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Prince Andrew 'victim' accuses US authorities of covering up video evidence of her abuse
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers), February 8, 2015
Posted: February 16th, 2015

Virginia Roberts was so badly assaulted during the attacks by friends of billionaire convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein that she feared for her life, a court in Florida was told. There were times when I was physically abused to the point that I remember fearfully thinking that I didnt know whether I was going to survive, Ms Roberts, now 31, alleged. She accused US authorities of withholding taped evidence showing her engaging in sexual activity against her will in an affidavit filed on Friday. Based on my knowledge of Epstein and his organisation, as well as discussions with the FBI, it is my belief that federal prosecutors likely possess videotapes and photographic images of me as an underage girl having sex with Epstein and some of his powerful friends, she said. Ms Roberts said she had only recently dared to come forward because of the physical abuse that I suffered when Epstein forced me to have sex with other people. By standing up for what is right, Im worried that Epstein, or others named here, will come after me. Ms Roberts said she believed the video evidence could be being withheld for future use as blackmail. And she detailed interactions with FBI staff she believed indicated she was the victim of a cover up orchestrated by friends of Mr Epstein. The new affidavit was submitted under oath and understood to be part of Ms Roberts attempt to have her case joined to another long-running law suit against the Brooklyn-born tycoon filed in a Florida federal court.

Note: Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein has been called "the most dangerous sexual predator America has ever seen." He got caught orchestrating a massive international child sex trafficking ring. He then used his connections to cover it up and silence all but a few of his 40+ victims. For more, watch powerful evidence in a suppressed Discovery Channel documentary showing that child sexual abuse scandals reach to the highest levels of government, or read deeply revealing sex abuse scandal news articles from reliable major media sources.

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