(Wuh7rilled In) - C(@st Account Object Class Obligatioris Obligations linliquidat4d 6 Licluidated Bala.,ice Date R@@s- and References incurred 101, OCT DivisiOil SUB= K,\ULT?,Ao SubproSee -13 emnt,--d in Vc .0 asted Ur,der the all-th6rx PP)%i Wld t'.V,-- ext@--,Itsion of this. authority in from the DCI@wt@,e 7 56. 00 -let; a been awro 2 -cover-tht to of the over-all Doo,3 -and sbOu-1d b,' el-Art3ca to co-st- center Dietribution,. original Add9rarsee---- CFIPT RE ledged -of the f(ilowine cliecks- Receipt is acknow outit of $2 650._QO, Treasxxrer's Check, in the al-a dranvn olli 8 y@*e -777 -i@61,!pa to ember t 0 Treasarer's CK@tk theyn-ioun' 19 61 Dear Docto amount our 1-nost_ generous grants in the of $2, 650. 00, and wish7tb7o)cpTess-to you my great-appa@"tion. 0 anc:e officer of the 1-have-a d 9,- I'm ib also t"d-- 7n o-w7e-,a With gratitude, and warmest personal regardss Yours very Dr, -tA 5 Octbb@er 1961 NtF,moRANDUM FOR. THF---RECO-R,D iect MYULTRA, Subproject SUBJECT Pro. TK@67f4KPOze Of this subpybject i3 to provide2 funds to c proccedihg"f the -Symposium assist in th n costs of th Z.:T tt&OWVproposal-f rO r 5 an indicates the details of this 2 -TSD/RB in the fiio-ld-of tting,.utipaidi:@unc,6zt@@@@lt@iht of unwi psychochemical@@and,h@@s--I)erf6ffft7d@@@uable services in the past. i amount to $2, 650. 00. 2 Th-e-cost of this subproject wil' To this mxist be add&d@@C-4100 service charge for t will-theref6re not exceed $2,756. Th,a total cost of the c Uld be made against all6ttii@N6@@ ZIZ5-1390- 3902. 1 harges sho s subproject will be 4. The t tinder tbli for the purpose as a gift to the indicated above. No accounting for these fUAdg WiU be required beyond indicating -di that APPROVED FOR 013LIGATION OF FUNDS: r Date: Distributio Origir,.al Only ova* D. 1961 Dear Docto now, o4k:7f6g@h work on the interaction of personality luding LSt@@psilocybine, 2 factors and psychotogenic drugs @,lescaline) is goingial@g-very well, and w6 have a number of paperSonourresultsinpriiitat-the-)@ii@i6iit@ti@@. As-soon-as------,----- reprints are available, you. h x of 2 rk was obtained a@ the -T e c in@a, We hella,' ium Os owed the @sDeciLi LVL p ssed hit2-pap-er-;---p -lip 14,Ww' S=, Is c us spe cif ic f actor s; and- hi t pap b There were te"oung scienti-sts-on the paiiel@@he symp-osiulm-w-a-s nio 2was d that 6C, to-7-0@:peo 16- had st successful, and - so--well-att e to stand. We:wou!4!ike-to publish the proceedings of this sylri-iposiurn in the f --r-n-li-of=w=b@ook, rather -than have it included--i-n th Pro- edings which are accessible to a limited number 7 of p@'o-ple, and-are hard y ever-:re f a' y@ew itten will c6nsist 0 bout pag2e S. rmed T-ne that -@oroduce -2 it Will cost about $2, 00 to O?@ to@3, 000 copies of-the-- book, inc'.u4cling copies whic -Nvill b&--i@@fitLb@itfor review in 2 v national and internati-o--n---al--m--edical journals. mitting this information t.0you in the hope that Ight give us soi-i-te financial assistar)ce. Please ---iii @- kn o eel about my submitting an off1icial request for a grant. &,AAgr- OQ co co 0 0-ft 0 (W FA II e'd CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCHER leouCHER NO. 7-12 2- 6 VOUCH 0. 7. 1 2 2 60. 70 7 1 - 60 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACC OBLI('. 54 0 COST I AMOUNT REF. NO. ACCT. 0. DA 2 0 . . . . . ; COG..,, t AIVY ;r, . DESCRIPTION 13-z7 ACC OBJEC2T DE 9 I 'r CRED 1 R CCT. N ADVANCE ACCOUNTS ...... CLASS p *o jE c -r tA o. -I V EMP. NO. 2 EXPLANA F ENTRY TOTALS i REVIEWED By R FIED FOR PA DATE DATE 0 A Alf0ti E OF C RTIF ING OFFICER FORM 40) 606 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS .. 10-59 it Officer VIA MMTRA --Bubprojeot I"Oice bAmimT 2125@-lYO--39Q2 AllOtWt )(0@@ crine, tte2 t.'bove subPrOJect I. paymat obould be mde-aO@-fOlllv3'- of $2,65O.-OO, dm-,Vn 011--l'- in the soolint Chlef, TS! /Fe I Brarich sear<-, --forvsrded %o 2. Tb4e cbt&t@'6)iOUI&7 be tbro.;Eh lar 2 TW/R"Orch 'Att&cb3w.,ntst Invoice & Certificat-lons Distributiorl:: Orig 2- tAdIre'Bsee CHEC Ti-i EAtylLl"NT C3F 1 [3 L i'@,l T CHEC E A,@i 0-ICE For Services CERTIFICATIONS 3 ts.Lere4br cert3f!,,-d that,' this is MKULTRA,- th.3,t perfurm4mca that tervico2-t are bdng act idl-.Ed in with mutv-a7i agree--- - that a detailed z@gdnda v--f th(-, p-aycier.,t-6 A-r-d raceipts lii c--n fi-le at-thip, bil-A Is just .4,nd-correct-@And tb2O paytncat thri.-,tti in TSD/RB,, th t7t!s rio-t yet bttA-made.. r4.nc It tii berc@by eerttfted that this invoico &'Pplies to silwoj@-%t--@t 2 -whic is beina c@..f UKULTRA h-w,-&s -d-t@ly acpprc,%,,-d.) and t IX.@t ;the p - ciirtied o-ct In 4e,-:ccrd-anve-v-,ith the memor la I 0 f,-@ndvm 3 April 19-53 f ro@cn the DCI to th,- DD/A., of-this alztlliority in a-,abseq,,4"t Di -r-ef.,@ter 'VOR.- Carl?rZROLIAR wf,-Omd@4 d@46ted 13 April 1953 Under t'.ie-wxthOvIt!t@@ the- tnalon f,-Om D(.11 to the B2-D/A.. and@l@ ex of this wubority in oub@@ oequorit --n approvedi WA of tte ov;er-all-P"@ect, fx,.nds ba',re teen oblipat@-@4-t*7zowr-the subprojectle e)Tq"es ac-d -.toa-dd b-. cbarz,,d t,:)-coat conter--l@l-i@lltuili_-il@O.. Cbief poa CBURA 0-7 pin6: Distribution,. original & 2--@@-AddMeee 6 April 1960 Dr. Oa your-request. for alfik@@in.!aid for itudies on "the- interaction. _of er*onalit- fictorgaiidpsychotogeniedrugall 2 y s of has FA" ount a to $4, 000- 00- It is am gr-ant-app- 2 recognixed that @@-studies will require a certain amount of travel,-- therefore, any travel *xpeness Incurred In the, pursuit of thl6l:"y @"-tOiislderid within _ycturaudget and may-pkoperly bg charged'-Winat it, A-che kin the amount of 00. 00-Ma -pa to the tru-steet of -is WFMFWW enclosed herewite-or ia awarai 7 t-it understood th&t ai-,y fu--nds--r-e'm---aining--t-s- -- dat the conclusion of th d Ur RECEIP Receipt is acknowledged-@6f-t ing checks,.---- Tre.asurees@@h Li@-k miakt.-OilA@700O.-Oot drawn on thi 2 d ate f@iint nf t Treas in t drciwn dated 28--Janua-ry 19@", PAYA 4 --- -- --- -- A30 IL ra 9 as Cfi its T4 to C56% ATM pum at 4cA*W4 t," lvq,4 i?" -Rom ralm Jo IL lltq *,tql tv@n -@n=@r -"Tj go sT Jo vim*$ Ml"" la -14vq% lro4u*"-9 *Ale w 40 ftb so M- 4*@at M lw vii- 00 sloi;r7l#%$ -WI Nov, No. Cost Account Object Class Obligations - Obligations Unliquidated Da2te Retfiar'Ks and References Balance @-ineurred Liquidated AN 4 7 1'960 dd ell 7 19 JAN 1960 PAO" l"v4 ol IDVWI Pei Val -owo@mfto t- -toorold" oqt *Avq OV"J -Tug 4PA&Ogaft IC#" 1 eqt "V IV/(a zmwm gt" WA f T 'go. DRAFr/,R 4 iao4*- 1960 @7,V,6RM)UN FOR:--- TEE MC()Ralt@@@ ptowt SubproJect 75 2 @WNTRA, t is to r6vi da for this- f -Dr,, continuing th"MO-rt of 'tly uospit2a-1. in bibf@-studie s on- p, tic subat I this e 2. Th@@@@Dtoposal Outli-n-eg-thi-. exp4@rimental@j@@@_-tO be followpd 167tbe pro ect.-2-It@incorporat-Ps s6V6ral-t es of observa- tions, both not generally been applied@VttYiousi"icthit-7 "turl@, @tf @@hts also --7m,@o @i@terest to agreed to ad& -t"i a - j@@@rt4ftAin- tests db-i-e-h TSS/CD-0 - It, -should- be - noteil@@hat our f- -iha-nc-i-a -1-@ contribution to progre.m repr"e@nMts-on por on of the-tOtal@--03te- 0(i 3- Thd:@@"f2-tbi6-$ubproject for a peri -@6f not exceecl $4,000.00;77Tq, $160.oo:@@@@ the--4@ charge-mawb or Its Rervicea.-- The total cost W:Ll .00 for th,@ year 4. all ot onnected viih this-22rg4eat are ZA gE3' ung ared lllnVTFtii@ of any Government conrec!:D f the n his rese rah project* 5* N6-@@ting for'tb required 1,,,4!yond L 'hur,, r,,,-.!3tees- of willi-request that e roject be any rUnds -revia@ining at returned to tl,,e:@donor-0--l ILPP,ROVED FO"RLIGATION -OF -FUNDS,. Chief TSS/Chftioal Division h Dire to Date: Dist.ribu'@ion: Original only Attachr,e,Lit; Iloi-oposal and Budget-0 7, BUWET=- Fees for-Subj@@dt-s@-70- 0- 0 4 0 -$2pOOO.OO--7--- Materials-6nd Sxip l@es I)OOO 00 Sta4tistic@-61- SedtetarialZ@6hdLR6@@ ng Tota $4,000. 4 elq"vd uo-UAVIP 14 QT$q!@ VP ql-uo UASXP 5 9 zoa-n"oal 4(,Toooa NKMI IDMSION VIA T.W/Bud&t Officer WLTRA ObliP"Jeot 75 AUotmeat 8.250;2.10-001 I. Invoice N" cmrttit tillo 2 rtly@t aboltld b@3 oMe -"- follon t or-OJQW-oo C"hieris "@lh-7the amoun dmvftlm_ @@, -Sit tlil 2 t Of -tico-00 Cefibier's lgfiftivioion, thro --13F le Cbief:IL2 bemical Diyisiou 1 Attachments,,- Invoice Distributioni Orig 2 4@l 1 iwolcz por services m w -that tmt--is itoolmno. 3.-OPP3,yiw (1) It is bp-.reby certified to Subproj"t-75 <>f H=,m-- that-14rfomwice io sati$fAttory.9 cc0r&,n- that services-am boM 0: vith vutml that a, dowled tigem@@ 2 tha is co file in i@@706 t this bill. is just &na- at. wA tbat-- tboroof -h*40@V Yet b66d-@, Datel -Uat thit- invoi f ieA 2 CO eot it- being dult@Wrv.,,edj, and that the proj-- th the memorandum dAW 13 A@4---- tbJLg "-tho jit4iiii&W -authority In su*o tm the DCI Sequent mewrezdalk, Datel c 0 0 19 iui MEMOITANI)VU FORT TROLLER -Tl4Z-COMP- ATTENTION- BJEC-T )4KULTRA* Oobp@@ect,75 au jvudsr_the &uthorti graated in tho MdMo@raodum tho 13 Apri@l 1953 from the DCI to the D -bvdroail PtWett MY&ULTITA b4on approv*d., and $41604 00 of the ftads have boan obligat*4 t6 cover the- subproject'si expelao_e_a And should bo ch&rs*d td@-Allot&"t- 8-Z30Z-10 001- ,Kcttng CM-01 TS$/ChtynicA Dlvtsldn APPROVED-FOR OBLIGATION 5 0-F FUND@SE. @ch D Distribution, Z -- Addze a a e4s, Apo TSS/OC i@- TSSJFASB TSS TSSIC.D --- -- ----- 16A DIAF l9julyl9S7 MF,MORANDUM FOR:--THE RECORD '-'tct 75-@@ SUBJECT MKULTRA Subproi I..2The Wpp@se of thi-e-Sub-p-eoject is -to rovide funds to issist,in sta-o ge through approa hed--t---- Dr. 2 sui?,Port. D TSS/CD-in the t is an unwitting, unpaid;@@ or- of psychr-,ceemicals and has rfo rma4@i@, valuable services f 2 st. Dr-jo@@Wagrl@'ed to furnish the publication co ies .of allAnformation--devel; -h pre p ci: nti:fic-14 ers-and discus@@- 0 me-s@yrm"p, si2um includi.ng the s e sions. B@6ta-u-4@e@f pport of work in the psychocheinical-field by d in view of the first line importance of the P would pres-ent certain cover di.ftici@ltie not to2 honor this request. urn and the information to be -@"l' --bithis-sym 3 @@ The u@6 )UQai tor.4i has been gleane"rom:;@k- rticipating 2ral p 1 _6 ditec a copy discussed by TSS/CD-With Dr 9 WA'S'IU @'d to him for of the attached-p"o pectus -- Of -@Als-Of'opi-nion is-that the needs of his consideration. Ttiecd&t t h hi2s sort of ext a a@l both offices would be well ser 4 b- a @is ing t - - - y@@. L. p L .I- 0- r eive copies Of relationship-through TSS/CD. will rec 2 at aspw"R@NEW - all information acqx,,ired_by T-;3-517C@DWd will di@-"thinate it to-other -S-. @@-i(@e- r t- gitions of TSS wit47;@nard ,interested Agency component a'liF6l5li- 2 - - - -- to cooperation with other Agency component,$ rnay thus be discharged in a mutually satisfactory manner. 4@-@he -cost of this subproject for a period of one_yeir will not exceed $4000@-00@@T st-b e- a $160. 00 representing 4 for its services. The the 47o charge made-b,- total cost will thus not e year!,b-eginn-ing- 1 July 1957. t jids pa-d-O 5@@bLe fu i treated as a gift tco th and will b"isbursed. e-0 tlined above.@ or inization fo-r--th-2p- purposu 9 ounting for these fund" I be recluired bw-nd 6. - No -acc - @a - . he by7ti@@- that iii