60 September 15@@ 'emo too*" SubJ eo t This@ is a--m-emorAd=jOf4O'3r-f'i-lO regarding kh,---status-of-this 2 to--this@-project recei@@d from the Soon,-,or - projecti Thp original 000-00@-@Th6=-g@t6:ithe projeo,'t-dir-ectlY-v-s or wa-s $15'0 2 and the remaindo-r 13. 23;@19 $13,61-l'.23. We-folvarded-26 -00" on pr r 11, 1958. The balance of $1,388,7? a th43--pvrpoe&2- of further here in -suppiyi@hg sums that rtay-be riecess-@r.V in thP- poblid@iti6"f -the- V"rt is-u-o to date -61l.-230-.Tl-.d'latest -ac-0 ti as to theli@@ex,,--enditqtW@@tha $130- @gs 196 showed a tbt,;,l -of e i@t bruarv ,-xp n@ses throughfp 7 ortL?,,4o.6.26 u@s5-n- the officibt)@ th. t6 At"-chad-is a OOPY or-tw at6t@@@ing-- March 15, 1960 US$ AmountL@@@ Study of literature Constru(,-tion T6st battd a questionrta Ike -?25.96 2 Pretest Z4 Contactor7 .5. 81 Field Study-and translation-of-the-datal998.-83;;;@- Team discussio Reoort Meet@n,gs of Research S-ta-f f-- 45?. 9? Public2'atiork TraveMng @and Unforeseen expen@,' es @74 Total expenses as-@@ @ve date$12,4o6.26 This7-lswutrue-stat&66i@"f-the a@,.count'ng-as-receivod 8th nci converted two 1". an's aL -cT t),3 f4w TSS/Chemical Division January 26, 1960 subi eet: noi igaamtA.,,,- 4,=I' Attach tii47fi6.m -the above named- pro,je@-,t, I am using Jo to l' the total a 2 is *n,459,43@@Ttie@----- is a balance @ofLI2,131,,70@@e-h will probably be continued to be used for Estimatp---of Total expet- Deco lst-- Total expen- Items eosts-F§:b@ 8 G--4--O-n7 N 0-Y r,-ee. 318t-- sea on Dec# 4th 1958 30th i959 1959 2 3i$t 1959 o!L lb i. Stuiy of lite@ature- 2. '.onstruction T,@--&t @Z@ batteri and 4ue3 kIM- tionnaire 3- Pretest 2 mommomrw 4. Definite interview 5- Contactory O'@, 6. Field study and translation of7zthe data 7, Team discussions--- 8. Report 40 9. 1(0*ti2ng3 of Research OWN* - Staff !O. Publicat4@or. II. Travelling and--- living experise-r, gmuwmr 12, Vnforeseen ex-pense3- 'bA. -bail ex.penrl it,,L Dec(inber 8. .959 rv -&P'or- vour- iett,--.- @o--- @,iove 2.6 ant i t.-3 oncloiare 'tie to8- i rr!r"ort. lia AM looling@@@ixt the FM @Dear l@r 41#Mbft I have oltasure-in-sendihg :a- itbq'6unt wit -yOU h. regard t o the ptoi-eol 2 The aooount eovero,-@sevtral stages of th*tt"rch-work '.Ve,@Lpologize for no'. writing-tarlier.6 W4 deciaid-itl*dald iteines durlrg thi@fi@lddtudy-for-in-st4.-L l@@' @2v -male- of- izittr-yi4vz:@:azid te:its exe .'.T@ie.ittm.."expet@s@s 'rldt. @-t4@ finahoo t'nd-- -OD n-.the.'..-.t-ady-was- tog'tx Y-91 an to a'tti*itidit'.,itoessa'ry 3urprviee d -we jutt at&Tted -.*i th tbe' tiranaleltiotii of-t-e-, z-@'@At the moi%ont -f ir@t -par f .'th p;@t t 777' tal C-. C t tl ;ctobr@r Ist@ 2 ,Itll Dec. e !SC-.L1. 3e@ r 1. -"Moo", 4 4 . 2 %now: 5, law Allow, I'@t-.Rtinrs cf Res,)ar4;h staff' ",Z;,LL4 Oli t-a v v L iii; iret;een moll 4 ic-72--,.44 U.S. Att&it,,Ion I Dear s will kiltlvr-lze-youv-to- iend tha-au@a or tO tWfID110;ditg:4@@t ThJs -AU furth*i@@@horize y- account-- fo. the 2 for-airtiai -- ----- - --- equivalent ariiant in V"D---dO notifio,.ation of tllls-ti%h@utiona Tha-nk you for ygVl@q@@tion la@rt@43, n&tt6r. 5 Troa*urer 11@@ 1958 Dear r)r, count t'ne WO UAdi=CtIU our bwik to- f )tsILIQigl paynent on tbe-grant MIR oil@2@whic-b rei)resei -ni ton your orga zat WI 6-p wity of7A@@@YM ieU i-i-tho We wi-sh to take tl,.I!i polt -and-will@166k@-f6iv3rd to the reau-Its. contirillation of-yg4r@7TPS RECFIPT 2 Cbeck No. A197115. Receipt ic hereby acknowled 'ed. Cashi2erl,.q 9 ed Tgr-tot- 2 195 raw t 2 1(; to the a e: 3 ... .. . ..... . ........ ..... .... .MEMORA"UXTORIE CHIEF. FINKNCE DIVISION7 VIA SUBJECT- MKULTRA Subproj,@tt-811-Id"lc4s No*- -lo--ooi Allart@ a zsoz. 2 I for the--&boy a subproj c-ct I 8 attached Pa,yTneM should -be rn&de **-follows:--- Cashier's ck4tk"Lttio amOuAt of $15, 000. 00 drawa A -.A. &se f6iwar 2 TSS/CherAtcal 2'- PI* dahe check to Chief.%--. 2 Ju DivisloathrouahTSS/Buduetoffi"tbyWed@ aday, ly-1958. A.-Thisisaf I-iAvoice. Atotalof$15,000.Oowas obligated under this s@@@ect di"i4g-I'Y 58,-Iiowevers-sintd@-- it is anllclp_4e4 that addit-iddal-ftindai wilvbo 6mi ated for this lproject, the file* should not be 3 f4 Chief TS$/Cheiniteal Dlvt,@;'&,na Invol,ce L Distribution:----- Orig a For $150 ooo-.-Oo- ....... .600 -was mm CERTWICATIONS (1) It is boreby certified tht"his to lhtbic67 No. I applytol to SubprojOt@2- $P. of MKULTRAS- that erforynance has Veen satisfactory, thit the serv- -ices have been accomplished-in-accord&nce with m- utual s, that adetailedageadaofthe aymerband-recelptsisonfil"rL-TSSICDO-that this bill Is -ju et-and--cort4tt aAd that paym ent tKii-.Bof h&s- iiot-yi@t b@-e e-a--- =&do. Chief,-TSS/Cheftilcal Divi@sUou Date: (2) It to2 hereby to Subproject OZ under MKULTRA-whkb was duli(@@-and that-the-projeet Is ---Ulm-iLccord&nce withi the m"rand4i4-da bel,ag caislerofeas in this counti-y. gb of- the hals approved the projects further study;gl@@se-reb iQs in-the-fact-that those@@op Who wir,-- a&aitt4d to--the@@@@@ -am'mo'm @@up a hig_bly selected &4-@au 6 " r@ tbe- atioft tes@%frictionei consisted:bf-the-weaAern-tied rightist elements vho had h4"r been accepted com-oletely in- tho.--pres-e ociety. As such- they - - - - hM speiie7 their.lives-being discrimitated Ok@#st and -suspected by-- the commists in their@ovn country.- Y-nowledge of such indivi4uals can contribute -littleaoward &-i-und-ratariding of the dynemicr. of t@he admit r -tbo vho-vere dn the-othe hand. se suc h a oonsisted-Of a to the 2 of t -pulation and $LS Such cro6a section- included mny-ex-cocmwistr. vbo bad become -disillusioned- with the regime and-so it %,ho still have a basic ;ptst-of---this st,-bpro V@at will 0 be.-ainning-l@-May 1958- -Charges-@@@ 2 for ape:i@@@@ cam against-Allothii@@ht i-3 Aft6t@@tbe-project itaywth4t 7. unclessified:@ ao cl4@al@@&:7@vitting personnel in it. 6 TS$/Ch,-mi6-al APPROPD FOK-OBLIGkTION-Of'-FUM-. Date: Distribut original-only@zz= - Attaebri,@.nt: Pro,posal th bm"iw@lk' -.-fAbruarv@4 19M Dear Dr behalf76f;@@"sor who stays- abroad at On this moment @in a fk*@@Ittl@@time two copies of@ f oh -Mject-on -he situation o -efugees and-of the estimate the ect. proj' Prof" discussed thit--Plan wit a staff of ou'r-inati such deta3il as and he approves@:::@fully-of7ti@@t*!7t@l@@@ng you. We present-Ahie-plan-to-you-mith a-reqiaost for ydur:@@l.- approvement and-@@lo6k-f6f*itlit"earing=@@@ for PL"-OF.-A-RISI@@-PROJECT ON THS uons Af tar the im lot hays 'oeen thi-I it.oleat aat"f -thou bay* found' a place-inl- 2 The-taaptktion-to %be nay situation# howayeri--causes ionotimes diffioiiltio@ is of-great-interest to m&kO a, study of the-td&pta-tion-of--th-e--- refugee2s to tht@new sit-U-&ti 'When oomin --to probai@iy-built,up a set of expeotatiol@s-concerning-ihe situation th*)C--vould. probaloly wtro-shakt""b@*ik f (inolu4ing. oulturt"hflki@).--t"un content"t-i-nforz&ti4,@n an $toreoty-pts, *to. oo4ntrio3-@@p@rtioul-ir .if ter' thti"rrival@JL@ 2 robabl"i-"#,- t -sit\iation whieh in &oat-or other-vay::Wf4-@a fi@-6i what tL4"&"xDootod,-i-oo-*--thers "-fliot betyean-t@e-ex eoted-situation &nd-tbo-perc,2if,el situation. &rose oon This confliaL@-say-have led-to-difftfihv-type@9--of--adapt-i-ve behavi-oure The q@aostion-me,shoiul;dgNk* -to- taokl*--iot Of adaptatioDL- Of-Ah@4LIM refugees, Vh,Lt gtr"g§s-do-Ahoy_experience, in whioh ity@"6tthoy try to iol-yi their a-6nflidts-&jit-*hioh-. ir@uy----aro- ,the Main 2 they disp In tolax this v4 pl-an-to--taks into aoooixatziho-persone y-struoturo and enyiron-aent&114A4-:"It-*@f-a-I i-afluenoon. Partio,al-- 2 v&-w--the:@ibasia motivation for lo&YiA fear for pm-Ai*haont, the assirt to work-for- 14 V* out if any;@of:!fAtt::@u as xaladji@4tol2 rior to their arri*tl-L- thl-- in terms of thiir@itajusantrit to the con4iti@6ne-of life-i say be rogard*4 as- an - experiment of - th"x -lot- f &,3to-- typo We intond-to-sand"t-this number of refugees (some-- 70 or iO),,so as to leake-POGNi@le - a-br4i&--61iniaal-appro&ob. I"hsll not look f or 6 but shall - only tx)@: to gathor- oneugh informati*n'to-build aosprohonsiva case studios. By studying &At-- coup 2, hope to find-conimon- which can lead tofQrmul&tiOn Of traits these we hypotheses for fu@rther-reaearch on-more-exten$iV# groxkps of-refugess. The instrum-ento-to--be used &rot 1 i battery of psychological- the 'Wi4holei-Bol-lovuO, Roachaeb and TA-Ti-@ @-are in oommon usage in tbia.co"try and &186 -by our -colloa T4@this wi2-may-add the I-'ddehtr American have been used Colour Preference Test, The of'the v v P,l of Mau&tl4y typt. 2. A n6n-directiyo-interview vhioh-willtbi so struOtUrat 80 &g tO-2OOTeT @areas of opinioli---fialing-and behavi ntioned.aboys. B6th@tests and 'be administered g- interviews wil o& n ooial soi-enti-st-s- (@both psychol6tto@@@2-sooio og a a t-hose speoisliste-are-goneral-ly- engaged in reliet@iork foi@-@@@6"atriots in-the-towas they will do thei.r:fintervit ti"-their group$--in-oth*r toyna.-Th*--- intervi Nor$ &$-2I him3a To$ h46ye-loft4ppy, before x:::@xx To have bal-& f4i-y-talk"ith tooial 4-6tic@oit the staff of the official rofugio-org&nisa,t2ions@-Th4y have f6rauliti&-questiona of-great practical'interest-to-their work.-HoweVer, we-fool- that-it is 'better fir3t to gather more know e-&'oout-the problems coneara*d bef6@@y@ng to-lay down rules for mooi&l action.---- ESTIMATE OF-COST&-@@-- -t4tature and oontacts I. stu4y of available-l-i II. Construct,.Loa--Of test batter -and questionnaire---: translatioa Ill. Pretest of7intetView- IV. 2construction of d4finite@@intt"ieW---- V. Finding oC adresses@@contacting-Of'-tbfl4ees VI Field VI!. Transia,-..Lz>n-ot7 VIII. Tea TI. e@@atudies .&A - Prep-,arin& cas 2 rIt tf; X. First dra-4@'"f' fin6@@eport XI. Meetirgs -OL@@et@tch-team-with sdiehtifi7@6-7bdatd-Lof Inatitu-to XII. Final 2 ---------- Xiii. I!ubliqatioa- XIV. TravellirLR@:7pnd@71ivihg-txpenses XV- 5% Unfortsee"xpensas-- Eatima*.ed-lbhgth of-p"jeot"n"ear.- The basit-of 2 -in- ae i-t.h-th-e- down by the ace,@unA-a--ney department---.Qf-t" r/4@@as sot--up-fok--soientifit@r-es-(mrct"m f oreign-f @alculatod[ !)Y-mt- s@ fi:bial rate of exchange &9' per-1 Februar) 2 -547,49 Al wo