. ...... .. 5 Decenber i966 PO-.-q :Chiefio "D/nn SIMJECT : AccoiLitin--, for Funds t @M, @.RAL - D-xbl)roject -1.20 l@,leamorandmi for the Record 6'tibji-,c-@: Oi@ientn-tioii of Rec;oa7rch citi IR@ULPTRA ;,-' 120., date(i 21 jliy io64 1. Reference meraorandxn2i aiithorized the co@iti-ntia-tioi-i of NYorlxc by oject -@'- 1',-O for &Ti 2 y@az@x pe@,riccl. I'U--Ctber reference states tliat,- "Accotuiti-vigs vill be i-en-dered 12 iioiitlis froui the2 dqte, n@nd at the conclusion of the 2 year period 2. As the two ye,,Ar period e)-idm-,d in July 1966 it is requested that a firt-,l accoimting :Ln the t of $4)976.61 be obtained froin 1.7,WTRA, ,3ubl-rojcct 1,-10. 7 migiammmoode NA for t,,y3 aa-k-4 P-1 'Ti'l-Y i..g of, I:ol"A b-.@r n-2o for C-a m-,iitirwi P- y@!a:e P!,@XtQa. v),Il be c@-@A et- t:@te conatx;:iic.-it of t-'rte 2 ye.-@-x tilti tito 1),E@@rs-od eii(",cA f a tl@tly -1.966 It is 171 Of %6,4..Srt-6.ti I-,o obtabIO4 :rra-i TSD/iT, SUBMITTED BY DATE VOUCHER NO. 2-12 BY l@,i'DIVIDUAL r@OR ADVAXCE PER:00 OF AC2COUNTING FRCM TO .,VOTE. Follow !nstructions on Rev L@@ orse 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD S. EXPE2NSES THIS PERIODI 4ER DATE DESCRIP71ON AMOONT Z@ OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF ?FOIOD 3. R,'CEIP',S PERIOD: REci:iPT NK;MBZR ;;T DESCRIPTION TOTAL EXPENSES 2 @CHECK @MONE.Y CRC-Cit 6. REFUNDED HEREWITH CA.SH 7. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES END OF PERIOD tatlach listin&') S. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD OR BALANCE DUE ADVANCEE 9. TOTAL ACCOUN7ED FOR 2 Is 4. 70TAL To ACCOUNT FOR I CERTIFY FLINDS ARE AVAILABI.E APPROVED @T ce)rtif), 'hot the expenditures listed hereon and GOBLIG.REF. NO. CHARGE FAN ACCOUN2T NO. IDATE @SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER. @@on any attachments were incurred for off@c:'a; pur- Pposes of a confidential nature, that paymert O.- 't-therefor has not been received, 7nd that i 2 thi account ng is true and correct. DATE SIGNATURE OF AU7HORlZtNC OFFICER CERTIFII-D FOR PAYM SIGNATURE OF PAYEE 2 DA6TE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER fr@w 2 SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OFFICE OF FINANCE DESCRIPTION-ALL 07HER ACCOUNTS t3-33 34-39 40- AZ-47 48- 50 51-54 67-70 2 Ag 55-66 71-60 33- STATION 41 OBLIG. C A. COST - FAN OBJECT AMOUNT 2 u 0 CODE E REF. NO. PAY OR ACCOUNT SYMBOL CLASS xC GENERAL@ DESCRIPTION P PER C LEDG2ER I s " I F. a O C. lo O. 0 ";j@ANCE -F- ! 61-66 :68-70 ;3-27 NC E %cc-.. No. L I a:, 0 ACCT. NO. '@--@'ZVANCE ACCOUNTS 2 5 IF:U, ................. : DUE DEBIT CREDIT 2 P@ a 0 i N .......... CODE T 0 EMP. No. YR K NIL F. pig. DA-re s :@ATE7 @PREPARCO BY A YE REVIEWED BY TOTALS e,- 282 4- STRUCTIONS A.,@Lne or Section 1. Enter or. line I the amoun"' of cash on hand at the beginning of the period. 2. Enter on line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third part-'es, brought forwarl from -'2@ie previous accounting period. Enter '-,-i this section. the aro-ar@t of each receipt during the accounting period sl@.ow:Lng pert-' .3. "nent data, i.e., method or source o.' acquisition and applicable rate of exch2ange, if indigenous currency. If more space is reqi-lired to explain receipts, prepare receipt form, ni;mo@i-er a--id at@Lacli 'I@.erel.-o. :n every case, completely -Ident-Ify.,@,,he source of receipts. Enter or. th-s line -tine amount to be2 accounted for whicli shall be the s,,= of amounts shou-.n in Each amount listed -in this section s.%a'@l be sapported by a voucher consisting of either the -ecel-ot obtained from the payee or in Lieu tliereof a@cert,fication explaining the l@ack of areceipt. 2 --f the -.iv,.,Tber of entries exceeas the available space they may be consolidated as one entry in section 5 and su':)I)orted 'by a listing of the individual eritries on a separate sheet. Enter on this 14-ne the anount of any --efur@ds of advances by tlie advarcee indicating wheth2er by cash, check, or money order. Advances made to third parties which -emain outstanding at the end of tl.-,e accour.Lir@g er-@od p shall be consolidated and the total entered as a single anour@t on 2this line supported by a on a separate sheet. Final credit will not be givei for disbursements which are advances to bn accolmted for. When for advances are obtaflned, list ar, eyperses or refunds of cash, as appropriate. Enter on this line the amount of cas2h on hand, or if the aro@in-@., of the dis")ursements exceeds @he aynount advanced the balance due the adiancee shall be shodn @r. pa:rerthesis, i.e. and treated as a rsinus amount in arriving at tte "Total Accounted Fo.-Ii" line 9. Refi@ea-,, oi this l1ine the "Total Accounted For" which cust agree vitl,, the =io=t s!iou-,. on line 4, "mLota'@ To Accou--i@@, For" to ta to 0 ILI) ei -Financial RE,,port Janue@rvy-Im-w--[D'e-c-e-friber 31, 1966 Balance January 1, 1966 $4,976-*8i Expenditure for alove period: Personnel $2,171-36 Fringe B--nefits @'7.6917. 167-00 Supolies 35-28 Telephone 11.80 Equ i prrie n ''I- Repairs 72.20 Travel 19-1.28 Equi prie n t 151.65 1,777-32 -,;tipends Overhead 9 I I rl. -,.-392.92 i k@5976-81 Unexpended Balanf'te at December--31, 1966----- -0- 2 Prepared by: Approved by; February 27, 1967 Sp that setvices nr Vero Inourred on DC Februaxy 11, 1966 Financial Report Mirch 1. 196,-+ tlixoug'ti December 31, 1965 Balance Febrii.,-@ry 29, 1964 $11)957.83 Expenditures for above Period:- 2 PersoTinel 4 459.92 Fringe Benefits'at 7.691% 343.02 Supplies Telepbori.e 10.65 Equipm,ent Repairs 56.29 rostase 43.20 Services Purchased 40.00 2 Pr int iixg 45.72 Books 12.93 -Travel 545.68 Equil)ment 380.00 Miscellaneous 15.40 Overbe,ad at 14% 857.32 _6 2 981.02 Unexpended Balance at I)ecember 31, 1965 lll,_976.81 ,I certify that s6tvice:, Datls:faotori,ly Xt.-r!D, Inoui-red5 on oi'f-LL, Prepared Da:t Appioved by: otidv-,i for tl-,ii rci iiat 19v+ IP-0 fo-r en aiifJ,it3.0r,.,a 2 year reriods klir,tll-er rL,ferer,ce- Ct,',@.too -,,r!LL bo 12 r-(riedta fro-.x ex@d ai; -th-- of t-h-3 2 2. fi@q tlta t-tio @,-ecr riericyl In J@i4 1966 it is reqki-.ste-d f@r,--t-X accourat@ino, in the ru:,io-Lixit or bo frcm S@ I -M Ti A,* w SUBZITTFD BY DATE VOUCHER NO. 2- i2 ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF 2 ACCOUNTING F RO@.1 To VOTE: F.Ilow Ynstructions On )?averse 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD S. EXPENSES THIS PERIODI 2. OLITSTANDING ADVANCES B2EGINNING OF PERIOD VOUC14 ER DATE DESCRIPTI AVOI@'NT N UY 3R ON 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD: RECE;PT 2 DESCRIPTION DATE TOTAL EXPENSES 6. REFUNDE 2 D HEREWITH I @CASH MONEY ORDER OUISTANDING ADVANCES END OF PERICD (Attach listing) S. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD OR BALANCE DUE ADVANC 2 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR I CERT@FY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED I certify that the exper7ditures listed hereon OBL!G.REF. NO. CHARGE FAN 4rCOt;NT NO. DA 2 7URE OF APPROVING 0 on any attachments were incurred for official put, posed 0t confidential tiatur;; that payment or 2 t I b a TE F ctedi thefac or has not can c ived, And that 2ithis accontinj is true and correct. DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER CERTIF@ED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT ISIGNA7UPIE OF PAYEE DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER SP2ACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVC USE OF OFFICE OF FINANCE Di:S@RIPT:DN-A'-L 07)4.ER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 40. 4 2 - 4 7 48-150 51-54 55-66 O' -70 AT I ON 41 OOLIG. 49 CA COST - FAN2 OB'JECT 71-80 28-33 S DOL CLASS AMOUNT T CODE E REF. NO. PAY OR GENERAL ACCOUNT SYM x .. ........ PER DESCRIPTION :DOC.No.@REC.RPT. 0 CCT. No.,:,: 61-66 .70 0 L" A 2 68 ,:Ic A S u !ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 .... ....... ."O, N: DUE 2 CREDIT ID, CODE; r DEBJT CMPI Oa*. X OFF, NO :.IIA.TE Pio 2 25 .............. ............ ..... DATE PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED BY TOTALS FO 09SOLtTE PR(:4 VI OU S &.Rm ZB2 LO I T I O.S 11'@IST.RUCTIONS Line or Sectior, 1. Eiter on line I the amount of car,,% on hand at the begl-ining of the period. 2. 7,riter on line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third parties, brough'@', forward @'rom the previous2 accounting period. of each receipt during the accounting period showing pertir@ent Er.'Ler in this section the amount data, i.e., method or source of accuisitioa and applicable rate of exchange, if ind4@genous currency2. If more s-,oace :Ls recuired to explain receip'.s, prepare receipt form, r4=ber and -attac.@i hereto. In every case, con-letely identify the source of receipts. Erter on this line the amour,@. to be sccol-linted -.or which shall be the sun of anounts shown :Li 2 1, 2, and Each amour@t listed in this see"@,-'orL s@@all be supported by a voucher conzisting of e4.t.,%er the rece i-o obtained j-ron, trle payee or 4-1-. lieu tberec@@' a certification e:c.,)Iaining the lack of arecei:p',. If the nizT-@b er of entries exceeds the atailelb.e space they -may be consol4-dated as one eq".ry in section 5 and supported by a I'Lstl_ng of t.%P- 4L.-,dividual entries on e. seDa--a'@e sheet. 2 -his line the amount of any re4,-unds of advances by the ad%rar-cee indj Enter on 4@ @.ca-Ling whe-@-.,ie- 'by cash, check, or noney order. Advances -ade -.-o third -oarties v@%ich remain outsta2rid@4.ng at the end of the accounting period shall be consolidated ar,.d the total entered as a sing',-e amount on this line supported by a 1--sting on a separate sheet. Fina"L credit will -.ot be given for disbursements wl,.icb- are advances2 to be accounted for. 79hen accountinas for qd-iances are obtal:ied, list as expenses efu--qds eL c ropria-Lle. or r asr@, as a-DP Erter o-@i this l-Lr@e the a=.cunt of cash on hand, or if the a;,iount of the disb-ursements e2xceeds the adva@-.cee shall be s. the'azou,.qt advarced the 'ba:ance due io7.,n in parer.@.hes..Ls, @.-e. and treated as a mir-us ano-.,,it ir, arriving at -..he "Tota'L Accoan-'@le(i Fo.-", line 9. '-Re-.7lect or- this 2-ine the "q-lota2- Accounted :-or" must agree with the ezo%,.nt shown on 1,..-e 4), "Tota7- To Acco-L.,-,it For" P4 0 'All o@> Y-i c-4 ANN" Yebruary 23,, 1966 I)e Sri, -=a u-iid.-, expeneed froyu ou---- -@iLi ing of f - December 31, 1965. Tfie- ----.epancy 2 in the tx,70--Tr7e--@ious accountings svtbrm-it-t-e-d- lay in their-- failure to include ove-rhead Costs; the preseiit x@eport supercedes-the-latter of the tuo reports previously submitted. Thank you for our oversight to our attention, I "i &I- izi. Lega L&L' 1-be sitisfactory-to the spotisors of our-------@@- grant. Best regards to you and your colleagues. Sincer@l oel WO' @O Cn 17 ,T--=Vary 3.9G6 reeol-63 ag LTlicai"e that ex% (ACCOVultip,3 la rice6f fr,:A-l w,,@% for t2@.,,* to 2,t) rc@.-ruw t-h-it yt:@,ir o.,Zfice obi,,ilm tha pa-3t d,,Io aceolitit- to ttl@ e@at-@.A- 19653,, frc,,-a i-.Iie ln(ue. V!Aq to bf@- orq-e-,.rel end t%s c-r t-.Iiiu tl,,,e accor-iitir.,q rif,@t, beca rc,"CeiVedt February 11, 1966 31. 1965 F--,@Ll-@--ua-,cy 29, 19--'@4 011,9.57.83 Expenditiires for ab Q-i a Q 2 4@,459.92 F@-inga Da--iafits at 7.693.'/, 343,02 1,:, 0 . ;619 10. (-.5 56.29 2 43.20 Service-- 40.00 45.72 12. 9,@ 545.63 Eq!-i 31@)0. 00 7 15.40 Pt 14"lq 7. 3 2 (@2 App-j2,c@ived by-, October 28, 1965 Dear The Business Office tells me that it will take a few days to get a report on my budget througli July 1, 1965 - IBM Tnachirios and All. I prodded them to move., but business offices have time-cotistaiits all their own. I'll send it off as soo5n as I can. Sir-cerel.y, 21 July 1964 @',E,'@IORANDU@l FOR IIIE RI@CORD SUBJECT Orientation of Research on tlKulTRA #120 lauest was receileg,,Lio, ,,,.,.a Ol'i 2 tci-,reoi!ient. I.S ize e monies rciaainin- in th grant i.ii his iiartie. He without formal rebudgetiiig of the tinexpe'r-ded funds, since his previous budget would not be significantly disturbed; i,.e., Instead of support'in2g the work of a technician, funds will 11,@;upport a research a-,st I.ect, analyze and surrtitiari-ze data at his direction AVIII receive no Stipend from the funds. research proje6t was dis6ussed in depth with 'I'h1is is si)itiinarized in his letter of 3 July 1964. 3. Permission was granted for the reorientation and continuation of the ivork. The funds will be spent over a course of tvio years. Accounti.ngs will b6 teiidored 12 months from this date and a't conclusion of -Lhe,2-ye!.ir.,period. -7 July 3, 1.964 Dear Sir: In iay last r.aport on April 23; 1964, 1 pointed out that a considerable amount of non-experiiaental work with the aid of o be (lai2 funds received fiou t @@--tt@becouies increasingly appar ent, in-7a-crMTM,. .pharmacology is not the c-ollection-of more data or the foriiililation of new hypotheses, but reforniulation of older data and the development of mefhods by which new inforifta2tion can be readily compared and inteorated ivith the c@ old. The major prbblem is data harfdling,-not data acquisition. My last report iiidicated how the trend of our research had modified to take taiese newer probleiins into account: non-experiiiier@-n-"2, work was deferred to permit developi.iig a consistent view of the irode of action of --:@nesthetic agents, and a consistent view point on drug absorption, usin,o, !,ii.a already available. 1 should like to propose that these new follo@@,,ed and that the monies remaining in t'ti@l 2 funds granted in my ii,!kme be used to supp-ol@--"@l-iis Specifically, I propose investigations in the following areas: 1. Testing the hypothesis that litimati I)Iiaymacologi,cal data of heterogenotis origins - and time and place of publication - can be collected under the direction of a pharmacolo2gist, pooled and re-an-al,yzed statistically to yield data cotmicasurable with those obtained by prospective., rather thin retrospective, expeririental design. Case reports of drug intoxications and inadvertaiicieg, for example, are ptiblish4c!d frequently; ordinarily the pool of such reports art.@ atialyzeci only qualitatively. We propose to5 investigate the possibility of quantitative analysis of such data., to yield coherent quantita*@ive descriptions of drug s,-ndromes in Man VIxicli could not (conveniently, economically, ethically, or what have you) be ObL tained by direct experi-melntation. To the extent that the hypothesis is confirvied, a large bod2y of pharmacological information that has already been collected can be made available and useable. 2. Using the descriptions of pharmacological effects In man, obtained as in lki and the results of prospective experiwentation in huiytan pliarina--ology, to begin a systematic study of the comparative phar-i2pacology of selected drug classes, most probably-those which affect the central nervous system, or the blood-forciing organs. The ultimate pertinence of animal experimentation to-predicting drug effects in man depends on acquiring a body of information about drug effects in man that permits quantitative ec)iiiparison with the effects obtained in animals. Such human pharmacological data'as involves the effects of large doses or the prodtic- tiori of "toxic effects" can be obtained only by systematic evaluation of published data. 3. Fornitilate explicit definitions of pharmacological terms which opan permit precise and uneq-,tivocal identifi:!a.ti,on of pharmacological phenomena and ca-,i@ facilitate corraitunication qmoilg pharipacologists and beti,ieen pharmacologists and other-scien LtiStS. --A brief rcview of the itiany present uses of vordi such as "synergi-st,@' a2nd "potert,-atioii" will quickly demonstrate the need for standardizatiop of pharmicological nomen,clatixre. Work in ii3 will bo carried on both before .7 and concurrently, with itl and #2. rebudgeting of the T'nere will.,: 1 thi2nk, be no necessity for Lai." unexpended funds Still available to me from thJlWgrarit. Rather thqn supporting the work of a technician, funds will @ii0obYt a research assistant to collect, analy_;2.a)_d -SA.111P.@iarize data I direc-@ion@ from the point of view of the 2 M this i@'.-,sistant will probably bear !emtitic ol socretary-br@-re,@-eaicT @@@@y. -Rather than b@eing used for laboratory supplies-and-s--,cvices,@funds will be used for photoduplication of published materials, office-supplies and equipment, computer service ard etc2. I will continue to receive no stipend from these funds. With this orientation to the research, 1. estimate that the remaining funds can b@a spent over the course of two years. I'he results obtained will, I am sure, provide a solid basis upon ulliich to attack other problems of mutual interest, problems which have long gone unsolved because2 of our lack of infoitaati,oit and methods for systematic study of comparative ancl hluiiai-i pbirmacology. I respectfully suggest that, barring special communication from you, I proceed with tlie prograift I have outliried above. As a skipple-,nent to rny last report, by the way, I 2enclose two copies of the review article on.drug absorption r@teiitioned in the report. Copies of the review were not ava.!,labl,e at the time the report vas st)bmitted. u 0 71@ 14 April 1(64 3 U B J C, T.- 1. 196@l, 1 czdlc(l St c, Sir-.rolveO 047) -.c,,on i@@is axid 4@i4ovectly .tgroorl I 'a t,ia UiiiverE;itv Coritrollor and Icco it to h,.-im. l@64, l@rtd tall.-@iii to tlio -d a accoiiii@-iict,@. ail-LI Iki-te& v@lso Cost Account Object Class Obligat.@ons Obligations unliquidated Date Reiriai-Its a2nd R(,-ferencts Iyicurred l,iquidattcl Bati..nee AUG I 960 IF t?@z frX tV ai- Prt4T ran. lo P",2Lc, TSD/OC ,-I T-SDIPASS h;. 'a In) CO"@'r'IDENTIAL F'ilNDS POSTING '*'OU@CHER I)ATT: 2-C, vrduciqE3R tio. 7-12 IVOUCHER NO. 7-12 39 47-52 6 8 - 7 07i-80 2 4 5 - 4 6 ALLOT. OR COST DUE 34 43 5 8 - 6 7 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 STATION 40-42 OBLIG. 5'.-57 AMOU,14T 1 2@ F PAY REF. NO ACCT. NO. DATE ;33 CODE EXPEND NO. . "I GENERAL DESCRIPTION- . . . . . . . . . . .2 . .I...... CODE PER. 62-67 N CA LEDGER ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 P. 0. NO. PROP, NO. LIO- AACI@@@ I EOMJECT E a S T DCODE YR ACC-R. NO. LAr P;O@;F.Cr NO. py MP, NO, 9 0: s DIV. 2 !7' 5@Z. 3 sell OF ENRRY TOTALS -/ / utdoLli@@@ i)&TE REVIEWED BY CERT@FIED FOR PAYI.IENT OR CREDIT 5 SIGNATURE Oft@rTiVYING OFF@CER 23 11,6nzat 3,9W to 5@his lo t, joilal Yl rc@i It ir@ 8 19 I c ERTIFY TiiAT FL), IDS ARF AVAIIAB! CF."GE 10 h -A" @l R NO. (F-;nance 2use only@ SU[imiTTED BY YOUCHE 0177CCV^UNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE 2 PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM TO I'nstructions on Reverse i vorE: Follow RECEIPTS 2 D I SBURSEIV.ENTS VOUCHER 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 2 $ 31 NTJMRFR I DATE DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT 2 DATE DESCRIPTION 7,. 2 -- - ------------ T2OTAL EXPEKSES 4. REFUNDED CHECX S. CASH ON HAND END2 OF PERIOD TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR O. f@' . 7. !Z-'@ TOTAL ACIIOUNTED FOR I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED 2 I certify that the expenditures listed hereon &Ad C;A@GE-@LLOTMENT NO. RE OF APPROVING OFFICER OB@.IGATION REFERENCE NO. 2 DATE SI GNA'RU an any attac.'tji7ents were incurred for official vt:r- poxes of a confid2ential nature, that payment or crod@t therefor has not been received, and tka., 2 is accounting in true and correct. DA7E SIGNATURE OF AUT MORIZING OFFICER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CRED17 2 SIGNAT@JRE OF PAYEE DA'RE SIGNARURE OF CERTIFYII 4G OFFICER 2 SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUS@VE USE CF FINANCE DIVISION . @ARED BY REVIEWED By VOUCHER 2NO. 7-12 46 47 7 58 1 71-30 IPTION ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 2 40-A2 43 4 r,- 'A.5 ALLCI. OR COST D DESCR 5 2 .67 69 2 28.3@ S,-ATION OBLIG 53@ - I TgFo AMO'UNT EXPENC F PAY REF. N@412. GENERA ACCT. NO. 0) CODE li - 2 CODE , PER. CA) LEDGER 672. i5 . ...... ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.!27 P.O. NO. -$!OP. NO. I CK. NO. 2 QojecT ...... D L r4 ".O. YR@ACCT. NO.@ L@EDIT CREDIT 'I 2 P R'O'J'E'C'T' N' O' CoDi@ 'X' C&.A$ 5 OIV. NO. 0 TOTALS a I's c 0 1 I 0 us . !ih 7,-OqMMNMMPPPI)' INSTRUCTIONS 'Dollars were on hand, received, or disbursed durirg the accourtino if -in the form of other than TJ.5. 2 -oert4.nent data, i.e., rate, nethod of ac!quisit4on, etc., must be shown. If @advarces @ave 'oee n made to third parties, enter the total of such advancec outstanding at the begirning of the account;-ng per-.cd on 1--i-ne la. 2. l@-- more s-oace is reau-Lred to expla-Ln receipts, prepare re(,ei-ot f orm@ ni@,mber and attach hereto. In f-,very case, con,ol.ete'LY identify the -source of recelpts. kttach a voucher -"or each exdenditure and assign'a n2iirber thereto ir. nur@--erica'- seauence. The voucher nay be t'ne receipt obtained from t-.t@ ayee. when a rece,@ -14- is not obtained, prepare a certificate and attach as a P voucner. When s .pace on f orm is not 2suffc4ent to list all vouclierc,, prepare a listing on a se:,larale shee- and enter t-lie tota'L under item q. If acl.Nances to third parties are outstanding t,ie close o*' the ac^ounl,- 1@.ng period, attaci-i an itemized and enter the total on line 'a. 4. Final credit will not be giver, f or disbursements which are advances to be accounted for. @when accounting for advances areobtained, list as expenditures or refund of cash, as appropriate. 5. Total receipts entered on the line "Total to Account For" must ag,-ee with the total disburserents entered the l5ine follow' -ig "Total @.ccounted ?or." 27 AI)ril 1964 MEAIORANDUM FOR IIIE RECORD.....@. SUBJECT Project @lKtff,TRA, Subproject # 120 1. The above subproject is one of those which serves a conti.nuin- interest and nee2d of TSD/BB, The grantee has adequately eXplaiDed and justified in ivritid.g (documented in the letter file) the lower rate of spending indicated by the attached interim fiftancial report.---- 2. The grantee has received permission from th-. sponsor to proceed at this loiv@c-,2,r rate until the work originally envisioned has beeii completed and the coiiitiitted funds are expended. He has agreed to futnish a final financial report at that time. The technical aspects of the project are proceeding satisfactqrily. rograin ana 0 CO@NC TSI)/Bi-ological Branch 10 14 April 1964 MEMOP@,ANDUM FOR TIIE RECORI@) StiBiECT-. Project MKULTRA Accop'.fltings 1. Y)uring January 1964, 1 ea].).d and re -2 quested that the principal investio,,ator on7he r s=earch project there (IVIKULTRA, Subproject No. 120) forward an accounting for the funds involved, as- soon as possible aii4rl directly to 1-ne rather Tn,7iii i @@@ Liiu AIJ.VCS!iiata airis@Ll request such an accounting fro-,.-n the and to send it along as sooi-i as it was avail.ab'ie to him. 2. Al-)proxi.j-.tiately six weeks Idter, March,,. 1964i. T-S-D/-BB, r-e--p-o-r-t-ed--t-o rne@t@he-bad ta sarne nvestigator and had also requested @4- fii-ial acc6uiiting. He -received the sanie assurance that I had previously gotteii. Sci D&E Hatel, 4, 1964 Dear Sir,. The followiii$ is an f etal Februarv 1964; a thei. -d un er fh6 ni&,6t Appropriatio-,i 2 $20JI987.50- Expenditures: Salaries and l@lngeg 5$184.21 Materials and Supplies 990.61 Travel 118.94 Equipment 1)627.00 Overhead 14% of $7,920.76 1)103.91 9;029.67 Unexpend(--d Balance--Ilarch-1, 1964 11)957.83 --,v t I Pr rti 0 er CIL zo ei CIL 2 P4 ri "4 0 L6;4 23 tAA@ttik;t 1960 VIA @i c, e rc, c 3. li)- is a lllvoi uti,@ce It t,,a ik.1, t 6 TSjD/FA.1,@S ------------------------------------ ------- (1) Xt 1.,3 cor@til'iecl thit is Inv-ol.cr@ 1-!'O. I c@rrlying to project 120 of tl-,,at- tL2-i-LL a or tli;@, is ri3oci in i,-, (2) Tt is licr,@by ccrtifle;l cly,,).Lioz to 4 proj",Ct 1"3 0,;@"L. ia ULato a cv August 16, 1960 I enclose a ther,"f@ix of my proposal to study operant conditioning in mice. Your offer of the books nufabs me, Thatiks a million, sine Elie. Noll f1. W4 Nil