ire b",tf"ic to itic. itidire-et Iorcovinerit pro@.,;ran-i. Spcci-w iv--ed fror,-x tt,,te Woctlr,,10V to o@'lier be'@-tr@.viov c,4 a phyeiolo a-pprovo I l')ecorxiber 1960. f3 a rrt, 0 $?.,f2,ouo.oo @-4 'i-4 Lill 2 r-I 2 E-i E,? 45 '@4 2 CQ E-i 8 CV', -A 4A No. couftt Cost Ae Obj"t elm 9 Obligations Obligations Unliquidated I)ate Remarks and RI-,f(,rlcnccs Ineurreqi Liquidated (W N/l, E @"I PIA --N' D U,'@A r, I-,: Fill-slice l@)ivloioi SUBJI!',CT Ivl,-V.UI,TRA, Sti.1-tl)roiect Up e@,rtted 13 April 1953! 2 ,der .;@rantc@d in tiici n-4oniora,-3. I)CI @c, ihe D)-,)/A. aii(i the of tbio iy-,% stabsequeiit Ssxl,:1'3roi c-clfl lias of the 7 been to ctver th@3 ai,,,d etiox,.l I>o to cor'- cei%tc,.ralal. all 0 F I-U N D,@:'@: I - TSD/FASS 2 - TSD/Rli Fi)led 1.), VOUCHER NO. (Finan SUBMITTED By 2 ce use only) 7 7 ACCOUNTINC- BY IND:VIDUAL PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FOR ADVANCE FROM 2 TO NOTF: FoIJow instructions on Reverse 2. De-ccmber 1962 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS CASH ON HAND BEGINNING .1 III I @l@ 2 3. VOUUC,@',$'@ DATE DESCRIPTION A M. 0 7 D % B E@'R ATE 2. RECE I T DESCRIPTION C j.:Lcat,7 2 :.962 ZaVO2.ce TOTAL EXPENSES 3a. 4. REF#,@NDED2 HEREWITH ICASH @MONEY onoco 5. CAS@ ON HAND END OF PERIOD TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR 2 I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE APPROVED Z certify that the expenditures listed hereon and on Any attachments were incurred for officiADi pur- OSLIGATION REFERENCE NO. IC142ARGE ALLOTMENT NO. DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER poses of a conf,'dent-'al na.-ure, th:t pay ent or credit the2refor h;s n;t been receiv d'. Anmd that accounting is true And correct. 2. 1002 s 0 T 5- 2 0 this DATE HOR I 2 I NG OFF I CErg CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OP. CPFO.I-R SIGNATURE Or PAYEE SI GIIATURE OF AUT 2 DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION I'@@PARED BY REVIE'WED BY 2 VOUCHER 0. D!SCRIPT!ON ALL OTHER ACCOU@NT@P.1-3.IZ3 34. D3 AC-42 43 47 -iR. fi7 68-70 52 2 2 6. 3 3 STATIO 45-46@ $4.S7 ALLOT. OR COST DUE N oaci 53 GENERAL ACCR. NO. RATE F PAY @ R . G 2 AMOUNT -r/A No. c EXPEN6 EF N6 6. .@?5 .... CODE Nu PER. ... CA LEDGER 62,67 .... ')ESCRIPTION -ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.27 i 2 Cc; P'noo. D LIG. CT. ACCT. NO. ocalt Coto I ..... . ......... - I Fy S CODE 2 x CLASS .0. CMP I f I I L TOTALS 9 Nil' M FOR34 a-61 282 use POIFVIOUS EDITIONS. O'h INSTRUCTIONS 1. l@' --@",@nds, in the form of other than U.S. Dollars were on hand, received, or disbursed during the acQount4-n.- per-!-od,l all pert-'-nent data, i.e., rate, method of acquisitioi@, etc.,2 must be shown. If advances have bee-n our,'king peri--d .nade to third :parties., enter the total of such advances outstanding at the beginning of the acc on line la. 2. If more space 'i.s required to expla4-n receip2ts, prepare receipt form, number and attach hereto. Ir eve-ry case, co-.ndletely identify the source of receipts. Attach a voucher for each expend'6.ture and assign a nutnber thereto in niL-nerice.1 sequence-.., - The voucher may be the receipt obtained fro7, the I)ayee. WIien a receipt is not obtained, preloare a certificate and attach as a voucher. W'@ien space on f orn is rlot sufficient to list all vouchers, pre:pare a listing on a semarate sheet and enter total under item 3. If advances to third parties are outstanding at the close of the ac,-ount- ing period, attach an itemized list and enter '.-he total on line 3a. 4. Final crea.,.t will not be given for a-@lsbursemen@@'s which are advances to be accounted 'Or. TA'rien accounting for advances are 'obtained, list as e.K-)enditares or refuid of cash,, as appropriatc@;. 5. Total receipts en@@,ei-ed o7n the line "To@@al to Account For ml,,st agree with the total d'i sbursements entered on the line following "Tol"al Accounted For.0' L Ar)ril lo, 1963 Accountirg D Jan. - Dec. 1962 coo. 00 Fece-'tved F-LIO E", endrd: $14.,-'00.00 Sex-vicc,s Co, 12,45?. T<>tal E)c,,)ei@ses @,26,952.00 - nies ic,.ceived from 2 fi@6@ Ito P-lit of e s i.ricurred ol I-loul(i be noteet tliolt otliel, e,)c@)ense sorbed I)Y 2:&ILL@r costs $2)t,004.04-for the year t raylt. Cel'tif-V til@it servir(@k" have been sati,@factorlly reco 1 vc'] 'In PxPc)nditurL, s 7 vlel'E) incui@red ()j) /4 Pato:i (W li "N, ml VOUCHER NO. (Finance LISO Only) SUBMITTED By 77 ACCOUSTING BY INDIVIDUAL 2 PER:DD OF ACCOUNTING FOR ADVANCE TO VOTE,. polio. InstructionS On Weverse DISS RSEMENTS RECEIPTS 2 ESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3. V, S"E 1. CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 2 $ DESCRIPTION TOTAL EXPENSES ewe CK 2 REFUNDED HEREWITH CASH ON *iAI40 END OF PERIOD TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR TOTAL ACCOtJN7ED FOR APPROVED that the expendie2ures d @Z certify Jisted hereon an I CERT@FY FT.)NDS ARE AVAILABLE any attgchments were incurred for official pur. OBLIGATION REF2EKENCE OTMENT NO. DATE F OF APPROVING OFFICER 0 n t or poses of a confidential nature, that jpayma h 2 therefor he# not been, received. and at this accounting is true and correct. =72 Si AT RE OF OKYE E DATE 2 SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICE SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION PARED BY IREVIEWED SY 2 NO. 7.12 OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 I. 47-52 $8.67 S 68-701 71-80 DESCRIPTION ALL 40- 45-46 54,57 ALLOT. OP, C DUE AMOUNT 2 41 43 'Ay OBLIG 53 E DATE 3, s r rEF. EXPE N6. N RA'. ACCI No. COD CA '3ESC2RIPTION ADVANCE AC VANCE LEDGER YR ACC. NO. - !?:; COUNTS 13-27 'I 5i o: 1 ..... TOTALS FOR" 282 urr. rol-rions. INSTRUCTIONS in the form Of Otrer tran U.S. Dol@lp-rs wer received or disbursed, aurina the accounting If -unds, e on hana, all pertinent data, i.e. , rate method of aca isition, e-c., -must. -be shown. If advances have 'beer. period, @u er the total of such ae@-@,,-tnces outstanclin-g at 'he beg- nn-ng of the accounting period made to parties, ent on line la. 2. If more space is required to explain re,-@eipts, pre-pare receipt form, nuT6t)er and attach hereto. Ir every case, tho- source O.' r,@ce:Lpts,. 3. At@ach a voacher for eac,i expencl-'@ture and assign a nutiber the@@"r'eto in seciuence. T.,ie voucher may be the receipt obtainee, from the yayee. V4ien a receipt is not2 olotained, prepare a certificate and attach as a voucher. When space on form is not sufficient to lis. all vouchers, prel)are a listing on a se-oara-ue sheet ".7. 7f advpnces'to part-es are and enter @Li:.@ie @otal -inaer item third outstanding at2 the close of the accoun- period, attacn an '-temized list and enter the total on liie 3a. .4. Final credit will not 'be given --"or dli.sbursements which are advances to be accounted for. 'v7her@ -accol;ntir@6- for adiarces are 'p@ta-ined, list as expen(liti.;--8es O.- refund of cash, as appropr@@ate. 5. Tota i- receipts entered on the line "Total to Account or mus4.- agree with the total ilsb-u--seme@-its entered on the 1-ine following "Total Accoan@@ed For.' 'tpri,l 10, 1963 Accountin,r,, of J an. - Dec. 1961 Received from (-O Fxpende.d-. 14-.000.00 2 Services Cor@i,c)uter 12, l@01. (@2 Tot,-l Fxpe@-ided 2,6,101.62 The -above Ls nie statc-i.ent of exi)enki-]Lt@-ires- from monies ree6ivc-d frc) 2that otht--r ext)(--.nses incui-red on behalf of 'Lhe vv IT! por,tify i'llat s,,,r@,loes rr riferial,-, hav c been batiE@factOrilY rCcO0ivOfl :7-,! 1'7,- expendittirou WC"O Incurred on offi(,.J,9'9, 11, 1962 rep@.)rt ttliot t."ie P-oorl of P@;t'rz,,cl@Ors c4ppr@--ved (i grcir@t 2 t Im loan, c ',7)-iJf C-ninLied y study t-ncloscd is our cii-t@ck r,-,,r $6,2'@:'O. 0-@) vjhich th 'irst t-2M" /--,t yoL, k,,,Ill be Tj@-,c:rt, ci,-e @"Verol %vt,@icti upj@',y to e 1-k I <-@'9 0 i I 011 0- s a rcic,@lrt, o3 2 -is ci ti@r,-iiiiLyl occountir,.q, sub!.-:irlcd O'@' vre to be f-,riirely for ttie Any rLliyj"-@ Lie returtio@,l to-411001*- yo-,j violl i.-i tt'iis i'r"oecio c@ill upon I s 1 c 0 ,in cir,,,@ly yovts, r,3 December 19, 1961 car I em sure you will correctly anticipate that rp let- ter is to. reqi.,est f ormqlly that iyy @elationship 'w@t.@",,h'e 2"d" 2 of t -t M -W be 4@t)ntinl,,ed for riiother )r$e@r, as _an extension he ei,r6,T)gen,4p-z-i cui@rentl,r in existence. Wile we have had occasion, alone or with others, to primary concern i2s for qtv(ly. T'@e P@ace@ for -6 detailed prog'r'ess por Th i s7 i @ ri@ot t re ' t. Briefly, I can characterize the past yetlr as one of consolidation tira 2 preperatioii -- con- solidation of the factoi, analysis projects iiiitiated carl,i,e@r, exid prelttra- tion for futur@l: projects a-long other proriising lines. The mc)st tt-tiigible outco-@ne of the. recen-t effort is a gi-ou-p of ten- cotiputer prwra.@gis for vari- ous P@@ases of psycho-LozicaL (a-,A ottier) data A few technical papers heve appc@arc-d or been newly-writterli, end copies of these are here4 It is my v,-ap up early in the cofiiil.,a2, year all of the factorial evidence relatiyw, to the @i', includin@v, stiggesticns as to how this battery r,,@,y be amp" if iod, raiaiinistei-ecl and scored to yield a Triaximtun--of -it@at i reliable ii2ifoi on. T also propose a h:l@-gli priority for the obt&.I.rir'Z of iieeful cross-cul.tural data, such as the rriaterlal fi-om a Tal,*inese BtFirietexd- ization of the VIAIS, to investigation of methods for J.nsui-irAe, acelu-ate croc2,s-cul-tui-al norrii),7. Ihii-dly, I vaiit to develop fi,=rtl-,er the Tilachil-ie s r IISYIIdl.orp- s-nalysis,t' Vnich will. iiia:le u-e of tl,,e Wechsler procedtii6-- to @"2 E. versus l@yers-r-riggs data accumulated. On a lower priority basis tllwi the above, I vou3-d cuiati-riuc to try to involve other researchers in the in- terectiiig prc@bleme exi.stitjg in tiii,s a2-ca --f 2 I have e-4_freed to fuiiiish a speel.fl.c sum;-,ary accouiiting of tbie yearla expensef3 by tile end of y,, -y, - ,Twi,Liar _jg@2., On a ca6li bac-is'I will probf-ibl, - ap 2 pear to have @,nderspei,.t, but on ELn'ftccrus-1 basis -1 ex.@x--ct to be very close to the ,-25)1000 bxi(igeted. 1'herefore, f@nd in accordftnce witli c)-oi- coriverria- -r,ions on -this I)oint, X propose the following b-Li(,2Iget for calendar 1962: 40, tim (overal3) $ 1,4,500 Office services, equilxrtl-nt, siLzl)pl,ice, 2, C)OO Travel EaA related expeyises 2,4oo 2 Co-a'Ttuter- reijtal 4ilooo Ayp-il,eble to subsidize data collection 1,500 14ir.ce3,.I.axteous 6oo 1 Total 25,000 Siiicci,,,,Iy yoliks, 23 tr* C,ategory---I@,!. v Project Tit] 2 riorle cr@pto CIA cat:-Oll--@@@ Project To, I'-Iroject Braiieh Project l@ Contracto Conti@act No@@---- r4,pe of Cor-tract--. Date cost Coitipletion Date---- Purpose: OC rc tatlc!l ckr status! ft. 0tf!3t ir :Cor 1,1@,11[iL,3 (,IC It Ci;t6-i i3 ui REC.@,'IPT hereby ack-n dated -t,ble $25, 000. 00, pay. to ti Di'tte:- '14 -iA lg()2 ---------- DI)IA@, e@-ti4 tttc lot thia t7 26 December 1961 MF,MORAN,DUM FOR- THE RECORD SUBJECT MKULTRA, Subproject 77 1. The pur pose of. this 13roject is to provide funds to continue the research p2rograt-a conducted by- Dr. The program is designed to specifically state an(I et-iipirical,ly refine certain concepts of personality structure whic4:kt@o@@@@/RB indirect assess- me,nt program. Z. Dr- ive 2 -,vmopmWW continues to spearhead an unusually product researclipxograin. Asin-aclj"6tt6@his-ftil.1-timework6nthe,ldevelop- tiient of indirect assessment tech,ni(-Ivies,'he has undertaken two additiotitl responsibilities: personal guidance 0, esearch2 progra-i-ti to relate sortiatotypii-ig to personality c.haracteristics (Subproject 134); and to consult sys-teiiiatically-6ii--a@ttaif@i-ng@-grograni for case officers in psychological assessn-tent techniques.-- --A major portion of Dr, -f or ef 2 t in the past year has been devoted to developing certain con-tputer progrartis wliicl-. can handle a wider range of personality cla.ta. Since these same computer techniques can be generalized to the broader probleni of data analysis and retrival, his efforts have excited the it-iterest of othe0r Agency components -7 7 as well as ttie During the past year, Dr has i-i-Lade @;ubstanti,-tl progress ivith his factor analysis of the WAIS to determine the nature of the approximately 17 factors involved, to establish the nature of the internal dqpendeiicies in Wechsler profiles across the factors, an(I to identify and constract perfortriance tasks that will fill out the factor matrix to a total of -ZO factors. 3. Daring the following year, Dr.' an-s to-obt-ain the- data necessary to fit the three remaining factors into the personality profile, al2id to develop some alternative measures of the factors which ri-xay be niore easily obtained by the clandesti-tic -s-ervices. He will con- t t've- data fro other cultu-res '6d to---- tinue his collection of represeri a 1 rn systeriiatite his material for eventu2tl book-16ii@@tl@- piliblicatioi-i 4. The project will be fxi,nded-6iid ixioiiitored by th ough a direct grant to D An annual accounting will be made to the Fii-iid according to established procedures;----- and unexpende-d funds 2Nvil,l-be -ret4Mbd at the end of the year. 5. The cost of this project-for-a-period o--@ one. year starting I January 1962 is estin-ated to be $25, 000. 00. Charges should be tnade against Allotment Nut-nber ZIZ5-1399-3902.- A copy of Dr budget, as given3 to th4 s attached. 6. Purchase of permanent equ.ipri-iciit will be accon-lplislied by prior arrarigei-nerit with the Sponsor and the ricyht to determine Lxltinipte 77 -3- retaini-iiz@ title is reserved to ttic Sponsor, L-i no case will pe-ri-nanonf c@quipriient revert to persona.1-ownership by Dr 7. D is cleared thrc2,-Ligh TOP SEGRET and is witting of Agency ititerest@--- TSD/Research'Braiich APPROVF,D FOR OBI,IGATION OF FUNDS- Date., Distribution: Orig. only 7 -7f -77 Er posed @udgel $14, 500. 00 Office services, equipmenti-@@'gi1pplies, etc. 21 000. 00 Travel 2 Z,400.00 Coniputer rental, etc. 4,000.00 Available to stibsidize data-collection 1,500.00 -ineoii.s Miscoll, 600.00 5 $25, 000. TOTAL D DU @i TliE COIVIPTROLI,l@"R A T T P. 1)1-vieion SULIFGT @,IXULTRA, the alitilorl-tiy ir, t-tio d-atod 13 Aor2.'Il l@53 frc@ @m t@ac -V',Gl to t@tic@, DDIA, tllil ;3,0,0uld I-J-3 to COP6 Q:F TSD/.FASS T$D/I'IJ3 Isom- PI 2 4'D PA 8 SD CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS POSTING VOUCH7-R YOUCHEr4 NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO, 7-12 34-39 4 7 - 5 2 3 3 2 4 71-80 DESCRIPTION-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13 43 68-70 STATION 40-A2 F OFILIG. 53 54-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE: 1;@;.3 3 CODE 2 REF. NO. AMOUNT N NO U GENERAL ACCT. NO. DESCRIPTION' 62.6 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 @";.O. NO. 2 7 F . ICA LEDGER OSJECT DEOIT C N C D I T D ACCT. NO. CK. No. P....... I ' 2 ; r;: '..' ROJECT NO.@ r CLASS s 2 r ZXPLA%'A'riON OF ENTRY TOTAL.S DATE DATE iREVIEWED BY CEPT@F@ED FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT 8 SIGNATURE OF CERT@FYIN5 CFFICER 10-5, 606 usr PREVIOUS EDITIONS. t7 5 - D;:! c r 196 17WIli IC ti'@ I it,'fPA Invoice @ill. 1. in,.,oice 2 l@,?o. is cov-c!ri@k-; t@-a abov-". sub,@)rosect. an of .oo c ,Awn on vort It 1.1 4 V'Ill ba p:cojet.,t). t@'a ba (Whe Cost Accouiit Object Class 2 Obligations (bligatiorts Unliquidated Date Remarks and References Incurred Liquidated Balance 9 DE.(- 6 0 - -- -------- 1-@j @0- (Wliett r- illed In) lulolo1r..Itlt-A:i@"i Foils i-i,,c P.-Or'l @ll ity ii-A to I CE'@TII-Y I,'' Foil CHA.,C; r,F IVI rip n yq - - - - - - - - - - - - - iqqw; - - - - - - - - - - - - - a,; certi-ried tli,-It tl)io io T4-r@.,nice ro.4v p,4) ly i, to Stxb- ;Rai b-@t!l@; oL' tl@o payi; 2Itj t:,@@-at bill 1-,t jvia(" &-wl h2@s nc,-4 yot bcen (2) It in c,,rtifl-,Cl(l th--t tlila I,r..voice c--in2li,es to QC -,itiicli v@@@aitil,@r-rcv t@.r@d tl@C4 project id cck,.Viezl i2A W-Itli t@h@.' ro- ),,I@l C-f I'@' '.953 to k).n,/Ao t,iia t'lito iii 5 I)ate: oo DRP,&@"To 2 YYYORAF,DUM FC)-F(. c.'U B J E (,T taiiTRA, sli'L)Rroic@2ct 7'1 t ontirup- 1. Tne liti-i7f)ose of -s project is to Provide fwlds 0 c the reseaxch program conducted by Dr. ffbe progra in is designed t6 spec2ifically state and empirically refine certain concepts of personality structure Wiiieh are basic to the TsD/RB indirect assess- ment program. 2. Dr s been v.DusLial-ly productive during the past Y.Oar. In view of the )yro,,uress2 1-it2 has made, lic@ has elected to spend full tir,,P- on tlio- dk,@velopm(@rit of i.r.-direc@4 a,,ssessmotit techi-iiques. - $Pe- cific--i.lly, during the next year he will. further develop the a. Continue to w-o2r.r, on I-iublisb,,tble reports of t,@ip- various factor ei.-talyses that li,-tve been don@-- or are in process) v4iieh s--i-ve to establish 17 to 20 factors op,3rating within the WAIS and to shed light on 2their meanings art,(l ways they niio-it be rticasurc-.d - either through per- formvic-- or tqore ftindp@riezital (i@flysiol-og"tcal) approaciles. illossibly begin to develop sy2stematically the relations beti,7een this material and Cattell's ,iiad, GuJ,I-ford's mod(-,Is. Try to est@iblisli the riatxiie of the iritc-rri,,Al dependencies in profiles across the f2actors, ithich dependencies must exist if it has been possible to xitilize profiles -tests with so rrtizch gucceEse across just the 10 sub .c. Spell out the pattern of-relatioi-ishids Vi) will predict the Myers-Briggs self-repc)r-t scores from the 1!(-factor pro- files. vfliat :fi)rther informa- tion it may contain tlat can be tied in with performance. d. Begin tl)(@ actual construct5ion of an improved battery of tests. 2 Continue to collect more x,,-,preserAtative data) I-oth frc)m the Aniericati Euid other cultures. f. Coii-tinue to collect and develop tyk-ttp-rial. that will 2 le,,d -to a more- co,,iiplete (boc)k-length) statement of the -viholp- approach. tlirou 0,.i 3- Ilhe project wil.1 be funded mair2-C a'direct grkirit to .Dr i-iill act aE-,,eiit in the a),id accounting ci -J'-"t' "For-thi@@-74, im@@ w,.)rk in-depe-@ride-rtly in funds fo-e- his 2 Iiiis grant vil.1 include p@,rlsoi-tai codipeiisation for Co,3t of th@- progi-am is estimated to be $25j,(00 for a period of one y,,@@,,tr starting-1 Je-iiu,4xy LgLil. Ch,.-irges shou,-Id be m,-t2de against Allot- ment -TI-LipfDer 11@ 02. projectc@@l attnp@bed. OdL Puri(3.s vril.1 basis t acco2rdar)cf2 wltli - ized proceduilvs. Unexpei-ided Ainas vlll be returned at the close of the year. 6. Purchase of permanent eciiiip-@uent id,ll be accot'aplished by prior -b:ti@c@,bpeti@ient witli the S2I.)onsor ai-ill the rioit to detertlilne ultimate retaining title is--resel-ved to the Sponsor. In no case l@ermarielit eqii.iptnc--nt Now, revert to personal oiinership by Dr. s c ared tlarouvh TOP Sr,,Cm- and is vittlbg 7. D of Agency-i.nterest. TSD/Re@-ea,-cch Branch APPRO"P@D FOR 0111,1(,-ATION OF 1,@UiIDS: Date: _r C.,,) cli CQ AD E-4 0 C-4 8 0 F4 @4 C', Cd (O 13 1 rll Ik: P )53 C-E; VA lj,! efitir d to lxd-5-. TSD/OC 1 -T @ @9, D / f, 1' , '@', 2. -9,Sl)/IiB T:ov (,o) Analysis Of E-x-ponses yrcei I-o/1/59 thxvugll IL tuigailia en (Grant f Descrip i.on - Lotlal $ 2,@05.43 D,,.ta P-rocessing Servic6s miscell@m).@--ous Supplies & Services 236-CO W? - 73 Postage 1,332.91 Pi-j,nting @152.24 Professio-.qal Seivices 1,000.00 Professioiial Services Rp-aders - 2 16,133.3)L Research P-er-s6fh6l COsts Telef)honp, 7.92 65-55 To,5t Developpient 2 1-3'@C62.00 Travel $22,838.09 Sub-tota'-L eid i@ert. $28,12-3-32 Grand Total 6 20 OC)O - 00'. '4 $ 8,323.32 C@i-itmbution 7 W7 NNW O@@-LQIer 9, 1964 Dear Miss 2 the grant. of $ 0.$ 0 (.,n, ft-Yi or si.iA,Iies of "Relatiori* b(-,w The coil-ec- tion of data reqi-ilied a special search o2f the financial records-of four years 1,-ack, and thus took a I.ittle inore -tijne tlie-n I haJ ant,ici- pated vit-en I wrot,e to yoti on Septeptber 1. Though the grarit was-for-the period Octc@@oer 1, 1959 througli Decei!,ber, 1960, iii actual fact the -aork continued to June 30, 1961. The attached stateniont of expon(liturc3-reflects-tlie re.5earch activity during this @ period. You-wil-I see that total eytxer,.gc i-tas $28,1.23.21 agaTIE@t the ore $8,1,23.22. $2@o 000 grant, and that thAiliM-c(,ntribution ira.- theref@ I ti-ust that this i-ep-)rt.rAy serve.,Your needs, but if you would I-Lke further data 1or be hal)py to try to supply it. Wit-li ar-I)reciati6ii for yc;ur--assistar-ic,.--e Sincerely- yoiiis, Ch.. 6, 11)@o ad& ol to R r,. (-.'E I P T, Receipt is he-_-eb@ acknowledge(I l@T' DI,451885. dated November 5, 1959, dxi,,r2a c)n t,hL-' -in the 'k 77' '14 November 9, 1959 De r -Mr. ain sure you are aware, tl-i vc_aza -jlne UrAle has_ ina to reque t -a fii.rt2l-icr grant of $20, 000 f rorn o help au por this work during the period from October 1, 1959 through December -31i=!@1960. Ln order to keep our request at the saiii4e level as in previous years, and not at the same time to un2tiiily.prolona, the tirrie-t;tble for continliatiozi of the study, am-h,?.a allocated $8, 000 of itr, own romearch funds to tl-iio study for the f'2.scal year 1959-60.--Wc-trust that You are as picai;ed as we have been by the proareas of this st2udy to datc,'and that you mill be able to act favorably on our request for-coi-ttinued partial support. Iti order that you and the members of your Board rriay be more fullv iixforn-icd regarditig t%e progress and prospects of this study, Dr. has prep,!wred the c@nclosed memorandum.- I am sure he would be h2,?Lppy to el.i,borate upon any of the topics discii-aied tberei-i-i- if thi.9 8'..hould seem de- sirable. -Ife--are, of covrac, pilea3ed and grateful fo@r-the mupport that tjie Society has given to @his project in- the pant-,?.nd ho6pe- that its continuance will seem appropriate. Sincerely yours, Enclosure in or re p og vid pro c s as of October 1959- This study begea-i with'thp, idea that tyP, concept of -'@enl--ation vs. intuition as described by Jin-@g and rilpoisurecl by t2he 14yere.-Bri,gFrs Type In- dicator itas essentially equivalent to the concept of Externalizati.on vs. T.nternalization as described byA*ih"i6oaAW& and measured by the Digit Si@,i-ft siibtest of the Wechsler iii-tel,ligence tests. Some very limited evidence2 consistent with this liypothesis was ineltidt-,d in the origipal research proposal, ayid otli--r parallel hypotheses were-also- put- forward at that ti-yne. The first ye,,tr of work 'under oLw grant froi,,i the Society was spent doing a nuriber of thingsy 2 such as col-lecting data and exwniiiing it in relation to the origiiial hypotheses. It ttu,ned out th,.it the 1-typoth(,-.@es could be supported if, but only if, one were careftil- to choose the riglit kind-- of subjects; there were other very important aspects to the 2 relation-, between Wechsler scores and Myers-Briggs scores. Thus, given two sttbjects witl. parallel Wechsler profiles, one could, state with some confidence tl-tat they would have similar Myers-Itri.ggs profiles. Hoiqever) changing almost 2-a of the Wechsler scores in relation to the profile would al,aos-t sure@y result iril soine chnnve In the Myorr@-]3riggs "type." It tiij,YA.P-d out, therefore, that the iuost important t' 'ty in the first year was that spent becoming ift,@ire tlx,-,roughly familiar i? @theory pf sonalit2y and his use of the Wechsler to a SC rs ity ol)er,,itionally. The major result emanattrig from phase of ac@tivity i@@esearch 'a@ 11 - lismol IIE'l-AOrana.lim An outline o personality theory as applie4d to the Wechsler: I.,, 2 C -rstandiyig provided by this work was titat the Wechsler C@ti6 le ar u@ado is not an ideal measuri,rig iiist,rumr-,rlt fol because it does 14- not contain enot'@gh differ2ent stil)tes-ts. l,le of sx)bteqt scores iiiat has been used is merely ,a ten-dimensiortal-shadow cast by an appreciably more complex palttern of personality orgariazatioti within any given iridividu,,ii. It irily be' possible to use this shaaow to' Mike dedxicti,c)i-i-23 atout the person who cast.,@it priiparily becalise of certain dy-n@sutic inp-ctianigins that iriter- relate tli(-- knoyn and the unknown aspects. However likely such d,eductions are to be propc-rly made by good clinical psychologists) they are certainly beyo,2@id the ken Df coriventionpl statistical aplyroaches. A Piajor goal for the second year of our work has been to understand as fully and empirically as possible what is measured by the Wechsler, and to try to Pinpoint its sYorLICOMirAp latic-n to coverage of 11 'S in re theory. Factor analysis has provided an al@proach to this problem) an(i iiine different factor analyses relating to some form of the Wechsler hl,,ive been carried to vi.rttial c(.)mpletic@n at the present time. On,-- of tbo@se has led to a pu2blished report, a second has been accepte-d-for publication) and reports dealing with the reiiaindc-,r-are-expected to reach at least the stage of complete first dr,-t-Ct by January 196o. The first- repa 51 as a coi)jml)nl tli@s- 2 SC eltitlion VU.L'U0C "c on" factors 9-ild preval.lirtg view that t.qp-.Wechsler measures only three onuii to begin to re-establish am atiritdsphere in the literature that would be 2 more favorably inclined townxd pittern-aii,,ilytic Studies of the WAIS profile., -t dealing vi has b ),Y- 1-fi7l -temoval of m66t of the- ncl%t;led. in y after 2 disdussion i ine nation EL, iesearch;,, Three factors @S of t were fourid to be i.r,@olvcid in tl@p- b.i.s one s t) and these factors vero clearly those anticipated 1L)- Rapa@port's- classic discussion of W13-I as a clinical instrliiiient. While there have been several item ari,@tly- ses of items in the various forms of the Wechsler, -and the. results laave contained evidence that- sliobld probably have been interpreted as implying multidimensionality even for individual sti-btests, no o2r@e has previously reported factor analyses of items in any of the scales. We )i@,lve completed and are ready to write up two further such analyses. Six factors have been founc3 in an analysis of Infox-mati.c)a-i and Ariti-.@netic items, and seven factors 2 have been found in an arlal.ysi.s of Similwrities and Comprehension iteiris. Hai,yever, the sixteen factors found by factor axialyzing iteins are not all different, there being abundant evidence that some of the factors aplcar in more than ore siibtest. third 2 w s 7be-e'i"i"wcom- leted arch Bulletin ted, -to ty, he conelilsio of this report that ALp e_ probably correspon2ds to Digit Span ih the Wechsler, 4nd, that Alpha Index probably corresponds to PictLire Completion. Using data collected subsequent to our re-analysis of Mu-ndy-,Castle we have 'been able to cross-validate the first of these conclusions, and to obtain evidence s@te,@,,esting- that the rel-2,itionrhip is cLn even Dlore generELI One between Digit 'Span and the doinii-iant EEi-', f, 'requency even when this fre:liir--ney is well outside the limits nor,.,r@ally used to define "olp',-ia" frequency. (Because the's,,).Yt@pl,e use2d for cros@-validation came from a mental hospital, these further results cannot be adequately reported without a prior-or concurrent discussion of the effects of brain damage.) The implications of a chqiii of relationships bri-11-6ting together a neuro2physioloalcal measure such as Alpha Frequeiicy in -the E@,G, a-perforiiiance- test measure such as Digit Span in t;he Wechsler, and a self-report inventory measure such as the Ilyers-Briags,.. are ..r?ubstantial, and we hope to spend some@ of our effort in the coxnj.y:kg year work8i,.ng tl-ieini out and reportil-w_, tht-,In specifically. The "meaning" of the alpha rhyth-a ha.,-, 'Leen well ,iorked out, by otl-icrs, in terms of a stib-cortically controlled master "excitability 4 s cycle," which fits nicely withvsmmow:@: 'ris.and Vierspia's "FT:Liiiary-"@ecolidary-11 jur,gis "Sensatic)n-lntuition," and Heyina- is erap-rgil-Z as pertial-is ILhe most ilrIPOrtaylt This diiaension) by whatever name it@, in the sense that all Other dimension in the vbole th ,(<)ry 2of personal relationships may to subject to its Influence. it is my '.1-iijiieh titg@t its manifestations can be traced back even to.@-tbe bloctiemical I-evel of obseiwa- tion, and that at that level it will be tied in with the-, characteristic response of the adrenal gland to chronic ciivironmerital stress. Such a conception seems-to be consistent with a.fai.r body of hitherto unrelated literature, and with some very limited direct observation. In any consideration of this a,rea,tlie question of anxiety and its rienslirempnt is bound to corne up. - Within the Wechsler, a relative deficit in Object Assert'c-ly-,perfoi-kiance is regarded as betraying a degree of anxiety. (Digit Span is sor.,ietinics-sal.d to measure anxiety, but we would prefer, in keeping with the above, to put it that Digit Span says something very fu2ndamental v.-t)out how anxiety may be expressed.) Since ottr ,first factor study of the WA..S yielded evidence for the i)nique contribution of every subtest, to the battery axcept Object As--e-,oblyl @4.nd since we did not want to throw OA out on these CroLmd"itb-2out-givin-g it-a second chance, w(, developed and experimented with v. new svbtest called Sentence Arrangeinei-it. This new test was designed to measure the iLinique-coi,-itribLil@ic)n.;of-,OA, but to correlate differently than OA with the reriiaini,r2z sul)tests. Evidence indicating the success of this -venture is now written up I esearch -,tat M(,-moranilul:@, en before this va s cornpleted however, one of the three factors etuxe CoT(ipletic)n had confir2med the reality of this dlio,e.asion, which we like to refer to as the "effect of uneprtainty." In view of the sense of reii,,rrd achieved instrumentally tlyrovigh the re-analysis of @lw-idy-Cestle's data, we have been encoiwgged to pick up other data from Lthc literati3lire that seem to have bp-en incompletely or improperly analyzed. Reports on four stich studies now await write-up) using data originally gathered by Beitan, Davis, Witkin, aiid Bii-ren. It is oiir plan to report the Beitan data separately, since it was not extensive 5 enoi h to yield niore than seven factors in either a norifial. or a brain- -)9,,ed s-kinple but does afford an oloportunity to discuss the of brain @d Ilalstead batteries. Dr 2 .a forlaer-colleqgllc of 5 agreed to collaborate in i,nterpreting-and-reportiiig tli6*e results. The remaining three factor analyses each bring the battery together with an interesting and diverse array of other mea@stwes; and yield 2 11-12 factors. From the present perspective-I do -not see that any of these can be reported first without extensive anticipation of the results of the others, and I therefore envisage a single report covering all three. While the report is not yet even drafted, it seems fair to O-xpect'that it will be po2ssible to develop a fraiuc--work of about 14 or 15 factors that can accoun for all of our.resu.,ts to date) and-ttiat MAy'@be-regarded as the "real" structure whose "shadow" is presently obtained froin the Wechsler. Further- inore, it seems likely that these factors can be conceptually organized in a itianner that -results essentially in both siidplif icition and over-deteri-itiria- tic)n of !-Igloo theory. Arcaml)lisl-neiit of these 1,A.)xposes would complete NERA a major of research. A,-;suLaing all this works out in the Di,@,nnpr just indicated, our Study will have reac-hed an iml)ortqiit crossroatis,- from which there is more than one way to continue. One major alterriative-is to -get starled oil the build- inpp o,E a test battery designed for the most efficient and reliable meas-LiLre- iiient of all tl)ese factors, and at the q6unA@., time mtking as much 'use of group testing as validity will permit. @i's well ecluil)ped to follow this liney and I believe enowli effort sho-Li-ld be-put-,in2to it to try to insure the coffipleti.on of material for an experimentil battery by tlip- end of 1960. This would look towards exlerimental administration of the material in the spring of 1961, coi-opletion of the batteryby the end of 1961, and final standardization in 1962. 6 The second major alternative is to continue-, the exploration of i-ni--- plications, wl.-..icli by now are appearing at various levels of Dieasuremt:@rit 6 jran,ging from biol-hentical. throligh self -report, In addition to reporting on the vicissitudes of the one variable so far studied acrcss levels) 'we should be considering its fuxther vicissitudes in the re,@ilin-of-oliserver-ratirqs, 2 for exer@ple, and should be beginaiing to trace the ltianifc-stati,ons and inter- 4@--tions of soiue of the others of the 14-15 dimensions riow isolFAted. All this is the stuff of which future appl.icationq-@ are..Iikely to be ma(l.e, andI wo 2 itial cutting back of activity in this vld be disinafed to see any siibstar area simply to facilitate cLwrent--test-cons_truction act-'-vity. Jlowever, in view lingneqs to contribute some funds -to- this whole study, 1 Willing to continue its support at the0 same annual rate as years this should esuLt in substantial further progress along both lines of investigation by the end of 196o. October 29, 1959 31 1959 Yf@u 1 !Uc I ko@ 'I f o-P i)@jitod i-;i ,Ic)ur 0 of 1-,3 to thi-@ Of' tlic@ f io-,,i yolir vit" t c@@"f I@-CIV i, Vs-GI L4 1 TS S s @'i 2 - T,,S/CD TSS/CD/ cct 59) ............ -------- -------- - -------- --- that of t-li@,) en(I r-ocelp't@4,3 :Lr; c@ii flio J.n Vi@a-t t-lifs bi:Ll i,,,5t ek),,rect tl-i@@@t t-bireo;e 1,,ki!% not (2) is iT-'-St -tol-i ilivoice f Ii e 0to '(7 cf I'@' ir, ce-vrlczl uit. III ii" tii 3 1( 53 frra,,i o- L\ll 'Lo the LID/Ilk., criel tb,,a o:@ this &,Wtl-ctrity In, Diveetov Date i 26, @195@, Dear ii s Here are the-fillal figi-ire& thro,.@gh.-Septeinber 30, 1 charges we have ma 1959' @-!Dgai@d.irg- --d2e against the P@rwltl- fro-ria the Soeiety: 0 A. /l/57 9/'3 -@/58 9/'30/59 Emplayee costs 6,235 Othe 6,1-63 r direct charges 3, 2 9,Q, ID-dii'ect charges '01896 overhead 7, &t,A@ 5,359 Total l@le meaning of thesi@ categories ;.8 the 2 ame as i-n zY 'Lrt,3t, I-etLter. you VI]-! note thrat @.l@e--grand-tQtal@-for-two-years is $2,)8 li'ess the SL'-m of the twc, grwits ' in-view of the facts that (i) the project is contilli-ling (2) the grants were for periods of apuroximate4z one year each (as I un'd'erstat.4 it); an'.i (3) V-!e wi.'@-IL i-equestilig even nD@.-c mone sulwitting a 1)ropc)rial 2 .i a-stme 'we Won't nee(i to wftil But we can If You Would like. yOu a check. Cordi.Rlly yours, ..... . ..... 0 e I the f3ub-,Iit-t.,(l exp(,ndituro,i. ])iv:tsion e3 -959 @.r, for y,))ir 9 tIt 4zit. i's not-, ti i' f th7, er MEMOItA-TiDt-14 FOR: 'JIM, RECORD -'eat BUWECT- Cortlnvlation or I-IKIULTPkj, Subpro. .1.' The ptj,-rpose of Elroject VK2MTRA, Subproject 77 is to support tli,-- rer>car arA coradiidtcd b Of progr@a,m is designed to spv,@-,ci,fically state and empirically refine certain concepts of pore-onality sti-octu-re -vffiie-li are bplsic to tb-.e TSS/CD indirect aszessmn-V proerem. 2. During the past-yeer-D prepared and-di64@@ tributed fi..te reports on v&rious asrects of the project. "ihe-aspe,,ct Of the pl2-oject liaving to do irlth coaiparinp,, the two personality theor'Les is esse,6itially coml)lete. The secoric.1 st6go--of tt,-- ove-rau pl-nn is now urkder-,kray. . T'nis ii-iclix4cs the hieily eczylex an& pxtreirely iOpOt,tMit rocess of developing the nr--v testing materials. ll"p@s research pro- grart is ooitsiderel tlie cora of the progmm. A lil-kp. pro eat will b,,@.2 Au)ded through -,c6-@er -ptxtore@ and and the ba ace Te for. by--t uirce n an annual baris in a(.%co.LdAtice wit.,Ii Society procedijresi ADy iinexi),-nded funds will be ratu-i-tied at the coneltisioii of the progrm. It is not; anticipated that aaiy perument equipmt@nt vill be,. required for the project. 2 en-la total cost of this project 'for a pertod of orie year is eatirdated not to exceed $20 ,000.00. CI)argee Eboxx3A be ma4e against All-otraent 05P-5--LO2O9-4902. 5 cleare& and is witting of the trlie spon8or -.0 rector of is cleare@3. and is vltting of 90-VeXUP@ZUt inte@rest in this 1,)roject but not of th-a.true--sppr)Lq-2?rship othors i be aware of gov--rLim@--nt intei,,--st or of -the t-Lve sponsorsltip of M/Cbec@ical Division APFPOVY-D FOY.1 C@'@LICTkTIO.4 2 'Ds OF Distribix@-icn: orriginal otily T)Uf)CiET Sixlaries & Wages ....... 0 6$101000 pperatio,lal costa (Lraterial-9 travel, etc.) 400 Rentp telephone, machine rental, etc. 3)000 Gen3e.reLl overhead (accounting, k@'valuati(a 6pOOO & A(Ivisoi7 Servicop etc) Total $2OpOOO J,41 Cost Account Object Cla-,,s ObligItions Obligation's 3'Llnliqttidatet] Da' e Re,-narks and R(.,fertzices Liquidated Balaiiee Q.CT -tti r P, e@XV-11;1 Oa otr.,c,:@ it la CA tC i for :t@LIC-@s 4 L@7( iV L-L 17@ j 1, L959 in ti!@ Of fO@- If$ De, of tl-,o t)-o to 2 by f,,re for tl@&l eol,:,y @-ii tl-ie -tra t,- c@ T'r.c, cii or LlIC4 of -icc- 0 ,OWN 2KW -.AWL lieceipt is hereby acknowledoed for dat d 0 t b @r 10, 1958, drawki on th- in the arnount of lip OWN]& CD XtKt)JL.'Zi'IA. Subproject 1-4o. 77 13 Apt,@l 19@@i3 fror@-i th.) -'k)CL to tt-.oL@D/A, ir@rtd the o.,Kteacion of iti FtxLtscquertt 77 has becu ap,)rov.c-ti art@d qzo,.Ooo. 00 of thr, over-.,II I-Irojc-ct l@ll'.ULTRA fqnds obli,-aLt--d to co,.,er tEe ctib,)rcjje@;tla anii to 0 2. Date- TSS/FASB Z October 1958 C4'-IILFe FINANICE DIVISIOli VIA Ol.ficer SUBJECT 14lrLLII,'rRA, Subproject 77, li-ivoice #Z, 1. lp-voica Z for the abova kubproject is ettacticti. Paynietit ta'f@wild be iiiade @tri fol.lows: iii the @ki-notirjLt of $ZO,, 000. 00. drz-twti ott 2 o to I'lleac-o foxtvf.@rd the clieck to Cb-to@. by 16 @Octti'h- c,-r 1953. 3. a ilivt-ice. sip-cc it le ayiticip,-tted th,-.t 2 'lea of-iotild iiot acl,-Iitioi-t-@ti -iOs vrill he ol:)Ii-,)@ted for tilif; pvojcct# ttie it be clof@od, I:Ivicio-,7i 0- For nerv-1c" $ZOIOOO.00 ---------------- -------------- -------------------- RTIVIC-AT ONS cc ttlis is III-,2,oice @j7- to sul,>project 77 -ig of 1%@tt,@ULTr@A. t.@I,@ rforriiance is $a icla 2in arcordp .,,Cc y-oit.@l i-ntztual efireo,. th. a (IC 1-ited agol of t!le TSS/CD. ti-tat tb-ir, bill is j',Iat E-rd nts z,.rfl receipto in oti file it2 a,-,(I tilat paytlent tilorc@of bas iiot yet bgca yi Da,te,. 4'@ is tieve,6y t@'-xis -n-@roice a,,rsp,'.ic-a tLi Si-@bproject 77 under 1.4ixuY-.'('2RA w'@iic"t N,@-as elily a@")T,)roved or-@,zl tt-.e pxojcct Is beitig carri--d ov,t ill wit!i t't,.e cl,-ttr-@d 13 April 1953 frkitn t'tic DCI to tlia DD and t'tie exterx6eien of ttiio P-tl:rl-xority igi cubsequent n-lemoratid,'k. c@coarch l@tirector L-%ate: Z3 Septernber 1958 ME@.14-ORANDUI-..l COI-,I,',-ITROLLER ATTFNTION Finance Division SUBJL;,G-f L-IKULTRA. Stibproject iNo. 77, 2 Ct Under ttie authority gra-aitod in the 13 P-,-pril 1953 froii-k tiie DCI to t,..ic DD/A, --n.d ttie exten-Dion of t;iis atithority in suibseqt@.ent iiioxiioraticla, Sitbproject 77 h-;ts 2bee,-x approvei aid $20, 000. 00 of t[te ovc-;r-.-*Il Project I.,IKUL'rRA fur.(@is b-ave bec--n oblic-,z@,tc-d to eover tt-te. subi3roject@s ar4d rlioi-ilc'2@ b-:-, cliarged tc- Allotrx-teiit 9-Z50Z-15-90Z. TS$/Clieriiical Divisio.1 Api-,roved for 01>li@-,-ation of ,-izc-search Director D,t t 8 Aeeirersee I TSSIOC 3 -7 -7 DRAFT zf-, Septem-btril-1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD STIBJF,C,T MKULTRA, Subproject No. 77 1. The purpose of this project is to provide fu2nds to con- tinue the research program- conducted by Di t ptrogr@rti is'designed to specifically state and empt;@@y refine certait,. concepts of per- sonality structure which are-basic-to-the TSSICD irif-lirect assess- i-iient2 program. 2,- r illIM4ias submitted the attached progress re- pgrt and proposal for extension of the work during the coming year. In,,-tddition he has eiib)rnit't@6"-first draft of a precise restatement of the personality descriptive system-ori- which the indirect assess- i3rilent program is based. 3,- Tile-project will be-funded thr6ug -n for -"eriocl of one year beginning r this prograi 1 October 1958 will be $20, 000. 00. Charges should be made against Allotment 9-2502-75-90Z. 5. Funds will be a&counted for on an annual basis to the n accordance with stari(l,-trdized procedures. Unex ended funds 14vill be returned at p ttie close of the year 2 6. It is not anticipated that any periiianent eqliii)trient will be nurchased with these-funds.---- -7. d through TOP SECIIET ard witting of Agency iuterest. Chie TSS/C7hemical Division Approved for Obligatioi-i of FurAds: Date Attached: Proi)osal & Progress Rpt. Distribu.tioti.: Original orlly rn 2 41 2 tD e@ Ca 2 LN .-i 4.) 2 0 s-4 r,7, 2 i:j 2 t 'i-4 t 'J f--t 7 Ck 22# J.' i,c)l, c, to t I .1 o@zif,.; 2 flo%,cvorl ly -,I, J-J oxc- .rlo'4 yet Q-t 2 1 yi, S' to L i, LO r"T k'k- iz 4t,!, AZ, ell ct. 6 Cil 2, 15@@a SC-,.,!CrNLI oil .(@lly L-ij j., low to Y(@,,, RECEIP'R Receipt is hereby acknowledged ior GA c ck 7, drawn on 2,, 1 c;.5 t 1),-@ t 3.t ,,,.nts c),-i (-@ur 5 Pnd @'-cvl ot I je@.t tll k3,v d ti i:@ (%Crot,@r-y 19@7 ti@-c, to triti &-:tid tlko ti@iz *et been 'ifr 3- -d to t ri I.- T-SSIOC VIA,. u Di 77, Ir;.vi.-,Ice ao; 13 --"f is. it i-i z,-itici,:jatcd 6 TSS/FASB tui tf@le, A, C-" c@,f Eb@, Actin- t-,titet t b,*@i 13 1 2 TSS/Cf) Aiir4 57) For f;Qrvic(@s $ ----------------------------------- --------- ------ (1) It is I!crc'@)y ccrtifiect tti@-,%t I to SubprGject k@ct2. 719 c,-f h@,,:3 bc-c-.zi s@@"'Sf,.%ctory, that the bec-.-i -nts, witti n-iutual zf,!rec @m 2 of tie iz:,% file in TS3/CD, this Llill is juat correct thft rjiyrite.,it ttierQ.;@if bas not yet baen @-i-i i C-a@ I' 1-" i-V 2 2) It i@-@ certifici@l tt%,@t til@ie iiivoico to Suboroject 77 urlder d!-.Iy @ititheqls of betweer4 yers Concepts. (Tlie reliability of the Nly, SC -btit the reliability of the deviation of digit span i,erfori-Liaiice from general ability level is probably riiuch fi37@We-r. 2 secontl most ii-riportant distinction is dravrii between what he refers to as "Rigid!' and "Flexible" persons. These are operationally distinguished l@y their relative level of performance oii the block designs sub-test of the We-clisi-er;- rigid persons do well,. Myers draws her other basic functional distinction between iiidividuals supposed to prefer "Thi,i)-king" a ssl-ipposed to prefer "Feeling" as a zyiode of jtidgi-tient; further self-report questions are used to assess in in- dividual b' t Nineteen of the 20 cases are usable to co----npute the correlati2on bet we @"Rigid" ano4on*"q*"@@g". When the whole group is tre@itcTtmomgm"e't-lier,- @lie correlation is- -practici,lly zero; however, tlie,&.2lyt@latio'n for tl-te 9 men is plus 2 .55 and thit for the 10 women is - .52.- Siii theory has been developed almost exclusively from data on men -An I-IC c erst data regularly recognize important relationships between thi-likii-ig-fceliiig 'and the s ex of the s til3 se results may also2 be regarded as in keeping with a hypo- .iect. the ' t)iesis of id(3iitity between the two atitliors' concepts. (The absolute magn'itudes of these cor relations are lower than for the previous hypothesis. This is partly due to greater @t ttenliatioii, since the reliability of the Myers-Briggs scor2e iti -only -tbout .- 8. It may also be partly caused bv a restriction in the rci.iige of the san-iple, which contains a notable paucity of individuals who, it-il,94'pjgplplqg"IWkteri-,i-,i-inology, asslit-i-ic a "judging, att itude. 11) -3- ;rd basic bit of information, which it does not appear hose Nvlio do lay "Acce, tabl.y" and t distinguishes b-,-tweell individ 2 p on the picture arrarile- so "Unacceptably" on the. basis of relaiive performance riient sub-test of the Wechsler, can be related directly to any of Myers' basic type distinctions. Jung's concept of lipersona,11 .vhicli seems likely to be in- as not yet investigated. 2 volved here, is one that Myers h On the other hand, it does appea,r'@likely that Myers' third basic bit of i-nformation, which distinguish 'Iritroverts" and "Extraverts" in the i ungian s exis e, is contained i heory as an emergent of the iater- action between inter2nalizer- its degree of "cornpensatioxill. Thus, if a rel tively high performance the aritliii-ietic sub-test of the WeLhsler is taken as an indication of "cori7ipe7isation, I- extraverts may be hypothesized to comprise persons who are simultaneously higli., or low, on both digit span ayid 2 aritlyinctic, while ititroverts comprise persons who perforil-i disparately on these two sub-tests. While the data for ou@r 20 cases can br- plotted so as to be consistent with this hypothesis, tl-.e interpretation is utterly dependent on the selection of appropriate cutting scores for botl.-i digit spa-i a.nd arithm2etic, and this should not be regarded as even tentative evidence. The discussion that has just been given serves both to spel.1 out a few exa.n-iples of thel&iiijmi&m@glatioliship that is hypothesized to exist betwcqn the forr-.iul.ation@ @@n ot, yers2, and to illustrate some of the difficulties that stand in e investigation of such hypotheses. The research that is here proposed would take off from point, and -would initially explore a variety of hypotheses of this general kiiid. Obviously, longer series of cases need to be examined before even the specific hypotheses raised in2-this discussion may be accepted as a basis for guidiiig the formulation of additional hypotheses@ linking other aspects of these or other theories of personality. Some encoura,ge- inent itiay be drawn from the tentative evidence proviied by the 20 cases; additional encotiragemer:t inay be drawn as ravidly as an interlocking2 network of consisteiit ypotheses- can be fori d and empirically validated. Exactly Nvliere these will lead the iiivesti,gation is i.ii-ipossit)le to foresee. Assuihing, however, that -,ubstantial arei.s of ison-iorpbisin can be elucidated in the c,.ourse c):f this rese,@rch, it should then be possible to combine the adva,,itage of the two sets of operationil definitions for the constructs. The Myers -Brigg@§ '!as the advantages of easy,strability to groups of persons, high re.-Liability (in the sense of internal consistency of measurement) for a limited ntin-ibtir of scores, and a generally no2ri-threatening appearance. The NV-cchsler-Be'.Ievue provides a larger number of scores at a more i-iloderate o' re'Liz@-bil-tty, and has the nizi.rked advantage of expecting the subj--ct to level do his "best" -- capitalizing on a form of motivation that may citen i.iivalid@l.te the p,-tper-pcncil qtiestioni-iaire approach when it is applied to an individual. By using the Myers-Briggs @ts a screen for the selection of experimental popu- lations and as an ii-tterti-iediate criterion for the prel,'u-niiiary v@alidati.c)n of new -4- "objective" personality tests, it may prove possible to develop materials that (a) ,ire equ-';valent to those -,low i-n the Weel-tsler, (b) possess higher reli- ability and va.lie-ity, and (c) include ways of measuring facets of personality that are not n2ow being tapped. By using both instrurner--ts togctl).er, it may prove possible to develop a gchertie for systei-i-tatically recording observations of behavior so that they i-t-iay be readily translated iii-to the unified theoretical framework. By vising either instrumert, according to the 2requirements of a feasible experimental design, it may prove possible to map the relations ips of a wide variety of add-l,tiona-I variables@ bn the uj,-@.Ified frarxiework; the effects of "educational" experiei-tce, including var-Lous form,-, of psychotherapy, tlxe 2 ical "corcl,.tion'l- including the influences of heredity 2.iid of effects of physiolog sundry chei-i-iical electrical stin-kuli-, the iriai-iifestatio--,-is of personaliiy in a variety of "other tests" are all areas of potential interest. Agti.--, xvhicii of these will seem to be the best bet as this research develops is an open question,. AL,*- o the th'at the, r-erest ard tli see fit to provide financial skipport so that research developi Ines outl -ied above i-tiay be i-tndertakeii. Such-'research is not now bei,.ig supported by any- other fOU-@.1(1.atiOn,Dcir has it been-. In view of the relatively b.igl2,.t degree pf.tince,rtaility that is necessarily associated with plans for the kind of bisic -@eseare-h that is outlined above, DroDoses that the budget be estal>lisited ii-titia)ly i,-i terms )f a rille of expenditure of effort, rat-her than in teri-tis of specific goals and the costs Of achieving thern. Oxi this basis, it seeiiis reasortable to request a grant of $zO, 000, to be --pent over a period of approximately one year beginning October 1957 through Septei-iiber 19f,8. This stuii would be sufficient to periiiit approxirriately one maii-yea,r of effort by a Research A.Esocia.te, including all of the costs vhicli he rnay generate throughout I by his requests for technical @ Wt and clerical assistance and by the need for proper adri-ttni.2dratioil and accounting. ctistoiiiary account-ing systei-i-i woltld be used to accotiiit'for the funds as they were actually spe-it, arild would be expeetc;d to show approxir-tiately the followinc, dispositions: (1) Employee costs (includi@,"g salaries and wages, 2 Vacation allowaiices, @coiitribution t pspital and aiinuity plans, etc. 5 0 lo Other direct operational costs -(including trav@i, ials, etc. z 0/10 2 purchase of special equipment or ri-tater 3) to-direct operat4-onal costs (in-cludiiig general supplies, te-lophq 'pe, i-tiaebi@,ie rental space re-fital, depreciatio-.i, etc - lrldirect- c6sts are 2 allocated W'Ithi--i each departn-ient in proportion to the total of (1) incurred in the departn 1 5 Olo (4) Ciencral overhead (i-,r@cludi-Pg WI[..item be iiiade by ex pending @ope,s t.riat significant progress can this ai-no'uiit of effo.@ for, a year, -%vill be need-for - -- sul-)port for severai yea'ts ff e -tirea proposed for resca'rclt is to be properly hivesti.cated, and 1-0@es t.h.a ould ear@mark additional fun0ds that n-iay be rnade available for thi p r@iios-e th6--kesults-thit are beiiig obtained warrant a ccntinuatio-i of tlie work. c z)u,mriiaries C)f f DRAR, T 9 Aiigust 1957 ME,\40RA14DUM FOR: THF, RECORD SUBJECT MKUI,TRA, Subproject No. 77 1. It is requested that Subproject No. 77 be approved in order to'support researcit related to t2he Indirect Assessment Prograr,a. Fnclosed are a description of certair,. aspects-of the re u-s- eiiingiu&.dao the Directors,@oi A his research program vnii 1-me-TTO@ -ae ox; 2 AW (a) the eevelopiiient of alternate procedures for inclirect assessinent inclvdinc, new tests and new -o-naires. (b) the testing of certain of the hypothes&s now used, in personality assessinent. (c) the2 testing of the relationship of son-i'c of the procedures now used with c6rtain experirneiital techniques developed bv (d) the -tvelopriien,t of a field laboratory for the pro-testi.ig of tectiniq@@s develo,-k3ed in the 3Indirect Assessment Prograi-n, filllv, clean"' &gg true cponso Represer'tat es fro;-,-IW7,0, branch Tiie proj soon*, and -t@y surplus funds will be' turiied.1i'l.. 62 0 ponsorship of awa e of governri-i eat inter e true spo,,SP@@@ip 0 -Cost for one year begin-nina 1 October 1957 wi2ll be $20, 000 O.: 0 It is a,jiticipated thc-t@t r,hqulc't be et,-arec@d to Allotrnent 8-?,5QA-10-001. contintiitiorl of tiii@- project froi-i-i year to year will I-,e recorilixieiided@. 2 TSS/CherLiical Division App-?,OVE;D FOP. OBLIGATION Approved-. O' L,UNDS, TSS/Che-iiiieal-D Date: Attacbed: As stated above Original only ;u@IY 31, 193? 3', a- -cmpu-ipon of tla Y To dett,@rf,-si,ne iihat 2 2. To dcmclo,2, if pos-sible, practletbLIe.-usablo iwatw-&s of of l@@-ariia P-@-5r2-OMIkl-ity furot2LOn-s. 3. To -@pply tl@-)se In vvs tb-at -d-Ul tf-a-p to tos+. tlio &rA tlj@@-tarztic.,a vftl-t&tty. IU, ,L5 r@olv bz-t-.r, to oux Thts 'is riot " FPy tb-gt a dea-I of v--ork or @&milmwamuh.- T. Is tT C-,te-1.1, UCIlig, Itrtq-0, T'e..ui--F,t,one &-nct otl,*-rs I-q ev,.,in . -Fic er, t2tis pzltnr-.ont pk-oj c-,z,t to tic- t@,-,,ch ifos-,k-tcgi@th@-ar hi a 1)@)th c@@'.Lf-totic' and tli,@,,-trzticallg cart,,-;istont. ly. PI.-ii- 2 ia:r,,Lt Pac@wo,,Ar@d V. 1,I@,,igth of Ti-," Til-Ifs prijoel", YkiaV r@z-,uire re-v-oral of ratekmb efforts inu,-c,@,@k.'Watrjr 1)7L,(Ypo@@cs to m-.plore tto fcq@L@%:Lt)IlAty of tt--o i@ti@,eqxvh end d@wro-IOP for ti-4 st@v n,@t @@-t t@iii e@.-i of th-,§3 phisi@ to wb-'.4tl,*r V. co L+-natb of TJ-mi at W-hat lev.(.l of effort,. tas,,( r,-tr@,old b-a conti@m-3,c4 z'A-$d, If $Ot wst of $20,000-00- The ex-pliratory p@-,"-@"D 2 YOar at iR v-i to on Tb t 3 p sm pre"ej-cu!; Sc@cie,ty pi.,O@ -n@j 'It 'o, Tlits ja a r-4,,tjor f@-e--Ld of ei@dc,2xor for tlio SocietY aP,*Oal4a to offer a pr,-Ifitt@taG ck@DV--"LwiitY;- T l@ F r o COO* tNt ,Ire or leas, cppQEc, tii)on rt.,t,@ior clef@s but -D,-z Yet 2 ox&i@i ni t i G ii Of it oe6vs likelv certain O.f ik.@s Llkpic C.O!ICellts c,-r, 'o4 1)Lt iiit@ u ti-;s 2t co-c@h t@t@f.001-Y C.O!Iihii@o 1:2kyly fulili-ic@r 0-.1tw@ ly to cirr6epond oxly-to t)r k,4%ln t@ot yf @b ot o,@tlar2 ol thie prc@I)oi@cl is to staggos4u- t-ha of olplori,.ri@v, ezpil,ict@lly the contact ttiooe CIld with )i ing then irto a lAr2C-,r coboratit picture e-vid of In v. prop-ortic,-.i ci 1. tt%a d6te,,il,s of pietvre froij tili#@.- co6@-4l.r@.vd re3ourzov of ihe cro tlxxt iii 6tovrldod iA exttl-tive o@-Apirical eumav@- v&tioa and hie ilveye ta;@-d olijocti-i@e, "Opt-rtLtioim'L" for fi,s cor.- oopts. For tl',9 Y30rt 2ti@420 rif4vo k>00;2 providod by the varict@@s a;Ab-toiits of Scale@ althoueh t.1w constrt@.4:ts *.,Ad ro-- tht-t taye bee@-t out of caro ful obsorv#Ati6ri of th-3 ps r- fort-4knto of *u"ejol:te ou thtag ;ouo.-testo alre rswded t@f 'Lrooder tLieore@tie3A u@tility. for GxRrple, offort3 to fit tho Th8ursto-n4 Seales lyio iLl.9 structura 'i@ava b-ic-A mudert;aibn' but h,-@tye t4,ot yc@t be.-.-4 PC-Ily uork*4 out. liyor-o th-c2ry', on 'th,,7 othor k,,Axtd i@; on* it.-at, vas firea di-fit*4 fLo a &Oi!lles c@,-jd ahich i@.kas eircs boom 'Juatified" t@ro*gh tlit do,v of. at itest ono kitid of objo4tively- of,*rolble w,.terial tb&t o@r- patar,i to bek,-Lv,.N cc"lste.,:itly wi-th L)@.e cbstract b@to fre'r,@-- ly t@mp2loyed Jttugiax conceptri in dovslopiiig-ktr tl,.4ory btit Cleo h*.d to wedfy &,id sytoirj th@,-a &".,a-ohat in ord-t@ to -'fit ti@.3 faota' tro yieldel by ber instruti;ut, kno*-r. to th4 Type lmdicfatore J@i tor&s it,,@ v.-Itor's of tloso tt@v thtorio-?,, hQs uso of thi-to t-.-i -.,otc of V,-ith fvrthor bits 2 of I & in order to clessily -,n poreor4l,ity. TM ri;aoatiora of whothor auy of ttaso ar-s in far;t th,3 be.,qic bitit of the fir;ut- or2a st.@^-uld bo :tttveatig*ttd. A -ror IPPRIIIIII"eif6s "irst iwpor;tc@,-@ce to jo@ distinctio-- botvo-via peraoi-vt tl@at ho 2 Onoratiouslly, an intor.'f4.,.Lllte.r- la e,,-n ludivl.du?.l -oho Is -wble to porfor@i well on t " diglt aran cub-tc-,%t of th,3 V-c,@cbslor in-cot@,parito"ith 2)its V,,ortl level of @Lbility; an extemplizer Is at least wb-e)a li.,o to-koe tho Voch%lor for the first time@. Jt-via, d-rolv# t% t,,,3ic dittir@at2io-a bct-.xe,@n ludividtaels wli-o *re to prs,for Iliituttion' cnd. _Wbo &ro gopposo 9,@ to@ fro@t r 'Scr,.ration' an a modo of lex-cep- 2 tionj aL 4iyon injividu-@l ri,,ky be c-aasurod in this respect by the tnivers ka gives to certain quastiom3 about Up-tolf. Tba writar bto t@a6-un to o.-drdnlatqr both the Witabipler clid ib42 to a seri-,a of eubjovts; aiad currcxtly -big 20 C"oe In IT of tb'Doo Q,.@ses *Lro tta*.blo to cevl)uto a correletio.,& A ti tre ofioi.i it of an fp-tot-rallsor eni intvitivi)l tbo corrolaiic-.1 is @-76 (K,@gdall V-tu cottfioient), Since ",y th,@@,,oo definitiom m3t be att4marAted by the vnr*lla!4ility of In b@oth tcltft@S recult is im t@keellent accord with t@ by-pothesis of Ld2outity between tw of ttto liyorv--Brigp BCOro is al@s.@'at .St- but tk,4 relicbility of tho. djvi,@Ltion of ditit s;@as performyles from gc@rLer2,-,l ebility level is protably t---uch laror.) -econd f,:*rt distinction ilP @drat'n botw*W,4 vkat L's refore to 'Ri&idl &M 'i'lexiblo' perse-,-*, art op6rotior@-Aly dist4a-- gvichod by i "ir rolativs level of performugo on tls,..s block dooi&nj of tht V&ehslorl rigld proo" do welal. dreva:hsr *tMr LAsia k@l distinatiozh betreft iridividv,&Io sul@posed to proter.'Tbir.L-Lag' @Lad etk-ldre oupp2sed to p@ofer "Fosling" a-,z cL -of fw--tV-cr calf-rey.*,tt qu6*- tiop@a a@re u%O- to "eta2s e@n individual atibjeot. 19 of tba 'n vas&a aro -to co,--puto Lb* cort-aoltion bbtw6@.-a 0-a-A qw the WL--6-10 trt.-"-P is trc-#.ted tofeth2r, tr,3 ter-colatio2n lo pi,,actiw.Uy isro# Llowaver, t@,e t*rrelation for tb,3 9 r,@s a I a 5 e,.@ t t la t f 0 r t -" I 0 I a 8 tisoory bag boon doielop*d Q@.lxvst oxalusivoly fr;ou-t on mt-a md sine &ta retilarly recoViig'S rOlatlO:&Sbips tetwt".t tta--sex of -t." cubjest, th4s* re-tultip r,:zay &)Ise 1')'3 2 of jetl@ti-ty Mveci tta tv-o authors' (if--tt-Qvo cors-olutic-as *,re lojor tbi--n f.c-@ r cop (Ttzo tho prov-ioze Tito It p%ril2y 639 t@3 f;z eater tho,ility of thv Uyorc,--Brigr&i scoro le only at.-.i;at .3. 1,1 my else be pvrtly car-cod by a r cotriction in trts rant* of tk* veL;@-Vlo, tbich con,@,-Ckino a v@,otab'lo PtAtoi.--@y ef It dc-@@u i.@at c.,.ppear third b.,,kDi@7 bit of irLfcr,-@Ation 4 Viv role.-,rllajr fAo.,Coptably" mad thos4@, uM dO 80 'Vr.'AteOPtally" on tk,,,) basis of relative porfgrm2ngo on the picturo iy,7 ti4ch@pler Co-n b,3 rol&to4,dlrQeily to &ny of li7orsi, JtLingir, Co nc-opt of 'parsenno which moo?,4a lik2,3!y to bo lryolved h@q.-of is one-tbxt ryire kas t-et yet taa-n al%lo to doal Ith ,.ry t he Qtl.Lor k@&td, It dos& appear likely it@at b-asle bit cf-! te2tset-a ulutrovart@i" -,uid "'Xxtravorts' J.n -tho r Jun-.,i&m s*-,nr>ot Is CoAtal@nad lri &a a-i oix-orgortt of tha into CLetion LGt2vson and Its dogro3 of TLii@ct if &L rtsl&tiy-.31y tit,7,h p,*rA"orLi@@r,,2c* In arithruoij.,c aub-test or ttA lor I.a taken ao e-r, inelicatiozi of w,@wy bo Lypot2Y-,tsived to cov,:)riso iterecri WY4 (Arv )'lab rr lov on boty, int-ov<@.rts comprlao perfo". diopor*,.4,,Io),y on thoce 'a@ile ttio for ou2r 20-cetoo otl@t b,-- -plotted so aLs to be coa- si@.toz)4@ vitlz th,'Ln the lnterpr,@t-&tloii-is utter-l@y d6perdebt on tho of Etipro;r4,,ato ciatt-ing scorea for bott, Ll2iZit 3pQn "d FrithM40tie, a-Ad tliia gh@,@-old Y-@ot bi regarded -.* evsii toritative cvJ;dor@ca. 11,@4 eAgeti9fion thtt kas JL@N't, tten given serves both to spell out a fcv exv;iapIG3 of ita kird Of rOXXtIOL3hip t"t 19 Uiypothcal,zwi to ex-int betveon th-i foriuulutiona of #wpm end "d to lllus%@raie soxts of the diffl, .W cultice th&t ttrdd in tb3 'COY of tha Inyostiention of such bypotheato. Ttis rc.,,uez@,rch tt-at Is b,,)ro propoecd would take off from thin point "d would lnlti,- of lAyro".L#$Oa of tUs &4,reral klnd, Obv ly lerger $frjL(r, Of C.-t$o tted to bs oxc@tined beforo even ths tpsafto hypoth@osee In tt@ii,3 dixct,.Esic;l r:,ay bo r@ccept.ed t7o a b,2eia for guidirg the forrailaticin dt a C"l otl,3r aorpoolo of fheclo or otl,,ir ib."rlc4 of psr-. 4(e, S,5,yf vided by the 4'0 cox*si additiomi,l rxy bo dro-vn as rapidly as o.n interlookisig uot-work of coasi*tont tiypothotos eika be forwulc#.*d aid es- pirically Yalidated. &@@Actly whave thove wl.11 lo,,&d tt@* inicitiptiou is ii@- possible to foictoo. Assuming, hoctyer,, tqslt -&ream of isor4lpl,-.iaa can b* *Iuci- de2lted in tho course of tk4s rattarcb,, it aliould then bo rossible to combine the advai@.tages of the tw2 sets of da[iDitiorLs for the construct#. The bit& t)@A adwanta&es o.I e@acy eLdPAutstre-bility to gro2ups of pecr.01AD high i@eliubili:ty (in t)-,-* torite of of noavTg.-C-- me-,it) for a limited ntopber of scores0&nd a ganor&Uy nor#-tkrcatonivkg rlyeatl- ozoo. The provid,2o a I&rgor ru!nbei- of *core,% at a r-toro m- deralto level of i,elipbility, e-ad hiis ii".rked cdytntsg;o of expeetlxg the evbj,3ct to do bAs 'bc--at, - ttat nay often iuvalidato tha quoitionneire app-.,o&ch wbtn it is cppliod to tn LDdividvzl. By using thfi Vyorc-Brirgs iLe a scrmn for it.,#) solo@ction of ox-- perileental popLAIttiors "d &s a-vi interrediato criterion for the pr6liutinary 2-,*,Iidation of nQw 'objective' persorality tests it wy prove possible to develop r-tterimle ibat (a) are sq,4ivalont to tt4o$o tow in tho Wechsler, (b) i@oesess highair reliability and Ytlldity, eAd (a) lrelmds vays of "abui-iiig fp-ceto of porsc@oslity th@;kt &re zat row boing tappsa-o By usirg 1-@oth instru- no'kits to'seth@ir, It may pr#vo po&ftiblo to d4vol&op a scholso for systvmticOL11y rco2ordiml obsor-v-AAior-m of bel@avior Lo thit thoy L-..2,y to rcadily 'bra-ral4t#d in,- to the unit'lod th4orttical fr&mework, ry using either irstruwout, cletorditz to the rsq-@,irctw.@nts of a feasible exporiz-outal dcoigt, it rfty Provo Possible to ra,,tp th..) roletionskxil)s of & -aide vt,,I-iSty 01f AdditiOB&I vartabl*3 DU the u,rA.Ifiod offe4t$ of ,Oduca8tio, c-acat includitg various oxperi fcr,L-0 Of Ps tho irifluejic6,i of llc:roaity- ,nd Oi' of perso.@,ality yt@riety of ' tottel era a-II e@,reas of jo.,t-Brliftl 'r2t%;I,eet. i A - -"Idth Of tho.-io Pvoio to bv the beat bet eta DI oper, tiuojtjvn. -W Pr 2 C, bat I" sut-- ;'--CVU tO 1,2t 0).e o," It @iroz, lee t i(- ti-,4 lines be 2 NM" POW Izi view of tlo rtt)utivoly '.AiZh'et. of urcei,-tainty thnt- to llecesvarily atr'ocic,i-zd -*ItL P@arLo for tts @iv] of ilatic i-6nearch it-rilt iv oaltilt?.cd mbovo 4M prop6co3 t@.-,xt the budget l@-I Ostabliched imitiolly la tor@A3 of a Mt's of of vf.fort, rktfl')r tl;,,in 10 torw-z of specii'ic gc.,QLIV ccrets of th@Ls. On ilds t@@-sto it sesms rmsonable to roqutst a- gl,*.Ui of $2C$Iooop to 'uo a;@,out ov,or ii@ vtirlot,' o.' @kpproxim:,At6ly one y9ar t-oginni.%2g In Uctobor 1957. Thls sum would bt sufficient to perait upproxim-tely OA* man-year of eifoi@+. by a ftesc,*.rch all of tho costs wbic',l ile MOLY generate ttu'a@t4ghottt to by ttis r"vosto fo2r tochiiicul an@d clericel ikasist&r.ce and by tho noed for proper iadmni#tv-itiosa "d &ccouxktiag. cugtou.@ail @,ccounting system &ould ba uo&,J to account for t@4 futo-o *4 thoy vers actually spent, 2and could Lo oxi@o-@ctud to vbow alproximately WLPIDYOO coste (including vages and talar-i6s, vacation f@lbnst Other dirbo@t costa (includivq trayell yur@thago of spetial 2 equipe3an or tmteriul-@, tttbulzitii,,@:, Gener@,l ov,@rkoad (fi&red as a poi,cen'@@Zo of eliploye-o Costs) ,@'ki-Uot* riopes tvmt 3igificar@i progress "n bo imde by expondiug this exk4-o-ut of atfort for k year, It tiiticikates tkat thore will ba nc?od ftr evp- port for sgveral ycr%re if thi oi-ce, propesvd for retearch is to Le proporly tqvestigatodo "d L,2,-,%pzs tir.-,t o%xld oz,..ri..,trk th7tt w-wy bg radv ckv-ailable for tKo purpose-if -the-resulte- that Kre being fot,-a4 vo-rr&vt a coi3tixuation of th* work. 3 4*%7ould oxpect to uw@3 Dr. tAs r htipo-I lAtOstigator for this c,,ork. itily 23, 1957 LIZ 4i 41 VI