NMTRA SLib-ProAect DescrilDti Date Ob ExDend,t@ure3 on Iigations Ba@lange 4, 12 April 1957 MEMORANDUM FOR: TIIE RECORD f Fund SUBJECT: - ----Return o s under MKULTRA -invoice No. 3, 2 Subproject 40@ - .10.001 - All6tiiient 6-2602 1. It is hereby noted tkiat $364.74 obtained under Project MKULTRA--2 Sub@p-ro- lhvoi@@@@is- being returned to Finance-- 2. It Is requested that Finance credit the above account for the indicated $364.74. m 0 Diltribution: 2 Orig -r CD -@@SS/FASn CD, (12 Apr 57) TSS/ Avg NUMBER it 2 ir DAIE $ fHIS WILL ACKNOWLEDGE-RECEIPT OF CHECK (V) APPROFRIATE AC(-T. (5) Lr v@ DOLI,AF:S 2 Dt. Ct. 144.1 Ct, 144.2 FROM Ct. 140.0 foq 4,ev- - le -e Ct. IAO.9 $If,'IkTUVE Ct. 2 0 102 PR'tvioos EDiliof4s iLA TV-3 ileccipt is hereby acknowledged of the loan of the followini two books: Technical As@ects of Che ical N@larfare in tha Field, Part I 2 m (Project Coordination Staff - April 1946) Technical Aspects of Chemical NNfarfare in the -Field, Part 2 (Project Coordin-atton .-taff - April 1946) mom, DAt47@2.;f il@ 3 I-NW RECEIPT I he eby acknowledge receipt of the following two checks: r Cashier's Check iVo. DV,.L7801. -.dated Septew-ber 17, 195(;, drawn on th@- 2 tic dillvunt- of $26 667. 00, payab Check Nd., 9 35938, dat6dl,6.bei,@.I.., 1956 drawn on tie p-' -e@m Of in ine. aiiiount of $I) 067. 0900 payable to the Date: 40-a 6 10 September 1956 FL@NANC C DIVISION Cif[Ey-' 2 VIA- TS!3/B@odget Officer S'Uj3J CC T, MKUL,T,'LIN SubProlect 40 ldvoieW.NO@@i"toLtnent 8-2502-10-001 Involc2*,LN-o 5 for the a!>ove subrrojcct is attacled. Pay- ri;elit slio@ld be niade as follow.S.. tho amotint of $1, OG-. 00, drawn on Cashier's in 2 -tecii-InAhe air-ot;.nt of dr Cashier's cl a" on Solh che@c'@,!3 &',iould be mado payablo-m the @lease fi,-rward the ch-2c.,@s .o 'hief, DivI. 1,>Ificer 2 Cletober tO5 stoi -ice. X 'total ef 964. i Tli!3 13 a i'iti2al invo u ed uii%-j4,-r tits swaproject dtiring FY 56. ilokvev@r sinco,it isanticipited th@,.t Qddttictial (Linda will be 0-btitlated for tlils project, the files 2 sl@iotil@-I riot-be closcd. SIDNE;Y GOT'rLIC3 C-litef Z)ivision Attach2.,ne,-xlz* in@loicl-w & 'r@! %T -@Y (;rig 2 - Addr@'s@ve 2 I'SS) CD 2 TS.' S 11,15 INVOICE - 00 For cervices $27,7346 - - - - - - - - - --- -. . . . . . . .. . . . . . CER TIFICA'L'IONS (1) It Is @ereb certified that this Is Invoice No. 5 applying to Stib- project 40 of MKUL-L@IIA.-that7Wfornance-is satisfactory, that tile services are being accorplistied in -,kccordanco with mutual agree--' ments, that a detailed agenda-of the payments and receipts Is on file in T;SS/CD, that this bill is just and correct and that payment there- of has not vet been-made %@lic@ri,ical Divis on Chlif. f!@, bate: t2) It li@@hd@"by cc.-tifted that tliis- invoice applies to 8ubproject 40 of MKULT'x3A whicli was duly approved, and that the project-is being carried out In accordance-with the werrorandum date(i 13 April-1953---- from tho OCI to ttic DD/.A. and the extension of ttits-authority-2in @,subsequent memoranda. Research Director Date: 7 -ay- 4 EUi, @to;ect ta a C-,: I -C- (I 2 AS ti 40#P --3s,iter's c@,io-ck t-.i awourit of ;;13, "332. CIO. t-lr4*4 od A@ Wn ri k@)rj r.@ada P2,%YabiQ to ti@ lots", -CL-eirii;@at 2 I C..RT!FY 7-t'AT'F --------- - CliAPCi To 2 f 001 a r 2L L; 1, T.1-4 2 L; F I ju;, 2@@@TSS/CD TSS/CD:iilmrmwmL (">o ulv I Q- - 1 1-1-',E AN10UNT CJF INVOICES -ervices $13. OGG. 00 For 2 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - to Sub- (1) It is hereby certified that this is 16"tce ANo. 4 applying oject 40 of PIli@ULTI'IA, that perforn)aiice ii satisfactory, that ttio Pr -beinc, accoirplisiied in accordaticewit)i-r.)titual-a;@rce- ,ervices are roents, that a detail@-d a&etid.-i of the- poi@@n,s and r@'ecipts is on file 5/ci) this core&a and ti,,i2t payniert thereof in TS has not yet been made. -11 i)ivisiotl---- 2 Acting Ciiief, Date (2) It Is hereby -certified that-tilis invoice applies to Subproject 40 of i'@1.1@ULT[iA7:Whielf:W6-"uly approved, and that the project is b,-ing carried out in accorda'nce with the xAiemorat.,,dui-,ti dated 13 April 1053 fron; tle 4 -at-id the extension of tiiis authority in - subsequent wemoranda, tioseareli D rector Date: RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following two checks: EO 56-. drawn on thP ..Off Lcial check No. 161266;74atcd J I 0 2 - 00 o f 5". in the amio@nt o payable to the ova Treasurers Cb@ck.No-- 63037 dated July 12. 1956, drawn on the in the amount of 6 to then .00, payabl NEW 'k 40 RDJAFXS A:iD 25 5119U L 19 j 1958 t 1'. N D V 1%@l l@'O r-- COIIPXI'%OLLUil i,-kance Divistva T F 2 SU -WZCT., XIKUt..T',,,A --!3ut)2roject 40, Additicaal AutitoriZAtiCl NO. 3 under t.@c aut'.Ijrity gratited Lrt t%.e- czeD-..orcz.-A'u2tu dated I;i .".,Pril iD53,- alroci ttae to tho i>!)/A and tf--.e e:itensic,,n of tl.,Is autlicrity. La subseqt;erit t,-jer@ioratida, Su;)project 40 -tva!@ proviously op2l@roved. 135 lieon Utider the sa,.ne auti@ority an additioi)-al %va@n cflf -(Cite -L t 2 to cover-tiw4 sul@projcot's cxp^,nses -,re,@)y tiriti- n u: a total, 954.74 fundi ot.@Itg-atod diietii- l'Y to ',so fzs/cl"elntcal Division CH/@ by JUN L IS56 I -'TSSIL)C Tl,, o'ASB 2 TS@/CD 9 fsslcp: (19 JL're 1956) IP Fntl"cided to: DO@ by out!, W. log, ority of. 187475 dzto Jilne 19?7 - 2 D !I A'F"1': E2 -:CT; CL -Bi 187475 18 June 195 TIIE -P ECO@I D--- ME.NIOIIANDIIAT FCIR. 2 SLBJECT: Pr,,)ject AIKULTliA, Subpro,,ect 40 1. Subproj'ect 40 wa,:. established to fitiance the researet-i of Dr. Dr. #A-OW @as been priniari eii- 2 gai.7;e,i in-c@v--a'lu"'@-ti@n@'ti, various testing t-chniqi,,es for LS])-type corti- pounds, botil in the la'ooratory and in nornal litiinan beini@vs. 2 - At the request of TSS/CD, Dr. 2wjgqmpxw li,-ts a.Lreed to under;.ake in entirely nev.,-r)iiase of research. St--ii,tino I July 1936, @@2iia 4 the feasibility ('f UtiliZ-- Dr. n re a,. e will ii Q t@ -) 'oi, vat-iot;s ps -nicills of 2 ing acrosolr, as a delivei-v SY.-3ter. J. yelioc)iel J. Dr. -xpec,',-@ to exl)end 60 percent of inter it to TSSIC @-is b2ildr,,et for t@,11-- investigatli,5 3. In ad(litivn to tl)e,ollove inves'Ligation, @'Dr. plans to continti,,@ 'ris Yesearch of the LS!-) 'LN,oe@-.ing ctffect of v2arious tissue extr-.1cls. it is t.)at th(- of ti-tis reactioli will be f L,)ore fully exit.orc-cl at@*i ttie results bo ai)r)lied to hliiran studies. 2 ected to represent 20 per- Tiii@> , .3se of tiie overill is exi-) cent of tile t)eoor -a-continti-2 4. A third p;iase of -1@-r. @vill be atioti of hi:L. stu@lies-oii tion-i.@s Lir,),-xrs with a view to-w.Ard r,-.,iltitiiniticr this test gro2uo.--A"iip- or-kn-,at,y tt,.t,pose oil' this group will be to serve as a hLtiiiarL expc@riii-,cntat 'lklfty f,)i@ iteiv)s obta4.ned froi-(- 2 an-I 3 %hove, in z@,dditio2n to ttd iiilic it.@@tinL7 rcq,,iezit.@, eri-tznatit-i frc)n. Tic esti.-itated cost of t!ie 1) i, c@ g i, L; r.,.. st--!rtirig 1 Jt'ily 1956, for a L 2 rierioll of 15 mont;is %,,ill tiot 00, To t@iis iitist'L@e added $1, GO() rei)t-esentiiig a foi,r pei-reiit z-t@rv@c@,- 2 to the the te--tal cost is not ex,-)ectei tc exceed $,II, 60 s 'STIOti7-l i@(- riadt,- a@liiiist Allotri,.crit 6-2.--iU2-10-001. Ilic iri@icipal inverti!,,i)tot- .5lizill 5tii)iiit to the spoi so o ice 5. A I r ( a ,-car ar. ,tu(iit of of n-onie-, 1.)y a Cei-tifipd 1--ublic AC- countint, It is exl)ected ti-iat api it-.i.,iu;il stii-rjriiary Iccotintin,?, will he DoArngr@ided to. by -iuthoritY Of: ette. jllao 1977 3 CL BY 137475 aded to: Downer y of-. lai7475 by outhorit rlate'. Jtino 1977' ., A09,0in3?,' 7475 2 E2 lgkd-&l CL B" 1-8 obtained of funds furnished I)y the principal investigatot- to the A- nofficial of tha of-c;al 6. 'rhe princi,,,al investifrator shall, uron tiie coinftlc,,tion of the 2 pro-ran-i year, rett-irn to the sponsor any iii@expended fundc- that h@-tve been advanced for ttic research program. 7. Title to ktriiianent-ecitilpmetit purcliaseki xvitli funds furnished 2 to the priricipal investigator shall remiiti with the sponsor, eycept that title to equiprrent pureliased fron-i ftirids furnisil*,,cl t)y t'ic principal inve$ti-,,Ator to th shall be re- 2 tained I)y that institlltion in ii-u ot nigiier"--O'@erb@cxd rates. Upon CO-Tlioletio-i of the prot;rat--n tt,.e-sponsQr-wil' irstriiet ttie investij@atc-r is to; the rtietiiod a-ri(i riioilie of disf-osal of tlilose itei-ps of erio,@r,ent P e@qttipnieijt to-wtiiel) ',hf.- snonso-- i-etaitis titlc--. -I'l-te princil)@il investi" -@@kri annual inventory of pern,,tnec-t eqtiiu)rrerit (ex- gator will sui3fr!it clu@sive of wlieit the -,Anritial certifieci ac@.-otinting 2 i5 subliiittede 8. Ac(.-ounti r travel reirribursed I)y ftintis arlniini,;tt-r,--d @@y i" i M"b, . - the MM OMPMW sh2all. confortv. witli the I)ractices of that ot-ga,,.itzatii7n. fravel expenses I)iid frorii ft4rids adi-iiinistei-eci b,%, the pritcipal invi@,,-itigator s@)all be docuii-,t-illeck,-ar2id P.)aintaitied on file L)@, the prin,@ipal investitlato)- fo@.- a p,@rigcj of tvio -.cars frort-i the clate o-.%( travel. Documentation s!iall be available foi, iv..spection i)v tt-,e sponsor. 2 9. The existing iN'.en-iok-andun-i of Agreenent that Dt,. has sivned will continue to be in fcrce for tite periol cover0@ I)v this proposal. 9 SIDNR,Y COTI'LIEB Chief TSS/r-'heri)ical Division Proposal .P. P Pil OVA",'I) FCV, OloLIG.L'.TlOiN' CF FUNDS: 4 irector Dow-.@graaoa to: mid 'j only - by authority of; 187475 date, Juno 1977 Ct, BY 1874-,3 4 jwie. 12, 1956 Dear4p: -the int t shol.@in 14p-y@l=Ahan!K-you- for ores, 'i @Fn- -T 2 I-riay-, for is yo conti,-itiation-of-the-project alon- the follo,.-,,in,,,, 1. -Aer6t6l-Stu(Iies. The therapy of individvals-by77iie@?.@ns-@o-i@@-ae-rcTs--o-ls is of great signi-licatice in-medic@Ln@@k-hitherto unexplored area of aerosols is the delivei@-y of nebulize-.,s -usiii- nonaqueous solvents. It is proposed that studies be-inade-of-organi-c-materials in non- a2queous-solverits Pnd their riiixtures with water to determine nebuli-zer delivery over prolotir,,ed periods of therapy. -(60 per cent of blidoet). 2. As you know, the blo4-,l,,inc of LSD reactions has been aliimed by--,iiany phc-tt,.,nacetitical t houses., although none--of these claims have really been substantiated.-- I'V--is proposed that recent investigations by me on 'iusue extracts be further explored with a 'v"I-evi tovtard discoveriii- 2 what it is in these extracts that bloclr.s the LSD reactiori, keepin,r in mind possible ,tpplication of tliese compotirido to experimental -txid clinical psychoses iii r,,),n. It is under-@tood -uliit this part 9 Of the proje--t i-ilil be dircon'vinued December 31, .1956. (20 per cent of btidet). WARNING NOTICE SENS;-ITI'Vvci' SOURCES AND F@IETTIO' w, I' NVOLVED 2 -Continudtion of studies on-non--- toiiard maintainin- psychotic htunatis ,qith a vievi a test group, as well as to provide experimental work-in a frame-of reference dia@ferent fror@i that frcl.,-.ne ol@-reference in,-,orV@@@ by itenis li and 2. of the fore-oinm. Ho,.-rever i- shall be the primary purpose of the nonpzyphotio t-wzt group to test the-resullv-s-2-obtained by items 1. and 2. (20 per-cent-of bu,-',,et). It is@@icipAted-:that the foregoing budlcot may-be-ear..plified by-bunplamentarj funds-to be received frota fou@ndationz. 2 The follWiffg7@i:@I@ proposed budget. Owin- to-the.,-ttnoertointy@::ofL-pi-3ns for-the fiscal year if possible, to have ;',he-privile@re-of-utjL@izln--, the proposed budt,7et to Sept:a-.@-..lbor -301--1957 r..r@.ther than to June 30, 1957. WARNING NOTICE.- SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND @IETI]ODS INVOLVED 3 Pro 3-t 29,950 Salaries A. Professional 15,000 2 1. Principal Investirvlator 8,500 2-4-Biophysicist Or. Physical Chen@ lst 6,500 B. Technical-- 7,950 pesearch Assistant 750 2 ----- -- -3 200 2. Biolbgist C. Secretarial-Editorial 7,000 1 Stipolies Expendable 1,550 2 Pith, clietnicals"lassvrare, photon,,,aphy tc-!Iephoi-i,:), statiuo,nery Exioerii?ie,-its on-MaTY777:7@:@@@ lt,ooo Pa@,iiian@-,-of subjeotd;7 food prol@essional-assistance Travel 1,000 Overt-toad 3,500 4o,oo2o -iriciny-thark-s and hopine for yo,,.ir Wi@h continued stipport, I am, Yourb sincerely, WARNING NOTICE- SENSITIVE INTELLI2GENCE I'@OURI-ES AND METVIODS INVOLVED RECEIPT Receipt of 410.440.93 ft0tii li@.-O a returii to the Arc.,icy of SurPlus fuzds under contract RD-31 from d Pary, the Thlr 23 Apri.1 i956 I.Mnrut-,;D',Y.4 FCRT CHIEF- FLfIAY,03 DIVISIOti TSS/B,.id._7ot Off icor VIA- triULTPA Sub,-,rojpot-/@0, INVOICO 3 A.Uotm@-%nt 6-25Q@-10-001 Invo'Ace 3 for the ab@Qvo si.;@bp_-Ojcot is attaohorl,, Ilay- mnte o.hould bo @mcla in ttio fo.,,7m o.'L- Car, h -a@ to Tv 2 2, The ea-3h rho7alA b@@ fdt oii,@;h Offlotr n.) la+we@- tll.,aa /+ i-'-V 1956. 3. This is a final -A to'wql ot @4,3@,4.74 w@-a --4 undex this c)rboroic liowev.@,r obl.L -a4%@o at durina V o since it is ai,',Ioipatod th-at cleii*wio.-ial funr.'ia vill-bc4 obli-,ratcd for this projec,-,, the fi-tes should n6t be oloso@le SIDITW. GOTTLIIS obic@f Attaohn-pnts: Involopi C,- Gertif leations Distributiort: I - Cor-,ptroU#_%r - v CAS@L, AY r] 8 @y .6 -A 974 For services - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - IFICATIO&IS 2 GMT (1) It is heroby cortified tha" this is InvOicO 3 aPPlying to I%r%ULT,"A Sitb,-,roject 40i-::that p,^@,rform=co is-catisfactoi.-f. that- the services &xe boiri2g-accon-pli,-,hed in ned6rdance with mutual @eats, that a det led ager-aa of the paynents arA rocoiots is o.,i fi:Le in TSS)(W--th-At-thig-bill--Is-ju3t --nd correct and 2 -y-7,eat thereof has not yet -beca iarade. that pa e@-9,Lcal Division DaLto (2) It is hereby-ctrtific-d th---t this lmioloo-opplies to 2 S,.tbproJL,ot 40,, which was didy app,-ovc@ls azy@,4 that the Frroject ic being-carrim otit 3-n accoidanc-Tt with the memorandum d,-,ted 13 P-ni-ii 1953, from the DCI td tl-@e D- th,3 extensioa of this authority tiubse-luent memorar4a.---- Researcii I)Iroctor Datei co NL 7j 0 tii Fa .milk *how., 1,-ril 1956 Dlvdlsion 1,,TT7!'-'iT 10:'l t 2 ioa z a the aut'.hority ervltP--A ill L%'l datcd 13 1953,, fro.:i tl%-o DQI *wo tho l.D/A th,% extr-,--islon of this aut.1)@ity 1.1 c-7.ib,.qequ^nt Subjiroject 40 r-as provioasly ap,-rovt-,d. 'vla-ier th,@. cz:-ae &-,,tthority an ndditional-r,!il of 'w@364.?4 has 2 outhcrizc-4 to covpr wibp (th,-reby, br rojeet's c;c, 1.4-&IXIZ to a total of fuie.Ac o'oligatc-d durli-ig PY to b,* 2charc:cd @,o 15-TDTL@ly RIMLIM Divialo-i I CEF-LIFY Ti 1,1 T'U@JDS AIE A'v".AtLARL,t VIP Date. Dirtribition,. orl- 4 ;a 1 -TSS/00 - TSSIF@SD 3 1 TSSISN 2 TSS/CD '117 April 19'6) DRAFT-..Imam 16 April 1956 yM4oRLNDUm FoRt THE RWORD Project /+O SUBJBGTT 2 195!i Dr. 1. Dufring-th""iod 3 July 1953Dtot3 1,,@ I ""NANNmbwk furnished a total of $76,420.1 0 @@ow Hos wwwm of the work on an approved M- ik (see Sub- a por7@on and 23) During this same period the Fo e.. nded projeot'Is 7 4 sliai- .@ a total of 084,605.3,2#---From the other phases of Dr. project there was an unexpended ba]Ance of 070820.58'aUM-g-Tgs, 2 two-year period. -Thus -th,§re -i&@a def ioit - of -Op 185.32 @oa the 4 gasam" >k 07,820.58 on the-remaining portio@np 'Mmo=Fk'Portion. and an excess ( .1 i leaving a net ovii@@.@@l2tVt"f 0364*74- 20 financed its over-ex.Der-dit-ure by aPP17ing Un return:d'7@ids@ @nished that institution durino,' the-Year 3 JulY -The entire ovt,.r-.2exoenditilre-- 1952 t,) 3 -Tuly-1953 under-PD-3'70 occurred d,@kir.q -the year 3 July, 1954 to 3 J4y 1955 =d ocourred ed fends in because 2 uneX.Oemd - - their total balenee -and lr.-.ItAed these fL"As when indicating to ow con4vr-c-or - gxperdeA- of fx'4nd. on @ #4 i that the ED-37 2 hand. The intcirnal dif@cu@i@ created for is fu--ds furniched in 1952-53 vast be accounted fo.--.-oparatelv from the @2(ULTRA funds f"nichfd azter 3 July 1953- 3, For@@ity reasons the-re is no way to re2cover the f d -H6so'tal exponded in--excess of uli4t they received eJEter, I'll'ol-im e ---3-W!953. The-se funds were all expended in legitimate activiti s in coa-aectio2n with-an approved KM4-RA project. current FY 56 f'tinds is therefore 4. A total of 036.1*. 7/t of raod agaiftst kate-fdt@-RD-37-funde-which were ex-pe required to com-.0en- an approved proi eat-. 5. A ewmuy of pavments and ex?enditures from 3 Tuly 1952 to 3July 1955 Is attached's 6. The Ab6V6--"edures wexe-approved by Mri @7%M.TRA auditor for 1956, at a meetir%4 attended by,9@@@ P. -2 on and W* 56 Chief TSS/Cbemioal Division 0 Attachrent: ---summary of Payments and p*enditures APPROVED: R,-, 0 e original only suria" !2f-Lanents and EnenditUel 1, D=ing the yeS.LLuly 1952 to 3 July 1953 a total of $49..500.00 -.,as paid t Hoopit or RD-37. A total of $39tO59.07 was expend an unexpended amount of 2 $10,440.93. Since at the conolusloa of this period the funding mechanism was changed, it is necessary.to rcsturn to the Agency $10,"0.93 earmarked as a return of RD-37 furide.- 2. Following 3 Tuly'1953'ihe activitJLes at &spital were included as a portiono ts set up for, Funds v,@r !r.ovide-d to Dr. who in prov di;d a pdrtioncol@- to Hospital-in t nnm o the graning Foundation, See attached table for a eu=W -of these paymeats and expenditures. 3. Since 2$10,440.93'must'be returned to PD-370 it will come from the following sources,. Excess from 'for 3-yeAr period, 5. Ekeeas fro r 2-yea,- poriod Allotment from ID(ULTRA 5 $10,440.93 Tabl--, Svrmrar-Y or Paymento &rtd-P,%MeniitvrP, Period of Total L @en4e4 by' Balance for 2Payment Total pe.Aed in Balance for Portion Paid at FY Of tc, Paid to Paymeat paywnt to PPW Fundp. RP@2lo mmmmmm- Period Per-iod i2n iii -P@ i.od Pori 1953 3 JulY 153 $85,150-00 $81,279.68 $3,870.32 $50,250-00 $49,,542.80 707.20 to Jul-y 154 2 -8 1954 3 JulY, s 54 72,660.01 68,709.75 3,950.26 26,170.00 35,062.52 P892.52 to 3 JulY 155 48,185.,32 (deficit) Balance for two-year period 2 $70820.58 Excess 52-53 $10,41+0.93 Deficit 53-55 Excess for 3-yr. period $ 20255-61 Z3 E3 Total E,,cp@:!rtditure Yy 1955 $41,6oo.oo F'i 1956 FLi-tids to be Al-ithor,@zed Not December 2, 1955 ear Sir: D We have exariined vour chee! book and ',,,-ank st at e-r-.iejit s --M- - -- !So , rol,-,tive @to the 2 d. sub;-;lit here-.-.-.lth a for k-/he and'i:LsoLirsecients period froz@ July-4, 1951@ -o@ jLll-%Ir 31 1955. Receipts and disblirs ar!iert s -ilor thi-s f and t. in a @@Le c 0 nt tl).e I r, oltr oi)inion ,t'.@le ac'not.lpa-tlyiiig "'t@ate.,@iort of 0,-, s h RaceiT,ts -t rLd Disbax-se,@,,.@ien-us correctly sets fortli oll t,t, a,-1 s a c ton t for tl-,.o ri3cal Yc.-az--6nde,-l it,@ly 3p 10,55, as as -4-.he Lin--.-,.peided bal,-.iiee ci d,-posi-t as of July 3,, 195')* Re3pec-ufully sub.'.Rittee., B BUi-U,!iLiY STAT -Li@@l-IT OF c 0 -D JUJi'l3 FO'il Tli@- li'ISCAL YI-,AR E'4Di,, -125@ 'ash Balance JulY-3t 1954 3s870-32 t july @l, :L954 @2l@p220.00 2.0151+ 16;146.67 ,'an-ua.ry 28, 1955 6.67 16,14 %16 14,6.67. .;-larch If,' 1955 2 Total Cash Receipts 22,660.01 76l53O.33 i)-i! u r s a,, c n t s "-'r n s f c r 7- si)ita:L %@22, 1770.00 000.200 46o770-00 I PI e rl. s -'I s.Eao"- L 7s999-0/5 S--laries .--,8riO.55 Consultif4- i on i-e o s 450'C)C) Ilqui-pii-,nt Supplies Purchased 11583:,0,3 TrazisDort- 2 co3t of @@,ls .ition and other 7xpenses provided for subjects anti Doctors 41256*17 Telephore 498.00 Expeiibes ir. connection ;iith -,,xbli-c,-x+.i-o.@i of technical 1) C-Apers 2t4OO.OO Audit e 2 150-00 02 19,215@2Z :@,,alpractice Insurance Total Cash Disbursenients Cash Bal'ance JLLIY 3, 'L955 @10,541+.56 I!ote: On Sop@,etiber 'r-6 1955, an addition i@!lw 5 o ,,2_1121.2@8. trin@.,,,forred to the 'f(-r the e ul-Y 3, 1(,155. coo* M D. Summary Statement of C,-tsh Receipts and Disbursements Special Account '3, 1956 July 3, 1955 to January Cash Balance July 3, 21955 7,820.5@ Ca,sh'iReceioto 7/25/55, $10,000 en 9/6/53, 158.70 11/12/55, 2 10,000 20,158.70 Z7,979@28 .-Tr,4.nsfer of Funds $15,@914.89 H soitnl, Partial 693.00 16,607.89 a F u nl- e n s e s 2 S,-41ary, 1COk M. D 4,249.98 S-alaries, Other 548.31 Supplies 11.00 Drugs' for Exl3eriments 161.30 Stibjectal fees and e"enses 1,015.05 Re2imburs,--rAent t ion, of transportat' C n-Leals: and cost of running experin-ients .233.19 Advance on Salar to y (Reinibursed 9/6/55) 158.70 2 Telephone 185.84 Audit Fee 150.00 6,715.37 Total Cash Disbursements 23,3?,@.26 Cash Balince January 3, 1956 $ 4, 6 5 k4i@ Vo MEMORANDUtl RECEIPT i4 iuL DATE TO,. F R 014: SUBJECT: 2 I hereby ae otyledge receipt of the followinf,: C3F REC@Elvt"- L4 V-1 L 0 K rrAA7 7 AMC,-ul,1-1- [IF Please return signed COPY(ie&) Of this receipt RECIPIENT TO FORM fl.0. 36-66 E RECE'VED MAR t94S 2 ITECEIPT I hereby acknowled-e receipt ot check ii"i@'ul-201115 dated 11 JUIY 1955 n h6 ara6unt ol' drawn o $26,666.67, pa)@able 'o the 8 Date-. cr% CD 0 2 kA C+ IL+ kT) 7 C+ "Wftmm. New co, txj 0 1A%L' Ao- t C,;ficez. ril il-11 2 2 foz 1,-zte "ny W-,c,unt c,- o C.1 !.a' cw 2 t-a c-a oi [k t tc% t s,., 1 N 2 A,,.'13 LNT U-i F, 0 Oi 14;1 tq 2 TS.';/FAST- 'I- H F- leA.(. 2 -TSS/rl) 7 k it 27 @une 1955 For of,,rvi-.oa nT T, -r Tzk T I C. i'.;'S (I) it is hereby cort'L f jo.-I that tb-is JS Ir-,VOiC,3 'i'102 to S,,,O,;rrojec"' 40 of that ror:@ori=ce i;@; factol7@ i t t@ia aro -1 Li:@a @r-c t,-,.q-- adf;t-a-iled of tho po@@--,acnts vith T.,@I a, -crzi- 't 2 tliat t sbi.11 is j-ust and cor@iect, V;..,at -L coa n@L ti@,crool i7-@s not ye-b -id,-. Date-. (2) I' is hc-,-eL-@-y certif icd ti-@a:t this invoice at,)Iios to jb- ks project F-.,ojoot !,:,@-UT I-elJ@eli t:-,As d7J-1 appro-.rccl t-h,,it ti@.f,, p-y->JQ@,t is boirm carrie,-l o,,it in accord--moo v@,.2@0,i th.-o (k.2-ri date.-I 13 il l-)53 fi-Q r --I tlio L'@,V'l to th,--N rlL the cx:@:teasion of tlils aiittiority ii mbsequc@--.it wlcrwida. Datet 2 Eaior-ti@h Di@! ator MCEIIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following two (2) checks: Check d-retwn on the 682 _3@.p the amount oi $13,333- to e Check cliawn on the No. G- 68 in the eziount of $533-33, payable to th Date: Y/,, 4v 049% IM,40RA,@DLR4 ()F ArREE@,MiT The pirpose of this 1,14(,,-nor,-Andura of A-reempnt i-S to set forth tho,- 2 LI mutilql a(ininistrative responsibilities of thk- principal research in- vestigator and the sponsor. Therefore it is mutually agreed that, Ths. p,-Iziclpal lntestigator shall submit to the sponsor once a year an 'al. t of expenditures of moiii(,s by a-Cer2tified Public Ac- -if or.-ea --.Lxaary statement of expenditures as of the colintant a@n4 an ii -I s six-month point. It is exppoted that &-i annual sLtqn-sLry accountin,,a, will be obtained of fu-riis fl)z-nl,shed by@ the pri-2nelpal investigator th-, ani by an o-ff oi or g aiii-z -al-f o-d. /B. The princip,,tl irivestioator shall uoon the completion of the i pro,-,rain,retitrn to th,2@ sponsor any unexpenled funis that @Ave been ad- vanced for *,he research pro7r am. 0. The investigator shall open and maintain a special bank account for receipt of all funds adv&,need-by the sponsor. In addition to this, the itivesti-ator shall sign a Declaration of Trust on the special bank 2 at-,co-tint. /D. Title to per.-rianent c,,qulp,-nfnt ptirchased with funds fkwnisqed to the p,.,incipal iivestigator shall remain with ths sponsor, exoept that title to e-qttipiap-.,it r.,,tLrchast-d froa furids- furnish2ed by LhP.2 'D,I LA cipa J,nvesticator to the or 0 - Hospital shall be retained by,tho-se ins'#,itr,'V,01.lwswin@lieu of higher over- hea2d i-atsq. Upon co,-ul)letion of th-- progra:,n the sponsor will instruct the l.nvestic,.,itor as to thc- m,-,thod aai@l modp of disposal of those items of permanent equ;-ptent to 4'nich the sponsor retains title. /F A-,-ou ravel reimbursed by funds ad--ninistered bv the, J'P"W"I n.7 f ,r@ t., shall conforra with the practices Ism of tha'%# orge,.nization. liavel expensps paid fro@m funds aim-inistl-red by the principal i4vestioator snall be1 documented and 7La4-ntained on file by the principal investigator for a period of two years froni the date of travel. Documentation shall be available for ins.Dection by the sponsor. F. Technical reports on research progress will be submitted at 'periods specified by the spoti;'sor, Date-. DMLARATIO@'I OF 'I-7RUST EIOW ALL IM BY TR-LSE P,,FSD4TS: That I hereby ac'.,cnoul-od,7-a and declare that - Ji I am possessed o r,7 tle or record to Vio folloving property arid tvio@: All non-tea ia the "Special Acco-Lmt" in riy narp, udth for t7ne only benefit an.4 adva-ritaee of (hereir,-,fticT 10@-iner")p wiio ir, vtstcd vyit2h title to tif! only for t'ae --the -vaid rxopcrty, official bazi-ness of, erd L-i accot-daii-ce with d-irec-%',io@rAn *.bt- Ow@,ier, I fo@-- qr;3e.If and @-2,y &nl h,-reby covp,-aiit vit'q tte Owr-er to t-li@ 3lid li.,-oL,-rty to t@he Otmer,, or to o,,vy ti TIu-ty, by t-hs ar-A ill t'r-,o. eve,-It of my deatli s,,lcli2 requp-rjt shall b-- to ii,3-e bf,-:@-,n m!-:-d,- to mo prior to the dgt,- or -,Tl death and be bir.@ILP,- r,@,y oxzcutors or aA'..-AbAitrators &rA ar,-qig-as wity@out any i'o2zther @l-,e@narid or ac'@@.aok,- ledgmi?at; -,Tovi(!,-Al th-at,, perain,, "irZI diS,-.103.ttion or of the aforesg@id ,-MDZ@xty,, I et.-jll t.,xlo all Potion t.iat may be nt--cossary, 9L-rd r)rocer for pxvdent mana._vcment, invest-zent and control of vueh 1.\roperty in accordnlneo vith dirootions from tho Owner. LLJ IL> ui c:l LLJ 94 op 3 ce W 25 1955 leer Is or ek-, 6 Val i4 OWN 55. VI 2 TSS/0,D otim ror r..ay--out of -servic-es in-carcd in cz@nnoction wit-h l@MUL"-',',A Subprojeat,40., C/T-ss/o 1, It 1,., hrreo:r'co-tif led t!L%t thj,:3 i3 I.,-,voica a-p wit,% c,-P the rcco*ts v.--o o.,l ii-i TS-c/C,,, t@@2i-li biU i@0, CO!-A,'Oc-tj Lind v,-tywat t!-,;@rcor not yr". 'Catin a--@do. -i Lll,.3 C/TSS/Cl) SID2@,%'Y GCrL Dato: 2, It io horeljy cc-trtifli-cql-tb-tt thi--oc7invoice c,.p,,)lios to- Sab,orojo-at 40 Pi-ojrat i-i@llich C,-uly arj-.roved em.@l th,) ii3 bi accolcf@nce wit7a t!nr;) e.@ltod 13 AP-ril r,01- to t.'ti-3, DD/O@-@d-th-i vion -of w-.xox-,xnda.- 3 thic e-uttority 3-n sAf:)zok,41;.c@ Datot to: co ,.IF Io Its, T I',,, bY ilithorlty of - '1874,75 Cn*110; Juno 1977 DRAFR- E2 IYPDET; Cr, By 187475 20 Jan MMORANWA FOR TH'@@' R:-;CO.RD 2 SUBJL-CT: Project @KULTRk--Subproj--ct 40- 1; Si-ibprojecll"leing 2stablishe&-to fina-nce the k6tearch of Dr; for the l@--riod 4 iki-ly i(@55 t(- 4 iv 2 @a ly 1956. ea worlt !Vill tie @6@ie@d out primarl.LY at the Thetwork-u-nder-this@6dbpraji@dt A-rill include further ----- - -- clinical-and ph#j@@ological@:studies2-of LSD a.,id other potential peyebo-clieniteals,@@th em-c@besis 6ii-the lkt@tei@. itwiii-@l-r>o--@- include antidote-and synerg3ek@z@riments on these chemical materials. 3. This-subproject-is being ac2tivated at this time because the coitractor requixe6@@iim ecTfLnit,,,lent- ib order to definitely-- assu.re 41-he necessary laboratory facilitid@i7&hd personnel -Loi@@Vne proposed It. The- tis-project vil.1 be d-4sbuxsed by the for -cov-mr purposes qlhe total a@!iotuit required-fd"ho-coiltfac@"@tO,000, as iiidicated the attached cost-br,2aRdown.-The 4@o se@rvice charee to the 2 FORM is $1,6oo.oo. Tnus the total sa.-ioiuit-allotted-to-t@his investigation is'$41,(,oo.00. Ch@@Mcal Division, TSS 2 APPROVF.D: ief Chemical Divir)ion, 'tachm,-nt: Proposal APPROVED FOR OBLIGATIOti -OF RR@W: Date. 5 1 ector -d to: by aut'@,.,ority of: 137475 CcttO: Juti,- 19717 IA-EDET, CL BY 137475 Z7 411 December 27, 1954 Mr. ear was very glad to have-th@6:privilege of talking over with y-o-u----tli67-! 2possibility of @.-ontinuizig research next year. In accordance with our dis---- cussion ect would be set up-p ii-narily a ..,=aoj r pr vided that I c a ii al.@e' cominiti-nent --Ue7or-e. @,tn' one eise 2crets ili@i--@pace.-- In addition y C- needs the approval-of ihe-executive committee which I believe s7oMuTlbWe routine since a precedent has been set up durincr the past surti,i-tier when iiofmal subjects were used. 2 As I visualize@the project, the con-ii-i-ierciarlly important compolilids will be studied about half of the r@esearch tin-i"ith the rest of the time 'devoted to'ant"Ldote and synergy experixiieiits oil mail as well as experiments oil lower fori-i-ts. This partition i@@-he-c-os--sa--ry2-a-s-W-6-discussed to provide the sai-iction required by all parties concerned and i-s@@ contingent upon the following budger. 1. Salaries 31, 500 A. --Technical 22, 000 1. Prii@ici@aLl@nvesti-gator 8,500 2. Dr 9, 000 3. As --4, 500 B. Socrettrial 5,'500 1. Secretiry-- 3,500 2 2. llilf-time secretary 2, 000 C. Subjects 4, 000 11. Expendable Supplies 3, 500 III. Travel and Transportation 1, 500 I5V. Overhead 3, 500 $40,000 WA'FRNING R\!CTICE SENSI,TIVE l,'4l'i'-7LLIC,-LNCE SOURCES AND tIE-F@',OU)S INVOLVEO 4 This project is also contingent upon our obtaining all of the equipment from The *Ilospital, %A"dmdamdmd"m S61lie of which could be sold althougli-t-LT'-r-@-s-aTe value of thieg!leoilei=nsp:sgorm2- all, In accord- ance with our conversation I am pla.nning-to try to raise additional funds froi-ii other sources as well as It an additional $15, 000 can be raised from other sources I believe that the -study of industrially important compounds can be increased appreciably-so that 80 to 90 per cent of the research time can be allocated to these compounds. At this time, although not-directly connected with the foregoing but indirectly connected with the project is a whole, has been the cooperation which I have received from4now,@..,,As you know, they, have provided i-ne wi@h many compounds and have 4@oop-ekdt6d-in---j--n-a---n--y--w---2-a-ys-in fac-ilitatina the proaram of the experiments. It has b&cn a natural cons-equence of this cooperationj@--- @7 especially because of the-clainis which their product( reprint enclosed) that th-2se threapeutic -claims-be broadened to include the use oL@@ their product in group therapy.-- T e ranSCII ns o our d2ata make it appear that certain basic postulates of the use-of-the drug in gr th a y may be obtained -ay scj:,eeniiip the data. I had proposed. efore y expanded 1955-1956 roject inaterialized-and at a time ht that no P .@ balik- project could be. platinedithat provide me 2with a psychologist interested in group therapy to scri--ezi-th I-know on the basis of the conversatio,.i her e that you tho-iglit ' hat perhap s thi"s'f orm of -S -rn- i gh U.PPA . desirable. Ilowever-i I wond-3r if-it-would l@@se -r-efu-se.their support. - I do not believe that @hey would get any closer to the proj,@et than they are now. As a matter of--fact, the work could be done-ht--re in-ri-ty office and not atI Indeed, I had visualized having a psychologist doing ii in his o n- ome o offi-c-e- -since this will-be-jlist screening verbat2im transcripts. In view of our discussions pertaining to my position, in-,.he general field with - -particular reference to ti%e ease-with which -1 -tbiild-pAt-Iicipate iri the exhibits (no clearance) I wonder if it would be wise for me to refuse funds for -in .investigation of data away fro n-i.the Biological l,aboratory designe cus att2ention on therapy p- ting to receive certain papers from ycu for c Meanwhile,, I -t-n-i ex oc Dr. and Mr. rovided you still feel th-t We should procede. P With be st personal regards and best New Year's greetings, I am, 2 Yours-since e c M D P. S. Since writing this as you know, I am planning to see It has also occurred to i-ne that I could apply to the Public HealthscivolcRtr- a supplementary grant if.that is not c6iit4-f-g'iiidi@'ite'd. WAP-,Ni@,IG -co SENSII-IVE SOURCCS AND rIETIAoDS INVOL%o'C'D 40 13 t@5,10 L-,-l LO +Z4' T."IIO to I Cf-,RI'IFY-THi@T I"U@,YDS ARP. AVAII,ABLE. eel 2 CF, 2 co ct 6 cl, CERTIFIED PUGLIC ACCOUNTANTS AV% October 5, 1956 D lative We have examin ur check book and bank statelflents re 0 d subitlit h-arewith aSwiimary to thA 2 an ment oi-IT@ac-h @eceipis and Disburseriont s for the period from July 4, 1955 to July 3, 1956. Receipts and disbursements for-the fund are mainltained al- -Accoun gown In our opinion, the acdompanyina., statei,..-ent of Cash Rece5ipts risactions for the and Disbursemien'@-s correctly sets fomh.all tra iscal year ended July 3, 1956 as well as the unexpendod ba3.arce f on deposit as of July 3) 1956. MitLt 'ReSpeeLt fU lly sub ed, @7 eEl-aliT O@ C, E@-i?TS Ai\'D A@H F,@C DISBURSE@-Y-INTS r I SU, -ARY STA'@ OF THE 2 E FI@CAL YI@AR ET@DED JULY FCR TH 1956 L@.1(@xt)ended Cash Balar,.ce JulY,-3, 1955 010,544-56 Accounted for as 6 5 5 - o-r p @b-p-,! 4-t 1 o n 2 Lor ilsea year end d 1955 2,7?3.z- 3 3/21/56' 7,820-58 return of unex ena-e7rrMT-e- Total as above 2 Cash Receipts -jui-y@@@ -f555 10,000.00 Novembar 211, 1955 io,ooo.o February 21, 1956 10 ) 000.00 April 19, 1956 10.000.00 Total Cash Receipts 40,000-00 Cash Di-sbursem@2nts -T @-a- @ s f 23,100.79 S-a-Ta-ry-- 8,499.96 otl Salarip2-s to, ers 1,573.60 405-00 Technical Aid Supplies Pur.chased 721-42 Cost of Meals, Transportation and other expf-nses providod for doctors and subjects iii connection with various 2experiments 3,258-18 Telephone 4@05-15 Audit Fee 150-00 Total Cash Disbursements -1 1-it -l 0-- Cash Balance - July 31o 19256 1,885-90 Note: Onr -Septerrber 7, the unexden" b 1956, I t A 5e. 2a A"-t.L"o r ce d LIU L,l r ri tion 9 CL5 U "fii-c'al-je-ar ended J f@or @@he ulY 3, 195 CERTirliZO PUBL@C Ar-COUNTANT!3 coo- January 21, 1958 Dear Sir:- ateinents relative 1-ic4 ha,ie ex,-tiniiiod your che k book and bank st to thp- 2 M.,a and subtiiit herewith a StuT,,iary Stli-tem of (;asn mc,,Crf77s-@CiiT-Disbtxrse-ments for tt'.e final period from July 4, IQ,56 -;o J'uly 3i 1957. c maintaiiiia Receip4v-s and disb ents l@ fit a Account with ttuire8l the accoinpanying Statement of Cash ReCOi ts II, our p and Di.sburserients set3 forth ,.Il transactions for tile 3 zj@osition of fiscal year ended July 3, 1957 as well as the final di the uriox@)etided funjs. al@c-,-,@bmitted, p,,UIISF,@IENTS 1 PTS OF TII:E _CAL YEAR E,\TED FOR ThK',Yll';Al, Fl' j J Ly 2 1,885-90' July 3x 1956 ..!ne.,,.-Pcnded Cash B,,alo@nco ,)7 70i, f illai 1..885-go year --nde July 3, 1956 13 2t 2 10,000.00 1956 10JO00.00 November 5: 1'/56 10JO00.00 janua .r@,r 18, 1.957 10.000-00 3-8, 3.957 l,ro, 000 00 Total Cash liecaJ.Pts n D@- 21@,759.@9 8,tigg.296 r 16 527- 235-00 to 'r)@r-ers -vd ca" A J- L 386.85 -ly)plles Ptxrch.,:Ised of iai,,aisj transportation and other expenses'provided for doctors and subjects con,jection with various expeririients 3,482.20 374-61 -,elepi,,,one 300.2OQ 1 @lee 77.2-4 insurance 38,543-01 Total Cash Disbursements ip456-99 ljnexpendad 1Balance ,--coLziiteci for f 012,21-@T It!@6. 9 9 t