e-.i(t,,tures Balan@ - ------------ 3 12 fhreh 1956 RECORD -$I FO- TIIE Stf-DJECT Exteiision-of Authorty to-O@ierate WLIVPRA Subproject Iti Subproject 41 expired officially-as of2 21 January 19IS6. HoNi--ver,-the--progress of the-project warra@i-its tne continuation of this pro@ram ' ll'herefore, Subproject 41--- is hereby extended for one year fr(x -n the date of expira- tion as above. Ruids are-avai4lable-within tlie.project, APPROVED: e Distribution: Original Otily REC',PIPT-- I hereby acknowledge receirt OL: Cashier's Cn,-ck No.- ted Nove.,nber 3, 1955,.in the amoun 00.00 drawn on Dat "T@ !A VO C--3- T for tl--i@, tL'.)ove -,i or i:@ Oat D 1;-, I u i; i M. ()ri.:8!. 2 I (b) (2'0 Oo' bor 1955) TSS/CD CTI@T -Tr T. 0'-@'S is- -3h@oici@@L ecitailc-d c,,@ is o@l f.,Io @l-ODt bill m(l a,,,> c; &nd t.-hat 2 (2) IV=it@!Lbt6@,y-certi"ic-d- -,kt tl-Lis iiivmoa to SL t _Oj t h - ",_a 4_1, .4 9ha4, ro- oc Is bei-;il carric;d C,."X, '-!r;;53 f-coa INVC>17CE--- sol(i to: Sliipped to: Same INVOICE No. INVOICE DATU7777 -CUSTOMER ORDER No. TERMS---- 58B DATE SHIPPED v 10 5 E- 2 DESCRIPTIO WEIGHT PRII AMOUNT c' LBA$Ls @600-900-it- hexah,,,drD htha-@@yiftftde @I9v Gross Tare Net T@ 8 Septembpr 1955 Attontiont Di-. Gentlemni Al%,Laohc4 bero*"4 io ohool@. h4l33677 in the amount of@$397.50 In- po-yw-,at o@C yoar involco #520 and #526. 3 Ple;@ise slgn the-attached recoipti3 and -roturn tl-A origirAl@@@@ to Ug. Septeriber 13) 1955 Di, Dear I am enclosiiiq--the-sic,@ned--receipt for payment against our-Linvoices--520 and I received 500--gii@@a @V@@t@ty-3;@@thylhexa- hyclrophthali@d@hy2dride-tb.is-n,oriiine,,-and the balance of the order- should ori-ive-within a.week or tpio. I-will ship--the-@full-kilo-in--one package., or perhaps bring@-it@witli me-for personpl d6liv6ty latei- this-raoiith There h2as been-another sli-@& In ny plans I ain sohedtiled to-be in lmilt - -I- af e, IU f I t r noon of Septerrber-PG And "*on -th follovi'4n,r,, morniti?,@@I-shoul.d.arrL n 2 about noon, or shortly-thereafter-;---on_ Septe-abor 27 and w-@Lll call- ycu-ai, the -number- you- C.Ave me a I apologize for tlio-oh-qnt-,e and hope it will iiot-cause you ary lncoiivenier@co. If It does, plb6so let me limow ard othei- can be made. Sincere@ly., surer, I acknowledge receipt of Trea Check I").38677 d-ate(i 7 September 1955, draini on the -able tv in this aaolmt of $397.50,- pa,y ANN 1 D &td fir I CEP.TtrY TF!AT 1CI!ARC@L l-@ LVAL, For E;c-lv5 ces- III! T-P this ic.' 1.3 to2 "q,-j k i.-,, ic 0 t O iy i, i. t it v r o o zyer o ,k i,% c% 7.,z i,.,i c,@, o r cif @:7; e@ O 14 I N, u to -3 2 O' a i-e. t b i 13@- tj 2 a@)DII@66 to Lt I (-rt o tho tL-o c@xton@.,i,7Ajl O-'u'- txlii2s ty ir INVOICE Sold to: Shipped to: LNYOICE No. INVOICE-DATE--- -----CUSTONIER ORDEP No. TUMS 520 8-12-55-- Letter net DATE SHIPPED 2 Fa t-:7 No,,- PIECES DESCRIPTION@@@ BAsis::@ ANOUNT:7@ F 5s2.40 diariiine Gross Tare Net t e AliG t4 1 - 11 INVOICE Sold to: Shipped 0. INVOICE No. INVOICE DATE CUSTOMER ORDER No. TEPM 526 Lotter not-30-day67-- 2 DATE SHIPPED VIA DESCWTION WEIGHT PPJCE@ I 3.,6-Endoxy-3-.-iothyl 105 si@i=01,60, gram hexahydrophthalie-anhydrid Gross Tare Net 8 'k @7777777T77@@ August 11 1955 Dear4w: In accord,ance-with your lbttor-of-JuIY718@;7we have procured 100 o,,rartis -of N,N' -ditiethyl--@ii-I)h@6nylonediamine- which is beiri2g-forviardecl::-to yoxt--today via rareel post. Our invoice on the -Iiipient is enclosed,--- Preparation of 3,6-ondoxy-3----6thyl@hexahydrophtlialio--- - anhydride is-now underiiay-aiid 100-gram-.- of it-should-- be available wit2hin another-Avook or An additional 50-%1-5==@&a-m_-s--6f"7@t'@diniethyl-@p-phonylene--- dian,ine is available 6Lt %@r@1.807t@@&6iCi-f7you need it,, I expect to be in IlAshington during the vieek of September 12p @4@oiobablyl on Septeriber ----h@,-Ps--wo can-arrange------- .,-so per a a ineeting at',-tlialv tiiioi IL' so.- plea"--,,idvise as to the best way to contact you.- Sincerely, Eno: 3.3 Tuly 1955 It if yc.-d o'ota!,.n 100 grc"t