kA to 0 0 CA lob CERT FMTIC5 jUs Wta7oortWtbiLt Vs balm the tima aoco=tiftg f(W OL44 to XQMA- &lb-pro" 70* Tbps grar" -7ft4oved -by tba Certi- 2 be ret&ived to tb6m it lw b7ing Offiw:49Q Mu"t- I f&tbor -my lnwloc4p, tb4 fa3di @-advan- rfteiyaa wA-tha@@boat@ct 5 cedfor-such&wrvic*,Bwanw*onW-fort,bapw;gW*tboriz,od-- b7 tba Oda MentiASto TM (When Fill*d la) SUBMITTED BY DATE VOUCHER NO, 3-12 ACCOUNTING BY-INDIVIDUAL 2 TO FOR ADVANCE PERIOD,OF ACCOUNTIW. 14 FROM TO sore: Follow Inatructjop. 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 2 EXPENSES THIS PEROOOI 5 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGI"MI"G OF PERIOD VIIIJ DATE 2 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD' So* Cartf flaot,!Eao 2 It _km= RECEIPT I*UMBER DATE DESCRIPTION 0-=85 0=0 3hv. 2 TOTAL EXPENSES 6. REFUMOCO OE@Ewoym @ I ICA a is I ICNCCO maniv ORDER 2 .?. OutSTANDIP* @ALOVANCIES END 00 PERIOD (Attach tioting) B. Asti@ ON 04 END OF PERIOD 001 BALANCE@CUE ADVANCEE 2 TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR 1; TOT ACCMWE@ FOR 1 77 S I CERTIFY FUNDS@ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED iasi the expe@,djturom IJ*Cod hereon and Oa G.REF. 00. C ARGE FAN ACCOUNT NO. DATE SIGNA I oviih FO n any attachment 11 to inclu,rod lor ofli,4iai put- 2 *a @1.4 conf4d::tial asturs. that payment or I 11 1@@ I @ i @ f4 t 'thorefor hoo not 2 bo*A iec*Jv*d, and thm4 &4 t,ue and coorr-pot. DATE SIGMA U@E OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER 2 CERTIIFIED iOR P@VMEf4T OR icRE "St AT$JRE Of PikyeE DATE IGNA@U.E@OF ;EATI,fvt F ici.ft 2 SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSO E USE OF OFFICE OF F I NAf4CE! OESCO I PT lOtA- ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 34-39 . 40- 42-47 46. so 51-54 67-70 71-90 28-311 2 a IcoLoll)mfvr4 I OBJECT OBLIG. 40 CA COST FAN AMOUNT 2 CLASS T/A NO. E: REF.@no. PAY OR GENERALI ACCOUNT SYMBOL DESCRIFY'ON C ........... PER.c 2 1*. ADVANCE so-Go :48-70 $"IP.Doc.mo. occ.livy. p 0 0 ACCI! NO ADVANCE ACCOU,4'Y$ t3-27 C o Accl. me. LOO.S ............... , CODEv Dco$T CRCOIT 2 cup. 000, K @icr.00. @ATE ya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6DAYE PREPARED BY DATI: !EVIE@ED BY TO@AL Fok,lk SUBMITTED SY DATE - VOUCHER NO. 1-12 ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL alh!@Zrv%-3cct TO I 2 PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FOR ADVANCE NOTE.- Follow J'notructiono an movormo FROM To so 1!?6X 1. CASW ON MA No BEGINNING or2 PERIOD S. EXPENSES THIS PER000t VOUCHER 2. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES GEGINNING OF PERIOD DATE 2 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3. RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD$ See Attwl)od fl #-ntlccL- I A22.00 #Ice PIUMSEP OATE, 2 DESCRIPTION 711 0= MTV. TOTAL EXPENSES 2 6, REFUNDED "CREWOTH CAOOO CNZCK moogv 00090 7. Osi@STANDINc- ADVANCES END OF PERO** (Attach lAstAng) 2 0. CA$" @@lob END or PERIOD OR BALANCE DUE ADVANCEE TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR T I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE 2 AVAILABLE APPROVED IT C.@,t Y, th.@ t@h. ..F od@@urom linted hereon &no ODLIO.*EF. 000. C"AMOC FAN @ke V DATE IlAr O@ APPROVING 2 iny@-fteAchoo@to were Jn:urrod for offacial pur. :.ON iA @ confad.nt@al Ature that PAY 2 ri on r:coivod. land thma dit ther for @hm .at 2 h:. &Ccoupling is true ain@ "re et. 0ATE $16HATU C @%uy"ootl ING *IV F $C OF." CERTIFOEI AEIYT- OR--CRED IT2 so NATURE OF PAYEE ATE SIGNATURE or CEPTIFYI -! OFFO SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF OFFI DIESCRIPTIO -Ai.L OTHER AC2COUNTS 1$-33 34.39 42.A7 AG- 50 $1.54 $5.461 l@ 40- 67-70 2 4 1 AMOUNT 20-33 STATION 0 COST OOJCCT .Y 2 CO 4" ACCOUNT SYMBOI@ CLASS GENERAL x OESCR PT p C .......... PER C LEOGIE$T 9 ol I F. 0 a C. 0 0. 0 Aby!"C: S ACCT NO., C0 A eV " I LIO ADVANCE ACIIOUNTS 3- 2'7 ........... 2 .......... Acooe T uc T CRE E *Eel OIT 2 loop, me. x DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 2 T-F DATE REPARED MY 7TE REVIEWED By TOTALS OLIVE POCVIOUS 2872 Os* 4.45 wpm-- i,4pw-- fli ob 4-1 2 OF oog4 dO'% #-% Oi 3 r4 ow 00 e4 A$l -7a 7 isoomlyTED By t VOUCHER No. (Finance Use only) 2 M= Sub 70 ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL FOR ADVANCE PE@!ODIOF ACCOUNTING It FROM NOTEs Follow Instructions on Reverse 3. Oatober 2%0 2 ,vw"r 1961 @RECE$PTS DISBURSEMENTS 1. CASH ON HAND AEGINNI"G OF PEROOD 3. FJU2MAFCI DATE OESC*lpTlON AMOUNT S 2. RE DESCRIPTION %a. ly I -E --- 2 )Iov 50 4 C@rU-f le-eltion TOTAL cKPENSES 2 4. REFUND 0 "CREWITH I ICASH @c mccx "I S. CASH ON 0 No EM6 p ROOD TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR s3O. 2 50 i TO@AL @6UNTED FORI S 3003W.50 I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILAOLT @A@PROVED 'r ii @h@t I the expediters* listed hereon ohd OOLIGATION;REFIEFIEN E OVO. ICHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. DATE Stcml@ OF APPROVI t a Monte War* I i@nearred for official par- I A ofiden@t@ial nature, fhdot payment or gii I @er t r has O' red. and t t Su GbTTL@ffa 2 =5--2009-:L%2 AC @unti g is DAY7 S I GNATURE OF AUTHOR I z I No OFF C ERT I F I ED FOR PAYMENT OR@CR@ IDOT IGNATURE OF@IPA EE 2 IIAYF SkCNATUItE 0 IG OFFICER 14 SFACF@ PELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISIONI PARED OY lev I EWE Y@ voo HER 0. 7-12 I DESCRIPTION ALL oTnFe Accnum S 13.33 1 34, 30 . @..A i 43 46 52 54.57 A T 2 26.3-@ 5 IF AT 10 F ?BL IG i3 LOT OR Cos DUE AMOUNT ACCOUNTS 03. 27 ... 11A _! EXPEN v R@F "6. GENERAL ACCir. NO. 2 DATE , . . .50DE E ... .... ...... CA LEDGER 62.67 OESCRIPTION ADVANCE I.*. .0. p - @ 1.?, ,co, No , ,,. c 2, CM. No. oojlget ...... . I S Di 'FilikCCT. No. A P*Oigcy co, -S m 3I I I I I I v 6 0 1 1 TOTALS I FORM 6.61 282 use Paivious Knoio*NS. 7,1 RF,SEARCH October 1,-1960-To-November 30, 1961 Grant Income 4 30,390 50 Costs - October 1. 1960 To November 30.-1961 Salaries 2 1,580 Payroll Taxt47ad@LIntutAhce 61.77-@@ Laboratory Supplies and!Xoeh@@--- 40S.477 2,050.59@@ Allocation ofIG7and A 467@775 2,518 --34 7-8--7-2-.,-I- 6@@-- Transfer of Costs-ffWPtdjt@("io W il?6 -2 .16- 3 at,3;, (When Filied Yn CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS,POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER NO. 7-42 DATE 2.4 VOUC"ER MO, 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL or"ER ACCOU2NTS 131-33 34-39 43 45-4@ 47 Zj 56-67 60-70 71-00 ob@'S STATION 40-42 6 53 54-S7 ALLOT. OR COST Due 2 AMOUNT r PAY REF. NO. GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE 33 CODE EGPF.ND U DESCRIPTION. CODE n PER . ......... CA LEDGER 2.67 ADVANCE 2ACCOUNTS 13.27 N Leo. Ck. NO. ........ 0 coo VA ACCT NO. ......... CLASI C P 9 0 1 T -vv i s E 2 mt.. 7-r-&4, 33;01-pl 812, 7/1 -klj"- I, r"o 9 VAO voo, 7 EXPLANATION OF ENTRY 2 0 ALS PREPARED DATE REVIEWIED V CERTIFIED FOR PAYM OR CREDIT t DATE S I GNATFJRE, -7/) O. FORM (10-49) 10-59 606ust. O-mevicut EDIYIO#as@. i TsD/B@dpt officer NKULTM, Sub@at No, 70 lhvoice- No.-A" Auotwnt 1123-loo9.l9c2 I it*. 4 in the wsmmt of $33 Oe8.12 -eo"ring tb2* xboye subproject is attaened govmr du# - to refund$ Of $ljh22.00 r nt-s) paynout ob*u3A be mde as fouqot C."Uir!"b"k a ammmt of -- 30,390&50 draim -aiw paylble Cashiers obee-k In tba amokmt of ftavn m 2 Pleme f orm-.rd the eb@-. cks to CU@;f TSD/M se&rcb Bro@ehi +lu%Aa& TS-DIBW&Iet office2r, no lat-.r th,-.u 2WtOAyi@@ 17 loyvabar 19@@ 3*-- This Is a final-inyoice-0 -lowferp anticipooCI;W7additidt*l-fCmda-vill be (>bltaat4d@-@@is 2 aosed. Cb-ief TgD/Research Branch Attacbmata i Distri'bution: Orig 2 Addnssae 1 TSD/FASS- 9 C; (3) It is hereby certified that the I?rogrom. under ou'b@ject 72_ b" Uert satififa-etorily amplated and returned uwned tuads, Hoir------ ever, SubXoje-at 70 -vhich- I-$ still continuing &Uo refutAe(I money vbicb was-left-over at-cutout from graate The"--fo'ret it is requested -tbavthe amomts as shown belov cu lavoice No. of Subpmjact 70 bt-7@W -Wthe subprojects as shova below*- MO7R kuotment::::@@ #T2------ 4n2.00 2763- 7-2502WID.-@@ 450@@571 -.-054--loo9-49w- Date: &se lot .8? 00 4* P 0 (3) It is horebY7-06-r+-ifie4'tbat the prversa unur-subproject 72 b" b@-.en satis-taotorily compUte&-wA raturwd.urused twA#. - -Bo"- avers, Subpmjeat 70,, &Jcb is atiU-6batibii@@LUO retvnded@t=ey vhich vu -left -oft" cutout from pftvvims- -Sr"%, lihoreforep it is requested -tbat -tho agxxmto an shcrm belov on invoice NO. Of oubp"jeat 7o-t4-@ted 0to the MAWOJ"to " abovn, below.-- Z168 450-00@,- 571 fTo 0525Tloo9-1 Date: TO'S TSS/00 1. Dtte of 2. of roject. To conduct research to-defide mechanisms involved in_production 2 of.idvoldbt4@y sleep, and- related unconscioul states 36--Pr to Data: Sitibfaetpr 31 S tar: 1 R-66M 119- by au'thor fallow c 1977 CL BY -i p #4 14 October 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR@@THE-RECORD- -A@-Sub@ojeCt No. I MKULTR SUB2JECT 70 1. The purpoo@"f-thi"t@p-fbject is to provide funds for continuatioa of@@$Aarch on the "K" (unconsciousnes --pX@oucing) problem. 2. There exists within the Agency a coutititting requ2ire@i meat for highILpote4t@ acting substances that will-itade-r an individual-hel 14@-ti and immobile, prefera'bly in an unconscious - state. -It-io-anticipated thi@this program will rovid6@fundii-nental informatioa needed for- solu-t!6"-t-4i-s- p-roblem.- Th*7ttop@"f thi.9 resear-e-h program-is intended to cover investigations on mechaiiisms in-which certain drugs indutt-tdeathesia or narcosis elucidate the basic mechanisms of action iavolved and evaluate-mater-ial 'which have val ---beca2use ue -.*f their potency, phy- sical ch.aracteriatics,@-and biold-eical activity. 3, - While informatioji-tnd -materials available to date-are inadequate to satisfy Ag!@@@uirements, there are model c@om- pounds which,--becaus5"f their pq@@y, biological activity, or 'to -athorit- by a r o': A d,ite: Juno 1977 t2 CL BY ,T 0 P 8 E C bY 9e7 @7 CL B chemical characteristics, permit a prediction that an adequate research p_rogram-stands_ a good chatice of developing an under- standing of the mechanisms and-ihould result in the developrnetxt of a material suitable for o eratioaal use, 2 4. The will serv as cut out and -cover for this@tubj@ojtt!,L The necessary research and development wilubi conducted tti@h who vo wUl submit to th a sum - w"lw mary accounting of fti4&i-@iV"-frorn the foundation ar-d -will re- 2 turn any unused funds r--emain-i-n-g- at the- --c--oncltisioa@:of the program. The estimated cost of one -year-is-$31-,-812, 50. To this' sum- must be adde-d:-a--fo-ur-p@@T cent 4-i@rvice-charge-f4f-t c 2 Mianoamounting-to 1,.272.48---ki----- the total7td-iit7bf this--program $33, 084-898-0- 5;@@@TdW cost-of-the project fo--r--oa-e year will not exceed $33, 084.98. -Charg@@"hould-b@@-i@dade against All4tiii@Noo- 1525. 1009-1902. 68 It is not anticipated that any permanent equipment will be required for-this program. 7@@D,acumentation and accounting for travel-expenses which are reimbursabl@@-by- wiU. conform-to the ac- !IT @4L '0@ b7 1 f: @it 1977 E C BY t4 'WI P:--s 166 mi T 1-3 7 Z. CL B cepted practices of that organization. S. The t6qdirement for a semi-aanual informal accounting r on the part of the investigator is'.,waived'. 2 9, All-Wsonnel connected with the planning and monitoring of results of this program possess TOP SECRET approval. Tk* ject is unclassified after it leaves ths e TSDIR@@ch Branch A.PPROVED OR OBLIGATION---- OF FUNDSi.--,- Date: Resea" ector Attachment,, Proposed Budget Distribution,@ Original only Do ide o: 'TI bi -A 0 o 1977 IT CL BY r7 it is propos@@(1:-to- inue asic research-oh-sleep@@@ and unconsciousness-along-the-libit4 laid dcvn-by@@@@onsor. and his@technica'L-consult--- exer*. bisA4st-ef 8 co2oductiii@@@oh-to-dejqne the-- mechanisms unlerlying involtlntary- sleep and to differentiatp---the-mechani@im.4-i&v--olved iii-tbe-produotion-of form otAii@ttiovsness-fr-om--ottibi@-statt@ @@@onscioiisnesa-Lor.@@@ re'. ited poo-r;-etate of knowledp:e in this area--of work and furthi@ft6te--' bO@ta-use- of -the pecu iar-- requirem,-,nts-of-thC Sponsor as disl.,inguished-fr-en-th67U4ual medical--- reql.iitdt*as,, it it-@erstood that tre rajor framework ol.' the-research design for thi;s-wor& -will 'o@@4 by t@e -Sponsor, Rdp e ren ere n progre 3 of such- stiAt@iies--t@hd 9 lnvestigatiohs as sigwicint--a ces are accomplished, WP .@;ED ESTINIATED@@ BUDGET SALARIES:. Bio-Chomist $101000.00-- Pharmacolo ist'- 7;3@WOO--- Aair:nal@Ct"Uk@@@@@@"00. 01 OASI 2State-Unem@@ ent Inge@@ 1,850, oo---. Supplies and Ek@endabli--Mit@iia-ti7-----77-1@MOO Animals and zt 000. 00 Reproducticia-service3-- --6006- 00 Tr7avel soo.-OOL:@:=-- Overhead (25lo-of'total 6,362.50 TOTAL---- $31,812. 50 -7 Efflects Of Se@@@@s Grant for Neurophy@iological FJA@hdal-StAt7e-ni6nt --- - 1958 to July 1, 1959 Fund2s received- 25,422.00-- Fxpenditures Equi@,ment 1,0.48.61 Overhead-- 25,527.41---- Total expent4dtures 4 Mance July 1, 1959 Deficit) $-106.41) Accountant July 2, 1959 Grant for: Amount of Grant--- @430j,900 E*penditures@@@---- Salaries and Wages $i2,824.6o Material"&@@%Tti@i@@ 9,212.97@ Travel 2 77@@153092: -26 Sery:1:6" 3) 5.94i sociai-@@ns etas 1-636.42--. 0%,erhe -00--- 7 30.,900@00: 30.z Of Balance - Accountant (When Filled In) No. Cost Account Object Class Date 1 Obligations - -ObUgatio" Vnl-.quidateIloving funds: to cheek No. A80635-Ai@@6--dii Cashier for $30,900.-00- 2 Treasiu-er's Cl*-c'A No. 24M5 clrcwn On OWN plomm-@@@ for 236.00 These funds reVIMoent a co-.qtrtbution for the ure of your dire,*tors In carrying out the Nory vorthwhile rere4ret goals -of --your 7 organizatiodo Yours, truly, Itnel. No. Cost Account Object Class Obligations Obligations Unliquidated Date Remarks and References 4 Incurred Liquidated Balance S E.- .0 ---------- Uvb4oltANoum roR- CRIVIP@-FINANCE DIVISION@--- YLA -S#4r*ject 70- Invoice #3 SuBircT UMULTRA@ ..'AUotment OSZS-ICQ9-490,2 1,, layotee #3 covorl6@ka above subproject Is attached. 00, drawn 4@n C"h 36 00 2 drawn on 4000 MoP- Pl*ase f@i@@he chocks7-WChiet, TSS/Chomical Divistbo,.through TSSIDa4i*"fti@@@ll --64;1*,ter than Wcdl%2dsaay. 7 ocwb*r 19590 iti"LCO* HOW*VQT_Gla,:* it IS aaticipated that olddluonal tunds will b4-,6b'Ukatad-for this-project, the fil4s--- sh*wd:d" b* el24t". *A TS,$/'Clie=ic -C*Wfi cat 100 -f@ 14voice-k --i Distribution,. Orls- 6 -N EC I SF (When Filled Zn) CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER VOUCHER me. 7-12 DATC 2. VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTIS is-332 49-44 '7-SZ 56-67 68-70 71-60 STATOON 40-Ag ALLOT. OR COST DUE ODE r P Ay aOOLOO. i3i Si-571 2 AMOUNT 1 33 c CF. NO. GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE @o; .. MD v DESCRIPTtOt4- CODE ......... 2 CA' LEDGER $2.67 01. 0. too. L O. "O. D 'DOE ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 c 11 ACCI2. NO. ocest cocot'r 0 CLASS otoicet n ;01 2 7.7 EXPLAWATION OF ENTRY TOTALS DATE PRIEPARED by 2 DATE REVIEWED ay C RTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE liow@TQRE OF cc To YI"4 woman FORM 9 "0( 410-49) so 606 u-t o@.,W,.ouo eolyg*144,. rot Services CICRTLIrICATI04NS@. *ice-# 3 -ipply@@g t* It -i's -hereby certjfled-th&t thi's I's. Inv ral Sdbproject 70 of MXU2LTRA, that7OtfOr nc* that services are b-*iug accoropu#hed In th tnutual agreements. that -i&-dttailed7tie@a of thA payrnent-I and r@ecelpto is illgd-in TSs/CD2 that this bill is@just aud-COV 44 that p;@@ me t thereof k" d6c t i=vl a i;n -Data: bproject (2)@'It-IChereby-tortifled that-this Ic2ivolce,appq"jo@@ 70-- -was dal@ ----rod &ad that-tho project is oader@IAKULTRA which y approv du= d ted-@, bsitig carried in accord@@ith the memorao a 213 April 1953-fr m the DCI ki@Da/A, and-thoL4*t"sioa of this -iair -Oran authority I- stibsequttta dt@-- Raiii@ich Director Date-. 1 It--A by, a iflor f o@ e 1977 E2 iUPD;@-;T,@cT, By@aft@N@ R A-F T- 18 September 1959 MEMORANDUM FOR-@7THE-RECORD-------- SUBJ:TC2T MKULTRAP-Subj@oject-70-;@@ e purpose o- ubpro.iect is to 1. Th f h rovide (4ai7foi a continuation-of rests-"h on the "KII (kn-o-ck@@ut) problem. 2. @T h e-r-.e exii 2 cy a continuing requirement for 9 @_q highly potent, quick-actiii@stances that will tead-e-r-an individual--- helpl,ess-and irnmobil@@@@erabl-ib@@@onscious-state.'--It-i y 2 anticipatedA4itAhi*;Wt@@@ provide (tindamental-inforniation needed for solutiorof-thi$ pt@6MiM. LThe *-@oi@_pf _this research progr.am is-intende-dAd:e6V6f:idVestii*tioWoa the manner in which::@@--- 2 cartain-drug*j44@@e-aneethe4la or narcosis-. . elucidate the hiechanism of actlohtof such compound -*---and uncover and evaluate materials- which have b-ediif" of their otency p ical characteristics, and biolb-g i6f tion and inateri Is avail ble to-date-ar-e-- 3@@While orma a a inade'quate-to there-are-model compounds which,-because-of their biolo,,-,ical-iictivity, or chemical 2 characteristics,, permit a prediction that an adequate research program staadb a-good chance of developing a material suitable-fdY-@dperational '4 saw. t:4 %o 0 use, .4 0 41 4. The will se7rve as by au c ?7t) CL cut out and cover for this-subproject. The arch and devel inent will be conduct w 0 Will sub- &soft OP m 2 a surnmar count- -from the fo dation and will return-any unused ing of funds received un funds remaining -it-the- conct4i'@@ the i@ogram.- T cost of the work 2 900. OO.- To thii sum -four er cent service charge f6t@the w must be added a amountidg to $1, 236. 00 making the total cost of tbts program $32,136. 00. 5@-Total-co-st-@6fAhe-RrAect forone year will-aot exceed-- $3Z, 136. 00. Charges should be made against Allotrnent No. 05Z 1009-490 It is-not antic!PAI@@d that any permanent equi ment will be required-for this pro ram. 7.@'@--Docamentatida and i,@iedunting f6i@travel exr@k"es wh c are reimbursabl@@by W%-V'-@ii-i-c,-o,nform to the-accepted practices-of-that-organizattion, 8. -9The requirement for a semi@;-@l informal ac@ounting,-on the part cf-the-princit4tiavestigator-is waived. ilk d to by aat, :.it f data@ U.13 77 ---"V BYIIWMM of: .3- 1977 ET; CL BY 19. All perso-nual-c-onut-ct4kd-with.the@ planning and raonitoring of results of this pTpgram--- -T P-SECRET@"0:@@kl- The 2 _possess 0 project to unclassified after it leaves the TSS/Che mical Di v 1 s i APPROVEDFOR-OBLIGATION----- OF FUNDS@@---- APPROVED-.----- -1-(-eiiarch birector-@@- Chi2ef c Di-I - !on TSS/Chemi al v 3 Date: Attachment:--- Pro sed Budget pio Distribution:-- Original oul@ 6to., b-I y of T; CL 4y avow PROPOS-fY!6-IUI>GET- Salaries---- $22-500 oo_____,-, Overhead-(201*-Of Salaries) 4, 500,00 Supplies and-rnateriais Z, 4004-1-00 7 11000. 00 --oo Travel 5000 $30,900900 POO -IS S*ptmb* r 19S9 UEUORAMDUM S-ORI COMPTROL"R--@ AMC,* DiViflOO 3ttbj c &i@KU LTR& 2 IA the U APXU lfs3 -ttoi* tike DCL to tile DD/At "*a -S4bprolott 70@ bA& eves-&Iilmx!ULTRA7pf*IJ"t-- 2 so s. T ki a to- c""@tht *,Abprojoet 4sp4ii 014a@@a of-funds sh(mld Wthar ed-t"llouueat TSS/Ck* n ED FOR: 0 TTO1N or FUNDS R.* ]Dates I - TSSIOC---7- I .,!@(SSIFASB 12@@ SS/CD TSSICD/'IAL..C.- (Issept,59) F OFFICE OF CONTROLLER t-o- June- 30,-1958. -39 Funds receined $15, 0-00 2 7@xpenditi.,res:@@ salAti4s $lo, 164 - 5 4 Animal;@Houses 2- 73L-- 19 r,67-88 85.200- 0!6fhearl 1.890.00 Total Expenditures------ 15 Balance Jqh4AQ(;11958-(Veficit) (L 48.61) 2 -C6nt-rblle June 23, 195 Assistant niired-a-nd APP@-r6V,-d the s u' b m Id -e @@Ta n d AS 2 C"Iief Di -vision Date: I /jj -MEMORANDUM-FOR THE RECORD SUBJIPCTI- TRA #70 for Authorization of Change, -MKUL 1. @"thoriza'tion to use outside labor acilitv requested by letter 9 Jdhe .1958-froi received-11-June 1958 6 2. Vi@ibal authorizatioa-granted (by teltphoae)_12__Jtiii@19-58. W A Ry i<@ 0 E sot) A VOLVEOL June 9,1958 s- moving iu view f r NIAIMWJ t in tii& his-i 0= of t4e coming yeu, and -the resv'Atant liniltagm of 2 it is7"quested- - N - you to the Foundation t6 have the second year of that authorization-be eve.@ res etivities on W i@epUced--m an outside-la!Ziit6i7i-faci--- --Hty. 2 A letter-fr equesting the change is attached beitWf6r your 'O perusal. There-&r4 _no is on the part of the Fou-Ti#tioa to the chanp Kincny notify@ us at your earliest convenlenceIof your-decision.---------- ;0s i- -n-c- -e r- now retary - Tr-ea rer cwl I so LVED -79 ---The Record M EMOR ANDUM FOR -----Autti@@ion for-Facility Ch-ahte MKULTR-"7a77:7 SUBJECT -1. 2By lettii--dated 5 June-1958-from reauest was made for permissio6 to use outside-facilitieo-,- to continue second year-oUies-ea-r--ch. 2. i Verb@-al-authorizati6d@-for-requested--change la facil I t"as granted 9 June7 1958. Ni Soij m E 'QVOLVED e-7A r-t- NOW ji@n,6 5#l9s8 2 AWAK De-ar Sirs As you ]mow, i moving, from iii the eaxly pql7@ of the comln On a pb-a-siag out schedule,------- y@ many- of the Departments, including Ne ce v-aoving Qf facilities and personnel starting j y 1959,-YdTt@ imgine the--cliaos ,and turmoil already in pr se, any productive work would not be forthcoming for the-next two, if not three 3@-e-a.rs. SincethecompIC3@tionofthe-neNuiii6dical:@@is-bebi2nd:tthedale--it---------- J. would be difficult to predict when a ate spacd-@ bd-available different departments. It has-AI±4idk been determined that doubliii@@--- research and cunic-space will- ord&"-@h@@ As an interti@ procedure many of the ie.Oitdh-tections have looked. to the use of outside labo fill the gao@@WwiU @@@ at school The University recognizes-the urgent need-and necessity pf outside facilities----- and2 wiU authorize the use of 4iftie. Ia order-to conduct aiy*tlvitles and orderly fashion, I would like permis-sion-to place my secondydg" Y6$f@ in-an outside lab- oratory facility namely, s, i-m- 0 Ili 1 43 2 PrelbAnary-&scusslonsi;rith the--rjeaa-of the-M-e,d,l-c.,-d-,§Cb-6bl@@W-n-o- on bis part to the use of the If the relocation of the i"tmteh project is accecptable, -please-notify - - - - me at the earliest opport4unity. r support lii@b66h@@atly- appreciated. Yours tmi y AssociateClinicalProfe@s-s-br----------------- 7 29 WY 19@8 Oentlemn I We an pu&sed to "co al4-to@-@@t7t*-Icu tboo fo.Ud@r@ fun& I .!00 3 M*Oii@ftAi remserit a contribution for the uae of yNr direitore-in e&rrying out the ve vorthvbile risearch goa4 of your ZWJ, 13 )CRY IVA TrA &Aoro.4*t 70# lr4f-acs #2 -2- bad* lavelc* No. oworIM the &bow subpm-,2@wt Ls attae of $40,122*001 @to Nkomo -2k -able to ttrojah 2M/Dodaot OMetri, no lat4kr than WodL2aoa&w 3. thia tmoioo tb* total ILMMLit is" %UAW Is not bo Gland'* Att tat PVA rnyot*e ard CortiftftU@ 1 --Mika Ustributims Orig & 2 M Add""eo o F 2 ZS/CD cm J2 ap*yina to &*Woj*ot (1) it is bo*by c@rutied-that this at loonmtki:i@ "+.WY, that -"rvio" on bei" scoompug" VI witual agmomta that a 40 &@ends of fus that this-biu is jut ud ow.-"t va that mmat tbamof b" not- ML&* Date$ (2) 1-t Is bmby eortified-tb&t at monm Liti@ AM that the is be#g@@ied out in "CArdeaft withL*bW:W6ftWzW4&t*d-l3 A@4"53-froa tba Dn- to the tO/A extonsica of thU buthority@-@@@@@@ 8 Id D*ta I StWROJECT,70 2a .1957 -W trbn=dt@ tO YOU to be abU 2 -,Mull oil 5313 drmm wag--, or on for the use-of Your Tba" fun" remeant a contrlbuti out the verv vortbvbilt T*044"t@@9C*18 Of your t-ig@& 2 - TSS/CD TSSICDIWINW (4 June 1957) MEMORANDlUU-FORt7TtM COii0iitOLLe-H ATTENTIONI Tt uL--rHAsubotoj*4 SUBJEC 't 70 od iii tk* Uworandum daW 2 -the DO/A, and- tb. extumign of this 13 April losi@h@ttio to- da', SW)f""t 10-h" -b &P ------ "ect-UKULTItA fun" -*d and-449 pt*v -ha" bt" obligat#d to *over prolt -an4 obovatd tho sttb 4itt," -txp*ims" -AllaaW 7.2502-10-001 beebulgod 2to SIDNEY G(YrrLms cm too APPROV'EO BLIGAT wx 'OF FILINDSi::@@ 2-@ Add"st" I TSSIOC 1 I -@@TSS/SRB TSS/CD-. (I itay 1957) lq-Trjlicl, 00, JUL 9 57 "Do 64 to -7d- 5 by ttsr of UNWW d a 1977 T; CL BY r i CORID MEMORANDUM FORi.-- THE -@RE SUBJECT:-- 2 MKULTRA Subprojec.t 70 1. The pur ose of Subproject 70 is to initiate research work on'the "K" (Knockout) Problem at the The-@@dopd of the re -outlined in the 2 search program Is attached research o2fop_osal.__ _Th@@ists"within the-Agency_@_con- tinuing requif4itf4@nt from the Operating Divisions for a substance or substances-that wilUf@Mer a --individuaVo@rani at m -W l@"@And immobile;@.-.Ither conscious y or unconsciously, until definite control measure&@a@@stitut4d.- It- is envisioned that this program will- supply @oomeo@@swers-@ sorel@@ed. 3.-@i;@(@cted that Will 'mo2nitor and e-@@c-t a direct-and actively in this pro! s-pr-inetpal idv"-ti -gat from the- Nhere a angements have been made@for his appointment as an 2 -View of the ma itude and s-c6p@@@@t- it Is 4w- Iii felt that-a-Awo.R r period Is required fde-eealization of some- answers to this intricate and-tobiA@k@blem. Therefore, a two-y@ear re- search pro osal Is attached.- - The cost 2 -of -this-Po ram ts-estimated. at $21, 840-00 fdi@-the fir-s-Vye@ar.-@$25, 422-6-00 f6i!@tb -second year,- for a total of -$47.1-262,-Oq@-T6-this sum must, be added- 890.48- -tm i - r 2 percen tt"harge to the making the total amognt-for two years $49,1520 486- The FdWidation will functi and-@over Thi on as cutout -f6ii@t-his- erant, e cover title-of t2h4@project I Ammoand is presumably be supp@r@eeby a research grant from the Foundation.' of t"7p@Aect-for a period-of-two years will not exceed-$49,152.48-,- C4*fge-s-th"ld be made against Allo2tme 7-2502.10-001@@- b tl.o: d 1977 2 CL. By 6. The- Foundation has -requested the University to submit a summary-accounting of mo*ies reeeived and to.return any unex- pended grant funds at the end of the poject year. 7. Title to any permanent-equipment purchased by funds 2 -UnIV6t-si ball-be retained bya@em'iii lieu of higher granted the overhead rates.- It-w-a-s-iii@lly a ed that documentation and accounting 86 for travel exp@@-which-tre-reimbursable by the University-shall----2- conform wtthahe -accepted ptactices of that institution. 9.' The requirement for a si@C@hs' tnt6rie4l accounting on the part of the-pril--'-I-i@vestigat6i@-ts--w-aived. 10.. isr cleared through TOP SECIRE s aware 2 of the true purposes of thf@@@@@he has-agreed to comply with the requiriments -of the Memorandum of g"ement, e Bra -Di is iors,- TSS/Chemical v APPROVEU:FO"BLIGATION::::@@pproved:---------- OF FUNDS:@---@ Resea rec T Date: Attached: Research-pro osal- Distribution: Original only te U.'IQ 377 1)@ownp, to bl a y- Of$ -7a i 1977 BLEM THE "K" PR-O 'I BY iollioe're*ex sts-within the Agency a co'ntinuing requirement from the Operating Divisions for a substance or *ubstsinces that will render an indivi2dual or animal helpless and immobile, either consciously@or unconsciously, until definite control measures-can be instituted. The Instances-and -situati66"here s"h-an ad@a-nti-- -@Ea-n-bi utiliiid are ge too numerous to-be mentioned.- --Within TSS/CD this problem has been 2 desigq#ed-the "K nockout) Problem. Ftditi-various sources (scientific literature, TSS/CD proj@@@@. etc.) numerous--b-its of disiointed information-have-been-accumulat@d-iii---- this area-,---Llany provocative suggestions were-raised that warrant furtber Investigation. To dit62-,-thjite -are no active projects@ or tndivi- dual!t speecifi@ally established by-TSS/CD for-the investigation-o-f this pro -thi@@@ji@@dCvas designed for the o@es of bleir. Therefore centralizieke.all efforts in this f teld.- - consolidatin th6@6kisting data, and tnittatijig-active research on some of the7many-exts-ting provocative suggestions,'-- TK6 prdit@@" -b@-@i@iithed wit ill hin the initiall the rie'searc"ctivity will be 2 yo dividedas, foltdwt@--@ --ZtWimental Eval4M!d"f Sedativ -Agents The A. Tick P@"I sis Certain sles of c s De-rmacentor) have been incriminated in a-clinical syndr@@e-co-m--monly7fofe-ee@ to as--"tick-------- paralystei-@@- syndrome occurs in both man and -animals, It- -results from a tick bitC-tM Is characteri2;ed by-ascending -flaccid T,aralysis of the- usculature. R-6@t of the tick is usually folldW@@d.- by complete and-rap@tZt'@@@2aneou--s-r-e-c-o-very. Th-e-e-tiology of tick paraly$i@@@in -obscure. The disease is believed to result from-, the inoculation of some jnid,@dtifted tick-generated, -toxic substance which appears@Ao'be neurotropM,__ -of this As a by@@produ9ct of Pfoj@dt Ntbihi,-a-sizeable amount neurotropic toxic substance is being Isolated.- -Th@-development and tW a sedative agent will be experimental evalqitt6"f is carried -out -within the scope of this "K" -Problem Project-, --- --- -- Do,cn ded by hari 'Voingrade.-I to.-.CCI!Fl by - alitI.,.ort Ct. of Oro" date: Juba 1977 2 V2 1,W D'@-z TC L 1! Y Nar,6otic-Effect c@f F;atty Acids As a result of pr@@@y_ihV#Mtgattons carri-ed out within MKULTRA Subproject 5 V(@"inat2ed 31 May@.. 1957), It was found that --a state of uncon- the parenteral4dmtnistration of fatty acids-ipduced sciousness-in small-ihiitals-whtch when examined by-eletc-itroencephal6- gram tecl,-niques turned out to be similar to ordina2ri@@ep,, The- -the dose of length of Uftosts varied with the fattta-cid administefreds Of extreme Interest is the fact that fatty acids unlike other narcotic agents, are- normal constituents of the diet and body-Ussues Investigation will bd--@led out on: 1. Mecfi.,nit:@f fatty aci2d narcosis,---- 2. Effective modes of administration other than parenter-ali@A@@, respiratory,--- 3.@--- Additional fatty acids ---sh6tt-orlong chain saturated And -unsaturated C"ssiy:o;@New Sedativ@-Agents tt4@tb@@d -$-'--2usually em@loyed-f6"h6-assay@of --sedative drugs- are not spe4cifidAll ir-e-ete-d toward the evaluation-of sedative activity although all methods utit ze one or another of the characteristics of lisleep" as the-criterion'of effect, In the-absence of --dptkarmacological definition of sl"p evaluati2on ofsedative action has-been conducted- at different I-evels-of thi"tates rang@@@ sleep itself to hypnosis., and e'ven-to general-@@tiesia. It is apparentahat the criteria or endpoints-emplOY64 in such evaluations have either overshot the target ofsedatioti-orhavenotbracketeditadequately.---Tht"henlead@rto-A:-- state of2 general766nfusion in the evaluation of-the--newer@-se-dative agents, T6Mtltze effe-c-tively the sedative agents available, both tested and untested, requires the development of a systematic method of testing and systematic method of chif"teriztng the drug,- -both in terms of Ah67@@t atology uc -of descr2ibing -Om prod ed and in terms potency in producing given effects by means of S,%Iandardized and valici statisticatl,?rZcedures. An objective repprt will be designed that will--- -TSS/CD research attemptao-standardize the reporting procedure-for all Dow-gri'Aded to.. C !ir-r- by alltllorit3r r!u:t)TIAL of: d'Ite 1977 CL rllti"@v date'.- J@a--io -1977 3 -r,2 ik-MDET; et, By projects emW -animal exp@@@l proc dures. II. incapacitating Agents As a-result- of animal testing procedures- a number of centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant2s tra-;V6 bewn found. Several are or have-been evaluated clinically in man with-varying results, Occasionall-Y. cli@ical reports appear claiminiz that certain pharma-- cological agents that have minimal muscle retaxant effects in some experiTnental@4nit"l preparations proddce drarhatic-riellet of2 spasticity tri man. Clinical are the tisual criteria-of effectIV6hess. ,Tht" exists within th AL:] t for cli@ical evaluatidhs of PM the oppor uni some centrall a:iting -skeletal -musel e ici7iitg'd' 6-therapeutic---, relief of sp4sticit in man. to L by8iithority of: D -,A MIMOSA a t; 090 BUDGET First year 6 000. 00 Neurophysiologist (M D.) Rtsd-*"h asso2ciate (Ph* D.) 4,,000-4-00 Lab tithnitian 3,,000800 3,-000-00- L&b_"sisttnt and secretary E ip@ment, -apparatus 2 2;5000-00 suppties; expendables 1, 000.00 $1 -oo- 9, 5006 z Univ rsit overhead -(141*)-- 2. 340. e $21, 840.00 See2n2_Zear -.dM N6df6oysiologist (Me D.) 7#000.00- R4@i"rch associate (Ph.D.) 4, 500.00 -300-00----- Lab technician 3# LibL2"sistant-and secretart 00--- 3 2006 *ht,. apparatus, etc . 1, sooi 00 Equi SuppU", expendabl@@"imals 2 i,ooo-oo Animal keepet@-"-- - 'll 800.00 $22,,300-.- 00---- University-o-v-erhead (141%) 3, 122.00--- 7 $25#-422.00 Down a t b hor 0 12 C477 d :u C!j B RUA 0