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Morgellons Study Cited by Faculty of 1000
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper)

San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper), June 19, 2012
Posted: June 26th, 2012

A recent study of Morgellons disease has been cited as a "must read" by the Faculty of 1000 (F1000). The article entitled "Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study", by MJ Middelveen, EH Rasmussen, DG Kahn and RB Stricker, was published in the open-access online Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research. In 2011, veterinary microbiologist Marianne J. Middelveen from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and internist Raphael B. Stricker, MD published a study documenting similarities between Morgellons disease and a veterinary illness known as bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) that causes lameness, decreased milk production, weight loss, and skin lesions near the hooves of affected cattle. That study revealed that the unusual fibers seen in the animal disease were similar to those seen in and under the skin of people worldwide who suffer from Morgellons disease. The new study confirms that Morgellons disease is not a delusional illness, as some in the medical community maintain. The latest findings confirm that fibers from both bovine and human samples were similar in formation at the cellular level and had the chemical and physical properties of keratin. Fibers from human patients were found to be biological in origin and are produced by keratinocytes in epithelial and follicular tissues. "This study puts the final nail in the coffin of delusional disease that these patients have been labeled with," stated Dr. Stricker. "It proves that Morgellons disease is a physiologic illness. From here on, scientists will be able to move forward in finding a cause and a cure."

Note: To read this important study on Morgellons Disease, click here. For key reports from reliable sources on important health issues, click here.

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