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NASA astronaut who watched Earth from space for 178 days realized humanity is 'living a lie'
Key Excerpts from Article on Website of GOOD Magazine

Astronaut Ronald Garan at the McAlister Auditorium at Tulane University on February 3, 2018 in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo by Erika Goldring/Getty Images)

GOOD Magazine, September 4, 2024
Posted: September 15th, 2024

Former NASA astronaut Ron Garan ... described the striking beauty and stark reality he witnessed from space. “When I looked out the window of the International Space Station, I saw ... dancing curtains of auroras that seemed so close it was as if we could reach out and touch them,” he exclaimed. He also noticed something concerning. “I saw the unbelievable thinness of our planet's atmosphere,” the astronaut remarked. That “paper-thin” atmosphere is all that stands between humanity and disaster. Garan was troubled by how easily this fact is overshadowed by economic priorities. “I saw an iridescent biosphere teeming with life. I didn't see the economy. But since our human-made systems treat everything, including the very life-support systems of our planet, as the wholly owned subsidiary of the global economy, it's obvious from the vantage point of space that we're living a lie,” he said. He shared the concept of the “overview effect,” something many astronauts feel after they visit space. “It describes the shift that astronauts have when they see the planet hanging in the blackness of space. There's this light bulb that pops up where they realize how interconnected and interdependent we all are,” the astronaut explained. "When we can evolve beyond a two-dimensional us versus them mindset, and embrace the true multi-dimensional reality of the universe that we live in, that's when we're going to no longer be floating in darkness. That's our true calling.”

Note: Watch a powerful video where Ron Garan shares the profound revelations he experienced in space. Read about astronaut Edgar Mitchell's mystical experience in space as the sixth person to walk on the moon. Explore more positive stories like this about healing social division.

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