42-i -OF-TRUST- DECLARATION "I OW A,r L M-,M BY TTESE PRESEM' I'hat Cl- 2 am of and hold '%,he h,-reby acicnow"eai@ -ddcaafe -possessed title of record to the following property and trust: for the only benef@t-and-advantage-of----@-@ (h,-,raiiiafter call@,A2'the w'ho,'is-vested-,with 'iegal titlo @60 the sa4,d property, and the 6ame-is-to'be-uted by me only for tl,@o offici@ll business of, an-d-i,n--.'a'-'Ac'jt-ordance-with-directions fro-m'-,"t,-he Owner, 'and I for mysg@-lf and my e)cecutors, adr2ninistrators and a'ssierls hereby'covenant with the-Own6xk@:l@to rolinquish@Lthe said property to the o-,rT, r, or to any -'@he Oisr4er, and in the event of my death such request shall be considered to have been made to me prior to 2the date of tuy death and-sh,all bt binding up6n my executors or administrators and assigns-%,tithout-arty further demand or ackriowledg- mpnt; provided that, pending@final disposition or exhaustion of the aforesa-ld property, I shall-take all action that may be necessary and proper for prudent management- inv2estment ani control. of such property in accordance with directiois from the-Omer. 10'recember 1964 ATTEST-. cember 1964 F4 oR,m3 67 eu so et T Pt lok to vs 1v s 30 Jan r - ua.,y 1961 W-MORAIfDUi FOR THE VC OPD SUBJFCT., Project VKULTRAI, Subproject- 42 I. S,-tbproject 42 is to be for t2he eam@e. purposes as 'Whe--t origi-nally establishe(i--. covert and re@--listia-field trials ol':@Certain@research anti- development items--- of interest to TSD; and toLaidihtdih@@tl-,.4 physi.::al facilities required for 2 these trials.- 2. In tho, pas-v-year -of -covert and realistid-field -The reslilts-of these trials b,-.Ye been succes3flj.lily-,-tir-ied-out-i experir@i,@!,,it--, have prov-i-dei-faer.,,Asl-da*.a essential-to establishing protoco@La -Lor-a-n@=ber of-c--nt@!molatp-d operations. A continuation of covert and realistic fielai "rial6 are nece,3sitated by the production-- iams -oa lsrly in-a2reas-requiritg of new .iate--iala in-TSD pi-og detai3.@!(-% c-nowledZe i-.@fficiency-of--delivery sys-Ieats. Additional triali-ar;z-----Iso-ne(.,e.,3si-*@ated by the need for better controllei 2 As $5,000.'00 for a period 3. jeo@t of six months. Charges 3h4)@,ild-be-made -2,,-,ainat Allotrent 1125-1390-3902. 4, Accolintitig for L'u-,-2,da and eqlii-pni--nt under this subproject has been established on a deta ile@l-basis @riL'h-the-auditor and will continue as in the past. is approved for TOP 9FCRFT by the Agency and operates under cover for purposes--of tbia-subl@roject. T se,-Arch - Brancl@t@@- APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION-OF PUMS---- Date: Distribution:-- 1 Original only., ope) SEN-D -AIR MAIL4,. R;& ]Rec. Registered (but not Reg. Ret. ;@0.0 2 rk 94 2 it! 2 ;ra 9 IN VI E-4 t-i 41@ I-z A iA I e 9 eg, lee /* 1.2 i 1 rulY 1956 tk, Lvi,.s.-o 1 July 1,1;(52 your. %@iolooo To provide o J6 .-i;p,,ib,lity for covart anrl r,-4 of end (!@7;-VeloDment t-irms-e- int-mat to 2,4D a,.aintain f-@Cilitie3 fOC t),Uti-a trialSi@=@ Presont triale debedul.--d 1/2 co@T,) (when Fill@d In) No@ -- - C@t) Cor@t Account 312 L-1390--A@i)2 Object Clm 2 Date Rernark.4 a.-id Relerencea--- Obligations Obligatioiis Unliquidated Incurred Liquidated E@ala--ice 3ge3 ritulm - su@@j-th@- 10.000.00---- 10 000000 1-4 v C?fr-e- .3 6 - (Whe tf ig Date,. 2L> l@ia 63 M-RMORANDUM FOR,, C/TSD/FASS SUBJ@V,CT MKULTRA Subproject No. .4P- Under the av.@"tiorit-f graiited in the metnoraridurn-d-l' cd 13 April frotn the DCI to the DD/A. and-the extension-of-t-his- authority in subsequent, mernoranda-, Subproject 42 - has been approved, ind sio,ooo-oo of the over-all Projec-I.- MKULTRA funds hivb-bten oblig.@ted to cover tbo 02 -76hi-@d t67 t center2 3125-l' 0-39 - s-ubprojectl s e-%--,L)onses-and should bA C oneur: Asst. Chief, D for m C oncur: ell v APPROVED FOr... OBLIGATION 0 F'- 1!'UiN, DS: D,ite: 9 - - - -i @: -@- -1@ 3 1 -//@ @-, Disfribu'L 1, On: Orig & I A(ldressee 2 'I's ri / BB 14c) ttiawt 1963 m, chief, -RA &@ubproject 42 Attnehed is a cc-,ti7imtioa fro-ta Chi0f Tw/:311010(0-1cal Blvneh for t. 42 '.Livoici-I - 39 le-"ich bo r,-.cord.-a in accojnt 7t"@o 0 (25-TToJO5,, 0,,' i-2n @tb-- -ilomt aox, @a.L.T3 -.4.04 rocorw., vil-1 close - the 760.0 accomt, mum as stato@d abo%,e Dis4.-ributio,-i,., tli,-- undc---roigaed have received on woo%mtltig ftoa "CULMIL Sub-.1@lrojeat for in tile &M=lt or $al.78, raA Mtcment is boLn5 reto-Ued in T",Yq 2 -it ray W reviewed b-y t'n-a C"-ti:C,,,,irz Oti'Ticer ugm reoucitj I f tArVi,.er certLi',Il tbat eatief=tw-,l wrvices relnre3--Ato& by the -accomt. 0 t -bf lwowled$e Via ia tll inZ 1"-ve be= recei-md and @-At to the be adv,-ancod f o.- such cerv4.cea w-vo acpmdca i@p@ the emef., it's Z-0 Adair, 0 -ri Cn ark IT Docaiber l@O@ t@.,Ataohcd io a 9,rcm C-me Biolvjio-al Bran be re@- 2 -7 38 aeomit -'[60. - -rib- Dist SEC. CL ORIGIN DATE OF 0 0 T SPENSEDA-. CFZOSSREPERCNCEOR POINT Of Fi;-II*G TO 4 FROM DATE E4 T SUBJ. @ol;i@IER@NO.-@ A-N-@WEkEE)@@ NO REPT.Y 37 69lb78 b-a tb-- c;-ort try t@-_atl Aft .013 1964. -m, t4,@- i r, cn t chaef., io,-l Os 14 Invoic-ari l@6 &cula bo re- cord@@A in ace@vmt '7L 2 4 DEC D -t st MO 2 43 rk to Olt 2 ;fj f@A 0 !kl 9 4ro CIO A@) RECEIPT Receipt is-horeby acknowledge4@-,.Qfl Check No. 208068,-d,-tted July-9, 1964 dr,,twn ork the payablo to MEAN n:the aniount-(2- of $10500-.Oo. NAME- 4 DATE --@:1 9. Ida I' Wh suamiTTED BY VOUCHER NO. (FlOOnC* USO Only) ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVA2NCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM TO /VOTE, Follo- rpstructions on Reverse 7,@ RECEIPTS 2 D;SBURSEMENTS Ak4.OUNT Vni)C$4E 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNIIYG OF PERIOD 2 3 DATE DESCRIPTION 2. ",IC 5 lil.T DATE DESCRIPTION TOTAL EXPENSES 3a. 2 REFUNDED 14.EREWI CASH -.OER CASH ON HAND E06 Of PERIOD TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR I CERTIFY FU2NDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED i @Z certify that tho owpend;turem listed hereon and A c SIGNATURE OF[APPROV ;OFFICE n ty Attachime *a i-ncu,rred for official par- OBLIGATION REFE2RENCE NO, CHARGE ALLOTMFNT "0. 0 re. that payment of oseg@ of a confid tial notu (.t;. 2 jeredit th:lrofor has not been ractil,ed, and that .L.") , @VT., @.thj* acco atini is tr and correct- r 2 SIGNATURE OF p4yE DATE 5 I GNATURE OF AUTHOR I 2 kNG OFF I CER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT -@A@F- SICIYATU14E OF CERTIFr'll G 0 P CE 2 2 G J U.N 1964 BELOW FOR ExcLusIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVII@SION SP-ACE ARCO BY PEVIE E6 SY 2 ucs R No. 7.12 DESCRIPTION ALL OTHER ACCOUt4TS 13-33 34-39 04'1 26. -57 158. 0 68.70 71.80 -42 43 5.At O'C'2S ALLOY. OR COST 40 54 DUE STATION EXPER 53 oArE AMOUNT 28-33 2 PAY R ACCT. CODE 'E"C"AL T/A NO. C u PER. CA Llllll f2.2-67 coo N R)ESCRIPTIO% ADVA%tt ACCOUf4TS 13-27 0 L I rli YA ACCT. NO 0 D 2 c; COOT TOTAL M4" n-I 3 . .. . ........ DATE VOUCHEFT NO. (Fin-nce use on;y) FROM REQUEST FOIR PKYVENT OF TO 2 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS c.@,7 C. CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS ARE REQUESTED FOR OFFICIAL BUSINIESS OF A ICON IDENTIAL. EXTRAORDINARY OR EMERGENCY NATURE AND ARE INTENDED FOR USE AS FOLLOWS- 2 %6. r C,; C t@, C' 2 t la -7 104.2( PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS AMOUNT U-C HE AMOU2NT PAYEE FOR SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCt'OF i;E DUTIES IN ACCORDANF:E WITH THE TERMS OF HIS CONTRACT OR OTHER WRITTEN OR ORAL AGREE' APPROVE) MEPWTS. (To be sioned voterp applicable) DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER DATC --r I T L-E @SIGNATURE 2 CERTIFICATE FOR PAYWFNT OR CQEDIT- DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER' I CEPTIFY'FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE ORLIGATION REFERENCE NO. 2 CHARGE ALLOTMENT 140. RECEIPT'FOR FUNDS I ACKNOWLEDGE RIEC IPT OF FUNDS TO BE USTO FOR -,NE PURPOSE @DATE 2 SIGNATURE STATED ASOVE DA iE SIGNATURE OF PAYEE SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF Fl2 ION PREPARED SY 01 EVIEWED SY VOUCHER NO. 7-12 I 2 47 48-70 OESCOlpt%04-ALL 01"tg ACCOUNTS 13-33 t4. 30 3 45.40 '57. 5 z 54-57 OR COST 226-33 STATION AO-4214F P AY OBLIG 3 ALLOT. Due AMOUNT T 0 CODE EXPEN ffEF. N6. GENERAL ACCT. Pi*. DATE 2 U PER. DCSCR IPY I ON' ADVANCC ACCOUNTS IS.27 CODE A LEOCIER 4!-NG7 P LIO2- Itt.. oviecy ----------- i ..... IYPIACCT. NO. oxmil I PROJECT "a. 2 CIDI)E emp. Ng. CLASS TA 4 N. r7 TOTALS RECEIPT Receipt is_hereby acknowledged of Treasurer's Check No. dated April 23, 1964, drawn on f the III p@,Ay,,tble t in the am6unt of $1500.00. NAME 9 DATE F R O.-W DATE RCQUEST FOR PAY?/iENT VOUCHER NO, (Finance use onjy) 0 F TO CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS 2 tir,.ril CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS ARE REQUESTED FOR OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF A CONFIDENTIAL. EXTRAORDINARY OR EMERGENCY NATURE AND ARE INTENDED FOR USE AS FOLLOWS: PAYMENT 114STRUCTIONS AMOUNT 2 v 1 4 APR- iSS4 dOM E AMOUNT REQUESTED IS 09JE THE PAYEE FOR SATISFACTORY PERFOR@GANCE@ OF DUTIES APPROVED IN ACCO;DAPACE WITH THE TERMS OF HIS CONTRACT OR OTHER WRITTE N_ 0 ORAL AGREE- MENTS. 70 be signed2 wheol Opplicipble) OAYE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER TITLE SIGNATURE DATE I 2 CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SIGIIAIURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. 2 RECEIPT F@Ok FUNDS 0 ACKNOWLEDGE RECC PT OF FUNDS TO BE USXO FOR THE PURPOSE STATED ABOVE DATE stcp$ATURE 2 0 APR 1964 2 DATE AMO(INT SIGNATURE OF PAYEE T f.$4 x @.it SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION PREPARED by 2 REVIEWED By VOUCHER NO. 7-12 OESCRIPT$OM-ALL OTHER ACCOVNY$ 13-33 34.39 43 14S- 461 47-52 So-47 60-70 70-80 2 STATION 40-42 r 54-57 ALLOY. OR COST DUE AMOUNT 21@- 33 @ PAY OBLIG 53 ACCT. NO. - FXPENO EF. Pi 2 DATE CODE u PER. R GENERAL ESCR IPT I ON'ADVANCE ACCOOJNTS 13. 27 cooe N 'A 6 CA LEDGER .......; 0 LOO. yft ACCT, NO. 2 i2.v ...... . ...... c I 0 p 7 CODE ;M .0. P ROJICT "D. FV S 2 Nit PI. "0. -G-V (/Y I2z TOTALS FORM (30) lo-so use PNCVIOQS tooyl*us. -R@@ P1.7 012-20 RECEIPT dged of ReeciPt is hereby ,teknowl.e Check No dated tlarch.16, on the 2i pay ab c.- --t,p in 5 1 $1"500. ,mount 6 oo- NAIIE Date % FRCM DATE VOUCHER NO. (Finan@ce uxe only) REQUEST FOR PAY@4ENT 11-i 49 Aim; 2 OF To CONFIDENTIAL FUMDS -t. LI.CL I c -ent instruct@ons 10 March 19 -d i>avn. @CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS ARE REQUESTED FOR 2OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF A CONFIDENTIAL. EXTRAORDINARY OR EMERGENCY NATURE AND ARE INTENDED FOR USE AS FOLLOWS: Advance to "@IIMMA Sub Project 42, invoice #37, for activity approved by Chiefy TSD ting f or this advance will be in accordance ,.,iitl2i l@:XL'LiRA on Accoun pise@l Nnex @Ittachment A. EE PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS AMOUNT 2 !@@ll .500. 00 c AMOUNT REQUESTED IS DUE THE PAYEE FOR SATOS#rACT04Y P'EPFORMANCIE OF OUTI S APPROVED ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF HIS CONTRACT OR OTHER WRITTEN OR2 ORAL AGRE NTS. (7'o be sign d when a"p Ji Ca"I OATIE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER DATE f@"CDITF"v TITLE 2 SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT @R CREDIT DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING 0 FICER I CE2RTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. JCHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. RECEIPT FOR FUNDS 2 PURPOSE In 5 - 1 3 0 ACKNOWLCDGE RECEIPT 0 FUNDS TO BE USED FOR THE DATE SIGNATURE STATED ABOVE 2 r>OkTE AMOUNT SIGNATURE Of PAYEE A SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DiViSION PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY 2 12 OESCRIPTION-ALL OT041ER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 43 5-46 47-S2 7 OPJ- 70 7i-90 26-33 STATIO2N ;40-42 F PAY 09LIe.. i53 SA-57 ALLOT. OPICOST DUE AMOUNT CODE IEXF-ENO u PER REF NO GENERAL ACCT. NO. __ DATE ESCRIPTION'ADVANCE ACCOUN2TS 13.27 N V;I;C,t A 42-67 ...... P. 0. ;; : ' ' ;,.;; : '.'@ . cooi LIO. At m* .- CK. "0. OOJF2.CR ....... I ;c; CODE @CYR A..LCEI! @O.@ CLASS 0 0 v 2 _7), CV 1 t I I t I i t TOTALS 3 10-50 496 ust rogvoous 9 0 v 0 on s 43s) SUOMITTZO BY VOUCHER NO. (Finance use only) ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING 2 FROM TO VOrE.- Follow Instructions on Reverse RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS I . CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 2 DESCRIPTION DA AMOUNT I a. 2. RECE I PT DATE DESCRIPTION h-umeER 2 TOTAL EXPENSES 3a. REFUNDED "CREWITH 2 i...Ity OPIDIER S. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD TOTAL ACCOLINTED FOR TOTAL TO ACCOUN2T FOR 1 CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED tif)r that the expenditures List*d @ereen and y ttachments we2re incurred for official pur- OBLIGAT10k REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. DATE SIGNA !TURE OF APPRQVT NG OFF I '.ER f a confidentiaj nature, that payment of 2 t therefor has not been received, and that -24-oe%^ 2- y atcoqnting is true and correct. DATE S I ONAIURE OF AUTHOR I Z I N2G OFF I CER YMEN@ OR CR OIT @SIGNATURE OF PAYEE CERTIFIED FOR PA E DATE SIGNATURE OF CC TIFYING 0 FlotR 2 SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVF- USE (F@FINANCE DIVISION PREPARED By REVIEWED BY VOUCHER 0. 7-ii 3A. 3$1 40.42 43 7.252 5'- 68.70 71-00 DESCRIPTION ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 STATION 45.46 4 I el 53 !;A. 57 ALLOT. 1:@ COST DUE AMOUNT 28-33 EXPENC r 2 PAY OF@ Nb. DATE T/A No. CODE RE GENERAL ACCT. NO. No PER. ...................... 2 CODE CA LEDGER i-'3ESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACC40UNTS 13-27 No- onor. "0. IL I 0. ADVAMCC YR ACCY. NO ACCT. NO- 2 CODE ......... S emp. NO. TOTALS 0 1A 282 1 qq- p@.@@ P. q -@@rr TNST',RUCTIONS ived, or disbursed during 'he accounting unds, in the form of other than 'T.S. Dollars were on hand, rece c., must be shown. If advances )-.a,,re2 been period, all pertinent data, i.e., ratep method of accx,,isition, e@ .-h-'A.rd parties, enter the'vota made to 4 1 of such adnan(-es outstanding at -,he 'beginnirg of the accounting period on line la. 2. If more space .1.-, reqiii rF-d to exp2lain. -eceipts, prepare re(-ei-pt for number and attach hereto. In every case, m completely identify the source of receipts. 'Attach a voucher for each expenditure and assign a nu-mber thereto in numerical sequence. The voucher may be the receipt obtained from the payee. When a receipt is not obtained2, prepare a certificate and attach as a voucher. When space on-form Is not sufficient to list all vouchers, prepare a listing on a semarate sheet and enter t-he total under iten 3. If advances to third parties are outstanding at the close of the accol.@nt- ing period, attach an itemized list and enter the total on line 3a, Final credit will not be given for disbursements which ar8e advances to be accounted for. Whe-i accounting for advances areop,:@ained, list as expenditures or refund of cash, as appropriate. 5. Total receipts entered cn the line !'To@al to Account For'.' must agre with thetotal disbursementsentered o,.i the line.follow ng."Total Acco ed Fo IZA bo.0 1:14 ro 3 cd (When Filled In) NAME OF ADVANCEE DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER No. (Finance use oniy) r 2t, r rt AI I" -r REQUEST FOR ADVAMCE . I St , ) PAYABLE TO ROOM BUILDING HONE EXT. OF FUNDS 4 2 -I, t-4, i7 I-- PURPOSE for activ,ity ')iy Ciiie' o A4vance to 1.""'@LTLTPJ, 4P invoice )Y 4, 2 L7 Accoiintin- for this advance vill Lc --Ir. -c,.ccore,.-znce A of r-isc-,tl account for thimadvareebYsub2mixalonofvouchereendrefundot anyunexpendedbalao%ce STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES to the reportind point stated and by the due date chocked below. In the event olmy failure to so account and refund any aoiexpended balance, Z autsorize deduction from my malaey to effect settlement. DATE AMOLWT UMCCOUNTEOSALAPICE REPORTING P@OINT@ DUE DATE FINANCE DIVISION 2HEADO FTTE, S ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION ON OR ABOUT 2 FOONTHLY - ON THE LAST WORKDAY OF EACH MONT" REQUESTING OFFICER @APPROVED -RECE-IPT- FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE 2 SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE OF AP AO N ricen 1 acknowledge receipt of funds in the amount stvted here- under to he used for the purpose stated and accounted for 2 Oa shown above. ATE AMOU114T OBLIGATION REFE ERTIFIE ?EDIF 2 'I@,'@-6 1-.o . CEF 0 FOR PAYMENT ZEP CERTIFYING OFF@CER SIGNATURE OF ADVANCEE AUTH .DATE 2 SIGNATURE NO-i SPACE BELOW F EXCLUSIVE USE_ OF FINANCE DIVISION APED By RCVICWEO By VOUCHER 140. 7-12 2 A 4 39 3 45.461 47-52 58-67 60-70 71-80 4 33 TRA-T,ON 40'42 2 F PAY OBLIG. 7 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOUNT No. CODE EXPEttO D REF. NO -@;F.El@E AL ACCR. NO DATE DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER A2CCOU-,YTS 13-33 3 s CODE N LEDGER ....... ........... I..... :. PE CAI DESC2RIPTlOYt- "0. PROP Lift - ACCT. 1141.. YR amil[CT AOVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 ........ ....... 2 ....... 0 c 000 E - ACCT NO. 9 itef. No. CLASS s 'Div. OJCCT 00. try f I I I I I I 0 1 I I I I I 1:7 C-: l@' 2 I t I ktillittillili iiii TOTALS F Rm rovconmtmi, PM.MTING DflfIC4. 1%42 0-4407dj .0iso 28 1 us,. --c-tous toollows 436-4 9)' NO. Cost Account Object C13ss Ob' igations Obligations Unliquidated Date 2 Remarks and Reference3 - I-ncurred Liquidated Bala--ice a- 4x 26MAR 0 /Soo. 0 0 20 j YoN, p 2 1 is9co z 2 31 v NO 1963 I 0 A Ili -a "LO @N Fl -tnea 42 t@-,d 13 April f o r;-c L"O- e li' 'I t @31 of' in 4L of 4-'n-3 7 2- Lp 7 ZIA /@-0,70 CK'ICE 10 Cb DIPAES 2 REVISETI 5 Septeribor 1.963 Date BEHAVIORAL ACTIVITIES SUPPORT Branch BB 2 -Category (formerly Ila, b c) Project Title-L -- N.A. item Classification- N.A. @I.KULTRA Unclassified Project Crypto Crypto ClassificatiorL@@@-- 2 Branch Project- No. Project Subproject-42- N.A. Contract NO, --@@Task @IKUT,T January 1955 Type of Contract ate $10,0002.00 Contiiiiiin- -Cost- Como I ei oil- -D a -to- Purpose: Field-testing and evaluatioi@ of D&,E itevis. Status: Activities for FY 63-hA'@e-been--ihiti-ated. Operational te3chnio,ues are under,scLirtiny.--- Requirenen'L: Internally generated in TSD based on support I-espk)i-is- ibilities to operational e.leitielits o-l' DD/P. 0 P4 q-3 cu C4 r-> 03 C). ;@4 @4 0-v4 c,i o 43 P4 I-NAPAE OF ADVANCEE OATE- AMOUNT VOUCHER NO. (k'jnance use ot)ly; REQUEST FOR ADVANCE PAYABLE TO Room BUILDING TELEPHONE EXT. OF FUNDS 2 -ig PURPOSE liy k)n L f agree, that I wiji fully account for this advance by mubmission of vouchers and refund of any une:rpended balance In the event olmy failure'to so accownt and ire. fund 5 ATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES to the reporting Point stated and by the due date chocked below, *nY2 unexpended balance, I authofixe deduction from my salary to effect set tiement. DARE AMOUNT' U%RCCOUNIEOBALANCE REPORTING POINT DUE DATE FINANCE DIVISION ACAD2QUARTERS ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATfug ON OR AOOUT MONTHLY THE LAST 2 WORKDAY ;FONEACH mON T i4 RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED REQUESTING OFFICER". APPROVED 2 I acknowledge receipt of funds in the amount stated here- DATE 0 TJE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER under to be used for the purpose stated and accounted for as shown Above. 2 AMOUNT I CERTI'FY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE DATE OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. CERTIFIED FOR PAY-M NT OR CREDIT 2 DATE AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICEIR SIGNATURE OF ADVANCEE ATE 31jilIL NATURE 1963 @now, nopor" SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIYE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION 2 UC64FR NO. 7- 2 @,IARED BY REVIRWED BY @39 43 45.46 7'1-00 DESCRIPTION-ALL GINCR ACCOUNTS 13-33 342 47-52 Ss 58-67 Git- 70 STA 0,4 40-42 OBLIG. 54-67 ALLOT. OR COST 203- 33 CODE EXPEND r PAY DUE AMOUNT 2 0 GENERAL ACCT. NO. N PER. Co.- ACCT. NO. Y" . . . .. . . AovAo7cc CA LEDGER 62:67 DESCRIPTION- p . a .NO: o;:. IL 10 CK NQ. OPJCC; ADVANCE ACCOUNTS %3-27 0 ........... ACCT. NO. ii- 2 Irv S CODE CLASS 7 OF I I I I I t I I I I I I I I lilt% TOTALS 2 FORM U'S. 40vtommewy 1061 o-$4ly4s use vetvooui -Ag) 5-60 281 4 (38 SECRE-T Date, 22 Y@ay i963 U,%4 FOR- C/TSD/FASS --mi-:,mo-RAND MKULTRA, Subproject No 42 -SUBJECT- andun-t dated 13 A2pril 1953, Under the axit(iorit,,f granted in the-m emor from the DGI to the DDIA, and the extension of this authority in subseqlt(lnt merxior,,tnda, S,.tbproject 42-- has-been approved, and-11-0,@E of the over-all Project MKULTR-K@ds- have-been obliitated to cove2r the -d-t---ost center o c subproject' s e:,,-penaes a-.id-should b@@@harge 3.3 9,2 C o-a--ur. 2 I CERFIFY TH..',T A5@- AV,%JLA@LEf Con.-,Lir, CH APPROVFD FOR OBI,lCiATION 0 F FU'O\ DS: llief, D 1:1/lils Distrib-Li'Lion: Orig & I - Addressee 2 - TSD/BB =MM" ,at" -31 so .4z DRAI-V 22 yay 1963 @EKOM,I.M,NFOR TRE-RECO SuBir-ICIT 0 mmtak subproject 42 1. Subproject 42 is to be continued for'tbe same purposes as when originally established-,---to si and realistic-field-trials'of certain7tesekreh and develo-oment items -to maintain tbe-physical facilities requited of interest 2to TSD, and for these trials. 2. In the past year a number-of covert and realistic-field trials have been 6:uccesGfully carried-out Tlie-results of these L-xperitnents have provided factual-data-essential to.establishing protocols for a number-of contemplated ol@eratiotis. A continuation of covert and2 realistic field-tria are necessitated by the pro-duc.----- tion of new,materials in-TSD-progra@is, l@artic,ularly-in areas-requiring -effectiveness and efficiency of delivery detailed knowledge of the systems.- Additional trials are also necessitated by the need for- better controlle2d "field-tyi-@e" experiments. 3. The estimated cost-of-the-project is $10,000 for a period of olio. year. Charges should be uMe against Allotm(-Int 3125-1390-3902@- ing for fuiids and eqli-ipment tander this subproject has 4. 6ACCOUnLt been established on a detailed basis With the auditor and will con- tinue as in the rest. 2 41@@ is approved for T@p SECRET by the Agency and bproject, -----operates urder cover for puxposer- -of this su arm ThTe/ f7 5 TSDIF-iological Branch Distribution: origin,31 only Ps iev @,IPT ek Receipt is hf-,reby acknoetledged of Cashier's Che lqo. A 132,176,1- dated 10-AI)ril 1963,, drav"-On-the 3 in the anioi-imt of @1)500.00 Na Da te taiv 7" 1963 Date Branch----..-P-B- Category 1,W@. @W 'II"A 2 Project Title..-.--- Itern Classification--- -'U LT,' @A I-E, Project Crypto@@--- ---Crypto Classificatiolv-- BrancY, Project No. Project Engi Coiitrjc-to 2 S,,Y,i p r oi-2 c 1,! A. Contract No LL" -Task I\CKULTP@K L9 @5 Type of Conti:act---- Dat6 Iiiiti $ 0 --Completion Cost- 2 -R& Purpose: l@'illd tc-iting and evaliiatioii-of -D items.- Status, Activitiec, for Fi 63 b.,ave been inititt44d. opzratiorial technqil.;,@@@ ale under scru@viny. iNT SOURCE: Inte.-nally .-encrated in TSD based on slj9,,)port responsibil.it' -;.i to oparatiori@,il elements of DD/P. t NAME OF ADVANCEE DATE AMOUNT VOUCHER ND, (Finance use ODJY) REQUEST FOR AD;A.NCE OF FUNDS PAYABLE TO ROOM BUILDING TELEPHONE EXT. PURPOSE k4?. I=VC)" 4@2@a :tcr 'by C%, A" '35@..Xch 7-i I AC will Lo In t>Z tt.:.-.zk t@-, 2 -ro 2.i;.ter -'%-L'rAi ..LI Z agree thot X will fully account for this advance 4y submisaiien of voucher, and refund -Of &AY unexpended belame, STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES 2to the fePOfting Point Stated and by the due date chocked below. Zn the "I't lfv'Y ffi"Jure to so account and refund any Unexpended balance, I authorize deduction from my salary to effect ,ttlement. DA AMOUNT UNACCOUNTEDBALAN2CE REPORTING POINT I DUE DATE FINANCE DIVISION WEADOuArtTEPS_ 2 ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION ON OR ABOUT MONTHLY - ON THE LAST WORKDA2Y OF EACH MONTH 4 REOUESTING OFFICER- APPROVED RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE !IGNATIkl%& DATE s I (;I OVI@tlOFF I CER 2 Y AT U P P Z acknowledge receipt of funds in the amount stated j@ere- under to be used for the purpose at ated andoccounted for 2 as shown above. I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE DATE AMOUNT -1@CH@A,.GE ALLOTMENT NO. CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT OOLIGATION REFERENCE N07 2 DATE AUT14ORIZEO CERTIFYING OFFICER SIGNATVRE OF ADVANCEE ATE SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION EPARED BY REVIEWED BY VOUC14CA NO. 7-12 2 DESCRIPTIOTJ'ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.3s 534 10 . 43 47-S2 66-70 @3 58-67 71-00 A 0_ 42 2 OOLIG. @53 54-57 ALLOT. 00 COST CUE E Xlp @p@ky REF. NO. GENERAL /- 28 NO. CODE r @ AMOUNT !@!.233 U ACCT. NO. .... ....... ....... CA T - P.O. NO. PROP N PER' o v 06 Po C r LEDGER DU TS 0 Ot S'- 14 CE2 ACIP LIO- CT ADVANDESCRC $,ON 13-27 "I. ovic ...... Y' ACCT. NO. .1 ... OEOIT CREDIT i3l CODE cm,. ntf.,No. rLA$$ s 2 TOTALS FORM GOWEN")-f.NT Polulloororricg: lo4zo-.6407&3 S. Go 281 U.% P,.Cvlous colyto-is. 9 -7 RECEIPT 0075793----- Receipt is hereby ackr-vovled-ged of -Check No. dated Decembe dranvm on the payable t- n -in 9 the a ount of $Is- 500. 00. Date: (W*, IM" ,j pi"') NT @voucHrR NO. (finance use only) t4AME OF ADVANCEE DATE AW- 10 V REQUESI2- FOR ADVANCE BUILDING PAYABLE TO R oom TELEP14ONE EXT. OF FUNDS ",:, PURPOSE AAT,-;--ce t o 33 tor 0.@".:Evli..7 by an ID .11lrllrch for 4'1-.I$ I -,I A of Itic-c-al P,.Ltiex. Ir.2-- to C!11-'.If, Llranc.%., tt@.rw.,alt 0. 61' '"I c c - r.,o latcr tbfm 2(-@ 1,7@32. I bgf-ly-A thA2OC I wi J I ful iy *&COUA C f6t Chi a *dvartee by gui;;;@as i6n Of vouchers and re turod of any unexpended bal ance STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES t o t he r opo r t @ng po I n t x t a t a d and by t he du o de t a c backe d be I ow. I a t he 4ye 0 t o f my to I I ut v t o o o me c oun t and re fund any unexpended balance, I authorj se deduct Ion from my salary to o Ifec t se t tiomen t. REPORTING V7 DATE 2 AMOUNT POINT DUE DATE FINANCE DIVISION HFA OU@F4 ERS ON ARRIVAL AT DESTINATION 2 ON OP@ ABOUT MONTHLY - ON THE LAST WORKDAY OF EACH MONTH 2elf REOUESTING OFFICER APPROVED RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE OATJE SIGNATURE Of APPROVING OFFICER owledge receipt of funds in the amount stated her*- 2 to be used for the purpose stated and accounted for D,-4 C o sho@ above. I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE DATE 2 AMOUNT C@IIIIRGIE ALLOTMENT NO. CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT R CREDIT OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO.. r, AtiTHC 0 OFFICER SIGNATURE OF A.DVANCEE DATE )RIZE2D CERTIFVIN DATE SIGMA SPACE BELC DR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION APED BY REVIIEWED BY VOUCHER No. 7-12 ESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 2 3A-39 AO-42 43 45.44 47- 52 56-67 Gfk- 70 71-80 STATION OOLIG. 53 SA-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE 2 AMOUNT EXPEN FAY PE,F. NO GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE /A Pi.0. CODE PER- ......... CODE CA, LEDGER 7 DES2CRIPTION- PROP No. L 04 No. *&ice? ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 ......... ...... Acer. P.O. ......... acesy civcoi T ;-- - 0 2 Yo @CCT. NO. CLASS 00 x pier. NO. TOTALS 4 PRO FIIM 5.6 USE roxvious toollows. (38- 49), Ad&Ll '3 hereby a-,knovleage of the fonoiring Cbeek No* 200198., dated October 4 .4ravu n 0 payable t the amount of $i-)500.w 2 Date: OUCHER NO. (Fi"-loce use on'y) NAME OF ADVANCEE AMOUNT v 2 C,',@ 16. c,:D 7 REQUEST FOR ADVANCE ROOM BUILDING TELEPHONE EIT, PAYABLE TO :t 2 OF FU?Q@DS PURPOSE h it@,6a. by 7L. 2 3 *,..Ir A cr for 1411@ss C4@@Irlr_cc 'Will b,;, !.n 2 ANI.C;UNT. C)F. Z '09fee that I will fu2jy Account fo 6,30,@i slon of vzucliars- 4'7:. fund of any .exPended balance STATUS OF OUTSTANDING ADVANCES to th2e reporting point stated and by i .@e,of @ count an refund any unexpended balance, r authorize deductjon from my salary to effect settjement. . I tJN4CCOUNTED BALANCE DUE DATE F AMOUNT REPORTING POINT FINANCIE DIVISION --)4EADOUARTERS 2 ON ARFttVAL AT DESTINATION ON IOR ABOUT MONTKLY - ON THE LAST 2 WOPKI)AY 01? EOkC4 MONTH REOUESTING OFFICER' APPROV,- RECEIPT FOR FUNDS ADVANCED DATE ITURE 727 ISIONATURE F APPROVING OFFICE; I ac no ds in the AMOUnt Stated here- under to be used for the purpose stated and accounted for LO 2 shown I CERTIFY FUNOS ARE OBLIGATION REFER CE N NO. CERTIFIED POk PAYMENT OR CREDIT '7 ID AT F- A@TH FYING OFFICER SlGm,%TURE OF ADVANCEE DATE t 2 SIGNATURE 21 -@ 1-: P SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION BY REVIEWED By VOUCHER NO. 7-12 2 OESCRIPTli)IM-ALL OT4ER ACCOUNTS 1 34-39 40-42 43 AS.46 47-52! 5 58-67 49-70 is- so STATION r OBLIG. SA-57 ALLOT. OR COST 2 Due AMOUNT A"O. . CODE CXPEN U PAY REF. L ACCT. NO. DATE .... ..... ......... N@ -. CA GENERA CODE M 'PER- - . . ....... DESCRIPTION- LEDGER ositcy 2 LIO' Accr. P**. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 ........ I, 0 ACCT. NO. I S CODE CLASS ECT I I I till i2till I I II TOTALS F O'i" 28'. ust I-otwooos lcallrions. S. 0 2 777777 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO@ 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 4 3 11" 2 43 45-46i 47-sz 5 0 - 6 7 GS- 70 ro . ST3A 40-42 F OOLIG 53 54-57 ALLUI. COST DUE 71-80 2 33 PAY 12p; NO . CODE @EXPEND u REF. N;. GENERAL ACC r.u"NO. DAT-E AMOUNT :0: . . .;;o . . N PER . . . . . . . . . . 2 ...... DESCRIPTION- CODE ADVAOOCF CA LEDGER 62.67 ADVANCE ACC OUNTS 13-27 mC,: LIO- ACCT. No. 2 CK.NO. osicci D YR ACCT. NO . CL.S$ DEBIT CREDIT 13 ;;;C'C CODE 2 DIV s x 7 EXPLANATION OF C14TRY TOTALS DA2TE y DATE REINEWED y CERTIFIE6 FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE- SIGNATURE Of CERTIFYTNG OFFICER 4 10-5, @06 -77 11 40 Dat C W Branch Category@-@ p Ti i-4, A, Iti@@Classiricatio roject tle- Project C2rYPtO--@@ Ci.Ypto Classification-----7- A* Project Engineer Branch Project iNo Contracto oiect @,'42 Task No.- Contract No-m@@@@-- 2 1955 A Type of Contract- Date-Lnitial we'l Cost. $10.000 Completion Dat 1.';.eld testin,3 ani evaavtlon of R&i) ite,"9D- Purpose: iod out in SL ,till qchedtaod activit.Qs for rY 6Z hav-e becii c.-Arr Status: satisfactory riiaiu-icre 42-41 RECEIPT Re ceipt is hereby acknowled f Check No. RZOOIZS, drawn on the dated June 29, 1962, -P@able to in the amount of $1, Soo. 00. Dat 9 e: -i Om-II ---,,*O 4A 19 Juno 196Z D on 1,,l --r!, I j.'O r,,X N D U,.Ni r. O R -$-chief, i-,2ia,-,,nce ivi-3' ,ficor VIA: TSD/Budget O' SUBJL:,CT: L@IKULTRA, Subproject Not, 4Z, Invoice i'i'31 Anoti@i@ #ZIZ5-13920-39OZ invoicp,, No.3 amolmt of $I, 500. 00 covc-rin,% the above subproject is attacho,@.d. -Oth--r invoice3,will iollowt -It is re eoted th-at paynient br, mad llows: au 2 10 Soo. 0 Cashier's cheek in o aii@iount of $11 0 to pa-yabl- a local bank. Z. Th check should b.:-@ f 2 onvarded to Chidf TSI)IBB TSD/Bqdl-,et Of' cor as roon a o,-ag4 TSD/Bio'Ao-ical Branch AttacIL-Rents: Tr..voice Cortific4tions 20i Die t r i,@ution: - - - O.. i Z @ddressep, I TSD/FASS 4 lp 2 TSD/BB q.2 - $1, 500.00 For Services now ----------- - - --------- CMIFICATIOI?S 2 appl.yiinr,:, to (1) It il hereby cortifi6d that this le TYT-@OICO ILI@ is Slfo-p- c-o,,;ioct lqo. or that Cor-VJCCS aiV -@s a-r-.@d a e- -a-& of tl: In tn-,tt thi,3 bill ia-juat and correct crA -tb,-x'@ -Zhor.-3of has not yet b--,e-ii macle 0 al Date: 19 June 196Z- (2) it is b@ii-eb@, coe@,ified thr-t--tbis to sub!)...".)ject Of Waich -e-as d@tily app.-o-nd, ond the is beins carri4@d of - 13 n a-cc 1953 fra,-u th-- DO! o tne-D!)/Al and tbp- oi' thia -nt wamorinda 9 Acting Chief, Tccl-inical Services Divi5'Otl Date: 1962 +2-43 RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of Treasur ert s Che@k No. R200045, dated March-30, 1962, drawn on the W payable to -.,IL-ho,amount of $1,500.00. 0 Date. 42. 2 April 196?- o@ 17 ,iount of Please sign receipt for tho oticlosed check in the'ar4 0 $1, 500.00 and retiar amount of $1, 500 Enclosur@:1 chpek in tr-O '(Sent Air-llaili-7Registered) RECEIPT Receipt is he- aby acknowledged of Treasurer's Ch@6dk No. R200045i r dated l@Urch 30, 1962, dra%,.,n on t ayablo to he jamount $1, Soo. 00. Date.1 V4 MINI& ..4w zo N,,arch 1962 CZ DIVISION NII;MORA-NDU2M FOR, TSD/Bud,*,et Officer MKVLTRA@7@libproject X4o# 42, Invoice 030 1390 3cioz 02JZ5" 2 'lo -IdAh@6 amoiui 30 t of $1, 500. oo-tbv6ting Invoice-N vo sabi@ the abo i,)rojcct is %ttache,i a local ba,-Lk. 2 to Cli-teft TSI)L 2. Tho clicclt% C. R r @sea ch Br,.nch@@t' h TSD/n-ucl:,Ot OUicat as soon as. Chief 2 ..TSD/Research Ut@@h@ r?6MAII lavoice It C -oletMcation!% a@II!,C@v Tt 1.)kY r,";! 1 TSD/FASS I--" 2 --TSD/RB WYOICE iror Servicos (1) It to bereby corwied that thia is lnv*ico lying to Subpr*Ject No at UKULTRA;7-tIOVWforn=co is satidactory.- bat airvi-co--e a-r-a bidng -&@,ccompUthed in acc*re.,,,,nce with ;nttv,4 AtroornoAts that a detado@d agendi el the p.@Ayrnouts and ratitipto -*Is on Olein TSDIRD, tlat tH2o bi)l It& just &4d corroct and th,%t payment thor **f has not yet b"n a)-ad*, oat*: cortift,%d ttat this tnvcice ip-v-ouej to Subproject AZ is heroby Of l@f2l@ULTRA %t@Uch u@is d-,tly 4pproved. -.%nd tt-a@t projir;tt ig btln$y carrild a,*t In accord3.ncip of 13 %p:il. 1953$ from the CDI-" t" tW..s authorlty in buttacqlifmt memorand4. GKic.,Y, TuZ .i o ;v i,: is oft @44 ,Tanuary ZZ. 1962 ck No. 188634 dra-,vn'oti Enc.10@3ed find Treasur-ris CLie 4 in,the,.amount --MM of $1, Soo. (0. Eiiclo3ure Awl& 42 1--7- 5 March 1962 L-'OA:-, TIIE COL,117-TvtOLLEII. ATTENTION FinaAce Di2vtoion SU13JECT NIKULTPA. S4,@i@c@&t--42- Additional Authorization Under tiio authority grktnted in th,,i dated 13 Apy,i-l 19@r-3 frolm DI"-'-I to the DD/A, atid tho e-%tenc-ion o@f LLti,.s in met'noranda; S,,iboroicet 42 lt@vzi tio,ooo-oo a -V4 e-n @!o-.rar -be of th4@ ovor- 1.1 Projzclv- 'i"filk@Ut T@@,.- fuf@., I;i -suoproji@-ct's expenr,-s and sl,.ould be c@%tirgei to- --oat cc-nt@-r -2125:-1-399=399?,@L@@---- TSD/Research Bran.", OF FUNDS. c ie DD/P/TSD 8 L)ate: 1):A St rib i'L i TSD/FASS 2 TSD/RB :01 2 eb 2 aq 0 3 06 lip A Ift44 41 co 42 ItLit,""O" zal!,On rio. 2 twier the eutho--Ity cl_at4eti. 13 AD-Til 1953.. f r(m tl.;@a DOZ to tba DD/A ex,.cl -th@-i w,.tea-aion o@Z -th',z in ;Bti'O- --42 tj2&, r aeAitio).--al 0 s _cum 09 0:1 a ;:a be utb ri to co,@y@-@b tha Die!@,r)ro 1--at3 c..-(: -,3 t b t 1 4 leg: Date Oris. el 2 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUC14CIt riC, 7-12 DATE 2-6 ',IOUCHER NO, 7-12 2 47- 5 2 5 S. 67 6 8 - 70 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34- 39 43 4 S. 4 6 7 I- 80 STATION 40- 4 2 F ROOL 10. 53 2 54- 57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOUNT 2 33 CODE EXPEND u PAY EF, NO . ACCT. NO. DATE ,@'Al 000. GENERAL 2DESCRIPTION- : . . I .... CODE N PER . . . . . . . ...... P:o 1, 0. PRO;:-;;: . . . CA LEDGER 62-67 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 2 D LIO- 'N'b . YR ACCT. NO. . on l T CREDIT . . . . . . . .ILi3' S CODE oicr. NO. kLAS' Dl@V.Pp 2 Ah EXPLANATION or ENTRY TOTALS 14 PREPARED BY DATE OTEVIEWED 2'BIA DATE CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT !,.A DATE IGNATURE Of CERTIFYING FOP M 6 110- 4.11 6.,, 606 UT-9 P-EVIOUS TOOTIONS. S7 8 izinurry 1962 ,u%@DU'A FO,1,1*. CF.LY,, FlrAllils- DIV 2 islot.1 VIA t TSD/13ud,,,et Officer Subproject llo. )t2, Invoice ?@129 Allo'-=nt -1390-3902 1. Invoi2cj ilo. 29 i.4 tb,@- v4rvvL-it of - 00 co\,erino, tlie sbove is a',Iached. C--,th@3t i.-voic.---3 -%:ill fol'Aov. It is request@cd ,.bat p,-Ayz.@--at b-.@- rme,-de ef; f o lo,., s -Cashier a in- the amcu&nt of tl 5C-0. 0-0, paye"4).4S to a loer-.l DIL T.1@@3'ehe-ek rh.,,)u2U b---for,:t-rd!@d to Cl)-ief., VSD 15@.@@D/Ixdget c@rf ice r ea roon cs yoasible. Brerteli 1,.voice Cortiftw@8tions A@IOLI OF P4T NINON* INVO.ZCE 8 j=ary ig62 For Stir-Acro CERTIFICATIONS -PX. to 2 *,it -iit th b4j-l it, j4.i% 4@rd cf.@rrect o6-c@@d t@lvit piL.@-rocs j@@t olIA 2 42 -i;74iich -4,.xg th-- carfif! mt IQ wii-b. the c,.,' '_Lj "Vpril t.,o ilip. DDTA, &n-d ttit oll this RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the follo-,ving check: Treasurer'sChleckNo. 186543, datedOctoberZ5, 1961, In the amount of $1, 500. 00 drawn orx-."the -- 01@@@ayable-to Date: A CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER 7- 1 2 VOUCHER NO. 7- 12 DATE 2-6 2 VOUCHER NO. 43 45-A61 47-52 56-67 68-70 STAT%ON 40-42 F DOLIG. 53 54-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOUNT 2 11 l@; .3 3 1 E PAY F. NO. CCT. NO. DATE col EXPEND u GENERAL DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 2 71-aO RE A IPTION- . . . . . .?. . . . . . . . . . . .CODE N PER. DESCR P.0, $-pop. F#;, LIO- @CA LEDGER 2 I 6 2- 67 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 I C" ' " "' 0"JE"" DEBIT C*EDITI . . . . . . . @YR ACCT. NO ....... CLASS 2 11 CODE EMP. NO. X "cf. PitojEcy No. F 3 C/ EXPLANATION Of ENTRY 2 y DATE PRE BY WMNI&L mile DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT 5 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFF@ICER m FORM 606 p 7 -r4- DIVnIOil VIA et OVicer SG-VD, r. @rL',, r-,k, S,@V,,rojcclvl t;o. h2 Invoice -28 2 1. @'Invoica '4?o. 23 in the or $1.5,@ia.00: co'wrto' Is ci t tz .4 v'il:L 't. b@e. Mde US _U4,V:3 2 Crxehicr'3 che,,i;t i,.i the a-mv@.int of 'to on a 'Lc-al b;t@ -Ch le Tt, ch@,, ek sl@.ou2,d 2 3 C @l-t c.!,,oa 2 TSID/RB .1 TSDIFASS 2 --.*AUK mail* INVO,',ICE For, Services CERTIRICATIONS (1) It is hereby certifled that th-.Iri is Invcldce bLl.>Plling to Sub-prcyject No,2 of IAI@TULTRA, th-M perfcrmrnce to 4a_ ti3@,at st-rvicas ztre being accompT-is';,.cd L-% actcrd,.4nce with rnutu-4 agree- m(mtto tbat a detuilei agencli et the pxymentn; erd receipts i4 " filti in TSD/PB. that this bilx is ju--st ard correct-and that p-tymcn-t ther4tcf hws not ye t beta ra.adoo- -TS Rt.3earch Branch--------- CLAi,,f, Date., 2 (2) it Is hereby cortmed that this invoice-appues to Subproject 42 of MKULTRA which vmo dul-y approvad. And fht-,@,t the projec-.t is being -ccordance-vath th(,, memorindum of 13 April l9.S3 from car;ried out in h. the DCI to the DD/A,, and the e,@-,ttne-lon of this -authority in atibseqL'e-At R,--tie,areli Director Date: now 42 .P,ECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following check: cashier's Check No. 2-064679, dated August 11, 1961, the 2n atnount of $1, 500. 00 drawn on the 0 payable tojpmow@ -Date: 42-wS6 13 kruly 1961 rot---- cn=-. F,. imv-a,@ci DRVISICN V,.;,D2/Didvt Officer b@ulo.?@mject 1;'@o* liail layolco i27 &-.OL.Int Of 01#500-00 ooieriala, su',T---OIeCt Is 2 Other inlolees Vill follow. It is i%a'Vjeated Aint'.rar-,ent b-,i to;,-d.3 as follo%-a I aayabl,-, to Oa a b-a T.Ij 2 to Ctji.2f, -.zear,,,h l@r,cacla throuz,,h Ofl i.;wa 25 July 1961. 2 Bxweh LIvoica Cortif-,' =tions I CERTIFY T@IAT FL;N'@S ARE A@OAILABLE: WL@GATI,:N r,@FER@tir-E 4o. 3 0 i t4 2 tetdr(,-s.-ek,.k CKAPCK TO TSD/FAR1,3 TSD/RB qg- iwoics I?or Services alL@00.00 C&RTIFICATIOT-S (1) It is hereoy certified that this is ravoice 27 2 applytng to cub-project, NO* of that performance'is-eatisfa7ct-ori, that services are 'beinl, accotri@lished in accordance with mutual apiceraentep-that a detailed aeer-da of the payments and receipts is on file ifi-TSD/n that this bil-I is just and correct and that paym2ent thereof has not-ytzt-been-.mad,-,. -7Re search 'Branch - Ubief, T.I>D Dat.,-: (2) it is hereby c-artified that-this invoice applies-to SubProject IQ of v.W.,T?,A vb'ch vas 7duly approveck and that the prc@jeat is being carried out in ac-@ordance-with the memorelnduta-of 13 April 1953 frq@i the DC to tl,.e DD/Aip Etnd the extenuion of this authority in subsequent wmoranda. Research Director Date: R E C E I P T Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following,' Treasurer's Check, No. 182213, dated May 1, 1961, in the arnount of $1, 500. 00, drawn on the payable to 10 A,-,ril 19U lEY4iVil@W,4 FOR,. PIMNCS DIVISICI VIA t Mo /Du4&ot Officer 2 Cub.,-,rolp-,ct !To. 42,9 Tnvoice AUotm-4-at 61 125-1:-i@0-3)02 o. 26 In ttio am@oun t (@t- @4,500.CO'2coyerin I. Xnvoice 14 9 tkie abov@-.- s-,ibproject is attac;icd.-- Ojth,-r irivoic#-.o vill fonaw. 2 It is r-e-quested tWt lay@,,jen*v, 'c,.-* jzdo t--o fouwa t Cos)-,iierle &.eck in tl,.e,% v@-nctint of rwin on oL loctil bara 24 The c 1,. ek s h v.A A t,-, fomimed to Chierp IMD/i see-rch w-Offi",tj no la t@-,,r tlon 27 4pril 2 1961- go-MR" Chief B mch. Invoice to Cort6JLf cations Distributiont Orit; & 2 ttedre-Daef-A 1 TSD/FIM .2 TSD/RB F'. E VT f4T.-t7t 1-9r)T TT.Td'j 13T sT Tt-- STU U0 VT vcl @q aM vm. vlep v t,7qA 4 IRITA w v c,,v4 va 6 n I W-+ -05 0-4 91 $I rlty. (,c) '42,tssg DIU 30 Janua;7 196@ t w'4 @,k, R.' U -Wi 1 P MCO,%Z'iMOt-.LER 40 2 Div-lf3,',on 42 f-6 Anotment-#1125-1390-3902 Under lba au'azrity in "cba datt@a 13 1953P frea the DCI to the DD/A eal tba tt-aaion ol.' ",,Iii.13 in cub- 42 Un-tler t7a.- 0=4 authority O?A5,00(:L.Pg@_ h,,%s boen eutt-orizz--' to coi,,,zi, th@-% '%Io be cL).,trZ-,:cl coa'c. cent--r No7. 1125-1390-39MI D- AP-7,0'iL,D FCx r,-f.!C-X i (3 nirDS@@ Date: Orlg. 2 McFlipr Receipt is hereby acixovledged of the folloving check: Treasurer's Check No* 259860, dated 13 Jiinuar@ 1961 ih-tbe-amou'ntpf -,$1,500,00,clra,,m on the -oa8yable to Date r7777777% 4Z No. Cost Account Object Class Obligations Obligations Unliquidated' 2 Date Remarks and References Incurred Liquidated Balance Ile 21 SEP 959 91 I MAR 30 JON 1 4 io9c6To 14 OCT 1960 -,at OC:T -- -- - ------- - -26 1 IR 45 A. CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POS-91MG VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER No. 7-12 SO-67 68.70 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER2 ACCI@UNTS 13'33 @34- 39 1 43 45-46 47-52 71-80 STATION 140-42 F OBLIG. 53 54-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOUNT 2 CODE U PAY REF. NO. ACCT. NO, DATE 2 'r @;33 ]EXPEND GENERAL NO. ...... DESCRIPTION- ..... .. E N PER .0. Poe. 2 CO(' CA LEDGER 1 6 2. ADVANCE ACCOUN YR CR IED I I TS 13-27 D LI0 ACCT. NO. oc ,,-,cT ....... CODE NO. x PEr. NO. 32 f3l;;O,Or. C;, -FY s 2 elo9l- 64 W 7@- EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS DATIC E-U t-A PS.OMWI-- OAT REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYN4ENT OR CREDIT'2 9 T SSGN@T piG OFFICER FORM -(10- 49) 7 10-5, 606 Ugt PPFvious RDITIONS. Z- ig6i 5 January FOI@L: CEnF)-FIM'@CE DIV'IrSION-- TsD/B-u(iget Officer 2 VIA SUBJFCT @MTRA., Subproject i'lo. 42p Invoice #25 Allotmart i'0525-ioog,4901--.'L-@,0,.-@" -in-the-amOunt of-,$l.,500-00 covering 1. I2nvoice No. 25 the above subproject is attached. Other 1,.ivoices will follO'V. It is requested that payment be raade as follows!- Cashierla cheele, in the =ount of $1,,500 - 00 payable to (Lr@-ITZI on a local bank 2 20 The ebeek should be fortard@-,d to Chief,, TSD/O--3earch' Brameh., through TSj)/D-idSet OffiW-,- no-lat@er than 19 January -1961. T;>D/Research Branch Attach5ed: Invoice & Cort:Lf cations C H E Distributiont Orig & Ad-Iressee 2 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ilk by carti% ;d ,i", this is :17.nv to oub cc 2,3 3;@@Lu it tha'v 2 !Ln izw;iial- 4 4"a of "t--enzits %rZi is on file ia co3-reat ank-,,. La-. u*t ye a--rc'.-t 2 P.) It tO aud th- tli-. I)rl-@j@act be--3..i,3 esz-z,-CLI of Fi@xt6, @-k rAA@., i-a f@co:-i )D,."-r to the ii C-f 13 -L)D/At- ai@d of t7Y&r, in A 'T4 ..-$323-00 Received Three Hundred and Tventy-Three Dollars... (whi-n Filled Zn) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER No. 7-12 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 2 11 50-67 68-70 71-80 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER AC OU14TS AO- OBLIG 53 54-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOUNT PAY 2 ACCT. NO. TE CODE EXPEND REF. N@. GENERAL 0. PER . ....... 62.67 CODE N v,,,icc' CA, LEDGER obitcy 10. DESCRIPTION- R L Accir, No. YR@ACCT. 'NO. 3-27 ........ 0,: 2 P,;'@CLASS ADVANCE ACCOUNTS D CODE x AC ry RO JECT No. s A 2 ... .22/ OF 4p L EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS 00, 2 CER IFIEO FOR PAYMENT OR CRE D- I-T@@ DATE PRE@'A"@D BY DATE REVIEWED BY DATE Soct4ATUPtE Of CERTIFYING OFFICER 14 49 OEM A 9 1 FORM !:0 10-5, 606 vst Pwtvlovs Colyf*ms. A-0): 7T@ I Decorber 1960 PO.-I: C VIA TSD/r;,uL!Cot, Of f icer t ro. 4P., l@nvoice f,24 1. Invoice ro. 2"@ - I ti th-- =Otult of @,,'9.3-00 co-vorlrz the A-bo,,v ciubproject is ir.,Yoic*3 Vill follc-,.,. F,,%ymiot Lu%o@Ald b,-@ ti2&lo by ctsh in foar (4) @50.00 billsp six (6), three- (3)- @1-00 bills. 2,e cash aliwl(l b"orvat@led to C"iief pT 'Q'D Officer -tio la'v-er. tiian 8 V@a7oc,@;,ber 1960. Cllief AtteclAwnts i C,^.rtificationa Distribution: Orig 2 t-4dreasc;3 r;zer nnoics I?or Borvlcoa $323-00 - - --- - - - - - - (1) It Jo homby cortified that this is Invoice @r,24 c6ppl2ying to 'Rubprojec:t Vo. )12 of t t performa.,ice is catisfulatory,, ba "ith th,-it services mG being acco.-4plislied iii o-coorc-',--nca oZ=e-menl;sj, tn--t a dettileil ager.,da of the payr-@;ent-s and rect--ipts -this bill is just and correct and that is ou file in TOD/M that paymnt thereof has not yet beea made* 2 c search Branch I)ate: (2) It is tioreby cortifiecl that-thie invoice applies to Subproject No* 42 of va,3 duly e.-_oproved, and that the project is 2 beinl coi-r$@ed out in necordance vith tlu,. raemoi-andum of 13 April 1953 rom the DC a ex na o f I to tb-,-- M'and th t@- i n of tbio authority in subacquant r-,omoranda 9 Date: r6 0-3 rA 3 fb (When Filled In) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTIN6 VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-1@2 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 2 OESCRIPTION-AI.L OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 1 34-39 43 A7-52 5 -67 -7 71-80 I 45-4C t, 2 STATION 40-42 F OBLIG 53 54-57 ALLOT. OR COST 6 OD F.0 @,2p; 3 3 CODE PAY REF. N6. DATE AIAOUNR .0. EXPEND U GENERAL ACC NO. DESCRIPIION- .......... ....... N PER. ... ;.o .....I P'.6. C ODE LI 0. AD; ..... CA LEDGER 2 6 ADVANCE AC(:GL,t4TS 3-Z7 iD ACCT"."@%. c @- BIT ....... CODE ..- YR ACCT. NO. ... 2 ,rc,l iL: pitoject NO. s @'i;;:-No. x It ASS 2 fy, v@. ........ Fl EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOIALS 2 OR CRED;T DATE pptEPAR DATE REVIEWE 0 By DA CERTIFOEO FOR PAYMENT 2 SIGIIA'IURE OF C El' FOI, 606 (10-459) Revious COITION$. 10 7 7 A -1 7L7 19 October 1960 MEj\40RA'LiDUM FO'.Ie. C14LEA's, VIA TSD/Dudget Officmr S U.T-%"Tc CT NIKULTI.IA, evbproje-et No. 42, Inv oi c a -,-i 2 Allotmeat 40525-1009-4901 1. Invoice No. Z3 In the amourit of $300. 00 coveriag the above i3uburoject lo attached. other invoices will follow. 2 Pa)ineAt should be. made by casii la three (3) $100. 00 blue. 2. Tlia cash should bo forwtrde,,i to Chief, TSD/ R's a ch. through TSD/Budgot officert no later tka.*% o,,troh Bran Tuesday, IA,,%FOveiiibor 1960. TSD/Research Bra-ach Attactim. erito: --- ------ Invoice 4 Cortific-3-tions Distribution; 4i R E C orig. & 22- Addressee INVOICE -aoo. 00 It to t4oreby coytified thit tblo Is IAVOICO ofild3 applylilg to Subproject t4o. 4Z of @iilk@ULT-',IA, tt.,At performanca is oatic- L,,xctory, that services are beta.@,, accon-%plistied in accordtace a dct--iled a.,4.Lrti-a of the pay- -tier4t23 and roccip,.'s Is oi Lila in t-%-.,,t thig bill is just acd correct and thatpayr,,ictit thereof h.-,j not yc-t bectk znade. (.;hii7f, 6DIR -h L nela 2 Date., L-I)roject (2) '&t is ti,-iroby cerl&-Lilc4 thalul thle Invoice ar)l,)Iloo t 0u t-,o.' 4t of wl,.Ich %t,&a duly aporovf,-,I2, aad that ti2* pvoje--t lix bein@t, c4-rztcd o@--t icu. acr-ordanca tba rne.@aorare-lvlm of I' AP-. 1.1 1153 f,..O(A t@40 DCL to tlietlolw a-.d tba "toadi8on 01. this autt@,.,ority iu oub;af3q-qeut ii)c@r,.ioraada. Dato-. October 25,9 11,160 Received $250-00 October 25s 1960 Reoeived,$250.W- (h7ien Filled Zn) CONFIDENTIAL FIJNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOWCHER NO. 7- 12 @DATF ;1-6 VOOCHER NO. 7- 12 DESCRIPTIOPD-ALL OTHER2 ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 @40-42 AS-46 47- 5 2 59-67 "' "O STATION OBLIG. 2 71- ZO-33 3 EX'PENI, PAY 5 s4.s7 ALLOT. LEDGER @6.' E so CODE "El EF,@ NO. GENERAL ACCT. 2No. @ Dl@TE AMOUNT ...... T........ CA LEDGER ;2--67 ...... DESCRIPTION-ADVANCE ACCOUNRS 1 3, 27 Pt;t4. ORDER t4 0. _!O!!DEL A 0 A ti c It 6 . . . . . . . . . . 2 Act 'r.0 Y R CK. wo. IOBJECT@ ACCT. No.i CLASS DEBIT CREDIT FY CODE RW 2 T@ I 01 ATION 0 F EN T$tV JTOTALS 2 P It EP AFt ED DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYI.$EMT OR CREDIT SiGr4ATURE Or CEOtTiFYING OFFICEII 2 DATE FO r4m 2-se 606u-C PRCVIOUS COITION$. (10-49) Mg I- p 7 October-1960 -SDII!i@4ot Officer VIA !iuboroject ilo. 4z], It,.voice. ZZ -Z No. Zl, In lh,3 2 of $500. 00 c4Dvarttig- -,Cther irvo;ces will follo-@v, %,to above stib,,)roject-is 'IUD. 00 bill foiir Pay,-.icrt of@.oi2etd ba nl2,ie by cash la 4"r (4) (4) $ZO. 00 billoo and two (Z) 4'10. 00 bill** 2 The casti should La Cillef. TSL@/ -Re3earc'ti 'z-'.r:ar;ch tlirc;@u,:,Ia Cfi2tccrt 136*er than la@r, '17 Cc"#,obar, ili6o Cf -TSD/RC3tarCh luvoico PA -ttlilcationa Ass 7 -T@D/IABAIW*(7 Oct. 1960) -00 For Strvicos **-*me 004.0me oboe wamoftee.-O .,Ww@@Ao It lia L-oreby cortified that this la frwolto .4@ZZ api-@lying 1%1* Sul-$- L, LT All A. tli.,,.t is cat r *J a ct -i.-I of tlia@t gservices ar,3 bait-in; i,w-k accordance with tit,, 2-at a, dotail,,.d a;;oadz, >f tho p,%-ymonts aud r-ocetpt,,g o a 1.1 Z t t t it i,2 bill ta 4u&t aLc%.,4 torrect ark(.' filat@ -yroof has r.@o,*o yot beea 2inad-c. tii, i f Pat*: 7 thit this lnvoica et' to ut, 4 2 kThIC 4@? -dul-jr apirovzd, .0@ that pro- Wa,3 xvith 41le mecr,o 3 tho to thel$l=W I Lpril 1!@., -1:@ -r@d tN *Atear-tc@,Aoi this'-. - 42-4@L3 RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledgei-i of t&e following check: O.O.,,check I dated *Octobor 1160, in the amount of $1, 500. 00, drawn on the woos"_, -0 0 MA payable to@ Date.@ --16 /-a (Wljen rille(I [n) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 2 DATE 2-6 VOVCHER NO. 7-12 34-39 43 47-52 56-67 68-70 DESCFTIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 2 45-46 71-80 STATION 40@ .42 F OBLIG. 53@ 54-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUF 2 AtiOUNT 2 33 REF. NO. 'ACCT. NO. DATE I -PI - I CODE EXPEND U p O'y GENERAL 2 S C A I P T I ON - - - " A ...... CODE N PER CAi LE GE.R 62-67 ...... 13-27 Ck 2 NO. obji CREDIT Li 0 : AA@c;T;@ch No ECT 2 0 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D YR ACC". .... 0 r B I T :32,33 PROJCCT NGi -FY s CODE eme :-2;07.' X ME CLASS F-- % EXPLANATION OF ENTRY 2 TOTALS DATE PREPAR 9 DATE REVIEWED By CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT 6 DATEJ SIGNATVRF OFFICER to- 606 -nevious EDITIONS. 4@2--4s eV 6 October 1960 EMOR%ANDUM FOR: CHIEF,, -imil VIA TSD/BtidSet Clificer 2 z SUBJECT MKULTRA. Sub,,,)roject No. 42# Invoice 021 A.Uotment 03Z5-1009-4901 1. Invoice No. 21 covering the above sabproject to attached. Other invoicce will follow, It Is requested that payrierat .be roade as 2icuowo-. 1609t"ctieck in the amount of $1, Soo, 00 payable-to- *AVOW 2. The check ahovld be forwarded to Chleft TSD/ Research Branch, throueh TSD/Budget Officer, no tator than Thlirisday, ZO October 1960. 2 Ile NW hief TSD/Researctk Branch Attached: lavoice Certifications Distribution: Orig,, &0 2. Addroulto I -/TSD/FASS TSDIRI3 (5 Oct. 1960) INVOICE For Services $1,500.00 CERTIFICATLO&@IS (1) It is here4y certified that this Is Involco to Subproject Nlo. 42 o&';%IVuULTRA, that oerfora2xanco to ci@tisfactory, that services are being accompltgt'ied lii accordance with t-autual agrcon,.eats, that a detailec' agenda of the payments and receipts is on file in T'Q'D/PB. that this bill is just and correct and that ayment titereof h,%e not yet been p Chief, TSD/liesearcti L3ranch Date: Z) It is hereby certified that this Invoice al),i.)Iies to cubi)roject -and that the project No. 4Z of i ii@ULTRA which was duly al). roved, is being car@.,iod out La accordarce with the niemorandu"z of 13 AI)R!L 1953 fro.,n the C-Cl to thejWJ.M acd ttio exteat3lon of this authority in subse*luent mernoraada. Ar 'Cil C> Receipt is hi2reby acknvwl,-.dgt--d of the following check: July 5, 1960, drawn on W* in the amolmt @'f-$I-,-5000.00 payable Date., (3 ek) ium 19,60 VIA ozricar ro, 42J Invoice f;i2o Allo-L,.Iertt 05P-5-10')-9-4901 2 In,,roice llo. i@overinq tli,-. abo%re oapro6eat in ata&.ea. 411 folloot, It Is Gtod tli t a-.,rit be fo)-lows: @oount ol VII,,500.14CAO to I:vh@@:.- ..hou3A be to C@a"L(.%fp o L-it,-r VLrin 13 J@a!Y 1%-O. 2 IJ9 t. t te oli --,i 1 CERTIFY IPAT FU,\'03 ARE AVAILABLE, ori;, ti ;2 t%d;lr- 7 c@R TSI)lrASS low P, c c @"F. Li F.$ For services CERTIFICAUOIM (I) it to t,,-.reby cortifi-la that this Is lnv'oice 17o,. ;20 applying to Subr@roject rio. k"..1 of that io catisfactory,, that 2 aervices are baing accv@-,-plisl,.ed iii c-ccor&-.-Ace e,@@r,--ements., tl)At a d,--tAilc-4 aCazl-d.-,t of the paym--nts and rec.,-Il)ts is on file In T."-,D/PB., t@hat this bill. ifs just arA corm-,@.-t ilnd tl),at paymn,@ thereof Las not; yet been made* M7ef,. Datt,%: (a) -.it is i-i@aiy--by certified that Vii-- ailnvoice r@,,n plica to 'oVpproj;Dct N@). h',2 of which 14"Au duly -.P,,,rovLds t@ul -.1 tli@%t the proj"t Is bel-,, carvi--,d oAb i-ri with tl-,e t@ uior-ardum oAO 13 ti,-o2'll 1,953 'a DCI to li the e,,,tt-%nsion of U-ii-a au-.Iio from ta tl, GrA r ty in Dat RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the fol-loving c)ieck-. dctted Viaxch 7,, 1960., d-rawn on th6 in the ajylotint of $1.,500-00., :@a Date: (When Filled In) CONFIDENTIAL FUliDS POSTING VOUCHER 7- 12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER No. 7-12 VOUC14ER NO. 2 56-47 71-60 .52 DESCRIPTI(JN-ALL OTHER ACCO -39 43 45 OBLIG. 53 54-S7 ALLOT. OR COST 3 3@1 2 -4@ 47 Go 34 El UE AMOUNT S'RATION 40-42 F 3 CODE XPEND U PAY REF2. NO. ACCT. NO. DATE I ...... COD OPER. ......... GENERAL IPT I 009, N A CA LEDGER 62.67 DESCR PROP, kio.@ Li @V I."C E 2 CR. Pia. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 D - @. YR ACCT. NO. ... CLASS . : ",. ; COODE -- -. R'C'J'C'C'T' N'O'. amp.2 No. ........... t EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS DATE PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFI FOO PAYMENT OR CREDIT 2 DATE IORM too-49, 10-S, 606 use rotvt6vg to#YIONS. 4ft4m AW 24 rebruarl 19C'41) 1 142,Vx%-% Two ub j@-.at t@4o,,A Iavt%lw @19 2 Uvoict,. 1@o 19 c,>Tvr4-nS"tlv) P-'@we ,3ul-n.?roject to attA.;,-hods' 0,.'.hor invoice-s viLX follows It Is tht-tt Iixr@io-at U,-, ao 2 itt t@L@4 ct- it ar ti,,500.,00 to. 2e, 14".hi clack -@t-otLId I)a to cn4@efi, T.-'Z riical Ckfirg-.r - iae lat4r thca V-zor2&.4.ay.. 10 i.@irch ;deal tA -t C"kTir-Y r,!AT FU@IDS COtICATIC,4 2t@ C6-.-L el2 TO TSS/FASB woo Li A A;@l RE--CEIVi:u) A'Ali ror serv-icilla $lj,500-00 - - - - - - - - - - - -- -t t 2 Itishem%byeertifiedt%a laisialnvolcalto. 19 Mlyina'to 1;@>. Of setiefcct.,-ryj, tlia@t c-@@r- 2 t vices are i.-i i,-ccordance vitli cluttte-l P 'r-opa @ji "chat a .3@-rdA or t-ro rayn,--nts end m-ceitto is or, fila 12-n Ws bi.U is juat and cori--ct ard that paywnt tly.@m-%of L-as not 3,,et tec-a Cbief Q Divi.@:Lzll Date.* (2) It is cer4ui:fied that tl-li -0 invoic,@.3. appl@Le-3 to worrojiL-Ct UO,' -a or -.r@Aa duly c@pvrqy;e@1) and t,';,it the projeat is t--ing 3 in irA'Ci f@Lia of 13 P. -rril 1953 f.-c@l tie WI ta the exten3ion of th-is euthority in-@--ubseVc-at NMI., firetained for Ctirrent'ig!Mglllbllili ons" 507-90* *$500-00 was accounted for on Auf@ust-September 59 2 accoi-mting. 7.90 was held while acec)@Lntinp,,, wa@s being treale. It will be shoim on a later deposit slip. q 6 IF NO INTR.Y APPEARS BET,OW, YOUR DEPOSIT -IS ACKt4OVlLSOCED ON REVERSE I 0 7119 0 D81 BANK SYMBOL - - TRANSACTION NUMBE;T -DA-,-E AND AMOUNT OF YOUR DEPOSIT T H I S -1 S YO U R -D EPOS I T -R 1EC E I P T INSTRU CTIONS FOR MAKING MAIL DEF ENDOPS2T CHICK$: SAVINGS pay to the order of REGUL,P>R SPECIAL ACCOUNT CH,ECKI@4G ACCOUNT CHECKING ACCOUNT 2 Below this, sign your name as it appears on tit* chtck, -C,@,ssofy, by your iagne as it o@"ows in ttw RECEIPT@ FOR' DEPOSIT 2 fotto*ed, if re IF NO ENTRY APPEA:RS BEL(>',V, YOUR I)EPOSIT IS ACKNO@YLEDR.EO ON REVERSE title of your occ*unt. OATC TELLER'S STAMP--INITIAL 2. FILL OUT DEPOSIT SLIP. At top 2 of ti-,o dopo,,L@t slip check the typt of account to be credited and give ti,.j he account if it has q nuLPF-tr. Be2 sue to entei r, .Umber of t the name Of the Office W""e your2 account is cofritj PLEASE-PRINT 01 WRITE CLEARLY THE NAME AND Dotaond complete the deposit slip in ttv usubi ADDRESS TO WHICH THIS RECEIPT SHOUI 0 OE MAILED 3. PRINT OR WRITE CLEARLY THt M2AMT ANO A "4"tsl To WHICH THIS DEPOSIT ITECEIPT SHOULD et MAIL(D. NAME.' 2 ecks and this complete form in tht 4. Enclose the ch oge-poid envelope and rno'll. 00 not erclc2e Covn:-;@L@-@ rqmcy is encto@ed, serd dtP,,-'.t by itegistered Mail. for g ADDRE scvings deposit, enclose pol2.,book if po@sibfc. YOUR DEPOSIT WILL PE ACKNOWLEDGP IMMEOIATEL'-" CITY-- This receipt, a new dep@sit slip and co enyeope iili 1-@,2 mailed to the oddre,@s you write at the left. If you wish furtlicr informot;on any officer R-20 (AEV@ 6-55) 4 offices W; II be glad to help you. DO NOT DETACH r 04 YeATEI-EliT OF ACCOLMTING 0 $2j 0'17 - 51t oeration 6peratiorl $1.,414 56 OWL . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Re"u-ained for Current. eratio.n 507-90 000000 Total o *as# $4: +he Divi@ ----- -- --- 9 Of I Octriber 1959 C) to -r4 ,or r-4 0 C#-4 2 q-04 4) 10 10 r4 4-> %:)4 5 .14 P-4 0) IL% a 2Septon@-,er 1959 V@A TSS/Bwvt Mict-tr Allotmut O@25-ioog-ltgol 18 covoring t-I.2,i is attti@,tted. OILI.,icr Invoices wil.1 iollolr. It is r-zquost,-d tl,@at pa.4,L,.nnt be wade as Cht-Ne-k in th-- a L,,, o ur. t o r6"i,5w.OO r2alable to 2. el-.,zck shovl,%' b@-- forvard-ed to Chief rZ/C),.O-atcai Div-lsio-nl Of gic,--r, no later trm Iraiur6day, 19@g. 4 IC T@,51 -hataic'E.1 DIVID 104 It-voico C@- ,ifications L ilivoica ,For Services @it5ooloo CEFMR, ICATIQU (1) It is 1-.---r,3by mrtifiel tkat Llils la Invo4ce No, -18 o@i@,r2al@4ang to -o Subproject K a I.,--! of th.@.,4 perfor--?.nee is 8,3.tisfactol-yo tha%e s-,.,-vices tbtit eL detai.Ic-a aaert:--a of tti;,-- l@ 1N-,c -ots 2is on fi--Io in T$,..'?/CDj, Ulat tlaia blU, 4U3t anti Cormat er.(i t!,.at ra)zcatt themot Lo has not @,ot been =Aa I)i,,tioi 'II 2 Mte,. is ceitiAie-.-l tht-.t t:qi 'ea to uu'tnroject 'I i--@s c 'Ly okiioved - e-rd t) -a tth-3 -o--D ,-t- is -Lo& 12 Or itidi liL vit@ti t-!-i-3 m-Amor,,An-: I-el of 3:3 1953 f r ---i tl,.,i DCT I@,oa a@na thf-- e.%tension of-tbis exthor.,'-ty in au'l@,riaQuent LGc- -wi-Lnds co ct, OD Receipt to hereby a&,no,41edged of the fo.Uoldirtg: $2,000.00 in cash ($100.00 bills) Date: SECIZET fwhen Filled rn) CONF I DENT I AL FUNDS POST I NG VOUCHER YOUCHEte NO. 7- 0 2 _770ATE 2-6 2 VOUCHER NO. 7- 1Z 47- 5 2 59- 6 7 1 68- 70 DFSCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34- 39 1 40- A2 45- 4-5 OUL I G. 2 7 I- 80 L 26- 33 STATION I PAY 53 54- 57 ALLOT. LEDGER DUE AMOUNT CODE E XP E,4 0 REF. NO. GENERAL ACCT. -40. DATE ill@. V9 ............... CODE PER. CA LEDGER 67 DESCRIPTION-AE)VANCE ACCOUNTS 12- 27 PVR. ORDER NO. PROP. NO. L.Q. AADVANCE YR --T-C;..,-! No ;,Bl DEBIT CREDIT ........................ CCT. NO.. ACCT. No. 2 ... ';;:' CLASS 32-33 rpioitcy me. CODE x 4 lofv. 11 ry e, 2 y I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I 7--T- @GRATIOI, OF EN TRY 2 TOTALS C? 4. L-. DATE PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT 2 DOLTE ISIGNAVuste OF CEN TJFYING OFJRICEN a- - - - FORM Z-59 606ust P-mevoeus XDITIGNS. 2 SECRET -1, 7@ t .!4q 0N 20 Auguot 19' ;,9 VIA LOS/BudZet Offic*r E;Ulvl;CT i friMTW,... Bilb.Droject 110. 42) II-IvOiCe ilt 2 Allotwnts 9-2r-02 '--902 and 05',:-'5-loog-4901 "L7 In trC' 0ant 'Of t@;?.,000-00 10 a"=.t@-lei@4d. coveri-n-3 tYe 6bov-- ex;Cooroject. Other 1-.ivoic,'@3 viU f2ol-IOW. pay ment eirould b-- rjea-- by cozh ir. $100 bills. 'Aid to Ch-4ef 2, the casb. chould-be-foi-war(I Division, t'riro,,iZh Of -4i cr iio later than Iltezday., 2 25 AuSist 1959. Cllief Division Invoico & C@ortificati'DI'lS Distributio,: Dl,lz t42 Addm3s@@e 0 OF. ri, CASIA RE.-EiV@ INVOICS Avor i@^-rvices $2)OW.00 (1) ]Lt to I-,.ereby ec@rtified that tbin io Iuvoice ii'7 ap-DYlig to Sub- proje2ct l@o,, 42 of that _rx@@rfor-nan-ce is oatisfactory., that serv- ices are I:R-,ing acccKrDl-istied in vit'."i wutual a det.,tiled e.@- ,erda oitlc pay.-i--nt!; P-2.nd ree-aipts is on file in M/CD., x t'.hat Ws bill is just ard corm%ct-exd that, rp;..ywnt thereof ba3 not yet been nOA0 2 Chiefp TGST(,] Date., -thaV-t'.tiis-- InV6it@d- c;,nplies to Subproject @(2) it is r,.e-ceby certified r io 2 -ta diily epprovedi ard @ t tte project is beinc,,, cart@ied vAt in eecerdance u@itli tb-@ of 13 Al.@@ril 1953 LI@"?' t- C-ielM end the extenuion of @.hie autao 4 rity In ou'boequent r@-moLrarda, Date: IMF 1959 Autborlzatioa No. 5 - 41 1953 -i tL--i DO.1 to of 13 A;pr. nt I;a-. @2,a oblltated to co,@vr evl;,projeotli; oxN.-IOL-s. Ia3 Ir- 'of fT.@.-.Ao t-e azr,,r.4 to 4NIlotmr. c;a 14 -11%0,s/oc 1 -TSS/FASB 2 -T-.138/CD 15 Jtlj:,-e- 59) A -40) VZMORANDUM FOR: THE MCORD SUB=T Project KMTRA., Subproject 42 J.. Subproject 42 Is to be continued for the L-we purposes as when originally established: to sup-kort -amhum ert 2 and realistic field trials of certain. R'and D item-9 of interest to I TS$/CV,--dnd to maintain the physical facilities required for those trials. 2. During the past few months., arrangements bave been con- eluded and preliminary "dry-runs" have been compl2eted for the conduct of a larger number of more complex "field" trials. These new-trials are necessitated by the production of new materials in other Tss/,CD-,programs, advances in the State of the Art of Delivery, and the need for better controlled-"field-type" experiments. rin 2 order to cover the Wed coat of this accelerated testing, the totet, cost of this subproject is being increased fto.,a $6,ooo.oo to 3. The estimated cost of the project-io l@m .00 for a of -one year,, Charges oh-c);ild-b4-7made against Allotment 3 -2512 9rOl--- 4. Accovnting for funds and equipm,-ant under this subproject has been est.,ablished on a detailed basis vith the auditor a-nd vill continue as in the past* 71 2 - 5. if#A%W is appravei for TOP SECRET by the Agency eiA operates under eover for purpo*es of this subproject, TSS/Chemical Division A"P,OVM FOR O6BLIGATIOli OF FUNDS: Resear or Date: Distributioii;i Origiiaal onl-y Aim& CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7- 12 DA E 2- VOUCHER' NO. 7- 12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34- 39 47- 5 2 2 59- 05 7 6 S- 7 0 STATION 40- AZ 5- 44 OOL I G. 54 57 ALLOT. LEDGER DUE 7 S- 60 -28 - 3 3 CODE EXPEND PAY NO. .531 GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE A2M 0-it4 T )le, PER. I LEDGE 6 ...... .VP ............... CODE ICAI 1 3- 27 PUR. ORDER NO. PROP. NO. L.0 DVANC 2 2- 6 7. ACCOUNTS A No YRI R OeiECT DESCRIPTION-ADVANCE A E ACCT. NO .-. . . .%"@ . . DEBIT 2 CREDIT .-7,-, CODE cmt.. x nro,. No. CLASS .......... 1.3 .3 .3 -p. -M .0 j C. C. y. -W .0 2 V. I I. t I IL, Lr4 1 I C; @,c I 2 r I I t I I I I I I I I t i;t.ANATIOPO OF ENTRY TOTALS DATE PFIEPAREO 9,Y 2 DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAY@,AENT OR CREDIT DATE SIGNATU FY tmG FORM 606usc v-ot%,oowv 1ioivoeois. t IC- 491 7, AftL ciao 11 Jur-e 1959 1-n@I&Opiuwt4 FCLR#. CM?p riliklics DivIsIa-i 2 VIA TSS/BudVt Officer IC-MLTPAP c,ub_orolect Invoice #16 AUot@aint 9-2502-75-902 -it of @;;@0-pOOO.OO i(i attech,@@,A 2 1,, Invoic@,- #16 In the &Ylo%L co,,tcrirk-g th@,-% abo,.?o cubprojaot. othar lnvoic,,;:a vill fouov. pekv. cent sbwld be made by co-i@h-in $100 bill,,3.--- 2 2. Irne c"h e@,,ould t@a -,Oorwarde.-d to Chief'j, TW Divioion., thraa@ 5W/LVdgot Officer, no lat.,--r Vnan 17 ivze 19C-9 lifts 2 40 WS/Chc.-adcal Divioion ---Attac'.. itet Tavoica & Certifications Dirtribution: 0),-l g 2 A4dressee CAS',-i I 5 :@-I T 0 6711- nivoice For servi(,za -------------------------------------- CE;'a-IFICATIV,:S (1) it is he.-eby certified tl-A,-It this is Invoioa "16 a,,o-DlyinT, to Sub- project No. 42 of t-lat is satiafpctory., serv- ices e-re 0-ccor&-tnc,- vivi ta-A-1- that a detallf:,d e-Zenda of the paymeato2 wid iveeipts is on file in TOS/CD,@ -it not thc-tt t@his bill Is just c@nd c.,>rreat end 4.@iat rayv,.ai tbereor be-en w- @le. 2 chief., 1)iv if; 1--erar-ty. cert,---Pied t-hat i-bis 'Lw;ol-c.) ell),nliez to eoub,)roject- rio. oLn -V;iieli -wmi d@vly and t-h@,%t Llie pro@@@ct is o,.xl@j in with t,ne o!Z 13 1953 Ciis u,.uthority in th-- LCI to me-.moxanda., 5 seoweli D etor Aft gf MCEIPT Receipt is bereby acknowledged of the fOl-10wing; $2000.@,.Oo in cash ($100.00 bills) Da :,k 1 list. 42-95 RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowled' ed of the following check: heck dated June 3, i959, drawn on la* c the in theamount of $I. Soo. 00, pay@b 0 Date: 41 4.9 Z8 t@lay 1959 ).IEMORANDUM FOII: Cl-'#IIEF, -INANCE; DIVISION VIA TSS/Budget,Officer SUBJECT MKULTR2A, Subproject No. 42# Invoice #15 Allotment 9-ZSOZ-73-902 1. Invoice 01-5 coverino tlio above aub,,L3roject io atttlclied. Other Invoices will follow. 1146 is requested that pay-tnet-it be made as follov.-a: 2 Cixehierle Check in ttic amount of $1'500. 00 p-ayable to -i a lo--a dravtn o. I b,,@ni-,. Z. The chticti chould be forwa'rded Co Chief, TSS/Chomical@ DiVi3iOt.*$ through Of7ficer, -no 1,Ater than Frid@%y. -5 June 1959. Ch-*ef TSS/Cheri-ile-al Divlsi@ri Atflachm eits: Invoice & Certifications Distribution: Orig & Z- Addressee map INVOICE For services $1,500, 00 -------------------------- ...... CERTIFICATIONS (1) It is hereby certified that thio is Invoice 915 applying to Subproject No. 4Z of ).IKULTRA, that performance is satisfactory, that sorvices are being accomplished in accordanco with mutual agreements, that detailed zigeiida of the payments and receipts is on file in TSS/CD, that this bill is just and correct and 011-hat piy.,&nent thereof has not yet been made. 2 Chief, SS/C, iical Dividon Date: (Z) It is hereby certified that this Invoice apl)lies to Subproject No. 4Z of ],.'.KULTP%A which was duly approved, and that the project is being -tnce with the momoratidtim of 13 April 1933 from carried out in accord, 0 the DCI to theqgwn, and the extension of this Authority in subsequent - emoranda. m 'CTOR RESEARCH DIRL J)ate: CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUC.HER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 ilDATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO. 7- 12 DESCRI@TIO ALL OTHER ACCOV14TS 13-33 34- 39 47- 5 2 59-67 70 2 -- STATION 40-AZ 45,46 OBLIG. 54-57 ALLOT. LEDGER DIE 71-80 2 8 - S3 AMOUNT 2@ CODE EXPEND PAY REF. Nri. GENERAL ACC2T. NO. DATE t4p ..... ...... CODE PER . .......... CA -67 ....... DESCO I PT I ON- ADVANCIE _ACZZUUX-S- 1_3 27 PUR. ORDER NO. PROP. NO L.O. ADVANCE YR LEDGER K6 2 N.c@. ..OBJECT ....... 2 ACCY. NO ACCT. NO. DESIT CREO:T -7- 3 35 CODE o. CLASS I P NOJTCT NO.' FY 2 10 v 04 Al t4 f I OLANATION OF ENTRY I2TOTALS ioa.e PREPARED 13Y DATE REVIEWED BY CERTIFIED FOR PAY@14ENT OR CREDIT DATE FORM 606ust Petvious COITIOMS. 9 SECRET (10-At RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following check- 59, 'dated February Z4, 19 Cashieris Check No. drawn on The in the amount of $1, 500. 00, payable to MEL& Date-, IW A AJ on IZ February 1959 MF.,%.'*ORANDU.Ni FOR: CI&IIEF,F1,NiANC@"@ R,,IVISION TSS/Budget Officer VIA ,,.I KU L 'k L%A,2 Subproject No..4Z, Involce P,'14 9-7--50Z-7!3-90Z I Involce 014 covering the above eub,@)roject is attached. Other invoices will l'Ollow. It is requested that Inayiy-terit be rri,ade as followo: C2ashier's Check in the a-riouit of $1, 500. 00 PAyable to drawn oti a local bark. liern Z The check sholild be forwarded to Ci-tief, TSS/Ci ical Divisio@-i, tt-.rou,yh ',f5S/Buci,-Yet Oll'ic--.-, no than.Crldayl 4p ZO February 1959.- TSS/Ct'ierrical Division Att, i,.noate,. Invoice Cortific,'-tiona Orlg Z - Addressee I TSS0/Ftv$B FF-9 INVOICE For Services $1, Soo. oo ---------------------------------------------------------------- - CERTIF'ICATIONS (1) it Is @.eroby certified that this is Invoice #14 applying to Subproject No. 4& of LNIKULTFA, t.,h--t perfoemance is satioiactory, that services are being accomplished in accordance with mutual agroonionts, that a detailed egenda of the r-a-/rnents and reccipt3 is on file in TS,;')'/CD, that this bill is just and correct and thz,,t payrtiont thereof has not yet been made. Chief, TSSJC.!i,-mical j)ivisioa Date: It- i aht-reby cert'rfied that this invoice applies to SubproJect Ng. 4t 0"L lv!KULT.RA vrhich w, as duly a,,)proved,, and ttit@t the project is being a-t@@if nor n u i of 13 ,kpril 1953 frox;i c d out 1-i accordance vtith tlic r.-io. a d 1- -I tiia l,'jcl to the 1).D/A. at-,d the extension of t5his V-@-.ithority in Gli@sequetit i-i-ie-rnoraiadA. Research I)irector "ate: Ilt4 TANDARD FORM 2 D. . . ........ .................. ................... . ........ ........... ...... 2 ............... ........ . .... ................. hereinafter called t@c 2 and ...... .... .... ......... . ...... .........2... ....... ......... ....... ......... .......... Ited the ks@set. ... . ...2. ........ .............. hereinafter ea WITNESSETI@, .la., @le Ic@5or d-3@ly Ih@ose presents, i(ase and deniise uiito the k-$,Scc all of tl-.e prdpcrty 'tuatcd in 2 ................. . . ............ @ushad"-. .mmmlm6- 2 County of ........................ .......................... stake 0111=W de 'beA as follows, to wit: :@lloluli.-az all 2 I-NW for the term of ...... ............ ....... and ending 2 ..... . ..... 60. for the total reitt or sun of...SaA, - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 2 ............ ...... .............. ...... in lawful ii)oiiey of the 'United States of Amec;ca, payable as follow% to wit,. Recolp. I's hc-rely 1,-, the of @',z22o.00 rewesentirar the f'zst, and 1,,39t m,)nt;is rent -21,a,3 a -daic;a will bo ret,,t--n-@A. to tho Lc-s.-:ea ,tzon t72a 2 term!nAt4-on of t'qla lease if the dwelli", is left in L-.cce,)tablo on-ndit!on, ex@-iiiding norma v ear end to@ir. 2 All of said riiit shall be paid . ....................... Blow 2 ........ ..... the agent o( the .... ..... ........................ or at such other place as may be dcs;gnatefl by the le-3sor. 2 IiN- ADDITIO@N THERETO IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLON@'S, TO %NTT: First: That the lessee si),,Il piy the les3or said rent in the nianiier hereinbefore sp@.:c'fied, an@ sh@ill not 2let or undcrlct the whole or any part of said preiniscs, not sell or assign this ]case, either voluntari[v or by ofkra- tioti of law, nor allow said property to be occupied by anyone contrary 2 to the terms hercof, without the written consent of the Ic,,isor; ,econd: That should said rent be not paid when due or:ilxould the lessee default in any of the covei)ants or 2 conditions contained herein, the lesor, or his refrtsentative or agent, may re-enter said premises and remove all persons therefrom; Third: That the lessee shall occu2py said demised prernisce and shall keep the sariie in good condition, includ- .ing such improvements as i-nay be made thereon hereafter, the usual wear and tear and damage by the clenitzits 2 excepted, aii;l shall not make any alterations thercoii @vitliout the A,ritten cotisert of the lessor and shall not com- nlit or suffer to be committed any w,,iste upon said premises; Fourth: That said prt!ttiists shall not be used by the fcs--,ce, nor anyone else, during the tert-n hereof or any extension thereof, for the sale of any intoxicating liquots, nor for any illegal or immoral purpose, and that pos- 2 session of said premises by the lessee or his successors or t@sigiis shall not be construed as conveying any title tticreto or ownership thereof; Fifth: That all G4)veri9iniental laws atid oidiiiances shall be complied with by the lessee; Sixth: That the Icsstc waivts all r@,ghts under Section 1942 of the C@ivit Co;e releases the lessor fi,oiii any and all daniiges which may be sustained by the lessee or any other party during t2he tinte be miy be in possession of said prem'ists; c@,4;,vkth-@ That should the occupancy of said preinistts, by the lessee, cause the present fire and liability in- stirance rates applicable thereto to tm-- increased, the lesn@ce shall pay the d;ffert:nce upon the amount of fire and liability insurance now b-t-ing carried bv the lessor -.ttid -aid differeiace shall be in addition to the amount of rental 2 specified herein -.tnd shall tm paid to the lessor upon deivand; - r-igbih; That should the lessor be coir@p,:Ile@l to commcna:e or sustain an action at law to collect said rent 2 or parts thereof or to disf)rjssess the Its-tee or to recover plsicssion of said prtrpises. the less" shall pay all costs in connection therewith including a rea@.@oiiatile fee for the attorney of the les,5or; L\inth: Thit the waiver, by the lessor, of any covenant or c-inditirin herein co-,itained shall not vitiate'the satpc or any other contiiant or conditii@n contained herein an2d that the terms and conditions contained herein shall 2[.ply to and bind the heirs, successors and aN,@"giis of the TC5pCCliVC r3i iC5 h T-t Tetith: That should the lessee2 occupy said prcnii3es after the expiratiotidate *1 t,,ts lease, with the consent of the les-ior, expre@ricd or implied, such posscsrion s'nall be contrue:l to be a tenancy front month to month anil said lessee shall pay said lessor for sa;d premises the suni of $ month for such period as said lessee may remain in pos.@ession thert!of; ]-.Ie2venth: That said preiiiises shall not be used by the lessee during the te i" of th;s for other than ................... ........ .................. purposes except with th2e written consent of the lessor; Twelfth: That at the expiration of said term or the sooner determination thereof, the lessee shall peacefully quit and surrender ros-geslon of said prtniises in as good condition as reas2onable use and wear tbc@-cof will permit; Thirteenth: That all words used herein in the singular number shall me uc2te t e ura an t e present terise shall i-iclude the future and the masculine gender shall include tit feiiiinirit and neuter. IN WITNESS WHERF-OP, the less4)r an