OT" fttz rt RN WA w lxvolcz IC* $I*, Soo $tTffl-CATIONS TitA it is tioraby i,oi4ift" tiat tut No. 7 ap-0 lyfas to UKUD c 40. that p*rforgdauc* to latisfactoryl ibat tke fora *a at# 2b4- In &tC*C&AC# %ittk imutul agreements, that #L det&U*d #-"d:r*cttpto is 9A fit* In TSDI" that the biu to *#*ad& of the payment isist aadiory*Ct and2-"t-oyfmdoat thoroa has not Y*t bati madet ik Brimcik D P., is k*ie Ub- by icerdti*2d that this fiavotce applies to MXULTU rcoj*tt 60, wmtk was ddftpproved, arld tblat the project Is bo@og ca:rrte4. out in actordaa to the DD/A, and tkcutenoiaa of tkis at0tkority to subloqueat momoraada# Dat*,. ct iby c-orwi*i tUt SOUP]r*Jtct #t (3) -it ti h4i4 ed fua&. bk ikd4itidos *et 60 2 od VAOXP ended (=dp it III Irsqutotad tut tvit It# 19541-60 S"ial W*4s*t' 611&4*lttmo &a S-tk*Wgt t@olaii eauvago M6@7 72*f soimott 60 to efeditta 'bolow. wa eAt Antowtt MOlk AulLrA. 2 637 1-2$02 -902 73- 0 902 $1541009-4 160 34 ts1o/R;;;;Irch Brsac September X3 1960 Yd"oraDdum Hungarian Returnee Project Subj,&,--t: ject is that we are awaiting approval The status on this Pro Of *S. f iml report. We are holding the balance Of this -2no further expenses WiU-914s,,@. omt until ve@_@@@tbat ace The followuz is- the status on this projecte.: 10,620.00 iteceived-. Expenditures,. @0390-00 236.72 2 @@8. 2@2 Ba@@@ in Projeot Account, The a))ove is-a true accounting on this project. I bavo oznined And- -tpprovty4 the submittod --Chief TSS/Cbemioa0l Dlvlslon Octoter 22, 1939 SUMMAN STATEMW OF m EXPENSE3 PAID Total - 2 Translator Fees RilpmSO3 Sept. 19$8 .00 390.00 390 '730*007@@ ??l -oo Oct6ber 2 Nov. 600,00 31.00 - 631,,00 De*. 750-00- 2?052 36.60----: $14.12 Jan. 1959 600-*00-------- 6W*-W Feb, 6WiOO 62-30 2 79ek5@@ ?41093, xar, 6oo.oo 3 too 29-.Oo- 632.00--- April 730.00- ?30 -* 00 450000 0.00--- -2- Aug# go-too-3?000 ?1040 1,008640@ 6*M.47 Total Receivcd tor#vlk%@ -i-o-,62o.oo c Paid _lLqL$.4 8 BaLlAnee 8-31-59 3.8n .53 I a--@ld ani):c@--ad the -submittel TSS/Cliewical Div:isfon Date: i, )ow 46 RW riatiou Proj 291 Bo Pont&" - rprlito -tit- P"xt t $Po 0 6 tA pdl 9,7 ro'bo 6t 1959 Ro.- EXPOA$46 Jsn*1959 Hungarian 2 tioa Researel Tl-.t*rprater 18)6 brs 0 3170 -Tranoportg:L,011- W72 50 2 6.13 telogrOLIft -27 ofransportatiou: 1.00 0 postage& #ta2t ?9.v5 -spent-in igiati@u to*mm of thit asoi@at roltttd to .-120,00-from -post re3ad4i%o l@4,70i ex amined and approved the @Aibxl!7 oxpoadi'turea TSSICbWoal DiVfsTcm or 6.01 2 r\-,k ID 0 2 4D C14 Act 2 0.0 A@V 9 IC3 WNW Fi rP-,i r %rrr tc@r 614.co T@ 2 4.30 6t) 2e,,, 00 t P rv 1! Ct r A 6 L%f I;r RV I the (u,ttwe@s. No 19is EP 958 24 s,,E F. SEP 24i 958 5 T 14 S.#Pllailll!ll"t its$ uxuoa ir@0-its COUPTR*LTAA t Ammil 2 t# tko ousestow of -ou UKVL hail #1 tam$ sko*IA eUs2,4*4 to AU*tmsa t Apiploym row I CERI@FY THAT FUNDS A@.-E AVAILAS.LI C t TO AUQTM@tti 1 T N@ AUTliORIZIiNG OFFICER 1 TSSIOr."- TssllrASB co 00 2 owl ale 1L 2 40 fq E3 IA IP 2 El 46 43 9 ty, jo ci 40 RECEIPT eipt of the follovnl@k. I hereby acknowledge rec io 6200 00 drawn on TrUAULt@Llt..QktAJ69&A LE @'t n 51,958. payaoiet Date,. 4]L sob" It" la Ijr4 -4 AU*bmmt t ZS# 15 42 an& -to 2 offit*s by, Uoaayo Ooob*&- 195#. Cft-h TUli -JK$LW $Av440*@ $16. 4100 00 VI" *WSU" u"v thU ftlbjo"j -it 4"1" Ivy St. -"do vM b* *bU&M*d it to &tmgipatoi am &"tioad Al" iolits P. A4,d*4808*,* T TSS/CD7@ si@t@ 1958 0 TSS/CD Imp @r L sr 40 O* O" go AS 2 -40 Ca ,all 4 IrA so 04 4p co o oe -o 43 5 4M 00 DRAF 15 MEMORANDUM FOR-* THE RECORD 'SUBJECT Project MKULTRA, Subproject Not 89 so of this project to to investigate.the s I., The purpo ou2rces of ditaffection of Hungarian refugees and to determine the cause for voluntary redefection (return) to Hungary, This investigation is undertak*a in reapp",kto a continuing requirement (a) to elucidate the sources-of disaffec-ti@ (b) to authenticate 2 recommendations on the handliii"f def4@@@ Th"tt"hed pro- posal summarizes-the procedure which will be followed. onsul,tar4t o s agreed to act as principal investigator a cover a b"" tereat of the- Society-- 2 in coordinating research in all aspects of_the Hungarian revolt-and refuge4o probleras. 3, The fundin oniin--al --Bu- O-ervision- of this project will be handled b t a r a -i@ctording regular manner"ccounting fo th funds expended will be to the procedures previously established for the Society re!ative to grants to unwitting agents. Any unused funds remaining at the conclusion of the project will be returned to the Agency. ft is not anticipated that pmerit will be acquired during the project* Travel any porman*at equi fund& wUl be accounted for in a m"nor consistent with the- osta'buehed practice 4. The total cost t for a period of one year beginning 2 Charges 9 ould be made aga et a Siopttmber 1958 will lo* $10, 620. OO& h in Allctment 9-2502-15-90a TS&tCh*lnical Division Approved for ObU ation of Fund S' . 8Date-. Ailachment:--- Research proposal Distritutiont Original only SUMMARY OF PROSPECTUS-@;--STUDY OF RETURNING HUNGARIAN RERUGEES To determine the factors leading to the critical decision of certain Hungarian refugees in the U. S@-@@to H@iAgary. Procedure 2 ..data #@upp oriented primarily to 4@-- -factors and-setondarily to possible large schedul"f ential:a"al romedical action. 24 CoAtrol-g2rouj2-intorvicwo,#-Acontrolgroupmatchedto-the-re------ t-orne-a sample but-which has not appUed7for fiw*n wiU also be viewed.. 3. Examination of relevant data on other refuges groups_from- which there has been2 a-vio@4c&nt sample of returnees, 4. Comoarlson of returp-se-iiamW&"Ir&qllijgcs with that@@ acteriatics of rtfugaef@studied in th tudy. Personnel I b*Mr 2 The principal investigator wU orioaced-psychiatric case-worker who y p in the pilot Interviews in the foho --uj@ w _@@ornell-Rutgers case study$ Tlxe principal investigator will be assisted by a suitable part-time inte2rpreter-trauslatdr, C16tical assistance will be supplied b-@48W out iitatiatical and other data processin' assistance as re- qutred-will be performed by'-t4rt-.tiiii4@ help, Uteration The project is planned for a duration of one year. -It 2is estimated that the Interviews will be completed within a period of nine months. -final data processing and The subBequent_3 months viiu be divdt*d t6 preparation of reports. Estimated Coit-for one year: Principal investigator @$84,000.00 Intorpreter-translator (part-time) 21000.00 T.-@aval 3500-00 Telephone and other contact costs 270.00 Total $100 620.00 PRAP'T bvAvmo-.Ot@-sy It @tW@ttu.4y of pwmwltty I)y travt&mu cri 2 cri -i" iw M rowlt twit i@@,w t6y male wromly ciitfC*31 do-citioct- to tho 2t,%Iaod stow-dt(Xt I to tcirb@iw wit'ri -.he craws of eir@lgr4vs who to Afc*itco* Fw exanvl@n ft-no 2 In stnT.,.,Wy) A tm*ll percon" of tMi Wm? hava mwl-3 en evi@o Ai rrltlccl to rorevy. Utz gm;ol th-- Not OI)IO@tt of stwy In levi--4 of 60 permality wd sitxtio,-,,nrtl d.*twmtremlls of c@tr@h C4 el3 elfaa dr,,cizlcm,, Wit!.) Oalpt-"Cnis on tho *Ird mi ir.C-4t rirt3l7,, Lot wie'l Giteriti.,@n to of all tlreo. /@q wqcr@j,@ L'Oljfztq4 eql UO 0 40 e,**M$ r-4PAn 01 *3 ioiix* C4 ptopi WNW C4 t*@pinp es $I Me" *0,@ tA%2t vi^ *WY WWI owiNtiopulu-,P, @*@ul 4t"FJNIV V-" OP I" "lq -u*O" &114kcilo; eq4 t4 iiam3m tuml C4 @*PAQ iti Vuf4os uopo&jtu p 2 ti 41, 10 U*Ato am vol4ozkuml 0.4,@ KM WPIS FC41on 9* ICUIIIIII"O'' pvc f,41mlpb C'4 glqmm. LI I 1( UWW40M V"4WU*-Md OAul SVN Aq oog, p *4 -w" ow" 06&04W Patti" 4m*pwjcod 10 Om 4w 0 *A @41 -*VAMP) 10 /4 r@M; Sp ;O Nt*PU&d* km "#A 'I" W"%- "it W# IL*tgt"P "D -11" Jo 4"w 0 so lux0*" gonoq 4" 0*1 I 't@mle OWN pwml Out C*I~JU "ON low 40 Ionia" v ui dw4 c,,ctiVOi Cqi VO VI MIICOZ 11 JOAK*QN. Vjii* POSWUft C,q 04 " Oleuk r.,40P ttql-- etz,*C@niw vouot4sw#4,-, pmo"iul O" oqm Vw@.1is 4.1ilDAwi or-,,4 JO "I u M." 410 140-Nzl.NW3 0 PUD 4DI.11 V-401102wzjo &*&IN "PDA 10 ""I !Else 0!-,V? Sul/,jl4wpl AM404@% Jo IUI UOIP"*IUI 2 1*0 6t 6/4iW4-x4*1 m@41-'tr-V 044 VI uows)i?iul C"fww**i ul @*2%podw "low M14fgl4wi so aimiti-n uviitovak 2 4tvvo(jwl uo 44,M-WAPJ "O U"@* "4' c4w Jo ttl&4 i ll*w, 7 -lit opuvlb&,w @wnei q gii"p Otnio)*,dnj Aftpopj' .6u&wu C4 oit*p C4 F"14w* Rol P nm 0 eV c4ui euitwftiul Ut 'ay^ttmo 4WWAD PW rjr4 "4 lol:*s RAPI 4 t RLM"ttst of w@4 I* rtvmt In the cow" of tho raxt "We" *xi "wo t a awn MO of O;wd"2en t4 be Q"nhW*d b@t @wh@itim 4oap4radoo a.WWty, pmbobty tovtto GW*fw*eo of a to@sttit to be obtotnc4 2 WtA fw6ty of thm W6 Pr* 'oW the %4b%dNw It-41z*,4 WA WVl *4 i@iiil'tj pf I 31ill,UAMVA)j b,4t POW@2ly iv,@itf4mtrg dam s IrAvt&a of stp.41 age, cA- xafl,. rAlyttom, roll Ion occu II 4"tton") thw4 WI II I" stom6t Of tolov,ent ckqtc lari II retitxa on pea-%'otld wt, i#hg"M, Of *Agf fo?61" ww@. (,*ago CIIIAM,, Rtmi&d.) hyrothe 0.0 2 ti) The Jdo vA 11 be c ow"r4i" %*Ing @-,.Wlh7wy We Vitth Mftl fotv"- WOUP M&t,3 &ft is W44it4to am %iffh Calftl wow 2 wwvoitobfo '00 klmot "too (2) A cilitlcai woolpts'af lnt"lty OM ltrpll -"On of stgdiflcont (3) Crou volt&tton through 'bl'sM" predl-.tion 6 (1) A brief W.Ucal WI II bo Prje^zreJ DRAFTJ :4e wwtelt =Kgmod V41h wvo" pr"4"% t4 towal oftchw VI -Aw 4w, not vtork ON&/$ 2 fit4ml"fo *MI"YO tiopto 00 P nory ootat 0,1 f4wiff.@tii -*Ith'Wtiii I*hamlltvtt*n speci 2 Rcolly touw lowit odty, vath HUW?an Rqru" "lp clivi@a w Nim-pidwwA "Itilw lnteq-vetw WIM *VI (M r"tra 7 cloeA-4yp-ht ct@ pmi ilm Tolopho" $100620.00