-77- ST 001, 8 @rrA MEMOAANDUU FORI C MY-ULTRA* Si-B. kvmoo AURAMMA ZM-i396- 390a iz in th*--wnomnt rg $10, nL 0 &bM ftbjproject ts&tt$4:bed. lto*evor &m ft a rtfal hom ),MVLTRA &ab-project %,f 0* 44 atochm ftt L* the &Dwmt (A S,7* 7" 43 draun on a C&W*rlt -th4ck la the amwm2t oi-$4Lt 00 drawn ad a th Z. TbAl ehik*a@ be f*ruar4e4 to Ctdcit TSD/IXGsewtcb brtmcbo tbz*ugk TSD/BW%ot OMcel. no lat*r than 26 :nl- 19621. e=e U is antidWe4 64&ttma VILU b-*-ObU&ated for Ms project., the Mes shculd not beclosed. TSD/P.Weuch Br4ach Attacbmant#4.1 Orlig tt ZA44r7essoo I- TSD/FASS Project 44:ftle 2 - TSD/RB TSD at the coven" tut it la Of $9$5. Sir ==@ed oi ry 190 b%U"e ad that lot it to uru"d fw3ids 8N40, SvLbpr,WD:t be cve&t*d t* S.ZSOZ..Io- 004, ]AO& 310. Tune 21., 1960 D ar Dr, I am-enclosing-herewith an original,and one-copy---- of the final-r-o --- t of ex the period of por - Pe -ures---for - April 1. 1955; throu 959-.-co-vering the grant-in-aid.to-Dr. Also-enclosed Check No, 89104, In the -&no-ant of -$535-57 wliieh cove-rs7:@:@e -oonded balane -romaiiiing in this account- unex, e v-- 8 age Colleges and-Divisionsh WIMP Enclosures cc: Dr,ow,h, and Divisions -0-leges -ARri-L I ou 2.h--Ka re 31 ipts: Rece Cheeks received during 1955 80108,00 Cheeks 2 'received during--1956 169216,.00-- Cheeks received-durin,g 1957 16g2l6oOO Checks reo'ived-during-195ti 8 0 ---$-k8 6k8.00 -1-0 8-. 0 E@menditures: 2 Salaries and Viges -4 24t5Oli72 Consumable Supplies -9-616,37 ---- Equipment -2048 985 Travel 1905@al University R6til@@@ 19293.72- 2 en3ati 351.*59 Worlanen I s Comp on Indiroot Cost 8180@.00 Balance as of 14arch 31t 1959 535-c-@7 anager o6l eges and-Divisions -i@i EPROM'.' t-no submittp@d b&,4o examined and a EW rL W t; *Final, Report 27 Jarum7 3,96'0 TIM FM CPD --TSS/CD SUBJWT i Action on i MTR). A)idit 2@xcept SPi44 D 3 sea contacted2 this te and an additional req"st--made for@@mission-of an acc@@anting of firds si.,lce 3/31/53.- We-ba" been assured that a6tioa is being talb-.ea to cm@ly with t'ne request.--- T3SS/Che.-iical Dividioa Dr Dear Dr I am enclos-ing-her,.,with an oriciinal---tnd one- copy of a financial statement for the-period AW";7T955, through March 31, 1958, coelia the-grant-in-aid from your organi- zation to Dr,-.kmi&Am Very-tr ly yours, 3 Ss r be ges and Divisions ipc 2 cc: Dr. mom ty,ofmmw o eges.and.Divisions 4ir I-- 1 '955 -Chr@ougkMar Receipts: Checks received during -1955 80108i-oo Checks received during -19 16--2i6.00 Checks receivedAu2rin-QL057------- 16,216000 $4Op540400 Expend itures ----$19 061-72 Salaries and Wages@@- Consua,@able supplies 6,o699.64 Equipment 2 %34.65@; Travel 2 University Retirement 859-51, Workmen's Compensation----- 274*68 a2qloo - 'Alndirect Cost -7 27-P 97*10 Balance as of March-It-, 1958 S-21632490 2d-Divisions PD olleggs an APPROVED: "-Dro-vpd the submitte4 ,expenditures. m D. TStv'i'Chem@-oal Dlvialon 4 Da:to 1.1 *Interim report ftk%W 3 41, A 12 Cl -S la& doe 4 ol 77- UMMM" 7MI CRW, vu MA= Anot-Ant &25M-10-ou Wt-iis att&Cbeds tmvaft no. 5 for the &U" subm. Paju2ett abmld t6 M"- WIDOOS ad*rts at4owt of cum tt* NW=% of bh& LkL the eba@eu to Cbi4 2. pl@&" forzxd tbro%qih OM4*i@i- no later thm V.*,A" 12 ww 195atp 31 IILU Invoice 3nneftu the total ammot currently autb4c Pat," that ow+-ionai turas vM be obli4;at4d for U4#'LYI*Nft the ftut abmi4 rot to clomd. Att*Cbmoutg I layolot a3A C@OrtMC4lLtiMS I C= 5 & 2 - M/C@D Le+ ym services dw M 0 (1) It is bereby certified tbat tbis Is Invoic@-. NO- applying to ject 4b, of- YMM@A that peWorMnee IS satiSfg2etOryp tl'At subyto I vith wtval eareemats ftryie" a"-being a&occplisbe4-in-acoOrdawe that a datailea:og"wof the- payments siA receipts Is 00 filo In SS/eDj, tbst this biU is M+. wA cm-reot and-that POYPOA@ tbereof--- T bas not yet beea cadet TsslUFSmi@Di@vilsioa -Dde. roiect 2 (2) It ti bereby ftrt-ifie4 that this invoico appiaes-to SU'OP- of NMLM &ich vas duly &nd that the@projeat-lo-being carried out-in-acc<>@@ vith -- the 6e*6@@ da',e4 13 A the DCI @o the D8D/Ap tbe-ext4asica of this a,@thority-i-n subseouent Pese;;x Dirootor 400@.@ ARB=ON I -XOLM &&project Wu= Under tbo m&.hwity 0*4@k Lu the *mawd= 4&W Apra- IZ3 *vA tbig t2xt"sicirt Of tUs---- tm-'bom 07;2'tlmd WMM tmds l@s@t 4ii6e.,M to eamr the tabprojoatl is OXP*M$s ODd OBAMU tc@@@ to Anotoat APP20M I" ==MON W YU=dt- iL W._ Date DUtributimi & TM/oc Al--- TSSAASB I: -Tsszsn 1 2 TS;37/CD op E August 19 3 ED MIORMUM FM. TM 19 SUWWT Project )Oag;MA@TPOPrOJect 14 2 continue the rese 1. The p4zTw Of this p_roaeo to be raity ot I-at the design of labo T is worii qtws a 2 s@-ie psyt.-hochemioal materials. Thes* methods can then betbe basis for procedures to be-carrierig Is .2 Addrtssto I' TSS/oc- I TSSISRB 2 TSS/CD 25- i*O DRAB;T a 25 June 1956 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE@RECORD SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 44 p 1. The purpose of thi2s rclic s-to-i@r@oyide funds --tinued t of P k on th !on to t of t Importance to a considerable area 6f the work-- going on in,TSS/CD. The la2ck of adequate i -,-tbods of this kind has proved to be a bottleneck in the synthetic cherpteal field as well as in- that of the-extr'action of botanical-sources across'tlie-board. 2---In-addition to being eminently qualified to pursue this study, t@ leld of2 curarizin Profes;orignoWpecialized knowled e Sl g own& agents and his IAP-tO-date I;K"Iedge o -Laoora o ies and personnelhas@ gre2at value to ttW gie-nE'y@in the past. 3. Tht@phyttot facili-t-ies-rnade--available by this project.are as follows:- 1. --The t rmacology testing laboratqrie@k- of the--,---- 2 WL - -A wttd with s Mc t h 2 iestizii it 3. The use of -tQ!po@trt "d -consul -h medical departments- at t@> 2 t will be transferred'uslng the tLLsaroj c. as a cut-out in the -usua manner@-@ 5@@ T he total cost of this program for a period of one'year S M added 7 beginning I July 1956 will be $16, 216. 00. -To iki a four percent (41*) service charge to th for its Do,@7nz;radod to: wo@im (!-a E ":Irld to4 2 od will thu servicea. The total cost for the above pert s not exceed $16,864.64. 6, p d the University to sub- e2queste eived from the 'iu at!YACC@ Mdhici oc wit to them a mii6 t' Fund. Also, they re uested the return of any unexpended funds re- q a erant- from the Fund at the end of th2e program. ceived under 7. Title to any permanent purchased by funds granted the University School of 11 be retained by the University izi lieu of higher overread 8. It is agreed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are rewbursable by the UiiiV@2@rsity@4WI-@66nform to the accepted practices of that Institution. 9 It is agreed that technical reports refltcting the progress of the research'program should be submitted at mutually acceptable inter vkls.- - to. -is cleared TOP SECR-ET by the Agency and is aware2 of7hTsent'itivii nature of-the work. Acting Chief TSSIla@cal.Division Attac@-ments: Proposal@@ Budget-- APPROVED FOR-OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: 1 Researe D Date e--, Distr@@ution.--'L ll,,wngrade to: n d Origi;ial only Ask Soo"- @PROPOSAL7E! s @ork in. this- research program The rei'ults of the first year' ible to design methods whereby chemi2cal indicate that it is quite poss --- compounds having certain t of @@oi6@itnetic effects can be ype.4 detected without recourse to human testing except as the f lnal con- firmation. -In order to do this it Is, of course-- necessary to determine first in model compounds of known poten y those measurable p2ert- pheral effects which are related to the desired psych:omimetic effect most dire6tly. In other words, a given chemical grouping in a molecule- way be responsible for certain peripheral reactions due to its presence in the peripheral circulation and yet be responsible also for a vastly- different effect in the central nervous system due to the different 2 metabolic processes responsible- foi@-the charadteristic-activ-it of the different types of tissue.---Vik@@@ical compounds are known which produce only-one--Icind of effect in the animal body. Compounds which produce the desired- psychomim etic effeiat are no exception to this and in general seem t2o have a relatively wide spectrum of other effects on the animal.-Since we are not at present able to measure psychological changes in animals with-aoy degree of,certainty=" are limited to measurement of ebi@i@in those aspects of central nervous system activ6Lty which-are reflected-in the periphery,or to-purely peri-- pheral ef2fects of the chemical:o@o@@. Two quite different falbilies-of 7pfolems emerge -fr-om-a- cons-idera-- tion. of these facts@-@Fif"f all.-the detailed pharmacology of a number of materials having !he desired4dtivity has to be assembled, either f2rom the literature or by determination. Once this information -is at hand-. an analysis of the relationships -between the various.measurable effects coupled with the knowledg" how such effect@@ ti" produced can lead to hypotheses about the relationship between various peripheral and - central nervous-syst@m effi@dtt@@Thesi@ theses an then be tested 2 by experime.-i to indicate7Which measurable peripheral effect-or--group of effects is most likely-to be an,-accurate m,eas-ure-of the psychom-imetic effect. We are also faced here by_th@_Wt Ahat-we-must determine whether a given@-c6mpoun4 has access to the body area of interest in addition t2o possessing the proper configuration to produce a psychomimetic -la"er question is brought about by the effect once it pets there. This existence of the'blood-brain barrier which denies access to the -central nervous system to many peripherally active compounds and possibly-- on the basis of chemical #o4"ite -unrelated to those- responsible2 for the compound's activity. - Therefore, - in -order t6 make a useful scr'een. ing technique we must not only measure activity but also the-ability to cross this barrier with ease. -WALN I N G .05@@ S E &@ Or ft-T-TRWAJ,, 1,G E N C E. 2 The work so far has indicated that chemical groups which alter - -the action of the body_ temperature regulating center.in a specific way 3-e6m also to possess the desired psychomimet-ic- activity and such a test appears to have certain practical advantages from a laboratory 2 point of view. StiVeral other workable tests involving small animals such as the measurement of total body activity may also be'useful indices of psychomimetic activity. ork this y In the course of the w _@ar we _have tested a number of compounds of a completely different chemical nature from the known- psychomimette agents 2- Tht-MiiMal-tests indicate that these compounds maybepsychomimetteinman. Dutingthecomingyear@wepropose-------------- to complete the work on the screening teckniques- so far developed and put them on a basis that will make them useful4s routine laboratory test procedures. -Also, we -shall, continue work with the new agents, 2 carrying them to human test to verifyj"ir psychomimetic activity. In addition, we will continue to test other series of -compounds available to us as candidlte aleat -in this area and those compounds submitte by th r evaluation. NG GENCE MF-T LVED BUDC- ET ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL salaries: Princti!il i t Drs., (charged to University) $6- 000.00 1. 600.00 2 -o 7, 00 Equipment and Supplies----- 4,,200.00 Travel and Other Eigi6hOs 800400 Workman's Compensation on $7, 600. 00 1. 5% 114.00 B etlreinent on $2, 000. 00 @ 7. 79% - 9 156.00 subtotal $12, 870 00- Indirect Cort @ 261* @f Subtotal- 3, 346.00 TOTAL;-@ $16 216- 00 ENICE ANn MFT14 *Utr4 TET dog ZZ MVP li ;0,4m no @w m ao2mwomidi MM. ld*g ZZ mvptnyw zz mvP on6oW *M MOT$" AW*q I &am= .4w 1 71-10 $act Iiiitifcll@@ IM rwOL" asiv uz 6-25M-10-OU th* OAMJ*ct#2 12 is tUabid paymt, - l@* mn4o 8, tbll*- $Awl* TWCDO. t2* Ode, go bo 30 &q)tepbor tbw tuvo& T&Vkldpt affidw-W two -tko-n .55 md N&to um tau 2 fm": "9*t" tbJUI vibool*A- ti@ the lisul fftr t sbmld oat icr- 8 TS4@AkSB 2 T-S-9/a) /m teiabw so kift, i OF. S-kt',#j" -FFIs R F- E V 271955 imo ,lo Tor servlwg MTInCATiolis- (1) -It ls@ ks"by- eartifw that tms .is- Lmice 12 applyw to 2 -is th&t $ubyroj*ct " of tbo "rviose an-boing-aoo@@@@@ vith autml 4p-eavAning tUt a dGta"-itO#4"-tbo -PO@@ &rA re"ipto is an rue TSS/CDi that this bLU La just azd om-mt-and- that pvmnt -thit;66fbas n@v@bm -ikdo-* Divisioll--- Dates -tMV-this invoidt-appUes--to ftb4: (2) It is berebyeartified ymj oot " =der Wbiw tiat -the P"Jeat is being c&rri 6dt@- -@a @ Man@th the dated 13 April 1933--@@DaT to the DD/Ajp and the wctonaion 9 of this Luthority in rab"Vent newr=&& ---Wr Dates tv"Ta -two eV/= -"SVV oq at_ (95- U 2wp* VKvftM sP2V W*W$t 4t"oo o% Vo%TAoqVm in" B" 19"MV JO Ws TVW Vs 28 ',Fuly 1955 14D,,ML@OUM FCR: THE RECCRD SUBJECT I Addendum to Subproject 44 is addendum is to set forth the mut'JAl 1. The purpose-of th admirlistrative-responsibiliti6"-tbe contractor Ond Sponsor- C-2. Th4 above- e rgs!@rl Dr finsnced by i o@F 25-Aii@:Ll 31 march 1956.@7 3.- Theloomompp-pp"p#&IWhas requested the University to submit to them-a-summrv accounti-,,,g of monies received from the Fund. Also's they reT-iested-t'ne return of any unexpended funds" received under a t from- t-h--6- Funds t 2 4. @-P6rm9.nen -.Ii It mLrehase-d bv i'@L-icls granted the University.- 6h-6ol 0 shall be-retained-b.T -Iiigher-o7veih6ad rates* the University in lid"f 5, It was -mi+.Ually agreed th@it d6cumentation and accounting_--- l@@@lit by- the Unit6t@@ity for travel-expenses whidh are re shall confom with'the accepted practices of that Lnatitution. 6. 2 it was-a eed-that-technical-reports reflecting the progress of the research program swlbe submittqd at mutually ac4:ept-able intervals# Chief TSS/Cha@ical Division f1, TSS Distribution: ori@, & I - TSS/CD CUITIFICATE E4633jp .the ris Check No. F hereby certify receipt of Cashiei th amount f $54,05.33, dr9-vn 0111 0 to th ]@ayable Date MEMORA'NDUM RECEIPT APk I ' 3 1955 TO: FROM: SUOJECT: I hereby acknowledge-receipt of the foil wing: HECK UNT 0 F, 2 H A RECEIV D. Plesso relturn signed copylloo) of thie'recolpt vim To FORM 040- 34-44 6 MAR 1949 ol CMTIFTCATF, UM1178:a, :in the I hereby certify receipt Of Casb'e]71 sCheck No ble 1 p am of $2@,@6.21, dr n on t t Date: .. ........ . MEMORAKDUM RECEIPT OokT E TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 6ipt of 2the following: wledge rec I hereby ackno .7 A OU REC f tble receipt 9 I EN'T sign od 4OPY(le please return TO 30-46 MAP 194 t 14*." AC r ilivre! ftt, payamt be Rau tT uo usuare dkoojo -"at t Ctdofi@ 2 cuff. =/Mood"% ltl-THE AMOUNT@C3F Distribt EC K P R 1 3195' RECEIVED 2 A TS$/'.FASB 2.'- TSS/CD HECKA-Wi@Z@liN: THE AMOU&\JT CJF S RECEivEo. APR- I i,l CER",riFY -i@-IA.T tIJINt,-S A@3 "AVI"j@ARL! 1 APR Ekf,--pL -C E4. da 40 40 oo 40 ID 01 N3 8d DO/SU 'Er-_ is sm goo'p Olt (Ili)Duv 8 77 AW ot -Vno Voq VW Zft 4m @'.UNCWSIFI C( tyl6k @TOP A EM'D (UNDE-R WU CIRC 2 G@ENCE GEN.Y INITIJU-S OAT irrom Te, - NIT]2ALS@ -DA Si iNFORMA'nON ISHATURE ACT'L 6)f. DIRECT R 2 PREPAKTION'OF REPLY. DI$P tOlAidEXT- AT,6, i, 2 6MME-" @D RCURRE REC NiE eti2" CON-F I]DEN-RLAL 2 t-iNCLASSEF'IED 7'@ EMIAI to AV Do 37.1 e, a 7 CL DRAFT/4461hoo.' A 2 22 March 1955 1040RANDU@i FOR: THE RECCRD SUBJECT Project NMTRA,-Subproject 44 1. The purpoai@-@@ p -for -roject ia_to provide funds the study of the phar-maep4ypam@ of derivative and homologues of hydrogenated arocatio -nese 2. The attached pro sal indicates the extent of,the investigations tbat'wi be carried out -n these facilities- available a the r2--this ect will be- transferred-)A;sing-- 30 -The-funds fo as-&-out-out rb in the usual manner The cost-of this program -Period c2f one-ye- wil be $16,216.00,@77 To-this must be added a four pe cent (4%) service charge to th for its servi6es. The total cost for thef above p6riod-vill'thua not exceed $169864o64,--777@At the of $28,-Ooooo--repre-senting $7,680,.00 to7th@6 plus $320.60 fee to the- -Thd@bal@@h@ of ommitted is being committed th6 total will b at a later date..,- 2 -TOP SECRET@7@ 5. Both--Dr. led by -%&,he Agency- e-n@ ar oi-T" 6en@itive-nature-of this work. ivisio AP2PROVED FOR-OBT-LGATION CF FUNDS.- APPROVED.- Research DI)rector ef TSS7Che-mica.1 D sion Date: kPPROVED FOR APITIONAL LPFROPRIATICN---'@- 2 OF @818§As A Attaclaent: Propodal RW ator Y. radtd to: 3 Date: 977 Janurf 28,,- 1955 Dr De4i r D Enclosed is a res4irch proposal-ddtt#r"d with gation of-the-,pharmacologioal properbiet-of arormtio amine@. The cost of the projeot-ii--@@ted at 216. bo f6ti@the duration of one year#.,'. This proposal is submitted in ddplicawto 74olz of dirootoroo-- I-hooo,-that your board will--pas-9 favorably-on- this BP cation.-,-- 2 Sincerel.v ybtt Approved- 0 go &closures 2 Downs @6t hIt NT I3.fPIIZT; OL BY l8h75 9 CES De" A, MMML @TATEM MQUMNNG-OONSIDERATION OF PROP04@----J@- it is.requested that t onsidor al for tb*!Lr a U="Sti&Atioa@ of 2 a propoe tbs pharmacological pop@@ie3 o rtain-aro=tio amines wbicb@ possess or*&- tboalmtio activity* Be BRTZ? FZVM OF SCEMFIC BAC)nROU.qD-OF MPOSED ;NM@WGATION, 2 It is generally consiciered, toda7,9 that the responses and pbysical adjust- ments of an organism to an enviromental stress consio@t of two -which occur in sequence4,--Tbe fiiii@se of rapid adjwt--Ant is conceived to be 2 -the-second mediated through the autonomic nervous 4ys@j phase of - adjust- Mont to obronio stress beli@@v-ed to mediate ohiony thmugh the pituitary- adrenal s"tem. :,h the majority of sympatbomimtic amines *2hioh have be Althoul, on studiej pharmacologically @4@ been-derivatives of -@iiqiamines@ reoent. studies have indicated that a-varist7 of norr-aliphatio amines exist in the mamalian-- body, and pos2sess - significant pwiological activity@ T*6:4"mples of such .o4=pounds may be -Adreno@d,ne -- p non--aUpb,atio a metabolAo--rod-act of epinephrine, a-ad 5-b7&o*,trypt42-tine- or serotonin, a sabstituted beter- ocyo3,ic amine4. Both adrenoA66 and serotonin possess a physiological activ-ity analcgous-to that of epinephrine-, Beta-tatrabydronayobtbylatine--is a prototype. of -a series of oompou-.im f irst syntbsizad by Stern i"888 which t)ott465 significant vympathomimetio activity,, but which &re not ati4d6lamiriese -One major differ6tice between- .the actions of tatrabydronapbtlqlsninet-=2thd those-of the othanoiamines-- is that the actions of the former are not aatagonized.by 4rgotaminei, nor ere the7 potentiated b7 cocaine. (Bmckaert-- -J. it, and -HoyUns- Arob. Int'b Pharmacodyni-i35:137,-1929.)- Perha2ps beeahse the most obvious effects of tetrabiydronapbtlqlidiAWare-oa-ooa7 zempe'rature.-few studies of their general phamaco3,ogi@641 actions---and "cifically their--sppatbo- miwtio ae.,irity,,-have been made- tb6 classic stody of Jone3eu in 19090 0, TFCMCAL DFSCRIPTION OF THE PRO@OM WORK I* Objectives: It is propozed that the pharmacodymmics of -a series of derivatives and - homologues of bet-a-tatr@by&onap'ntbylamine be stu@Ue4i The pattern of studies would tg arranged to-most the followin cbjeotives.. a) The evaluation of the phamsoological-offeo*.s of a series of such compounds* Particular attention would be pai4 to general toxicity 2 (potency) and the offoots--of the compounds-on' the cardiovascular - V"t-em in particulAr@-" on smooth muscle,, in general# b) An attoempt to relate the cherdeal structures of such compounds to their biological effects and their potano6ie3.in producing the ef- feats.. The chemical structure of the compounds under study would also be related,, if poe3i'ole, to the chemacal structures of sub- to: @f0@' eas with similar biological activity. 475 t -of the aftoots of the oowoundi 0). The potentiation and the antagonism -be -itVii@ttigated'in the gsit of the aotiom of - - under stud7 wM 3.i the saw spergiatisto and anta2gonists-on tbo'biologidal activity of the natmrslly occuring ethanol-Amines-e- The biological inter- -We action of tba-compomda to be studi94 and the sy thcmimotio', otbanol anines-vin be inve3tigated. as vell "--tbe abiUty,--Of the derivatives of totrabydronsphtbylamine to modify the responses of the almunomic nervous system to stress* 2. Methods The motbods to be emloyed viu-include studios of toxicity -of -the oom- 2 po=de., their effects-on the cardiovascular system in situ and tba-@of- foots on smooth musole-ecataining.@ns @@- such as tge=emj and uterus in situ and in vitro and sucl@@ial studiest wing specialized tech- ETq5;r, as may seem necassaz7 (such s--Peoisl atu&es might include also- tropbvsiologica techniques for the at0d" skin--t440ratm-e -changes central nervous-system aetivity.-actiyity of autonomio gangliaj eto*i- D* TZSCRIMON OF FICIL2ITIE3 AUIUBLF, FOR PEMMFM-THE COMSWUTED WORK taboratory qmc-a and ftc,-Mti"@for research on eardiovasouiar-tystem -Imig preparations.- -fbri- smooth muscle- work in including heart , facilati#2t vitro and in vivo* racilities--for toxioologi6 research. Faoilities for slactroplqsiologic research oftitb@k central and.-iutbb@o oyet-am.-inoluding slactrooncepbelograpl@y,p- isolated nerve potentialsj -adiU,65grapby,,-- sterso- toxic instrment,, ate. B. NAM or FMCIPAL JIMMIGATOR AND- PROFESSIONAL -ASSOCIAT?S M. D. M 69 MeD 0 9 Ni IA475 Ah 7 IPO BS=TED DUATI(@-N oF PROJMT An YEKRLY BUDM BFYAMM -be about one year* it in estimated t]2at the duration of the proj6ot will 2 iLn eatimted budget for a year of such-researeb would be*. ITEW "O'M TOTAL SolAries 'Prinoi@le TA44stigator (Charged to University) Graduate Student 2 $3600-00 Soui@6phartneologiA' -3-months-it-'$500 per ionth 3,500.00--- Research Phamacologist months at s@oo/month--- 25oo,oo ,;7600-00 2 7:- BqUpw nt'an(I Supplie a'' inoluding sat=lej dzUgsi::@".--- h2(0@oo Travel and Otbor Erpen-ces 800.00 2 nh" workmant's Coq>on"tion on-$7600.00'at 1-5% Retirement on 12000.00-at 7079-% Subtotal 12p670,,00 Indirett Cost 4it 26% of Subtotal- 3x346.2 TOTAL $l6s2l6.00 Partioipation b7 the inelu,de-the.balary,6f the principle inve 6tigstor.-- routine clerii@Al bel@,,- lab6t@@tor7 space a-rid 'ut2iuties (including laboratory eq , uipment _for 9,tadies in e@@@ntal4bkittology and nouropbarmacology)o Do ed to.,- b ority 8 AND 7t@ll )4-4 AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATIVE@INVESTIGATION' 171 in the Bdar of Trustees o 'F, T bem AP.Tl(,LE;@@ QZ 2ACRli@@E@.M -N -here inaft,@'r iled tbe'LTn7i rs' d f the First Pa ity, ak@ 0 F nAw.9 a@d of wii-ng -here -called2-th6 Sponsor, fbi a coopera ive inv 0 PA.rtk 'of the Second PaA, -irtif t@i as --vbstigation ar. clout. by 'I ihe i to be c' rie tie UniV@@iff it7th4 2 one of its res,-arch. ag@incies,, under the terms and -conditiode specified herein. (1) This agreement is execute4 for the following @kriod: with the understanding that it may_ be extended. f6i'a(fditional @eriods under the@ same trms or such other terms as ma2y be mutuauy agreed upon; provided that the Sponsor -,hall request such extension in writing not less than thirty dayi before this oriai@ial agreement expire,,;. The UniVeNity reserves the rioht to decene to extend this agreement (30' - 0 beyond the expi2rston -date if the so,,tn,,ific or sebo]Arlv resulti reitize,.l or reasonably anticipated do not in the jud--' meat of it-, officials warrant continuation of the prograia@-@ (2) The conduct'of the.inve-@tigation sball be under the full control of the Utdviisity-which will gup@&Lqe -And - direct all experlmefttal wo:k and the computation and reduction of all results obtained, together with the placing of @hg,-, data into form for p;e;s,-,ntation. .(3)'Th'e University will furnish the necessary Apace for this investigation, together with heat, light, power, and water.2 In addition, it will permit the use of such laboratory @pparatus and experimeutal.facilities as it may possess ,which are not in use for other purposes. It is agreed, however, that apparatus, eqjipment, and other facilities not avail- able in the laboratories of the University, and all materials ani supplies required in the invest9igation, sball be piir- charged against the funds for this investigation provided by the Sponsor. -chased from and If (9) The Sponsbr agrees to pay the Univei-,Aity the ,zum of to cover the expenses of'this ijavest@igation, such payments ..to. be according to the following'schedii@le: (AU checks shou'id be drawn payable to the z2 ects on the4P4o6V ll'or p gampus, re- atittance should be sent to the Bu2rsa or--projects carried on in the College,,; of ii4" --ittance qhould Ce-s@ni@t@ the Business IT IS UINDERSTOOD A-@\b AGREED TH.XT thd--@@-6f th"b6v6-id&--i:s 2 stipulated is coniitio-r@ed upon the conduct of the invei-t-iaatioa by the University with due diligence so as to securt the greatest possible progress con- sistent with the nature of the woric.- (10) This ag.-eement ii subject to the ap licable constitutiona2rand statutory provisions of the State OAMMMM@ IN NV-IT."@F,;,S WHE@R7,OF, the authorized officers of the respective parties have hereunto -set their hands and the seals of the parties, this @@day of 19- AppaovED FoR THE 2 BY: TjiFBo-kRDoFTRu,-TFFsOFTli Hpa(i of Departmcat (Date) PtRTy oFriqE FipsT P.ART Den,n or Director (Date) Comptroller 2 y L,egal Counsol &-ctetary Bursar/Bu:sine-,,@ Manager (Date) P0arty of the Secoad Part For the Ilresident (Date) ]3y By- (4) AU records of the investid,&.n are to be the property of the Urkiviri;it Th r 01 the Sponsor. e origin r,3- shall be kept on fl,le by the Un2iven@ity, but copes of all suc)i records @.th all be fumished t'tie Sponsor or his duly author- ized representative on request. The University shall have the ixelusive right to publish at its discretion the r--3ults of the investigation in the for--n of a bulletin or buli'etins, or otherwise. No account of a cooperative rez-eareh project or. reprints of scientifio'aiticles r b@@-pub.tiqhed by the SpQs@o r Yt 2 r o by any 9@htr ;igene esi on of -the Uni%@er-,-ity or head (@>'f'tbe"dep:'a,rt.n'-i@.,nt in *hic.@ the' ne. except upon approval-'df the divis, 2 ,do p@ s Prior sit@h bi.- -n6 publicit@ all b 6 ank- of the result' of the in-@6stigatfon bxce-it upon the re-comm'f"ndati6a" o'r'with' the'--"' h 'the -S@ofisor, unle,*s thd 0, dis@overy a I f - t U niA ersity and PP!9ya .0 m 2 ut'i5f th@ 'Univer@ity, th'o p'blio inte qt'ii ade d ng t@p,"@o 'm' e bf "t-he inv@,qtigation be sue t. at,,in e jtidome u re quire'll prouipt-relea:s2e or publicati-,)n thereof. The -publient@on, if any, shall contain a deserption of the investigation and a report of the results and ccnolusions; full cred'@,t shall be given the Sponsor and every person and agency having made a,significant.c2ontril@jition-to t-he.reqults obtained. It i4 agr@id that u@dii fi6' 'i@@@rutances Avill th@.Sqg,,n-ior state orimply,in any pubicatioa or. other published tT BDnd@Ticein'e-h't'-'tli2. e ive,.rsity .@as.teiteL-,,or.approve, any,,ipanufa'ctured product, oi' it t tribiited u,nd'e@'a' s@-e-c'ifle @ra"nd," -n"ame',"o-r- -t'rademark. It is also ag2reed by the @@ponsor thai'it 'will not under any circum- stances use the name of the,University in any advertisement, -w@ether-with reference to thil cooperative agreement or any other matter, without the prior approval of the Univeraltv (5) Aut,@or@.,Zed repre'Qlllntatives o2f 'the gknsor shall ii all times have access to the data secured ani results corn- p'ut-ed frora.the,inves'tigat;on., subject however, to the res@r@ctions n@med in Article 4. The Univer,.@;,ty will submit such reports of -prog@r-2es-s to tli6 Sj@dnior-'as m ay e e mraittee may be named by the parties to i desirable'. A@ advisory- co consist of z-ucti persons and have such dutiei -,i may be mutuilty agreed upon. 2 (6) It is agreecl that all reziiit3 of expeririiental w o r'@-. investigation, including patentable ,4iscoveries, car- -r'ied on under the direction of the scientific staff-of the-Uni%.,ersity,-@@ to the University and to the public and s'2n-all be used and controlled so --s to priduce, the createst benefits to the public, it is agreed that if patent,-tble discoveries grow out of the invei@Ci,-,at@on snd such discover;cs have commercial value, ttie Snon4-zor, upon payment of the entire cost of2 secu.,in,,,, a patent, shall be given free use of the patent &i a non-ex,-,Iu,@ive licensee, :it t>eirtg agreed that other licensees sti-@ill pay@A@@@ity a royalty which in the opinion of the University is fair 'Lo the Sponsor and to the pub,ic. The Sponsor shall notify the University i6-wtititg--Nvhether it will pay the costs of filing an application and prc,- curing a patent on any diecoveries wbich mav be patentable within sl-