the Russian lite atur-o t ,of f6i@6!tn re-"arch in this area will-be@ conducted-- UKULT" Subprolect 106 106 Laitiato&. ji@nu-ar-Y 196, SU, 000. 00@ and mavic pw-p",*: To provi 9 bi biological whnldov rouw to BWO TbA project U47-g4tftd ye" aud IS CGUUnUtAg Sutis I ad*qu"y. CD 61: 106 !3 97 Jame 1 60 rolt.. c:lilcr FINANcr, PLYIS VIA SUBJECT MFULTRA S- 1060 2 osasio0g-490& A114" 1. 1401te NO* I co'v of $4041-_ bi lawa 2 d on 4.0 df&W* on -LO robruavy 1960- this project, the five$ tk&t 1 Aqua (444s will be obligated (6i@ gbo4l4 oot bit 41". ton TSSICV"C&L DIVII I ---TSS/FAS 2-@@ss CD- 106 INVOICE For-S*rvlces $Zlt $55. oo- ICATIONS--. (1)71t-is hor*VY@(@@ that th2it- is td"ict #I Subprojoc_t 1_06 of UKUtTItA. that P*ff T"tuc* -I- ct*fyt compu@"d Jo accordance with to@at-forviras are b*tos ac ---- ------ 2 end& ot-tho muteal-allreameatot that a detailed ag -pay"ts_and--- iii@TSSICU, that tbwbill Is just-&Ad correct &ad a *at thereof We not-@ytt beea 2 tbat- rn ivilloa it Is hereby7 cortifted ttkat thi*-Invotc* ap tits to Subproject 106 c uad4"KULTRA wh.i- h4"uly approv-'ed-- he p;ojoct III being c&"le4 out In accorda"o- with ths:tnomorandum dated ty7A#*4-1933L (ioMAtk4k DCU--co--the DD/A,'&aad the extension 7of-th-vo@@ igdtl%ority ltk-subs#jq,4*rit-iiiiernOrandg. Regiii@@" actor 106 PROPOSED-BUDGET Salary-(Chief ItiVestigator) $11,50 Technical Services z-ooo MaterialsiAnd s 301)00- Travel .8500 Overhead (low-6@o) TOTAL@7- 106--4- Februaty@-6, 1963. - Svtt .--Statfteiit:@of-fUh(!"eceived-4nd Expended- Januatv I 196F to U&2@@er 31-1961 Grant $12 000.00 Ex Prinei al-IhV6s tigator $9,000.00 Laboratory supplies and ex-Dense 58.43 Consult4Ktt7= 800. oo-i Overhead-B24tden 1 1414. 39 -..Total Expeiditures---------- - - -- -- ---- 12-000-00 Unexpended-Funds, Di@-4@6mber 31-1961---- Pi-@sident- I bave exani2ned and approved the @oub(nitter@ expenditures. ITSD/Biological Btanoh 106- pi-in ebri-qrl 16_g LIZ* q(o. --9 7 5. 2 -Soo-oo--- to Ct-,ns,,A,zesble Supplie. -------- Ix c-ri!--4ntal AAlr@4,@ I-, 6 00. ov- 5 73. OV 2 Fr@-i fcr Anima-la 375.00@@ Sup?lies 800.00 3,345.0,@ Travel.' far,-& n CkL@@@- 2,590.riO 6 2 , 5 rs) .- 0,1 2 079.00@7@- F,, 16 1961 106 April 139-:i boo YOU Very &Vtb fb@"lit-ton4val bf "Ur-gg@"t (-$12.000-00) to,: ugry Gfiod of twtlva -to our recapitulatiolk of@tb4 -tbe pMJCU$5$V*At received an47tbot iixp#04itur*s un4it but WI@l--b4lb4py to forvar47*dft7OO*"f-yoU- o-o 44sirs. very--ml-y- your# -Ai@tidi Tr4 1tmiosures/2--- 106 j@ 21 -May 1962 MEMORANDUM FOR,-THE-RECORU SUBJECT MKULTRA, Subproject Nd@-;106 1. It is propbsed,to contiii"@"-t"re h unjf@r MK' 2ULTRA subproject No. 106 on studiet-of biologicaF-@iottms- witb@ reference to q"ntify@niz the relationship b6tWttft-a@-stim-alus and thebiological-res onsetothatstimulus. Probl&ffi-g--@isirigff6tii@- t@-c difference ii i-excitabiltW-Wid7b7ehavioral response among members of an anin-tal populicti&i@WiU be ammal-pr4@pa- rations partlcularlg@@@e-for demonstrating specific@functions,----------- e,valuations will be made of biological generalizai2ions arising from the use of one sp@g@@@@@l-"-t@-experifti6htal-va@riable-. -A- critical review v.,411 b@@intaiE-ed-bf selected foreign literature especially that on the neuroVhysioldgidAl rnechanism of conditioning and related befiavi-oral research-. 7 2. Because-of the-vt@TldW7Uvel of -effort-on which this program_ is to be contin'ued during the next )rear, r-eirnbursements-will--be made directly to Mr., the c ief investigator, on the -basis of his invoices fo -professional-seivices rend4@Ydd at-the times that these 106 occur. No intervenpin outs will be- required as were used,in g -cut thepreviousprogram-.--- f ar 3. arnount- to 2 St AU,6tm -1390 $3, ooo. 00. Charges-should be made again 'eat X6 _2125- -3902 4. It is notanlidpated-that any permanent equipment -wi-11--be needed for this pro -ram.-- - S. The'requirem-entfo-r-7t@senii@@n2-nual-informal'accountinghas--@@--- been waived. 6 All orso=el connected with the planning andjhbnitoring -usess Agency Top of this program po, Chie TSD/Resii:ftlh,-R ch APPROVED F'OFC:GRLIGATION OF FUNDS: 0 Chief, Te on Date: 106- (When FiWe-d In) xo. 212 5. Co--sV Accoun 2 Obj6@V Class UnEquidaW ObL!giktions ObEgatiors - Date 4 R&harks and RefaMi@teU---7--- Ine@rred Liquidated rAY 962 - ----------- (When FiUed In) -01 t'IEP't RAtiDijbt:.Foit; !rtiz 0)@tRT$tOL, f4 .A ,nor next, dat'ad l@3 ,e autaority graatea in t o ri e, 1963 -DI) K- -th@ fr@n@ tL@d DCI t Atid :4,xteasxgfi &allt 2 LT. c APPAOVED FOR OBLIGATI 0 ri g it a 1 0-42Addressee I T;SDI]rA,-Z TSD/RB to/Adot offloor BULMN LI*01" ig- AU*taftt Ugl tiw$90= 1.-. Ito"" itrtn& *.be 31* cm 2 00 &NM (a sautiomilwdt:viu be iobltmt4d--t4i@ima l@mftt,,-Vw flijss ebm" 3 U u t4T a F' 9 Di 6tl4tPAtibdV Orl @k 2 -a- Addtit"# kr",- =IF-AW 10 D. 15 (when Filled Yn) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER voucHlIR No. 7-ig CATE 2- 0 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 2 OESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-58 34;39 AS -A4 47-52 50-67 68-70 71-00 ST A I ON 40-42 F PS ORL I (@-. 93 $4.527' ALLOT, OR COST ove AMOUNT .,I 3 CODE AY Rtf ' No. ACCT. NO. EXPIEND t) GENERAL 2 CODE " PER . ......... CA LEDGER 62.67 NO. 11 O&JCCT DESC IPTIOM :Izeu ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 032-27 . YR ACCT. NO. CREDIT D ....... CODE CI.AL$ 2 if' -1"f 142- A-i 7 r? 2 T'@ IT XXP'LA14Atio" or tooirv TOTAL DATIE @@,oftepAnto@ ay 2 CEPT If I ED FOR PAVWt4T OR CREDIT St@44'AYURC OF CEO'tlF'Vl#ig 4OF 2 FICE7: -A if,, t 4 (10 f lip! LLER a on KU LT";@ c:r A.Oiil 195-1 th d r 2 Grity o t 7777777@@@ JvO'e a On -@b il@t th -to be 2 AwTRk of the ov rrAe tQ co at c ou ia@ 't- -I"TI AI>PROVEL) FOI Distributiol%. Ori 2 Z --Addres,-4te - TOD/rA* ixooqo '4 2 ZYIOA tog" uol,4,nqTs,4uoo 9 Jo egrt 403 2 JO 96t- TOO _gq o,4 Vo@ O" M-& 0'-4 196't quw ill -------- ----- 6 90T 106 rO TSSIOC i5 aa iiivoica a, al;t Datc o@oi StAidie$ Of h-1 iological Mtehanism NO@@OP YO 3- Onc 4; %pair@ t Dal-, FRONAY@@SICD- 106- ICF*b"ary 1961 i MEMORANDUM FOR-. -THE-RECORD SUBJECT@ -MKU-IXRA@::S#Ii@ect N6@ 106 I it it P" se to con inue research under-)AKULTRA- subproject-N42@:@@ studi"f bi@@@ical-systems with reference to qt!4nUfyU*I-the relatio"hip betweeti a-stirnul the biologita to-that itirnu Its. Ptdblernuarisitgjtom the differeac"o@*AtitabiliW-tnd-b*havioral respo.2.nse--a=Qog-members--- of an anin!tal7o@@@at.ion will cultil,v suitable iot deihotkatrating -sple &rations parti the nee of oce species of auim,%@@@imental-kaiiable, A critical revi ift2i mainta-lood of -selected forieig4:literature especially that on the nourophysioIdgiW-bWhaniom of conditioning and relate4hehtviorat research. --III function as cut out-arid-cover for this suboOj26tt@-@-be-decessary-research will be cond4it-t" howill-"bmit to t surwnary accounting of foods at the conclusion of the 00gramo Any unused funds-ttiiiaining 11 be returned to the at the conclusion of the 10 3*: njids required-f4Wthis program for one-year-amount .00 this ium m%ist to $12, 000 be -&4de4,$480@,90 a fo6r per -cei orvice-,charige t@0- t 4 9 tit 489- "'h - amou m should ak'i the to od;-) Cb" 2 be made againit Allotjw"t N6@-- IIZS-1390.39021' 4. it is-"t ackticipated that any parmaalblmt be needed for this b)@ a agreed that-4ottxw"tion bach-are re 2 and accouktidt f@r@trave shail\conforNni,i"he accept@O practice of that organizat $,.7TK*7""t"mon t f I-'nf I ting 2 or asemi atkua i orma-accoun has beel% 6.---All-porsouuel-@@6r,nected-*ith the-plion7ing and-id"itdriag- of this pmram posse -9 Agency Top Sid"t is 2 pr he r joict the p @o @e un e APPRQVED-FOR-OBLI.@@APPROVED.i-- GATIOK-OF-FUNDS--. R3e chi4 Date-. TSD/R-e"arch Branch Attachment-. Proposed_Budget Distributioa-. -0-aly Original 106 PROPOSED BUDGET SALARY:. Chief lt~igator. ....... $109 00.0. Oa TRAVEL..,.,...-,,,. INSURANtEi--HOSPITALIZATIONal SOCIA ;"URITY@ 9 6 a * 0 6 6 030-Os 00(@@- ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSICS-, a 4 0 0 t a 0 0 0 0700, 00 TOT $12, 106 Obji@i@t Class Obligations Obligations Unliq4ldated Date Rernar Incurred Liqui5dated BalaLice We'd"In) 106 i4 irobt"fy mEmOMANDUM FOR'. COMPTROLLER ATTEN!rt SUBJKCT )AYulU L*f RA,, tea-to the-maraorandem W414 II Apri2l -1953 fr- Om the Dcl to the VDIAS &44 the Oxt$ssl*li of tkis authority it- s-ubseqiA*OA fdomora4dat SaUpr.pjoct 106 has the 9,vor-*Al MY.ULTilA ]Or*-- boom ;Ipp;@Gv4ed-aiad-$IZ,460. 00-Of Ject fuid*Aa b4oa *bit &t4ld *Xj)tnges* ills- TSD-/Rostsrcb "PROVED FOR OBLIG-ATI-ON or FUNDStl@ Roso&fc D re Dat*: Distrlbdloaoo Ortgo- I - TSD/oc-- U---TSD/FASS--- Z - TSD/RB--- #I,& Tq n I rvt Ob @0.4 00 I C*j 9 C4 40 it - 'im4l 'in-it "7r I 7 106 14- IrgUt**" OLLF.R -COMPIR )AY.UOJTAN U-M- Jr-OR@. ATTJCNTI SUBJECT-- - :-MKULTRA, su'bproje2ct.106 U"*tj" -"thortty graatoa- to tb* -saamic@ratdwn dat 13 April- 53 frbm -the D Cl to the DD lAo &ad lbe- vd*as I** this ailbority is Sebproject 106 has 2beta &pproved &&4-$12,480. 00-ti tho over-&U MKU LTjC"10- Jett faadcus beta *bUt4t4d to cover tke subproj4ct exp*:asoso- TM* oblig&U4a-01 ti*As shoold be elkarl*4 to Allotm*n2t- 1390-310t@ APPROVED-- FOR-OBLIGATION Of rut4vs Research Director Date-. ortgo-I Addresses I -=TSD/OC I - TSDIFASS- or&T% trO 49NOW- IIA I3I.--,L, ICtt 106 No. Obje4zt-Clasi Obligations - Obligations Unliquidated Date 9Remarks and References -Incurred Uquidated Balance 21 JA.N, JAN 231960 106 :It UtUOIRAmoum roR.- COMPTROLLIX t--ri&*Ace Divisloa -v)ARI)LTAA* 36'bpr*jt4t 10-4 U Apvtl 19$3 ftik*tk*-DCtA"be DV/A# and tk*-40*"Ioci of 106 kall ra -14KULtRA plroj*ct b 7"d $all $55. 00 *t. tijo 24V*r all -Ousit&4 td-cov Ut" $Apt@jod @owasse. 0100.4902's @,*bUgattos of I"d"fi*ald be Charged to AU*tm*M 45 2$ Ckemttal Diviti" T"l APPROv-tiD von-OBLIOATION----- Or FUNDSt--- ---- ------ - Date 5 ---------- (>rig I Tss/oc It%4111" IARUL-T 2 10'6 t$ tte DCI to tYAs DOIAO &u4 tik *"Oailt"i@01 -has avibat" la 0 approvod-aa sait- $$S. oo o2f Ab*7@@ )AY.ULT--- - TM# lowi- has te4-4 "ii,jit44 to t-*V-G-f APPRoyst> YoR OBLIGATLC>N-- Datti 4 0.#tS I -0--Tssloc TSS/CD/#*W'(Z9D*c'59) 1.06 D- R--A F T Zg JDecember 1959 MEM NDUM FOR@---THE-RECORD RA SUBJEla@@@@@@@ect 106 2 I t>ose of MKULTR.A. subproject 106 is to under. take-studies-@ddbiologicalsystemswithparticulit-refe@renceto quantifyin therelitionshi be-t--w-e-e-n-a-stimulue-andthebiol64ical-------- response-tothat-stimulue. Ttii6-lAtkof-i-pae2ral-@ihderstanding.. an@ ad@@@t6-ititthodology for h...relationihipj@@a realistic fashion iii-@" or--roadbl.ocke to progress itithe field" assessment-A@fid-tontrol of b@-oh-avior at the resenttime. approach-in 2this-research with emph"is- on the side of the @@@al-- sciences-@@t-Ad"hted-mathernatical.tecKrLLq@i@@ hygical model"@i@@@gttttd @@fruitful r6s.earch areas not presently_- being-exploited, Probl@@@ising froin the-diffe-renc--e--in-------- excitabilit)( and behavioral response amoniz members -of an animal -Aii attemnt-will be made-to-el cidat n nulation will be analoedt u e-- relationships between ld*er--animal"d man b4y@@paring physioli@-gical;7bi6themical, and behavioral characteristics. Liy means of animal suitable-for-,demonstrat--- ing-specitie-functions evaluations will genoralizati-ons--ar-i-si-ng -ft6hi@th-e--Use- of One 'Kiftd- Of animal as an experi tftthtal variable. A critical rev'@Aew-will be made of--selected foreign-literattire especially that on the neurophysiological mec2hanism of conditioning and-"Iated behavioral research. Par-@ ticula,r- efo@t4nce will V@e@6 t4-the recent shif"n the-part of -ii"iitft@ffdM-Ihe strict "Pavlovian',-view t realistic the R 2 approach to the roblem. itwill ffinction -7edver f -this subp@toject. Thi!4i@6t@"sar -research as cut-out and or will-b@6@ducted b who @vill submit to themighgoo a summary -a-ccotinting of fund 3- -at the concl"ion of the- program.A unused funds remain@@ ing at the concILision of the program will bb-returned tothe 3. F"ds-reouired f6i--thit4"gram-for 2 -one-year amount to ,--oO-To-this surn must be added 00-rep $at, 014 $@41. four perecent service-charge__to th- n-Aaking the total-@@@t $Zl, 8.55.--00@@Charges should 9 be made against P.Ilothi"t No@@05-Z5 -1009 -49 OZ.@ 4.---It-is not aritici ated-tKA:@@inanent eqopm.@qt will be needed for- this program. It has bei6h- aareed that documentation and accounting for travel exj)enses which are reimbursab'16-by 1 0 It is to- mount the- Initial phases of aimea at -an of the fundamental @aspgqts -Of @6timulus- @@ res'ponse re'-l-a-Wonellip--in of the robl@@ 2 systems. sent theoretica models and-co-n'cepto in this -----but---- l:6-o--f6-k ent -roaclblo;--ks to area are a --the evaluatibh-- (f bi4lO8i@6&r@@ further progress In nA systems, includiig:**O@@( work such--a-s- Lo --,-de- S@@ Selen<,e, ILO; pg 692) 1959) Tbe-developmerit of practical tool -this-work in 2 the fom -of -in nt -:@dhrorlid@animal-preparati6n6 with pe. ane seotal, electrodA47has-late d-tW-dW -to- ef f6c-tive-research- iw77@ Initiall@(:the work-vilL-d-6Wst of a 2carefuILlitfratu.-e-qqry@@@ @sp-eciall of -the R-@ia,-,Ian ---OVled with@@ious classical@@@@ types it-ionihg eneriid6dt"@ling-th6- ebroni-a- trode@-:;"P,36ra- 2 tions . zvail--bld--f .-66 -6r-imaY-guidance prograns.- latd- itsult"f these experibent-a-will-@@@mth those effects -o@@@@ rati@6@t6@-desl&M at providii@@-nev abstract 2 during the f it@t year one investigatm can complete t -litmture work @6hd-vittC" --n he W hiiix of IP7@@ the I requited for- tli4 -d@e- sign of -@e-,-V-@-ral-def initiw experinert -to bt@6&rried out during tba@@ord year@@!Wf6i"7ti@ese----- experir6ents--cannot-pre3ently b"sualiz-e-d bed-Au$" th4 inade ies of presen