KA ba" -vw4---the "omt-i aA 44@@bolOV 4012 'VOL" Mniber I ot NU4bpW %q- bexw. #39 638 too 8 Date#. 27 Tanuary-1960 MEmOPANDU,ki FOR,i-- THE 9"' ORD- SUBV -Audit Exceptions TSS/CD 'tion on-KMTRA (TDWLTRA- 81) The-$54000-007sebt-to 16 Oe-%tober 1958-bWbeen-acco=ted f-or RON over- e aU Accounting t@@ - at --61) The, reaiatnigt:$1,977-52-ki-'@i" to bO. accounted for2@@ M-,-aD for -an acc6tL6@ i6@full. Chief TSS/Chemical-DivisiOn CIX @C Oct,)'ber -16- cheoic 1'.It the _nmow%t- Snblbse@"14,-.se find th aq of t5,ooo.OO.rAa*-IOAYAbl on-tre re")-.eseatt-l@avmnt OVIA yo tiire the check before it to tile n-c- -a -r a- -kssista:nt TreAsurer5. RECEIPT eipt of-tKii@@114*lng: I hereby ackp-o,%,Iedge-rtc $5000-00 dtawn-oa the-- Treasuret's- Check Nd@-7@9020 in the2 amount- of . . ol . - - IN-1-11,111 0. dated Septembir 30-;@1958. isom- I ti payable to th D tocn 40 FA u,i-l, "ilt co 1 f4 cov -0 t MEMORANDUM-FOR"OMPTROLLER----- ATTENTION ftiiace Dlvistd*-- SUBJF )AKULTRA, Subproject -Additlonia 13 April 1953-ii4h@-the DCI "the D.D/Ag and-th"-RtoasIO4 this authidilty Ln -substquoilt memorand"u-boroject 31 hi-- approved and-$ 5 000. 0"1 A Dfojett JUL049 t 0 over- I UKULTR 2 itas be" oblli*W-to cover the *,abproject's exptmsesi::::@ 6 40 @902. obllg&Uou of-fuiado-shofild be-cbacied to Allotme t 9-Z302 15 Chief 2 TSS[Cb*o@@l I)Lvis APPROVED FOR@013LIGATWX::::@@@ OF FUNDSi::::::::@-- Rtstarcit Director at -3., I)Istributioat. Oft& 4---1@Ad-dressee vi"'.' TSS/FASB 22-S*'Dt*mV*r- 1958 CHIEN. rlNANCE DIVISION )AZUORAt@DUM-FOR. VLA lift SUBJECT UKULTRA, Sub rojoet 81 LC6 z 2 Allotme oice N6@@Z -for th --above sub roject Is attached-.- Payment G!hould b,6@@ a a a fOI16*tf hierl beck In tkif@6UM of $50 000 00,, Ot**@W C&I 2 i@nd ma 0 pay t@@Pleai-e forward tbo check to Chief, TSS/Chomical--- Division through TSS/Budset Officet by MOAday, 6 oc-tab-@-r-I 58. hisisaadivinvoIC6 --Atotaloi$5,000,00,wae obu&ated un&O"IC*U!4@@ect dur ag TY-51@-Ho*GYorjl-$iuc8 ltis&ntlc tedtht"dditld"lfundowillbe-obl@Vg-a-t*dforthis p-r*ject, the file-o-should not be closed$- TSS Chomi cal Divi a a--- Attachments-. Oa lltvolco it Certinotti Di 1'ribut4oa-.- k2r,iS Ik Z - Add"oii" IWOICE For services $5,0000,00 (1) It is hibroby-certlfted th-sit thii-1-9 14V6tce #2 applA#t@WSubproject- 81 of )4KULT-RA2@-tha th@Ci*&Ices-are m -@dance with mut"l agrearnents that a de being acco@ ishad ib@ tailed agekida-outhe payri@ents and -iitelpts- is on ff@*li& TSS/CD, -that 2 this bill Li jdit:ii4d:t@@tOct-AM -that Dayment ther6of t@-as-not-Tt- made. chi-et, TSS/Cii@cal Division Date,. (Z) It Is btr*Uf7Wtified -that thi-a Lnvol2t4 appliedto Sub?roje-et No.-SI ofMKULiRK*hich@*"dul" roved.-andthattlieprojectisbi carried o:ut-ln accordance with the 1374-ril 1953 fr-o-r-n-- 0 DD/A,,-iA the DCI t: the- 5 d th-e-oxte-asion of-thui-autbority la sub-so--q-ue-at- memoranda. DAte-, IA.LMORANDUIA-rORt-- COMPTAOI-I ER@ ATTENTLO."U-- FI"4" Division 1-14rULTRA@7@@j4ct SI,, Additi(ical und r th* auth4ttty- igrantod Id-the 2memo-raa4um-dated - 13 April lis3-from tho DC.1!6-the L,,V/At and th6--txtec%sto4-Of- Su"jo.ct 91 approved ar -@@t MKULTRA grojec-t (land2s -A-$St ooo# oo of tki@ has boon obligat*d-tt@@@ the obntattoo of-fund"ould V"hsfled tO *114tihlut 9 l'-tOZ--ii.-ooi@-- - - - TSS/Chomical 5 APPROVED FOR-OBI.IGATION OF FUNDST Research Date.- Distributiolas. OTIS & 1 - TSSIOC-- I --TSS/FASB TSS/CD, DRAFTAa@mw 15 September 1958 T,4E RECORD MEMORANDUM-FOR-.w@ Cdiitinuance of MKULTRA, Subproject 81 SUBJE CT-:::@@@ 1 .-TK@-@@se-of thlis proj@@s to continue-a-uppqtt of one phase Of the follow-up the- The scope of t follow-up will ietiiain the sar-!Ie-audtit@t@@@ginal memorandum rtetting_-@ip this 2 project.,@@s subproject, however, supports onlg@tht7kfy:@@ical-_-_ exami6ation"ortiob-of o*@,up;3tud ucted by the group and supported by fuading sources other than this Agency. Z. -@;The or! i2nal-f@i@bligated for this project were expendecl-irt--bildt interviews--which establi-shed-the,,useful-n-e--s --- s--a-nd feasibility ofA4@6@foUow-Ul) examinations. T-he-addit:ional cost of $5, 000. 0 rep"sen s"he annual salary ofA 2 speaking psychologistwhowil.l-t6Ml@i@h-67-"ychoFo-g-itAl-exarninations Te project will@tbAtinueL-@@@beginning-15 S@6@b" 1958. Charges should-V@@:@ade-againat Allotment 9-25OZAS--902. 3.--- It 1 any permane.nt-equipment will be purchisedf-o-rthispriDject. Travel-vaerthis-p"jectwUl-be- normal actounting practices. o reimbursed-accordiiig t t chio TSS/Chii -Division GATION OF APPROVED-F-a6R-OB-LI FUNDS: DATF,., Distrib@ition: Origilial c@nly el-ID Funds Received, Funds li:*pended,. wees an-d- Fxpen@@@ $1,128-95 50-00 ill?8.93 Mwranslatlon 2 TriteMrence-- n-c6 St- 248,75 Tr el ., 3K4&:::@- ng osts Recordi' 102.0 Typing 96'st Pr i n t i 1 Total lLq conrerence Balknee of::i@ Recelired-- TSS/C",e:,-'.cal D4-@-;I.siort .... ... . 9 .. .. .... . .. RECIP-T I hereby ackrLowledge-r-ecei@t@6f t"-fdllowing: Treasuret@s-LCKi@6k-1159057, in the ai-i-iount-of $5, Ooo.-OO drawn on the ated June Z53,- 1958, payab@le tov6 -subproject to atttchede tnvoice No. payme'atAhdUld bt-lhade as Ca tort check id-th-e-amOunt Of $St- ooliakdrawn @IZZ--4- 2 f r*ard the check t4-Chief TSS[CkttOUal p sale 0 -Officer -1958 --b-- W@64 dty 2 DivisiOn tbrough TSS/Bud4at 2 ne@ y of $5 --Ooo 00 was Thi - to a fl@k-al invoice. A total 6 obllgated74iW-ar-tlhl"--- ubproject during PY It to &ntlclpoo that addittonal-t@@@'b@@ll ated project the fili-"h6iild not be CYOI-ed Chi TS$/C4*rnical-Division Attachm#Atot Invoice c4itifl4eatlons Distribution- Orit &LZ@- Addreesto DRA.FT m SUBJWIT ;study of ject. The7p4rp@ses of-tbig--ftllN-.Up.StUdY a) To observe the2 he itb, occupational social -and a personal adjustments-of-tb@@@i6l-@@@le and to cletemine degree of- vbich has taken pl6d"u-riM- t7i,.e-12@@18 months whi-ch-will ndtio 2 shortly aft6t@:arival@i@ "n -@Ve-d St6@@--- te b) To ri6b:7data e prediction provide cri ;ud generated-b, 2.: 2 tite as -intervi a permiient staff ever is tmployed the Executive- 84@d@ 11 be consideredprimi 1-in. vestigator. 'd2welok 3. This@@ie-a project, u@ich-is a,-16gical- consequ @,nt -is to the @@diction project but which separat-elyZoWnistered-to-avold@@-@rit@6@f dAta-contamination@- t.1-@e re should be no rcel:@t@e- ate follov@;@-interviever witting of--ove-ri- mnt interest. - one year betto6Ug I April'1958-i"tit,-.@@5,000-00. e-se-imit Allotment-8---2502-10-001- equipmeat vill be-- 5. It-is not:@ia purchased f6-r--tbig7troj"X.Z;;Xt4@v-@?I-unde-r-tbit project- will be rel bursed accordi e i-ma-1 accoxintip-g NW Cbli@f 9 Tst/C!4@al:tDi,vis APPROVE:) FORLOBLTCATI Date: Origi,ftal y@@ - AtWhm@ont: Budget - C)O 0-d 40 ""low