(to Purpocat To attidy the role of the human brain in mer&ll adaptive behavior* speciticallys to show the relationship of changes la behavior due to stress (mental disorders,, se.naory-depr-ivatJLonj peptic ulcers, threatening life2 sit-VAtionsp etc.) to changes in behavior brought about by actual loss of cerebral t-I asue (NMTPA 61). initiated in -1956 as part of Current research Initiated in Contractor*, 8 OLS & grant (Ws Is the last @ear in uhich this activity viU be coati funded by the Agency', Status:@ ft4aii%ber 20th 1961 L !Lou t;@i 9.02 R@e6e&rch Asiocia 50. 2 ton't; 6earch Assin 00 3 W 25 T,6chnici' 466.6.1,f 2 To -.,@3 32- 499:oo ci's 250 00 325 00 Psycholo'gis't" 287:93' e^^ poiwmitant - 00' Consultan 5D) 00. t '5 2 7. 7 462 @ravel t- 316.L 3a*17 - 2 33. ,so 75,22 Used). 27-50 r 28.6o 326.10 8 2#997-4) Septembe,.- 20 1960 Gentip.merit you the f We are pleased to be able to transmit to ollowing fundii: 10 --Treasur 2 .1.1-71038 r,.Iop J.@9" C 'ber I datea These funds represent-a contribution-for the use of your directors in carr-ying-out the ver. research goals of 6 y %,ortbvbile Your organization. yours truly., Encl. Meeks (2) ow f vu '=I )%3d OMeer SimiacT WATPAP t ce #6 AUotant Number-1525-010091-wlgcef it invoice No 6 coveri2ng the above aubgrojeet is attached. PVmnt-ohmM be saU " follms C"Uor %kAl =t of &Wunt or dravn-- 2. Plea" forv",d the obecks to Cblefj, TM/Regeor2eb Bnw-b ttxvlsh TsDbk-4got Officers no iator then IW446yi@ 8 Coptw@*u- 19600 VA$ to a fina ity0ice. U*vewrj, since it Is allated that additioma f"As-ViU to 2oblAgateA for this pmjoatip the files shou-14 not be closod. Division A*.Ucbed: Invoice CorUil@c&Uwa Distributiont CERTIFY THAT AVAIL-ABLI( Oris0 4 2 - Add@Ms",O r-HECK,,- F rll"wwlj S R'E EP WNW inorcs iL ror services WP797-36 (I) it to bereby-cerufied that thin to In-?oleo No. 6 applying to 2 Subl"joot 61 of HOMM that Verf*rw.,ce -is satisf*4toryp that aw.-races am being accompusbed-in se otdt466-@th mutual agme. mentaj, that a detalled MeW& of the gaymuts arA ra,.-Olpts -Is filed in 28b/RB, that this bill to just and corrl-,zt mA that paymnt thereof has not yet beer4 =de, Date: It Is bezebv,"rtMod-tbat tUs lnvol4:e oppues to Oubprojeot 61 u-Dder WLTRK vuieb vu duly-apkrov0e4 and the project Is bettig eariled out in accordance with-tbe memorandum date4 13,April 1953 from tba-DOI to the tV/A, w4 the extemion of this outho4ty in subseqwnt wwranda. Dat4i Cost Account Object Cla-ss Obligations Obligations Unliquidated ]Date Reniaees and References Incurred Liquidated Balance 9 31 i"qu6co' elos,6 7 SEP 29 Au6u*t 1960 mmwrkv= FORI cowr"ai@NIOLL&ft SUBJECT I MMTRA,, Sabproject 61 Linder the authoriv granted In tlm momorwvlum dated 13 April 19532 fr-,.u the DOI to the DD/A., arA tbo exwnsice of' 'bmqoot mmorwa*. Mprojeot 61 bte been tble ni4thority iA appmo arA @(4.7r, .36 a.P the ofer-ou WW.T.*A pr*jftt fUr43 hao been @dbU&ate4 to cover the saprojt-ztls eyoonaeo. This -cb1igAti*n of' rtuit3a i;houl4 be ob&rged to Allotmout 1725-1009- 1902. M/Posearob Brwxh APM. OM PM OBLUATION O? r M- t -t AVAILABLEI I CERTIFY THAT FLTNOS AR -JIL:7_ r 8 ;eAA@;t TO A.LtOT.I.IE,14T No. Date I -R Distributiono, OrU & 2 A,4droswe DWoot FDr Studies on F" 12 Months: September 1,, 1960 fllrOu9h A!Jgwt 31,, 1961 enanto $500) $1300.00 als (purchcw $800; N@oint 17W.00 Chemicals 1150.00 Gionwore and Apporatus Books 390.00 Apparatus for scanning EEG alpha ve_lver, fof brain functim studies 42902.00 Special Pciymenh kr Fxpertmentol Subleicts. (forbrainfunctionstudle3) 1800.00 overhcod (,opproximotely 61,4) tiroment and Social Security) 3329.00- 2 (includes re - --Salciries nicion) echnicion) cre ypist BiochemicalTbthniclon---- 6 hychological T6;hnicion Port-time Diener $44,r5OO.OO Respectively's.4 lcine i37-175 O..t i,L BY 1874?5 29 August 1960 FZMORANDUM FOR TR& PECORD SUBJECT: Continuation of ProJect-NMTRA,.,-SubDr<)Ject 612 1. The purpose-of this Subproject is for support for one year of D-- udies on the role of the human brain in overall e4aptive behavioro It has been shown that charges in behavior due to various kinds Of stress (sensory deprivation,, threatening life--- -situations, mental disorders--peptic ul2eere,, etc.) are comparable to those behavioral chwes which are brought about by actual loss of ---cerebral tissue. In the7dou"" -this research new techniques of mymasiirememt and new inatrumntation is being de-%-eloped with appli- cations in otht@@r areas of $to. 2 2. It is anticipated that this will be-the last year in which- this research activitywill.be funded by us.- Although several por- tions of the work have teen and will continue to be supported from cther source3 it is felt that Dr. b-is group can obtain total research support for continui2ng work in this area from other Government and private sources after this next year.- 3- 11 function as cover and cutout for this projects, The attached proposal Indicates a cost of $58,459 for one year. To this must be added $2,338-36 wlteh represents the 4% se8rvice charee due to the cutc-uto The cost of the,@ project for one year vill therefore tot exceet t6O,797-36. Charges should be made algailasi t 1525.@1009-IW->. Allotmen 475 11 req;ae Submit to them a summary accounting on an annual basis of all monies received from the Society. Also, It has been reqveated that any unexlended funds be returned as soon as possible ur-on the close of the grant yeaLro---- Title to any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted the University shall be--ietalMd-by-the-University in lieu of higher overhead -rates. 6. In connection-with travel under-this project, It is agreed that the Agency will accept the-travel documentation and accounting which confo.-m with the pra2ctices of-the University. ef- TSD/Researcb L-ranch -APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION-Of FMS.- sear --Date: Attached: Proposal and Budget Distribution: Orig only. 7 c:i Ptopos.&d Activities from September 1, 1960 through Augutt 3), 1961 of the Grourie. Ion- t The group will continue to ltivestigoto the role ofthe conw nervous system In h2uman dlse"o. I . One branch of these activities will be concerned with extendingond analyzing phenomenon established In previous studios, that the functional capacity of the control nervous systair, is ImpolreJ Following prolonged periods of i@w2dequate and unsuccessful adaptatton. Two projects will be c*ff iod out. The first Is on extensive analysis and comprehensive forrnufation of e@ato of ready eathefc-4,in which the highest Integrative function of potionts diagnosed as having chronic and of: patients with prolo2nged and z$eve eye ossmed. As the analysi's proceeds Qdditional psychological tests and observations of such subjects wi I I be required . Th o second it concerned with the observation that subjects 'Wetth-. as well as ostensibly 2 Intact tionts'with prolongoo a,@i defective In their capacity to -Po-- form "temporary cerebral connections" or "conditioned reactions" ai demonstrated by the oloc"cncephafogmph. Th@6se obkmtions will be,,extended to Inc2lude hospitalized patients with schizophrenic reoctiorts,, patients with lesions of the brain in regions other t.%,or, the cerebral hemispheres,, and subjects who ore experien@cinq severe stress on%ql or omiety, especially In subjects who are adopting to a new eivironment. 2. Studies d4esigned to exomine the hypothesis that the niediator sukstonco of axon reflex vosodilatation (neurokinin) Is Implicated In the mochanism of a vor;oty of disease states. -2- a) It has been established that neuroktnin Is present In Increased amounts In the painful and tender iogior& of the tcalp during vascular headache of the mlgmtni type, Further characterization of the phormacodynamic and 2blochemical features of this subcvktneol* perfusate will be cqff led out. Also, Q lqbocot-xy method will be swgbt.foi, screening of agents pceslbly useful in treatment of mfgmtne headache. This method would be bood on the pc4 2 ,peffies of oo"ts that antagonize neurokinit-i or the nmoktntn foming enzyme b) Attempts will be made to measure the neuroklnln content of petf@@of6s -and "washes" of abdominal viseeto bofom.cind during-intorviows dealing with aspects of the2 potlonhl life iltuot;on that are portleula-ily threatenin, . Pottents,with colosto lei or g ilo%tomics with and will be one ,mup studied. SubcLftneous perfmte of urti car lovs regions of skin wi I I a Iso be stud led Oomacol(>.31cal stvdies of rictmokfnin will continue. 3- -tio-chemicaland a) Mothods are now being developed to prepare large quantities of neurokining- b) In cooperation with the Depoftment of 2 PC Ion and chemical .ii cat characterization of noutoktnin wi II be attempted. c) Mxmnatol studios of the properties of nouroktnin wf I I be continued . Preliminary studies have Indicated that netxokinin is antagonized in 2vitro by the steroid hormones of tho adrenal cortox and by solicylote. This obsmatlon may be pertinent to the anti-infimm-atoryu4;tion of these agents. Studies of the action of these cgents on the enzymo that forms nourokinin wil I bo undertaken. Also it has been obseryed thot LS 5D-25, an agent that induces delirium whon administered In extremely small amounts.. strongly potenticites one apparent action of neurokinin (stimulation of respiration). Related sulstances -3- BO Lr UML,, do this to a lemr de-V These observations are particularly Interesting In view of out obsomtion of the abnormally high levels of neurokintn-formtng enzyme In corebrospi2nal fluid collected from patients wi Also, preliminary observations of the behavior of un'anesthetized cat.- receiving introventiculay Injections of newoklntn suggest ttlat a cototontc state Is Induced. These observations vitil be extenfe&,tngn attempt to gain additional Inckground tnfoffnatton to guide stvjios with hu @"n svblorts - concerning the role of nourokinin in the Impartment of the highest integrative functions of the brain observed'ir In those with -Vyct=is. Thus a number of agents will be examined In the mte-h (w antagon2ists and c-;@tentlators of netxoktnin. 4. o) 'A book lergth rnonogroph, tentatively entitled sun-wizing ond reporting the prevIDus activities of this Group wi II be prepared. b) A ro-,tislon of the bo 2 under way by Dr. SW r find ou.- ch---ck o#" $14,614.73 thf-i tt'iird @.oV!t)otit of the g.-ant -r-ad insti-tution fo-:, ,ioric in-Fwian Ecology tilivetf-.@i OTJ @lin S41-)te.,iber 30, 1959 Dia- t of $9,614.73 Encloseet .ind our check In t@l-* 4mun which re,-,resents the seco@i,,F. r@l-nt@04,1"grart made to your f Iviork rected by Dr. Sincerelyo T-reasur-. I 1959 D e,- r -of our chec,,,@ in t,.e a.,VUit t 2 of f i t wlicli e for it-or'e. by neer 6'LY -4,Lnt September 19, 1960 Subject Attached is the accoanting fv.--the period i 1 through June 30, 1960. 14e foi-waxded diroctl%r t s u m o f @@,5m3 .00 and hl,-Id-back $5,000.000. 9 lest or Dr. was des s of havin rown o 0 vith his p eat. &e- til of was p from the $5,000.00 in ColLin Su, Divisicn A RY Of LXKNSIS ON Pot lism""Iw, Tow %4" w6ilf* *OCW pftuoah 2 lim 1,411#P kfw~ ubmy 133.64 It 20& u 41S. 33 TFW#V-T 381.33 ToW b"*At%r" $SI* ";L76 Oll SW *dot& I" 4o "3.02 OTWO TOTAL talwoo fee*" km $"WY2 hr t6 W"otigmao W) bs6w *Wded wow km pwkw Yew above the sum of $5,ooo.oo was paid directly to the form of salary in monthly instRUtionts during 0Ths above accounting is a true e-tatement of show--d to exr-,onses on the above RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following:- eck No.-A222io6.-in the amount tAtcd A @,,u Cost Account Object Class Obligations Obligations Unliquidated Date Remarks and References - Incurred Liquidated Balance JuL 4q!" I !@-k -let AUG 11 August, 1959 MEMORAM-XU FOR: CKW,, YNLUM DMSION VIA Tss/&jdget Officer SU&T= XXULTRAIP 1. Invoice No, 5 for the above subproject to attached.- 2Paymut should be made &a follovso. ---- In the amc@mt @,of 2. newn forward c*ck to CbA,&f on M/Cb@-.nical Divisi Tbro4h TSS/Budaet Officer by FrJL2day 21 August 195g.-- This I a a final IAYolee Bmever,, - since it is@ antici- -funds will pated that additional be -abligat@@ for this pmjfttt the file& should not re CK P, AUG 2 TW/Chemical Divisloa 13 IA9U5@3 ATTACBMM: Inyoloo & CeitifidAtions Distribution*. Orlg & 2 Addroafte 1 PASB/T3SS INVM(M F(w seriioes CERTMCIATIOM 1:1) it is bem,@by certified that this- is Irivoice applying to Sub- pro.*,@--ot 6i o,,e WLTRA.- that perforwroo is satisf"tory,, that services are being aocmpUshe4 In accordance vith mutual agr"mntes that a detailed-apnda-og' the paywnts wA receipts is on ftle i'a iW/CDv that this bill is juat wA correct and that pa)=nt thereof km not yet been made. 2 Chief: T@6@si/we7m Division D6te i (2) It is hereby-certlfied that Uis invoice applies to Subproject 61 under MMTRA-vhith-VWda@@@-that -the project is being carried out In-accordance vith the memorandum datea 13 April 1953-from the DCI to the DD/Ap and the exu!asion of this authority in subsequent memorandas WiFar-ch Director t@ate t July l9s9 IALMORANDUM FOR: COMPTROLLER@, ce Dlvtslo-a ATTENTION Flaau SUBJECT )AKULTRA. Subproject 61, Additional ritatlon tt@@@ Uader t2he authority granted la thomoraorandam dated 13 April 1953 from the DCI to the DD/A, and the extension of this aithority in subseoueat memovaada, §ubproject 61 has been approved &-ad $38 -360,-90 of the-dV"-all MKULTRA- project i fund2s via# bet* obligated to cover the subprojett's expenses. This abligatt%)a of funds should ba charged to A.1lotrAent 0525-1009-4902. w APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Research Director Date-. Distribution-. Otis a Addressee I TSS/OC I TSSIFASB 2 TSS/Cf)z__@@ TSS/C 29 June 1959 MEMORANDUM FORi.---7 COMPTROLLER ATTENTION Finance Divisio.,- SUBJECT MKULTRA, Sub-p--roject 61, Additional Aathorizai'lon 04 Under the authority granted in the2 meznorandum dated 13 April 1953 from the DCl to the DD/A and the extension of this authority in subsequent memoratida, Subproject 61 has been approved and $20,198. 20 of the over-all MKULTBA project funds has been obligated to cover the subproject's expenses. This obl@.igation of funds should be charged to Allotment 9-Z50Z-75-90Z. A f L hief TSS/Chemical Division APPROVED-FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS-. Research Director Date: 6 Distribution.- Orig & Z - Addressee I - TSS I - TSS Z TS TSSICD A 1959 Fnal -our-check in-ttie aniount- f iq4.6l4. O$Sd Please find 3 the third quarterl 0 0 73 Y nAyft,,ent of the to til- Olle-ce tO-stkr@,cOrt the work of -3incerel,-,. flw siivllllry OF @.@ENSES 7.88 To@t,al Salaries iii..-Iuding ipecial p@kYWnts $43,21 2 75.65 Fquipwnt ;2,@o . 66 stipplie,s Reforer.@@o Iibrary 49.20 4 M-Isc,2olle.neous (illeludarig malpract:Lce jr",nwan%@e) 273.',Z Travel 7796'36 Rental charges f O@@@@ 9.,790-00 2 298.60 ,Olephore -kdmina-strative r-)DO Total expe,,,d"-tures- 58,633*64 Amoxint obligated for unpaid btUs GR-kiW-, TOTKL @8-PO3,507.47 $64,4-ej9.00 951-53 Chief TSS/Chomical Divisi'on BUDAET 1959-19 Salaries 45.,650-00 Retirement and Social Security 2@,934.00 Office and Technical ftpplies -and materia"@s ----.1,750-00 Tray5el and Meetings 500-00 15% University Overhead 7z622-00 TOTAL 580459-00--- ed by t E2 IMPDET'; CL 187475 MORAIFM, FOR: THE RECORD SUBJECT Continuation of Project NMTPAY Subproject 1. The purpose of thin subproject is the continued support of-- a on brain da2mage in humn beings@ Work in this field has made good progpkkg,@@ the l@a"ar. Highlights re- lating to this are quantitative-clinical demonstrations of a much more -precise nature than was ever-before possible of the actual performance-- deficit brc-ught about by suppeession of the-activity of various areas of the central nervous-system. New methods of dduu2rement of-oirculation c@-hanges involving the use of implanted tberaistors of a very-sensitive type have served to-reduce the uncertainty of many of the experiments in this field of research.- 2. During the coming year it is anticipat-.d that many of the -1 'begin- to show -their investigative techniques woe2ted out in the past vil effects in '4erms of a vastly increased rate of significant data production. 30 nis project has been reviewed and approved bomq of Director be noted that D C ives no stipend under the attached-budget and that several portions of the work to be covered v-IU be supported by other than government sources. 4. The cost of the protp@ @ a_period of one, yeart starting 1 Jul@"@,959 is estimated to be $58.459. 11 be used as a cutout for transferring the money - the funds required for one year $20,198.20 is being obligated at this time* Charges should be mad0e against Allotment 9-2502- 75-902. Remainder of funds re li ted vhen FY60 funds become gra available.