Iva .1puodxg Isuot,4192.; Tqo' -E qoiDVc-ii3qng 27 Aur-n 1953 XCMBDU.4 FOR: THE RECaO--7-@@@ SGB= txt4msion of Time for- Proj"t MKULTRA Stbft@6ject I Sizwe SubMjeot I bu wtpired 7and there OX3-3till eat 1i3-horeb7 funds rm&InW Ln,th$-PmJeott &*MJ wd4nded for one-7e&r fr=-date of aniration-, of; cal Division Origin-&I 09 co, td ft June -8.0 195a De ar I'm enclosing the ma-@razine-yolz left-in the ,.sr, I ho-ee-you-aot a train -,.Yithou t a -,Yaito-- !E'y-wife sup,,Zes-ta-that you -orin..3-7our -.,wife 2 with you when you-come west. -1'4"e will make your -visit- enjoya-ole.' Hdr4-id-the Statement you-requested-. Time spent-ontrojeot-April 18 -to -Ju-n--O-@ 4 153 hours@-3 05.00 600. i,iiii nd-th4Lcheek to-my-5ao.count at the --you, Be said he would take care. of the chemicals eta.. (;ordially-your-c.- Receiied-fr dheck No. M-131999 in the amount of $765@-.00- 1# bereby "Vtified tb&t 'tbU is ruvoice- Bo. I applying t-,-s I of projftt X=My th" tachnicax putormaa" by C- satiea,-toi7j, that the vork Is be acecopushad itL weartance vitli the mutual avrtmmt rewj-bid v'lw that tblis biU io- Just azd correct ard that pop=+.-tbore"- =]ads yet bfta DSUI Cbi2bf CDI= (21 OT-t- is- berib]r cartmed tbat7 tbi2 inv'Oics applue to -subproject I uDder'Pro3eat MKMTRA Vb.,'.Ch- -V%3 duly approv" -and that the proje-at Lo. 2 DD07twmrandu2 to bas been carried -out -in - &4 @rdamee --vitbL@ the -D-01 dated 3 AWL 1933 =A the DCI-MmrwA= to DD/JL dated '13 APril 19530 Payntnt i aautborized an& 1'aOuWetttkd4& 2 Date*. (3) *It Is b- - raby certified that tb* sccl>-- of:tb4 program-of- subproi6at 1 of-p"jeat XMV,% b&s beez- ap2roVe&. Date@r' 0 Bdo, CT SC u 1 I SE%AJUR!ITIY T 0 ili - - ------ ----- - ------- - - ---- - - --- Or '16 1953 -CEM2t@77IXA= DRMMS XLXCRAMM PCR@7 us/zm%tt Offt 2 =mm I*:- Payamt I,* retnetei f*r the-iLttai*@ The paymat. of sbmu b-a mvda by Ca3U*r I t- check- =&de out to lhe7dNkk- 9=14 Wd*Uvered to- CbLiofo'c.D/Twp@- VWO.2&h lkk%tt Off --tbat -t@b6dk7t6f4rred to abam be. me" av&ilable to Chiefj, CDJ'MS by M=Asy Jum 22. sn= GOMI2ZB Cblef loill DivitLice, 'M Cbem Certitiestioes Diatribution& Execs, $4@dlys, Res* Bd, VS/7Bulget TS$/PD --I TSS/Aegistr,f TSS/CD Chrono 27 April 1953@ ME',@,iOR"DU.VVOR-.--COMPTROLLER ATTZNTION rin,&nc* Division SUBJECT Project MKULTRA, Subproject I UrAer the authority it&-ated in tBs2 mcm*razdum dated 13 April 19S3 fr-*-tn-tht DCI t* the DBIA and the furth4r-a4thoritY granted In the-MlemorgAdum dated 11 April the Compt-toller an t:.ke #izbjtct, "DDIP--TSS-Ir-roj@ct--.,MK=RA"2. r,-ubp-roject ha& been approved. and $2--0000 00-6t the over-all PlojectuKUL@TRA-fundst,ayeb,tenobUlatedtoco,ver-the-s,4b- proj.-.Ctls expenses* 31DNEY -CROTT Llr-B-777-2--- CMef. TSS/CD PROGRAM APPROVED APAOROI(R-D FOR OBLIGATION AND RECO.Nii,%iEiNDEDi.- OF FUN,'Ll, 3 l.ketearch Chair.-ran Restirch Dirrctor -7 4 Date: Date., I)istzibkttirymbO$a6) i -dffbwan- beings o ervous System- ceatral. n-- the literature- 2 ar,,i biological -nio5l in the botp effects-to NLmerouA -report atally dig rientiri2g ;3 bava never 'oee-a P=if 'ed ive oateri vlas attri-utla 'PO"erful b@t@ot-icTandcmte al bivision 2 iniestion of j ---- libe Chemical - scientific bas s* lant by th-e-CbLiF"@., TB s of @tb,@ @4 10 a2nd characterized On a seed here -and outlined provi4led wit7a Sam-Ples of tae ;s A-ed tO-2-COnduct the invest.igatioli and reques- P-,ttachad 'P eate& tO r-:Orm o wa's Sal. -field of- - - 2 Dr. the -inYe5@,igator iA experience i@-this- 3- i by both intere3t "'a - -o- 4. i4dalifie to !Carry out t rk is 2 vel the-facilitizs 'WO has available Mir% ae_ ebemistr@l WA on this b is oy PM 2 nded to Re -was reaome of@Tthis-investia-a"@-ion for the The -not e,,Cceed $^40(@0.00. in the research propoll 2 c Chief., OBL r FT'M$: OVED T(:,AT ION 0, 'DED kl;D pvColk,-2.V,. ireeror Date: Date'. r,rig.,A.ne-I Only. C., D (F TijE S'-RED OF l'b'VESIDIGAT SIDiEkDLIi, CliOlSy It will -ue-the purpose of t@.is 2 investigation to: (a). tdake a tllorough search of-tre literature of all worle done on this determine the nature - ea- Sidaefoliia Qhois'y. specimen, i.00 Tr-pomo (b). To chemically dx6mine the seeds-and thei2r ext -for -- alk--loidgl materials-and to isolate- racts a the al;A-aloidAl fraction in as pure a is-possiblea i--,ple metl,,Iod of isolation and-------- (a)2. T"etermine kaloid. purif ioatioxi--of the a-,. (d) I"tems (a' (b)-and-(a) are comple-1--ed-before June 1 19.5@3, or this m6rk i-t continued, to carr7 out experimi@hts2--designed to determine-. 'ilhe physiological-action (2). Th"iiemical@7nature of--the alli.,aloid.- II. The time-spent-or@@the investigation @gill not exceed 400 hours for the period ending- June-I.P lgi3e -- III. Funds 3hou'Ad Oa available 2for such items-as pure-organic solvents and reagezits-o-special reagents and adsoroants) compressed nitroize_n., -all6W6nO@Fs for breaza,3e and faldricatior.-of swall-gla;Bs items and a small@allowance for poss-'Lole7photocopying or mici-ofilming service. The total cost of these items should not xeeed @'200.00 for e i? - the period ending-Juneil@@96-3*-----(This figure-,,does-not include an-all6wAnce for overhead.-) 17. The total cost-of this inve5stigation foh- thi3 period will not exceed '@2OWsOO 30 2-733 1933--- SMM S&Ct= DIMIM MMIDUK TO TM=GA t Clearazm Stm= Ri4O"t: REr i2-30- April 1953 s-t@ for o-uti-anoo of hereto is4tbe CrUinal reque this Off LO* vith bo c4atae." the notetion tbst t of tba" vith mgazd -to- ted A U&"On Ind gaeurity Officer, T33, cont&c I anft! rAd to bi-I that Director of-securit *Iod i i hU bead va@i@l*- tbos )mmlbdp - ttct 1 d TSS uA- tbat, tber6- i^6 PA caltemPUtica. of *Yeii7 wir4 Ito* iir, 2 !Lrcv=tanceg, tba" vas no@objeation tlo 014aring &Vs" that =dsr t a a arA ccn+.aeting Yro tbat, tbo- olearance be granw outlined in farenm mmio 9 A & :@ectwitjp Officer 1 6 CmpUted PR31,s- Di3tributica I - orig 60 2-478 1.3 W,-l 1.953 muun cpylx= Low? S anp,= tbo De@cesearY &-.t u it is re,,Zxst,,d tbat yotw OCMA lniti.Ato anrova-on the to OASla unropriat* TOP foumirg nw*d individu&L to be used by the nesiva Divisl=/TW 2 SECFZ C4. tbft sudtbatbabogrsnt*d-TOP-- .Ofo" it IS req= be %f" irdiTi&Ws@L 4-ou-4d not- in CcnnmtiOu vit@h b" &fmt Cos. 2 4 tl* reqo"t4bi a&yift this ofrL.:* by raw="= 9017 &pyrcml b" beem gra&.@ed,, i,:er DUrtribution: 5 orig. & 'L V/S 2 TSS/L&SO 9t WI 30 24"jk V i;vil 1953 SGCUM DIMICII SMMCT it is mussud, th- at 7vw off ic2e gr=-t - amot g 14r -civiate covort socurit-)r, au mom V&S tzo gmtod onal@ rip TSS to MTMU@- W;MpwiU aooess to TCP VCMT informatice; tbemfwo , it reqbasted that tbe appr-opriate C"Mt "'J=itY -be- Vante4o 2 of b7 Xr%w tor7 statownt ad 'Appendi ia= thU office-by m=randua t Itt&abmozkts & 2 TSVCD 1 2 St&ff a