qo LETE AT, xprll 11 195? tiulol%"Il June 30, 1960 '62,045-00 2 Roc., Salp,rie-s-. L;r. 24,08).26 Pr. 1,66.66 138-00 2 900.00 950.00 Kr* 3 6:0200990:50,06 Smtnd 3,5:L6.93 r,h,,I.r wei-gldng 3cales 392.00 Freed dlsci@itiitiator 2 Ple raoi@raph "A" 3).53 -ojecwr 166 Pi -ourtd Canc-i-a to rw-i 13 fr2ai%es per sect3nd 2,330.00 Audio oscillator 'Furtrel @Al 59-95 P.-in eirtor le-,is -.2w.%di)l 85, F2 377-36 ohc@,rw,,,od FM Turi" 330-00 We3ton @'Ar-,ter 11-L mster '30-95 Sir,,,)son Yotpr #2,69 2 7,161-.92 300.00 Trkvell.ingi & film, film Pr 7 Tfis Is a true expot-ditwes Us reporl.ed to the @oci 19, )@(e.,(Io to 2 @Oo, 11 -3 -;@@ibl(@ TO: TSSIOC 1. ve-a of Obilgatiou: ---------- ?Ltrpose of ?,-Oject'.-2409 behavior Of effects upon ",,=la ion of verbal s@,pals. repetit 2 --- ig 0 C9 to Date,. 0 Loa Date: 0 Expirat S. ?roitict MOZILtor 8 Roo= 3-1 ON 44 (40 No. Objc-et 1 Obli&atiolis Obligations Reniarks and Ref(,,rences incurred l,iquidatqd Balance 777777@? .;j@ CV,@ 14 19 Au@"Alat I-Yio Xt la r@:!Clc"zzt"d i.Jitit L7@i 2 c@@)j, " be to (@Illoft la,.-er t-t@en @@rday, 29 2 It is catlet- ulil b-, for tlijs proi@-nt., tlie ti.lez@ not t,:) 5 l@!AT TIEMORANDUR RECE,IPI TO: IROt4- SU@JECT: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the folloving: 2 a receipt AR"A-@ Please return--- sione-I 49PY(ics) of- ths URE OF R T.@ 311- F@R4M MC REPLACE$ totiMU36-66 14171A- 5 '@ 7r,2 wiilcti MAY BE SED- I AUG In) CONFIDENTIAL F@NDS POSTING VOUCHER DATE 2-0 VOUCHER No. 7-12 2 voJCHER NO, 7- 12 11-80 5-4 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOU?ITS I 2 40-A2 4'1 OQLIG. 53 A6, A?J')UNT 54'57 EXPEND Fj 'Al Ef. NO. GENEIIAL 2 PT 1 01@4- to P C R . CA LEDGER D'@SC? I CO:)E og.IT e.roly 2 YR ACCT. NO-@ ADVANCE ACCOUNT5 13-27 Lio. y. Cs' CODE 2 .0. EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TOTALS Y N@- OR CREDIT 1 o rE DATE VIEWED BY DokTc @;IGNATUAC. OF CRTIFyi-@r OFFICER IC- 606 .. ........ ......... Foil,. .Tj ",I OF 2 T-190/RB (.17 g 60) For ------- --- ----- - -- - - ------------------- (,,t" It is,,,iezvjy ecr,,;tiia4 ttitt ,Mo La inv@-tee li'o. 1+ ar@03y2t"ln to @l tb-t@,t. a detat3-d. tra ciyi r-zecipts io on fiV,,' i@& t7i-.alu t;,-Us la @i-Li5;t m)d cox-&@zc@ aria thtit yoytlr-at t-hereof b,,@a not y--t been (2) l@t is 1,@ireby t-hat tl,5.o Invoice Etpplies to rub;)Ivjcct 2 r.o. 63 Lf Kid 1:!ic,.t the proje(,.t is er-i-r'iztd out-. ir, of 3.3 i-prtl 1953 o@@.rL3rica wl,th t:.ie fi,om tlr) rs"T, to t'lie,, ani the of U)ie authority in cub- Ito: 18'7.7C, 17 t;t lg(,o Ki@,@RA-bT@Pi FOR: -THE SUMF,CT Suppleme2nt Y.,,@IJLTP.A, Subproject 68 1-1,',ubproject Number 68-is beirg-contitiued as a means to sustain a research progrrilr., t,Ne effects upon human behavior of the repetition of verbal. slg-rals. Th,-- -Drogram is under the direction of Dr,imiwglw lrw.,@.n of the Department of PBycboj.ogy, 2. lilhe ccope-of the program wlll encc.,apass the sam,-. studies out- 2 litied-in the previous draft dated 2@( Y4rch 1959 vbleh is attached. 3- It is anticipated that long term support for this study Al,l be providp-d by other orga-niz,%tio6s (one such orgfknization 2Is the U.S. where negotiation asslated by oximately 6 months), has been ilinderway for appr therefore, thig project is ba@ipg7Soritiritvd for a three month period only. In view of-this-short-coiitintiationjivam will be autborited delay of tle -final reporting oti expendit@ures arA a teminal tecbnical-report. 'Dite-project-vill be-funded throligh 2 of the program for a period of three months Vill be $4,775-00- Charges'shoxild be made against Allotmciat 15P5-3001)-1902. 5. In l.ieu of higher overhead rates, title 2 to any joerwment equip- o*nt 1.@lirchased by funds gra-nt@ed 'the University shp-11 remain v7ith -@be University. @'(1 to r- 137475 4 19,7 e"to. E;a cl, 6. It vrka muttially Weed that doelmontation fuid accounting for tr&,%@,el expenses ,.,bich are reimburseble by the Lfaiver6ity vill con- form with th--@ accepted Ix-acticer. of that i2r.stittxtion. 7. The sa.*-- secuxity considerations outl,incd in the-atteel-t.-d dr&ft should t--, noted TSD/JResearch MPR2OV-t,,t) 1.-"t)R LIBLIGATIC.,.N Dette: -, eA Distribution: Orig. Only, Attached- Dr,,ft @td-27 vArch-59- (TS) 'IO to. Mal I y OfT-171$"74@75- ecit') 977 DRAFT Z7 March 111)59 mi@M,O-RANDUNI FOR' TliE R-,ECORD 2 68 SUBJEGT Continiiation of I-AKU.I,'fRA, Sulil,-roject 1. Su@iproject 68 is being continued as a I'neans to Bk'PPOrt a research progra-rii, the effects upon htiinan behavior of ti2e repet)',t' of verbal c-ignals., The prograin will be kinder. the direction of artinent of Psychiitr)( at prcgrai-n will be for a pt tartin2g 18 Ni rch 19 9. one year, s Z. The scope of the project encc--ri-ipasses otudits upon the effects of predeterrained sign-@ils ul)on (a) physiological functions, (b) patterns of beh--.vior2. The imrxiediate objectives of the prograrai critail a study of raethoes to (a) ij-uprove the technique of heteropsychic driving (b) to invertigate the rarge of physiological functiotis which can be changed by these procedures. More specifically, these stu(Iie2s inclide: (1) A search for cheinical agents which will brcakdowil the ongoing patterns of besavior: n-tore rapidly i.nore trativitorily with 2lass damage to the rerceptive and cognitive capacities of 'the indlvidtial than the present physiological agertte. (Z) AriL attecxipt to develoR-Vg@@@s of inactivating the patient 2 during the period of driving (eWr,-OEtire to repetition), and at.the same time inaintaiti ttiju at a higher level of activity, by physio- logical and cliamical t-erito, than by the present physical effects. Aii-iong the clicinical agents which are b2eing explored with respect to their c;tpacity to produce inactivation are the following (used either singly or in cortibinatiori)-. Artarte Anectirte 0 Bulbocapnine Curare LSD-Z5 Ilo rity of. 13'1475 t- t 7 of - - 3.87,@75 2. CL JIV 1,@7475 will be 2funded throug The cost of the program fo--r -a year 'o;@ll a be $19, orc4wo@ ho,.tld bezt-itdo 2 against Allr,,ti-xient 9-ZSOZ-75-9oz. 4. will request -@o subn-iit to it aun!jal accounting. stii-.an-,tary of moni@; receiv al o re ucet the L6 'f, n, 2 return of any unexpended funds received under tVe grant' ro 5. Requirerr@ents for a 6-yronth informal accounting on the part of the principal iiivesti-ator have been waived.. 6. In lieu of higher overhead rates, title 2 to any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted the University aliall remain -Aith the Lyniv or sity. It was-Mutkially-apyeed that documentation and accounting for 2 travel expenses which are reimbursable by the University will conforin with the accepted practices of that inst-it,@ition. S. - it was-also agreed-that-te-chnical reports reflectin- the prog- reas of the research program will2 be submitted to the Society at ni4tually acceptable it-ttervalg. 9. In view of the fact that folloaing--security consideratiotio-sfiotild be noted- 2 tlxe principal investigator,,,&&Lda h I- Dr4olow is cl f-- staff will remain cor:lpletely tin\v-itting ofqmw- Government int(-reBt. 2. Th ill nit red by thm 3. No-Agency staff personnel will &&I&ct2, discuss this pr.--je s a ct with Dr except under extretyie circ.-1:7 I'@@cle@ 3 04': 187475 977 C 5 -75 CL By I'@-1475 ey personnel to contact 4. 2 the rlt-iatter will be tlis- ectirity and the desk involved for their evaluation 4nd advice as to the proper procedures to be taken. 2 14 TSS/Chemical Division Approved for Obligation Of Funds: esea 2 E@ate: Dietribution: original only eed to C;I. ;,i ty 1 13 lq77 8i 7 5 13 T 75 PRO.POSF@D BUDGE $ 7. 000 2 Full ti,-.xie research psychiz@,triat 21 Soo part time electronics technidan Assistance v@,ith r&ioaoureillerit of records and cortiputations 2 Z, 000 Consultants is 000 Travel 500 Miscellaneous materials & supplies (recording paper, electonics s2upplies, pharinactiiticalis) 3. 600 f 16,-606- Plus: 15% Overhead Z, 490 TOTAL $ 219, 090. to by it, ,,, I ty C,ito: of: 187'47,9 )77 l@l; C,' 0 "D 18747,,i @tT 'n TRANttil'2YTAL to roqi,,,t 4,;Ilis FT-,Otlr@t are you gol.rig to let 2 C;@ tt co!@ out of,tI@,3 ovtr-all.Socie@y FRO@A: 2 ROOM NO. bliit,DING EXTENS@O IKEPLACES FQFI@M 36-0 0 - 11@,145 7 ti@FkEmS N505 2 4 1W@il' tt MAY BE USED, )w 9. 1960 inemoraiidlim to lougnmw c e-,Iidance o2f the Lions and folloin ba,i main its res4-),arch oil @@4,775 00 2 vall eastwn p of the la'o,:)ratory for a ttir@oo iiortth iY-@lic-do Th a of this Ln-,ant is to Pr@Imi-t t,1"0 141"-@ctor of ttie 2 t ain fi)nding fro,.it otlter org.,,,,-iizatl-ons, i", regotA.atioti..assA..'3tccl y ?of -approxii,4@2 t -) Lin vip--a of this Ite'Ly l@ ir@ron h4. e authorized the d,@-'IaY Of the final repoeting on 0rDI)ort. urtil r sioll cf a tertainki, tPelO'kical for the above exten3ions :Et la reqlir,-sted thatf I)cpaz-tn@!nt of Psychiatair April 12th, 19-60. De-Ar Draw* 4dmb from the 2 our pre. r and the f in-al pay-oent f ro-- -t of our xe- search. Kly I v-preas to you, &M through 2 0 'ou y our g-reat-inlobtednet@% in @his period.--- Wo-)iz@ bocn in COA2'kmL*Acation with the are in the pr-occ,3a of subrdtti,ng a request to t lip m you@r ,:ub3oqucnt to July 1,6t' The holp w,,ith ve hekve roc,-iv,-@d f m Soci-luty during tt@i last - several yealrs has bet;n Invaluable, aM all of tin who are ongaged in this inrestigation haye a cotisiderabla sense of iyidebt-,dnt-,t;s to yoar organiiaticn. With bes'.-regard,3, I &vi, Yolws sincerely, 30. 1939 of your fo Arl-ii 1, 1939 tii, _,h -,,rch 31, 19,'@0- ty@or,@h 22, 19-60 f-tc-,ir Dr4@-@ to our Dircci,oii thrit ck't 2 -.4002.@@ ----- - 4 to cover t'.-Io of N.',,:ircli 31 -extcrs,o I of @v@na'f@@ur 'e I' 2 to t@) Jul/ 1. in it re,-)oi-t ci-t,4 te6,r.9,,ii,ial finc@icial acc,@unt;i-ig utitit in June. you I l2i-ive bccil ii r t@he ff,',it fovi viec!@s and A, haj no o;-% your Dr i?cwroknt C.C@ tcc-.@ that- youf tl)c@t it Nlas fov, Ull@i -itinues to c worl< cei jo well. I shall too2k for\vurd to scr-Linj you at an t:cirly 'ate. 0'-' .lour cl-al-@t 6S- aO r,e,-eipt is hereby a-,,kric)vlecl@ged of l@Le folicrdirig check,. h 0 Treasuivr's Check lio. 16830,5, 1 t d u t eldOL),I)t Of .0 awii t6 %te CONF:DENTIA!. FUNDS POST:NG YOU'@HER YOUCOIEFI hO. 7- 1 2 JUATF 2- 6 2 UCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-AL6 OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34@3 9 A7-52 59 67 68-70 1, STATION 40-A2 15,A6 OIILIC, 54-57 ALLOT. LEOG2FR Du E 71-80 Zs- 3 3 CODE 0 PAY 53 EXPEN REf. NO, GE@'ERAL AICT, liO AMOUNT DESCRIPTION-A2DVANCT ACCOU ORDER NO. F;W6@.' A TEDGEII 17 yR AC". 2OBJECT DEBIT CREDIT v . CLASS ;.;IE CODE 2 I f I I I 10 I I I X P L All I T I 11 11 0 1EN Tity TOTALS 2 t DATE Pr 0 TE @REVICWED ily CER@TAFIED FOR CRTD-ft DAL 2 9FYING OFP@cck FORM I-se 4 (10-Ag) 777777'-7.:7 1'3 in of 090. CO. ealav!la to C.'@qier, 2 ttzin @.10 3. eir.Qr@.- it in utiel- ',.a oblic_,at-ed for tliir, llraj-ct, 9Attach,,-II invoic-3 t@ --Ewa I.,@ 4 71 OD --------------- it is herc@')y tl-.at tl-@.ts 1.0 Invoi,c'e Ilo. 2 S'cibpi',Njcct @.'O. (-8 of is ratif;fact c-ervicea c@-re V-1t,@l thc-@t a detta2,lr-d cr_cr@d-- cf tl,.t.@ yay--,ADnts t-,ici -r,,cei_otu ic (,ii file. in that t@Iiis b:ll@-I 13 J-oit 'illfl Ca-Id l@ay-acrit t-beivlr 2 n-)t @vt (2) it is 1-@ereby corti,ie& tl,.r%t ilxis Jilvoier-, app,3105 to Svbprojf-,f.,t tio, of v,,.o e@,,il-y 2 ,Nrojeet ic ri-^cl ty4t'@ iii accor-l@rc,, t-110 of )..I t@I)r4" 1>'53 frzia tle ECI to U@c! VIIIA, v.,rl ti@-N ext,,orirsic4i of t)-.is *-,uthor;Li;y In @,ubs@oqLljent fl-n lit t-1-1 1,z-.outt, or o,' yrjiir FOR TF'TE Apri I 23, 1959 SUBJECT., Dr. 1,-t riy r@i@@ctirtj viitii A,,Fil 17, 1 toIJ hirzi t!iot it would ba c2xcc s for the fort!ico;ni-,ig yeur of pt@,bl3 f,-r bin-. to VL,-n@-e I)c to' @@ t@) ,en into cic,-olnt in t@o f(iiol fin n9 I I report. I Dr. they completcd over loo ccise. N%@ith sore rattie@r eircin-,Qtic resvits, par- ticuir.riy wit'ti neurotics., April 23, 1959 Docir De. woT irnpressca Fy iiis visit to your active and productive 2 uch onJ As u;6- I onioy@@@y ir; I-,izii in t'@-4ank;ng you ft@>r yotr t;me V@e rt@c-.c-.ivt@d t!ia of T'Ot tile Iwo -YiL." F-criod whic6 i@ soli:fvctory for our fUffDses. l,shot@-I;J like to co..-tg'irm n, y veri;@al ir@@trtz(;tion that tt)e L-r--I,ince oii hcnl of @,',orcii 31 iii the ci@,iouiit of $2,353. CO Le titiiizc,,i dtiring the fortli- corat,.ng ygcir, and tk@@it it be token in-f), coisiA-ero@tat-i In the Fin6i acccuntitio of f,@atch 31 , 1 s@4@o. Dr. qo- very offercj to provide a I)ricf su-,iirnafy, of t'@,,e number of 2 su@,jecti treotcd, in v;hot cate@-..3rics, cli@J %vitli fir.@t opl-ralsol of ro@ults, for our t,,se here. I ho,-,e @.0 will ri-ick-0 ex@iicit SQ'-re of your fecl;n@is at ttio Center rc-gording t'iio iniiovc.-tive aspects of tiie driviiio tach@-iique co.,-nForod wit@i othc-r tech,-,iclucs In p@,ycho- thcrop.y9. Sincc-i-ely yours, Executive@ sofrc-tory April 20, l@51) cr,-taty & ,.aft -Dozr Sirg 2 c tho rL,, recoarch lii And expendit -illclxr to&, tho p--riod April li, 19'j7 to Ii,%rch -31, 1959, 2 h 31@, 19$9 $36,9890-77 Salhi@ion $17,571,SS- Saierica Tochniel,a,,-tg 4,3a9.l6 2 300,00 & 32#911-S4 4;rot@,3 Expeaditttros 34#625-97 8 80- BeIrAce an of V-sreh 31# l9s9 $2 3630 pproved tbo submitt@'d r,-,' MOD* c) -S 6 APR 9 7 ........ .. N@IKUITLIA, ia th-b Morriorandkmi dat.ea t@Lf" DCI to t"%* Pi)/A, th,3 extenali@n of tl,-.Ig 2 13 -April 19 r autl,.iorlty iii cubsequttit 68 bar, bee@i approved, ard r 19.,ID90, C-0 c;f ov&r-all rrc>,,cct l@i.KULTRA fmnde. have beers 2 eollgated to cover t:--ir; exi)aneei ar@d abould b-2 tc, Vhleion tp,,irovod for oblisution of 10 Al Iz Z Adlvcor;ee l@ TSS/FASB Dr. ,f @4,775-00 yolu@ cral't 8 for tlle fin-,:LI a,@-xai-tc-7-ly o- "lotober E@r. t of Of 8 :L-i5q. ,rojr 195a c int of )t ti@o 6 of yotir Receipt iFj hey-oby aoknovledged gf tb,-. follrvilig elleCK'. C"bier's cbe(,@k !". DM 45931,, ill the w@Lunt of kkc)41k,).IDOI (In@yn 16 April 1959 FOR: DlVlilO;'%T C-.ffic-er 2 64, iit e-tached. It to reque2ted tii--,t be r-iztd6'ea follows. C,ar-hier's chcck if, tki@ Z. Ttitt c@beck s!io-zld be fort@7&rded to Chief, TSS/Ch-itrite'al Illvisica, ttir,@4tgh TSS/11,v@ft.3et Ofiicer, tio lp-ter ttiart 30 Af;@til 1953. 3. TF.IoloafLi-Arliivoice, cl@@ligate-.i uaitici@ t'its tub;NrtL))ett d-,,,trin.3 FY 57. lio-@vev<-r, since it 2 Is a-aticipate-i t(,.at *,,IditionAl fenele be 4Libligated for this project, tho fileq ritioald nvt be c!osc.J. TSS/Chen-.Ical P@ivision' r, t t ib ut i o -i orig A#I,@.'resoce TSSIFASB For servicel; $19,100.00 --------------------------- - lOiNS (1) It is herel)y cortific-rl tl;at ttais Is -No. ?, apl)lyin4- 2to Subproject 140. A tIAlt is aatisfactory, t.@&@t services are -,.n a4rcore,@@iice wit@j iruttt-,,l a 2 detp@it,@@.'g acc,,n-ia of tti@., a--;I rec@,-!fAto I% on fila iu tiiin bill.! I* jist F-ii@i correct @,td i@ayy-c4 rt tt,,ixeof lia a n(,t yet L-eca D2att,: (Z) it is here",-)y C-.Zttified t'tl--t thia i'AYoice applies to S"bproject No. 66 of Nv-@@.ich w.@I3 duly xpproved, and tt),--t the proj,-ct is be2i.r.8 carried out La Fccor(-I?.rce %N-;.t.1i ttie .,Ir 13 April 19i3 front the DCI to tho Di:)/A, atid the extenrlon. of tl@-.s axtitority In subseq-aoxit $-kl'-W.MorrAn'J6a.. Date: 20 195E.'@ t!),,, fc,@u-tli of yo,,2r',@r;i)it for th-- Ai-)r-'A4) 1. 1957 throii:,h 3'@t.. 1958- son (C) REGF.IPT 2, 1957, dv,@twn on payable Ito the 5 @unt of $19, 080-.-ou VIA PA SuL@project C-8. Invoice 01 1. Ir@voice f I c4ver,4,ng tlio above etk@i?rojt:c-t lii attache@l. f 2 lwo 2. Tbi@., cl-@ock e@@,otild be to Ctxief, T$Sichentical )Mvi3ion, throilili 'f @'S 1!3u*l-ct Officer. no latidr 2 blef -Igo Invoice tA Cortificstiotis I)ir;tribution-. Crig Ad-ire& Ile", Cortiptr2oliller lg,OF@o.oo CREDI't' '1417-- . ........... 9 Oc-FIC;FPs. INVOICR, For rervieca $19, 080. 00 ---- ------------------------------------------------ is hereby t,,&2t tris ju I!Ivk@ice Lit applying t@; StAb,-.,rojcct 6a (.)i tt,.-,It perforrnalice Is s,-.tisfactoryt tlt--t :services are beinc, accol-i-tl)lirh,,d iii accorciance k.,tti rziiltq@%l aorecr@'ic.qts, tli-At a etc-tailed P-teiidst of tlit p.Ayixaerto receipts on f@le it-L T.@SICD, te@@-t t'i@9 bill is iuqt ,jid corre(-t avid that 2 raywicrit t@.terec.-f b-as iiot yet bec;i TSS/Cheri-kical Llivition Date-. (Z) it is hereby certified that ttiis invo2ice al),.jlics to Subproject 68 of TIKULTRA which v,,,io d,,tly aplroveti, ttiat the project u bein ied otit in acc(irdance w'th t@-Le P@ie)-notandun-i of q carr - 8 1. 13 April 1953 fro@m the DCI tL, tiae J)DIA, an(I tiie ex-tension of in subsequent i-,aemor@-ada. Date: 18.2 9' e's 68 t3 Atiril 1953 f,-k)m tia.,i )XI to t@ie DI,)/A. atid tli-@ extenstonot thil, ",mbirojz)ct 68 been t-pirove@. fwada tiave obli@gate,,l to cover tili@ subi-irojec@t's ,@r@fj sliqulj be cti:@rged 5 I)ate: orig 2 - AtliJri,@ssee TIS/FA,13B 2 - TS'i/CD 7'SS/CD: 2 6Feb 58) i ii isms, -!t,4 to DRAFT dw 26 February IV,)7 l)77 2 B E C Oll li cL NIFINIOI@ANDUM FOII: TH SUBJECT: MKULI'RA Subproject 68 1. Subproject 68 is b,-ing initiated as a iiieans to support a rO- 2 search prograin, the effects upon human behavior of the repetition of- -'ri-.e LLo ifla'],-.Il,. I -be under the flire _g -- i tie program WI or--a-ver!64 of starting 16 March 1957. 2. The scope of the project Nill encoinpass studies upoti the effects of predetermined sigfials up-oti (a) physiological functions, (b) 2 patterns of behavior. The irnrnediate objectives of the prograi-ti will entail a study of methods to (a) irtiprove the technique of heteropsychic driving, (b) to investigate the range *f physiological functions which can be changed by these procedur2es. More specifically, these studies will include: (1) A search for chemical agents v.,iich will breakdown the ongoing patterns of behavior: more rapidly more2 transitorily with less damage to the perceptive and cognitive capacities of the individual than the present physiological agents. (2) An -attelmyt to develop better incthods of in ictivating the patient 2 durirg the period of driving (exposure to repetition), and at the same time ri)aintaiii hirit at a higher level of activity by physio- logical and chen)ical agents, than by the present ph@sical effects. Aniong the chemical-agents ivl-kicti we propose to explore with - respect to their capacity to produce inactivation ire the follow- ing (used either singly or in combination): Artane Aiiectitie 6 Bulbocapriine Curare LSD-25, tom@@ l@i77 2 For a riiore detailed discussion of the progi@ain see attached propo!@'.31. it should be, he at . -tas bee@-n@Rba kdded2 that t osat I Fr @;7e-a ------- fiiwni@cL@s@y a p by thi-t-B&Ty-. - -The bl@oird n cip s by. 18 March 1957.2 3. This LI d thro u@ ii t a capacity ,e -c-o-gT=ie"yTrmo7PFY"n"' for a period Df two years wilt be $382, 180.00. Charges should be n)ade against Allotu)ent 7-2502-10-001. will req s accoii summary v I 0111 a from re@luestthe returi-i of any exrlenjed ftititi@ received un,@er t@iie grant froi-ii the Society. 5. Requirements for a 6-nio-ith informtl accounting on the p,trt of the principal inve. 5tigator is waived. 6. In lieu of higher overhead rates, title to any permanent equipinetit purchasei by funds granted the University shall reii)ain with thi-- University. - 7. It was mu2ttially afrreed that documentation and accotinting- for travel expe.,.ses which are reimbursable by the University will conforni with the Decepted practices of that institt)tion. C. It was also agreed that tectitiical reports reflecting the2 progress of the resetreh prograril will be submitted to the Society at mutually acceptable intervals. 9. li-i vie .v of the fact tha the following security ec)tisideration 5 d'15;j,2tlote(ji 1) Dr.400*th(.- principal investj,l!atc)r. and Iiis-stiff will i-e@traiii con--pletely unwitting ofAmc;6vernment interest. 1 2) The proj(act will be i@tjkQil&E@ad b y st,tff member of t to ed 75 of: lb'i'4 3 9 197'7 - E2 C.-L I;Y 1874'75 2 3) No Age-.icy staff F)ei-so-i-tilel will contact, vi - sit,-or-di-scuss this proje4@t with f)r or-his-staf iider extreiriec, 4 essary for Agertey @)ersonnel to cotitacit Dr. or his staff, the i-natter will be discusseli with tha Beevrity and the desk involved foi- their eva.luatioi P.nd advice as to tho- proper procedtires to be taken2. APPROVED Y'OP OBLIGA'FION- Approved: OF FUNDS eseare lely) vis on Date: 7 Attached: Pror>osal Dtstribtition: Original oiily--- to: 4i 5 -37 Dep-artc-iont, of Psyci%iatry APPLICATION FOR C,'U-!-;T TO STUDY THF, EFFECT,3 IJPO%! ]iUI,4AII BYIlfAVIOR 2 OF TH'tz, RI.Pl,'kiTlOt' O,,' 'qiQ'tP)AL SIC-IIAIS Gener 1I-,Ur 3 lk!o are reque3ting a grant to support studies upon the effectu up2on behavior of the z-epetition eiit intere3t is directed of vei@ba,l sig.-.,als. Our pia- toward.,3 bitl, '(a) the prodtictioi,% of chail-,es in- behavior, 2 and (b) changes iri physiological function, the major emplia4@is to be upon-tlie--Iatter because of the gt,eater ease of oeasi)reinent. La (Z@,, The effe2cts upon htu.-oan bclhavior of t;he ra", Won of verbal si n@qlLha,ve,bec-i-i r stu@ly at tile -1-9 57-OW A. The early-i.nvestigat-i.piis voi-e based upon the onaermation that repeated playback of parLtieUlaLrly igiiificant staterierts -iiad 13 alty the patient during 2 p3ychotlierapy elicited a iiu er of phenomena: (a) Increased produ6tiVity by the Patient of material of dynamic 3ignificance. (b) The material was related to the statement 2 repeated (or driven). (e) Increased identification of significint compoi,@-zits in the repeated inaterial, (d) This increased identification oi, recognition, of sipnifici4i-it conponcnt3 was-partictilarly raarked in the patient. It was also evoked in the therapist. -2- These ob3ei,vations were reported in an article entitled Psph 'pA, published in the AmArican ic '-iv' sy -,he si2li Journal o cl@ia@@T. i, @i-ii.fi,cance of the findines in co,-tnectiori-with ps.vehotherapy was also report(,,d. Wk.irking hypotht-,oi-,s concerning theso effects of 2 repetition were set -imong then bei,,-)g: (@i) hypothf-,sis of the work -,@f listening; (b) hypothesis of the work of talking; (e) hypotli@-,sis o-3ticeriiing the shiel.eing of 2 the ol the verbal signals, paLrticul,@Lrly-fror4-t@w- talker biat also from the a@--Fur er studies -t@@ht to liglit the existence 2 of ttic- dynamic iriplant, this being the desienation given to th---fact that expost)re to repetition of verbal sie.)ials leaves the patient sensitized to the comio;iity of action tendeiicie s - from u@,,i 14@eli ';h,@- -drivi ng statewelit was taken. This alro-.has-bee,-i-reportee-in an @wticle entitl.r,-d i'sychic ri T- now awaiting publication LI Ye foll.o,@r.!rZ obsei-v tion-3 Tn t y ';i4h zt were t,%ide concerai,r4y, the dyn,,Aigic inipl@int: ii-- -By--continued -replaying of a cue comunicationl 2 a ptraistertt tendency to act i-i a way which can be predetomined with-respect to its &enera.1 characteristics c@i-n be establish--d. In other woi,@ds, by driving a cue comunication one ca2n,- i-iithout exception, set up in the piltieiit-a prsistirikr tendency @"Oi, that cue stater@ient, and other components of the coruot)nity of action- tendencies from which it was-drawn, to re-liltn to his awareness. ii. 'fhe dynamic ityiplant tjius establisht.,-d anti esf)eci.ally--if-i@@f6i@@-Vy-r@peated driving, teiids to activate more Pnd more of the components of the 2 con,iiiu.nity of action-tendencies. These compone4its te-qd to appear i.-i the pati.ent's a,,.,@ireness. li. This materially coyitr@ibutes to problem identification by-the patient and the therapist aryl, hence, 2 facilitat-e@the proc#s--es of thei,apqutic reorganization. iv.--The-dyn.,.doic qua.IJ.tir--s of tYA,2 inil:@latit aa-e a function of: (a) the anounl@- and rer)eti.tion of drjving; 2 @bi the intensity of tlie)respo.,a5e; (c) the defenses; d stress tolerance; (e capacity for desensitization. 777777@-'. V. The major continuing effects of tyie dynamic iri I.-uit ax,e: (a) progressive rjroblein identi.fication; (b@ resulting reorganization of behavioral patterx%3; (C) ziegative evaluation of neuro2tic 1),ittex-,is present iii the cue coniciunication used 4.n driving. C. Conti.iiiu-d study of the effects of repetition on tTe patient of his owi vez,bal signals opened up an additional line of inquiry.- This was 2 bised upon tli@. finding that a given vex-bal signal coriveys consi.derabl..y tqore than its verbal content. Special anparatus was built to explore this new field of ultra-conceptual coL,r.iu!iic@ition. I'lie follo,,:iri,,-, findirii,,s wli-e reported at the 1956 Pieeting of tyki A-merican I'sychopat!4oloeical Association: i. 'fhat signals are ma(.ic wliich ar@e not 2 conceived i).3 sucli by the signalei,, at least at the ti-rje he- m-Akes--th--m. ii. That signals are received %Aiich are not conceived as stich by-the-listerier, at least, at tha 2 tim that-lie first listc-iis, iii.- That a range of sigr.,als i,,i@iy be riade which will only-at-tiires be conceived by the signa-ler a-Tid the listener as such. iv The ability@-6f2 both-the siVpaLler and tl,,o Iistener$to recot,,tiize sipnels ,lay be increased a-iid also decreased. v. It is Drobable that them- is a range of signals ediich ca.,i@.2ot be unierstood by either, but which may, non--theless, evoke an -tppropriate resl)onse in the listener-. D. Our studies rio,..i turned to atteiir.,ts to establish Ya@ting cha-tiges in the pa@tie2iit's belvivior, usirz vex-bt!,l signals of a iredeterriit,.cd nature ind of our own devising. Aftei- con,,iidf-,rable cxpei,ilieritation, Ae have developed a y)rocedure-,.,hii,ch in the nost succe-3sftil case h-is n -.roduced b(,havior,@l clian-03 1,13tirlg Up to twt.) itionl%,Iis. The procerliare requires: i, The breakin- doha of ongoing 0patterri3 of the patient's behav-ioi, by of partictil.@rly inten electroshocks (depattei,iiiiig). II* The Intensive repetition (16 hours a day for 6 or 7 days) of '@,h(- prc-a-i@ratiged verbal signal. iii. During this ueriod of Intensive rePetitiOn the patient is kept in partial sensory isolat2ion. iv. Revi-ession of the dr-ivirw, peri,od is carried out by putti%- the patient after th6 conclusion of I the period, inlo contiiiuou,3 sleep for 't-10 days. 2 I y, in assbeiation %,Itl- li@;ve -Ollg"fit w t)r-lng ar)o7u-t rol.-i by tw-rp ti i-,j-on-of appropriat'c verot:L x@sed the snyji,4 technique as is outlined above for the production of behavioral clianue. We-have been sw ce8sful in achieving cl)an@-e in phy5iolo@,,,ical function with 2 respect to: (a) the balance of fle%or and extensor jqiiscles iii the am; (b) the reliLtio!i,,@hii"f the blood F-cosatu,-e levels in the right and left arms. 2 P2e-S@:kfic. Proposals We now propose to cay,ry on further studies tapon the effects of -nr,@determitied sigi@ilr, upon: (a) pliysio- logical fur@ctions; (b) patterns of behavior. To fxwther 2 this,-we have two i-aajor, i.-rotediate objectives: I. To improve the technique of heteropsychic driving (t)ie rel)etitioii of ,,,redeteraiiricd verbal-sioials---- of our- axn devising). 2 ii. To investigate the r-ange of physiological functions i-Ai-ich can be changed by these 1-)rocedi-ires.' First, -Opject-,xvc- : Aiuoi-ig the stuclies which we propose to carry ait in pvrsuit of ow first objective ciz,e:- (a) Can iie find chemical aeents wiiieh iqill serve to breer do@in the onroing patterns of behavioi-: more rapidly raore trati7sitorily with less d@wage to the perceptive and cogni-ive ca@)Pcities of thd indi.v4@du@il tii@in the present, physiological agents. (b) Can we itaprove our methods of signal I)r-odiietion., possibly by using a niultiplicity of urpon the voices, with the :,,arpose of capitalizin&@ 2 force of group decisi-on and siigfestion. (c) Can we develop better methods of inactivating the patient duri.n,, the period of driving (exposil)re to reTetitio,,i) and ,it the sara, time main@ai2ii hi.,.Yi a t a hij@her level of activity, by physiological and chemical a.lents, than by t!ie present physical effects. Among the cliei'aical agents-i-eiich vie-p.-opose to explore ca-)acity to produce inactivaltion with re,%pect to t,heii e folloviirig used eitlier-si,ngly or in are th corjbination):- Ai,tane 2 tnectine- Bulbocapnine- Curare We 1)ropo3e-to-use L,,@'.D 25'and other similar agents as 'A means of breaking down the on.7oing pattern3 2 of. behavior. Second Ob-iective: Among the other physiolo@- ical fixtctioiis wliic e-,A to exolore with regard to their aweiiability t,) cll,,tnfre in -corisequen,ce of the reretition-of verbal sigials are: paltiar skin conluctance skin temperature Yiealing of v@oud2ds Procedure to be followed: The initial procedure t,iiicl) ve propose to employ is that already o,,ttline-d urdoi, section D. From the context,-however, it will be clear that we hope to be 2 able to riodify and improve the -@)roc6.lw-e as we proceed. 'rho patients selected are almost entirely those suffering fm-ii extremely loft&-term and intractable psyclioneuvotic conditions. Iri the case of results of physiol2ogical driving, the valirlity of the findings can be assessed by statistical analy3is. Repeated estimations of the particiil.ar physiologic,-J. ftin(.tion are nade prior to driving atid a@, vai,iou,3 periods subsequent to driving (oxposure to rerotition). In the case of the studies u,.)on th#-- effects upo.,i behavior of expoz;ure to.re,)eti.Lioii of verbal sif,,na@lap -6- the p,-itients are studied exhau3t.ively in psycho- therapeutic it-iterviews an,! by psycliolo,.j.cal to-St procedures prior to exoosure to repetitic.,n, and 2 by the swtie raeans at v,-Yioua iritervals subsequerit to e)ctiosure. In aqoition, follow-up studies are carried on tl,,rotoi.,.our Social Service section subsequant to the di--ctiarf_2,e of the patient. In the case of pliysiolo,-,ic,-Al stud-ies, results can be based on rela@,ively stnall gr@oup3 of from four to six cases in each catego.,-y, where the results are 2 as consistent as tho--e which we obtained with riiii3cle potentials. In regard to shifts in behavioral pattern, considerably I.arger niliiibers ai,a requi,red--up W @l;wenty pitients. 2 The othe-,- -Aspects of our procediwas h,-Ave already been i.ndiQ--ted uiidoi, t:qe heading of "Speetfic Proposalf;." Full time research Dsychiitri,,i,@ ...... to $7pOOOo 2 ParL tirie clectro,,iidt technician ........... 2,500. Assistance xith mea.stzi,einent of records and corput-ptiolis ........................ .2#000. coyisultd@.nts 2 .................................... 11000, Travel ..................................... 00. 2 - Concert, I-laster continuous tape players..--1,810. 2 - Messaoc-ropeatitip, -aecitanisias .... . . . . . . .320. 2 2 - Rotary switch he-chaiiisms .............. 0.0 .400. 32 - Speak(.,.- ....................... 320. llisce3,laneous naterials & supplies (recordinz paper, electronics supplies, pha,ri2n;i- coutica@13) ..... 0................... $16,600. PI"4@ 15% M-th6@6d 2, 2 490t,_ $1,9,01)0. Ile are re questing-t@he foi-eeol.ng budget for a period of two -years, with t;he ,iriticipat;ion that at the end of that tin,,e vie stiall have mai-le stif icient he way to draw up further yroposal,s-to open up this field. The names and qualifications of the p@ersonnel workj.ri_v on this project are as follows:- LMZ(osed 3alar,x None Electronics technician (pax,t-ti!ne) $2,500. Full tirto research-psychiatrist(preforabl2y t7,000. a graduated r,-Aembei- o.' our o-rii 4vyear postgradudte traini-n,-, prorra-n) Additioyii-l techni@@il assistance $21000. (to be selected) 5 CoiisultcAnts (to be selected), proposed tot;il honoraria $11000.