311 septeri)6r -19, -1960 u@np, @32,12160 I-lay Furni.ture aM 2 213-6 25 Taxps 573@@56 -7 Rtipt Travel liiseellalneous Off ice Supplies@@ 78-039 Bra!Lnwa,-,hi-ng @iblio.-raphy T-otal-14@@@hth FxpendiW 'as V' I certi-fy that this it=4q@tl*a"tatet?,ent-of exoenditure's-foi6- this project for.thp, uerio-i c2overed*----- Received for this period---$23-,000.00 Of 12 months-not- i-,,tolli.tiing mzinths of May ard June w@iieh 'nave beon-included to bring-this B,31pi,ce to be uszd4 during -Fiscal Y 1960.-61 196077-- Sept. 19 ;t 1960 -1,716.40 -&rid yiseelialneou-s 2 979. C'O 3.34Z 42 150.00 190@ o@o 12@@ 00 2 125.00 123 - 00:7@@ 33 o-- 125@.-00- 125 0-0 2 125 00 $.?,907.827@ Handu-rit-ing Pr-oJect @@@20. 00' $6,627.62:1 2 Amoijnt in Gra'Dl'-@010 sii@ Expe-nd. a is a true accoant of exTIen,@el-9 Paid I certify @'rAt thi oTiLth6=above project. *Th!Ls b1ala;nco. la conti,nua]ly7@@ring as more expemea continue. Part of th.,,Sp@ fums willib"tilited in the prpparation-of the report to-be ,rjublished, - r 3 Do you varit-stamp _pn EDrrORLkL IPRWFCT WENDITMZ$ Y# 1,-1959 th-tough Yarch-311-,1960 11 Yontbs Sal,-trie3 $13-,910-42 F,quipment Taxes Rent & 2 Travel 6?Z 4&--@ Off ice Suppli- es 40,00-@ Coumrdeation3 lllscellaneous Total 1-@AA -JlitiWfdr-tbe most-part 2No Bo Office $401@"t-co- t were absorbed The-anti-olpat:expenditures for the 12th montb,,.@are $1,700,00, ed Total antioipatod-A*Pn@@s for 12-Miitbs Total Budget and--fWdt@@@@,000-900 Less Ex-oerdit,@re3- Bal,ince to be c&raed over-- for fiscal Yay-lt 1960 to Yay 1, 1961. *This sun is anticitated assistant@ hired,, Apra i-, 1960- ND$ --$11,449.46 Total Funds 41 Funds Fx-.oeMed Balance-as of:APr@1-1-t 8 002 91--- Anticipated IR@,,peri&tl@ Publication of oletion of F'ir-st COM. Phase tvo and thr-ea-w-e-indetermiiist6 at-this 28. 1959 TIZA roa7.-d@of-Lir ew-sciont e a n .--oror 0 r - 2 @@@o-nd pay:rent mi_p T, L lt3 6L .rkqua]@@aent on - o----- uly@@60. wtll be iAde@@On . ab,--,Ut sly- at- the end of-Vr.O 'irst tr'e A--t pre',r'16U @%Ani of Ltrector3 diU@YWIOW-YO"r deterwane turtho-r-s Ppmite - Tm follb@fipv-c4ooAiticns 2a-ap-ty tO thp- utili%,ktion of-tll,.-b5e fune,3-0 1. An ann,4AA@@and infdi@al ,,-Fro?_,ress report, to be-sub-mitte-li ,- th6-@Mntb of dur!Ln@, 2. An 2 -The-Re@Aew shall7dbhtain tr-O fOllOwihum d C,IthAr than tl-,O-above conaltiolis, it i!,;L reiulro fui-id-s be - -@on,ie iti-2-oly for@ the ptiblitatiw desi-e,nat@d @,-4 tliat r@o profits ex, e@ accrue to Rny !Lrdivi@liial. /3 The 'tk'5p,.-d o--' Di-recl,-,ors and-the sci#;.ntftfid 2au4v-lsor3 to the4miolik@ r,a In wist-A-ni,, yo-u ve"Al in this -oneeavor,-- - i @lea:3a call,,-ii.@on us for- wq a-5siststnc4 tt,;,qt wp- ma:t be P@ble to-proA,-ie. 4 @5ince,reiy, December -11 @--1959 Yiemorandum to,.- Fr<>m -Review---- S@ubject: 0 2W- the above 'nam@ -is@@L@inviVed able to This proposal, the first t-hat -have peen stimulate d tor the fact -th-at we hava- been w ing24r@ --- h 1 g-y or@, -n if-is P-a-r---t-i--C-U- for two OR. i>ur needs in that A. : "i""S- conta6t@@ e 2 comuni and 13@@@hieves tb-is j@tib@h ry-rqodest cost on a partioi basit;@-- v7a@73U emen wr Task I recommer4@i@ 2 Budget be-madeLiii7twamunt larger than th eztimat@d -bkidg4 4id@ ted -ecause-it is -1 oollnion tliat-as-his workLprogre,5sea-uniapt-the stixmlmt-our@@-gr @all provide @@h6fwill@ find he IA"ot all6@i@ suff idi@ifit -funds to acl,Aeve his--objectiveo._- - - ----- ppm,,Ww,proposal@@@o_sure iF 2 our letter-of -cdrx@ lch transmits a first ,o.%viaent-o6 tr-e grant in the amount unorthodox -action In raking this transirtittal- was cli^-tqtei by the 4nall" ar&unt@ involVed;7 t>y tho,2,-delibezation -and planning - - which has-borne the a@pproval -and consent of our %fddtot"d @md by YV sti-ongItSo@V@h@@ t@o respond quickly to this proposal- for public relqtions i)urposes. rf-;@Wttf@sidoration-9i==you-feei that this grant sr@ovld i@bt be mde, the-,re are sxiffi6ient-administrative- funtis on hMA to - cover the f irst- year s-grz-,nt and these can be i-iverted frota othe""' @roj66ts.' RECEIPT Iher-eVy-acknowledge-reteiPtOithefollowing.- lb --00, drawn Alm 00 (ff on ar i7 M ch MEMORANDUM FOR@,--THE-COMPTROLLER ATTE14TLON ri@6@DLYIS164 SUBJECT. 1 MKVLTR-A-,-Sub@project N $3#-- 2 AutbortzAtl64@#3 i"he MemorakdwA 11 April 195) from the DCIA"b@*-DD/A -and the eAeastom@dU this authotit in "bee *at raomortbd-as Subprojtct-83 has -b"ii--2- -00a@-@fthoovbr-&UPri*JectMKULT approved, &ad $257, ac4 should be charged to A114Wi"U9-.Z502- 75--902. T3S/Chomical-DIVIIIOQ.... Approved fo0r abligatlon of Irunde-.! IWARAJO AUOr,%L4T tic__V@ .p ReseArch Director-____ iKUT*4011ZING orts Z- Addr*4o*e I TSS/FASB- '8 may 1959 MEMORANDUU FOR'.-- Chief,- N'Ldtdtt--Divlslon -OULeer VIA -TSS/Budi@@ lirojeet 83 id"tce No. 3 -MKVMA"ub 2 - SUBJECT: -90Z AlLot at 9-25OZ-73. @id"lce No.- 3 f6"htw-above subprojert is attached. P*Y- -ititdo as fo ment should be C-A the amount of $25, 0004 2 7@;l pli4@-t-6 forward the check to-CKlef, TS$/Cheailcal thro@igh TSS/Budi_zet Of(Leer by Tka"day, Z8 Ma@y 1959@@ :3. This ifj a flaaVl4volce However since it I tuade will be oblid2ated-for this project# the files should that addit@ons not be closed.- chief -lion- TSS/Chemi@cal 014i MAY 12, Attachme2nt#,--- Itivoice & CortAfications- U",-KAT "IDSAllAYAWL4 2. Distritution Orig & ;E- Addt"tee- @,,@-TSS/FASB -,,-'AN TIA,EAMOIJNT-E3F INVOIC For $25#000.0 ............. --------- CE-RTLFICATIONS roject (1) It Is harobV@@@Ahat this-is ld"ICO No.,.;@ A@PPI mg to Subp No. 83 of7MKUVrRA@jW per fdi@@ is- B&tl$(A@ctOrYOhat sit.rvicas are being ac-to -m Ushed-i"tc@"di-rit-6 *Ith mutual--' eemen agr -to, that a detailed agenda of the Oy"nts--iLnd-i*telpto Is just and @correct and that YM*nt thereof has not yet been made* Chief Date: MKULTaK:"Ich was dkilt4pp"yo and -that the roject Is bolng-t4"ied- out to atcordance with the memoranduzn dated 1$ April 1953-from the DCL- to the DD/A,, and the extension of this--"thorlty ;ri subtji4ue-nt-rnemoranda. t or Date-. DRAYT Z6 Ntarch 19W ME;WiORk;NDUM FOR-@@ -THE Br--CO-RD--- C4tibti&"tion7of-MKU@LTRA, SUBJECT 2 Subproject NO@@- 83 I.' The-purpose-of Subproject NO- 83-if -to continue sgpp9XKOf- the erlitorial and technical survey activities is assigned to th. and is covered as an employee of -:th 2uring the past ciot@en-rqonths his-activities have been.t6 n-,ake.technical surveys of social-ind-behavioral science matters of interest to TS.SICD/ - Branch 1.11. continue to develop technical surveys -on the controver sial and misunderstood areas l2isted below, a.- - A revision- and adaptation of li@aterial alr ead@r@- developed-on deception techniques (niagic, sleight- of haiid, signals, etc-.) b. - Psychic phenomena and extrasensory-perception c. Subliminal p@@@ption 8 d, Hy"osi3 e. f. Expressive x-novements (body type, facial characteristics, etc.) He will also assist in editing the mat.crial they develop i"lad'ing annotal reports, project summaries and conference notes. be under the supe rvisioti- of-the Executive S and will continue to work out of the nting for money spta-Will be included in the Accou regular@@@ @audit. 4. Th@@-tOtal-it6t-t-2bf this subt>roject will be $25-000-00-for a period of-on"ear beginning@@@59.- C4*fos should be made aoainst All6tiht7W9--Z50Z--75--90 5. een cleared for access toto ecret p S 9 material by the@Ag@@@. Chief--i TSS/CKiihi@@Al Division Approved for-Obli tid-n-of esearc rec or Date: Dist ribuiion: Original only Fay 12, 1959 Subjei,,t: Fditori@l _project Th,%. balance of -funds- --re-c--eived for tne FAitorial- Project whioh carried from 14py 1, 195 .through koril-5-30.- 1959 of@@,449-,4,6 19@=@ained-and committed eivi4 :In-Jahu along w-ith trie the fi444l4W-19604 1959 for continuation Of the vOeK On @@'OV through FDIT OIIAL i?R(.IJECT -nd:it'Lu'es E)cpe 797 0'3'0 Salaries Taxes 283. 1,012-.32 Travel 60-00 Reference LibrarY -7- Office Supplies 9 '75 Graphav&y TottL@@ Iters ObliiAt@@@@tbese funds and to be-Daid-in--Ylay--- Rent --kprAL'17 15/30 2 37-.50 Taxes TdtAlffo@p@tures r yea $21#550,54 Please note-that no-chalrgp- was-Dade-for-teleptpne, ele^.trioityo- dj@!Offic"u 2-the vast amount-shows f amount-of' suppvies and -%t Cash i.Droject' $ 15,965-89 ---2.034.11 $ E)q@9o,nditures &nee Suppl,,-r.ent recoWOd for t 8.000.00 RECEIPT I hereby acknowledge receipt of the following: f Sa- Z09-3 0000. 00, drawn on o, t,^A -Tznl%42vv 1'4- lqsgo an to ell ..... . .... .... . Z9 Decon-iber 1958 MEMORANbU.%i FORI -ClilEr-YINANCE-DIVI-91044 VIA TSS/Budget Officer $31, - invoice-Not SUBJECT 2 MKULTRA7Sul@projeci@t-@, Alloti@h@t 9.2502-.75-.1902 le "Irivolee-No@7Z-for the atiov6 meat should be n,,tade-as -follq-wo,* t of $8, 0020. th* &Moun rnade p I fet thmaw Plea rward thi-check-wChieft, TSS/Choi@itcal- 2. so fo through TSS/Budgot Officer T4*"ay@- 2Z-JiAu-ary igsa@@ 3. This le-a fiA-4il--Irlvoice.l A,totat of $.8, Ooq. 00:*@@"bil at under this eiibpro Og FY 59 -Ho-w.-4v---o-r-, state It to:antle *a _Ject durl 2 that addluohat-fund a for -tme projecit, the (110-0 should--- not be closed.-- TSS/Chtiiii@cal Divisio Attachments,. Involve c6ftlfl,@iti-p@as 6 C.'i'GA TSS/FAS all K -TFIE: A-MOUNT OF 0 REC INVOICE $8,000. 00--------- For Services ........... ........ CERTIFICATIONS (1) It to her* that this la la"tce No. 2@-4plyin to Subpioject 2 No. 83 of MKULTR&i-that performance- it, matisfacto .Ty, that servlceis are being acoomotiihpd-in accor-d-a--n c-e- ---with mutual agrt*Tents, - that-@i detailed agenda @f tht 'V&%Vii@ents and-receipts li-filed in TSS/CD- just iid cortact-@a@@ payment thereof has--n-o- y"e. be-e4-mado9 /Ch al--D-Lv-i-sfo-a- Date: (2) It is her*by7@@otifi@d that this tiiv6lce ar.@plies to SutVp2ject 83-"d MKULTRA which was duly@*pkoyed-t4d thit the project Is -being- tarried out in accor-d@@@th--the memorandum dii@.-ed-13 kpril-1951-ir6th the DCI to the DD/A. andAk4@::Wension of thls-"thf)rlty ia subsequent-intmoranda-.- R ector Date-. 16 I)iscomber t9$$- M-F-MORANDUMF-ORI -Tilt,-COMPTItOILLER Division um dated Ua4e.r the authatty 94#W-10 th* MOM-oran4 13 Aprll I 33-ftdit* the DC-114-the X)D/A 3,ttd the oxtensionof 9 this aut-hority J* suVt@@t-mtmor&nda- - Subp"jeet and SS, 000-00-of J2LIK iqnds h-&,to-beta@,obli atod 14@-4over tba. aubprajectts exROAk@-- 9, and should ba-@hargod to All6tiii4nt 9-.2502-750902*@@ of -VuLrtd a I c lles"rch Diroct6t Date., Dletribution., ORIS a -@Addressoo It TSSIF-A-S-B L N/A Support-a special research study of_hihdwtiting analysis --JoWproject) Satisfactory 0 lqqww- DR 6"V l@e Decei, r 1958 MIOR4-N-num FOR: 'iHE FM ORD - SUBJRPT t Supplement-sr @MJLTRA, Siibproject-83 i.: The4pj@p@ of the-supplement to tnis project is to A"pg;@@a special research studY@Of han4Witin-9 Gr&PhOlOgist""-- 2 han,iwri-t ns7@to the categorize-a numbet--o@ to vbich - thp-se-6 citrans tend7tb@@17Wsonqlity dimensions othr--r experts-i-n-bandliritihg:@Rna2lyq@s, incFludM grapholcgis_tsi--liand4i@ vriting identifi@@@@rts and exoeriu,,ental-pe choloaistt@ Vill examine the ab 0 --,--of2-hUdvr ng-specimens to-cletermine-any----, id@--ntif tabl-,---2Cbe@r-a-ater e above p@p-,ase" iii:@@@at-ed-@As aCross valid@@tion 2. T),,e-origtg4'@udgo for this-7project did not cover the cost 6-t --diti@@dti2qti@ 0 re@@eal@ch could not------ - - tr,is research phalse. -The s cifi@d be datermined@Uht 0(nD e te@L- of his survey@of@ha,,idwriting @Lnalysit@--Th"t,@4ched-t@Uppi budget 2 and administration@@- Costs L@ssoci&ted::Oftl"th-this research phase. L adaiti66AI7669"f-this project will not exceed 3 @ The -- tota.- $8,000.00--(thereby brinlair.!3 t4o a total of $33,QW-00 ftirds-obligatea to 1 May 1959);- to te@@argo@@,Sainst-Allotriient 9-25IY2-75-902- 4. Ot'ner epq4fications fde--@ia-project relp.,iin as-itated in the Memoraridtim for the Record-dated 18 April 1958i78ub3ect. MKULT.V.,, Subpr Approve,', fdi@-Obli@@ti6@i dfEf'd-hds-' Date, Attache)d- Distribi.ition----- Original anly SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET,-MKULTRA7777------- Subl@@oject$3--- erts -00 $7 5000 TrzLvel@@ 8 15v. OT@@ TOTAL7= $8*-OOO. 00-------- 77-7 co 0 a! 4bo, go %4 2 40 40 IW to 40 8 C3 is 40 c: 10 biD la 0 Cl 11 April I?$$ UEMORANDUM FORT- THE COMPTROL.LVR I-- 2'idtt" DIVI I IOU ATTENTION SUBJV UKULTRA# 'V&4*r-the autb,6rtty granted la the Uti"r.%n4,xtn date,! 13 April 155) from the DCI to-tit*- DD/A-. and the oxtention of this authority In-*Obsequent memoran4a. Subproject 93 has wp;oroved, and $a2$, 000 00 It Pro.lock UKULTRA fun4s have boon obligated to cover tb4 eul>projact's exp*noes &CA should be charge-d-t4---Allotmont B.-z5oz.lo.oogl,- 4 TSS[Cbemical Division AVIPROV.ED-FOR-ODIX-IATIO' q Director Date, Distribution!- Ottl & 2 - Addressee TSS/F'ASB U 'Tune 1158. )41-rM.OR.AaNDUM YORT-- CHI@gf,-,- FINANCE-DIVISIOIN VIA -,TSS/Budiet Offitat SUBJECT -)AKtiLTRA Suii@ttt 83-17- Invo2ica No.---Is 1. IA*olce aNt@@l-for the-,above sub@@@@to paymtot should be roade as-foltows: amouot-of_$t5,9658 rn&do payable to Divisloa t2hr(mgh TS$/Dudget Ofitc-,e-r -by W-adii-esdir.-as J"* 1958.- 3. A tctat *f $Z5iOOO-O was -Tkti is a final I-avoice. . 0- - H-0-wever-s!Ace It Is- obligated und6r--thli@@sub@@ect durling. FY-58-.- & -,- - - @- --- -, - - -, --.- - - .- . anticipate'd that additional-fundo---Wul V@6@lit*tO4-for this pr@oje@cto _th6 ales should aot be- closed. Chief TSS/ChArnical Division liavoles ci"ifications Distribution-.- Orlg -Addressee 7 k TSS/FASB- For services--- $15, 965 ag ........... CERTIFICATIONS@@. eby !7i Subproject (1) It is her cex2tift ed th t this Is Invoice No. 93 of MKULTftA@-t@*t OrfOrMaACe hAs biea satisfattory, that the servw Ices baye been accomplished iii-ic@6rdance with mutual agreements, that p a detailed agenda of the p2ayinents and recel -on file in TSSICDD, this bill iCJ4*t--"d- co-r-rect and that payment-thatoof-ha"ot yet been matio. 'Ygg-/C-hernical Divisi Chi2ef Datet (Z) It if-hereb@@@led -thi tthi a ihOlcO-iipplitra-to Subproject 93------ und*rMXULTRA*hichwagd-ul-y--ap-p--rovedandthatthe roject-is boin&4t'rried@@i2nattdrdWt-*Ithtli' memor-and@4@datedIZI it a A4i@ 1953 from tko--DCI-t--- n of-thie--authority In subseqxient mem9oranda.--- Diti6ttot Date: It-Jone 19S$ CIIIEF- FIN4kNCE DIVISION MEMORANDUb4 FOlt4$- VIA -TS$i@13ud Officer SUBJECT--- ----I-MKU-LTRA-Sul@@ect S2L -Invoice-No- All6trAent $--2502.10.001@: 1-for the-it4*o subproject is-attached# I.- 14*61ce No. Payment sh ould li@d4 as follows: k -the amo2unt of 9@5@ r&WA Ca in t6 Chief, Division through TSS/Budget Offitir toy Wedd"4&Yo 25 3@:@ht" fin&114"ice, Ktotal.6f$25,-Ooooo*,%$ ob2lisated under this tib-o-r-oie--ct-duiing PY 58, IIOW.$V*r,- BIACO It it anticIpUedAhat additional-fund"lll b"blijzated f4t thV"Ject the files should not-be closede- 2 TSS/Chtmical Division 4,1 -7 Att&cWants, Invoice-k-CiAtficatidas Distribution:_ ORIS & Z--O--Addresaeo------- CI-45 60/6, 7v f AFTI MEMORANDUM FOR-: TIIE@RECOR .-MKULTRA -Sub roi6tt-No. 83 SUBJECT 1. Tb:e-t@@@@l@oj6ct N67@-83-will beAo--aupport-the editorial-tdd t@6thnical survey activiti6i- assigned to th 15 nd is covered as an employe th uri.ng the past ,six months, his- ictivities have been-to i@nake t6chnical-survsys of4b@bial7777 and behavioral s2cience enatters of interest to TSS/-CD/]3ranch III.--'Du@ ing thia pe-rio -no-ed ,:,f it or quite pwilbly i@e,,:aLme it is a i@@king of uti,7tlitcal In or th2@- et partt'cipati-ij @n' a nz%-J iot @@,e a,;vc.,re t;,nt otli ;it'i w,-,r-t on t,-,,3 5oz-,io tlpg i-zii-ol t4 -In t@w t@-@,st o-' rtopholo@@iy t!,io iti@ig oro&yit -oF coune, re of t' a tc@,,t sit ii:hl, 2 IF u-.od, f.ra- is -zK .,lisle-ast and it will 0. cin;31i-,is 2 '-a ft@chili@;ue5, it t I i onp-,rturi.*@, ,'o @2E@st oi s2ol,-rti-o,i o@i-, s:t.4t&,'Io so@nj-,Ies far tillis-tc-it-,iii'al-,.,--.-f-,-;C,-. til-ii-I it olcc,,3 'no t,/Fi@@-; of 2fo! !-,ra rsc vc,rious otvj 0,4- 'Tativi@- T' y in yz "to 0 v fS tt-,3 client -,vtinti "7 r-inn w n v,,ho ho-, penoicl Y-t-rr.@' , i-4iol plise,- . h a of pc2.,rents' ,F!C.Itality am i,) T,>A scls,,- of t',,io of of proctlce, til@-, Is 'Viiiiii.7 t* interf@re-t the s2--,nse of hutiour,-" ho,.ti lnteilli;--,nco of ':r li t@ia P<-,5141cn de-Tt-orvil, etc. C-Ivcn the !s vji I I noi-roii 2 tivo or @-sk t@Ne e'io-nt to fi@cke tl-,.e f@,iini Yie 14111 extcp.J or-,,i i@s@ 14-Sii 1-2-,', ar@.-r, ivhy 2 --r is to- foil,. Z!f @jrcp -I, fixk-zl, co t, t%-- of any -n-t@.3 attit2-@O@- no cra knoe.,n cni tct.-ioeior is r.:@,ztked o.-,d 'It-is of leve-I -ar tyt'.NP of i.,@i Foc@s*-, of e"t,!fF@r;t 2 v@-ill bc- iir-t-!y "@y the "I@a. T'.;-te tit3 on t@-s is to iulli,,@eiits !@', 40@., -Y r 1 7-, 0 bri @.@ar t@.iy tyi!' tti-3 be to ei 2 VP 4L$ 'i'@ tit 2 rt io2, el cr, ib 2 CA i.N 2 t:o tt- 44 7 CA Ile 40 P.4 2 AA ci .j Li i- 2 zt 4) 40 i@@. CA 2 co 7m 2 ."4 C$6 co 2 f:l v -Z,. - .1 .11 io, ;2"@ t@'. t@A Cfj 2 fi) AU 0 ty 2 kll i-S Is % ri 2 14a 2 All, tl-.;$ for cir@ip.@OICT/ se:@n t5 axe participci'ion in intorvi-svn, roviaw wcr C.I@i2 tne fo, t!-.e!rr, @-y and thcsz t--- th onoij-@ts, flir@@e -,nrg sini-l'o-I ot,-t f,@3c 4L for is the,t ot lzmt 5@) 0;14 QS t;,I"-e 05 FCASI' la S'il two or t@tr@ia pau-@,s n s--r@PIES ca-.I be used as ii lo-,Ori,-te tlilus rt@r-nitt2ing a tC4t Cf P.-$O tliteu onalymof iiia socw writirtg over an extended p--e6od. - --s a, pro@cti'col testing Lusiness iuppliicatl,2ni of to a ts t..) lorig cre providzol tie sir@iollig ii 2i@l a c- w c. 4 -ver-;@ inlic-i@s :1@@s o VI c, tt3 w') c o s e i i r o -ro rcc t!t oi t r, I a co.-ti,,nt cl.u-"s to C4@'k civ@3',itv Or a soapile-s 01--toinso' niust Ile 0 1. in CG-SZ-. iac .1 f 7 7 reri.CA TIM illii;",@qitla t I 1 C-Z N/A @ial &7t@@thnical survey activities of Niel $atisfacto