DATE RATING Publication Title
2024-12-18 905 The Intercept America Gets a Taste of Its Own Medicine: Drone Terror
2024-11-13 910 USA Today Congress heard more testimony about UFOs: Here are the biggest revelations
2024-11-13 910 News Nation Did the government confirm aliens exist?
2024-10-09 920 Daily Mail (One of the UK's Popular Newspapers) Pentagon's secret UFO data retrieval program 'Immaculate Constellation' revealed for first time in new whistleblower report
2024-06-15 905 Salon Shortly after the Big Bang, conditions were perfect for life. Did aliens emerge long before us?
2024-09-07 915 Daily Mail (One of the UK's Popular Newspapers) Police across US given new UFO handbook as they warn craft 'pose significant safety risks'
2024-08-23 930 New York Post Ex-Pentagon official Luis Elizondo alleges US recovered nonhuman specimens: report
2024-09-07 930 i News ‘I was the Pentagon’s UFO chief – I’ve held alien matter in my hands’
2024-08-17 900 New York Post The possibility of life on other planets is more likely than we know
2024-06-12 900 New York Post Aliens might be living among us disguised as humans — or in a base inside the moon, according to new Harvard study
2024-08-16 920 New York Times A Memoir Offers an Insider’s Perspective Into the Pentagon’s U.F.O. Hunt
2024-07-25 908 WBUR Week of wonder: 'Are we alone?'
2024-05-31 920 NewsNation Aliens are interacting with humans: Ret. Army Col.
2024-04-15 920 The Hill The shocking history of UFOs and nuclear weapons
2024-06-12 910 Daily Mail (One of the UK's Popular Newspapers) Pentagon official reveals tantalizing seven-minute encounter with glowing blue UFO - which emitted enough energy to 'power a small city'
2024-05-21 890 The Debrief The Search For Alien Technology May Have Actually Found Something
2024-06-05 925 MSN News/Irish Star UFO Disclosure Deadline set for October 2024 as US Government prepares to unveil alien secrets
2024-06-08 925 Daily Mail (One of the UK's Popular Newspapers) The haunting connection between UFOs and America's nuclear weapons is laid bare in fascinating new study which concludes: They're trying to stop us from annihilating ourselves
2024-06-11 910 The Hill Key senators believe the Pentagon’s UFO office is lying
2024-05-09 915 The Hill Top senators believe the US secretly recovered UFOs