FIYITLTP,K Sub-1,Droject 39 D@Ate 11, Obligations Expen&-'Unres@@ Balance ti 000 O.: @t? c, c>, 4 2, rooooo! SECRET (ghen Filled rn) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER No. 7-12 2 47-52 S.-., 68-701 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 3,1 3 11. 43 "5'- 46 OOLIG. 71-90 .0 40-42 54-57 ALLOT. 2OR COST DUE p 53 AMOUNT F. A STA EXPEND t) R 2@; 33 CODE E" GENERAL 2 ACCT. 0. DESCRIPTION- CODE CA LEDGER 62.67 P.O. NO. PR LIO. ACCV. NO. We. OGJCCT IT c n c 0 1 v ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 . . . . . . 0 2 YR ACCT. NO. .. ": ' . . . . . .. CLIll S x "0. Irv cool- 2 x ;ow @o 'XPLANATION OF ENTRY T7ALS 2 CERTIFIEO FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT PREPARE- DATE REVIEWED By DATE DA'RE MATURI OF CE$TY$FYIMG OFFICER FORM 1 (10-49-) lo. 55. 606 -,-c Pi, v au. SECRET i 37., 9 9 Vill -4'ollc;w. 11, is ie, Ca IC c ,a a c'@ ZLT. -.,.a a; tirt@-ol@ @li3 n 2 l@lt t@61W ti t-@i Cht,@;.ei, e-f @&Fice&-p 30. Jtiro 19!,-'l Y 6 10 2.- TSDIRB TSD/RB 22 Ju-ne 1961 LgF-'-@ACRANDUalA FOR., Til.@'. suiliv@CT ,Crlp Rep@ort, Visit to ---- ------------ - 7 April-1953--- 1. Tf,.@e purpose of this trit,) --vas to arring-L-racti2ts for clostikz 0.@t oiect. .'%-d b-ceii giveti arrple pEavious---: Pr notice that wid lie au--ii %,.,as likely to@be tlklo V15it.- pro Ptred hiri-iqelf accordin.31 a.-l-k-was ex tillz,.t--;t V,/Ould rot be pla poscibla to carry over a e yo,.-t a on cif ckirreiit fiscal ye2.. v. \vould hiv-.;% to be co!-x).pleted and all pay--- Inc'.Its mad a a prior- to 3 0 T cci.-;)tible to hira, ard it was a@vvoc-d tz-iat L@W@irl i-.Atik@4 2t4y vi,,iit tli@:re to raceive-reports and atteiid to final (ictails-- oti 16 Juro,- havo a ctirret-I@ fino.,neial re,@-Art - u- he eat@Li, -:@fla th,,s*. -furids curre;itly on laaa(i @o2ul-J be a@mout su"f-clen". for re-t-,nair..Inp, @L-.Y- A re a. l,'o - al..Yrcee, to se&--d ttlie,- Society V.1itlita t@-e rext 10 d,!iys a inore exact 3t2ate- m(ai-it of balatice -ar@d estit-i-iatefl tried to ii-npress.o.,t etrotgly thtt trangfer e.i and-/ or re#.u.-.i of u.,zcNo,caded ik,,nds i-,iust b,- con-%plc-tc.d befoi@e tl,@o ezid of t"%.e fiscal year* 3. Of tNc, 30 @@@@-called for iii the 13 have been co--npleted (bat oaly 4-have transcribed from -p@q@@-ro3a (of -wli2icta two are addialli-on there are 8 ct-ises iA a,lrca,.Iy in irterview and 6 are-warkizd uV@@ ti-.c po@.nt of h,-:tviug the liSt3,0( (,IUOStiOTIL2t P,-epared). It was-agreed tiia2t to itieet tho Nlie would have to litnit the dooi(,,n to these Z6 caaes, 4. It is appare-it th*-Ltiom is ao irivolv'cd in the admitiistrativo problems of the i>roject that he is riot Faying any a@ttentioti to 2t@ia restilts. Siace to date oaly 4 cases have-b.@--on t-.-anscri'oed tz'.icre is no vtay of tcllix,.,j w',,iat is c@oriii.-ig out of it:@fi-&-ttwno-there were no d,-,trnatic re-actions, bc,-- 2 caur,,o the iitic@rv-'Aewore v*,oul(i hav,3 let Yvm about tiem ha.-l thay It Is poesiblo, t,.owever, tri-3.t our ovia anaty-qi3 of tlic data niay dredge Li.,-3 corxiethin3 of value, I a,.-n dtibl8ous oa ttile poilit. ilomm gave icne hia usu,-tl to-.ig involved talk oa the dlfilcul@ies he h-,,.d oucourteriid w'.iic-li accalin'6-sor the dclays. lie alto t-allz4d at sox-tie entall with hyp,'100111, go, a as-&3c-@ts of which a pitcli for -continuing - ara iyiil,,Ily Iiair-ralsiug. Fin--Ily ho inadt-- quite g;oz-ae t;ach project as2 this no-xt year,-- I'vrith reali 'ic. mooctfic de,.,dliAos I told hiri V.,a would 4-jiscuse aiter tho presont project was r-o r..l I cu- c dan-I we had a citaixce to closely vxamine tha ta',7,c. 3 Distributic)n: .......... ... ... C'4 :@4 N -N NovernberJ3 DOG colivor4-citlc.,n wit! a fo%,j w--eks r 'I ut 2 tha Now at the n oi-@Je@r to sofopuari 'the lootca. If at t@,,o2 r,u ure@ y n to eontinu,3 t' o 0 Oil of ti%e Proicet Ltrector The txy 2 lmed for th@@l@ct r-a to be rot mod 0 rc a v to a tir,-,o conyonient tlio Proicci r"4&f& WMUCI2I-V Ist6nce In-- tho or your 0:-I I Sincorely yourti@@ iwk c@ir-,a td ry- 9, 1959 A fL-w d- t,6 ask a4,olit the 1,@roject ed f oMr- @t*h, -fti- co s e a r c h 2 eq-klip@ the Cli@nic hid iou infoi,i@,ee, C,,ifo was in the-, two recordfr3 wc-,ra at tile sAf 0t6@ 2 Lt hp."3-,@con that- the )...ivo %@e wolid, lio,@,zever, thi? ices ors sent to the of@ e, In 6 1-TW t'rianits for-yo%ar cooneratiozi I.Ln- tllis matter. November 2, 1959 Y,o.T.,Orandt,,m for the Record subject., Fquipirent At the recuest@of Ilir d tie Ofab and S]poke wil ecrotar7i7ab2out one safe and two t As far as-she knows the safe Is in the Re@@6rder's-own-office-and,-t--- the two recorders-are--at the Shi-, also-stated@that-they@would like to bo able to keoy) the-- safe if possible@@@tie also mentioned-t 4 's no longer with th@kt had stated-sor@etirii&7in-the'back that,-he woiild be intere@sted in-purel@asing one (tf the-tape recorders*---.-. - The been awa,re that this eqtipment was-to be V.i October 22, 1959 -the Record - liemorandum for Subject:@ Refund from On August@8,i-7@19580 a check in the amount of $1,.356.26--, was received-by th@@@@cteposited to account 6 on that datei-- Th-18-f@L@@s--shown as aongy@@ceivod--in the accounting SO)@@st--1958,- - This figare is also - shown on o,,ir-annaa@ropqr@@@@@@@rt CF.RTIFICATION-- (3) It is hereby certified that the prograrn under rubproje 39 has been satisfactorily conipleted. It is reque3ted, there.'oye,- that ;"!i,000.00 on Invoice it-of sudproject 64 be credited to f;ubproj2ect 19. ---Thig-credit reprosecits the@return of unmoed funds. of rubprojoct39 originally charged to Allotci-icnt t-i-Z50Z tO 0018 Chief, TSS/Chei-nicat L;ivicion Date: 3 Ref;earth Divector Date: July 18., 1958 Dear Mr. The -exp4priment- desig6@@@@t-7-the effectiveness of certain medication in-causiig@indiv"Lauals to release@@@@-d- -- ir.- formation has-been completed in accordance wi-th the o2riginal ex- perimental des-I.-gn--_with the exception that-25-instead-of were used. This-inatte-t@@s7ditdussed--in more-detail in my--10-@ of- July 15, Abstracts- on all-@@25 -cas-es, -transcription.-, of LthA@-in- terviews, Wechsler-@@Bdllevue@-Intelligehae-Te@sts-given at-the--hos- pital and 'previdusl"iven-L&t:Lthis clinic,,--post-experimental I rankings and-evaluation sheets, an(i a schedule covering the drug administration-hdve-all:@be#ff7submitted to yoii u-,,ider-se7parate-- cover, 2 Er-closed-is a-financial statement which repr(.sen - t@is final aced'unting of th67-fwids allocated by@you7:@for us-4 in t project. if., for your re e -purp,)se, -you require, a mo 2-d tail@@,d Su_m- mary of wli4t specific profes@s,i-ohAl@@servic-es were,-perfofted or., more detail with ref6reiie4@Lt"r"el ex@@es or@@any other item,, kindly let me-know.- You will7"tej,-in this_ corlne 06j, that Dr. WMW-Vas@@- compensated-in an-amount exceeding t-na atd to-Dr.-4-im@gm-@ This was occasioned by-the -.fact-tliat Dr-s-- t;-Mq-oh - tim( the files and record@-7at the a@.nd iq$W Pris6n-selecting cases m 9 2s a e f our pur- pose Tt was fto:a the oases-selected-by 0 A. -hin that the subjects used in the experiment were finally chosen. -he Socidty I have been instructed to write acheck to 'L for the bal@8Ade@in-the account-as-of-today.- I would-like-to 4) "4 p >* 0 IV >-4 4) V) ::s .0 Ca F4 0 0, ts 4A 24.>,Z PLO 0 !Cli 0) f-4 0 cn otn 0 0 F-4 -w4 C) 10 (1) 0IL40 6 co0 t) 4->0 tei !@o@4 4-) :z > RMURCH-PP.O.TF,CT -MIT 3/17/55 $-5000.00 12/29/55 8000.00 300 10/17/51 0.00 16000.00 P fosiional Services:2 333Ul. 50 1(.Do 26 o,35--- ri 5 " 70-- .M*D*--12 M.Do 187450 -- @4. D 187. Mori,* 112- 50 2 .--222,.5'j S11LOR $9,,76 -U Safe 593,10 -T,,io tape'recorders--- 0 554.20 X D 6------61. 82 260-75 m co H Do@-- 2t2l @@652.02 2 5 -16643 xtt-a 074 1356,26. Siibmit bive examined and approved th6 submit exp,enditur6s. f 4 UL&NL T,@S/Ch ml-Cal Di' fal v on r t3 5 December 1957 M,F,MORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUJ3JECT Extension of Authority t-o Operate MKULTRA;@@-Subproject 39 Subproject 39 will expire of--ffcially on 14 De2cember 1957@@@ However, the progress of the project warrants the continuation of this prograrn. Therefore@ Subproject 39 is hereby extended for six months from the date--of expiration as-above. Funds are available--------- within the project. - APPROVED:: Chie TSS/1Cheinical Division Distribution: Original only - TSS/C yo-i for of k@.o 4tho It riiz@t our. t6@4.1oted li otir ctiock K-)r $5,000 In for coi-.tinuc--J f@ie r,.-cnt.- V-t'o lu2re Y" reoort c,-id era trp'ir.3 you vii 1 t"be too for u vi@it. Si y YoLi@at 6 Lxacu@'vo S Fnc-. I Sopter-Aber 4p 1957 m Dear tevized P-ec-o-a-nt o-f'-our, fin------ Fnclosed J.s-en-i -city to- of--AaSIst l@7-191;7;7@1-1, b c- e.-. out of -t,;qe ralt_lc,.l of tr,.at-letter -c@.rrived; vc--a -I -vL-s -out Of -th-,@ city @Viien it ar rived. n,,'iie s o:@ c 2 r -fi hocked by but'are-prese-e.ted iii--altekdd ALorc. as you-roouc-stedo I hdpe C-nis analysis- will @Mtisfy your-needs-, -- -- --- ve irector Mr. Balanc,\! on hand 1/12/55 252),64 Deposited 1Z/29/55 6000000 )3alance ori harid 1/i/56 10523.64 D I SBU El-@' T 9: go:ol@l iLi e-5 M.D* (5/11/55 t.irou,,,' 1/3/57)-$ 1200.00 (9/15/55 /57) (9/15-16 55) 75-@00 M.D. 75.00 2 16/55 .iroue-ii 4/2U/57) 2568.75 Offic,o- 23.70 len_t: -0- F,Ieatricily: -0- Travelin,,,, Exoenses: 1 55) 3 13000-- .1 a D, 55) 3-0 50 i-I D. 3 @'45 5-16/55) 20172 $ ]iO.50 3 F,ntertaim,ients Ilotel ---$--138.76 3 Overheads --71 Total Disbursements 27710 Balance per ba@k statement 62/19/57 $--7751.93- A CC 5 Salaries: T,Tr o@ugr, '7/5 7)--- 3375.00 l,i. D. -'717@'i---'Cirou,7,h 7/57) 150@00 7/57) .1 50 OCr77 2 '1/57) li,50-00 1-/ 5-6 -u7, i- (5/57 4317.50@ 'Trav - ----- -- -,aans s --------- 7/57) Total Accounts Pay,,,ble-- 1,6070--50 P. A. SPECIALIZED PRACTICE c@ P. A. IN FEDEAAL.STATE P. A. AND LOCAL TAXES A. Jul@, 2 PO 1957 Si r; Fror- "atolonto and Cdhbblldd-C- oko-ins@f)ootcd--b ries y Li roti th2e follovin- is a-rooord@::oL' Ciiac'l-. D!3burooi@@@durinf, 11-57 Janu-,ry 1"57 to-Juna-110, r balarco- in as Df tl;,o lattor da@to-of 7C)l 9%'20'! 2 --'.AC-C'ouiit - P,ala,-ioo I)or DayiM Statei@,.c-&-Lt. i lanation C i.ic ell-,@ Dirburso@,-ento D-,ite 01-ice@ Futnlsliod by 1957 Jan,, 25 43 637 60 Profo.--,oionil -Z-)crvicat, Jan, 2G 49 Lar 15 50 100 00 2 Jun 13 51 @73 00 Jun 13 52 ,5,3 - 70 I'@:ponsoo -and -),2ortod bY @o 2 9 2@A. 5 Dolai@oo por Banl@ Statoamt -Juno ---- IT@71057 7 751 03 tiioro A -i t a d u r I ul 3 so t!Aat balavico ao of - 1, @l. Jlillr2 #0400 1037 lr, ',%@7 7GI 1)3 @as Accordin;,@ tile f ollo-i.-Iiic -ciro. A i:iL:.t For Profo ial 3orvicoo ---- Chief @2 4 (j@rjS/Cbe!nical Divisloii Continue(i iioxt S@C4CIALIZED PRACTICE IN KEDERkL,STATr:. ANDLOCALTAXES 2 2 illl*v2G@- 1957--Contlhllod i,o o s Dr 150 oo----- Dr: 1150 00 450 00 Dr,, 2 ToLuc%l a b 1 0 (307 -50- r submittoa nroved tbo 2 ai nea aT-a ap@ hav e oxpend-'t-,IlccZ,- Cbief sion TSS/Chemle3l D.IVJ@ Date July 122 195 D c- NV' Witl t7,le auditor,,--and-the state--- 1-h 22. '!his ,,aent cannot--be piepac.@)d-until-@ onday., July 2 should be approxiviately-one we6k i@@om t'.@-ie tiile you receive tiis e iii-@yourk-,,ands irarued---- iately-- follo,4ing that date. Tho fortnoot@ing week of -JUIY7 15@@"xDect-to- 2 MOV6 forward vita eight rore cases.. I Will keep you informed as the dev-ei0pai@nts-@di&i. 1 -a,-a enclosirg- a- cooy-o-f-,this le o@.terso -,.'-,hat you may@@send-i you would care-to-do so, 8 v i)irector- p.St: I hope you rqreived t7--ie tapep and tran@crip- tions- t7nat-aw, sent to you some time ago. 3@?-j7 June .7,j, 1957 ..,ear- to receive,your-letter-of Jure 5. I extre@,@@el 2 acidit li@,ts y no"t,. been submit',Ued t.,3 ou-before tiis, -It not be(@ii lost in-tratisit. '!'.ic mmi wit-h w,.iom I:AO@7busil-0 2 ------- -- ness., a r-,c-mbc-r--of--oxi.e of t@it,. largest tax firi,.s in------ ti-ic City-of' is siiowed as-a-rc-slilt of@ to soto time ago abou@'. - tl-,i3 2 ano+..ier -coi-&Versati@,-,r, i4it'rt-llijn--on ovor-vory s -v 0 C lave the F-udit 2 ould yoli wil,@,iin @tile next-c-ou'@l"f --,weeKs, We -,&"our --to@,,z-tqcir wit@,,i t,"Io tapes, dlrectly--to 2 cases, v Execit rc, i,,,-3rcctor- P.S.: you will find enclosed t ch- wo ,pies of 66 transcript. 1 believo wanted copies, and we still have copies here. 3 June'1957 MI;MORANDUM FOR- THE RECORD- SUBJECT----- --Extension of Authority to Operate MKULTRA;::Sulspoject 39 subproject 39 will expire officiall n 14 y 0 2 However, the progress of the- roject warrants the continuation of this @rograi-n.-Therefo-re,-Subproject 39 is-hereby extended for six inonths f roi@n the dat"f Funds are available within the project. "PROVED: ip Chief, S D TTLIEBI TSSICH cal Division Distri'oution-. Original-Only TS$/CD RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following' 'i $lo, ooo. 00 drawn ount 0 (;ar,hier.'s check #D.N.441206, in the ani I 10, 1957, 2 on pa D RECEIPT I hereby acknowleclge-recelp@_of the following'- @h ck' -ADM4no6 in the amount of $10, 000-00 drawn 6on the at 0, 1957 payabi7o-io-t,@ atw c> A,,@ril 1957 VIA. ok fcr Li i -;seeo-- i7 For cei-yice, oleo 'fLt la ii Inv rul has 39 a 0"% 4%he-PaF.!!Gnlvs 'rid and cli (2) It is-horeoy, cortific.-I V)at i.1-ite iivoice api@lie3 '@6 1,@liLi,,roject 2 Uia t 4 39 1,@roieci;fis- 1553 fro.,i -md the extension c-f --c r I)ate I 28,, 1957 Dear 1-ir. s rkoving for,.,7ard at a ra-i-d -pace, For so;,j-e re ki P- 1 d-up -by- our- iA@@ - - ability to 2 ki-o@ --O,,&P pallwii@.rts at one lihose. 'llav@-, been resolvbd i)uriiii; tihe- calendar. y(-,,ar-1956 our ex-.oendi@,,uros were as follWb-t-77 2 -21 68,,75 Total i-,xpendi@%fures- 2648,01 Bal,-nee o-n I-land--2/25/5.1 79@Op'e3 -ti-ie prescnt--p@02,q-er@v, @@several of tiie wbrkers have r,.o*w been naid for -rofQss-'-' IV vdnal services, --.nd t,"iore will be ar. i@=1 ed"Late-outla --oi-861ietRl t.,ioiisaiiC,-,--'i2ollars* I'-, is sui;&osted -t@,tut c, eck_ 4 ,I_ tr I 11 @X6 &,.O J,000 be forwaraed lv,o tiie writer for -O.-oposit ILi I'll ac-0 1v6iy oc cc: Dr. February 25,,1957 Dear I7k"leased-to re ort-th&"leven-subjects have- been completeds and-tlie-t,46 boy@@-at-the hospital are wait- ing for worc--abstracts.-I:S69 goiiig-t"he hospital:@next Saturday, March ;2--,--and-will-discuss-this initial-phase@@of the venturo@Tmd-al boyqL&q@@n--the next series* The doctor--from s ready to join-the-party and I will send-you a ---pKpgress report later& - As a matter of -f&dt.,- cif ter I -return-f rom:i2-the-@@@ pital I will drop@-you-a:note-early ne-xt-week7and:@let know what the-boys had.--to-sav-,about the initial-run-through-, Enclosed i"-bti6f-financial statement which yoti- may give to Vne-auditors or-vhoev6r w6nts-it:@-As7you-can 2 -.I-have-not-paid see., our current-bank-balanc-e--is $79300 J.C-- myself for allahb w6tk@-7I-h&V@i7-d6ne-on-the-questions es, and certainly-when we-pay the doctorsfor-the-time-tti-6y9 are spending on the project now., -and Aien I pay-iayself the account luill - be- p another check, perhaps-in the@@@t----Of-$10.,000, be sent to ine as s6on-as-possible-f6"eDbtit@:iii@:the account. PI -p5o CALR-ALAR YE@AR-M 2468.75--- Professional S6rVi66t Travel and H6tol-Ex enses-- 179-^6- Total EX--- itures 2648-0177@ -063 Balance-on Hand 2/25/57 7950 Sig 7 December 1956 M-lorTAN" FOR: TRZ RECORD SUBJE-CT 'Extension of Authority to-Cperate NMTRA) Subproject 39 SubproJd-ot-39:-vM--e.xpiro officially on 14 December---- 2 19,C@, However.,@@h-e- progress of the-project warrants the cortinuation-of tbis program, Therefore, S-cbproject 39 is hereby-extended fo"ix-months-fr6m-the date of expir. at-ion as aboveg-- project.---- 0 A.PPROVED: I T'-,LIFB Chiefj -i$$/Chemical Division--------- Distributioni@-7 TSS/OV77- Original-- -Alt v 8 June 1956. DIEDIOPANDUM FOR:- TIIE IIECORD SUBJECT Extension of Authority-to (.),,)crate I 1.0ject 30 iN!KUI,TL-,A, Subu Subproject 39 will exl,)irp- officia.11), o.-i 15 June 19, liowever, the 11),ogress of the project wai@rints-the-cQn-- tinuation of this pro-rani. Stit-)project 39 is here')v extended for six-irionths frorti the dite of expiration Funtis @tre available within the 1)roject. as above. APPIN'OV"-,'D: IDNLY 6(( 'I., BB, 'tilef 8 c TSS/Clie-- cal Division Distril)ution: SS/Cf) Oricrinal Only T Yiare 2 19 The f ollowing is --aii of - expenditures in various areas, togetlier wita previous current bank balances: Balance as of 12/31/55 -$-2523-64 Deposited 1/2/56---- 8000io0@@ Total on D2eposit-- $ 10 523.64 Per Diem 2000.00 Expenses ill i3 ju-3-t ox-d.correet c-ad tl-at riywnt th,'@m,,of iiot y@,t bee.,i w4e. 2 Ubief', VZFC',-7,itcal Divi-lion (2) It is he.-eb,v cartialied t-ba. this invoice-applica to SuVpro,'Jlec@%f 39 -Lutdi@@r t-rojoct is- be-in-.9-, ezi4-,ried cAt in vLUi tti,3 dated 13-Al@ril 195.3 -4'rm -Ui4 Ly.@l to th., !-'D/A,- cxd tlia -e-,ct.-n,vion c@f tbia authority Feceareli tor IIN4(RAtIDUI4 OF AORM-I&IT -of aoreement is to set forth------- The puxp6s,3 of this me-,norandum Viie miitlial a&dniatrxtive rospon,-ibilites- of the prinaii,)al 2 research investii,9Ltor and the sponsor, Therefore, it-is mutually agreed that, AD The principal investi-ator shall-su,,)mit to th@.'sponsor, u at 6 month intervals) an irsor--ial statement of-expendittires of monies advanced for 2 research activities.-.-It-is requosted that the statement be submitted in-essentially the followin,,,, form: Personal Comoons@,ttion (Salaries, Subject Fees) F,quip:n,ent and Services q@'ravel Overhead' Contingencies B. The lnvesti,- .,,at6t --hall.-uo6n dompl6ti6n-of the program,-- return to the snonsor any imexpp@ntled funds that- had been advanced for the reseetch pro,,-,raTq 0. The investic,2,ator- 3hall-ope.ii-,ind-Mintain a sooci-oll account for r--ceipt of all funds advanced 1);r the sponsor,-In----- addition to this, t@ie investi6-ator-shall---s'--&--i-i--a--declaration of tr-List on the Sl.)ecial bank accou.?it.- D. Title to per,.mnent eqLzipmept-,Durchased w-ith f-@Lnds-ad- vanced to the principal ir.-46@stiRator shall te7niin wi@.h the sponsor, Upon cofkolotion of the pro-,-ra.-i-the sp i6r will in st -uct - the in2vesti-ator dLa to the method and mode-of dis osal:@--@- P E. It i-9 ac,-repd-,-@@-travel@@p-,ise.-s-inourrecl in the furtlieraiiec o-,@' the research DroL-revi and-D6-id by funds aclvance(i the in2vestigator shall bo docltzented. It-is understood th!at "dootL-aerted" Vaeans the siib-iission to the sponsor of the trip itinerary, dates travelled, transpor-t@,ition ticket 6t-Abs, hotel bills, and ariy other peritnp.,.it receipts_that are ilab O., 2 within the @ponsor's policy fteLTework.- Any e--h -t,)f otor of the Of the "A.@ The res---- --W7Y@@k@ 2 r-x@@s eWr tare aricl a geriera. to this m -t@nloit the researoh@ o4,ential- 7:- ,his project is designed to@ v 2 h tb---- that is repremtod b --f 142 atimift6l.-Sexual c a -@!Y -!,@rom 0 conf ine-l- ii"he located at veral-Mt62ftals and techni Vill be-assi@@@d -ind forTh,e,ir'i'- oii-eliciting_ propq@@s on there ivi4w.13- it is th motiV6t!Wfor vitbh 2 interroe in thd--f iel&@--@@ 3 Pt@liminary--discussio6@@tbis prbjeet-he6ve-t.-alKen-place betveen and the Se urity Offid4 di@-th6@@ I but no en started-. 2 e nditurcis under As outline XPO this project-vil no excee $30 000.00-fdk--"riocILofl-one ye@Lr-ftom the date:iof::thi"aOr46d@@@@ 2 Chief TSr>/Chemical-Divioion -OBLIGKTION- APPROVED FOR OF FUNDUE Original On WARNING NOTICL SEtl!L;ITIVE IN'TEI-LIG'-71-,ICL- SOUR(@'1-',S AND ii.-vo!-v[:,) t o.- r ci @2 Pe I'n consequence of previous discussions.$ 13 -the u.-idersi.c.-ned) aorce to institute a re'@-earch pro@_7ran aii.-ip, discover@!llg nc-,ir -m-4Lhods of attackiiic, the groitin_v proL-1--in of cri-o-inality i-iith-,-oarticular er@iphasis on the care ane- treatrrent of the--sa)milly deviated offender* I iiil-Z. enlist-the-aid of several- profp-ssioii-,l iaen orperienced and inter2ested in the field -of -cri-r!-Linolor_lty and or;:Panize a research tef.'-M,to-- cl@wry out carei)i.Ily planned scientific --x-neriri@pnts designed to throii ae@diti.ona.1 light on -this-diffic,-,It problem. I wl@-1 secure the--co- 2 ooeration of st.9.0'.e and city officials in-order-that the planned research can be carried otit in the rost advant-"-,eotis -,etti-n,@-,. I a-r6a to secure receipts -.for the- e'xoenditure of roriies and siil)rlit a rionthl.T, r2eport of exl)endittires. '@'j@tielly) I shall the sub,-idssion of cor, lete scientific p reports of the research findings at periodid-intorvals. In order to carry out the research progra2m, ant to receive fropi the sponsor sufficient money to de-f@e-y the costs of the Project for one such i-io:ney not to expenses rmitiia.IIY agreed upon and attached hereto. It is riy iw.,.Ierstandiiig that nothod of pay-4.netlt shall be c-as@iier's chocl,,c to ne upoii p-sriodic of invoices, N",)TICE 0 - i ty 7475 S:i:,c professional people i-jori-inp fifty d@@s per year at " 5.00 per dV (.-,@3700 ni,.r e son) 22.,500-00 @,7 'Alo assistwits, fi2fty days -41,@125 F,.er - day (-,@1250 per person) 2 @, 500. 00 0.--ie stenograplie-c, part-tilra-l@@@ 11500.00 Travel ,-.Oak, feti-ieen --,ind- any no c c sai-y trios 2,500-00 I-Tisc P,@x-pe-vises for eqi.,iprpnt- -.Yid other iteris @,,,Yhich car ot be ant-!,cina2ted----- Tot@-tl 39,,000.00 Ilaterials -.@iot Bud@-oted Dru,.,s -%rill be furnished and -rot pu.rcliased L'roti the Projeot-funds. Recordincr ecilctipriont i@i-i8ll 'oe-.LALrrdshc-d of the tvlle and kind desired by you. It it is desired to reports, correspondence, etc. in a classified raaiyaor, @a safe for- tliis purpose i-iill be Lurilished. to. yi@f 11'roJect to cz,.rried c,,it thirty-five l; 0it,-II ri-as o@;io hundec-@l ard ilt Pt2-OSO-at tjr,,o -@xo oio-l,.ui,.dred ".,I 'IO 0 ro -i., r itt o r iatl-l,sti-,snd of 2 cuoer" of tile Pilow) a wit i,:r the ',',Ycc@at-iv3 Sr.,cro-t@p-ry, of-"u@lie S+,,-Ate L@a,-"Lrtrv-nt C-.',' Iz!e,.ital Hoalt'@i-a,-.d- arV re @,carc:i projoe4w, is norra.Uy a:) -oved by Uio Co-ordirator of- l@eraircli I)L of tlir,, '-Iuate or 2 d it, for tlo i-owarell to@V.1 to a,. the l@obpi"4.-LI w.',iilo olit thoir investigptiois 'ili-o oT.;Jcc@'s bo z@elc@ated fizi.,a t@2t.@c, oi-La hunkirod and fc@rty-t-,Io prov4-otis iiielu-L4n- lioli-o@-,4 rorortsm P_V an (I Cial4 1-4 C;Lof if-a. -ilio ti, rpn,o of t@.0 D to- t ------- T--T ET; CL BY 18M5 thl-re I-s -t v,,Ida vari- Eub4cc'tS V@TIOD fl@c--3 tO VOX'T-'!ItY )v 3 2 citio-..l (>,C cofi follv@ri?- r-4ii aro b-u,,t-,Qsteel '.'or ti.@o resfiarch -tonr-?ti a p!Ly&@,ologist 1-,"i'.O II,--a e:,,tctisive e.-r a r@ c,)i on d@rjv-latioi-Apj Jo an autliQri"%,Y, on- poly- thirty Iears$ a Ta"5- for Y2ehiatrist, i,@io has ar;ent hi3 IiiC.-- :Lyi ',,iia -tho cri,-,Lin&l irca-ria-ccid :@Alitair.9 ttick cn3@f ilia,Vitu"41oa iOEor tlio c,,iIZ3 wii tre,-tt,-xirt f or tho st x@il-io hao a Lgxtro rrivate pr(@-- -it tir@@3 lio io Itio-tL-o to 1)tycl2mna],Nroi--. Po liau 4av7 !,,o- Ila.8-1-iad ext.etit;,Ivo "Emu ,,I t field of cat@tean2 cultm,.3 Orient"a 0"ue. -;Io ha3 aloo dono drug. 3.i,tc-r- ro@-,,,ttion -.rith crit-,driiils w@id h@i,3 In t 475 tri St i.'i'io is Ofl tl'.O-C ev@nxi of -Y3 prkc*vice-in ttio field 2 A.,nt- r y OLf PCYC" liaa lia;zl Vil@d') O.XTAIIellca -in lnelafun;,y dA-a:,v Tli ItnAi for the cL ye,-.rsj has hr-d ex'.cnsivo expori- i@-fith rori-.3 of ard a c-riia ed in Cixr%k,, 1"1 a c-ity a priv-ato -.orectico iii t;-,a fif.@-ld of IF bt5 of tlio hia o-t,-Vf ieio is r,!,td h.-is xis,)d dxi4,,,s :Ln ',.ii,3 tre-at- mrt o-f patiorto Prid )i," aivo used hy,-noait; i,-ith riorL-%@oal ouci,52t.-Ats tia,,ro no"v tr.-on selocted as )'et L@ut-t,-dt:ht -M"ilicu tio'd to iio,-otiry win 2 i@,o iTi-11 do a-11 tlie 1),--ceoo v.,,ork iii to lcr duti(3s. toz@,7@@, of tiio t.@c-WLor proio3.@,.)Io;v,-l P@tic@h v,-I,U Lo c@olactoti ai Ii a "a to. 75 ec-@olvativo* I.Potlic-r tean t-lorkcitic; on-,@-,io-Olsir ai)d a t,-,"- v,,ltive end irterro,7atioti I-at4r 4LIE Vil) and V.CGtatO of all I.,@io -of tdll- oii tlia to La uued and P-11-of 2 ejid r@,jacal lmoii- ladt-.c ao far :Ln the ii;si of thooo ctru,,a c..C the ITILI-.L be vorti:r)ltlp 1,-,xvo denied -&Uci@it:LWAS IV) of v.-xior,,n- 1-diiCi3 or Litrongly a2,56, d v.-t t4,_e ba-sis of tobllr@ied recorda, As f,-Lr dru@:s i6U7ii6V th6@d@ he Is 2 J -- -------------- c)n* ititli di-t _p u *Iion!i wit -U 2 Ur, -d ,!-nd a-.q 4M controll--',)Io ftao+,or in Ad- 1 will be-e,,ono:l bo'llix ol,-cnly A,(id iiil-l lo of the ii-ttarrcii-,ction .7 5 3y- 7/ 475 5) Duo c@,:ii-, ,,)ill t-0 C--,UatirZ r-ctllo,)S Of ititt,-rrof -litioti2 tk-g f tL- c,.s t4lita-ur, bo-dv.-ie. 'Ilia ro.%ults of liitc-rro -ation iiith druc-a other U. cluiiques -.rill r,-IOQ,-da &Lnd qilalit-&,,.-'tvo taid ro,-)cr,@lva wi-U I>o evalvaterl, Accurate a;id bo ko,,-)t iv,@)O-rts-will be sv@b- oi t,,io t).-tsi63 o:@ p-ro,,Iresa-w,,d co,,-,.ploto 97 137475 W,;o AGAN NSFJIITTAL SLIP 7- Mate) 2 m tio.- FTEMARKS: from: BUILOLNG-- ROOM NO. 7 7 SE"946 SECRECY ilGREEME,14T- .Ig understand that I may be the recipient-Of- 4hi information ns thp---Vi,6sant aLd future security-of the United States and-@hich belongs to the United Statd@@@2-&--This information and intelligence., together with the-methods of colle6ting7-&id h.,LqdlinZ-it.-are classified according to security standards set by the U.S. Governmpnt. i hlve read and understind the-provisions--- of the Act of Congr"s of 15-June 1917p (Espionage Act) as an-ended-concerniniz-the dis- closure of i2nformation relating to the NatioiiaLl Defense and I am familiar witr the pen- alties provided for the violation th6re6fo acknowledge-that 1 do not now nor sliall I76Ver possess any right.. interest, ---t. title or claim in or to any of-the informa ion or intelligence or the methods of 2 co lecting or handling it %,hich has come-or-shall come-to my attention by-virtue of my connection with the U.S--Gdv@6@@-but shall7AIViy@ddoise the -property-right of the United States of America-in-=wid-to-such-mattersi7@ 3. I do soletimly swear-that--I@Vill-never divulge publistf@@eal either by word, conduct, or by-any other means-any@7classified-intelligence or-knoviledge., except in the performance of my official duti7es-ani in-Adeordance@wit-h the laws-of-the-United States, unless speciflcally:44@hori2ted-in w.,iting-- i4-6Ath casej by-the--US-Se Govern- Mont, I understard that-no change- irvmy @.,elationship i4ith the- U*S. -Gov@@@nt-@Vill -relieve me of my obligation under-this-oath and that the provisions-of this-oath will remain binding upon'me-even after 2the-terminati6"f@-@@-services with-the-United-States--.- rioveriiment. 5. I take this obligation- ff661Y;7@@th-ou-t- &iY7!wntal, reservation or purpose- of evasion, -hand and -seal- In witness vihereof I -have se@@ th is day -of 5 Witnessed SE, C t" understand that I may-be-the recipient of infoi-mation and int!@lig,-nee w ic --co e present and future security of the United States and-,@iiif-,h belongs to the United States. Thii information and intelligence,, 2 -collecting @-ind h@Lqdling it., are classified According to together with the methods of security standards set by the U S--Goirernment, -I have-read and understand the provisions of thp- 4@at of Congress of 15 Jund-,@1917 (Espi6hagO Adt) As amended -concerning the -dis-- closure of information relating to-tlie National Defense and I am fami2liar-with the pen----- alties provided for'the violation thereof, 2, I acknowledge that I do not now2-nor shall-l-6V6e possess "y rights interest, title or claim in or to-any of-the-information or intelligence--or-the methods of col- lecting or hindling:it-which has-come-or-shill come-to my attention by virtue--of r 2 MY connection with the-U,S. GoverrLment-but shall always recognize the property right of I the United States o4.' America,, in and to such ma,ttersi@---@ 3, I do solemailttW@@4fi@thAt I7@kilr@@@iVblgel-p-ublish or r-eve2-al-@@either by-@-- word, conduct) or by any other-means any-classified-intelligence-or knowledge, except- In the performance of@ny-official-dutieS77,i@--iA77@i@Ah"wit"l-le laws o@@--the@@ited States, unless specifically-"thorized--ih'@'@&itirigi in each'case, by th2e U. S. Govern- ment* I understand that-no-change in my relationship with-the U.Si'@Go-v-ernrrent-will- relieve me of nif obligation under-this o.Rth and that the provisions-of this-oath will remain binding upon me even-after-the-termination-of my services with the United States-- Government. 5. I take this4- obligatio'ri-freely;::With@@UV@&@@tal. reservation-or-purpose of evasione In witness whereof I have set my hand and -seal-tbi6:L/O -day of al) -19s- l,litnessed by me this dL-Iay SECPX@,CY 41GRM4ENT understand that I may be the recipient of t andqr Ms the present an4 future security of the informa ion United States arid -which belongs to the -United States. This information and intelligence,,- together2 with the m,-,tYods of collecting and hondling it$ are classified according to security standards @et by the U.S. Government.--i-havc--re@id and understand the prov-,isions f the Act of Congress of 15 June 1917 (Espioh4g6 Act) as amendedj concerning the dis- 0 i - -2 - - -.. closure of information relating to the Natioh6l Defense and I am familiar with--the pen- alties provided for the violation thereof, 2. I acknowledge that I do not nowi nor shall I 6V6t possess any rightl interest,- title or claim in or to-any of the-information or intellip,.-nce or-the methods of-col------ leoting or 2handling it which has-come-or shall coma to--my attention by virtue of my- connection with the.U,S. Governmenti-@but shall always recognize-the property right of the United States of A-norica -in-and-to such-matters 3. I do solemnly-s@v.Tear that I@-@ll@@@ivulge,,- publish or reveal either by- - word, conduct, or by any other me2ans any classified intelligence or knowledge, except in the perforinance Df my official duties and-in@accordance i'lith-the-laws o!' the United States, unless specifically 4qthorittd-in writing,, in each case.9-by:7the-U.;@7S4tGovern- men'c,,, I understand that-no-cWang"-n my'-relationship-wi2th the-U.S. Government will relieve me of my obligAti6h@vmd6t-thi8@6ath-and-that-the -provision& ofL"is-@oath--will-- remain binding upon me even-after=,@the termination of my services-with the United States Government. 5. I take this obligation-ireelyi'@without any mental reservation-or-purpose-of-3-- evasion, Tn witness whereof I have set my-hand and-seal-this ay@of@- (seal) =j@C- da:,7 m2j SICRECY A(,RLP-@fFNT stand that I i-,iay be the recipient of infoimation 6 sent ani future security of the United States arid-which-bolongs to-the United States. Thi!@-. irsormation-and intelligence,.' 2 together with the met@odsof collecting-and ha-idling it., are classified according to security standards'set by Vne US,, Government,- I have rea.d and understand the provisions Of the Act of Congi@ess of 15 June 1917.-,-- (Etpionage Act) as. amendedj concerning the dis- closure of information relating t,6 -the National Defense - and I am familiar with --th--e--.De-n- alt4-es provided for th,e violation-tnereoft 2, I acknodle dge that !-do not-now- nor-shall-I ever possess any right., interest title or claim in or to any of-the in,formation-or intelligence or-the methods of col- lecting or handling it which has -- come or -- shall- co-me to my-attention-by-virtue-@@- 2 --"cogniz"he property right of connection with the U,S, Government@Vbut shall@@@@@wqs the United States of Americai in-and to such matters,-- 3. I do solerrnly sidear.Uat I-will@@r divulgp:i:@publish-or-reve-al-either-by- words conducts or by any other means an -classified intolli2gence-or knoviledge, except in the performance of my official duties and in accordance with the-la,4s o!' the United Statess unless specifically authorized in writing, in each cases-by-the Uo S. Govern- ment. I understp-nd that no change in my relationship with the U,S.-G6v6Ment will relle,,,,e me of my obligatij6@6r- this-oath--and -that the provisions of this oath will- remain binding upo6 me even after the@@rmination-of-my--services with the United States Government. 5. I take this obligAtion-freely@-without--My--mental reservation or-purpose of evasion. --day-of 5 In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal tl)is 19 Witnessed 'by me this day of SECRL-CY AGREEIIE-tiT C, understand t@at I may be the recipient of e security of the iiifoipiation anct the present aild f2utur 7Thi- Ur s I m --United States arld-w@iich belongs to the iited States, nfo ation-and-intallig(@hdc,- together with the methods of collecting and handling itj are classified according to security stindards set by-2the U.S# Governmenti- -1 have-read and understan& the-provi@sions--- oncerning--the dis- of the Act of Congi,ess of 15 June 1917, (Espionage Act) as amended, c closure of information relating to the-Nation4l..-Defense and I am familiar with the pen- alties provided f2or the violation thereof* 2. I acknowledge that I do not now- nor shall I ever possess any right, interest, title or claim in or to any of-the-information or intelligence-or the metl,.ods of col- lecting or hand-ling it which has core or shall come to my attention by virtue-of my- connection with the U.S. Government- but shall blg@@Y6 totognize the property right 2of the United States of America in and to such inatterse 3. 1 do solemnly svraar that I@vill never-divulge publish or reveal either by words conduct, or b,-,r any-other-means an classified intelliizence or knowledge except in the performance of my official duties-and in-accordaiiee fith the lwis-of the United Statess unless specifically authorited in writing.,-in each.cases by the U.-Si Govern- ment,, I understand that no-change in my-relationsi-tip with the UGS.--06!6rrimen'v will relieve me of my obligation-under this oath-and that the provisions-of--this oath will remain binding upon me even after the termination of:@V-tervices with the United States Govern6ment. 5. I take this obligation fteelys-witli6ut-any mental reservation or purpose of--- evasion* In witness whereof I have-set my hand-and-seal-this day Of s day 4 SECRE-GY AGRREII.LNT I I., understand tha t I may be the recipient of -intialligence wi-tien concerns tne pres information ahd mt-A future security of the United States and-which-belongs to the United States. This information-an2d intelligc-,n@dd@@ together with the methods of collecting and handling it., are classified according to- security standards set by the U.S,,, Governmt-,nti-@l-have-read-and understand-the proviti6b6 of the Act of Congress of 15 June-1917,,-(Espionage Act) as amended@-concerning-the-dis- closure of informa2tion relating to the@ivational Defense and I -.Tt-f4ftiliar with- the -pen- alties provided for the violationAh6tedf 2. I acknot-iledge that I do not noi4s nor shall I ev6r-possess any rights interest title or claim in or to any of the-information or-intelligence or the methods 0 2 -of cri lecting or handling it which has-come-or shall come-to my attention-by virtue---of my connection with the V#So Governmentk@@ut shall@7b ways recognize--the promty right of ed States of -America, in and to such matters. the Unit- 3. I do solemnly swear-that-I wilr@h@@ivulge-- publish-oz@2@reveal-either-W--- words conduct, or by any other-means-any:@classified intelligence or knowledge--except in the performance of my-official duties and in acc"dance with the laws of the -United Statesj unless specificall"uthdtiti@d in i4ritingi@in-each case., by the U. S; Govern- mp-nt, I understand that no-chango 2in my relationship witrl the U.S. Goverriinent-will relieve me of my otiligation-urder this oath-and-that -the provisions-of this-oath 4iii remain binding upon r-e even-after-the-termination of my services with the United States- Government. 5. I take this obligatit@h--freely-i without any mental: reservation-or-purpose-1 of evasion. In witness whereof I have-set-my hand Pnd@teal@@thi-.-(,QYf day of ILq' me this Ilt@r da gs Witnessed by -of --4,f 31 I-T FOR- Chiefj, TSS/Cheadeal Divis'lon SITBJW,,T MMM_$O@@@ Approval 1. please be adv-.i@(O that a sec,,)rity approval is hereby 2 -t6-perrlt his i,,se in grented on the following nar-ecl ind-ividu conducting scientifid7tO@@@ and tests as dirc!cted by-per-QonnOl Of TS$/Chemical Div-lsiono Fe wil ave access to-TOP-SECRFT---inforLriation. r attenti6n-is called to the fact that a 2. You security Clearanco d constitute corplete-ooir@pli'snoo with the rxovisions f o Thereforeg if-' you c2losiro at a latei@=- 14 date-to use of thi-s--.iridividual., a reouest for clearance to cover any Mposed-cb--Arge should be -submitted to thib- offloo. 3. 'this -olearance-becomes invalid in the -;vent the Subjects 7 services are not-utilized witlln 60 days of the dAte-6f this memorandw. ox it" r Distribution: addresseo - orig, I 2 IL955 F.-WDfLA,NDU14FOR: Chiefg-TSS/Chemical-Division---- mop SUBMT 1#oWsecurity Approvel 1. Please be advit4d that a securi-Ly approval hereby gr,-,-nted on the followirig n,-ze in-divldtials to perii)it-their- 'use In eonducting -scientifid@@ r666&ft-h--a,,nd- -tests: as dire-oted- by ------- personnel of TSS/ChdMcal- Division, They will have -o2ccess to TOP SF,CRET infom-ation,--- called@@hi*-@t that s clearatice-does const2Ltuto cor,.olecte coiDpliRTice with the prov-isions2 Of Therefore, if you shbuld desire a+,.--tC later date change-the-status-or-uae--of-these-individvals, a re-que-Qt for-- clearancia-to-eover-any 6posed ehana tted to this 2 ,a should bo stilmi office. 3. This clesranco-becojT.;os invalid ir-thd 6vent ttke Subjeet's servioos are-not utilii@id Attjin 60-day-s of the date of this r@.emorandvmo 8 icer DD/P/TSS Distribution% addressee orig, & 1 2 21 Yaroh ;955 M!ORLntnlt FOR.- Chief.- TSS/Gh&-deal Division STJBJFCT NOW Security Appi-ovalF, 1. Please-be-advisod that aowm*--security-apt>rovai- is- hereby2 granted--on-the folloding named individuals to porinit their use in conducting-scientifid:@@7&M -te-s-to as-direetod by p,3rsonnel of TSS/Chemi@6@Divisi6b@-They-will have-aecoss TOP SECRET-information 2 w 2, Your-attention is-oa-Ued to-tbe-faet that A@.IMW iane -,Witli7 'o security-clearanoo does c:o@natituto2 -Comt)lets COMP1 the provi-sio,,is-of Th-oreforei-- if -you should dosire at a-later da -the status or-use of those-individuals.- a request for--olearance to-cover any proposed-ohange-,should-bo submitted to this officoi@@ 2 3,@ This clearance@:tv.,oo-r.,os-inva]Ad in the'evont- the &ibj,3otls services are-not utl]Azei within 60 days-of the date of-this remoranelu4i. 0-@ei-ations Officer DD/P/T$S.- Distribution: addressee orig. &-l 2