N/A of cf Pro@eet'. loom Cs LI "7' 70' "w"ft @o.. -- ------- --- 20 iuiy,1960 Ftkl 2-0 Jul 1960 040! 1 144w, i4oo 27th of., ic.( revealed ino information* 25 TLtiv i5,6o April 23. 196.3 Accow,iting -fr@m _111@Wfor tha 13,850-00 Receipts- Cash Received Discourts ani pi-2eirAuy4s 3,500-00 on exeh-ange,-, Total Receipts Exoenditix;@est Ti 1 266 -.4o- ravel to Travel 6t C@rt) B ik t., 2 29.40 t; "@i t s C, Ot 09 Doetors l@39.1? S,ilary - 1,2 ?-6. Total Expenditures thru 2-28-63@ i6,343*oz S,%,Iar.y CotiLaitmeiits Viarch aiiti -kpril __A,L@6.66 Total e,-,-,ry--nditures 17,509.68 L7-. @ .29-68 Balance 271.82 Votbing ucial(i be due 2 since e-xtra money was obtained tbrolai,,h rato.- This is a trliq.@ accou)-iti,yig as re-@.)orted by for to th 3 001@t!fY tl,,a-t @@lerVI(7( b.,,cloon' were IncUrred on Receipt is lilereby acknowledged of tho-, following check: TrL@asu-rers Check No. 85213, aated SLgteiyiber 6,.l 9W the amoxu-.t of $13i85O-OO, clravli2 ayable to th Cost Aceotint Object Class Obligat-@ons C)I)Iigations Da!e Rf,@yr@arks 3and Rf--,f(--xences Inctirred Liquidatecl D"Alance 7 - ---------- 3-3 1953 fr-,@ t-( 'al-a .zi'clj I CERTIFY IFIAT ',%,;AILA3LEI 2 10 .MEL- low ali ttut-,uat, 1960 VIA 1,@@ Litri.@,e it 4%e 2 for ilili; 1.,-@roj-.Ct e P@ LI-e r;ot b-a ,@'Lity CM 3 ef (7";-i- TSD/FA,c.,S I.CEPTIFY ',IIAT FLlt4:"5 fwhen Fl,)ed In) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS ?OSTI.4G VOUC";E,"% VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATL: 2-6 IVOUCHER NO. 7-12 2 58-67 68,70 71-80 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUtiTS i3-33 34-39 43 45-4,5 4,,, 5@ 1 3 ALLOT. OR cos@ DUE STATION 40-42 F 54-57 AMOUNT 2 33 co C PAY REF. N6. ACC7. NO. DATE EXPEND U pef. I GENERAL ...... CA LEDGER 6 2. 67 T I ON, 2C OBJECT .;;j; : '; @: CK . NO. DE a I CA El) I T :ODE N A 0 CE AC OUNTS I I p N LIO, AC ADVANDESCRC 3-27 p 0: T@P4 CNEO @YR ACC7. NO. .........L........... D CIASS X E 2 CODE :01PP10JECT NO. no V. ;? .4- EXPLANATION OF ENTRY 2 TOTALS FIED FOR PAYNI---",T OR CF.EDI@- DATE PREPARED BY ATE REVICWZD BY CEPTI 3 SIGNATURE EFI!FY!NG OFFICER f I 0. 4 i, V46 USE PREVIOUS EDIT,ONS, @77 4 FO-.IO CVd- F TCZI)/fiui? t Offi@CQC I Xnvoicz) Eo. I cureviiii,, t-le,.@ abo-io 1-0 attac-hQd4 2 i't i,,% ontiel- ita@d@s will I)o 1.)rQje@%,t) tl4@@ Cort-ifictAtloe3 Lli,c. t ril-9,rxt i (When Filled Zn) SUBMITTED BY VOUCHER NO. (Finance use only) ACCOUN@I[NG BY INDIVIDUAL 2 PER@OD OF ACCOUNTING FOR ADVANCE FFRO I b 23 t-,,,or!Z NOTE.. Follow @natructions an R Ve2ro. lc,'53 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS 2 DATE DESCRIFT!ON l@,OUI,,C IIEF BEGINNING OF PERIOD R AMQU?4T 21. CASH ON HAND DESCRIPTION -5 @c@ 0 707AL EXPENSES 2 4. REFUNDED HEREWIT',L [.ONE' OIDE.1 S. CASH ON HAND END OF PERFOO TOTA2L ACCOUNTED FOR TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR itures listed hereon a@ld C,-RTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED 2 X certify that the expand on any attachconts were incurred for official rwr- OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE"@HLLOTMENT NO. DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER 2 f a confidential nature, that P&Ymtnt Dr posts o credit thdrolot has not been received, and taat this ac4ouo%ting is true and correct. C. 352 DATE S I GN2ATURE OF AUTHOR I Z I NG OFF I CER CERTIF;ED FOR PAYrlENI' OR CREDIT SIGNATUR- OF PAYEE DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIF@YING OFFICER 2 L SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIViSiON t,@---ARED BY REV:EWED BY VOUCHER 140. 7-12 2 47.52 .57 56.67 68-70 71-80 DESCA PIION ALL OTHER ACCVIJN'1'5' 13-'33 34.:Bg @4r,-42 1 43 45-46 S4 ALLOT. OR cosr'' DUE' 2 y,- STATION F ORLIR, S3 AK;OUNT .,3 EXPEN@ PAY REF. N6. GENERAL ACCT. NO. DA-E 2 cooc U PER. @ ;;- ...... ........... CODE ' N ;;;- CA LFDGER 62.67 -Rop2. A O@SCAtPTIO,i ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13@.2 No. yR CC,. No D L10i @ A . @!;. @?: . oljccl 2 ........ S c 0a Accr X *EV.No. CLA$9 132.33 PRojECT Pio. FY Div. 8 TOTALS 232 USE PitEVIOUS EOTT[ONS. -7 INSTRUCTIONS lian U.S. Do"lars were on hand ceived, or disbursed during the acco re -F' f,,:.rds, in the form of other t', 2 -'-nz period, all pertinent data, i.e., rate, method of acquisition, etc. must be show,-,. If advances made o third parties, enter the total of such advances outstanding at the beginning of the account,rg pe:-i,@,d on line "-a. T- --F' more space is required to explain 2receipts, prepare receipt form, number and attach hereto. every case, completely idenify the source of receipts. 3. Attach a voucher for each ey,,z)endt-'@ure and assign a nu.Tnber thereto in numerical sequence. T:qe voucher may be the receirt obtained from the pa-yee. WI-aen ;@L receipt 'Ls not obtai2ned, prepare a certificate and attach as a voucher. -Ul:ien s-oace on forn i-,; no-u .zuffic-'@en@@,l to list -all voacl,,ers, prepare a listing o@-I a separate sae@-='L and enter t:,ie to-ta'. tinder 4-tem If advances to thrd parties are o,.itstarding at the close of ti-ie accoun't- ing period, attach an itemized list and enter the total on line 3a. Final credit wil-l@ not be given for disbursements which are advances to be accounted for. TA'hen accointl.-ng for adv list as expenditures or refund of cash, as appropriate. a@--4ces are 5. Total receipts entered on @@-he line "Tota'- to Account )Fo:@" 'must agree w-L,,6@h -'@-.ie total d-, sbursements erte.-ed on the line -I0ollovtng "Tota3. Acco,,inted For. -1 lomm6l@.@ rliotti-I b2 iril,-L IQ :Cur rot t@a cic.,@ctle o.ri4; t@@ 4 - 3. TSD/I,,B6*'(24 tug 60) - - - - - - --- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - It in li,@@rel:y cer-titi.c-d tlixt 'ciiio L-i lt,,voir-,a 1,1,3. 1 ti),PIYI"g 2 to @,,@uba iri Vnir, bill ia J-o-3t vii.1 Prid thercof iio-b )@at b@zaii 2 D,@pv.'c.y Chic.-:el arc I rat (2) :E-t. Jo h2rcl,,y 6tirt@i-riod 121 of 1 diily th@3t th@., ci:,t, ill 19,53 .1. 11 IA, t-!,k.3 )@Cl to t-l- Ct) 4 ci 0.', 17, 2 et Avg, 0050 1960 l@IFI@r@o-VITDiii4 lOR: M MCOBD SUBJ-LCT Subl)roject 121 1. It :Is re(lue-6ted that BAbl)roject 121 be approved t p,,.2-r the research p 0_ in accordance vith the attached proposal. 2. Illbir, rttidy vill add zouevhat to our vnder;at$Ailing of native pa@chiatry ine.,Iuding the use of dxtigs., ma,,,iy of Vaich are.- unkn2omi or not w%ich ilsed by lie-stern practitir,)iier,9. It-wl.ll al5o oerict in the identifica-l.ion of Itromising young vho may at any tim-- be of direct interest to the Agency. u-il'] be located in thus carryl.ng 2out the plan of developing wlirld-vide oreanization.. Si-nee ivi.11 leanl the lang-oaf"e) this project ofters a I*te-ntial facility fox rojcctp l@-OWLTR& Sti'bproject 95- 2 3- Tais pi-,oject vill 'be funded throuf),i for security taiti cofer -rdrDoce(; and t,,Iie acco-Lmtings for funds exfended in it shall cot),fora to the cote-,bli6lied procedures of that organizat2ion. It is not anticipa,ted that vaiy ysema- neat equipment, viU 1)@-, reouired for t-lic I)roject. 4. ,be total cost of ttile project for a perira of eighter-@n inonths is estimat;.,--d to be $13,850-00 as indicated in the attached bi et. harges 5 should be riade aaaitiiit Al,lotm@,-nt 1525-1009-.19U2- r 2 @has in'di--"%ted -Lhat, ttjey vollild be interested in the study ezid wcr-ild be able-- to help defray F@ome- or ttie expenses. In thl,a event the project way be completed at a r i2iele'l cost. Xn any case aU unused funds vill be returned to e@t the coVIetion of this projec@t. 4. 'llo cleared or vitting lersons are concerned vithibe conduct of this project. -VSD/Research Branch Aplirc,ved for Oblig-Litic-tn of NIVA Date: Attac-lied: Proposal and Budget Dirtribiition: Original. only 'The position of tj@ese practitioners in the fiittwo, via a v-ig the o.-rgaiiization of proper neatal hp-&Ith acr-vices, bottalise of the polic cateem in whioh they are hold and because they ot pron2e-4it .@-nd probably for@ sore time, will fill with avt@a cu-cfas a ex,eat waiit, is li.kely to be, or so it see-c!,iv to the writer, a tuatter of soce concei-ri Ejid difficulty, callip,@7; for p,-R-tience, t@txot arxd It is nroposed to Btu aiorg the following l,ineas (1), The baeic th--orioa about --Asntal illiieaF3 emd itq- trentserit. (2) :@;ffict@ry of tho he i@IL - ''Sti-i2llatio@ oeiaibility (3) 1 14 C, 'I of iho -of Bone ty-,;)e of integration of the the who pirtic,-,l 2 v-ith tyre pfyebiat-.@ic Between S:5pt(tmber 1957 a_nd Y@ 1,9@) I workf@(i &a a govei-pw.,it paychiatrist for the woctgr-,i Rogit@n wcir-g ky stay.' there, I becei4a vor2y nuch interested in the methods vhioh t-Yie lndi,&tlous pzoples ei!tployed for t-.'-qe treat- a.znt of disturb.-.q-xcen and the c-,iltiaral r-iaclL%,iiaxr, i@hich they Itave, devel the prosevq2rtion of n2ntal ),.e-slth. A Vnerul descriptioil of t@-;a se@-iie was GiNen in a letter to ti-,e editor. Other yu'blicatior-a which roeulteft fr(>a this tour of euty w,wros O-e of 8worda otud t-.Iloir eofoxicce itgetinat th%a (2) diatitiativo ty-pa of roychrinearoais oor,-,.@rri.ng st3ong t.-tudeiits' in prozil), ri press* OWLIKE A,T,D 76.4-e-I ther6 are two gerierai tyr-as of appro&ohio the treat- ment of .p.tychi.atr2ic illp-ocat At Xyl I-,4 i Payomvtr-ic tr"ty,-ent 1,.e theorits of illr,*te a-nd, treatr-ent PV'OOaAWGN* B.;@o*.Jgmo Of linLitcA fe-zilities, govori,-i,%-at tervi.coo deal vith only a. EIgfxll fractiora et t-hO tottl l@21'ehittric disturbar@e,6 In t'@,',,D CovatAye i lfh*ro im only 01@4 *or-- 2 is", tc-zporj@U type renter-A )Ioupitt-I 4@@ vith 1-100 b*dvt and on;s Vsster7x train,&# poychl, mtriet, Yhero ar2e aloe tm IL-@-tratic jt;iylur,il vhe:ro htr.A-Iing of patients is ),&rgely ov,,otodlalv 5N"o ropu'latie-u of th* co i r-'b 0 @j. t30 milliorts 2 (2) 1 rioet of tb-o treatmont th-un t,2volyoa upom c iv4@d*4 into ivo ty-pato tho -riliec heavily upon 2 gf diaSA*ii* &.'Ad t"ati-tnt. Vo in a 1-,rioot of th 14 0 a an cIA'oorate t,.@otho4 of divination for diwoztio l@-arpc.,ion. S'hoos iivii@%ticA 2 "O &Qgorito@l by T-rontwoat is 'b;.@L&64 ozi theorf of oavAoLtio@n aM mol la direettdo for *X*P-Pl 0, (1) &t of P-it'off"t,--d vitchs (2) 2 at rrolitiatiwj an ":.Ty fmcerstorp (3) p-royidir@,it a ttfen3a vzxinst ea" M&JCYOI*ntLy I.ZC4 uox,d Ez-4* suo@,. *@4 ourao or invwttion atoo 2 I Is horbal iAot,@4od.t of ;mo of th -yoi 10 i OLI , *so rre ,sod on t,. tjs@gic,#-l br-,tlr3 t@ut othrra tvtn to h"o yN a 6rL c ]or o'beew-f"&3 Y,@4ve P*tod Wxt tile the troatmen+. of P,.tent cedatiye drl)ss S,n psychoses The -appi.icant obtained some specimen o of ofte of the pl,&nto used for coda,tiv-e purposes ar.4 discovered it to be a species of MR-Mm hAv4 docimerited &PA dieov-oood some of the hc,5rbo e:mployed in4i@ 'kaorq is a considorable degree-of speciali7,atio-n i trc-ditior-Al mod,l,cino-, tor,.o doctors restrictimg tasi.- practice to eye dicoases, otho@-9 to T-ab-srcula-- lyrnv'@x node3 e,,id w.W to the trep-"-ont of psychiatric disturbancos. Yreatvitnt r-otho2d.-- are la:rgely ftmily c@--,orate Ln4 handed down fron father to eoiio Tr--,Aiti Th,-.re has bee-n very littlo attempt to appraiz& the results of Yraditiorial chiatric Treatment& T'no 2popul,tlrly hold belief amoit,7, the poople is th,,xt Western lkdicine is good for pl@kvsi,eal illnearte, but t.h,-.Lt Tr&iitioliql medicine Jo ruch otiparior in di-@@ing with ptyoha.r-trio d2isturbances. This r.,ay be due to the fact ttat th oc or b-!Ls bgei-t xxaiytg arpo -0 (end perh-a--pa.other effi.oaoioua drui3s) any yevl th for r@, -ral wher2o ey have boon only rocontl.y tittiLoduced Into western mad@icinaa opont two ]month% touring'aw: inyeati&at* the Ipgycliatric services thare; reg"dirig one of t ewww native prck.oti6iontre he vivite4, he cox:,@,ezxtol convinced that, vithili. the fro.Liavork of the rath#r highly davoloped inaizznoua cult'llre Of thig PXOI, this rAn is doiiij a 8 .f job of vox,k to E,.nd into]-li.gently E-,T',d it ig urc@.m yk@t i@t.-prot,itble ti-&Ilt eo7,0 Of th-13 tOOhyliquOrA thixt are lwaotived,by him amd othere like him might be of general value." oo.qLieyited-favoi)-rably ixpor,-his o@se-ivatloria of meovatful --treatment or some psychotieii-roaas 2 III oced-xreo emplqyed by native dobtore in. other cultu-res )iaye btm more full- irvecticated. yehothempy of som4@ of the mtive practit 8 eaer ed the treatment p2il-actices of the nd the ireatK@orLt of fright', a kind of pay c-hoiieu-ros is -'i Theo-- u-r4.t@-,Ac empL-Lanize the effidady of th,-- psychoth6rapy of the native, Ii-aoti- tioner2. Tno- E;ubject of prW- tive medicine generally ha,a been re-tieved Vy T.qe Rssibility of lyi,t2@L4::,Itions F'tom vhnt h,-,z be,--ii raid, It Is t)-.Pt :I.n4lplpW and in other- tmderdg7aloped. colintriee, Veatern t,.Ype psychiatric treatment facilities &,re very re,%gre ard that tradition-al Yiptive treatlent-it characterized by its high r,,-*atige &Tioi.W the peopl.e. Consequently, the quest4Aon L-W be raised whether inatead ef 2 er@,barkii)g tij>on vii extensive bu,ildine, profram of Western typa t,,L-ntiAl hoopitala, it may not be ELdv-I.LRable or even preferable, to abc;o-rb the practiti.on,,,..r3, their treat-meiit contres %nd appixipriate Fortions of their 2 practices into the oytrall KPntal Yealtli I'Lrogmm. &ieh a r.,ove oe in Iiiie with the contou)porary tiend to-eards treatinq peLti6nto outside the hospital, i.e. in day liospital0s and out--patient clinics, thereby avoidiie, the undoeirable ooncomitants of hospitilizatio-n auc)i to d#socialization, within th@ hospital, and reliabilitatioii diffici)lties, Hativo yra*titi-onere co-alt be *-*l6oto4, given re4a rudlvmtarr YeaterA t'i-ailtinst offioi,tilv lic@&nood, an,! their trottu.,&n-t o*ntre* vup*rwiw-A 2 t;,Inayl (1958) v'ao favours tich a ytreptemi. r4ta@tess T--Zt@h*,J. of mx ic to sanke r,@,o of our trteiti.eval 5@,hoir ust" of tmini" litomairr@ o@2a 'bo V34.-,a-.sv.Aly stv' ad ar*l -T-f thic IYA- lioa 6,-4z*t V-ill t;oz the lit,@t%t of o@vy i+, is P--,jro thie t,.-,At rt4@,jlt in t@he ccr,,.a@ation of &,FA fr@ron h--,rb&li-ete t..-ith A decp kt&;Flct!;* of 2 It is t-,i-.I:Lkoly that t-re@3Atio.-Al eAd E!4,r* t3 t-ho cAasl-ytic^.! zk*tho@4, of on fir.-% tr,,zic ruioncom like li-cople 2 will thiir T-bJa ic rotill v-" of t'a-a fp-vaotlouz of oyoi tlie r,.igt voi.eii-LI-fio fc-- r:E:%v bx@ean are III w@ rtit@,-44, Q@r t:nd h@n@-va In org.Aric *,-4a bt 11,6tia for lrefcaaieral je,4 @IC 'a c 2 IOVL. 'Li @-h-@d brivaro-rp st@rivo tv aoo thitt nx,:q of- th-2 P&,d aft,@va ttoray)*.-Atic Pre@ati*!Do 'ky am a+.* 0 0 2 the Ct - - - '&I* e,.wiulil f J,&21 y-.rofec5i A @is utwt-N, for tw.Al- tie.Mal &M C,@, @C 0 ap j_ I?k tkei@ly iV@ vx@t ti@@cy Lra e,-,4a to be a li-%* tit-mtion x-ov (,Xlatiwg i), lolv that in wW etkor 2 rj-'-r the vvrld (014!c@-,,horo in4mos.0 im ,,Ntrt@3 &f titt,. It is pvlmblo that lnvestigatico-9 r@mi tit$-,woe lw'al ia ulit2 b6, ct vml,&..o i!a thoao4 oil;,, flytt pt". in sta@h a pro.,,xz@A wovi-ld Va to ixxyeatJ4,Ate wket t',.xo he 0-,tD.00 2 to prw--,,kt sk-A4 tre4t itp f-r-,A t3 stuil 1-ho offio,@,A7 of big ireatn"t px"r"ntiv&, 74 t,%" crA# it Is lrcIQTzzod to irtosoa4 alcmg tki f3ollt-Xi'1.3 lxtff-yiew 2-3 DM Vero :La the myttt.1 (2) Visit az)d study their treatmo-int controx, (3) Live in the homes of two of the more 1-uportrytt lpraotitioners for lyariods of two mnt@h@a each. (4) Interv-iow 100 patient a cuff ori-t-m fro2xi pistchiatric disturbances who have bee@n treated by r.,RtiTe r,oth.ods '69 From these interviews lnfore&tion wotild be obtained about 'the praotitiop.tre cortoopt of cativation, and aboi,.t his dialn, oat-io am -treatment'wethod,n, Lii attegpt wou.Id ba mi@do to obtain answers to tho follovir,,- (a) In Y'O",rL- opinion, vhat rre the principal ceuaoa of r-ontal illneerce2? (b) F-.@3w e-o you gi,.) about t),-,-3 o--tiao of the mental illness of the particulm-r patienty (e) Dazori'Do in detail the methods yott use to treat the d:ifferant ty-pou 6f I&2ant&l illnsga, (d) Jlo yoti elpianify cnd treat dies-asera vocording to caiiae or ecoordir4 to come other p-rlnoiplo? (a) in yoiw opinion, t&re all i.llrerrcm cqually nmerp-ble to trc.&t--- ent, e.nd if not ho-g do t-hey 0-iff o-@r? 9,bpecto of your trogtaent do you consider to be r-oat importalnt (iseep drL,," ., I m3@&iot 2 (g) 1,1 you 'tlii.nk the :'Iiioide@ice of iterital ill-nova 1.8 inereasitlgt e,,toreasins or e@aaotint in (2) C)F '5@LF, Yigita to treatatnt controo votild yield infoi@oat2ion an to rtabor e--4d diwosi,a of patiouto ruii offecti,vtnoom of ther&py. Yoto could also ba P4@de of ul@,aegirablo treatatnt *.othods a@@-cordiv@g to Vector-.i thinking, o.g. wh@slokling, use of d--".Veroxiii 0-rugs &M d-tsfi&Axring praotices. (3) 1,IYIFG V'.Ti-H In &,Adition to these- fihorter interv-iekiand Yipite, it woul@d bo tosirable to aperid a few weeks liyl,r-g itt the homes of two w thro,3 of the bore cue0cobful practitionern. I km;@w this to to a pywtict))I@* plan be3eiiuee on DW foi,@Ac-r aeqvialritauoa vith the I found tho,.o most hospitable and cagc,,r to discuts their ide" practiota. I lived w-ith one dootor for Wo watk-a exd found trio arrange@-4ont yaucl@l r;.ore productive of info,.twa2tion then t@hs m-re catutl contact. Concrete information about tro-atv-,viit praoticea tnd their efficacy voald beat be obtaiiaod in this vay. it in pmponed to interviev 50 F--tionts vho are actually u@id"rGoir-,T 2 trap.tmo,-qt at the Various W and 50 IL-.tierto (P-03t of t rcooiving treat- @7 'A@ cli-api t n3 V.Z!al,,S 2 have W.L -fo", -er troitmtnt 9 to tz cotered in thave into,-*,views exo l,radicated by th@@ follovbil questi-omae (a) tio ytu t,nir-k cp-uaed your illvleea? P@.-x did yota 2a"iye at i-Iiin oplnicn? ,@orit To-a r4oeivod at the Diooribe the troatr (d) Yo To-a thitt'k yout treati-,2-mnt wt.e of valr@,a? (0) r@id yo-a fin-I &,Py topoot,% of yovw tr'ei,.tqp*nt harmi-,al or p&x-tictilerly vinconfortab"@at O" of the xmjo,r di,fficulties vith this type of study Is that of j.0 a difficult tona2l lengvASe, ".d moot of tb,*AAMO do not t;pot-k %lieb. I hxye u7,do "" kccnd%@tty in l,saiming the bot 4 pratont ILnovl"44 in fr-r fro4 &aoqunto. I propos4e to LP-tud th.,x-to nontho ototly@in,,C 007@W at-tho eixo&ea 'b.-:fore f,,oitis to $low 14 tho that he would b* Int-orested in allqving me to work wi.th -,th6, pi 1-ii-mi ;-Aftt tb&.: vowl@d bo 7 able to help dofroy comi of tb4 expc-neen of tkayol ate, (set lottor onolosed)* 12th ',Ilovemberl 1959. It :&,4L-.e 'o hF-,-&-r you ir. ,Ioiir letter of ilove,t,ber 6, 2 Yo-..l ,i-i-re&(Iy kiiow f@-oin corivc,,rs!-tt4-cne, thi-t welco.@.ip- very yotir returi-ii,rii@ to to tii-ira .1i.-i t 2-tht@ woztl(i be -with ,the rtt),@er tK,,,in wi-';'Ii lam we b.-.re do we POEOibly coul.d 2 we now Iiave to h,:jlp ,zp@d woul(I be ,ietvL7itage thri:i, it it. 'L@c all' 2 oe ro cliffereri-ec@ or this purpose- is ,ui -Izlthrol)olof;ist,@, tio woa-Ld be likely to be-of t-Lsei.st-,xrtoo to youx, 2 work. atioxi i@L- ,t d-Lfficult (,,ueqti-oxi her(,, rt prevent but wc-. rlloula certaitily bond every el,!7fort to pet fo@- yo,,z the p.-2oe.,)ect -tl-.L- nc;xt ooupl.e of rlqllth@, wluld he re:i,@on,,Ably brig@ht. In e btive tvi ide':x of wber, you voia]-d be helpfii,l If yot, could lot tq 4 e -md whether vou vi'Ll be bringing you.r to Cof!l for 1-@ow long you voul,,i b e to cot-ria. reectireli @n(inicq to bolciter wlia-t h e n_ig Lt b would u@if ortul-i,2,itely 1-iot J' ",Om be abl %lo rtui to qaltiry, bu-1. could cort-ciirly I)e3p with - -C-11 *i,,,tvelling -Lnet so fortli fnit@lit ),so 2r,.-t A c -II 1. - kI Vo pos@tible to trit6@e ,ivzxil,-tble Tio,-te 7t,,7iouiit of olber ,iv,,qlqtcwce. We st@oul('t do ttio tatti,.ort in thie-i (.-ovit,,ection. jr,4 L -@@r - L v 0 ',)@r Thi t, t. C:, e 2 wi I- ir el C- I-, 7.- C) 1 r;3 C) f-I BUDGET It is proposed to opc'nd t5 ixcirktha (1) CL-,Iary $7,000.00 per iti,-nua Total for 18 "ntha $10,500.00 (2) Intoinobile vo@l",i;agan 1'1,,,700-00 which coiild be sold at the completion of the etudy for about $850.00 Balanoo 850,00 (3) Tr@'m'oportatioti Self, -@i-fe ind t-.o2 obildren to-ar@d fi-m 20000,00 1rtra *xPZnsea (interpreter gifts for chi,efe ate.@ 500-00 8 Total' $73,650-00 aiid Ilil@-a t@ypil4@r Ot-ii eri@l activities In rre v@@ry soui@xl m. a, v@@ry Iiii.@ily 2L):@ ittico,,. ete-,. v4-Ac'l Ewe 01@ ir, tlr,--Ig of it v,@-,iA!d ba li-niwi,,Ll t-Li 2 r-r@,tl ouy, Cho roter!- .pree re ti tl"qt it t-tix@ti lip@ I.ii ztq@@i Lil tictiv'ty. Xt k-@lit th- t 1),Ill id to ftael arty f-ictctter X-0 tl,.,--3 exto,,-it. c@ke I-ridicatir)-@l of area3 oi' int.-@x@3at t@ld A tbc@t v@-,t@s no ft'roler ill Q_rla needed* @@Xii,tbis i.t iltdiCl@At,!d tl!zxt bot@i t-)io 2 re on4 In t-l-.,it- h.--3 fe-l@ Tx,,st L-i, t", -4L@iA@e for x,,a to IW-t 2 eic3 l@l-lot r to t--- for t).ieir 1-.he b4kslo Cq attr"),r."tive or" to (,-o t 2 -L@3 to to the QWAV-Div-1. C.Io,-,i v@;io cc,)Ilt."14zt iltn cf e-f Ili,-, 2 bo lti Vain c, @itry _,elrl (le l@or v)Lir so""clt4nri-,- -t-d c-ci@,,e-41:Lna 2,o. -@@vech propis-,,I6s Oci- V-AA- Li dto f uri us wit'n ouc@i i rix- - r,, P Au&List II)CO Fo:,Il of Pv o:@tils cl- 2 Divisio.1 to At I'L'.Ig) I 1. 1.,tlawmL@b @, JT)for.-I ii4 pi of oir i,.itontioii ta -Iki)7yor' 2 t o I tk-F)P of tL,3.i-.tty to "pi.G3y b&Lc-l-@" sti-@ii livk-sjec't's 'tf t-here i,-,is a 2 riced i--o do so. - react-to@i -v!as rel.v,.tively Ea iri.-Ilt@ vjly c,-s pr. it not- his ino,-ey he was xi to offl-r c,,xly criti(.tu2a. rioted of ical te6tttivt-- llt"3 tb,,4,.tl@-d Lie encl se@i.d t.Y4at hc a-F, 1)1.vision 3 Distri't.,@ition: T L) rvl 1 27 July -1-9(-O FOil: T14-il Ir-CO@r,) -Pro"pal of AP-- and 2 Got blieb, geqiiest fc)r. $Ii@E.50 to initiati@ r iras ai)p s rese@-rcli offers poteiti.al for stucl,..,Ing t-kii? iis(-- of certpin d-,o-Li,,-s as iiall as the rip-tvre of psychiatric syndroma N.!,Lthin a pril,,iitivz In 6@Mition, t'@i-- research is related 2to soui(,- as@-,cc-,'s of @iork bein,,@ done b on syst.a,Tis. lei-lo @T-@ 11 l@- C.-iwjg,Liar@e cotild -provide fiel(:, s,--tt2i ti-,, for exp@.@nditic@ se.@xcii into I.' s hi@C@lil.y irtipoa:@'.a,iit are -Lhe world Other o thi incli,,d-- 2 expan@;J.on o-@P t-he -worl.a activities,, potential direct intelligence tal@e and usefu.1 contacts in vf-qat may bocowa an area of iiitellir-o,.-,ce ci.(,,tivity, 2 Tliex-e NTere no for cha.,a6c -@ii tle reseorch ro,pos -al. p eareli Branch