',%IKULTP-k ..@Subporject-.,4 --- . . ........ Date Description Obl.iga--&,ions Ex Te3ndit,,Iros Balance ,S2 Z, 19 00 7 0 Iva j Ltay lljl953 Dear -E-rclosed-is the signed receipt-vihich you requested, Due to the fact that-your--letter--@.-as addressed to it was delayed In reaching te, That was dil apartment from which I'moved abou years'2@ago.--The fact that the lettet did reach me shoi7s-the cordial--relationship I,-- have with my local-Post-Office4:@::@@nt-address is as abov@--, I telephoned your-office todo6@7because I f-e-lt-thit@7-- by mail there migl-,t not@b6 titit@-to@;dike@@Art2b@@dments-to-meet this week. Purthur I vias not certain by-your--letter whether@@youl--felt=@:@@-- that such meeting ras indicated, Thank-you for-,the-notificati6n-that my project has been approved. I-understdh"h"tipul- ati6ns --I a-m--r--e- -s-umi--n--g-- 1 viork today. Sincerely To .4W ,alp 7 ICA. December 3. 1953 Kr Of t Y(= lao Enclosed is a check for -050.00 in payment the iteeipt to us- invoice. Plda-3o return With beat per. ional sircare y .@'IDVEY COriLIE Received fro Check No- M,13'0'196, for $450-90. g'7 MEPORANDUM RECEI T p 2 Deember 1953 DA FE 70:- Sidney Cottlieb FROM: Budget Officer, TSS SUB.'ECT: Check #I-C,36196 I hereby acknowled'e receipt of the folldwing- Check JW6196 in the amount of 0450-00 r,,ayable to for Invoice 110.7j, Subproject 4)--ProJeet IIKI'LTRA sioned-cogy(iosi of this receipt 7 Ple4s* return- RECIPIENT 2319 Qtrs..I TO DAFE RECEIVEO FORM NO. 3 66 6 MAR 1149 17 1.1,lovtaor 1953 F04,%: C 11 F4' -ludzct Invol@671-,67;7 7,,--'vr'Ubpru-ject4 @'roject, .@Invoic2e No--. 7-for is itiacl,.6d. It is requested that. - pay;-,r;n." -be by on e c.1 ror '@450.'VO'r,.-acle out to 'I@h,,, c@-,ock chould be cent t:o OD/T u, -IrAvoice 6 Cortificatioris Addressee - crie. up Cor-troller @T. 1 Z/. a t Ary. S/C.D - 2 4 NOV r 'ATION tIt is t-ereby cort-I fic-I th.@ t - this 1!i 7Ln ilo to 2 vo sub!,roitet 4 of 1,ro i cc ? t T- F'2, th,14 by fw ]-.as bccn ,R-,itisf,-ictoryj, t-,--iL t@.e -Koi@e. 4;.IA d in 2 accord--;zicg i t t-', t - no- that 4.-;@lis yet e e.,i :!lv'e. Dato: (2) nit is l@.ereb,,r oertif,-e(.@ @at iii,,,o I c a roj- 4 unctor ect i tf as ?";4k*@rbve@ 7u@d t@,it t, e r-ri-) @A c beer. (;a.rried r,-4t in a-@ (1%4-., 1 4 -th@d- WI e--%.t od 3 'p-ril ",95" t d2 13@: un o @.cnt is aut,it@ri,,,ed tnd rzqacstedo p 'ect 2 t, .-t thA, of t 1 is t ere., corv r@6*ram of R' ht@- been aprroved-- 4 of 3 t@rojeet Z.IY 00"o@41S )IPPIA Jgd 40@ll tE561- tPu?, ioqtaoi@okt pue 14461 aQqo4oo jo s)IQQiA ati4 aoi PQJ400401 94:IiA Receive Check No, U133473 for $60041000 -$logo-- C2-703 ------ MEMORANDUM RECEIPT U November 1953 TO; OATE FR O@4: Budget Office TSS SUBJECT: Check iNI33470 2 I hereby acknowledge receipt,of tKe fo'@lowing: Check #M35470 in-the amount of $6oo.00 payable t 146do"! for Invoice- J6, Subproject- 4, Project MXMMA. Pleas return signed copy(iss) of this receipt a 4 E Of RECIPIENT 2319 qtri. I T4 FOR%T No. MAR 1949 so-$a GATE RECEIVEO '@ll oj ILI t;, CA C) iq CY 2 Oki CIO 2 Z " ., 1. .4C rIt 3 4i' 8ECURIT't li RttiAT N t s f ae or-, t he vor k- %,t @3, I a rs:.% o v'i t hthe vi'u't -"hat t!'Ia bjU -Ml th-t _J:-. t arA Co- MQ", 4,Mnt t t rat,-): of CbLi to "I- 1.3 liereby-certifi- tliat thia inv@3ica -r-"3 3 th-o it i,3 Z -y! e r t i f i ea t: iz t -b accvpo orQ p rc,-3r= of 77777:777@@-- Received, f Cbeek xo. ml35194,, for $45O.1-OO. @41 October 16,1953 To For professional services for the- -wepks. begiriiiing September 21st 2^oth October I+th llth $150.00 a week ....... 2 .$6oo.oo V, ootober 22) 1953- Dear John: Enclosed ia a -eb- e- -ir -Of'!Y" ok fot'$450-00 -PaYMOAt -coidt to us. '.invoice, Please return tb6a@'r^ Ir--gardd,,X With bes,%Lp persona Sincer;alY'YOur -GCM, IEB SIDRZY LOS, MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 21 October 1953 DATE FR04: Budget Office., tsa SUejECT: Check --I hereby-acknowledge receipt of the following, C)i7ack 2#Ml35194 in the =wit of $450.400 pwable t 0-#-5 subproject 4 as payment for ilivoic Project Please raturn..3ii4ed copy(ias) of this-receipt TO TE RECEIVED FOR@%2L NO 39-66 MAR 194 Aduk .2 October 195377 I-=- OW, @IDTI FOR Cl=- Fntlk@,i'02 2 VIA: .MJz-CT: Invoice l@io 5,, "'@tit@,@ject-4 Project !7t@IMMk rav.Dice i'@io 5 tdr-:@@je at-4 r-ro J,-o M I I a a J% t: i c h .3 d It is raluested-th-,t-payr@,,nt-bo r4ade, by, c I.,,3 c kfor 4450*00 tdde@ id be -sent -to -Ob to 2 TL qeck sho ouf. iot CD/ -Officer,, th,.6ucih 7-15/13udri,%t 2 Chief Chomical Divisioai'TA t -a a hm n t.-7 T .1ldr@iressoo Orlei c s 9 4k 2 OCT re b@p cart4fied t@,:i tti.- Iii !!o 5 to aa 1,0 n its bill I%-. J-.ict-t tnd t,:)rr--et urtil tbat 2 h3a not yot r;a do A-Li" (2) ,I t tn.-ot7 er d t' oioct 4 un4,,, r1--,t o t -,,et Ivi@,- 1;e i n.- -.,o r @l@,; :!or@:ndtirt, to tbA 3 Lm to- 7 ito tt;o- ti,.O -ojaot 4 of i-i-o -iorot OCT d;pg pue 41E -4srL2nV 4qltU 4sn2nV 2u uT2aq s@igo,%k otl,4 ioj SOOTAJAS IL'UOTSSQjoid joa ol 0 -E a ao W,;,4 00 DRAFT-RVL/111 18 September 1953 OrWMU14 FCR-. TM FMORD SUBMT,. Amendment to project KW.TP2.A---subproject etion of a manual by4oo I. subproject 4-1,nvolvea the prodv. 2. The time 1)@-.rioa of th---oriSirai propo... w -dhich would -ex-oire - ab,@ut 11 Octobe s six months,-- -project based on - nature o,34 this manus mands that it be a creatI.Nv -than a mere rather -compilation 2 e a -Ing imowledge -FourylTs reason time difficult to Taaka-in-advaac and it is opparen -- t tbi e t a s ime that - the - - - estimate -4as ',oo-short for-the adequate preparation of this manual.- 2 the 'cest interests of the 4e a(. this time iim-it- It is in ney to ext46 and obt,-,in the best poseiblb manual-t@&taer-trial@o hol to t',-,e ai-x month 13-a-riod@ 2 3- It is requested that the origitial-six mootbs.time parlod be extended an additional-6ix r,,ontba. There-is no ebang@--in,tbe-original- cost estimate or tbe-orA'.ginal agenda. 1 Division, TSS 2 Original. Oay.- PROG,Rk%t AFFIROVED AY AMOVED FOR OBLIGATIOII Ov FUNDS: Resed7rch Diree or Date: Date AA& 1953 Dear llilmmll'&V"" I'Llbi r. i aat lea3t you as, a last time sa",f you According 2 _tq@W records.,_ your initial ea,%,!,Zate was montio., rhicli@@ OxPirO eoout'-Oatobe--Jlth. 1--t@-ini@tiatiyls a six @mo-a'hs exter@sioa of the oricinal eatimte, -ich shoil!d no2re than taL- wb. -cp-re OL' tlrie fac- t or. The-ori,,,inal cost $3 000.00. of which -is romlnin,3 as of. iiat (tb-i a of colzaa does not consid $1,,c0: 0.00 er the laroice bXp -3-in a fev days), e(:t to receiv Sincorely yours;- HEMORAHDUM RECEIPT 28 Auvst 1953 OATE TO FRO.4: Budget Offices TSS SUBJECT:Cheek for $450-00 2 I hereby atknowledge receipt of the follOwLag. nvoice #4 Subproject Check la33784 for $450.00 as paymnt for, i 4o Project rdMM* a IM64 copy(les) of 1this rocelot F-RECIPTENT eisass roturn.. 9 TO C titE 0 FORM No. MAR 1949 Receivod frcm check NO N133"le,4 for 'w-'4506- Revei-,re,, fr IJO- @11337,0,4.,'fOr @@450., kizuot 31 1953 Enclosod is a-chee-It for-$450,00 in payment of your-last invoice,, @-le 4 ;wll greatly appreciate receiving 'the r@@@pt by--r-etum mail# 4 With beat personal Sincerely yours- sidtib Y,.nelosure IA 0.",f icer 4 5r -bo Cblorj, tb- r"-4.h =/7,U ltX- t Cf 6 AUG 2 0 t @ST'D 4 MIW'A"' it la 1--irebtp.ct@rt"Iric-,4. tlm*. tj@,is ja Invoice Pro..,,zct t-dc#'vical t.Liell wti@C.U+.oryi, that tha vaz accomlii;lz"Lv' i@n vith the the,. this b-I'll io iuqt and correct on-,l tric6,v rot Vot b,-%--a 2 Cla_ jQf C (2) "I' is tliat-this 4 w@@'or 13ra'e--t r2,,% 4.ohLm3 filily r-r", ttiit tbo n,,-o to,--r. datea 3 t@i-i 2 to DD/;l datail 1-1 13 WZtl;or-izel aL-El.--re oto@i of tho SrW ,Or 0 r,4@bproj@.ot e. Pmjo@:t MIJLTt-k %-,%a boon 23 jx,34 1953 avo,-f c-o 140 3., subm,'o a t r.-Ojol'w Lod TA),Olc* !,#of- 3 f o r 2S,, ib -mcz t c 0 J (-a @J'jZ CM44 out, Wo !V che@ck 6'0 at-mal.i. t4-t@dl-.t to-CYL 2 GO(, AM@,q C b I a.. T;>S Att TWI' coe"l f Al on3 Dlzt 3,.,t' oz 3 t r..- MEW JUL .1' 40r. 41.DPIIIILV" t I-e,-eby ecrt@Lilel",hat o Is in, O' 2 by AW t,:.-.t tho iio-.,k is 'oeint" ace'. Nrith -tl@o rew'tt-.-d vit m- - $A.! a,-, 4v-h-iz bill r, %,i - t - o.-A a oa-rect wA tL---@ t %lot 'trot MCI.* to@@-sieD- ro.-,,;.,ct 2 ro! c t .4 ur t. D!)/@-,3- to Do I ha3 bOO-n Oa.-r@.0d, O@-@+, iU 2 :)bl,% e,3'6.c@l 13 t,-@oril Ir,536 @4' re (3) A-0 cot. 4 o@f t,,.en 5 a U JUL 3 1. 1953 Ausuat 7 1953 ar -it@-pdyt4c,nt-of your la-si Enclosoa is a check fotilooo.oo t nvoicat iving the roo-il>t by, retu= mail., We vould gmatly appreciate rece With beat pq;@@onal r.-eardsp sincerely yours# Enclo.--,urd KMORANDUM RECEIPT 7 Aug t 1953 TO OAIE FROM: Budget Offico TSS SUBJECT: J14L-00 in ths aMUnt of 0,400*00 2 -the following: I hereby @cknowledge receipt of tUM in tho vounttof 0300.00.,'Is PaYMut fOr Tnvoica Subpr<>Jec;t 41 Project -MLTRA* Please return ligw*4 copy(les) of-tall rectipi URE OF-RECiP@(M To FORM No 36-66 /ATF RECEIVEO@--- MAA 194 7 mm Received frcm C@eek tio. 4400 for $300-00 Receivtd -L'ron 1,To. 4)too- fo- c@"1)0 00 To For'tervices rendet6d for-th6 %Teak beginning July 13th,- and the- we'ek beginning July 20-Lhg 1953 .. $300.00. 3 JaY 1. VTA i:ot "f I.cor j', to2 Saproj.-,al. 4 or Tt 1-,3 mala by t 1 IT ly JUL 6 1,4T'D tb*lj (71 e. O-A @T= by- lAr 2 h wit'.1 *ho w t,'ila 'u'll'L@ is at-", cor-.-c,-t 17A!O. VOON 2 to to -13 ;iZ, 11 tIAt t,^- oo-,-*3 0--r- tLo ha 2 of - Pro6c.,-. Wz HEMORANDUM RECEIPT-- 2 July i252- *AtE TO: Sidney Gottlieb FROM: Budget Officel To- S SUBJECT: Check $4069 I hereby2 acknowled&e rec6ipt of the foll6wide- Check 1,V4069 the amount oft3 a-tlo*2 for Subpr<>Ject 4 of Project MKULMAJI made out t 00,10 Pleas* retvrn- signd copylite5) of this receipt 2319 Qtrs. I To FORM NO. OATF RECEIVED MAR 1949 7@ July 10t 1953 Dear -ae a I,- for Ie3ot,% 00 in zaymnt Of Your last @LnvOice is a a We vould greatly appreciate receiving the receipt by retu.-n i;ail7@@ With6 best personal regardai@X rerain., Sincerely yours) SIDNEY GOTTLIFB Enclosure Received fr(m Check 110. 4069 for i,30@a-00- 'Received f r<>m Sheiman C. Gri6-1cord) limilton---- National Bank rheek iid.-4069,for $300-00- July 111953 To k @,ree so f JqA@@ and June- 22nd. 300 1953' MIDJILet oi'f '.co r lp 1 4;o o,!- c a "r,4 IA. IS rtil@"'oA that ttis to L-ivoice L!o1-n- to f@ oi' cico co vith h --2 vit! 149mudwas vbat t"-,!3 blU la just cayl ccv.-r-cot-&--l ti%,2t ve t'Le^-a C'.-if it 13 b-!tre,,.y D:@21!0-u t 0a ro, c c t Ilk ':I@k IA!c'i v@-a3 dialy an& 1=23 o.!eet 0 dated 13 1 1933 CL@a-ti "-b4@ -XI t T- is bem'hy' e-ar'Ul 4--Liod titi aco.N ol' 4%,Iao pr-ce..@"-of 44'Ub5Mi-ct 4a f ti@ili tMTilA. 'ia3 @6 Iv L -.June 3-6 --1933 I have or@oloced c@h@ck for @450-00 to lateat voucher-*--- eign the enclo8ed recei,.ot o.,"d-raturn it to no, 1--= working on.@ dat,-- you reT@,-.stedp@and I irill-t4t-it to you ia a d,-@)r or t-.,oo Very SMNE Att7achmenti loo ve Om beck No Recei d fr ,was 3803 for $450-00. 17 F@ 3 Y. 90 T For@services-rendered-from-,"f,"&aY,-llth to li'.ay 18thp lifay 25th to @,iay 30th, ;June-'Ltt t6--8th- '150 Per. kooo***$ 9 A Three weeks @ DRAI,"R 4 i4ay 1953 W"IOM@'TDU,t FOR TEE RECORD SUBJECT-. Project i%:2MTRA; Subproject 1. The scope,of this-sxi7oproject is -'-,he collection)-in the form of a concise manual of -as--miieh--lD--e--rtiren,,- 'Lnforriation as possible in the f ie-lds glow info t'CG-Problem of solid,, or-ga a substances to 2. Vie inf6-,-tLation _p,-ircipally-from the oreviolis stu(Iies male by-. n connection with various problems he h--s2-eo-nsidered-@-- seems Well execute this study.-- Ha@@ ee.,i--a-su@@te all forrns of He has rr.,,vle a carefit'L'and ex-h&.lzst"ive-study of------- tiie bistor@r-6@L of an ex"%-Ien.aive He- has i"ii- her ser library o-L" old tol=es-in 4,.,his fi--Id@@ It iously Stu.,-lied 2 tructed- the psycholo&,f of and has in@Q grad ale students- 3 - Ttie period of itljii@@@@th'is recli@@st-covers si.-,c months from@the date of cor,-,eriz,-5ment of work -by @-ir. @lulbollard and- the---60s'vs will not exce i $3,000.- The proposal c6vetinc the work is attached to this remorandin. Oh i e Chemical Division, TSS 2 P.ROGRA'4 APPROVP',D--AIJD- FOR OBLIG.,%TIOIT R O@ ilkg, 14DFD OF FIA,'Ds - r c- o r Date - 9 Date- Orie,inal Only. S U-'. iM T Pro,' LV.,OR 'be i.,l tlA 13 77 .;a L"0/1, to A-OM A,,be Cc2t*,Irol"&or-cr. t.,@o '.-ro to co'i'or J"tts IL ism r--!% C r.-z -,I 9 t i b Iiay 51 11033 De -20- Th4@@@edt7@@t no in yo,.ir-li@t@@ kp.-il liati 'bi@@ii7: approve 2ancl O_- I by- u3, You-ar,- Li@-%raby alitho--izc-d to 6VOrd u-.o t $3.,O^.O in next --- rix months-in t'c---oxecii4-,iort or ttis wor',.. -fir -27&-Checlc foi'@$150 00 to cover-tho-last vouc@er Enclo--od ,i you subm -to 'L -c-,ipt- - d ittoi v ,at rc en return-it to me-*- 2 -y of A ver u3 to dolay-until J,,ine 8tli=@-i6kt@-VW-t vri -to t, ,ilternative his -jould be for you. to co= 14 on l@ay 13 p p-or 2 Very sincerely yours,# Ene'losure cu Zubproject 3.- 1-W J t t Pa:.Imnt Of IT.4"4,ioico ir.,Imicct Tho -n 6%V- -4 .1032t'.,l for t be in cat'4 'o ",Dill VIIL to 2 7 to rjol,3 r@'-i a wt_-ala!)Io to Dr* C-at@wliob by 4%30 Pe',Io on c-rl-'W j=-3- Dio+ c@e-iorit Pdiroax-o Orl.,, MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 4 Tuns 1953 OATL TO' Sidnt7 Gottlieb FROM. SUBJECT'. I herebv acknowledge 2 receipt of the following, Chsh in t-ho a-MO=t of ,A.,/*93.32.27 for L@MT-MA a copy (i *I) of this receipt pleas* retyra- -TURE OF RECI P! ENT - TO 3 DATF RECEIVLO FORM t4o. MAP 1240 Dea .Lioviing oUr-C-- er -t-ionsso pril thirteenthp-I have' -considerable houghte Below is outlined given the subjects discussed structiOns for the what I believe is necessary ad6quAto,lY 2to cover in -workers. .is' suppl-.r 'baekpround facts inp, mom un-, in order that a tou--olete@-novic the 2 r-the-proo idures "9 0 derlying reasons fo su gest&d Ddtt f this badk- e only, held by -t""Liose ground@viould clarif,f the erroneous opinions-corLLun 2 IsiMS, In this section who are unfa-,Miliar e,-- or-;.-:iocL34.ricationsp - needed would be given the alt 14 - by different types OL- ces 'In"2L'act or assm.-.ed).,-ast @tuati-.ns-a,-.d ei cuostance well as- chinges in pro I 0 -r S - vary. This Lia'uerial is-necessarf-in ord r for-tl-ie ooerator to-be able- to learn hovp to do2,thosp-@ things vihich arel ,r6du-i-tedt Viithout this-sec.@@@--- MO reader could-cet--,,v6ii@be--a@-lm6v;ledge 2. Detailed describtions of in all those operations outlined to-me"lso variavio- 2 es a rcli--L,-Ig to77@7@- Nihetber material is in--a-s-olid,. liquid or-gaseo rn, . -Included- -viou-ld- -be e,- lanations of required anl-L-1@6W-cuickly to-raster-77 such sl,ills. i@@6d@@ t liti z@ -it i t-nd e,: n-o-,m-a-,,i-i-Dulation i7ill be -vibich reouires 4@@w_qmw ot nor.,.ially U..;i:,,d., !Ior y rec,@s- sitin,7 long 'Orai@ti-cr. 2 S- ositively:--ali- Utz- scribued N:;ould be adaptations-o"cts-usuall-- 'oer"or-nied C67'o pur - - poses' Descrintions -also iyoiild be giveii"-oL'---s -1--U--i.-Dle---,Lrechanical dids.,. hov,- to mak2e the?il, and how to carr-y,-the-m-abou'rl. liil-iere needed,-aDy@lication 4: of the data given in-section Th"iff@@@onsuminv 0 2 ill:71@d - in - develo he adaptations-eliid part of Yrritino this--sec-ion--.@ modil'icationt of the best-of-the existin,7@, 3'. t ne;v requireinen4L,, s var et-)r of e2@,camoles to shoiv in detail how to make use of the ;r;-,,i6usly'desdribed. These would be g .@iitli variiii tuat:ions--@-.@-Pd-the ',7.%ys t(s ecovioclate 1,IVO- ceodure to meet the-variations 2 If desired., I am pronarod to start wor'it on this project iin- -1 -t th@@proposed Y.,riting in eight, I believe that-I an coinp e e teen to twenty' -@ie6ks. I uiiderslt-laiiii -it I-am- given this assi-.,@u-aent., thc.@-I2 youp or your representative would be willing -to cliiac'Z%- nri i,;ork at a con- ference appro)cimately every tv,,o i.,ieeks. Sin u_rs To Co h for apf;rl-od',35-x fro 0 c Vouc)icx@s vrill be--ibbmittc-d monthl-Y or, !)IW4.@t@%jy as the -Tiork cor.@irt<,nces. MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 1953 TO: Sidney Gottlieb CATE FROM: llud-mt Office,, TSS--- SUBJE2CT: $150,00 I h6teby acknowledge receipt-of the-foil wi" 0 ng., One check for the anount of $150.00 for ae ure se of servicoo and inforination-ia 2conneeiion-with "Ili Please return 1 614464 copy(les) of this receipt GOT.MM-IURE OF RECIPIENT. sirtmy To 2 A+'4'4 Inc< (I- n +-V.@ DATE RECEIVED-- FORM NO-. 36-66 MAR "rre.,eriit.,t MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 2 24 Arri-I :L953 DATE 70: Sidnerl Gottlieb-7 FROM: Budaet Office# 70,S SUBJECT: 0150.00 @;110-wing: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Onoi chock for-the amou-,it of 0.150600-for th as* of cervice@-g and-inforrL-Ation'in-connection vlth @,ML. 3., I ga 0 d4tapy(l*$) Of thil receipt C40@Tlt"=@" RE OF R PIENT To 5 D A r@f R C C@E V E O@ FOKM NO. mOL S 194% 43 0 00 r; REI@iBURSDIcNT VOL'OER' 3 0, FOR PURCHASES A D. ERY I N ?EftSONAL /OR EXPENDITURES ITEMIZED BELO'it 'WRICH A ED FOR-MATERIALS.-SERVICES AND 1. REIMBURSEMENT OR PAYMENT 13 HE9E8y C ARE PROPERLY CHARGEA8LE TO: TC 2 DOLLARS cm DESCRIPTION 2 of t f -@,.-,rvices and inforr,,ation in corm.-otion 2 150 L@-le to til@o Ultra sensit;.vomes of t Ili cow-itings are'not tailed -IC re b -a 2 oo .sressicil of T, t-.w vi Li with tvis voucl,.:tr but ,iill r-e-nain in tho , IS V., i -are be a-,iailabl-a to t,,z a-,;diVrs of tbo EC- -@@his direct,"&Onse 2 14 TOTAL "50 25 NOTE: ATTACH RECEIPTS A40 SUPPORTING DOCUME41S AS REOUIRED. lat tn2e ex!;envs itenized on this voucher and/or attai@hed-docu(re(its wer nect-,saril,y incurred by, me 2 1 CERTIFY tl i@ connection with official business ofa confidential matur@a, and that I have not tee nor will 'I De, reimourspd therefor frc4i any sou2rce, Governr,*nt or private; and thLAt this voucr,.Pr and attachment it any, are true aid cor- rect in all respe@cts. E OF PAYEE 3- APPROVED-. 2 MATURE DATE TITLE 4. 1 CERTIFY that this joUt-her has beln ex@3iiiined by me that-receipts or other substant ing data hs@4 been f ur- nished ire orasatis!@ictory explanation m3de or the f ilure to furnish sa@7e; that it a ars frc4n suo-h data that the itemi;ed materials services and/or e)kparojitures were for riecessary off;cial purpo , reimbursement or pay- mpnt for -A;hich is alicyau It under existing regulations; and that such c)-penditures Properly chargeaole :o available appropriations as ir4irated OATE APPROPRIATION ALLOT,"IEMT -i7lT-l48217FO CERTIFYING OFFICER S. ACKNOWLEDG)4ENT OF RECEIPT RECCIPI IS )IEREBY ACK40WLEDGED OF S 6 (OR THE OUQPOSE AS STATED ABOVE. b7A T-@@@- E Opo 53-500326 of C 1. Al Po ri e, A u ti o@,) 3 2 of L-y-, 09