I oil tjvl In C)O 2 i6 !6 (.c, roe 9 (-7. 3q --'73 2 r4 ti re 73 cis,. (--@,2 liC)..@147 3 3cl let Lq co ro VI 4- OD 10 (9bo :@OZ 00 00 (?o - 00c) 70- SUBMITTED BY YOUCHEIT NO. (Finance me onjy) ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL 2 IIKL'LT,%A il Subproject #46 FOR ADVANCE PER I OD OF ACCOUNTING FROM TO I October IOGO 2 30 September 1962 NOTF: Follow Znstructiona on Reverse RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS 0 3. VOIIIC@ ER DATE 12. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD DESCRIPTION ]@f) O@O AMOUNT ia 2 DESCRIPTION t4Z_q Att:kched (Z,@,rt@ :Lcal;:Lon --- 7.5-C)-2O- liiv. 25C 7.509_ 2 2iD-000 TOTAL EXPENSES 2 -000 3a. A. PEFUNOED y OROK" 2 I CASH I ICHXCK I IMONE 5. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD 2 TOTAL COUNT TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR ED FOR -,Goo I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPFZOVED certi that the exponditures listed hereo2n and OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO@ @CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. DATE S G ATURE OF APPROVING 0 ER @n any ttfichments are incurred for official pur- 190-0 256 V,125-1390-3902 2 of a confidential nature. tht payment of p @@o,:edmit @herofor has not been received, a L s -AC p@ @125-i396-3902 IX)@ANEIY GOTM@EE. his ac@ounting is true and correct. DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTH IZING 0 FICER CERTIFIED FOR PA ENT OR CREDIT @IGNATUR DATE S@@NATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 2 1964 4@3 JUN SPACE 9ELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE SE OF FINANCE L)IV151UN ARED BY 2 REVIEWED BY vouc.,ER 0. 7-12 DESCRI@-TION ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13.33 34. 39 AS 47.@2 54.5? 1 .67 8.70 71-80 2 40-42 43 45. S19 STATION OOL 653 ALLOT. OR COST UE 29- a3 CXPCNC. r PAY ML,. lr4 EMENA2L ACCTI n0. DATE AM UN T/A "0. .... CODE ......... CA LEDGER @rnor. NO. ADVAMCC 62-47 2 YR ACCT. NO., CK. No. O&JEC; ACT. No OESIT tfttolv DESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 131. 27 2 L I 'I 3'3 s CODI ........ CLASS KMF. .0. 1 1 I I I t I I 4 I I 0 TOTALS kt 0 1 V I 0 OFFICE OF THE CONTROL.LFIL January 22., 1964 pol'i for -@,e,se"ch supported by T,Otll.l R.%ZAS rocelvocl 2 Coct-ti,iVney Equil"r4t Ti,avel 4.o 95V 887 Mor 2p7r,7.65 che.-aicui" Drugs-& C@asos 9.,644.88 2 Gla;as@are 2,; 675.48 Aninals -3,059-50 @!Lt;. Lab SuPAI,@@- 16.,856-63- -SW, B"-.Mfits 37 95 - - 1. 2 ,6 Overhr-@ad We hope that you can give favoi@able coneidemtioa to tblis report, YoiAre trltl.Y, Acoountaat 2 !1, -6erVffy 'tliat servlces o7r ,Titpria2s bave-been Copy to 'satisfao'orily receiv(,,ii qn-I flip expendiluures ..vere. @ncu@-red on 0 0 CZ Juno la, 1964 Dear Mr, -to@your letter of May 26, we find Referring on review a letter from Proiossorli@@@ written on Juno Is,,-1060, DPOci;fica2lly request grant of $15,-OOO for the period-of April through-September of 1960, and-for 0(.,Pl>@ @n.RnDUAI kAt,O of $20 ilooo thereatter.4CAE@ainl_ta_a_lotter-dated de-tobe-r 1,321, 1961i Prqrf sisorl '.requested $8,000 for support of Professor the period October i96l to Or,-tobor 1962. n 0 n 0 i3WO letter he explained--tbat he would use th4-- f the-g@rant-for2@.-that year to support t@re o - his Isit atory, toffl". ln,a letter of Oc- Prof6"or-@,"M@,-n quested a personal-grant of $10,000 for therori(>d of hni,@ 2IM4@7-14i++.%" gr an t v as never ApV@@@ -b y t It wou r h;Ct wh th-- In vLe,, perhaps, be-on somewhat informal so -the@ea '-in point, namely: 1962 aynent-of-$7wo-to the Univeroity-*f sap In fact uni An- no formal the files of-t support p 'the specific grant and it In Dsidered 9 an lnid'vertert-overpay-ment y th We would a, ppkeeiato_.an OrAtion you nay be -able to give- very-tr6-u-ly yours, @tai 26, -'1964 OFFI('F. F T-4 F (ONI-ROLT rR I)e a-r D This letter is in response to your letter to me-of-@iay 6--'-1964, In accordance with your request-to-recheck our records for possible over-. ve--submit-@the -follovi-ng--data,. item,-',ttances received cottpared-to-approved bu-Igets: 2 Or.vit Year Amount Endina Received Dote 9-30-54 28 t)50.00 0-012.50 11-513 -7 2 4.rS4--- 7JI012.50 -54 7SO12.50 ---- ----- S 2 7,012.50- 9-54 28,050.00 28,050.00 9-30-55 3 4, 4 C,',! . 00 17-200.00 5-55 2 17,200.00 9-55 -00 34,400.00,/ 34,400. 9-30-@6- 34 100.00 17,050.00 -56 2 -00 8@525. 5-56 -@Oa-777@ 8-56 81525 2 I oo. oo -y@@ - -34,1 00 00 40 7W-. 00 --'lOpl75.00- 1-57 9-30-57 2 10 175.00 -3-57 10 175.00- 7-57 10,175.00 12@.57 40,700.00 40,,7@,V.00 92-30-5 48, 400. 00 -200350.00 7-58 28 050.00- 10-59 48,400.00- 48,4@V.00- 9-30-59 46,640.00 3, 3 20. t)O 3-59 23,,320.00 10,59 46,640.W @4-(@. 00 2 43ran-t ar B !Riecieiiyeii Date 9-30-60 15; oc!o 0 5 6 2 7.500.00 22,500.00 00 00 5 9-3C-61 201pooo., r7, 5 112D 200 7,500.200 9-30-62 -20 000.00 6-62 --@zo,ooo.oo 2.41),2woo The budget requests after @g 2 eptember 30, 1959 were made - informa.Ily by telephone -Additilonal-requests to -reduce deficits, over and above the budget, weri-iikevi$4@--cranted on the basis of telephone conversa- tions.' It i,s a reqlest of-t s nat,.we, that w@e feel the 2$7,500-00 received dLLri-ng May, 1962, to be.-- On January 22, 1964i=-we-"bmtted -M-YW-a report of 4! 'i wh' )i sho,*-s that research expenses of $282,290.0-0 were paid f@r Crants. Actually, there was-a small deficit in this acco Llniversity absorbed. This i.s not shown on the report. A photo copy of t.he- report is attached Dr as reviewed his records and searched his memory-to-deter---------- m-ine -,he se 0 transactions-and he concurs that-the above is about as 2 prec;se a determination-as we cap )e. Fe has in his possession- a -,nemorandum of -a teleplione-convei@@ati--- with -To -u-r- --of f -ice in which he records on the request for the $7-500.00 in quest2ion, It is mfortun'ate that-we-did not continue a complete exchange of written requests and identify the pe-riod-of7ie3earch to'which your support applied. Such docwwnts would have _@been ___i_n - Yalue- - s - r 2 _of ' estimable in an @, e ing vour inquiry. -It is our Sincere belief that ttle $',500.00 check receiwd during )fay., 1962, 'was not a duplicate-payment 'and vas-your response to an informal request, for additional fmids. If you feel 2that the matter deserves more attention or that we have not made a sat]'L3fac-tor-y explan ti ity, -- I a on of our accountabil plea'3e do-66t-he-3itate to ' i-nquiri-turther. 0 Very truly your$, on lot*" -Al D/f -rE 4 m OvAi 1AIVOICe 4 AfCiXl 1,7 /8 7ooo-o /I 65- - 03wy 2 -f,5 2 -,5-6 99 -/233 ?., 5'o o ----------- 7=.,@7-?- ac!.,Ooo /i@@ 5 p@a-5@,,ed 4-tS-Oa tlrtl3 ay @-)2; ppa PrOJ45,4Ct )&KULTRA 46 Data lauated.- 24 Marth 1955 Date Evpiros: runds cuireat yeart $23,4002 00 Purposo: To study-the-metab*Uclato@@distribution of panhotropic dr2ugs in order to clu 'date- their mode of action, Stahw,. This to a continuing t clot,, Current work I a on tatrahydro- car4lbol into which radioactive carbon is introduced. Further work Is awaiting the arrival of an appgqp#AW st-doctoral student. ri -- 9@ 8 Ln 4zi PFA@ - cl, 'Vi F9L6'( lo rulf vd I q tov bi rra6d 09 xi s z Vto une'15,, 1960 Dr. Enclosed please find a btidf-repbtt-of-our-activitie h ,mob .11 - ARM first six months of this in additi,@or- 2 c.,,,;is has been sent to y ou prese-ating in detail sol7w @harma- -,@@,,-;-cal properties of certain-tetrahydrocannibols. c C) 7* e *&UP tua.,w@ications pendin?@ for- crants7in-aide f rocii the 2 are ac@ivitated-and if the r nts of t continue after October 1960 in S" @L-,ge of $15, oo- to- c6ntinue our present VV-FCL ar.- we can lev2el of research and in-addition undertake taa metabolic study of a rc@(a-.c,@@ictivt tetrahydrocannibol as planned. In the meantime-we-need approximattly $15,000 for our current work in the second six months of the fis--al year-(April through Septtihb@@19-60)@@ I hope you will 2 find it possible-to continue-your-generous-support.to-this extent. Are you planning to visit us in the next few months? I am sure you would be pleased at the research activity you are sponsor-_ ing. Yours trulg@7 ""Ue-@-artment--5t- Pliartnaco-f-,o-1g 7y-, Enc. FINAL tic, 28 October 1963 ),rE W@IATERIALS &.,,CONCEPTS Branch--.@-@@ Category X 2 A- Item Classification-- Project Title-------N---- N A. ULTRA Project Crypto-----LIK- LL.-@rypto Classificatio ject nginee 2 ---------- Brap ch Project No- -Pro'- E "dam Contractor-- A. Contract No.--MKULTRA 46@@-=@@ask 2 No@@@_ MKULTRA 6 November 1961 Type of Contract.-@,- -Date Initiated -N $2@O 00@0-00@ F@y 6 2@- C et!WDat-- 5 oveinber 1962 2 Purpose; Elucidation of the site-and riechariisni -of action of LSD using isotope and tagged molecules establishment of moth6ds-for isolating LSD7-@ it-9@eta,bolites from Bioloaical material@;-ahd--thoir identification. Status. Teririnated Requirement: Internally generated based on need to obtain fund- amental information and elucidation of the mechanism of action of a chemical compound used in ;selected operational situations. REQEIPT ledge.&- of t Receipt is Fiereby acknow he foII4>-,,ving checks: Treasurer's C veinber_22 -n on th 2 2 _d A,%,, Cashier's Check eriiber 1961, anvt-i on th -ado le t .26 April 1960@ Dear Dr. it forward- ing ec uw.-Ou to-p al support for yo-ur tesearch-program-during the present gratit year. It is belloved that-the fundamental information obtained from your research will be of -in-eatirnable -val@e.- Your st.adicii on the distributloa and metabolic fate of selected compounds having significant central nervous system activity will provide inform.-ition required for more productive research leiding to improved compounds. 1 A summary accounting fo@k:@@d from I ott@6l@@t 1959 to 30 April 1960 will be app"@iated at-your earliest 14 Novambor 1961 M.EMORANDUM FORI cuef* ri"nc*Division VIA TSO/Bud-Ret Ofilcer SU]31F.CT MKULTRA., *,,,%'bproject 46, Uv*ivo NO. 1021, A)Wm*Llt Noi, ZIZS-1190.3702. -00 covering tha 1. lavvice No. 10 Id the amount of $2,) 800# above sub,.orojoet le, attacheD'A "@-ii th-- i@,itertzio.,i i.,sf irle in 46-- M@ILT.%k fu-n,@e bav@-- W-er, oblAi@At--l to 119ilo 39-32 t-@@ cl@arg#.-d t-o crst au -pro@j te.-- Ds - Txi te., 2 TSD/-RD agog*&" DRAFT 24 October 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT Supplement to Project MKULTRA, Subproject 46 T)Ien-lent is to provide additional 1. The purpose of th2is sup, funds for the support of a research program being carried out by and associates at the University of =NNW Now e of -Vt6vidz@-for professional and related services b n.specific problems of pharmacological 2 and toxicoloaical interest to TSD. The program provides funda- mental information and elucidates the mechanism of action of certain psychotropic drugs. Particular emi)hasis has been centered on the structure activity relationships among a class of compounds of it-niiiediate interest to TSDICB.- The scope of the program includes 2 studies on the distribution and metabolic fate oi selected compounds having sigin.ificant central nervous system activitv. Studies also will be conducted on the phart-nacological aspects of drug tolerance' and addiction top_rether with an examination of the metabolism of drugs @Lcti,ng in the cei-itral nervous system.4 It is expected that results obtained will provide information required for development of more effective compounds. for the The additional ftinds required for this program year amount to $20, 000. 00, To this s@im must be added $800. 00 reDrese.-@iting a four per cent service charge to the who act as cut out, makin2g the total amount $20, 800. 00. Charges should be made against Allotment 2125-1390-3902. as requested that the investigator submit to them a sumwy accounting on-an annual basis of all monies -received from, s been requested-that any unex- pended funds be 2returned at the close of the grant year. 4. -The requiremen,t for a six months inf orn-ial accounting on the part of ttie principal investigator is waived. S. it is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be required for this program. 6@ It has been mutually agreed that travel expei-tses which 0 are reimbursable by the University from project funds will be accounted for in a i-nanner consistent with the accepted policy of the University. 7. Dr. ldwossesses Agency TOP SECRFT approval. 3 t is unclassified after it leaves th The projec -TS,D/Re s earch Branch APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Rese& r Date: Distribution: OrigL0nal only. RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of@the following checks: Cashier's Chec dated ,I 12, 1960,--- IN",n er n 0 le- Cashieris Ch c at Dat-e, ZS August 1960 BIEMORANDUM FORf:@-CIIIEF@7FINANCE DIVISION VIA TSD/Budget OUicer -A,.-Subproject 46, Invoice No-9 SUBJECT MKULTR Allotment 1525.1009-.2Igoz 1. Invoice No* 9 tn:t o arnount of $7, 800. 00 covering the above subproject Is attachedo-p*yq@@@ld be made as-follows.- 00.00, rawo Cashi!!@@h @k In the amount of $?# 2 OrL a bank. Cas k In the amount of $300. OO.i drawn on 7 ank* ft@jl@hauld l@-a rna e paya 2.1 Please forward the checks to Chlef,-TSD/Restarc6 Branch 2 /Budget Officer by 9 September 19 0. through TSD 3. Thlio-12-& flq&l since it i,s-aaticipated--- t addit[6nal fan'ds--win be obliz" for thle-j@@ect the filei should closed. 11 F REPETV 44 TSD/Researeh Branch- Invoic*&Certificatioas-----' -ICERTIYT@!.PTFL;lj.'@SAR!AVAILAt.,@, .4z tl'-@R-"@2l-i N,. ROf TO Distributton: /.Pot orig. & 2 - Addresses CFFII:FG I TSD/FASS 2 TSD/CB 0 T ti- F $90@7, TSD/CBANNEWEW xb IIMOICE -oo goof For ooride-es -------2------- CXRTiricATIONS (1) it Is hereby certified that this is invoice No. 9 applying to Sub-- I satisfactory that project 46 of UKULTRA,@ that perforiht6" 5 ------- -- 2 c with mutual agree-@ Complished in accordau 0 services are bo"ang ac celpts Is on t & detailed agenda of _the paymonts and-re rueate, tha 2 u t nd co rect and that paytnont file In TSDIRB, that this bill Is a r thereof has not yet been made$ ch Chief, T Date: 2 (led that this Involcg applies to Subproject 46 (2) It to hereby corti roject Is being of MKULTRA-*hlch %vad, CIUIY4"rOvedb and that the p 11 1953 ndqn-i dated 13 -Apr carried out In accordance %vith-the moinora eastoci pi this authority irk fro-m the DCI to the DD/As and the eid I - subsequent mernorandas APF asearc irectot Date. -23 w h#, i@, 1!0. I&, n CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER @Oij(;HER NO, 7-12 DATE 2- 6 OUCtiER NO. 7- 12 34- 39 43 4 7- 57, 5 6 - 67 68 70 7 I- 80 DESCRIP710NI-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 STATION 4 2 '53 54-57 ALLOT. 00 COST D.uc AMOUNT 0 0-42 F ",6. GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE 33 CODE EXPEND U PAN 12@; .0 . .......... 2 ' A.fl @V .4 ICA LEDGER DESCRIPTION- ......... CODE 14 PER' C6.2:1.57 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 p .0. No p A 0 p C C TCOI'B OCRIT c p E 0 1 'r 2 RIACCT. NO. CLASS@ CODE @y p p 0 i E C;, 0.1 -FT LOO 2 t EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS DATE prlrpADED ay E REVIEWED By CERTIFIED FOR PAYME@NT OR CREDIT 0 D?E Is FORM Plow flO-49) 606 usL P.Evo ous EDITIONS. No. Cost Account Object Class Obligations Obligations Vnliquidated 0 Balance Date Remarks and References incurred Liquida4,ed 10 AUr 30 kUG Ar, 1960 3 Augu$tl960 C-OMPTIIOLLER rtaance Division ATTENTION --Subproject 46i, Additioaal SUBJECT- MYULTRA A%Ithoi2lta;llon No@ 7 3 kpril - - - unde.r the authority granted to the-MeinorAtdwn datedI t thix authority It% 195) irq m-tho DCI to the DDIA, and the cxtcn2#LOO 0 subselusat rao=OraDdam. Subproject 46 has been approved and $7, 900. 00 of the over-all Project-MKUI.,TRA funds have beea obugated to C*v" the subprojeet's expe'4$es &ad sh-ould be ctii@" to Allotnaeit ISZ5-1009- 190a. 2 TSD/Research Branch "PROVED FOR O.., 01' FUN.]D$., 1. CERTIFY t,4,@T FUMDS ARE AVAILAI)EI TO Ro eate Director A LC,6 Date Di8stribution,. orls. & Z - Addresses - _,T S -@- TSD/FASS Z - TSD/RB D R A F T gue MEMORANI)UM FOR: T-TIE RECORD- SUBJECT Supplement to Project-MKULTRA, Subproject 46. 1. The purpose of this supplement is to provide additional funds for the support of an e*PAAA-@@@@pr-ogram being carried out by Di t the Universit ollege of Medicine. Acquisition of a d fficult to obtain intermedi,at.@ of a psychotropic drug of Agency interest makes ossible-the introduction of a radio labeled group -a@-significant sttidv@@its m which will2 ermit etabolic fate. - The results obtained will provid@-information basic to an understanding of its pharmacological effect. Z. Th e additional funds required for this expartsion of the pro@@ gram during the remainder of t- !I aniLQunts to $7, 5000-OO.- To this 2 -MAMA- stirn must be added $30O.-00-t"resenting a 47o service cbarge to qW who a'ct as cut out, rnakina the total amount $7,80O.- 00,-- Charges should be made against 0 Allotment 15Z5-1009-19072. 3, has requested that the investigator submit to them,a summ ry accounting on an annual basis of all monies @A received fro t Any unexpended funds will be returned by the grantee at the close of the grant year. 4. The requirement for a six (6) month inforn7@al accounting on -the part--of the principal investigator is waived. S. It is not anticipated that any armanent equipment will be required for this program. 6. It has been rnutuall-y---i -ee-d-that travel expenses which are reimbursable by the U2niversity from the-p)(@ect funds will be accounted for in a manner consistent -,w'&'%h the accepted policy of the University. a 7. D r. ossesses Agency Top Secret approval,-- Th)6@- A@* project is unclassified after it leaves Chief 4 TSD/Re3earch-BYth@t APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF@ FUNDS: Rese rch Date: Distribution: Original only RECEIPT Receipt is her4:by acknowl.edized of the follow-'Pg two e-hecks: T awn 0 the a Ca Ch k 0, drawn Date: @16@@ r MEMORANDUM NOR: CHIER. IFINANCIC DIVISION VIA TSD/Bu4itiWOtilcor SUBJEcr MKVLTRWi7@@r*ject 46, inv@6tce 08, 2 Allotxitent 0525-1009-49OZ L layolce Os In the amount of $IS, 6000- 00 covering the above su-bproj*4ctivattached. )4owaver,-duetor*fund"f$1,487.50from other projects (as per attachments) paymeqt should be made-&* follows: 2 Uter's chock In the &MO,41ftt -Of $13 $12. @0, dra,wo *a a bank. Cashier's chock In the amount of $600. OO.- draw* on a- bank. The checks should be ina4ii@l*yabla to th 22. Please forward the chock to Chlefs TSD/Cbomical Branch throughT$D/Budget0ifice byl4ApriII960.----------. 3. This is a final I"ce. it Is ant lelpat*d that &4d@itloaal funds WI for this project the files sho2uld not CIO a ed. THEAMCIUNT EZECEI 26 APR 1960 Chiet TSD/Chomical Branch Attalch -moot Lavoie* &Certifteatioas 0 T@!,@T t-.,4.- Distributions: ORIS & 2 - Addresses FASS TSD/ t4""@r@izAMOUNT, C3F. 2 - TSD/CB RECEILVE TSI) CB (when Filled tn) CONF!DENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER DATE 2-6 @VOUCHER No. 7-12 VOUCHER No. 7-12 2 4 7 - 52 1 56-67 1 71-80 43 45,4 DESC COUNTS 13- 40-42 F OBLIG; 53 54-57 ALLOT. Oft C ATAOUNT 2 PAY REF, NO . GEt4ERAL ACCT. NO Z@; PER. I . EXPE14 v . . . . . . . . ........... CODE N %eV ;;cE CA LE 2 DESCRIPTION' PROP NO LIO- A CIF. No. ACCOUNTS 13-21 .@YR CIMEDI'F ADVANCE ......... 2 CODE [MP. No. 4L . . . . . d EXPLANATION OF ENTRY DATE PREPARED BY DATE REVIEWED eV CE 7 OAT, FORM 606 PREVIOUS C 0 1 T I 0 N S . 10- -,r*r services ................ CERTIFIC.ATIONS It Is hereby cortifitd that this is Invoice t 8 gpplylng'to Subproject y - that services are bIn& 2 46 of MKULTRA, that per@mance Is tiatisfaet6t uta, that a detailed ageada accomplkshed In accordance with mutual agreerno elpts Is on file In TSD/dj5 %hit this bill is just and of the payrnecto and rec 2 correct and that payment thereof has not yet been made. Chi,.-f, Date: (2) It Is hereby certified that this Invoice applies to St%bproject 46 of @,MKULTRA7vhtch *As duly approved, and that the project I's being carried out in accordance with the rnernora3ndum dated 11 April 1953 from tho DCI t4% the DD/A, and the a-.xteasion of this authority ia subsequent memoranda. Research Director Date: CERTIFICATION .(3) it Is hereby certiflod that unjor subproject Zt at the close of PY 1960 a balance of $1,4870 50 roprosentang unused fkxnds. remained InSubproject-ZZwhichis-'stiUcontlaul6tig. Thereforittilt.Tequostod that $1, 487. 50 of Invoice No& 8 be credited subproject 46 a return of uriused ittads lY 05ZS.1009-49OZ, MOR 1909. NO. /for Cost AccoLtnt *4vV-J7 lif Objt,-ct Class Obligations Obligatio3ns Unliquidated Date Renat" and Rc-ferences Incurred Uquida Balance 28 MAR 6 __@IAPII p TC I-lb - t-5 March 1960 I)lum roat COMPTROLLLCR MSMORAN ATTENTION eci 46, @Addttiomal SUBJ-)CCT 34KULTRA-0 $uuproi Authorization No. 6 Und*r the authorlty graated in the Mmorandum dattd 13 -April 195) fr*A" tti* DCL tO the DD/A at@d the extension of tM.g 2authority ttt subsequent memorar,,dat sut@project 46 has been and $15 600.00-of the over-ala Projoct MKULTRA funds have beon obligated to-cover the tdb?rojectla.*xpeases-and shoold be chariged to Allotroont 052$.1009.42-IOZ. Cal Bra-,ich TSD/Cheint APPROV -ED FOR 013LIGATION i aqr,,-/ 7iAT OF' YUNDS-. R ector 1) a t Orig & 2 Addresteo 1 - TSD/OC TSD/FASS 0 xv- 2 - TSD/CB D R A F T 15 March 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR-. THE RE SUBJECT Supplttiitnt-to Project MKULTRA Suoproject46 1. The purpose of this supplemen-t-1-9 to provide additional funds for the'support of a research p"gra2m-being '@arried out by D d associates at the Univeriit an College of Medicinet --The -p@@6t@t@-provides fundamental information and elucidates the mechanism of action of certain psychotropic drugs. Particular emphasis- has been -centered on the- structure activity relationshi2ps among a class of compounds of immediate interest to TSD/CB. The scope-of the-program includ6-"tddies oa,the distril@ution------ and metabolic fate of selected-compounds having'significant central nervous system activity. It is expected that resul toi obtained will provide information required for productive research into the pharma2co-_ dynamics of more-effect!Ve@@@@du. 2. The additional funds required for'.this-program for the year amount to $15, 000. 000- To this--stun must bt_added $600. 00 representing a four per.ceat service charge LUAA floft who act as cut out, making the total amou2nt $15, 600. 00, Charges, should be m4de against Allotment 05Z5-.1009 -.49OZ..- - Amato& 3.. @ias requ ted that the investigator submit to them Mary accounting on'an annual basis of all monies received from Also, it has been0 requested that a;ny unexpended funds In 3 0 be returned at the close of the grant year. 4. The requirement for a six months informal. accounting on the part of the principal investigator is waived. 5. It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be requ2ired for this program. 6. It has been mutually agreed that travel expenses which are reimbursable by the University from project funds will be accounted for in a manne '-t.e'nt with the accepted policy of the Uni-i@wraat,Y-, 7. 'D ossesses Agency TOP 6ECRET approval. -The project is nclassifted aftet it leavoilm Chief TSD/Chemical Braach APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: Distribution: Original only. X6-3 27 January 1960 ,vY,i@;ORJt;,XUM FCIlt: ThT, SUBJ-NT Action on- l@WbTRA Audit Excep-,ions -T SS/IGD2- SF#46 Financial stat'levioat for for expenditures frc)M-9/53-to-3/58 h appro tior,-of the @p@@@@'Ll,-,,ator will -be ootaineti-whin th,3 grartee -is visited b@rAOS/CD---p-orso-.-Lixl -to diecuss researe.1, progro.;s and futixre pi-ogra -2rg for funds received tbxougb 9/30/59 -hps bee-i-i a@@@ved and corti4Lied --oy--rrincipal 1 TS,3/Cbe.=c--l Division The following Is a breakdgwn-,o@ enses on p Grant aild for the'5o-ii year/. GA-140 CA 142 TOT.6,L Salaries 542.70 2 6,925.41 :4,422.25 i2,921.78- 4s283.22 .4,003.79 52053.33 1,600.00 2 350.00- 116.52 Total Salaries $23,099.15--- 17,119.85 30,219.00 0 -072.07 Equipment 4,039.07 33.0 2 43 Travel 21.23-- 81.31 102.54 Contingencies -0- - - -0- Consumable supplies 3,870.08 1,672.-04@@@@5;542 ' 12 overhead 107. 3,1202.95 890.62 3.L@993.57 Total Expenses 58-59------34-132 48 796. 82 43,929.30 Cash received from inception- thru 9/30/59 $180,920.00, c 2 5L 3@7 . 00 -To@al Budgeted Incom6 232,290.00 Total Expenses from inception thru 9/30/5)@ 222,776.51 Balance 8 AvatlAble 10/t/59 9,513.49 DI-,;Ision .4 RECEIPT Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the following two checks: AxtAd 1-,S,eniernber 195 --drawn T or, A 4 Offici Afti..A 3 5 ptember 1959, drawn (>n -60, he arftount of $1, 865& DATE- -Imam No. Cost Account Object Class Ob@ligat.loris Obligations U5nliquidated Remaejcs and ReferencIZ3 Incurred Liquidated Balance Date Alt Irk fir 0 CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER No. 7-12 2 47 52 58-67 @68 70 1 3. 3 3 34- 9 43 45-46 71-00 DESCRIPT'OON-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 2STATION 40-42 F ORL'I 0. 53 54 57 ALLOT. OR COST D ATAOUNT 2 33 co DE EXP@,:.. U PAY REF. NO. GENERAL ACCT. NO. D AUTEE 'SCR I P-r I ON- NO. 2 PER. DE ..... CODE N CA LEDGER 62 67 OBJECT L I (). .11@ 11 c I @l;c. 2 CK,.0. ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 YR ACCT. NO. L DEDIT CREOIT FIG.1 I'V S CODE x No. C ASS 2 DIV. p 4 EXPLANATION OF ENTRY 2 TOTALS DA@TE PNEPAR D BY DATE REVIEWED By CERTIFI,ED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DAT2E s I FORM 10@- 49) 6-5 606 091 P.t voous,eol@i*ws. tvat 19 59 11 Aug MEMORANDUM FOR*. CHIVR, ]FINANCE DIVLS VIA 3 TSS/Budget Officer SUBJECT UKULTRA, SubOOM 4 Invoice No. 7 Allotment 902502@@@902 14 Invoice Noi-17 covering-the abo"-"'Opr-ojoct Is attached. Payment thoold be-m,ade as fouo- -W- 5-.-* CasbAerls-ekiskj",e &mount of $46, (>40. 00, 2 drawn on bank. Caabler's@c-bac t@he ainbtut of $1,8650 60, dravm on d&payab torwald the check -Chief, TSS/Chemtca@t Divlsl pl"s to on, 'Wough TSS Budgtt Officers no -Stpftrabor 1959@7-- 3.; Thlii7is a final invoice'* However. sine* It Is anticipated that &4ditio-a-it fund,%-wiU-b*:bbltg*ted f2or tlxtis proje4tt, the files should not be TSS/Cheznlcal Division Attachmerit., Invoice & Certific tin o a i@z Distribu4tL.on-., 5 olig "Add 76- INVOICE- For services- 60 ......... ....... r....... ............ CER-TIFICATIONS (1) It Is 2hereby ctrtlfied that this Is Invoice No 7 applying to Subproject 46 of MKULTRA, that performaaed7 Is sat@isfactory. that ervicet are being accomplished in accordance with rautual agreements, that a detailed agenda of the payments and refeipts Is on file-ih TSS/CD.' that this bill is just_ and tor2rect and that payment thereof has -not yet been made. Chief, T@7Ch Division Date: (2) It Is hereby certified tbtt-this invoice applies to Subproject 46- of MKULTRA which was daly approved"nd that the project Is being 6 carrled'out in accordance with the memorand@-im dated 13-Apil-1953- from the DCI @Wths- DD/A. and the ex-teasion of ibis authority In subsequent memoranda Research Director Date: X6 --3 FINAN GRANT P Categ Expenditures 9153-3158 Salaries 76,487-15 Eq2liipinent 153 412.7)t ?AAterials and Su,,oplies i6$422025 Travel 2)-273-31 Overiiead 160877.00 Contingenc,,.2i.es 75o.oo Chemical Stijdies (]Dr 616.66 -LO@ 1-1 -- Total 1583839-11 Approved Bud2yet (to 9/58) 185-,650-00 2 )8lOo89 PERSO@,INF@T INV PRO,tj--- Re,naneration Dr. None Dr* $6500+ 1000 from U of R Dr 6500 + 1000 frori U of R c o n,-, Dr 2 art time) 400 4800 3300 D None ao IlbW v%-;d the siibmitto Dr. 1 4350' elf Tc',' Date: PROPOS@D AIMAL BUDO nS FOR NEXT 'riVO YEARS, 9/58-9/60 Proposed Expenses Salarle-s 23,500-00 2 3vOOO.OO MAterials and Siipplies 7jOOOtOO Travel 900.00 Ove-rheAi (10%) 4,240-00 Contino_eneles 2J,0200.00 Chemical Stiidies (Dre- 6,1000.00 Total 46,640 (O AF A dr@ A If 0 I have exa,.qirocl nd approv'c4 th expenditui-es. oting u e SSIChomical Divi6ion PEM014-NEL INVOLVEI) Remuiieration None D Dr $7QOO Dr 6hoo Dr 4 consulting) 800 Dr t time) )@oo 4500 3100 D None Dr. 43,SO FINANCIAL STATF.I@,IENT FOR TIIE OP.'s-NT FWII Category Expenditures 9/5@-9/57 Salaries 66,606-37 Equip,meiit 12)274-97 Sup2plies and services i4)672-83 Contingencies 750.00 Travel 2,273-33. overhead 16-)877-00 Chemical Studies (lir. 2 2 y92O..;07 Total Approved bu7dget 185,650-00 (to 9/58)- Balance-- - I have exari@nocl an4 ap72nlroved-thO submitte4 hief TSS/Chemical Division Date:' qi o 21 Juno 1957 MEMOR.ANDUU "R.*--C DIWSI A UL flA -Sub&ijeet 46, layol4o 6, ISUWE!CT) X T t Inio 0 No, subprolett, as icoil check tn t & &-wn--o-n a- ban2k, back on a C-- h e. in th 7. 1,8* drawn on a 0 of All All thre de omwm 2 Plt"4 forwarj th't- checks lo Chief,'..' TSS/Chomical 57. Division through mow. @YA 5 I A total of was Ob- ligated under thts subproject-2durlWY 57,----However stnca It Is anticipate4 that ao.4-ti,oul f"di@7will b.4e-toblt a the fites shojld not TS$/Chemical Division.- Attaclu,,nents; 2 Invoice & Co-rtificatio"- X)Istribution: Ortg & 2 -. Addressee I - Comptroller PY',l OOi-,36 7 ol 9 CiERTIr- IEE) FO - --------- AUTii /0000' 'PA, $62,110.47 For services .......... CVHTIFICATIONS (1) it is hereby.certified thai'this Is Invoice No, 6 *PPIYing-to 2 --Ihat-Wformance is satisfactory, MKVLTRA Subproject 46@ that the services are being accomplished in actordan.ce with mutual agree-_ -wents, that a detailed agenda of the payments and-recetpts is on- file In TSS/CD, that this bill Is just-and 6"rect and-t2hat payment thereof has not yet'beie --- n--m--ade-. Acti;-g-Chief. Date: -that this Invoice applies to UKULTRA (2) It is bere@4"erttfied ,Subpe;>Jeict 46, which w7as dul"pproved,---i@hd that the project is being -carried out in accordiince with the memorandum dated 13-April 1953 from the DCI t@@-the- DD/A. and the ext ension of this authority in subsequent memoranda. Research Director Date: RECEIPT f the following two checks-. ireceipt is hereby @c d ed o A@f-A n@^tlyi 956, drawn on the ai-nount of and 7 d, b 26 1956. drawn Trea ount of te am on th, ade payable t ,,re n, 13 December 1936 MEMORANDUM FOTI-. CHIEY', FINANC9 DIVISION VIA-. TSS/Budgat Officer SUBJECT.- MKULTRA. Subproject 46, Invotte 3 All0tvaent 7-2502-10-ID2GI to Invoice No' 5 is attached cb@M-ring the above subproject. Payment should be wade as foII6-AW Cashier's- check in the a-mount of $29i 815. 66, drawn on a bank VOQMMTaos@hierti 4Week in the amount of $%193.87, drawn on a M" should be wade payable to 2. The checks should-Wfdf*arded to Chief, TSS/Chomical Division, through TSS/Budget-Offictir@@no-later than Monday, 31 December 1956. Other Invoice$ will folio-WI 6 SIDNEY!GOTTLLED-- Chief TSS/Che'mtcal Division- Attachments: Invoice and Certiff Distribution: Orlg & 2 - Address ell INVOICE- For services - ----------------- ......... CEITTIFICATIONS (1) It Is hereby certif led-that this- Is 5 applying to MKUL'RRA Subpro;ect 46, that performance is sat2isfactory, that the services are being accomplished In -rii@ual agreements, that a detailed agf.-ada of the pa@@nts and receipts Is on file in TSS/CD, that this bill is just and correct and that paymiznt thereof has not yet been made. Ch2ief, -Tg@@/Chemical Division Date: (2) It is hereby certified that this invoice applies to MKULTRA Subproject 46, -Arhtch was duly approved and that the project Is being carried out in accordance with-th6 memo-tandum -dated 13 April 1953, frohi- th@CDCI id-@DD/A. and th0e -Oxtension of this- authority i'@,i subsequent memoranda. Research I)irector Date: DPJM 22 August 1958 MOPANVM rOR: THE RECORW----7--@@@ I>roject MOLTRA.# SVbproject 46 SUBJECT 21. jett is to provide-fundt for The-447p@@ ------- Ve-irig carried-outby the f the research program and asaoci &tea at the Urivers24ty of ir*. onal 6 o Uni (including by, Agency funds) is attached - The attaaed report indicate 5 @the details of the Vpog" to be carried out uA als2o sbm current status of the vork. - - - - 2. As it Indicated In the attached- Repo ich -blucidati6h--of the cieehantem rtj, this prpgranwh is aimed at tte of action-of ISD 25 2hu met vith considert.'ole:ouccesa@@@@-tl,@e facts and relationships developed in the prelimih6rt-voti@ on methods and tecbniq@@s b&ve ma- teriolly advanced other projecto'being carried out by-T68/CD.- Ae-2 tual.Ly, tbt-successful tompleti"-@of this proje4:t vowm-remove several of the moat obstih&W"i@@" in the-continkied@@@-- meat of the psyebochemical-field) n&wly: (1) a specifid--"tidot-e for 2 LSD@25 (2) o6-sensitive method for assaying WD-25-in blood and urine., (3) 8, 'sensitive-qualitative 106ftt6rt-t"@@Wng system for peyebo- chemic&u) (4) an idea of the',relationsbip betv*en chemical structure 2 -@is-1 - and (5) -the -"lation-- and biological_activity--in this type@of obip betveen-LSD-257end@otbkk material"f a similar nature vbli oh axe now availible. 3. The in2vestigator's reqvest'fdf-A-tWt@-year-gmt is reasorAbl6-in tbe-opini(>n of TSS/dD.-We have previously-conducted this program-of basic-research on a tvo-year basis.- It should be n th tib preserit @@@@f6r-the com2ing tvo vea" is approxi- 0 ma ly required. This does not represent an effort in +,be program. It ba4 been ae. a-- from otber sources. By carefui complished-by the 2 tion of-fvmd selection of the sources of additional fun" TSS/CD has been &'ble to maintain the saw control over the go&U of the project-as-it----- poselased vbea it vas-the sole support. serve as cut6u-t for Ptalnsqer --tKt-@'invest:Lga-Vor. The estimated cost of thework is W)640.00'for'i&'Peri6i of'tw6' 8 added-four percent service'cbarge for mounting to $1,865.60. Therefore) the for two Vill not exow 08,505.60. The Univer2sity o shal.1 retain title to wq permanent e -lieu rbead rates. qu@ 6 quested t-hat the investigator submit U monies received vndet@:itt@- grant-o and that all me nded funds rem&iniA2@@-@ the end of -the project be returned to the riihd. 7. It has been mutu&Uy ed that travel exi>,.snses wbich are reimt-ureable-by-tbe Uii@ity@@-foj6tt funds vill be accounted for In a m=er couistent-vith the accepted polid" +.he2 University. 8. Professo b" been cleared.. the ::M t by the 4 i]nlg Agency wA is WI indi]g"ii project is unclassified after-it@:lttt-W TSS/C5bemic--al Divisi"- APPROYRD FOR-OBLIGkTIOIU@AJ?M&i@::@@@ Date-. Attachment: Proposal- Distribution: Original only 5 D-ebernber 1956 ATEMORANDUM FOR: -THE RECORD 46 -SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Su,-)project 1. - The purpose of this project is to provide futids for the par- tia I !!Lu rt of the research prograni being 'Prof. _ _UL9 'AMF W-and associates at the University ollege A@ Medicin6,,,,,,U@, y being pro- - and the University of 2 it !of the program and the i)swl cover s gets 956-57 and 195@f -58-finclud-ing--ani- that por'Liori covered 'i3y Agency funds) is attached. 2. As is-in(Jicated in';the attache2d-propos7al, this progra.in which is aimed at the elucidatior%- of the idechanisrii of action of LSD-25 has met with considerable success. Mariv of the facts and relationstiip-s devclcped in the preli.minarv work-on ii)ethois and techniaties have rria- terially aciv2anced other projects beinc! carried out by -ISq/CD. Ac- 'Lually, the successful completion of this proje,-t would rem@ove several of the iiiost obstinate "road-blocks" in the continued developin-.nt of the - psvchochertiical field, namely: (1) a specif4.c antidote for LSD-25, 2 25 in blood an (2) a.sensitive method for assaving I.SD. d urine, @ (3) a sensitive qualitative 1,-iboratory-screeiiina system for p5ychochemicals &M (4) an idea of the relationship between chernical striiettire and biologic,-it 2activity in this tvpe of material. 57) --- 3. The investigator's request for a two year cfrant is reasonable in the opinion of the writer. During,, t@ie past vear two very acceptat)le candidaltes for the post of enzyrxiologist or@ this program have turned the iob down because of the year-to-year basis of t@ic pro4rai-n. It appears that it would not be fea.sible to achieve t'll atie en ,d-bv 1 creasing the support froiii sources other than th since the goals ox' the p,-ograi@n would have to be ere erat)ly 2to ii)ake this possible. 4. will serve as cutout for the i an@-f'gi--o7FCi-na estig'ator. The, e3ti@-nate(i cost of th,@., work is $89, 540. 00 for aperiod of two year's. 5(o qo A4 2 added four percent service charge for tli I o'-this Wiust be ( rherefore, the total Cos s pr amouiti!ig t 2 will not e gra!ii for two years 5 The U-niversitv o hall retain title to any per - mane -nt equi rhead ra' tes. -pment in as reaue ted.that th- investig2iltor subniii.- to it a summarv'o"aMgrn'twing for all mon.ies received under its grants and that all ui'iii6@e!@dea' fun-,Is.rem-aining at the end of the project be retu@rned t 7. It has been @-nutbally attoavel ec@)enses which are reimbursable by the Universitv froni proi .ted lect funds will be accoui' for in'a i-nanner cc. stent with-the accepted-policy of the 'LTniversity, 8. '-Pro s been clea Secret b,i the- @2-%_Pency and is the oil divi@lua project is un- classified after it la s th TSS/Cheniical Division Approved- Chie2f TSS/Che-rnical Divisioii AttacV@.iiient: Proposal AP-PRC,VED FOR OBLIGATION OF FLT IN S: i,-ector -7 .)ate@ Distribution: Oric-rinal only the ,Nl e Proposal for the Continued Study of tabolism of d-LvserRic Aci(i DieL!iylp,-mi@d It is proposed to continue the study of JSD-25 and related compounds in substantially the same areas of work --ts during the with alterations as required bv the advances made. The past year program has now progressed to the point- where practical Plans for the work can be laid down based upon knowledge and experience gained in the past. Very briefly stated the prp-sent status of the work is as follows-. 2 1. We have shown that side-chain carbon labelled LSD-25 re- rnaine intact during its passa-ae throlgh-the aniir-al and th@is that it is an adequate tracer molecule. 2. We have completed or-can and "tissue dis@ribution studies from the 10 minute to the 12 hour period with the a2vailable Carbon- labelled tracer. 3. We have found that two species of mammals other than rats show the same pattern-of-I-SD-23 distribution after dose in- dicating that an extrapolatiorl to man is -prol)ablv feasible. 2 4. We lialve isolated -An(i partially characterized the metabolites -25 et"@@ted by the-li d- -are in the process of- of LSD ver an we producine amounts of these sufficient for further work. 5. We have developed a technique of measurement of cortical 2 electrical potentials which allows-tis to-study the effects of LSD-25 and various inhibitinp materials directly in the central nervous system. 6. We have also developed a biological assay technique usinL7 a spinal reflex are of the cat whic'2n is F-articularly anienable to inhibition and potentiation "analysis" studies witii 1-,SD-25 and related compounds. 7. We have invl-stitlated t-,ie known svnt'@letic methods for the I production of LSD,-25 including biosviith,@sis from the poitit of view of the production of radio-carbon riiig-label ed material. None of these so far has riroved a feasible at-,proich. 2 We have made considerable progress toward a new and com- LSD-25 which if it proves pletely different synthetic process for successful will provide the rit-ig-laballed LSD-25 that is needed 2 for more definitive tracer studies. 9. We have completed an exhaustive study of tissue extraction techniques working toward a method which will allow the chemical isolation of LSD-25 from body fluids and tissues when it is present in the usual concentrations. The method at pre2sent under-investigition shows good promise of achieving this goal as further refinements are introduced. It is apparent from the above accomplishments that the major pro- gress to date has bad to do with developing th--- tools for pursuit of the main goal of this research program. It is also aopare-nt that with 2 a few additions to these ii,ethods--we are now in a position to make use of what we have learr-.c-d so far to produce basic information about the s@-tes a-,id nio-le of action of LSD-25, -box this action car-, be niodi------ fied or reversed, hoA,-It rright be accentuated, wliat other m2aterials might produce comparable or co.-nplim-entarv effects, how s,,ich materials can-be-detected in the iriedico-legal serise, and possibly considerable-basic information oi tiie neurocheniical basis for the stress reaction and other ii-tiportant responses of animals to their immediate environnient. It is t)ie opinion of those faiiiiliar with the details of this project that the next two years work will7pf"tdt--@-iy if not all of th-- desired data in(Jicaterl above. As in every case of a -@rogram of this type, a 2 number of unforeseen difficulties as well as some fortuitous dis- coveries -will no drjubt appear as the work progresses, however there is everv reason to believe tiiat the r-ext two years will vield directly useful information a-t 3L rate far above that of the introductory period of the F-ro2gra@-n. In the riast this reseirch program has been carried out on a year-to-year basis. There were several reasons for this, chief al-no.ng, which was t(ie fact that t'tie feasibility of our general a@)l@,roaci-i to the problem 'ciad 'not be2en completely establisti,-,d. Contributing ' were av,,. factors were that v-kr - 4 !able -from AF r @uppo ' ti" sources o2ther than r d that citside pressure on the T)l-o:iect personnel to take@@oiitions in lonc.,,er tprni pr(-,jects A elsewhere was not areat,.,a,-tough to eavse theni to leave. All of -z@ 6 factors now appear to have c'na.n,@ed in sucha way as to riia@ke it 3 advisable to place the program- on at IIeast a two year basis as shown in indicated in the foregoing resume -the-fin-ancial proposal'. We have of the work that the feasibility of our appro s been an-iply dem. ons2tralted. In addition, the 'Univ assumed a long term obligation to this Dep w integrated workin,-, space for the prograni,--more basic equipment and certain faculty status changes for those employed on the program. The obligation assumed by the University cantiot be readily stated in financial terms s2ince it intolv many intangi!:)Ie advantages to ttie niar program. Finally, it is beconiino impossible to retain competent persotinel on the basis of one year aj)pointrrierts and so we find it al- most mandatory that we obtain commitment for at least two years' sup2port. - We hive in the past solicited as much outside support for the program- as time -,kould-all-iD@w and we shall continue to do so in the 7 e basic framework of the program depends upon pport. is-planned at p-resent, -the project oersonnel will remain the 2sai-ne for the next two years except fo-r--the aldditiori of an t---- nd one technici@tn it they can be obtained. Professor the Cheii)istry Departmer-t has indicated his desire 'Mic vntti ti che al work and t(ie various o9ther cons will continue to serve. Du .th JIM of the and the University o the c kgmaqgl can be absorbed without any T)",fijor inc in t rant. Uni' BUDGET 1956-57 1957-58 22, 000 29, 000 Salaries 2, 000 2, 000 Equipment 2 5, 000 7, 500 Materials and Supplies 500 900 Travel 500 - Contingencies 5,2 000 Pro 7, 000 --- 37, 000 44, 400 440 3 700 University 0. H. IOlo 7 46, 700 48, 840 bor 1066 co)i-PTROIILVR ATT INTTON: Finance DiTU104 SUWECTI UKULyritA S-obproject 46. 2 Ad4itional Authorisation Ro, 4 gd in the mer*orandumdattd 1.@ Under the authority grant X)CI to the Dl)/A and the "tensitm Of this 13 April 1963 tk4oti-ttte a2uthority In subsequent-roomoranda, Subproject.40 was previously approved. Vilder the 6imo I%Utbortt an $Ldditional sum of y uthort2ed to cover the subpr ectis expenses. $93, 1 2 1. 60 has b*en a ol 2. Tbi expenditureshovld b-,-charged against Allotment, 7-2502-10-001. siDNzy c;orrTLIED Chief 2TSS/Chtwit4l Division APPROVED FOR OBLIC-ATION OF FUNDS#- ea 0 )Director. Date-, Distribution-, Ortg & 2 - Addresses TSS/FASB I - TSS/SRB 3 2 - TSS/CD TSS/C 5 Cil MIaLA1,TDUM OF ACRM4ENT The purpose of this I'@e@wranclum of Agreement is to set forth the imitijal a-imini6trative responsibilities of the principal research investigator and tbe.@sponsor. -Thereforep it.is mutually 2 ----agreed that, A* The ptincipql@@stigator s,hall submit to the sponsor.- at six month intervals,:@tn -expenditures of monies advan@.,ed for research activities, it-it-@ sted that the statement be submitted in essentiall--the following form' 2 y Personal c6mpensation@(Salaries, Sxbject fees) F-quil@Dment Supplies and Services Continge-nole s - - Over'.-ead B. It .is un tood-that trave -i?.xpenses incurred-in 2 -research pro@_-ram will be accoixnted tothe the furtherance of the Universi+@y in a mamer oonsi6t6nt witi its alstablish6d practices and policies. s -@@@t-to the sponsor C. The,,orincipalirve't5igator@@-s@iall semi-4Ln,qual reports on'-the-technical-progress of the research covered by these -funds. Date RECEIPT I hereby acknowled&e receipt -ing t edks; the follow wo P-h TrA@ awrl0 on dated Oh JL.?% -.L7;@ve or ed Date: 1956'' )*MM&NM Mi CHIW,, IntkW DIVISICil Vul mm= ow OMWBOTI *01"t 46-x"oioe 4 2 Allota&At 6-2502-10-,OU 1, Lwoioe 4 tov tho above aubprojo*t is atta*b*d. Pay shoula be m&U " fouaws I *Mt tvo *&shier t -0-0-b-s-eks--# -o2n-$- for #69. no li@"M on -in--tbo - th Mable -forvard64 -7ThA 4bo" *books isboul4 b# GOA 2@ 2 Division# thnugh-T$$/'I@a@ot Oftioerl r4 lat4r than 13-Hkroh 19 T is "inal - invoid#@- -- A to his tal,of #@3,464.00 vas *BUPW wder this 0000 so,*, durina PY - 56@@ However,, ainoo it -antio -3&7tunds viU -be oblig-a-Ud for is lpk44 that &WitiballY a nra- feet, tbo filea obau]A no2t be cloood. THE AmEjUt-IT-OFA cr Aoting Caef i 93ig TW/Chmiial Divisioa CE@TI8FY T@li,kT @U@,L)S 7E AVAII.A3LE., Matributioiii Oris & -2 Ld&osa" cwtftlut A f 60( For Services "VW --71 -------------- ------------- -4 RPPlYing tO 2 (1) it is be"by o-ortifiod that thio.is IhVoiOe that submjleoi@ 46j-, ttAt/ p"t6rMVW6 is B&tlBfAOtOryv thi services are bsih"ooo&2PUW*d IA '4OOm4ww6 vith mutual ipto -the-p&7wnto VA r*Os amementot tbat a detailed TSSICD, - th&t Wg bju is juit and corroo2t and is ort f ili in -bAS DO )-O t@At paymat tbar#of t, t been isde Division DATET )lies to NKULTF% 2 -that this tuvo-ioe &Ps (2) it is bereby certuied subproitot-,46,, vbich @Wt@duV apmoved,, an4 tbat, %he PrOJOc a dated 13 A@il 2 b*iat a=ied 6@it-in-atooordar4o vith thot mewr twthe 1933 -t,6-tbe DD/As wA the ox',,enGlOA Of this-authority DOI 0 in va@@nt wma-an&. b Dinotor DATEs S@tbprojeat 46 $35,464-00 732.00 17.' Jan 3, 1956 Invoice #1 1 47732.oo co 14 YU )am= 11 1*_&ttuhed **min th* *boy* w4tWO104t Oth" IML"O vui touaw joho44 bomae as t6 t $P=t 2 617*W@.?2# both orl^xaol to Cbl -WCh*Aesl Divie-imv tmwe'h TSVDDDVV Offim AO ]AtOr,tbaA 33 JO-4wrY Cs Ode A 2 Add""" c0wf"rouer TSS/FASB 1 - TSS/ShB 2 - TSS/CD--- TSSICD*W(3 Janti@ry 1956) 0 =UA $aV"Jwt 46,4 A4djUv"l AnAborinUm So. 1"3 ftm tto DM t6 tho IWIAG *a tbt easulon of Uis ikutbarity JA Obaniumt XMMW4 so@oot 246 vu mmim4y appmed# U*dw tba- PM $AtbQritl- At A&Uti*ftl 5= Of bas t4tA autbarisia to owm of 456.VAOO tmde oWUAted ddtibtjrr !$6)-t6-t@D cu2ned to A.UotvgAt 6-25m-lo4ol* cr roes Odg 2 - Ad&-"w -.o A! 1-- Tss/oo -17- Ts i 1 - : TSS/' 2 TSS/CD TSS/CD (19 Datember 1955), An 15 De MFMOPAMM FO'R: THE RECM ject 46 Extension of @KULTPA, Siabpro SUBJFCT ded t 2 o this research Program is '-nten e S f f 1. Th ess 'end related compounds by Pro be dop iversity for a period Of One Year 2 t '-handled for cutout .throuen and Coyef'VPU07 PCB%'S - oiect are-direate2d-- 2. The general@@@jectivei-Of this Pr chaniv ,t -,,he elucidation Of the site and O',c n of action of LSD tablishwrnt Of c e'@ 2by use Of isOtOPi'ally tagged-molecules - t,,s fc, jrolating LSD and its r-etEbOli adevate methods for for identifying the -method biological materials, and a 4 2 has available to him a 3. I?rofesso tation hi&ly competent g scientists of intern cchetiistry iii encoml-assing the fields Of -Phy2sical -Of meditine and 'psychology .- lie plans to addition to those the work. use these people as iiforl consultarts-in am are estimated to 'be $35,464.00 rfhe-costs Of-this PrOgr--2- it e $3 loo 00-for-the ten -percent Univer;5 Y, service charge by, 'b 2 Charges Shn ld et _,will IDIBc after it-- ,IA"r 0 lea,, AppRoVr.D FOR OBLIGATION,- idn OF FUNDS. 3 APPROVED: Diree or D e: Al-ta cb@(nent: Proposal Distribution: original Only 777@@- 0 Iltinued Study of the @ip-tabollsm of d-Lysergic Acid DietlVlo.Tdd 0 1. Studies of the metabolism of d-,lysergic acid diethylamid (LSD) are act that the effective doses are in microgra,,u quantities* 2 co,mplic.ated-by the f with radioactive or with stable iso@@lopes therefore assumes -I:dgging the molecule likelihood an extraordinary importance since-only ay this means-is there-any of obtaining inforr-ation in a relativ2ely short time. Th-o over-all plan will to the molecul6--@itable atoms to-serve as tags and to @,1- be to incorporate in minister it to gxoerimental antnals-in whose-tiasq" the@tagged atoms can be identified after various time periods. By co,%bining several methods of taagin,- 2 deductions can be made as-'4,0-the-fate-of-the-intact--molocule or certain fragments of it. This approach reouires +.he-co-- ted work of a team representing ex- perts fro@a a number of fields.- We are@-fortunate enough to have-such a group of trained i@id'Lviduals representi2ng pharmacol6gy;@biocheaistry-synthetio organic che,.iiistry, and biophysics. o. oo2,,nds.- The chemical-nature of-the 2. §@Lnt,,Ie@sis f L,3@D__§Re elated com compound makes it a difficult2 one towork with. Knowledo.e of the metabolism of ISD may be gained either by studies-of' this molecule suitably tagged-or by studies--- of lysergic acid o.- various derivativee in which isotopes have been introduced---- at proven locations. 3. Several isotopes show promise as possible t6gs for use in the L.SD mol6ecule. Radi6darbon ('carbon I/.,) and trit-.',,um (hydrocea 3) are of etcoaptional interest because these two e lements maye up a large part of the molecule. Both can be obtained with very high-specifio-activity-and-therefore may be abl,e to supply sufficient radioactivity so that microgram quantitias can be traced in 2 ------the-body. Heavy nitrogen-(nitrogen 15) has many advantages,, however, as a ring synthesizing it into the molecule will be an excepti6r@ally difficult feat. 4. The synthetic chemical program is under the direction of-Dr e2ture,r In Chemistry.----H"ill be assisted by Dr. post doctoral fellow in chemistry coming this fall from the Universi 010111 and by agraduate student to be appointed@-@@- @elated com,-o!plnds. The problem-i-s to discover - what the body does with LSD. T2he pereentam-of-a-dos"e of-LSD-retain n many other organs and tissues of thp=@ The pattern of excretion ,is i-mportant.i Inforiation as to what chemical alterations are-induced b7-@@ metabolic activity of,cells in-the-@eentral-nex-Volis system or in the liver or in 2 the muscle will be -sought Because-of-the ability of this molecule to pro schizophronic@l-lke-disorgan!zAtion-in normal humms-the concentration of ISD-- in the central nprvous-syitem wil"f course-have a-prime :Lnterest,---One task will be to discover whether concentration differences exist in 3various parts of------ the central nervous system. 6. The over--all budget is thus-$34,100.00 plus the allowance for university overhead. PRO,P6SED BUDGET For Grant f or the Tbird Year;--- - 1956. 6timber 30, October 1, 1955 to S 2 $19,000.00 Salaries and Wages. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . Permanent En.-u!PmOnt . . . . 2,000.00 2tooo.00 -materials and Supplies- . . . . .. Trave2l. @ . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 500-00 contingenotea . . ... . . . . . . 500-00 ?,000.00 $31,000.00 Overhead a'u lo% 6 3,100.00 $34,100.00- CA tn k@* 0 U M U L A T I V E F I X A N 0 1 A L S T A T U S For Grant as of September 30, 1955 Approved-Pudget August 31 '-Pstir@ated to 2 SeRtember 30 Sal.,g.ries arA @-fages $202900.00---- $2412?7.03 $26,o?,7.oo Porma-.1-ont ETal-pment 10,000.00 10, 88,3,67----------ii,088.00 Ma2terials and Sul,@-,olies 4, ooo. oo ---7@@ 1?1.47 6,2?1.00 Travel 1,000.00---I,P-13.61 i,2i3.6i 5,677-00 Overhead 5.6?7-.00 -3,677-00 2 Contingencies I I ii r - 3$-3?3.0-0- ---450.00--@@450.OT=7777777- e:n Dr. !Cal Studies)-,-,-@--- 179--500.00-- -13-0860-51 14,060.00 Totals Total received to 0 date-- -$62,450-00-- $62.,4-zo.oo l,'xperidit"es 62,538-29 6'f,836.61 Be-1pnee 88.29 $ 2,386.61 credit credit I horeby- to'knowioa sipt of the foll&Ang chisoko: go Tro&varars oh*ck in the &mount of $29,803 Tr"-surers che in the amolmt of Treasurer$ chec in the &mount of $23i VT in 4the amuint of 491'7.3 reasurers ohs ohocks drawn on 27 -S @ptember 1955 and @f@lo -tc Noun, Date: 16 gvtambw 1955 tTSS/ftdpt (>ttieer- $Le= mnanil roj oot A.Uotamt*-5-2302-10-=-& 6-2502-10-01 is *U&asd ooveririg the above subp"je*t. 2 L this Is ii tima-ir4vOics, be rs& f*Uon I on &,I b TVO 344i 041 2. The ebooks- b-6 tomr&d to MWP TW/ChOmi 30 S2ept",ber Divi",, tbxwgl% 3, TM-WO lavoicles co"goglwo eubproj"t sgp*Pt* and t*xclw6 of the t4lamo-- --Ile Yr 55 funds t of 2 funds obugatod to dAte-=&w tbla mftrojoat- "nee It to upww that additional rY 36 fun" Vill be- Obli files on tblt proj*ot should g&W =der this -&*projec-t.. the 00+0 bo 4- *"d* 'r"@AT F'j@,,,DS .@RE A'@IAILAB',3-E. R@ F-- P@@@:CE .4- =of Att4obmmts I Diottibutiont orig 6; 2 - Address" J-aq-c