(ui patita uoqt4) iag3lsl paleplnbi-1, pule syluu-iou p--Ieplnblluil suoilepilqo suoilie2i .Iqo ss@el;) l@,arqo juno@iov Isoo -ox (ui p@8ll!a=mgq&) T AuV*t 1961, te FM,. THE -c ATM 2 rmct Di'@i on__ :'MP,,T.RA Sul,, ii.@t 136 pro- Under. t@le authority@g;*Pted lii@thO-itemrwldu-lt @'-a2wd 13 Ai@ri 1 1953 from i@l%e DCI 't-9 the DDIA, arA thf., ext*noion of tbi4 auttiority-in *lL@b- sequent 136 h" -bee 2 Sli. 013 r. approved.- w.ut of the ave'r- aU t HQW.RA hi§@@ oblizatel to cover the t 2 oubprojectis exponses and Lthould@U:@tbarged t-o coot conterLZIZS-MO@@@@ UD "PROM F@R OnICATro Or rjm Resear44h I CERTIFY TIAT PL@INDS ARE AVAILABLE, Distribittion.. 570 Addreiaeee- 2 --T AUTI-IC)R,ZING OFi-,,ZER SD/R,B 30 lot t) R.UORAN VIA iro) 1$6 Auotm 00@:-A@ NO. 2 ituithed c4voring 'Of si@foo oc TSD/Resiiio@"h iho@ul4 bo d t tkiet, 2 lace. 4 fo ojott@= thO 4;11(>Uld &&to- r this P; -not be h nraath 5 C7j F Distributiorti SEP 7b at iliplall Zn) NO. (Finance use only) VOUCHER SuemI2TTED O-V 2*=TM sub 2.s6. ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL PEP I OD OF ACCOUNTING FOR ADVANCE FROM TO M07LP: jrollow z2notructions an Rover&& 3. 9-ZM 3.961 DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS eiNNING OF PERIOD DESCRIPTION AMOUNT S. CASH ON HAND OF-@@ c@ AdV=00 I TOTAL EXPENSES a. f NOE 2 7@ ACCOUNT TOTAL TO ACCOU14T FOR roon and 2 fy, i t *a a ad a AVAILABLE for@off, cial Pu k CERTI t syment 0,2 a CHARGE DATE AO-P@ OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO AL@OTMENT 2 i@ed,@ and that 12 c Ul 3W re SIGNATURE OF AUT14opIZING OFF CER ENT OR C@c IT CERTI I 0 FO P DAI FICER ATE Si NA IJRIE CE TIFYIN 1964 2 I S l4)r4 LUSIVE USE 0 FINA CE IDIV SPACE BELOW FOR @@@o BY POTEPAREO Dv. I 2 I T7 038-70 71.00 SS-67 13 34.39 43 47.5t OR COST DUE 'OTHER ACCOUNTS -33 4 ALLOT AMOUNT ALL 40-42 S3 GENERAL lktc@. 2 STATION f46. --- @ ."" DATE t P27t ..... 2 CA LE f4 GE 6 .0. OlkiltoT cocoly 2 O. DESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACC"TS t$.27 AeCT4 NO. YR ACC CILASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x DIV. 6 77 T ALS t FORM 282 t 1-@,@Q00vored, much to riy-eniba.rrazzLier.-t that diidnot-send @@!n accountirg to the-Fuhd lest-ye--ar.- 1-d-t@@@t"t-ac-brief statement 2 -th,3t this- ri -@prepared by wcula be uff le@@ eed not.,be professi"al- covDtAnt. ivkt@@re-a-piroxirate ard hbve- been-- 2 TM t rar:slated f-,Imw $--8 157 IQ- .00 3t6oo:R 800' Subjects- 2 5504 Ti@av;l 10500!0 60c, 5.50 Office #.oioo 300:1 xyorses-(Irc. 'phone, post office F )6000 350t 150- Books anA Fer kisc.(ind.-currorey Total- I*iti out 1 ,8-@79. I r c - m r a detailed info"Ation-e- I certify satisfacto-i---- were RECEIP Receipt hereby ackii6w edked of @thr ovnn TRZASURIE@CHEGK N6@- 0 0 0 --o ayable to t Date. z@:it @PO ass iq sit A4%09 "O" 00 -$it AU "fty lot 0 E For S CERTIFIC d that this is -her, o'6@@p_ hi@i'd i6 tt6,l2n@ II- -5 a t i a f a0 v-) r Sub-Pr ect-N6 136-" i6f MKULTRAO that pel!fo oi that serviton are beingl4ocbr6pU-eW-o-d mut"l-agfe-e- 2 c ments,, that a d*Wlcd ag6nda a t" O@@erits =a re@iots is --a an In TSD/RB th@it thij@:-b t d tli6at., t tiloveof bas not yet be ea rnade, -4' 2 Chlof Date, ed t 136@ (Z) it of MKULTRA whi cli -"s pproVO4-Ud that thelt0ject to lit y@ carried out in accii@@@ th the memorandu% of 13 ARril 1953 from- thaDClAdAt@-o-DD/A,-andthoext on 9 q memorand Te-a-e@a-r-c@i I Di r e c t o r Datee. 23 Augt@st 1961 'NIEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJEct -Project MKULTI.1,A,, Sub]@roject 136 -e of -this subpolect 16@ to -supp t the research of.-.-- i... The p3@rpos -or an "Experimental Analysis of txt-- rasensot erception.!'-. A propq 'sal describing his researc h a2ctivities is attac ed. -ue's esearch effort is rnovilkig,beyond,thq tion of _rasensor on (ESP), exi S t S. H- e i s whether the- enoni-@@ext attempting-to approach the twin q4"tions2-of what are the fuzictional--r-elation- ships between other personality factors -and ESP skills, and what are the 6- idered iiiiisiri ESP factors that must-be c ns as a -method@bf-@@d&ffiiinic@ition., 9 2 Any positive-result -S along-these line- S- woulcl have obvious.@tilitk7f6iA4i7:77-7-@ -f r A ency. @t is riot expected--t t answers wouldi@t@erge 0 9 initial efforts He-iL-s-on--e- 2--sophisticated i--ESP--re-g-e--aLfcf@--- s n. who has been, vrilli4@@however, to orient hiiVWG@rts along these fundamental lines. 5 proj@k4 willbe fund@6d@@ik tK@ securitya:ndcover-purpo"s,-.'Lndtheaccounting-for-f%!Kd@--@@iti@----- conforni to the -establishe-d-p-r--a--c--tic-c-s-of-that organization, The@title to any equipment purchased shall reinaii-i th th 5 lieu of high'cr overhead costs. -66" this rescii ti for 4 TK6A6al c -a period of one year is Charge s- should be tnade -against estimated=i@6"b7)6k@&ecd $8, 5794 00. Allotment 2125@@1390- 2 witting of any relationship between the snot Since he has riade separate contact with the Direct-o-r@-s-@bffic-e-and-nia:v intiine become aware of thi@7- @@elationship@@@@st-fo-t@@tbver2t security a Droval-has--been P. initiated. TSD/Researcti Biiii@6h Approved f6itOblii*46"f -Fundii@7 13 8 Date Distribu'&ion: Origi-nal Only Attachmc@nt -Propos,-tt PROPOSAI -LTo -T Institution.; PrinciDal I dv'e t I Title; Experimental AA61YO!@"7BXtTa 8 eli$ Desired Startin&Lpq.Le,., August, I 961 4 y ar. su@ ort is Period of' t ime- f 6ii which D Wheii St.'Denis-Vat dcOaPitatiad, he is SUPPOS@ed to have picked up his head -and- vallkecl off with It. T@hig test ti pareils, ce 'Li his custodian-to comment Den2s des-Gas -A que le premierIpAs qui cotite.lt* Unfortunatelys this maxim does not seem to--app@iy-- to search - in-parapsychology, -It trasen'ory percept on ex 3PI--_exis s, -t;i&--Of-fuadame2nt" Importance)- never ecsy to solve. But a latge-body-of evidence@ has -been-a%-"@;iuced favor of the-exidt6nde- of ESP,, -a-ad-v)hile this evidence has left most scientists unconvi ex& 2 noed--there ralT&g"ement-@i that further research--is-justified --- In-a"surve Y of' -349-- tellows 6f the-Amerioan-P@WholqitAl Association;-@-onIY77- 17% 2said' that ESP:@@@"establitlitd-fa@ttl or a ''likely- 64@" I d6r I t a I possibility", but 90', ed nvestigation a-- "legttim@te scientific undertaking" Pa-ra"yohol Vol.16, 1952, pp_l@2k@@ I @Objectives--- -i"ifficu It It 'to- -.itate- the -long rarage objectives- of a research-program-in perapsychol6gY. The present investigators . are--bt-iio- means certain th,%t MP7@2"xists or that it Is possible- to-oxV@_@nt-,with it. They do feel that the pa raDsyohologist3 have---,nade--a strong-case--and are willing to devote research-tii@47@-fdi@ther study of this subjegt.: 2 T ere areas which require special exploration and-wliere it is hoped that substantial et progroce can be madee - Th&t@@@v,@the design-6f IreD(O@@@ experit-aents, the--deteroination of functio2nal relationships between a variety of psychological variablw-s and F,9p--test-- -f6i@-th676til-ization of the score3; and mapping litAit4 phenomenon,-with special--reference td-@tbc channel cap@city2, the kinds of messages which can b6 transmitted-and spatio-- temporal constraints,-------- -7 -pre@@t -research- team have conclq Ttid ded that Icl be best served by initiating three 2 these objectives wou closely connected ex.oerimental studi-6@ The first consists in condlicting group experiments, in which each individual77------- -is.treated as possessing a modicum of ESP and test ecoreb ed on the basis of ratings on a numbei,-of 2 are predict psychological and physiological scales.. The second is to develop a method to relate patterns of subjective probability In skidh cases.. only ttie first step requires any effort, n,17 2- ref leated--iii@respqppe r,_e o-test scores-and-to __qlte --The'third is an@- choloaidal and behavioural-factox,,- 2 psy a. exploration of-the-p"tulated ESP abilities of a few@ gpecially gifted-.sub-jects, wh6-will be-in'tensively stud ied under arge num er@o b ---f giou@ exp,@i@iments have-bee A I n gar 0 ried @ut by rio@vt6v6-:@i V@@@@hey-have apparently succeeded.in dibel@itiiiAttri@(b2dtwe-en -levels of-scoring for 'heracte-ri-sed--by differeti -a-number-o persons c gs on pai-variablet7;@@-Th6@@@i-ddlude-IQ@@@rsion- effects of 2 bel certain dru@gs @R6ii@ ch li@@confidence ief 'P, s -But in-each- n E@o ubj6ot;@6iberiwenter relations &e. case only -one@7variabl4:46"tUIW7@@@ime, even@-thougii it should-have-bee"ear that-other--var-iables than the -f 6"naMi47W6i@6 -@dls o i encing-the results.-- one seleated@ nfli. 2 ir-O -p nomenon- a cause y_a_ numben:@@f@Lfactors, or if at:a give"tage@:@f@@iU".stikAtiu-n-it must be treated as if I t: ivere,- - i t, would be -alloW=one-factor-- 2 pert6i@dible to @7- to vary a,t-a,time', the other--factors being heldftonstant, or to consider-the combined-:@eff-eo"f@=a -number 6f@@ltva factors.: If-one varied one-factor at a-time 2 inf ormed about @-the use - of@@ - the others --he-would be ill experimenta desigo@@his-is-unfortunately the-,-,Ituation which obtstns i"ar t i on 2 Experiment@@in-whteh ESP-,emerges as a -fluna -e--d@: s li-o-u 1 d - y the interrelatioas@@of e d results which meet any-reasonable criterion of repea-tab2ility, Comparatively d i@iabra-st@u-di@@ such-as- those of -Qruc @@one@;tv6 Anderson and-White@@t--Duk67U-n-iv6i-,-s- ty where ESP dep6nds--on--- -hi-ldren-2subj-cts the inter e and tneir teacheri 6xperimehters have aptarently-been of@:the@Aiiii6@ev-eii' t quacessful::bb@6Ut@5O@6- hough-the vartabli@@S have beer!-dichotomous and Si nificance has been estimated with relatively crude tests to student either-likes-or does--- --teacher and--vice versa;--a-student either--scoiies qot like his above the expected mean--or scores be ow it). 2 Th6@@y--o-f-7i@@sponse sequences is based upon- the qssumption defensibl"n-the-light-of recent psychologic6l research, that7guessing p@@rns-represeat subjec#&.s' dvaluation-of the uncertaint situation in2 the experitnetit. y There v-'L "-I be certain-gross-departures from randomness for all subj6otst but there will--tilso-be-idi6synerrAtic dopariures. These are related to g- - --ioij- -difcerences 8 eneral-behav n.1 , because what a person considers to-be-probable--determines to an important extent what he will--do.- It is predicted ttiat /when when 8ubjectr, s re --d ivided types these-types -levels in ESP tett6.- Of- will tend.. to-@-score at diff 6"ht- course it-is not assumed-that adopting-a particular pattern - can in shy-way effect-scores-(except-in experiments2@where the model involved in cotnparing-guess-and target sequences@ is the m6tching disti@ibut-i4d7ratk7- the binbmial.. 'distributi6a -in- which-:c the7v-a-riatit@e-may be Increase 2 asr_ d though tt.-Le--expeetptiorr--is not effectod).. It tri c cl that tho'guessing-pattera-and-the ESE@Lsoore-are-b6th- related to-a-third fact -k@Vith--iiidividtial-&Obj2eets who give The wor prointse of.extraordinary@.-------- number of experimental techniques which he've-l@eezi ignored -or - - - - barely hinted at in-the- at A-variety of Models of the m,3nner in which -af-ormation a t2rcansforrod willibbfti@dtd by simple' variation@.ofZth"i4sks--ir-t-ip--o--s-e-d--on-the subj66t. -of@@@ ts Preliminar -"earmift"tudizs,-It@@which-feedbAbk 2 en --of mi-nforeetri tam-Lutilised, -will b and other ki:nds@ t hef@@4me:@@ t I fa subje6t-is found wh introduced at o can score -in oruiati2on-;Cvi-tho7ut--inoileasing quantity of-transmitted the averaige probabilil@@@@es6,lby@making--use-of straightforward om the mothemdtical thpory of comiu-nic -ation-, In-wor .4"ittL2AndividOl7@6@ects, special to- dis@@iative: states, which attention- ivilILb"iiteri tend to adcompany-epontaneous-.@vSPL:bxp6riences. Such states - can be induced-and-controll6d to-some-extent with hypnosis and drugs 2 Some of this work will MI@lk6 use of qualitative atit-auli ide- a-with special- such as-drawings- and a associations Me II. t hod i@C GrOPJLE2XDerlnieiits Nurderous-math6matical models and experimental designs enable--the simultaneous assesstiiont of two or more independent-predictors. Chief w-iong-these are n@ultipl6 -regression analysis and factorial experimental design2s---- which are.closely related logically and mathematicallyo The essential, idea of the-regression model is-thit each ind ividual's- saores on the,- n - inrlependen' variables --and the ESP criterion-inay be-lo6b@ted-at a- -p-oint in 2 an n + 1 dimensional space. The relation between the criterion and the predictors is given by a multiple regression equation @-ihich-tgkes -the form: x + + Y A yi .23.. N Xl --.en 2--- n-I Xn 5 y2.1311*- yn.123,,,, /where where A Is an intercept and the coefficients of the X!a are --b-tld--Indicate the w --coof f idieiits partiql iegressiba eight2ing allotted to each prediotbi@, indr,@pendent,, -The-regress oa--aAd-@asch of@@the,,@ te,@s ted -f or significance. 2 If the 'd -be pre ictors may null a -accuracy .-hypothesis is roje ter] --the of orediction is of f i2ater&6t.. Thi6 anguage, 0 estimation, statistics whdr(:i@'6ft @My ak @ of -@,conf id et!66 spe -&7subject char6bterised-by- intervals, erta'tn pattern OtL4"res-.@@de"ent variabl,,S,- -9 --ths -.the subji@6tls .one may predict Witli@. 5::OWidbAO@@ 2 -i t . 'ESP ;score will- be-t N -e -A nd- -B n a percent success. The76leareat'meantAglo@U'rep@@atabilit Is---- 2 Y- -47@t@6@t@i7@bf thi@i7 ki ad@@h6reby t he re s ult@@7---- --, expressed@i of a abrie's ofzib@@ men s. not the probpbilities 2 t t:@i d to them, may--be-cotapared--to see if--they-fit the-sairie- pattern. ' Tti"tdth-of@@the--t&eclioted interval@--and- -i6versely-and@the 2 6onfidence@@coefficieriLt@or co U, r Ir definition--of e eatabilityl dedends on;aasigning7an-- priori@ES 6bd7t@tii, tk can-be clas eO in severa.L.,ways.@@@" -b b@@ psychologi es 1 t- &(ntj physiol@6gM""V6iy@d eXp riniontally mantpulab factors.. IiitiiiAdt"actors m,,-iy,be temporary anci haracteri --of -eX eritddntal--situation -as atic the such -ry@elfq Pei c t e annoyance,,-or g2enera personall ristics;-such E:k@@@n t a as intelligence. include ind-ude"titud6@@"Uoh-as-motivation-produded to-ra ty positiii2e-:reirtforeemeti-t, -and purel@(@ms-17fac such as the-number -of the most ae.curate- predictions@@ The!--seieotkd"-vari6blds-will depend on a detailed analysis the result"f2 observations in-experinthts with single subjects, apparent 'tspohtaneo and :Intelligent common factors in us --the-ablection of variables special attention----- guessing. In 2 Pill be paid to technical problti@d-itV-@@"ling and- to the----- reliability-and-validi-ty@of existing se@,-iles. In some cases ad hoe procedures such as the sort. will,--be used.----2-- Piit --b -i-- otoriouely--- ..Res'Donse 3. Hua@@h o ngs are n ine-fficient randomi6ers,-so-w6uld not bt inappropriate to treat response patterns-sa-having two components, '"TSP and guessing habits. Guessing habits represent subjects' subjective-evaluation of-the-seqUential-:7uncertainty situation in the oxporiment and-d6V@@-M on such factors as ability to judge-probabilities,--anrl imitate randoinner-,s, compulsions with itespoot-to symmetrv &e. Such habits will necessarily interfere with exercise of ESPO because every f time a choice is made-habit and psi-in ormation are in 9 /competition iti6n unless they--r,!hould agree 'fOPt@itOuslya It compet might bell for examdle. that--the-Weli--Xnolv-q decline effect the gradual build of habits and phenomena, are due to their doini2nance@--over- ESPO - - y-desitabl6 to 66rPect It J8,--ho,;vever' not-onl -eff&cts 0 essing-habits. It for.the destructive --g, -u- @e that s@tioh -abits coul2d be--u"d--t h o predle-t SP test -cross the street his dtdision@i@ scores. @llhen one decides-to about@vihen to cross-dop=pnds on his estimate-of the ch@gnoo---- -2run our isi@a that he NYill - be Beha-vi rgoTY7-detormined by concepts-of prdbd'Ullity@-=gnd systema essments of7@i"C-l@t@6inty sitiiation"r6 known- to -be--- -88 related 2 to--personalit"ypes. possible thit some of thes"ypes--whether@:-o-r-not7th@@@@-ere similar to the on(-,s derlye(i@3r:@W@'choirAetric techniques or-ordinary--- -"b common sense., may be2 rel@@@ ility. - It@@ight--i in fact be possibl6 67d6Mv6::@an -ESP.@@tyti4logy fro -the non-ESP domponent-of@@tbe--.vjB'P--gdi@s,,-,Ing pattern.------- -be'used to an2alyse The@;A"hniques---which will response sequences are:itoo!@-@comDltcated-to enter-into herep but will include the-inform.-itionp-1 76ttirn,-ttion of redUad6YWY, -t e as used in the st2udy--of gngu,-iges -4- con5truct-ort-of pseudo-languages--outocorrelAtidh and ad hoe-m-athoda to reduce arAd@fdlAssify the number of possible att-erns.- The -be 6etual anal"iis@7Will d 6-u-t --by-7ati electronic t!ociiput-r,i I"hoUld@b6 m6d"lear tli-at77tlie qliantity of V-SP in t, a t-- le-results-of even subjects-is too small7@77 to intertere Nvith the 2 eliidida-tibft- 9 of ue6sing h6bi ta. The 6ata used in this-stud"tll-be--obt,,ii-ne'd--.from-grou-p-ESR:@@@--- esults, high oxpertments2 which-have yielded significant r scoring stibjects-(Includi"--conLtrol series and records------ taken ifter-they -'lost-'- their abil,ity) from special groups 6uch as Dsychottes.,--ohildre-n--and-medidmt, and from psycholo:icAl@and-educational@:@@i-n-lw4ich ansiiers are of the mli)lti of informdtion ubleels Th@6@@@ff6unt tranqmitted on lftt,---avera e er tri-al ln@ESP e2XI)erirr-enta is,, log 5 + (r/25)10,@@(I@25Y + l@g.. C(25-r)/1001 in bintis iihere r is the-number of correct, gtaes*.CS. -(This .appears to be the correct mod r-,I, since there is evidence that subjects pro4duce t'no some deviation froni chance- @vhen siviing b'elow it as when they aim-above, zLn spite of the fact that p / 1/2). Good subjects ivill tend to have .0jornelvhere-, between .2 and .6 bita--of information generally /available one of the reasons whY ESP OvailablO to-them.@-@This is expeiaments, are-@so difficult. But -it mt3y still be possible to learn a good-deal about--the phenomenon,, even if-lebrning uclies 2 shotild-fail.--For it--is;@@@iblo -to-vary-the St exp -O&Vadig*l 0 a r erimental t- lminate between various f"twbhe@@non, such as: models for-the operation2 o a sporadic -but vo-@ ESP occur ally edt infor@,nation.- ESP 81WOY8 'occur$-at-i 74ifdlti@@l-t-es-ohMas-,of success by const-,i@it Cacto2r -FSP-T eivs the subject: @one of--the B8P when it@-odcura,--answers things the targe a question-- -!fie form@@ s-the t,,:Ii-gdt 0 2 of n X In @Adcl-i ti to psi-models,=it7vi-il -also- be -tieeegaary. to introduce models which provido--M-o-re--Bensitive-estliiates.@@@@@ d where2W-Sutases exartiple, torgeNAnaterial77Will@@b6--i-4t"duce instead bf beiAg:Af::@W -"I- --g type can b more- 'all--or no n 0 or n u,-nbe r @6" 2 less right.- -Again a i-fferent values --tb--Iml te to -WM-Int rmixeci ons, I n tioduced real life sito6ti 2 L&6i@Mng- tudie6@ will be@'insti tuted- -in which the @towarded76t@7@ish6d fol",his-overal subject will --be, pe rf orma ae-e-Aa-n-d-- re I nf drot din various ways-@@@@by-being' 2 told whothe'"e -was -rikkt@7@Wbeing - told, what the - tqrset- @va;s, -with- eldbti@ic- shock -oto. Ih7gdd-@n an attempt-, will be mad&@tb@inoretse-the@!transmitted information 2 -of spocess cases wh@ the overag"robability remained constant. ThUt@74f number@-:of-@trialr.-iti-which the ith dittinguiehaite target is guessed to be-ttie ath t = the f re4q"o"f -as ,a t6rgett -;@@@--the frequency@@ ga. 6t guesses of:7@@6nd N the number of tri6 @Nia)Nlg a( ti) i 2which states- the rati-o-oc the fi@64"hdy-,Nith which i is gues@-,ed Alto tho OXDWed -no--gueesing -frequency if@thor6 were preferencei may-be@used to det6i4nitie- hibh guess-wa2s-the an best eatimate@af:tb@e-target, 3 d thi,, result@int7estitnate- which -on the number of ti@inls ,ind the qu,,intity of information available- to@--the- subj"-@=;. 2will approach---- -oert-ainty-asymptotically. -be Bu-t the main consideration will the attitude and general@diADMition--of-the-subeot. Where.ver,@possible- eV -be 2 tagxa ory attenigv@@gl - -made--tc@- n-- oi--t required to ng conditions. his preflerenoo8 and his eatitnat6 of good worki n one case 2 -experimental procedure I the will be designed-tb---@- ochieve favoroble-motivati6n by such devices as instructing v of subeeptioft in him that he-is participating in a stud 2 other casoa droga ond psycho!6"177tticks Will be Qs;d to Modify t4ig-attittides. Tho-experimenters will be pqrticuldply interested in disassociative states, from the obat-esement cle niveau mental to multiple- personality0- in so-caTl--ed med and an attempt will be -made -to indLice--a--number of states of this kind, using hypnosis.- Hypnosis is seen not as a /variable self but teeb,niciiie f or creating veriOUS-- variable.in --&a a se studies md Su bjective states tIlrOugh-sug got materialp some ot2hers use m6y be made of qualitative tare y be evaluated with-.the use of elaborate matching @hich ma -80lu tion of methods,@which-have. their origin in u r .8 the 'Rencontre@@pl@pblem;@@ 2 he experi QVCJI did with x @@l ments d in the bobk Modern!F, cusse trolled-@on most, ly-the best COn re- 2 d-for -ESP-@@ E"lorItOry- convine g evi eA@ -progress* 8 expel-I me t t are al eady in 2 th 8 upp@-o-r- t- i a li@din equested for. a tnelve nion ----@Vo--b e - c a r r i period. Th vi "11647" i-c s ed out in-each@ - 2 en -@@of that "t -tne of the three-@ereas -di@@@@ above, is have period n'o resulth7fav-orin the-FSP@hypothes- b (a -e- n- 2 9 found, the project-v" @@@f -the hypothesis-is supportcd, -the@project-will--b@6-WvolUtd-and--ItO--ob-ie-c ives will be- f nj2 U y he 2 -E-qtimated Bud IV get t @@t@e d LM- O-U n Apparatus-for recordiag--ddta- '%300 2 Microfiltd aamera-and--projector-.--- 250 Compu@uer tinie-'@ ,ctnd pioeramminq 300 Office Equipment 150 Offico expenses (postage,- lphonc, dup 2 300 Repairs--to preiiiises at 560 i i 11 ii iiiiiiieffl@ Maniial computing-and-c!IRLIILTa-g-uzru,,zr---. 300 Inducerients for 66b-j-6cts 2 500 IMWI@l-assistants 200 u time) 3,60o--- i,ooo 71160 + 15% indirect costs 6 lpii9 70 he@ge, but a small be available without c is, exp@eqt6d 77 ovid a Pr charge. provide desk --O2f' searetai@iall arvount calculators, mited c without charge d clerical ad6i6 ft an 71 alloccttecl-pre 2 --Dr--L h nt of 0 he@"@@onsi d ot in area bout 570,squarO ft 2 And-three lop eclosets. Exper iniental@@kdrs other than char -oC-their-time wi contribute rilos t thout -;7@@lif ications 2 and The F,$ h --proi -u Teo -p to -the :2iched Thb-i@6l@will: be on -Advisory comitte,:e infotmal ho"will-rev-ie,,N tte gres6 of the workt offer suggestion pro 'about its conduct-@a d con 6 members; of.-this a orrgn i t tc'e are: C--c hief investigator Nill XIau@"AbQ.J v gr 6 eDoPht ersons h e ex er who- is ultitaiately@ resppA@ib@.le--fdii- 0 c c dit 2 p pers on statisti:6@@iot'noti,-,ics cqri--iod out -P -.21 Ar; the _b e -@id the. S2 @villir@g to receive and -gr!anted us 6hould bb e' the-fu ds considei,,7,,5 i.ax exempt by thb7U@-$-@@@tictit. VI@@Rel,,@ted '46ik -at Othei,, Universities. There are or-have-been research centers for -Duke--University, Canibridge University, h' p@trapsyc o3.ogy at City College of New York.-Iiarvard University, Stanford University, The U2niversity-of Chicago- The University of Utrecht (which has a chair-of Parapsychology), London University, Pittsburgh University-&c- A general burvey of the methods,and fitidinv,,s of parapsychology Piay be fbuhd in Rhine and Pratt (I 4), an exhaustive 9annlysis of the-research-up to 1940 In Rhine et all (13), and a general review of the subject in Soal and Batet,,ion (16). -lo Research Into psi-vartables,.has been su@nmarised 7py I$a nga n, 1959 (9)- -A- re-c-letit--review of-the experiw-@nts initiated by And--rson--and Tdhit---is-Van de cQstl6-(l5)2-- A Oetailed.gc@doUtit of -a ria-j'-or-reeeaPOh project in this is- -W Scl-uneidler & @ McConnell-(i -5) ork relev,-int -,to: th(,,,- s@tLidy-- of response-se'quences has been 2 done@by Pratt 6nd li,.12). General-facto-,,s preautned rel,4ted to@ES iind stlidiea--Of@individual-rub-G@cts@@are-discussed-in,( i I (14)unrl (16),- where Yiefer2ences are T lie idea - or-@ Using n@ultivariate designs n-grou p -th&-iciens about experiments ap sLta.:@he_originril.- --Som6 of 2 VI RMWTTe-be-en-discussed at one time qr -tl -h!-js-becii done::76b6ut@ @@@hr--r in -the PO t b-cit -lit e t lie M' S,,3 don@Ci-nath&MticaL-iiork-on th6 ex'perimental n t cuissed.t... aationed (@7)@-1"n --general rliuch useful -n or@l,,Ition and rf) 5 ation;s-wx "IV 4 References: (2) -@t heii-- 8 4pp h-,is b No tipp9p L A WI. @L LJ%A %o@ Approved by Princ P,'-Il ir.,/ stigator 30 M-OY, 1961 MMRk=4 FOR: Ml? ccva>m ATM'NON tbi@ 13 April 1953 the.Dol to and tb4 ext-- a iauthority-A tL sub@ sequertt moioraz"i py d Sig. of tbe'over-all -plvject ha-v-e-been-ob e ld t.-- -C et@ aex ob6u MiReseircb Bran8n-.b FM (MIZOAIIION Or' PtIm: f to oe raro cli Direct Date: -tion: Dletribu Al ig TSDIFASS Z -TSD/RB