IC 1,@i- i Z t@ 1, Caah LCcoived durinc,, this fiscal year should be kept csparate r-om 2 rem-Lbiing from 3.e,.xt fisoa). tno 0-@oo 00 rec,:@iv4od 3.ast fi-.oal v-ear. The cash Bhotiid be ttoed up first., L-,ifora the new ftinds are usedo-=@ year, 2 2, "ihe fouotdno,, appl±es 04y_ to _ FT _54_ ca3h_funds: a, A tot4a of 01000.00 has been allotted for the fol'Lo, ng pur Ili _po;,-s: (1) Aelivities i@-ie.-e-Auiuwial aacl:rii-.y ooiiaid,3rations malice it dilficalt to got SLIPport, from mrs ousi.-,omary--- (t,@a-"j is,, i-iiere propel- lunds tor a: given o-otivity t.-oijld req!aire an tuidesirablo aiwuyyt of written or ciral Justification)*---- (2) T'no purclip-'so of -cortainni.--=- terial uhere-uso o' other 2 Ms - & Pzida uvad operations to an e=essive eac-nloo (3) T-'no &I,-ove inallides pa-yment for i3ervicas., tr,-tvoll, h,>noraria b.' 2Th6 total ,moujit znd tld @utpo--oa for i-iiieh it may be iised is -ohonever it apper;.ra desirable, subjeo'- to azo.,i&,@atit Por;ti-6ii3 of the total amunt uM ba -fu2mi-.,hod to I)ivision as iiecded d.- One individuu@inj Division should be apk-ointed as koel,)er of iio VrLu-"u.r-i-:i-zh a receipt itihen he receives 2 the op4ell fUridS and in turii'he vi-11 bd-g4.von a raceipt of som-^ sort f:,,r fun@da vliiien are-c,,,-pended. For in!3tatico,-vhere-possil)le, there should-be-a rec4-opt foi@ es purchabed; however vhere it is not au3toru7 for m-ceipts to be giv4:@.vi in a givcri c,-,sai or idiere for ao,,@,a -cason no reoiol.)t-is U@nm obta-ined.,@ a cliould 2 be- -out -e)Tlaiiiing tho -ay.!)c,-tiditure. Villare p,-Ayi,-,nt ir, rade to :Lnd-@L-,ridual as -@n horior,-i-irot a rceeipt rhould be rL,,id(,, out by an 2 the I)orcon Fe.- instance: r@,oceived from O-tii@todiWOf-tho cash furd) Al@"X for hor@orar-ixm (or .9 % " I JI coiai c,.@de i-.ord-if desited).t signed by v!lioever receiied tl)p r@,.)neys -ti6niff Division or any titles. V4@6fo io ro need to mor riersonal 2 e. R,-,ceipts ahould ba ti-imr,-d over to iL@-0 poriod-Aenly. Tli-,se -V,,4U L-@e I-,opt on f ile to be uued only if bii v-ud:Lt of the i)-ind is f. it-id suggettod tiiats be.a.inrdzip, with FY54 -c2ash sort--of a- so, log t@ook or le(-4ger ba kcpt v-iiali will t-'LLloi-i the P-mu-rits recoivr-@d and the a-Lid the al!,oxipt of cash ithich s2hould be on mlio c-iily purpose this is triat it ieu-i,.bi V.-J,,Ild 'bibl, @p p,t-a it c.7oier tor-.-@oii-to--ke- track of tl-.o pr2,-.3crit statuz of 'tfie fu@i-.Isj, from your end, i , 0 AP AUM- .26. JLme 1953' uii FOR THF, Rr',(,-ORD Project MMTRA, Subproject 13 sifoproject 13 is to sultort certairt CD SS The purpose o L 2 A&DivisiO' @, Ca@,'P tivities which are carried out either by the n ion with theso DivisioA. The .0@'-IP',Oort will: be D,2trick, or in conjunct in two cata@yories; (1) Activities where ui-iusii@al ueetirity -,igiderations rlt-,ilce it ditficult to get f irianr-,ial support frvn more co custo@Ti,.try sources (that is,- Nrliere proper funas for a given "Activity 2 @or 11 require -an undesirable amoiint-of@Lvrit-ten or oral justificatioii), (2) The ptireb-ase of certain r-ater-ial-where us-4 of other funds would delay operations to .tn excessive extent. 2. These funds are to be used to Day for ser%rice2sl travel, honoraria for unuslt,,il services, stipplies, etc. - 3- Cost for Subproject-13 -is not to exceed t'pl,000.00 for a periol of time er).(Iing 15 August ig@)@. Chemical vi.sion SS 2 APPROVL@D: I D F4",OGMI Al-P',IOVED APPRO@T,,D FOl OBLIGATION Al@iD OF FUI,'DS 4 Pese rch D ector D II kLq 0 3- D ate: c ate.- Cost EatiLinto Ori@-.in@tl O@-L,Ly. /3- -3 C(YST r..',3Tn-tW-E Travel $ 200.00 Services 300-00 Honoraria Sxipplies ind Eo_ul@r)rp3-nt 200.00 100. 00 lti-cellaneous and Contingencies 'wi o@o 0 . o@o UT 11 k@ki v PAN 1-@ cr Pr-o + 0 tl"Zt Al 3 c@ -L Ile, V2t, C-, 2 ki IL* 2 i@4 C'i 0 2 If; C-- r. 3 i3 all 3 MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 0 ;[tk 1953 TO: Sidney Gottlieb FROM: Budget Office, TSS SUBJECT' Ca3h (250-00) I hereby Acknowledge receipt of the followin2e,., -Su@proJect 13 Cash i@n the ainount.of $250-00 for-Invoice No. I for 'U-L' of Project Mi@ MA. a rn Please r tv @@8150#4 copy(!@$) of this -f DIED@@F RE1CIP'ENT won TO DATF. RECC-@@tED FORM t4o MAR 124 36-96 OJTIre UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO DATE-. 6 July 1953 FROM SUBJP.CT: iii ca,,ih. odei,;ed frof.-, k7'j Amok 2 4e 1 ir MEMORANDUM RECEIPT Jdi@@ 1951@ 13UDOTOri?l PATE TO. CrAlITS3 FROM: Si2dney Gottliobp Chlofp TSS/CD SUBJECT: Ca$h ($50#00) I hereby ackhowledge receipt of the following.----- Cach ir. t)ie =ount of 0 00 for er,-dit to-tba-account of Subprojeot (All 9 siored topy(les) of this race Please return lpt- u 0 (9)T. FORM NO. 34-66 DATE RECE74,VED MAR 1949 RECEIPT DATE E RECEIPT OF THIS WILL ACKNOWLEDG DOLLARS FnotA FOR 2 OF ic(AL SIGRATURE 0 L '4 9 4 4r on&" .1 13 ICENIFY T14AT T.IUN :1. AUTFIC C @C.T Juno 17., 1954 - For pny,-,ent of et--!-Pz;es incurr@o-I in 13 some..$300.00 14FMORAHDUM RECEIP'F TO: FROM: Al x SUBJECT: I h6reby acknowledge receipt of the following: CAt3H pAY.N4:.::-'NT' IN A@.@nill@,]T OF RECEIVr-c).JUN2419.54 Please return.. signed topy(ies) of this roc#ipt SIGNATURE Of RECIPIENT TO FORM NO. 5 OATE RECEIVEO MAR 1940 .0 04 tA, cr_ Wr I'll0 DPM 15 Atwat 1934 104aUMIJ14 FCRS- THE RECMD SFJBJECT Ekti6"1.oii- of' Tii4-foe Project VAUL?,A@ Sub2p.-ojeot 13 Since Subproi4oot i@@has er.,oire-4 and tbore are fmd.9 remaining-in-tlio project ci,.%r"ject 13 i hereby, -date of explxation, octended for one ymr frcd 5 APPROVED: Original Only damn .1 Ile 1 14 it. or C-E easuo(@xa 30 4 13 0 MEMORANDUM RECEIPT DATE 2 TO' FROM: SUBJECT: I hdreby atknowledge receipt of the following: C !@j H [jF !5300.oc) Please return iigm*d COPYIIOS) of this receipt- TO 6 -6AT E-RE-@E I V E@D FORM NO 36-66 MAR 194 co .r4 P4 T-,qio is to certify tti:%t t@-o folloving items of oqul,pment v,-,rchasod v-rd-zr Projects 1,YbLTRA 13 and 30 tave been so altered itanir@a" iii the condtio4v, of r6@66,,treh .1@at to confom with e,-,foty reguL3L@,ions of the contrt@@or-t',ioy mist be oonoid- rroi ecpe.-Aablel, dro,%cc-d fro-u-nor.--)xrandabla piroporty recordo and destroyed at tho---conolusion of--tozta. I ea- rsp,-GO2 FikA- E, sh4k77 lat' 1 oa Y-at%l Lurnbic, (Soar3 Roebuck) co 9 t (@ilf icor AFFRCVED: Clijie@fl, TSS/,,CtwUoel Division Datet - - - - - - - - - - + 0000F- 2 12@A'7 'D 00 0O.C. -lTpuodxZ SUO-Llu2T,'EqO 2 pouv,[eEi, setn el - -- - -------