----------- Description Date ,Obli,-@;ations x) enditurec-: Balan 'Li 2 a@ 0 ;j t -4 L 4 t co 14 Now -'FUNDS RECEIVED FROM-Iwo 9/l/5Z to 8/31/53 Total Receipts: .$40,040.00 Total Disbursements: Salarie s---- Equipment- and Office Sxippli es 2 6,169. 62 Other (Miscellaneous travel mealsi7-postage- etc. 6Zl, 01 0" 11, 363. 85 -40, 040'@ 00 Returned to 9/l/53 to 8/31/54, Total Receipts: $39,500.00 Total Disbursements-.- Sklaries 331 475. 40 Equioiiiot and Offic--e------- Supplies 4,458. 17 Other (Mis2cellaneous travel-,-rneals,l postage, etc. ) 944. 99 Returned to 621. 44 39, 500. 00 nued iq,onti /I /S4 to 8/31/55 $41,1@00.00 TotAl Receipts- Total Disbursements: 121. 97 2 Salarie s $35 Equipment and Ofirice "Supplies - 4, Z67. 36 Other (Miscellaneous travel, meals-, postage 390. 21 2 Returned toll&$WFRWW#MM 1, 330.46 411 iioo. 00 9/i/55 to 9/14/56 26, 500. 00 Total Receipts: Total Disbursements-. 222,919.-Ol Salaries Eoio@ii"t and Office supplies 2, 440. 04 Other (,Iviit-@llalmou$ travel,' meals --pastage 2 532. 04 etc. A------ Z6 500. 00 6,08. 91 9/15/56 to 1/22/57 1, 375-.00 Total Receipts: Total Disbursen-)ents: Salaries 7-51. 25 ruads'transferred to 6Z3. 75 1, 375. 00 -3- of -211 funis received frorn"@' September I 195Z to January ZZ,--1957, TotAl Rcceiptd: -.$148,515.00 T'ot.al D,sbursements: Salaries $114.,153.125 E,4diViii"t=7@@ -off ice Supplies 17#335.19 Other (Miscellaneous rneals, postage, etc. 2 478.25 Unexpencled bal,3:@e-s ret2urij6d----- to 13, 92 4. 66 @-Balance of funds- tra-nsferreil to 623.75 ---1480 515. 00 R6@ f -t@3.,qe 5es. - r-Y," Ss 9/1/,<2 to 8131153 Total receipts. $ 4-OoO4OeOO To,.-al Disbursemmts t Salarier, $ 219 50_2 6,169.62 ate.) 621,01 2 .11 J6' -L --is 8 04,0*,PO@ 4 Oi@ 911153 to 8131t-)'k Total Recoipt,3-. 391500-00 Total Disburzero,-ntst Salaries-- 33,475-40 - 17 4st686 944-99- Returned to 621,44 399500600 Fe t3e2 9/l/54 to Total Receipt3i 41slOO600 Total Disburse-@=tz:. $35 121*97- Equixe at 49-267,-36@-- 2 Other 380 lt2i Peturr-e -J. 3 o .,!A 911155 'to 9/1,4/.c,6 Total Beceipts: $ 26v5OO-CO Tot-Al Disbursomeatat --$22491-9.01 Eq-uip.wnt- 2# 440 01@ Other- 532#04 6cl*gl 26t5OO-oOO P64cotfully submit*.edl Sept6cb6k 14i 1956 77,,@ C 0p Y 'o, tl 0 8/31/53 9/i/52 olio' oo TO s: tal.Rdceipt 2 Disbursomentst @7@6.169.62- FruipTent Other@L(,,Isceil6haous travel,- -statioh6ryi@ ate.) 621,,Ol 2 to --- i turn 0 -4o.o@. oo r ad t 10 ...."19/l/53 to 8/31/54 Total RecoiDts; 00 Total Disburserent8 3-3-,47.5-40 Equipmont .17 '44. 9.9 Othe- c,, fleturn,-d to . .......- c 0 p@ y Page 2 -@9/1 8/31/55 Total R,-,ceiptst 0.419100.00 Total Di sburseriients; Salari6s 359121997 2 16 1+ 267-@ Equipment Other 380 to- -13o.46 Returned 41,100,00 91-1155 t O' 9/1)4/;6 Total Receipts: .26,500,,00, Total Disbursements: -Salaries- 19?21919.01 Equipm 2,44oo4 ent- 53R Other-- 4 .04 608.'gi @@615PO.0c) Returned 0 t fully submitlled Septe.,aber 11@l 1956 'Was- ledge recel -th -ing two -on r be P't -of :rOI3.ow ckoc@ke dravu dal 2 @ed 13,,195i PaYable set -tbe r ca&ier@s Cbea Vo. 314 i4@7the- -am@- of 590 oo e -No. CtabLi r-le Check 922315 in the amount'of $@M.00 no, pj- @-d' eg KS A-10 RV.".W, 5 'LM 29 IZZ@4st 6i rb=ce Division Umdor tr-,e wl%,arity In th$@ ftbts, 2 -,@v-IA and +@h@4 13 il@pel 1953-ft@@til* Ecl in e-ubt rozcoct 10-3 vlas VT-,YICVr-IY 2 a'-'A U30li @u nO ea -ai t I onal s;za ot - 4,5 j@ ?'-30 00 bp_-n eut,'.,ort2ed to coy.,tr s c-rkv-c-3 tO ic to Allotwnt, T-2.,.Q -Col. DLviatcd mll=ai W E=,, & ' S@AT r4 t O@'777@. ISO 1 C, Dal* Di Cris 2 - AI-lr--s"q 1 ..TS@ TSS/S-.-J3 2 TSS/CD- TSS/CDAI"i@ -ilk 10 $,.Vt -mbor 19@6 IWA FM l Chies rirwx* Divia-loa Allolze.-at, 7 -r tho 2 V@% vo t zc racu, 0@:--a 0 m f 0 r '%k 5 r'O 0 0 L-@-I t L local to alef@. 20 no aboya cl54$tl Cff Ja@,ur 4@ lQt4l- 3@ TAs' Is Q f iral vill 1* c.4iliZated Cor@ tbis proje-t the timt eawti=l Tf 57 ft@'nis fileo si-mid, z*t,@ bo closed.- CbL la-io:io* lCE., .'.D D16tribuUons. CE: 2 AMOUNT LJF, a@tV-J-- p 5 /CD/40*, 1954)- TGS C; E I THE A.VIL-LINT L),- MIEV* nvoica 7@ 00 (1) it is bemby,certified @ttat.this i3 Invoice itoo appl@trlg to2 tory.-tlat the -is c Subprojeot 10s that - perfdiiitMc--, ati@-!f= se -being accormlished in accorda=o irit-U mtua3. 8&-;t.10=nto, 2 rviws am pto is on -file -in it@-of the PaYwnts WA recei that a dotailed orree TSS/CD.. that @ this 'bill. 187j"t -=-d c t wd +;nat-paymnt thereof 2 bas not yet te-en made. -Division Date-. that In-voice applie3 It is bereb@ "c"e'rtif iod -10 Subt(,-Ojeat iM4ah .-" dtily 2 azA tl@at the prolect is being rtied out In uccordznce with the mmorandxo date<1-13-APt@"53# to- 014@ fr= the DCT. DD/Aifoa-tb@@@f this eutbority ia -aub3oc =moranda. 7s7 Bercarch Director Date,*, DR&n Augu$ FOR TIE YMORD 'i=TRA., Subproject 10B ject 10B is to eLl 1. The purpose for the initiation Of SubP2rO I add h orogx - of for itiot continue the researe --t Tbe si@onso to' ye&r., o tarting 15 September 195 ie2te his' research-effor-.-spgnsored comp -is understood- +,bat ammia no-later than at the sponsor's direction- v-11-L 'Vitbdħav its no later - 195T th@La 15-SeP@ember2 will entail a critical 7@@- escopk@ the proposed program 1 If-b-eing better able to 2. Th analysis of &U subject data with the 90a 0 of 2ISD por a more detailed -effects define the diffi@t@ ia certain tached-propose-l-@@-- descriptiom see at am is estimated to'@e $5500 for a st of this progr, 2 -co Th@6 to 3. added service charge period of oxte--year.- Tc,-this must be -not exceed $5720.00- -0 NNW Therefore - the total760t will be made against Allotmeat 7-e5O2-10-001. Charges shoul4 rincipal -investig;@@@ Llion conclusioa of the program the p 2 f monies advanced -tXP@@@t-ures 0 @rM submit &a-infom&l statement Of ties. ItrhWbeen-requested that t.40-Gtatement be for research activi submitted in-essentiany th#@- following fom: 2 a) Personal. Compens4W4L(SeLWies)(Subject fees) @b) EitU@nt a) Supplies and Services d) Travel- overhead f) ftnlti_tgencies A-Iso has req7uested ,, qr-- --- --- - - - - - - to rubmit to them & rumma" accounting-of-monles recoiIF6d fr They reeuested the return of any unex-pendedfunds recei uniler a gremt from 5 y funds granted 5. Title td any parmanentetIVipment purchased b the Hospital will be retained by the Hospital in lieu of higher overhead rates cumentatioa an& accou It vas mtually agreed that do -nting Vill ea @wbi& sable by the -HOSPital Tens for travel e- are reimbur 2 a cepted practices.of tIAt institution. conform vith the 'o that technical reports reflecting the Tt %aa a'Sg>- Weed of the research pro pro&Te3& acceptable IrLurvals 2 a avare SECMT and'i of the is cleared through TOP true nature of the project# -Divis Tw/cheuical ion 2 I)ivisioa -;Ihief, e AppROM FOR OBUGATION, 01? FUNDS: &search Diree Or- Date. Attacbments.@ Proposal ibution: Distr 6 original. Coly "7 PliOSPECTUS Conclusion of LSD Study,. rcii with LSD-25 we have In the past fc.@u'r years of resea -Ltuations and -developed reliable methods of.(a) analyzing social s interactions; (bi describinct per2sonality in terms of social adju t- ment, and (a) relating social@@itqa@tions and-,s-o--c-ial personality -Through this met' odology --types to the specific eff4@@@f LSD. it has beempossib le to identify some imp!@@@eterminant@ of drug effects 2which have not been previously considered in studies of LSD-25. -proaress in systemati- While we-have made con.-,iderable terminatits, a ce rtain ariiount of data analysis cally studying these de still remains to be-completed before the d2etermin@ants of the individual cases can be reliably stlated. LSD-25 effect on L Therefore,-the.primary oojective,@ of this f-4nal phase of the project is to complete the anal-y@@is of data on all our subjects in order to define the extent tiiat differences in certain effects can be7 accounted for by the abo,ve-mentioned determinants. A second objective is to complete reports on some peripheral studies conducted with Serpisil and certain other psyclioclierr;icals. ,Y -2- ce and summaT-@.ze- tile-many Athird objective is to redu ct the course of the project into rts submi ted durin, t --pro2gress rd@o a final report.' u ge B d t,. aries) 4, 500 Personal compensaltion (sal Equipmet -500 Supplies and services 500 Contingencies, t8ravel TOTAL $5, 500. 00 -C 9 r P T edge-recei 11 tvo I he-reby ackno%ii P:t@@of the fo checks, l@oth -4 pay-able to .@7 Cuhlertd cheekMV,,603., dravu C2YA the i=- in 4@fie.- amount. of t780-00; Co-oltierl 5 C,@.eck iV-415485.---dmvn on the immightow@A- in the mourtt of $19.,500.000 6 ;Now C!5 f) .'4 :7,7@ DIMXON .--VLIL Tsslmvt Officer 06 VjW= ).Ma -M siibprojset 10, Invot tmwt 6.2502 LUO 4r In2voice 2 is attac%cl.@ -Yor th*'aboia eut fpllmt ceshierli-,cbec j-,,-oao for *19 500. M IRE bara,, w-a the c-,,-. en d i nUc mo@Int of -7c W.00 bank.- bo2@@,,h cli.-acka i) to -to 2. choc,-s abouJA t OM4 tttr no TSS /Cbe thea- 13 lat, I' )56@@ 3 -,-A totol This io af lr-al-izv2oice of 6;@-n,560-00 -atea und,er tlxls fubpro.' 56. vas obl4, Lte it is enl,,Icirated that czatioiiA56--Ivr&s will@ ror this N'T-- C, th3 f Li& L"''EC 6 LyLvoi 04-I ICE TO Distributi Crig &tddmss,-.O @l comptroller IL-x 56) C nvc(rcz For serv-ices 9"ZO'280.00 CE=ICAT (1) It is hereby-certified that-this is Invoidd24 applying t 0 Knal rlmds for 2 Sub-proSect Addi SOJECT 1 a@ted at the -vmm 'by TSIz@/,CD -io'enl -of his arge 2 was req@;@;ie& _the S;PP progre -This - re-que-s viade -by- the Chemical -.Current research m to f research of 2 -Division to enable -I.Qgg _@ursue areas 0 -interest to TSS/CD.- The areas of research thar, will investigate@- 0 for predicting 2 v -"..will cover the e aluation-of certain known-techniclue gs ly- ILD - mapitude of the effects of dru ; ferticular 'the tyi),*- and andalcohol.--16:oddittM to_tbe above, there will be an increased ffort to exploit- cer+..P-in'techniques developed by groupi. pre e -fOt@--- - clicting-l@5D2@6ff6c-ts -and c6ise of -their- tSD-@6U(Iitt ixL the 0 t these techniques to aldoho3-- studies.: a"p ar will-L@L 2 The--- this Program for a period of one .'Ye t ea a four Vr,cent service--charge )e $5@,500.00-'-T6-tbi be-add 2 its services- Charge@s r $2,20 - 60 Ito 0 -10-001. should be -made against applies o this ex-tenstoa 2 t of' Agreement 4@ The same @;6tbt6td@& ginal proj this addi..@- as was agreed -upon in -the---Ori - - - eei;. Ec.,@.,ever, -for separa - . but vill-be ea- tional money willnot be accounted overall Project counted f6e-ia the accounting. -cleared throu 2 of is Top- @SEcRgT, ani is aware the true nature of the Program-' mical Di 8 on APPROVED: APPROVr-,]) FOR OBLI2GAZIO@L OF PLTM:- t eL bemical-Di-vision Date -EC--mm= "7' 8 plain PROSPECTUS In the past tnree years of research with the cuug ISD@-25.. anel loped reliable methc4,3 of analyzing s-odidl Ti+,Ait6tiOlis 2 have deve sses is useful sing interactions. Otw progress in a personality type$ Thes,-- methods-are bazed on a multi- in diagnosis a-rd. pr2ediction @-:--discipline assessment of personality in social adjustment under normal eircu=tanco and under- stress, i.e. &,ug effec@@;7---- -irrespective of the attributes of any specific drug. .-'The briefest phrase to-obaracterize-our main area of social personality".--A-laboratqrt.@@ime@ntal social-paythiatry has beea established In such a way that various tyoes of and many 6ittiationa-may be sub6eate& to criti@-,,al study. r4@t 6xample, its methocls can be applied 2 to any specific problo,@@ as the-effects-- -i6-ptov of LSD or other drugs -M-ke oil the @@t of-interpersonal- relations. There are two imp§r@4@- steps t2o be taken-.- (1) - Completing the work in progress of liers ca- - define mo --on@aUty tyr;es so_we n re clearly our socia3. personality-type-3 elnd relate:them 4k-o (a6) the----------2 on more standard obzective testa such 64 the Wecbsler-Bellevue which theory--6f types-is based, and (b) the conventional thi@-7ROrscbach- and Th2ematic Apper@@ clinic r j <, -tests such as- e tive cepti a ; (2) Trying out the uti4@@@ these tests and special interview and@@tionnaire methods dev$@@d. in the couxse of our studies for @7"Uetin P, 'specifiable change in social behavior 9- following the ingestion Of various drv,,7s particularly ISD and. alcohol. PROP OBW BUDGET' $oqlal 3cienti-skt from-1/4-to 3/4 time,@ @4ooo-00 2000.00 Additional psycholog ist $6000.00 @'3000.00- 5 500-00 Ads -Of Agxeement is 2 Th a of this 14emorandum e purp ties of the princital tuik administrative resp<>nsibili -the mu it is mutually 2 investigator and. the spo search aveed that., the sponsorq submit-to A* @gle prinei-Pal investiaator sha tement of-ex,.oenditures of 2 I sta x month intervals, an informa at 91 tie it - i s - re qie s to@d that.- monies advanced for@ research--e@.'ti'vi in essenti-- follo-,fing form'- 2 a the statement be subciitted- rersonal Compl@@atioa (salariesj@ Sublect Fees) EC Suppl-ies-and Services continvneies Overhead tbat-any travel expenses incurred in- 2 B. It is understood- of the researcll-,PrOgraa will be-accounte' - 4-- - - - 00 ri t4a Chiof !,P. The ot@e*@L-a zhcul& ba OM 2 Tb;e tvo inyotces c@overi ng laiw Wo'ozt ags2m b4a u---Ier WA rc@7.,Vmn, a tod - tbcrotozo t tbe f it ia recilo-- Cb=l la 2 2 Di AT CERTIFY TH a,Z Comptrollor TS3/CD Lli OC'i.&. 7 0 F. A @,i @---',J N TC I R E C E! Vti. ;j "%CT 2.5 i,@,i 71 E C;:-'I V 43. C4 C:i 0 C.1 .0 e4 2 t4 4> 4 f3 O VN 4i) 2 y4 P4 r-4 41 f4 3 v If, 4$ -4.P It MEMORANDUM -RECti P T VA - r Ti FROM: SU DJ E C T' : 2 -%41669 creby ipt of Yhe following: $13)700-OP. arknowled&e rece h CHECI-- Ti- 2 V# NL NT OF LE@ RECEI @167 CHECK R E6-0 E I 0( this reesiot p2l#ase return TO 0il-c-PECEIVEO 36-46 MAN 41 October-12@j954-@@--- 2 -$28$496.00 p(m services. b4 tu,," The composition of the letter vb-icli ae 0 0=- an-i et Rovever, it la our desire tbat-- ft to your diserltion. -beat le i&U'of the foli@Aring 2 -i)oints be-incorporated in the body of the lattex.-- @@l The e=unt of c6htribution ii6aY is to-support redical research That -the espent at the direct-'&on and The- money vill b oi The aOf the -amount. and an exple=tio amller c evin terms of an alqxeed' be surcharg k;. t@ 1 7 MEMORANDUM RECE I PT -AN OATE TO: FROM'. $UBJECT.- the following:, 2 Ihereby ackrogledge-receipt of C H E C K,'@d-,I I N C) F $@E@-0 RECEIVED. please, return- ;Ignod copy(16s)-of this receipt-- SIGNATURE2 OF RECIPIENT To FORf4 NO OATE RECEIVED MAA llt Una .23 J DI=- 103 roit: c=r. !A= Ct.1f VI V4 2 -pro loot 10, Pr(>, -1), 'eat @-n Vo-r Oubpro4c*t,'10 Of Pr-0,@ jr 2 It i otta _that b c@&. or in,.,oiooo Vill &'olltw bb -le out to" .'=id* by tvo c"hler*1 cb,-oks or th4 oll=a- Of @13,,700. oo A3 :te clieo:,z -@khoull be Liza ,D throU,:.)l V ,:;3/2t;Af t to crie @,eA (f -3 che%iccl -tinioip To Di 2 @@ibprolect 10 Di :s4ribution: CQriotrollcr IL ICERTIFY AT-Ft' D OBLIGATION CIIAP,,,;L8 TO 'ALJNT OF S41- RECEIV,' JUN 3 0 1 JUN 2 5 "@.j4 Ai "I-L -i .7 CLIITI. ram&lol .1ko4i cert@f ie3. tb at tb i is is !WfOics t t-2lo of pro@OC4 0 zu.r;ro."Cd-- by Lbe V!tL, thereof yt&w 'oeen uvula chit T 2,Iiia lnvo"ce C,.D?Iies to subpro it lo hereby certif l@-d t was 10 -aC4r pro.iec@. -,Wi t h- tc D DP --O@4i-2@ot is 1;eiii-j out A,,Q to 'D-D/A da"'al 13 to DCI dat4d 3 APril .@953i t6 tho DDI";. 1-953* 1 4h Date ... ..... .. co rA 26 1,%V 19!4 LO Project 1='" .... .... .. Uador tM autkbority a=te4 In tLa memorandum d2atel 13:At@#1, I)CI to tb4 -her we;.iiority granted In frc!l tize DD/.4, w. I the ful. l@33 t: dated 17-Apr4@1-1953 the DD/A to tLe corptroiler, or- the qoj *at. -IDD/P.TZS rroject oul@p"Ject 10 has-been -ad to 1$ Septmbav 19 5, =a o@.-I CF14itiOnal $'10 744-0@bf t2he ovw-all bav(.% beila to cover-the trab - 7 pro caef G4)4 2 C !on I fti Diviaionp ^,Am pol- .04 IF 2 r Diotribu4.ion*. Data t or-lp. ti 2 Addresceo I CERTIFY-TiiAT F' kJ"'@7@,SAPF2. A.VAILABLLL": t - Cbrorio Cl.1 A r, Tt) 7 --tm DRA-VT 6 @lay 2 017M lo.WwkIlDLrii poR TEE REC Subproject 10 2 SLMNCT: Project I-XMTRA. means to continue -1. Subproject 10 -is being- set -"P Gs a_ 1;7@s D. at tile mgmmmp.--: 2 Of -:Ln -the general iia d present-i-tork obtedoer-1 the.. from'15 jure i554 until 15 E continuation of a study Of 3 proioct i'l include 2. Thi and clinical all sociological, thebiochemical,, r-OuTOPI'-YsiOlog'c - $.D. arltagon- also a-6tudy o'6 L. PsycbLiatric aspects of L. and ists fknd. &,ugs related@-to-LsvD@@@dd"!!L.A@C,. k - detailea pro rtstigators will continva to 2 posal is-att-,ched 0 be a -S','bProJect-lo-"or tbja@sw@of $32,000-.00 was Origin I ain-rare-organ2 initiated 'or- taa procl,,iction-o ic chemicals. itted. money-v,,s- never it is -the propos6l - The co= of' TSS/CD-to &id--an-additioriar$lOj744.00 to the ori.7-inal--stn of. 2 Subproject 10 makin(S a -totaL@@f@ZAP4 14 00 r,,Trite-tbe sent proposal -,rhicb i3 --tt ache cl serve V.S--aLcut- proice and will- furnish the 2 An'. ropic above funds '%6,o@ die -1,644.oo (4@a of grant for me the7estimated eoe'v,)-is to b pa i,,L o- this service i. 2 jec4 will n o t e e d Thus-the-total charges for this pro -1 in,,, 15--S,--ptember 1955. ,744.00 for the period ena own-- are cleared tiu, T SFCRET cai,,l w,,rare of t'ne true purpose ol the project. I'LB SI:DDOY GOTTL ori f 47 Cbi@3f da Chemical Divisi8on) TS$ -2 APFROVRD FOR OBLIGA7i ION.- OF FUNDS'* Ems Res-ii@h Direc of@ 2 Da te,- @@6, 14d q-. Atteebraent: Proposal Original Only -funds of $kO-744.-OO roiect 10 Ilatto@ase iri Project MKUL4TR,@, - SubP 4h IAL Oc@N rade @.1a.1', t h o r' Of' -187 ao 7-7 r DRAN. 1953 12 jume TDU4 F OR TES MCORD ORAI 2 -10 e subproject ..pr6j et WITRA) - sv& =T: 0 's to obtain a$UPPIV Of e se o subproject-I I sas 2 may be quireeo sillch-other rar re- Th e drug and s erimental:and Operational L, es during the2- Clr= to time-for exP from mi year co -ng attached proposal. from ned the d- tiqil of a quantity 2 2. for 4".he pro uc t to be'more definite as-to above Tais pr 03a@ cannot ertaint inv0lve&@in Of th sF ty., pri-.ej, Or-da-tiF@6f- del ecau Of the unc uant Iine t-ae r matetials-and.,worKin--facilities obtain out and cover--@- --i@s"agreed to act as agent Out-, 2 -should 3. for this subPrOJectw--It i7aaa under b's name 't ar3 been-a,-Itive-in@- in ne;Lotiating a- 'cOn2 i;a@ ry ye Ilas f or ma ''nted o-at tbalb qgawm_ rlially u thus - d a-nd 3mate b,a2 pol rial is no of research field. the oii@for obtaining its sent a -legitimate._re.as can- pre or4e- Y" 2 this project for a period Of cost of' The total "xcee'd $32.,000.00,- ing I j@@19537vill. no @,,beginn sEepET an2d is has been @leared throueh TOP -.5.. mmmmmo joils necessary--tO-protect-- e f@illy capable of applying th -securlty preciut Agency interest in this matter., 2 Che APPROVED,. Do d e ical vis on., TS -Attachment: Llcurity 1-n at1io(i Attacbment,. Proposq@l, APPROVED FOR OBL IGAT.IOL IIROGR.AIA APP.ROVED ED- OF nwsl.l 2 film 1=01,2,SITD Baum ResecL rec r, re Resear Dato-: Dati: -N 1 Original Only. -1953-- Subproject 10 Project NKUL-1 M dated-12 June- ut -2- atio -7 -FOR -THE -PRODUOTIOIT Or- OOMNANTHNZ; PROPOSAL to prepare quant to order dur ing the next-yeer and eat ie,.,,tes2 tlie@- total costfio4v--to exceed $32JOoo 400 for 6 batch ivn.- The- cor@@T" Any cannct i-)repare smpll this material., 'This proposal- -was made by an- of f icial of t@.e C(xnoany to 2 and represents-thd@o-Wo EMMlb& of this Malmo material. WANRW has also agreed to obtain such-other druge as fall into this a re are category@and are-not adily obtainable 9 7tbA--usua.1 sowcest IN. OT L D.. Of @@CURI dateci 13 ADri DOI to tl."Oritx -in the 2 ted -17 Apr.4i i953 f '.2rojec- *,Z 10-bas t!le ',W 2 be= L'!* -sub. Chi at Di,@ rIA to.- ilia 3 JUN wo to