ds f.@@r the amw RECEIPT jteceipf is hereby acknowledged of Official Check N"56332, d.Itc(i Februkry 26. 1962, drawn on N.m in th 0 - payable-t--o- the @M e arnount of $607 00.@l Date (When Filled In) Cost Account-@@/@;9-c-- Obicet Class Obligati2ons Obligations Unliquidated WmaTlKs and Releances Date incurred Liquidated - - --------- 7 7-- (WI 'CAT T c 2 @---2, A f 44 I CEkl!FY ',I@Al Al2@@ A;'AILA!LE, OP@!G..TQr4 2 uL, TSD/FASS 1 Z TSD/RB C-4 1 tr lo, CONFIDE.4TI@L FUNDS PO 'riNG VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2- 6 v UC14ER NO" 7- 1 2- 2 52 69. 70 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 2 4 3' 45.4c 50-67 71-60 ST,%IIION 12 OULIG. 53@ 54-57 ALLOY. OR COST ()klF. AMOUN2T N DA COOE EXPEND OEI, MO, ACCT. 0. TE 2 DESCRIPTION- CODE N PER . . . . . . . . . ENERAL C 0 LEDGER .67 OVANCE ACCOUNTS 2 13-27 L'. .0. .......... . . . . . . . .. 0 0 C SI P 0 i C C I n 0. 7-7,-, s C. d14.>e EXPLA%AYION OF IENT TOTALS 2 IDATF ........ . v cc PT i I Ef) FOR PAYI.-F NT 0$4 CP FrY I T IGN5ATURC OF CEWY#RVI&G Ofi']Cfk '7. INVO'ACE For SvX-vicei% CFRTIFICA'TIO',IS -hct,s 2 A,,, -'h rn c dcrvi-. @@E, btlino m P ri'41d d@" n e f th. tt el 2 4@t Nrd t C4 til@, -bit, ir, TSDIRB, th=@tt L trrcet and *,b,--it 1962 2 6,r) to Subp -,,.nd thy"t t@,t, Pr r,,j,,@ct ii 2 m@onc@ririndum or .13 April 19.53 4@rcm - - in ;ttc"&"Ce ---- -- ---- -- @@@n i.@f A,@t!tO,-JLY irl 5 "dtht kemt..;Irkh D@-r-cter cx RECF-IPT Receipt is-h reby acknowiedged of Cashier's ChLck No.-137555@@ited N6Veiiiber 20 1961, drav,(n on the 1 in the arnount of $4 439. OZA AL Exarij- ,.Latioz for the Yea!, etided December 1,L@60 A",--MINNOW 1 7@@- - - January 27, 1961 To tle Board of Dfi@@@f@@t We hAVb examitied-th-a-bal@i@shi@bt of tne@ 2 0- -as at-December 31, 196- and the relatecl-stal-l-amentsLLof@@income-, expenses and tinoxpo-rded income- and- olniii-e3 'Ln restricted fune.'s for the Y6ap then ondocl. 'Oi.Ar exami- nation was in ae.,cord@@@-@-With &enp-rally accepted auditing stano.ards, and of the aocountina re- cords and- suon-other@.auditing-procedtires -as considered rcoes-sary -in the 2 In -oun::-oointo-a-, @-th-T ac@ooFmpanyin,-,- balance sheet and state@- Tents of lncom6, expenses and un6kpp-Aded Income and changes In restricted funds preseqt fiirly-the-finanoial position of the 2 "-at December 31, -1960, and the of its opei-atio-.qs for the year t-heii ended, in conformity wita generally ac@ctot6d-ad6Ount@,nv, princirles at)plied on a basis consistent ;ilth that of-the preceding year. 4 .. ....... .. A Exhibit A@ a-t Lectmber -2l9-g6-o Asset Cash In banks $--2039771.@.9 On hand2 200._Oo 203,9?1-00@ 673-00@@ Deposits Furniture and.fixtures 8,822-95 -depttOiation-- 2 .5 Lett Reserve for Z-,JO.A4 6.6 L 767-08 Accounts Payable- Taxes payable Withheld from emplo-yee-s 24437-.73--- Soe,%ial seeurity=A74@@ord-Yffi@n 2 78,847.65 Reterve for 1>ayments-on-grants----------------- Restricted contributionsj Ex-hibit-C 3-,231.64 4,087.20 -xh-lbit@C 2 pow *11-@61coita@l. 1!)Xnibit-B- linexpi@@de@d in ,J.4@ INCO',-iE. EXPE.'-ISE8-AND:-'UNEXPE@-IDED-IjirOMP,.- -777 F@@@ear@2@ ecemb i. 196o noome Contributioii 3039181-98 Management f667for restricted contributions 2,494.43 Interest income-- -26@7 :xpenses -45,-243.66. Salaries Rent and utilities-- -1,624.83 Commu-,qica-tions @2 ol?3.43 Consult6hts,@fde" 4 2 Travel 9@427.06 Proiriotion -14-959.45 Insurance -397-16 --37 Payroll taxes- Other-taxes 10.61 2 Reference-11 i-ary, -2=2!@@66.14 Le&al and audi t f Depreciation 912 Offlee-supplies-and-Dostage 11428.73 Dues-and tubt@"iptions 153@@00 Teacher2s-insurance annuitt-L@LL- 25001-@36 Co-nfeeezice@@exoen,. --I 6?8*42 Editorial@-"o@@nses 27g439 Empiwe-t"ir,g exoe-nse 1,225@16 2 68o@ I 11 884@ 89 ianta 15,000.00 20 000.00 2:680.87, mol?.Oo 7 -.89 -313 Forwar V54,717-87 111--8846 -205667 iLU-1.884, @89 Brought forward- .I,ooo.oo 119 goo..oo 7-,-?90.00 2 -50 29 29. 20.00.00 30,890.00 i8to47 - 00 0 4,250.0 2 360- 00 O./ 46:179:0 9,27. i6 14,000-00 34 465-00 .".2---2OiOOO.OO 31000.00 4,606.00 9,270.40 4, 511.25 3,750-00 9000.00 2 2 6 300.0 1:500 -00 l@v47O.OO 71490.00 4,225.00 4lo85-00 2 89750.00 6,2?o.o6 42 al6.60 6@ cess of expenditires over (166,395:82) inebt!io 0 @aexpended incomes December 31 9 1959 - f,iexoended IrLcOmet--December 319 - 120,103'.37. 1§609 Exhibit A -C- Exhibit -- - -------- 2-IN-RESTRICTED-FUNDS CHANGES the bi@@l,-12607 For -@lYea"nded-Dooem R67&tric@tedCori2tributions Balance, -DecembA@@3li7l959 3il32 33 d R te -P 24,888.66' 2 103.81 d'f i-i iT6, 7'17 818.94 Miseellaneoii -_2 2 29,685-99 Less Di, s burseinehts Salaries 17 6oi.96 Rents and-utilities- 2 - '454,?8 special -Paym6ht$ 1-,604.00----- Travel----- 139.43 - 2 supplies------ 3,.306.68- Consultant-feo@ 325.00 Taxes and so-ciarsec"t@@@ 7330'57 2 23.50 nsurance Administrative fees 19244.43 Miseelltrieous- - 222.200----g 854-.35 3j --- @elance, December-31@@-1960 30231.64 2 Exhibit A Pecelpts 59875-00 iess sburseri'ents Salaries 2 3.65.oo Fund raising ..114 04 Travel 2:10 105-00 2 P;st6ge 20.00 Suonlies 46.16 co;@' I oris 10.00 7.50 11230.00 -fee@ .:I SC 2 -.68.00 112B7-,8i@l- 1)#-,c,-,mber 31, 1960 $ 4,087.20 Exhin-t i'@ iL cur 2 C II t f t 'Lor t3-,i%,)roje@q 4 tn-/ It! RECELPT Receipt is hereby acknowledgeaqS 2 (1) It to bl-I.-*"4y ctrtlfioi thxt tl-is in Inv,>ico No. 7 applying to Sutp2roject @-Q.-t'ziat pqrfori--4atice is tatii-iactory; tiieat the strvice.-i are bo- 2 ii - a detailed .4 accor.-tpltit;liod in accoreL,-nce, -%,;ith irulual ag.-oc@rents, t,-tat agene-@i of-the ii?.y@-nerts on file iii th2at the bill. is just and correct and t@iat-iD-aviiic-at ti-ter(,,of bar; -tot y4t beei made. Chi of _ILSD/-.,@-es,,,trch !'>rarch Date., 2 (Z) It is hereby certified th-at this i-ivoica applies to @AKIILT.", t-,Ub. pr*jcct 60, was d@-,Iy appro-.,eci.- i%lnd that the projec'. is bcin,,y carried - (>tit lii accor(7ka?%ce wit,i tlio i-,neinorandurr-. dated 13-,@6iril 1953,- frorn the DCI to the tli-^ extension of this authority-in cubseqtiont i-.inei-norarda. -t @7ch i)irector has booti (3) it is liera'oy certified that tiil- progra@n uader cubproject 8@ and returiod uitized fund@.. Iti, addition, S2uvl,-- project 6,@,), vviiich is ctili co.,iii-tui-ig hai-also rc,,urned uncxpended futi-13 ))Udge.. - Itier,-fore, it i,, recui:st,-tl tiiat ttia 2 atilounts as showt below-o-i 1--ivoi-e 4o@@7 of 1,@ubproject 60 be credi'@ea to the su.@projecte $3721. 78 637 0 63. $1860@-34-- 73 0:')'ZS - I" 0 9 - 4-)O Z Chi Dat e-. esearc!i '-'irector 7 Date: DRAFT ?6 Apri mF-MOR-A-,NIDUM FOR-. - THE RECORD Supplemental Funds, MKULTRA, Subproject 60 SUBJECT, 2 ct @s to fund the activities of the I.-@-The-purpose of this subproje in behalf of TSDIRB 7-> 2. Supplemental funds are needed to reimburse tt-,e4flAft for several expen-ses-not-an-ticipated whery the annual budget for tht-ciiyrent year was prepared.-- The largest of these_ expenses is associated-%ith rn-e--w--oz'fice stace ii The-, remaining-expien s result fro2-i-i-additional unforeseen consultant travel, I>rinting costs, and-s etarial help. 3 - Ttio.'OROFWAIMIIih will continue to oporate as a funding and cover organization-f-o-r TSD/RB activities-.---- 2 4i@=lt is-estimated that supplemental funds needed to carry out theOlg&WA%activities for the balance of the year will, not exceed $19, 500. 00@@Ch@-trges should be made against Allol.ment 2125-1390-3902. oper 2 5. - EqWpment purchased by the -iW!---r-ei-i'l-ai-n--th4Ee-pr- ty nd will be retrurned should the ,am& -13 of the U.S. Government a IWWN-FW be-- dissolved. 5 6. For security considerations, and in order to authenticate th(,- cover of this organization.- the accourting and audit practices used At&iMiOW-Shall Cor Vas appli- by the rn to -lp 2 /3 cible to- the -t for the funds advanced under-- IL this project therefore sh-ill be the ntis on for retention b@l-, the sponsor s2i' of a copy of the-annual CPA A-:t--prepared for the -Lcluded in such ati audit report shall be considered to have- Funds ii been adequately@4@@dii@-for- tKe@f@sor. 7.- The 2pernianeiit r@ict-tibers of tli are all ciea@ed atid witting. Chief TSD/Research Branc APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Research lj!S'Cel" 3 Date: Distribution: Original Only -13 itio Wool NW 0 g q a,@ 2 c C. "!,) I, i @,@4 st@o,-, ti.,@-7tt to t '2! @nt ltv cl -3 @-3 4c r@ t ho q n: i t o oi 2 In t 101 'Actril c .7 4 c t@.) 4> A> IV rr t.1 ta -f',itt 1-1-iat th-I inco,Ar) bv i:n, b", 2 r -T ba -.or, -@a c,,,o - not f,-.rc t I a e .I i f I 1,- U,@.n ID @3 tore txin o@., n@@4 1 'L- Q 2 3 9 op-f. 0 of r I r-ti 2 t litb t I 0 --cr- t h,3 s o t ,I i,@ to ect-'! -ibil i t !,,i i al@ tl-,n 2 enti of panh firea3. t 1 rt-: 13.3 2 o to 1 17 1 1 2;> p 2 I I 6--r t Si r;@L@ Lct t t s) gaiMIM h i-r; t:-i43 of' 'hi) l@i@ ro in t 8 el to It, !'c;r Lt 13 t 1. f, tfu 1,-?r -7e ki 4L ui 5 OL 44 t --A At. 0 rc oyf@O Al 2 pit. lo 119 I.,t -,7 !I p t 2 1) 3 3 7 nil, 8 If nL 11 n 41 (,Pk a 0 ',x-ita tt I t Pot 1.@l 0 El' REC&IPT Receipt is heieby acknowledgq4LOr-thd--folloviot:o@p@,., cashier's check Ilo@@-A-93765$ dated-August 26p-196oj in the amount of $95j'331.05-@@drawn 0 le to th 15- A'lL,4-irt 3.9(-,O v h, i O.1 VIA Tv'D/L ,et ot. r 6 2 subproject -BOVL PaYW,@tt Sh(Uld ao fQl lCrWr _e IL Ca-ohierle Cl,.etk7i"hO--O-rAo2klnt7Of @@95,331@.-ID,,# -dravn -1 i dig b b I I -00 -Y Poraifalyi 2) t@2ut--,rv, v 4. it An antiely clxl i@ t,:.d for @Uis prolec". tho l'i 1: gtl,.@j_s viU b"blig9a shoii@@,l not be Brar 'I Dletrrciution.1- kd&-@IZUO MEMORAliDUM-RECEIPT TO. FROM: SUBJECT: I hereby acknowledge recei t-of-th6 following: Please return signed copytios) of t a receip To DATE RECEIVED FORM N 1 LACES FORM 36-66 0- 752 REP - I AUG 5S W4 CH MA BE SEO y u GPO 141740 , 0 1 .0 CONFIDENTIAL FUMDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-IZ DATE 2-6 VOUCHER 7.@12 DES6RIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 43 4S-4 47,6Z 56-67 68-701 71-80 STATION 40-42 F OOLIG. 53 54-S7 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOUNT 7p; .3 03. 2 PAY REF. NO. ACCT. NO. DATE CODE EXPEND u GENERAL CODE, N PER. CA LEDGER 62.67. DESCRIPTIOTA, LIO- 2 CR .0 ONJECY P. 0. ;;:,N I 0 1 0 1 7 coeDIT ADVANCE-ACCOUNTS 13-27 YR ACCT. NO. P it op r c i fi o. -rv CODE CLAI-S lk F ENTRY@ .XPLANATION OF TOTALS 2 CERT!FFED FOR PAYNIENT OR CPEL)IT DATE ATt. REVIEWCO BY DATE SICHATVPE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 9 A (I 10-5, 606 ust potvoous EDITIONS. -77 -05 33-1 For It is ber@--b certified tlat TIAG io X4vOico ll'o,-- 6 r-p-pivin6,2 to tl,.at rorv- a are vith mutual D;s@vc-o:w.,nte,.,-thot- Lee ---- -u-- -I-' 2 -- - --- th,- to c-l@d- iu ti-,at tllis biU-ItcJust w-d c et orid - tliat rot orr#-, b-:en c-3d--. Dutet (2) i-,- rc;v,--d, aneA-'@hat Ui-a-project is- b;--inF, o a;.Prc;v,-,u V.e 2 ,Mr -ii-ii thfa Ex-mr-iuldt,";a I-- co I'@ 13 -itrrll- 19-3 ;rro-z t-no DCI to tne DD/it., -".d-tba-e-.iU-noioit of 6i6@@mority In r2A@'o!3--c,,uant P,%Iz- oranda L)ate.: NO. Cost Account Object Cl@@ Obligations Obligatiotis Unli@ltildatc@d Reniorks and References ineurrcd LiqUidated Balance Date AUG I iz AUG 1960 -4 P. oil cfjl;-Tnou;-@,R@_- d!a In- dm, 13 t,:@,ril 1953 IA., C A tar-) 07.t r-slon of 2 bet hia eu-,a=it,,y in a a n- -.,2 tv4r-al lmvc e);.i to expanzea czd@-@ 2 -4FY 7, 4AY FU,14DS AR, jo 04 E-4 r,-4 2 04 41 94 C,4 8 tglf kl" DI@l 1,0,10.RM@@DUi4 FOi: THI,3 't",OCORD ro SUBJECT 2 Continuation of 1.'KLTLTRA) Sub@, ioct@@c-,o 1. The se-:@oi" roject 60 is -to provide f,,uide to the dti-tle continuation of -a'ctiv-- lp ities in behalf-of TSD'RB,@-@@ 2. The secord-Ai-u,,urLL-,R-, ort of tli has b--en pub@lished and a copy is al.0"actied. ItfolIW4'@tda--8-a----basic--Datteriiastb,-firs%Ll-in that it is necesse-rily a st--ri-le@doemip-tit and as giich doe s rot indicat,-- t7oose details -Wai-ch Thf@) is noi@t e.n integral pak'$" -of the 40f;o@ an@a @s inellid-ad in '.;he over-all b,Adget.' Ari activities-rep(.,rt2;7fox@==t.-jis@dep@krt!fjerit', @i-s-attaclied. --Tti3,spq;lsor-- ship of tr;e -wof so of the outst4nA-4rg psychoiogists7and--------- :L psych-2latris'us In the United States is an the led to the f ii,,al- assess4ient of OWAMW viiich was a i,eqlirecrent from In cepinit with the plan' of -dp-v@lopirig t@@ gk o a gaiiiza';Iion pro- jects are btaiiw, sponsored rmomao- At tl-i.-, present tit.,e many-proposals-frolt searchers are being revieiied. Th-Ls is a tlirect result-of the- trip ni@'do last fall-by the 2 and tn pjjW to psycbolo,3ical research facilities in PM 3- In the y@-ait the will conti,tiii@. to operatt@ vs.a funding and ccver cr@:aziization for T3SD/R@3 @%cti@Vities. 4. -.It -is estiutated t)-.at the -totFL1 cost of t.@j i d$iltbproject for a p:ariod of one year will- b"95-i3l"5ii@F"io--re- detailed breakdowfi of the is attached. Cha-r@,es should be nvle against Allotment 1525-- l2oog-igop-.. - 5. Equiprj!ent purchaseci-by- shall r(-@i-,iain 'the prol)a-rt e re d iii of the Governwent and-wil is dis- solved. 6. For stacurity:7considp-rations er@d in-order-to alithenticate th-- co'ker of this orfLaiizatioi@@th@-@accolLmting-and a-Lidil-I pre.etic.-s used [3by tbpiifaaft shall coaf&'a t a3 ap pli- -15 cable to accounting for the fujids edvanced -urder this project tberef6i@47@hall be-tlle-sub6ission-for-,-etention by'+.he sponsor@@@- of a co@y-of the FLl-nds i-,iclided in such 7aff--alidit- repo2rt shal-1 b@@- considered- to have-- - Mow b e,6 i- iadeqlliately ciecoilritk@d for 7. The pe-.-irareiit-mem'cers-of-th@67 vi@tting. TI@.eyvil"lg-ob6-ave-ilabl@@@@ esighai@d A6@eiiay for all necessary pu-rpcsess of t'@ie-oper-@@ ulli.on) A,,,einey eni,,)Io@-ces except dulY:)@4,si@.In@ted TSD/RB lxsl.,sonneld will not- mal@e cotil%lact vi+@4 -wreon-yie-L I ns to tlii.%--thall be -Ip-ternii..iied by C/TSD/@Bo Chief TSD/R@@t@h Braiieh APPROVi-;'D FOR Ob'LTOu"tTIO@T OF i-IJ@i%TDS: D,i t Atto.chL.%d: c@p C-Ut'RIA-RY Fiscal Year $C-2,olo-.00 15),Ooo.oo- Consul'vallts 9 I-ooo-00 Conferen(,,e -Editorial DepartAent $95 331-.05 Tota FISCAL YEM ------- 12LOit.61 Salar!Les., Executive-Sddfetar'Ye Slecr-etait6-Assistanto- Psychologi,st and 'faintenance 1-ian 421020-000-- -74,0-00 Rent and Electricity Telephone 230*00 Dues and Subscri !Lon--s 3QQGOO 2 Referenoo Audit 250.00 F,r4nting 2lOOO#-OO office ,@k@@and 10-aintenance 1 600,00- 300800-@ 2 o-- pror,@otion. and@:@+.ertainirent 1,30010 i Travel 6.000-000 650-00 Insurmce 2 P4a,,,rm.U Ta- -xes- 15000900 200,00 Miscellaneous- 000 00 Retir&mont Progr=@7---- 4 10-@@ -- 62tOlO*OO "3 ooooo Anticipated - e,3Lrni-ngs '00 CONSULTANTS AND COL'FERIINCE BUDGE'.L@S Consultants: $15,000000 Conference$: (No-,special lAr&-con4-'emnee --I 000*00 4 $16,000.00 Co PROJ BUDG'@7,T f or YAy l@@ 1960 to Y4y_ 1. 196-1- Salaries $17,040@-soo pamn tAxe3. 468.00 2 24o.oo colqmnlcation.9 Of rice ,cpplie-s 20600 Travel 2 000600--- Promotion 1-0000-.Oo@@ Rotiroment 2 1,363-920-- 100.00 Insurance Reference Libxvx7.@@@.1 100 Rent Contingency Fund 20 Total Budget $24 131-.20 Less fun2ds-remaining f rom 591-@-0- $ 17 ACTIVITIES REPOPT,- May 1959-7April 1960- 'The function of the is a- provide technical writin6 and .geditoriol. services in support-i rom of reseatch.- Its objectives are to supply the sponsor wit2h usefu n rmation n essentially -non-technicol Idnguag-e- and fhin the scientific comm to promote theow wi un ity ond'e.1sewhere as the interests of ttie sponsor require. - Duriiij--the-%post yIear, the was princi I2ly concerned PC, with tasks that are-conventionGlly--th-e--f-u-n--c-t-i-o--ni76f an editoriol-technical writing--stoff:- research, writing, re-writing,-Aob printing contracting, and th2e like. -- Certoin programs with special objectives requi(dd@7@ti-cipqti@hin tosks-that were only tangentially editorial: viz. , experiments-with lyscro,'!C-Q-Cid and 0-therlehe-nicol agents; data-collec------ tion for a study2 of handwriting analysis. ac-Itivit s a An outline of.- ver the post year are presented .,below. 1. Publicatioi)s-of C@@nti -n-vin-g- In--t--e-rest to- theim let, This pomph intended for general promotional purposes, -is-on account of-the organi-@@ - /? zation cnd2 purposes of th-e re-4earch, in proqross@@Ji66K@iot---- statemervt, and bibliogroi*@of generated I& by rt s r@i@ 1 955,- 2 "Assist d i -n editing obstracte44ond summo.rii@-d)6r-ficies-and-otlher_, l@& , a nd 2 -material, an o e contfnuitv-.Aot.erial for three-issues- ,o@- &the lost as yet unpublishod). Contracted for translations a es 'A' to. i j@yc lot 2urilmorii s for @W publication. @p h' id "t)rovided s C.(O@nmsu f e@d @@4i th -, - - - I - -, - =g -the projected special issue on schizophrenia. 2 11. Special Writing Tasks. A- Prepared short r--p6rtar r journal- 0 ,;;If I id a oncies ti2v;illm;@ nterests. publication; available lo sp "a wi'-Ii similar I Based on a-longer work by B. Re-wrot6 a Count of for publication as a p@3rrphict by I e tv'lotei-ial to be incorporated in the final report frorii th- 01 OW-UP Sit@Lidy by -2 (continuot'l@on) Sp ecial Editing Tasks A. 'Alorked up material from- the tiopes 6F iriterviaw wi@th Subsequently--condensed to parts of th7@iftt-e@r@le@w for use in B. Prepared advance2 material f -0- -Assisted editorially- with-ossessment statement before-and-'ofter IV. Speciol Assignment r A. Participated in-observatioris durinci two periods, June-JL-ly (three weeks); August-Septe-mb6V(one-:We-ek) V. Grophology,_@ 2 A. Administered-the collecrion-@@@hsler-Bellevue profiles and handwriting specimens for Apr. roxi mo te I y 300 W--57pr6f i I esond 200 handwriting @@ies obtain -ed from- vario-ut-Populoticns: alcoholics-,, actressesi:lactors (includin2g sorf,.e homosexuals), patients in- psychotherapy, crii-ninal psichopotli-s-, and fashion models. B. Mointoineki contact wi-th mor-e--than 25-hologist@@@by@t@po@-nd grop ence-but the-rnaiority by personal visits. C. beg2an Phdse I -of graphology exper',ments with 15--Fi-a-n-dwritiii@lysts Handwritin lvsts a e bein@ asked to score ' selected particiotin@. -- ---- -q ona .r 10 speciff6ftt7dtc6rd-@66-@@nsions of handwriting general held to be 2 significant-i6-the measure,-neM-bf@@Mlity by graphologists. biecti@@ f Ph-- - l- 1. 0 0 ose c. to measure the consistency of performance in a task basic-to handwriting analysis, b. to determine possible congruences between certain h3andwriting fcotures-ond career preferences or extreme behavior patterns'of the subjects, c. to determine whether the@e is any correlation between certain haiidwriting features and the subjects' W-B profiles as interpreted by Editorial Dept. Activities Report (continuation) 3 - b' of Phase 1:@ 2. 'S6i@@ary 0 jectives a. - to-establish a non-tlireatening working relationship with a number of7&ophologists by2@m!gwing a task generally regarded as routifte ond-on which most graphologists confidently ontic.i- pate high correlation of performance, b.- -to-demonstrote that presentatives-administering the-- study have orv unde -and appre2ciation for;@@the fundamertiols of-ho-ndyi-ri-ti-n-g-o-rt-o-tysi@. D. Advised on-and assisted in-negottatin"iNwg-r--o--nt-to- o_support a I till 2 graphology VI. Study of Notto-Analysis (i.e. "Truth" drugs). A. Pireliminary--research undertot 0 Mr, C .,Uptc@zzoi7-,i8. '1959 AtteA Intl: @ioo,oco.oo Tl,, f3 -@nt t-a;3;3 t, -1 of t' a - Z5 rj , Bill. .80 Jr. 44 ct C,,), el C.1 RECEIPT Rt,.ceipt is-!,,ereb -acknowled d of the following check: Treasui-er's Check tio@@-241129 dated Septemter@10,--1959,@-iri-the amotint of $59,24o#00, dtwm-on the Cost Account Object Class --Obligat'ons Obligations Unliqtiidated Date Remarks and-References 7 Incurred Liquidated Balance -TAM -P CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTIKG YOUCKC.R VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6. VOUCHER NO, 7-12 2 34-39 45 -52 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 33-33 43 4, 0 2 'I 47 58-67 66-7 71-80 STATION 40-42 OOLIG. 53 SA-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE 2 .3.. P, A E ACCT. No. DATE T 3 CODE 'y EX PEI,, D2 U P JE I F?EF. NO. G N E RAL AT.IOUN R ...... 2 A@ %I CA LEDGER 62-67 P.; COD N 'A@C'l@;t"' 0'. CK.NO. 09JECT 0 t 0 1 v 2 DESCRIPTION- E ADVANCE ACC DU,, TS 13-27 LOC- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 E . . . . . . YR ACCT. NO.i 2 coteoll noicel NO. :fy S C D CLA.1 2 EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS ------------ 2 r % PREPARED Ole 2 IRF-VIEWED By CERTIFIEO FOR PAYMEF.T OR CPED:T Slr.OOATUJ' DATIE 2 DATE fmbkif -,.Emc@ room 6-59 606 VSC V*r'V$OUS EDITICII. 7 ';o.oo For -car'Li:@ied this is -@No (I) it ic, li-@",I@y to 2 --io c 60 C;r @t t:la ea- a fi.'Lo in- @tat-t-his bill 10-@ju,3t c.,.rd eorl2vci; toil that theivof has iio"w P-z 1-1, io -41, oi n v *,tc ilea - t -r,.Qo (,O of i f t@40 r-ki"-' tO 2 tbo of this in Cuba. Date I MCEIPT -the-fol itig check: Receipt is-hereby acknow@@d of low Treasurer's Ch@@No. 167567 dated Jul@ 6i--1959--i--th-- n e elliount of $27,755-00)-drawn--on-.the pay4bl" )VANN* 0 El L m iT t.. u'@ I o r it i@L os- 4 13 .1-953 to ',,3 this wat,@@ority in of t@tie-f, -to A ob I'al t i cti at l'uji-0,A3 i@d lb@ ....... lug.Lm I Divis I tr TS'.'/CD 'IM(P-9 jvx,-- 3-959) wl oil twlt@@ .4411t t Tn J,.lne, !,-O s 2 I -ty tbp,t wi,@ it O 1, P. i@ a ii%tc.,r (!Al;o in +-"O 0 2 ("S or fix,, 0 I' imp yoii If 9 t t O to r it ter k ic 1 o,- r-x-l a's o io@- t'- a c-n 4 @2!LC. 01, COT re IV, or ii-ay 1'1)59, Ja3.y, 2;i-4ch rc@n for o i:i r..O,-itho S-' neie to !:,,I s@.s' of -1 Or -.oclera:L a oil- ".-"e,-C.DD7e to Sincere ly i7@ IWoRkNMI FORi.----THE 4W 0 SUBJWT Pro,@e-cl@-IgMTpA., Cjp&tinuation of Subproject 60- -this-subprpjeet i@-- to the continuation of the-acau-ivities of th 2 in beba.3--f of Tgs/pD projectse -substantial year t a made 2. Dur the beL ie@; and unique contributioa6 t6- the progr,-,-ii on In addition to carry@@@@@@f r:esearch l@@@n Pre.@ii- vious y,-ars, several nej-proj(.1-ate bave been added@ both in house and with nA-w -contractors - S6wral-@ -thdt4--Vmj,2@cts - e p4yOitall ar located vitsidi@@:tbd@ c-arrying,out the plan- of developiog-the- izationi:i@:@.,;,e polrticular 2 ir projects are- 16@@@-in 3 During the- next year it i"nticipatedAhat -the v-ill coatinue to-operate as a fundi v-nd cover organization for TSS/CDj, 13-,,anc"II activitil-s. 4i it-is eatimated@@ @d tetal cort of-this-extension of Subproject 60 vill-be-$59,2liO.00-for a period of one-year--beginning 1 JulY 1959- -A more detailed brealtdown- of the budc@-et is berevi@tlh. Char6-ce should:@b6@6@o--agaiust Allotment -9@-2-502-75--@902-,- 8 0525-1009--4902 For te- a@ orderl@ c@,,urity donsi ra -6ns- ani to,authenticate -the cover of--tb@ organizatiOD, the ti- slecoun ng and audit wactiq"-- used by tbe ijfjffwhall -conform Sufficient acco-unting for-- the- fundt--- the submission-for adv-anced un-der thiii@projdtt be retention bt spobsor-of--d- -tbe amual s-Lp-tement as 2 co-oy of Vrepamd for the Fmds included iti@ such an report sban be c ado -accounted f6ii7@ the Sponsor., El# rtma-s-ed b,.---',he- ha-U remain the property of the G@verament and will be-retu -khed-in the event the is dissolved. t -mm@be-r-a -of -the are all al6are 7 Now and idittirig. -Thd-y-,will also-bq!@-available to duly dOi----tg&@d.-Agency VAT of-ficials for aIlLted@@Vu-poses-.--- EdVW6r, to maintaii@7tb,e security of th6@@ y ampl6@*"-except,.duly-designated Agm 2 personnel in Tr>s -8onnel will@inot make@Fdontact with /CD pe. pco@@@@ be de@ned by C/TSS/CDA TSS/Chemical-DiVision APPP@OVFZ FOR-OBLIGATION-OF-f'UNDS,#- atom,"&" @Director -7 Date: Attgchment, -%dget Distribution: origilml Oul@ BUD,@IFT SU' IAT-,Y@RP, ST@ FISCAL Y'-Pt@R 9 --1960 040MAdi,anistrati%,e E)q?g@@ 43,2,1*, 00 0 13,000,00 klonforenco 1,000.00 59,24<).Oo- 1252-61) Salaries Executive Secretai-yi@Secret-cli-y-@@Assistant- and goo Ytainteiiance l;an 27olOO 2 1 @ ?Lo, 00- - - Reiit and Fleotrici Telephone 1,200.OT@ Dues and Subscriptions---- 150-00 Reference Libra- 300.00 2 Audit and Le 00 Prb)ting (Annual Report) 21000 -Office Oupp!@@@ 1,400.00 Fquip.,neyit - Cabij@6t@@ cases 200000 2 Pror,otion and-il'ntertaimient- 11500.00-- Travel 5-500.00- Lvaintenance 200.0 Insurance 500.00-77 4 Payroll TAxes 1,000.00 I-'dsoe-Uaneous-(conti,ngency fund) 200.00 $ 43,24ooo-- may- 191 1939 CONSULTAN'fc, AND COlik'EREKCtg:!= BUDOE Fiscal Y6ar 1939-1960 cot,,suLTANTS - 000 ------- $5,000-00 Panol consultants-f" -foi@:::e@Ach prop"al--V 2@@t"240-- $2,880.00 Contingency fund. for -otl)et@--consultant and 2 :L:@@o more proposals Total C6h6Ut@W udg CONFEMCES !,.Io are not at the srq larc.,e:or special conferences- tliat need -special- -budgets- Ilos,,ever, in order to bud t-for sm,,xll mol'it Mee ngs.of sponsor'@ representativeswith the rectors and-fdi@--I)irectorsl-- r,ectin-s, we are budgelting &0-0-. 0-0 iuiy- 29, 111-51) c-,.i r us. It 2 our 2 oli."-,"-,& I v El !LIs Cl 2 re t't,. -..,t i i it 8 --low july 7 1959 Dccr Is our clit@,,k I 0. CO f oil t I WC!l c-,,j;arz c. tho tc!'-I-in 2 LN@,Cinni(i -z.,n to --it, co-,i,:reta @'ind your ani not surti,cit l@ilis @,oint whot 2 cour--e o' action I vii II foil w -b.-;t I oy@-licuvil vi CO. y now of or scme in 1:i ,Iv.Jy iii a o 2 "I @orl- yo..t ii f r Iould @,nlist supt,-wt for sucii-o i,- @era-mre 0 a pro- 023- -ly youi-,,,- 4 4t %,nr es6i 195- -ror %,h(., r, for;7-. by c o n t 9 ro t is i--- Tha rst 3-1 t@,rt' ZL en cl- 50 1959- Pabruarv DeaLr air _ygub lettor datod Fobruary in r-opp-ly--t-o- the 3d , I tLrl7-sending you inc'Luded abr2iof-- alltO-blOe-rc'PhY -no saOLter the ending and the desepiptibw77of-rayLkqqg-range pla of my training liere in tlie--USA -to - f IL I tiopo -Li f I 1 1. your req nts5 4 Sincerely-yours Dr.- a, old. Born In ;both parents &live# ather (59 Y.8 olli -is--bL Civil rizig a- rooont tillno Pri!-iary oni Ifiph Setiool In in2 1944- qw,witti degree of B. A,. Attended Setiool of I-liedl-eiii-5 In fro.,i to 1950 Internship in intei,nal-tiodic-ine half of ttit! tl,-,ti.in tilo. sorvice 0 of-Profesor i lilt sioul-- H ital (30-bado) 081@ ,atiol-i -li?@)2 1 6 &a@@e p,, Ki@ob 1 -i2-g ,lQ5! 1952 (spt.) Do@,,ree-of@@@,--.D. -in- spitals @L952-1953 .iedical Servioes ,110 1953 -195,4 Anhxl)iree tcr in --Chart:2,o, t@i Serv ice 1(5)@-195'5 Sub-Director H"Pithl 19c:< 'rraiiiinv, in--Gar - 'iC 'O-Vk@tilar ia.-c-ei-donts and its I A tl lzahabilittition,, 2 0 1956-1957 Private r-rao-ti-ce -,-Ngmpmmmj* lg-r,7--",@58 Iiistructor- In -ttkt,, ol'--Intoi,nal. i",O(iioine ,3ohoo)Lof-Z,,,,,,'.l that tire 'k Iad to'd witti neurologic@ patients% 1958 :June to riovemb#-,r-:-Basic. CourRe oil lio'.3-ittal-.-VOO@*m@1)1.visloii-undur tti-f-4 dit,octioti of Dr. 2 'nils studies were--madib with a fellowship of-t@l(, Potindatioii ,that liad provided pooviously for@Xhree ,,onth3 of training in go in -hysiolo6y 1958 nova., *bar : liouroiwanatomy-with I)P, 2 g- y urid or 19.58,(Ieca- er to prosent tirne ptrainint,, In Clin eurolo the (i I re c ti on of T)r f of tile Ser-.,ice a Flans fitrtlier trainiiiir, in Glij-iiecLI ',Iouroloi;y witti Dr for axiottior twolvo @@ionth.,i jii'toy,iiarda.,,roturn to 44wi@ilworl-w- I will dodicato--to fu'Ll t,,iachiL,..I,,n Clinical Nouro- 3 logy at the Seliool of Birnod ii. D'o Off" Februciry 3, 1959 Dearlow -Attached is a proposal ich I predic be ed by the remainder of the Board. It was discussed length with Dr-, We b'oth fee[-that-it s-a cove-r-gron@-th--t has long 2nge potential in-otlii@@rd. s since he will .. mmmadhwam-mu r)e rne, in when h.s work has beei completed.--Outof le)--Te-.r@e-re'rce to t"ne man's financial need, I hope-we@-can let him know by March------- - I whether h,-- is re2ceiving tti67grMt.-His sup noted 7 January I and his present earnings Os a subs re inade- quote to maintain Vim and his-for@ili:i&il I met Dr. He is no ball of fire but is a solid, stable individual whor.1 I would guess will beco-,ne o-good-f@i@lie-r ii@@7fo cor(-,o. 4r Cl 4 Jor.uory 195i? Mr. Is' NMI Execvtive Secretar Deor Xlu-.IpggA I 6m giod to,,rtrite to you ob,,-vt@Dr.- -4 carre to the United S'@'otes Om -felloy,-stiip f r ti-,uinil)g t to@ her the r troinir,,@-g 2 @i-e- co r,-.@pi'fol,-in AF@ril t)p, part,cipated- in l@c s@xii-,Iol f,@l ic troiniig in the rra,,'ico' s--ierces. - - -@al to Vt ci-, mtjc'h troinin2g o@-! in neurology -Jb#4$_ It is Dr.(;, ciolly ii-nfortont L@,-cout-o ut t@ie ent ii(iie tlizra I o raut-o!ogist in t',.e city ,@$ s n v.,kere he \,till r.,itu-r. oi ccaipilet.'oii of tcc;n.'ng;:@@fe becjun tro.tilng In "uroloj\,- at erviiig as a su,,@-st@gfute interne. iii3 is n@ in the c-pini 2 who Is 'in direcit- of e is exctnedir-g' n "s his tra"rin!g, ih -0 vr 0,1@, train! 9 effori Pr. is trori-!ej and @o-s2 ti)ree children here vyith him sc. tkot I?t is i.:rgcnt thot [,.e receive an o@ditionot fc-i't'6ws@-ip to-en,,ible hi.,t to-,:oi-,tif).ue his tr4a.,ring. yct,, will t[iink \,tell of his qL;-.jlificati,@,r6 io-b alined ',o proctice otid licoch nevfv-.Ic.;jy In the Medico.' School a+. 11 I ilC'; Lid ed h,-rewith is a copy of a lettL@.- soit by lii"lii,Df Wc@@ 2 It ndicotes thc, liigli opinion of "iim hold by his' colleagui--s in Sincerci'y ybvi-s, D 4 5 Pi-cfe@'sc,,r c)f i-,@lcur-ology Eric. rn W& Ci eel, .721 c4. 05 VY, 0 4Z k 01@ qp 2 3 J', 'A -t, Off ic_& Iloilo--NA I -c-"' It 2 proj ba e. I c, CIA-,,f 0 n I CERT"Y TH A@P@ -AVA!LAI',Fl "IT F@i.,@,o Si Rio (When' Milled In) CON'FIDENTIAL FU'IDS POSTING VOUCXC-R rE 2- 6 VOUCHER iNO. 7- 12 VOUCHER NO, 7- 1 22 .7- 5 -@E.'Clt.PTIO@l@-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34- 39 59 6 7 6 6- 7 STAT 40- 4 245, 46 OSL I 54- 37 ALLOT.' LEDGER DUE 7 I2- a 0 28- 33 ICO N EXPEND PAY @. ! ! @ : 5 3 AMOUNT coo C GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE yip.@9: ..... 1 CODE PER- @A LEDGER 2 62-67 @DESCRIPTION-ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13- 2'? PUR ORDER NO. F@ieF;., L.0- YR CK. .............................= CCT. NO. @O EIJ ECT 2 :@ CLASS A DESIT CPEDIT 32-33 PROJECT Mo. iry,coDE @x FE,. No iolv. 6XdEE6TIO-9 OF E'4 TRY TOTALS DATE PREPARED BY DATE REVOFWED By CERTIFIED FOR PAY.MENT OR CREDIT 0 DATE 5 k IFO;lm 606@,.t -cvlout got '?so%$. I*- 49) For BeivicAs $27.,1155 00 ........... -------------------------------- (1) Tt is lier-,by cerl,'@fied t@A,,i'u tliia ie, -Tnv<>iee Noe 4 r@.Tipl n, .-to 2 yi '3 catisfactory, that oel*vie@@c-s ,p&-Cjact llo* 60 of ea is In a ac;l@@nda ol" peyt@-ntr, "-.,I is f I ill T,S-/CD, this- bill- lr, 'Jurjlv- oln,-l cor"-ot m-id t.%at p,%y@-!ant ty,@i yet bi--en made. r,-,Of has not 2 D t io e d t),@ a t th -3 i !IV 0 i d,-- t@p- of beiii,, c@%ri-icL4 -19,> f ou in 0 DOI to ti,,.a 3 A- /A@, e-rd the-exien6i'@n of-Viiis &ut7nori@t-y in tor J 1,,, :L":159 AgMMLiLA n -for on 5 ,417 i r o -1959-- may 19 1,Te have reviewed- diii@@pay-me-rts -up -to date--to our mutual friend, Since he caiiie on our-paTroUi Febiu@pa7-1958@ he has-rec5eived-$2;9'15-- as of April 'JI.4. 1-95-9-- hAV6-@!Vdd-$I,,600-from the Society.- It-Te have also ex-pended-$650-bi trbmcribing-and-typjjg-his -aastei-piecc-.s. S:Lncerely youl- f Sa i.Vrch 20t 1959 11 -MON L--rclosed pl,@rt-ie rincl tio-clai-7,s for o:@ on Social- 7-@dcurity ts>les, cile ro othcr 1(,,58. 7 It Y.-as just bE,,-iti ca,'t'tc,;! t:) oivr t.h@it doctors CIO not come 'tiider l-,@@-islittion etic; ;,,e ba@eii in irk-t7.-Is i-.-atter---o5 t res;)cctivo Fne. 3 11)39 - -fer fro- the Please b,- ri tm,.q I., C:,a-!-. Of' e Is' 5 3c- aa'j--tic-Posit it O t'r. -ociet,. -,nd ti-@e o-e-,-o-@it slin are e-tiolos ed 90 1959 e@. d t i cc: UOTSTATA T-V 0 1 W C,7tl'f s St PoAojddv puv poulmbxa O.-@vq Itop;@V 0,7 r-u 2 C. 001 Di'yiofon 00 z tc-,o - ooo Ytll-f Aeg 1906 06 00 7Ci@,C @T -Lill 1.11@141-11, @l, ----------- RECEIPT 2 239 63 NUMBER DAY WILL ACKNO AYE A"Cl. ILARS 2 JECK - --- ------- ct. 144.1 F RolA Ct.'144.2 Ct. 140.0 FOR Ct. 140.9 RNATUR ct. OB fop"A N 102 REV;OUS EDI"ONS t',OV. p r-4 o epq 2+.'A tA 1 Z$4 4m Januai-Y 3.5, 1959 Att-achc-d here-,Ath is-the sum of *425. 00 T,7hi-ch is being returnod for,tbo'p,or,OOSOS Of elparing o u t t h e I'J"lr'p p]@ 2 fwids. This .00 is ;"'425 Fdeposit-foi!-Ahe 14 Air Travel cards@:bdt-in76rd-e.-r---tb--7-Olose--the fonds 2 we are retu-niiz,.,-,-this su-m& that-l-,as never gone t.hmug)-i our-books We re-cei-ved-the slui of -$1,000 ca,,;h to-tran,-:zriit-tbvw 2 for a purpose-@7@e deposited th(i Sul"-of $575. 00, in.- the - bar& qn(i -vrrote-a-ebecl.-, irv-the amoun' of @@@@i@,-Ooo to Th'e rer,,Aini-og $@25 is, t@terefore-i--7aLile to-be retu8rned ivithout raisinc@@aw rut--"t ons -outside indiviOua'As. ,jam Tn th t'!,B 0 to Jo-lo tne- rp, -93 t,@ CD cr 67 25 t-ugust- 1958 MrAOPkWJA FOR TM, PEC,,'O:'ID 6 Fie BUWECT @l"o2 fo"ff ice Gpace@L to hou,,,-- a --A"ield of,,Iice- for Vn-o W#Aftend a cover -4teo naulting" service o2mratc-d@@ cl, 22. A two--r bas b-:!en r.,z@de-axtai rla Furnit@ire@in-on-3 o4&' 'ch4 roma-,vill -emain fdi@7@-use Th@@ VI'", r-s requii* aLd secraitarial 2 -er-@ice by Ths viU be cast-in-b@r z 8L@.,c-d oii tout of the -buildinz. For tlio- zpsent no rent vill bo et-"ged.-- SuitO a-- ]new__ 411 Jk i@mry, X95 8 roS/CheDtica)- I)Jvision i uly 2, -,,iinz"ccoklrtt 7ae- -,i,2 7@] tho sl,in Of r f, ce cl- z; in tl, 7 41 RECEIPT---- hereby acknowledged 6f the- followina check: - Receipt ig N6-0-- 15 ate 5 1958-- in- th,@i- Treasurer's Ch4@@k --00 -drawn on the 7 amount of $Z7 -755. payable to th 9 ii-,ly 1933 FOR-.- VL@k 5 U J C T -O'ul,?Projact 60, No. 5 1. Inv-olco No& 3-ic -attactied coveriti,-, the above cub@@2je-ctg--- 0"blier ip-voicco should bo M-Cld,,,- as follows., -I- 745. 00,- dr@iw C r. 0 n iii t[i ount f $29 to the Z.---The ch4@6ki7t'Lo,-ald@@fo,.-wardel to Chi4f. TqS/ChOLM ical, -c c r -o It c rt hn n a s d L@ y. (:illef 2 TSS/Cheiiiical-r,'Ivislot-t- Itivoice Cc.-rtific4t!ons Orl- 7, Atiero@-sco=7@- - - Cf.,-@T'FY -i!- TSS/FASB 7 Awl or servicas ................. ---------------------- ----------- (1) It is hereby certified tha*," thir@-ic,-Invoice No. 3 al,)plyin,-T, to Subproject No. 60 of t,iat poriox@n-tance io sorvic,.,u aro---- being accor,,iplished in accor-dauce-viith i-t,.,utLal acreement4, tt-.,,It a det@lited a,,f,@ersda o' t',,a pvl-.nerts ai-id receipt!i il oil filei-.i J'&SICD, that thie bill-i's" 2 just and co--ec;t -do.' And ttliat paywei-ALt l'I@,iereof ti,:%s not yet been i.-i, Cliicf, T6;5/Ci-.eniical Division (Z) It i;3 'i-,--reby certific2,-', th,-At this invoice apl?lies to Stibprolect lio. '00 li-, ch w,-ts dtily---at>,,jroved, aiie. the -,)ro-ect i3 of kiKUIT'--A w carrie@l o-.it in accord,%nee tht-, iiiemora2v,,.qu.-ix gf 13 '&953 from t@.0 bCl to ttic [,'P. /A, a-tid,t'.ie extensio.-i of-ttiis at-ytt%.ority in subsco@uei-it l@ek)e.arc.11 'Directo.- Llate: r, A I:i-adtr the c.,-u",,horiiy pr@tnto;l in the rrkerrioraridurn dE,.tt-A-1 I":. :)r;-l 2 @t:h,,i7 t;ml,@.. extni-isi-t,-ti of t@,,ii riO has authtyixod to cover %tic M-ubiirojectla-@vx .8 r 0 i)V r i-ii a tt-j2,"- I -"i 0. C t@. f@ fxzr4-,'@ a ob t'c-ul dt@ ri -I DRAPF -7un--- 1958--- 26 FOR-. VE '@CORD -@@at 60 SuBji@@ Continuation of 1-1,,UIJ2IVV 60 con' 1 it is-reqtiested that-P@ft@Ae@@t e tirued in@ order that. the activities-0 may be ft)nderl- for. Fi seal 195? - 2. The has been publ2.iched a-nd a copy is attached@ -sterile document and as such does-not-indicate-tho@@"etalle@@,li exe -of e-s-hAVei@-teen--rendered by@the------- .4'ied nature* Variout o',,he"@,4w. A.C- 2 s irdicate-"@fif@:@ LZI f7= a maint,-tiad@by@A,@he V4jW ---Of-th-ese,-l has becri-distontinv,@ad@ditriti@@ar and6 have been added. b.- An editorial staffve.s-incorporai;ed in the---- 410116@@@g the year- produced a defihttiv67@-study of -th,-- Dr-esetit -c@ tatils - of Handi. da@9@s@@This-sez-ve-d as the basi.9-fo2r the detigri of the ex-perimiental work-noif bei,-ig tizidertal@gn on this subjec@t. In - addition, - the Annual Report of @ tlle "Owani othe)r,- doctltp-nts were -,oroduced. c. Several operatioral-servicing tasks involved in the resettlement of-t,re defectors were carried out. ob ti nP, -,Iasizeable grant of The4 private c year as-a start----- ablishin an atitonouiolus existence. toward-est I 9 In turn the-renarch sup-ported by this 2 gr,..nt is consistent vith tlle stated-90als t e",* -"10 and as such riaterip-l@y con- Of o@ ' --status wid-authen-licity of- tributed- t the the organization.,--, 2 Vedid4l Office@ the Witbin tlie AS,@ncyj@',he the le ,S@MM @--nd the - offi e-of Training, ul-'Ilzed the 2 on vari.ou's individual se,-vices of tbe-@ problems. k-conference-Oa-the- vas eQnju,_-ted@@@h a repori, ,Yii the o-ceediv.-Igs- of ri t,@- -,n rc-,Iiae -will7@be n,-ar f@.,ture. .Duling-theEMXt_y@@@-it is -anticipated th,,),t -the if4,U coitinue-to-oDerate-as-a@@-fwl(ling and cover ore4Aization for VI ISS/CD, Brancli III activititg-@in-add-ition to caa-rying-fdtVt@@l-those qctivities of a contituinc -above. nature- NfhiohloroLlWted 4. It7i67@imate&7thWt,'ne- totar-66@@@of this extensioa- of Sixbpro'.ect 60 will b@Y-$55.5.@0.00 -for-a period of -one-year) be6-in,ning 1 July-1955@--A more -detailed breejcdo,.rn of the8 budget is appended here,,,rith. - Ch,,Arges r>liotad- be made against Allotaient 8-2502-10-001- Fisca Year 'Salaries: --- --- - Executive S,@ereterYi, Aaaist,,@ntl--Secret.ary) '26p7oO,OO @LAintenance @tan 2 lp740600- Rent and Electricity" ly .00 Teiephone: @100--- Dues and Sbb4@ti tions,. - 150-00 -300-00 Reference Library.,--- 250-00 Audit and Legal: 11000.00 P-rintint-, (Annu3LI R,-port): Office S lies: 2 70-.00 1.;o,u.ipment: 1 cabinet- 1 200.00--- Prcnot4@on and-F-',It-Ir,@& nm@en 52)000.00 -00 200& I-Saintenance: 300 00 Inawarancet, 2 --- 1.,Ooo.oo Payroll +,axes,.- 200.00- -(contigency); Miscellaneous 10 000000 Fees and TtA"l fdt@@ltani@.0 s@ecial Conferences 5)000-00 $55p5lO-OO OD February .17, t I Tr, e ri 13 ts c@d - yo,,ir 2 C--rtificate oir -r,,ts 3- LY-1, Fi nd 5 C(',!V 7 I-s rov(@.r. -all t-,-c Y,:Nu rf."qllkre to riilo on our 'lly Az4: --:@ro I :L a it s a, 2 to oil c@'l- 14!@, fo t, f n c a 2to to i t 2 Of oe, &, 'c'.r c 7 o@.- i:.ay to c n e, c-il' @-,,v -ro!-i the Avow 0,,@z,- c6-j,@act -et t@i,@:i Ixit-d Oll to 13 w .0. 2 C'@, .3 lax,,tfo.,- Nil-,O 10 tbii:) C,.na 'E cjc"wl to r.,-.-Cet -v-cw to---2-7@-@-@@-- ,z-- of tlje Yoit VlottlLl ar-d cou@- 0 th.i3 l@. I Toturn 3--.n- 9 BOX" be-@i:ooli tlz and ti-,-- t4 r'4 -p4 Fobrualy - 13 1958 Atte@rtioii: li I tlqo ail a r@ dthe n cl c'k I)-) ti- o w olf ;1,25 000.00. 2 yoiir oponin..,;-a s- avinca-accotint for the VLth th'Lo --tld@- t t,,4r T@,Anl,,- 7o,x f oA-6 :;.4LncoroV 4 LI Mm*-O" A,,;s'Lstant Tre,:tsurer 1958 eiu- C 0 i-,-z o r C- -I t@ C- ',I0yes' to riy aoaz-tm.@nt 2 to clo s,^.:7a ar@d 3'15 -ry tK -f@o, --s! o x.,(u-Ir .17 aiid 2 th,.-) case. it ia t,%xiy- z;tf,.nd-Ln tl'.. 10, _of _tl tyn a,@ sr -i ,3 3 As r.*V- r c,@ a I-3 21 J,-,nLiaz@y ly 0 iliy 3 loc"-l 4 41@ RECE, IPT Receipt ir. Ekereby of the follo-,@iinef check!3 made P---YzLble to ovum_ No.-M3530-,!-,-,,Jalw-cd January 29, 1958 7 in the'amount-of @,;-15-000-00-- drawi-i on Tfo"%ourers@Ct-iccl,, N@o. 7OZO9. d@,@ted Janu,,-.ry 30@@ 195&- in the amount of-$ ZO - 000. 00@@ d r,>.vin Gm th (1) It -Lu 1,0-x-bv &:.o oiect T-,kl C@'Ll, a-jo LIlc i-;l C4:----200t- C-,rA 2 ya-- ,-@reby ce- !)fovc, out r o I 4,) rp, t t hL,3 r@,@D a - e,, c- r, r; I o a - o i' 1; 1h 1, a a t t ti oIyi nfD - - - 23& 1937 Co t e 50.1'Qtion. aro-- of Eleol-,-ion of c-Al 9 o,-,r- end I., Tl-.0 bast oL' to 3i ou. -sin r-7 z2 Jut it