P.-Oount or Allol -,,Co 2 of - 17, i,3d 3;, 7<@- as o9@f z I)A,RE - VI)UCHER NO. 2-12 SUBMITTED BY ACCOUNTING BY ltiDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF 2;CCOUNTING t) m TO ctiono on Reverse Eovmb= ,VOTLR. F.Ilow Instru 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNI2NG OF PERIOD EXPENSES THIS PIERIOD- .2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF PERIOD vot@C14ER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2NUMBER- [)ATE 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD- att4&bed - RECE I PT D.ESCRIPTION cn 2 TOTAL EXPENSES y 6. REFUIYK)EO HIEPE V 2 100 (Attach listina) 7. OUTS'T NOING ADVANCES END OF PER S. CAS" 014 f2t@P40 END OF PERIOD OR BALANCE DUE ADVANCCE A. TOTAL TO ACCI)UNT FOR S TOTA ACCOUNTEO FOR 0 diturem listed he a 2 1 CERT IFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVE certify that the expen r on and SIGNATURE OF APPROVI OFFICER n any attachments were in orred for official PLor- 2 :t6LIG.REF. NO. CHARGE fAN ACCOUNT NO. DATE *sex a con en redit theitefor has not been re--eive4, and t 2 Jo cotonting' is true and correct, fident@al nature, that paym tilor 2 this 7ATE SIGNATURE OF 0% CERTO IFD F R PA C) IT S N T rtF' OF PAYEE ATE SIGWWTU,@E'@OF REPTI FY ING,2 OFFICER SPACE BELOW FOR '.XCLUS;Vt USE OF OFFICE OF IFINANCE OCSCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13. -39 A2.A7 I$. so 51- 4 55. 6 67-70 71-00 2 33 3A 40.@ 3 STATION 6A COST f m ?4' AMOUNT All OBLIG. 119 A OBJECT 2 26. 3 S CLASS 0 CODE c REF, NO, pky OR ACCOUNT jy SOL ...... xC .......... ILIl@.IE,@'AL 2 -- P :R. C E DESC;TIPTIOPJ sm$P.DGC."*. 0 ADVANCT L 0 ACCT. P40. ,:U 61-66 :68-70 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 2 @0. E , ACCT. NO. ............... N ---;....... V:w DUE DESIT CREDIT D a DATE 2 too . . ..... .. :,TR, 5 ATE p DATE REVIEWED BY TOTALA FOR 8 ONSOLETK POEVID-JS M 282 41-40) 3 NOV 1964 SUBXCT s- MLTRA Subproject 133 Attaobed-isa--certifiefition from CIA-4f-- Biol-6 for MWLTRA-Subproj@@6V 138 Invoice 2- oLrd--should-3bo recorded- in,, account @760, v col 7777'@@- OC tob:Br 15, 1964 T4ion oi, 8 -urs -v ,zi. A4 rant rch a -xDe i t i ix e,.s,,,, ilk '3 -006.OD -n 1,5@9.53 2 58 ts Otli@r Cqs F-ii5e rid i t @Y)d_,_ of 'i@p - I @ s t31'@ 1 @., nt; it@ A alaiiee §@4 7 cc e e ere j- curi@ed -oi off I ED. r 1963 2jhbe BEHAVIORA,4'ACTIVITIES SUPPOR@T ]@B B §iol6gical Indicators'' Category_Phy. Vlb 2 qp (forr -rly@Va) 3.op=n:@@al Id h urements Project' Titie-@--- a-S Cl fi ti.Dn---'- None tem assi ea Project Crypto..@ @DKULTP, Nbne R-46 :..Branch Proj'ec't'No. 2 Yro, t p Contractor-. @Contract ltqo. MKULTRA 1 3 8 -@7 N.A. Contract- 'LT. T@-pe of !,!Kb ttA a September 1961- D te Initiated -500 00 $17 Cost- Septemb6i- 1962 Co-2ppletion-Dat' e_ Purpose': The goal-of this_ Oct @isi- Status: A number of ma-Le'r4@als-are being considered for application to the skiii--of-ir-diVid9u,,,Ig. Suitab!L- fibc-x,s aiid thli,r properties are presently beiiig investigat,,cl fro!ll the poiiit Of View of the above application. Requirement: Internally geiie rated in TSD. briary l,) Date,,@ e 2i V, Ph 2 I@,iica ]3ranch-:--- BIoph --I lit Pr ysical Itein Classific ti Oi"t Title a Oft-, 2f, 2 Norte Project Crypto crypt6tcle s icati 'Projec"ngintle Branch Proje i R-46 et I o.@ Contractor- Contract No.- r2'KnTRA Task No@@ 6 @te7@iber -1961---- Type of Contract-__ 7 I -nitiated.@.-@ 1'7 r-,Oo 06 Completibif Date---. 2 Cos t-@ September Purpose: Status: A niimber of@@ naterialt7@@ihg@@d&r@-d- fdi@- applicatioti@ to- the skl -n- of individttals-.--Suitabl6 fib4i@s-&@id-thdit7j@t4erties are present ly -7-@: - being iravestieated f,-oiaLth@@-Wntlbf@:VieV of t,@ie above application.- e,UIBEZ4FtiT SOUFCE - Ifit4MIly@-@@ed In 4 T;3D @ 4mwy Attentic@l eow Otnt Mwlog4d please fi6&:Ci*port- on--'GtOM-for R6"Uth or Vh"0"04 flor 2 Bio.Xedieal Instrumntatimos- I A rig oit t @tber is $1)65,0.(o for -pAlc4jabrou# Outs@tandi You vil Mt f" tqmtpmerAt,.@ equipm"t has- not been doliveraa --As a-ooa-,so dolivery is vAd ia$UO4,, YO- vill V*-IA a P"itlon to -tal"ce of this G"nt retura you the unenen4ed 2 t --- 11-7@rti7. 0 in ri age Att*ytion: ubmi@Llted 6-xamined ayid d t@ias lexpeiiditures. t2SD/Biological Branch, Grant for ReL;eare@h-of P@@@-f6t Bio-meaical Inztruriintation Checks received as follo"f::@ 8 094g.ot-I Deccml)er Febrwtry, 1962 2 4., @4-14 a 50 may., 1962 Total Grant Receive4@ Expenditures and Otb),--i@-Charilesi @--2p8L>1.97 Salaries and *d a 2Fellovshlps 6)ooo.w@@, Materials and oe Other Co@tr. 285,52 Equipmeiy.",. :3 En2cumVrance Outstaudirig-f 1 5 CK) Total Ex_i:@e-.iditures 15,,63o.8 Overhead 14% of--Costs 31@@@- Tot -a 1 2 78-68 Free Balance as or January 21, 1963 a bavo examtried Pzid aDprovL"l t Rxpel@ditures. A@& 6 T$D/Bfological Branch October 19, 1962 4w Dear S;lr.- This ou t -f or I tlon has -rec-entl- l@i@ hat av ab e y taken b' r the co@-tirtuatlon of a AhL, m St dies a Wei: have at aoprov4ed a grant In the amunt of $16, 644. 00 for this I>Ak!p"ell In connection with this very kindly furnished us ,with various documer4o relati tarv and-Adr'ninistrative require.- ments of the gr'antee and- It is the general policy of OW- 'lot to erfore in any way wi-th the pgMI4-" the i-n-etl- tuti2ons with which it -dwt@7-wo-are thet@if6re in agr emelit with t-ho-pro - ------ visions of the "Stat@@@M of Poli4" of qrgiwzation as It appues to matt!#rs of salary, -t3@avsl-rel urteme--mt-, budget.tatego2ries and the like. furthermore, wo-specifleilIY7tki@@e-tht,Lt umpowatipen of $6, 000. 00 iohould be grant for itsear4ch and r --Doet-or-6f Ph-it@@@ P 2 ' 9-: - study In the pu suit of the I ain forwafdi@ig 44r7 @check iti-t o amount of $16. 644. oo tol& with-tla umder"tandl#ohat this amount will complete- the- estat ph se of __program- . With beat wishes f63i@-succes"n-thit@ithportUt-area of biomedical research,we reniain@-7-7-- Sincer ly your#, cc 6;Be tember 19(>2 KMRANM FOR: THE RWORD SUBMT Project__ppqggR"ubpr,@ject 138 1. The V@@@jklA ntini@e -t7jae- work, of.----. 2 is an accomplished innovator in many instrume,,itation--and-has-made some-fundamental contributions--to various kind"fL!me4-surinp.,-d6*ices. R"ll work under-the direction Of t is' project. 2. As-is indicated-in-tbe attached proposal a@d--iht@@rim re@O@2,, work wil.1 begin with -eva -an attempt tQ -- 1-VAte---tbe possibility ofalwing the properties of7Ul@r@rious-inter-face-s (space-human-tiesue-, etc-.) involved in--'biological@sYsteti@ of interest in ways: that will@@ilitate----2,- remote p6lW4"ype-mea ment-WAh@@@f various-foms of incident sure -in other current-researchprojects. radiant energy-as-is being studied Information made-availabl6-iff-tbls study will be of interest id-@to2nnection-- vith the problem-of body-antennas, personnel-tagging polygraphy and other--- areas. It should be-empbaazed-tbat this pa@@icular approach., as-far as is known, has never-been explored. For-this-reason it is not presently----- possible to go into great detail as-to the-exact experimental lines to be 2 followed. sball function as cover and cut-out for-this project. As indicated in the attached propo sal@ the cost of the program f*r one year will be $i6,,64-4.oo. To this must be added te e -th $665.76 which represen e.service charge-due the cut-out. The-total cost of project for one yq4rvill-therefoi-e-riot-exc@ed 17,,309-76. Charges should be mde a6ainst All(>@tment No. 31P-5-1390-3902, 4. Titlp- to the-equipment l@-urcl-iased shall-remain with in; lieu of higher overhead costs. 2 5. Docume-ntatidn and accounting for-travel-expenses under this project which are reimbiirs.,-Lb@@@ co orm to the accepted practices -of that 6. Thls-project- will operate on an unwitting basis --e,leared inlividuals 'beyw 1 e TSD/Biological Branch PROPOSAL The investigation will be -of an exploratory nature# examining- - recognized, bi@t not well understood, properties or characteristic-I of n,iaterials and phenomena which-could-pi@@orm. useful functioni; in miniature bio-medical sensors@-@-p@tA@@@2@ted at least-t-o begin with the study of extret-nely fine fibers These filaments afford ti!@ properties of conceivab.le applicability to the sensing of dynataic rarrieters-of bt0l@@eda"ystems-at-the cellular and organic level Some f4Aaments-iiare@@@possess -yM great unit strength compared to the same materials in greater -bii-l-k@:- ]Due to their fine dimension, very great lene_ths-of tWfil&M6ht.§-cin occupy small space and have small weight. - T"if-fine dim&ii@@idb@-thould. enable filaments to faithfully transmit mechanic-a-l-stress-or pres2sure pulses of even highfrequency_with-aminimumof-distortion. Miefd-filaments-can penetrate tissue without surgery-and with a minin-iun-x of biological damage. Some fibers-are electrical_-6:.@@@@le. others are insulators. Some-tra@nsmit light, --w-hil6--& ers are opacf2ue. surface of filaments -can be coated .vith conductive, gemiconductive, or insulating fil -m--s-i- -or --with filihs@ch-caii-radiate or respond to--- heat, light, pressure, etc. These are but a fow,of the P@@6tties which characterize n-icro-filaments, - prope- r2ti,--s %vhich are apparent or can be- surmised.- Compared to study-of characteristics of materials olxr larger dimension., relatively little-'eff ---- s b@&@oxpended on-examining - recognized properties or-loiDking-f6e7iii@@@ties-or useful interrelations between prop2erties of materials in very small dimension. The ob ject of-this investigation will be to exaraino such properties of materials individually7and in combination in the context of bio-n-icdical xUY-IxLtbg-i tori.e.s. 7 ourator'y' facilit:Les inclilide'modern oscillo- Z7a--r@d other 'electronic instruments as well as adeqltate machine shop facilities for -construction and modification of experin-Lental apparatus. The instruments and-far-iuties of adjace-nt scientific laboratories will also be available as needed. There are available instruments for a xvide ra ectrical, and optical measurements including nge of mechanical, el electron nucro'scopy. Vapor coating at highvacuum Tna 0 bLLe 2 a c@mpus. - For analysis- and computation,, t is equipped with modern -diaita-l= and -&ialog coii-L ISO noted for its work in the areas of medical and IHO-Scie-WEn.7=e staff of departnients in these 'areas can offer consultation and stim-Lilatioli-6in- areas-of M-@utual intevest. BUD(ZT I. PERSOML Principal --O- Other 9)200.00 -oo-7-- II. SMPLIES AND SERVICES 4..5oo. III. TRAVEL AND dUWMCATIO6N-77777--7----- ----6oo.oo-------- - IV *- INCIDENTAL MENSES 300-. 00 v. OVERHM 14$ --2,044-00 TMAL77@A16) 644.oo - - TER ---k, Project and t enta to microscop2i Intl 0,., 2 &Monts a f t ensors --l)urini'thi first' terature s e@ ai ch was conducted 5 2 to e tablish the'iocation- or ate historically currenil"y'rilited-to'ifb' d othe era, o quartz: 2 -an r materials ai@d to mina,ture - -h c a edl'cine and researcn. ch found a I pp ication s -trom the 6xte 2 ere Sele@teci r' efer 'enc'e' nsive bibliog-kaphy w hriz,@ 'I@ The- primary, &mphisis w s, on t e availa le; 2 --'g elect r det I ailed study.' a b ogy o e- -s mi c r ckq. copy @,ni g n,.,ya cuuxii i-, a n t@ch@@l l eri,@.Ind2 mLcr66apill'@.ri 5 0 ament of vaciium a@ f' d 'Y'fine fil epositio'ri t6chni2ques.@v, technique or pro ucing a using su-np e equipm nt which was'available. i esd e' izlis 9 w s'i@@-asteied' "h' 2 men s- n klass fila t were usedto-a tici'@4te the s'pecific needs for fabricatings ser.ving instr 8 ve requirements 0 ii@@eni's@'-'o tha" ntati h2andlinw." and'ob tte f r these necessary resear tools; could be'eatiblis i@ 7- The Interim Report is i)repare or su miss' i the a@plicatio'n 2 df b'' ion w th 'led terminal report for. t for continuation of.the research grant. The'detal he -19 [961 1962 will be'subm2itted in October, 62 work of the year 1 <>