Illf 8 February-1960.! De May I-expross my si ere-appreciation for thelinfccmavt conveyed in your-letter--of February 2 r-e-gp"g your docisionjo award 2 this orgenizativv7a::@@@ftt-of-$15,000. We shall, of couese,-abi-de--by the-conditions- 'pocifi6d s -iii your letter: any-unexpended-portion of the 9-rant_will be--returned-t6-the:@@@2--- society, a ,ppropr'tate ar-knowledgewnt of _the &Ld--of the--toctety *i I I be made in any publit"d-ii@6t4eials;-and payment of the :t orl-or about I I @ is completely con onion 2 v it We sh&IL-be 't-n-touctt--wlth-you-and-your collea@ues-as-wo-shape our plans for this-activity and, agoi.n, I hope you will'convoy-our7---- appreciation to-your-86*@d-for this favorable-action. 6 Nyot s ricere I y,, Re.@eiPt is-boreby Aq@@owledged of -the fouciving: amo (;28 Jan.60) Febriary-2@ 1960 r Deo This I*tte - f6f-n)61 notification of f t owlar 0a glc2!lt for 1,5, ow from t 110 - i@w--Ists-t t t of travel-- select PS oo____ _o As fmicat2ed In your letter of Janwry 25, your offer to -motatain separate accounttng for cipenditures-of the-fw-,h and provide full *@@ after the expenditure of funis WI II be a clated. - At that tirre, arky M. t 4L$ront $I2vuw be returned to th iqrjggpkpiow ----dddition, the thl-t the on reports, pers or arti,-.14if from the travel accomplished- i.@n-d,6-f-th s 2 Wo cfe prepored to tronsrriit the ok-ove amount to you upon-notification. H4w@@ ever, we shwld prefer i@6 mak6 payment of the b@@M on Ju6e-l,. 19,60 If this d t create an lnconvenlence-for-you-IK the completionofyourartangements-for-the 2 c -i letter received, the Lq-q)la.hs4. PRY of t'h which reviewed your pro us a It e.,f pros e ii7e wom@ interesi-of biuf 337iU@-o@-Directors-in your plans f--r porticipati6n- iK the of-Y 4p4 460 4b C4 P4 cv LI 2 a tv Id 40 m 014 100 guloq et-,400cotd- Jo LOT oit 40wo4cos ..... A.&MO6- veaq 14*A '4UWIM'4Vtft 14wq4 V" nu Jo gwoov qw -PNOTT&ODDOO ftleq o@n 0 4TA sovgp-@ Ul 5 loorozd 00*(W-f Jo& IDIOAXI MEMOROMM-FORi-- THE- REC SUEJWT :-NKULTRA., p4@@ject I---It@::ig-m,;@@ted-that subproject 107 'pe-app;@oved-in order to support a trip of -Ut-@@109ists--w 2 will sumer of 196a@@ Y-oll-oving@is meeting- a charter fli 0 arraw" - of the a indicated@l@"f j3 bas assurance of -financial-aL"istM@&@:Wl February 1960;@@tu----- detemineAWIW*riOWpartici tt-of this flight@@-ge-is cjuit6-- anxious-to-selAdt7"3.e for tbid--trip-66--the basis of-the-txo@@@-- 2 ized fieldt-@ycho they represent ratber partielp4@@ to be detd7radned by el!@e6nee or personal -fiii-ahdial statu$4 vbo indiO&to-&---tJbL-a-t n@o -the idi@@but that id- viev 2 psychoidg"l@@it--trip vould npnstnt a uniT;g:@@tunity to meet preaent@:,re r6b@hU -6 -The oftioial-me@dum qui in support of the 'proposal-i"tWbed b6ftwi th The Pr§!>O@ V'as 8 al3o discusee of the pwwbo Stronglyj@@@@@@ idea as-apprwiate and-VOttbwbile @!@th-- 3- Irdtfsecurity and cover piirposes funding of this project will be - handled bv@the throxigb t MAW the funds experded-Vill be -ti@@ing to the Accounting-fdt@=- 2 .Advmmmm&&0-6 - 14b ioqav--established by the igkqverl -funds cedures prey the-coaclii4i64@of the project will-bo-returnedTW- remaining -at@= the 2 project will W$15)000400 (10 people at $15 per pers Charges should n-s -loog-4902-;---@ Allotm,-,nt-0525. C-, 50 holds acovert Agency clearance-and-is----@ witting 6f Ahoitt@i@@orslli"f the "t ra Vill be unvitbing, ted--;Vith 6. ==Th4SDoJt-tt-liA-4-be-(;n coor.di" vho vfll ttain@7and support 2 --ThWinten&AC@@iuse the trip appropriate- ndi@ndual@--ib@-the-gkOtip. as a OPerdUM-0 TS,3/C-nemical Division APPROVF,D FOR-OBLIGATION-OF1-F-MS:--- Date Attacbe-Al. ik,mo Distribution: Original Only--- Office Mem UMTED STA:f:ES7@GOVERNMENT 21 Januarf -1960 iDATEW TO Chief, Btat@ch 3il- TSS/7 FROM : Chief,. SUBJECT: Scii@ntiet,@,! Trip to Foll6wing the 2 1. With fei@e ce to our discussidft on-t'ae 19th Of re n e are ver -much interested in-receiving-inforaation-on paye@hol !cal. - - - i it- - i-s- -Sei-mane to our 12LO-9@ pro aimming and resea2rch@WW program presently jul 1-w@@ evirements-including the beb@i@r&!--6ciences-hMtijrt4en-fui-nished ani ;i@@@@nt' ii to assist@L@@@ of this-tiiip at 1-e-a-s-t-with-respect to--- 2 ,-institutes and disciplizies pro-vidingahe names Of-inclividuals worth'contacting-. woed@like--to@-have-the-opportunity. to-selectively -V,--We brief aXA7:d4utief - t@@aim-members of the --gro2up throue7ii vlnate-v-er- arreuieements-y@@u feel are best--We-would--appreciate an@indication@@ i,rhether-thiaAc@@ill@-be abL4@t6 i6kb@t@ ttip-so tliat-we can make adequate preparations-and colle" the nece,@'SarY 1 begin'to backgro-(.mi information.- Tii@-you fosir--m@iissibl#7for me to att,--nd-the recent-meeting of-your Attachment: AM-814-L of 30 Noy 1959 new No@ C4At -AccovAt 6 Object -Class --Obligat!Dns- Obligations -Unliqutdat8ed Date Rerdarks and es Incurred Liquidated- Balance 2 6 :60.0. im MEMORANDUM-RECEIPT DATE TO: F R 0)4: SUBJECT: I hereby acknowledge receip:@--P.C-l@-4P-fOllOwi6V -20 F. 0 To DATE RECEIVED FORM REPLACE$ FORM 36,@49-- U:o 752 1331 I A s 2 WHICH MAY BE USEti--- (09"uer za)@90--h -D/M r-ow AO OVAdw #VW olqt 5 -tiov ct --Irrxx-zaw momrimm MFMORANTDLIM TO'.-,Ipgmp%moomvmw 13 SUBJECT-. Proma be di ?A kvs@ @@l t and with mem 2 VA-0-3r'*'rn'*Weeme,nf with ID* thot this ufwefta .., timing of support Oy the A4 you a@e aware,- psychology In m@uch-of' -!,@Z 2 n ep U-,-A*f wrops at vorioa time$ In the pmt-6nd is oni mn,$"rgT."4 I nto- a- ru I ly_ y now er porticif@ating part Of-the intemtional S-Cientiffi-@@unity- -- It Is extremely Imp,)rtont that Am on reswrchen tionors ImF@roio communication am_ ppq;# t the t fiw-critlt6l y-o-ors. it is fitting that tho#o6o lftbe identified with this l@nproyed-communIca- le icmvory 28, 1960 Deor4ow You will remembw that in we hold an lnformaidii6usilon with the-asserr,bled trom'ber,,-O@@ Rim, PA the enclosed F@roMal. -in-13 view of the fact that all i reei that we hove compiled with therequirtmtntsofo-u--r-pre!s-ente,oofj Board. ComeqveAtly,IF--doo"lihollto'Aothenecolaso I 4 YOV ry teps to lriplc,"nt this grant. P. S. The enclos.ed-chetk will-con)c@emate F,:Wyouf expenses tit the @nc-. 3 1960 Your lotieu-cUJdintnry 23-ho3-b466-ie@lyed and steps Qto-underway to proc6i It quickly. Undef a -new.pmedure which we have now lmpl*r@i@ted, 2 I expect to have word foi you- within one week's tlm*. This spq*,J Is possible also, because W' M" ----omolwlthsove I' 0- Yd the-o@66$ibliity of-thls Pr r-,ie,TUn of 2 ek. lost we t thot the task consequently, I'ts approval by out Board Is a formil I feel t@of 0 th a 'tuxn are opixiw OF 2 imnco- to-- 9 the pml'@,ilit:v pf ti@iS"Ffi Ing you In-i@6ffpletin yow plom for the red me that hoy hay* @ossu t2hey ore willing to oistst in any way - oij sugg-osi. isholltoo,4f6t@@rjeogarlytotheresulhoft@is--propo6odundertoking onJ am pleered that wt,@ were OIYP!@@portuni@@@@ 3 S[6@e@ly yours.. Extt@Uttye Sec@@" @7 25 January De& behalf-of-the L SuDmit Iherew a 199 r a rnkt I n b used am fifteen thousaiid dollars to e n support in connection with the dti-i7 ng beiheld i the our 14h@tliat -these i'O"r;7 4;i@ 2 .1.11 thus )U be enabled t -Niiit- som"f -the de-WiiFs in in wn ich important rese-aretC@V6rk-in @@ology is nov Iffi@ -on.--- Cpl- InLig@79 a c p*rable-grant frc@m@he 2 E&d Im"-sms i our MEADE The t t.nit@-7now-appears--7 p r o Fr -t,,r 0 U-k - -t Ilow uip cont-a- e then 'gn -in the@YA'Ar-p since 1957i- in, devel----2-:ts if t fit and othe@@@, ii@all grovp- ot psyChOLOgIS 8 ria that w -incliid-- I'L e f t- ne- special fields of compe----e---2--e---,--the-n-ature of. contacts-already- in--earli r rore n traveI established -g and-bur knowledsee of research t should be of-Anttrett to t Un"t eet v' alreadv initiated psychologiiit*@!iii@the [btates. ha e arrangeme.,-tts f6"his selection-,-we-also have-inf4i@OAI agreement'a h f ed---- riWtli@-Agencie.s-supporting travel to travel ndividuals of -1960 25 January -2- ,-tal-grants, &TtY As-is-our- ractid*=with txteri. with--f-U-ll-tepprts 2 a-s*Dar&tC-&ecOunt, d will:be-kept- awar a and-outcomo-a-madg to the donor. of expenditure ill-g-within your "ncereWhdVt-this reque t f4 K-aii of cour:e be h@,ppy-to answer-- 'here of interests. ap lans..- An any specific questions=6i4fing on dur P -ear y- decision would-bo- most helpfuli"in view of t@h@@-@ple-x --n-&-c-t-ss-ar-y9v-for Individual travel Of this sort, arrangement$ ne r) cc