.--YKULTRA. Siib i:ti scripti6n Date @@obligations Expeiidi ture s Balance -7 It 2 71 28-July 1955--- I.-M UW.VLP41 FO.R: TIT-, RECCU-,D sLq3auT- Adde-.qd-,;jr to Subproj ects 9, 26 and 28 2 1. The parpose of this addendixi is-to set fo,-th the matual acl-Anistrative responsibilities ol'-the contractor and spontori -s ar -the reso oh pro of 2 2.. @V@e above -,abp,-oects r4kores,-,nt D' financed ii-nd@5,r ',L'..2(ULMk@ ir.,q the period of 9 a --30 june 1955-, Owsoxhas retissted the Universities- h -to SUOMI?Mto 4., em a sun.-,a i-@t- a c c our, Ti-Pi,- ox,'- monie received f rora the FtL?,,d. . klso., - thpy, requested the return of e@-q iLnexpe-.i@-led fu-,ids recei:ved u.-ider-a gra,-it-fi-om the '-'itle- to ani periTare4t equi,,ou-,eit pi-ire'i-ased by fund - s r-,rart,-.d the be-retairted by-Itbe-U-iiversities-in lieu of hi her ovc-rhaad--rates -tbat doctlqentation 5. It 6@as m-it-,-,ally7tgrW and f2or travel expeises Pthiclii-aie rel-ibursable by-the Univer,--ity h d-epted nr.9,ctices of-t.na@ Instituviono qhall -wo.-X6ta with t e -a 6. it was acttod t'.Iat techniep-1 reports 2 the-- :f the research proarELn shall be sti'o@-utted-at iaiitually- acceptable tite--vals.- TLM ief 7 TSS/Ch.--.-,.ucal Divisio.-i APPR Chief, TSS Distribution: e4 3 TS3/CD 9@3 27 July 1954 t,,5ttr Dr* O'n la JLU.fust 1954, tho-re6earch gian- to the 2 f ro.-i the for research at th- ro. It is an',@,icipated that on IS @.ugust, of ;.-he funds-gr-anted--Ool- the-pas'v year'-Yiill:re@asi-,i unspent.--- 2 -sat'gon, It I.;as S4@ggeAtad to- In oonv,3r Me a sho-ild unspent norey resain,-an-extension-of-the time--limit on the grant iai@ht r>,3 c,,oe.2@o, and %that the raoney mugh@@u--then be scent durin,:, t@,a period oA'.exto-sion, ,I- r0 4!"m and 1, howe-jor'-have not received ivritten conf ir,-@&ation 6f' IV-We i-pt --, Po-.sic L y oi. such a2n-arx@v-c-nsi:on of7thtrtirae liriit on the &ran,',* ,;o iiish ier,, m,-,oh tha'v-such-an-ex"wonsior.-be---@@-rent@,,d and ask that- 17 ,tvritten co,-ifir-iatioa of r th,.- extenrion-be-sen nd to us, in order-@vhat iye taay b o *n:, years A sunLuLary o:t the--I:ud6,i@t of '%'lb -past yq@@r@ a tentative budget for the- c om'@ tiv,- year f ollo;ys 2 Total grant 020,889400 $upple(.ienl,ary 6@rant 4598.00 (SC-if C,-,Pa -Total sum -i-ran%@ed 2 F5 4@8 7 - 00@ Overhead of lo-.'al sum granted) $2-1548.70- .70 oy available Total non Expon(litures to 30 Lay 1954 EXPCn(ia-Dle 2 Equipr,iont 4,072#66 Personal services 11,453.39 Trawl 902.59 Total -ffa 162,514.23 Funds repiaiiiine, On 31, Lisy 1954 (5 , 4 ,&nrtiaipak@led expenses 31 @lay 1554 to 18 A@j-ust 1954 For8onal services 3,560.00 2 Travel 92,00 Total to IG kut,,ust 1954 3,642.00 I-'unis remaininr, on-18 Aul@,ust 1954 rroposed budeat after 18 August l@54 5 MEMO iecgintn; on 18 August 1954 2$783.07 Fun proposed '-.ud,-,et att6r IS kui@U$4' 1954 Persorial serv,-Oes(.Ion,3ral) Personal service3-($tudehts)-.@ $00.00 Travel 1,000.00 Total- 2,700.00 Total unb-,jd-oted after-18 August 1954 Yours ver L.- -6 Do Co.- Dre1 DRARV 10 YaY 1954 U@l FOR TEE-MCORD---------, -ot Time fo- Subproject-g,, Project MMTRA --SUBJECT: Extension -loc2ation of certain key- persotnel@-in7@: -1. Dk@, eto a shift in the --Wbb the I gwroject, the work will- hend@df orth proceed at a sldiw@ ic:Upated. For-tbis 7i@6dsOtFit@@has- been decide pace than ant d that the 2 original "lite-limit'is nov tooF@short-;-7@- 2.. As-originally7@@@tl@e projd@dt7ViII7:6nd on-18 August 195k,@ h(Arever, tbis-memorandum vill-have@the-effect-of extending-this date -o@ until 718 Fiebruary@1955@@ ge ii@@s scope. vis o APPROVED: al Division/TSO Original O'AIY. t@> (D co MEMORANDUM RECE I PT 4 Tariuary DATE TO: Sidney Gottlieb FRO14: L t Off ice, TSS SUBJECT: '2;o I-a36910 ,a36909 Check i s I hereb acknowledge receipt of the following: y Check @;b. 106909 in the amount of %1113,9',16.00 and-Check 1,7,o i'.tL3 6910 iii the amount of V7$.52 mad4-tayabi for payte-it of Tnvoice-,Yto.-2j- Subproj eat 9,, Pro,-)'eat I-M-L7FA - Plea3e return signed copytias) of this receipt ------ 1,6NATURE OF RECIPIENT 2324- Otrs0. I TO DATE RECEIVED FORM NO 34-66 MAR 194 Ilk 77@ 21 2,o Z@uaProleCt 9,v r eubptdjc.^t "roje,-t; 2 t J.3 -cqlejt,,.,d t@lat bv --a,'Ao by t,* ch"'@,% of o ct,.t -to Cbi(fa .4^L 2 r 0"4 'i@rer not, -"Pter-A 24 'o-e7cbc;r 1953* 1,= T@Z -,o --,v; c- o JL -U A@ 2 Ixl-..,,,t.-@,,'"' ur DEC till to' r-o,- by ti o rK 0 2 a .0' I'@' s d iti@ P-c- ju- and correqt y-3 cri ti-,o '.a3 yet -'h- -.t' c O- t-0 ro t' t le hereloy cortiti4d -tt i@,i-o r. h,,tt the rrol vcat-. e.2,t t -to ltril 11;53 th4@@l t te, Ca rci h T.-,L,-eo 2 11! @,e eb- c. rt, I f -!@a d 0 IO Z"Al; pro 9 or cat, -aa ',, e c@r,@A rov 3 'Z':xoc .-',ccgyov now r.@6,t- f TT jeqtzaoa(l 017oAta 31 August 1553 ave today received Cashier! s cheol., -fy Lhat T-h, This is to cee-I L4t of. 06)963-00 7 in the a m ro. ',@a33698 of the D. 31 August 1953 ai r,-ceived- -is tO cc tha b I have - to,i rtify This @4 9 C,-tnhierl a liO c, ek I'a33697 of t of ,-,139.2 MEMORANDUM RECEIPT 25 @@@3,953 TO FROM: Budget Officep TSS suajEcT: Two Checks. 4 I hereby Adknowledgt-receipt-of-the following:--- 2 26 -&M el-Aek #,ml33698 in the Check #M33697 in-the amount of $L39 amount of $6- 963*00 as Payz@ent fo'r@ invoice No, 1 Auhprojeot 9 -Project @MTRI. please return oign*d cogy(its) of thi's escotpt 8 SIGNATURE OF RECIPI MT E 00" To FOR-4 KO DATE RECEIVED 194; U, AR 14 Au,-,,uct l@53 -LK-MZ D =.'ORAIV@.14 ran c u r r. 9 ilk of' ProJect If.!CXZiIN 14 att4cbOdo -VO caahlorla cliool(i in 4.La It la --quo3to-I t@@,M;40 b4 rA-'*-Ly t -6 ml 00 ma@@Q 01%t tO IINl2b liwo @waant to Cl.) "-of' Divi3ioi3.t T3 Attr. men', Car"., c T5 8 oaio4u- ry Tjs/e 40=W AUG 1 9 MIMI 1'.V ir, IVL Io ir3 vol-o Io -T,.Io l@ere@rl ccrtifieltba';,o this Is In to- 2 Oct that teehpical p,..-f or--Z-nce, by 0"' ?to., -401MIplAnDllz; =tiafactorlp tho I!j being in cte 2 --e with tt@a tra-4.unl @-lito bill i 3 11 u,3t ar-I corree.%t anl tl,.at pay=r,*., tt@ereof b@,%3 rot gj 2 yet been =i4s*- Chief C:) T,,i' (2) "it io N-.,eby c o r-+. i f i o,,' that this ln,,ioloo ar-pliee -to- cta'oprojoet 2 -arh-"4.- Pro,'.cct iWTLX;Lk %eei4ch %,iiri 4uly anv,@rovo-i airl @"he pro,', iac A@M b@,-ezi oarrie@i iv., t 1.)i ctceo.-ianco vi-t:i e DD/P r@emorcx.-I to XI @r@ril I-)53 wa the WI ;-.5ril l9j3# dawi 3 Da".. 2 is h, of ti@, (3) reloy cortif lol tliot the "oi_* o La3 been ap.D.-Oved i7 Date., 6 BEIM AUG 'I 1'9 9 lZ3 @-,l n C,; T: "&r to tb* DD/1% .O- CU4,1 Ily, leli in tL@-4- on-I tbo ren. 17 2 9 hw@ boon tb* and Of tb* O"r-aU ProjeAet, L-.Zea WLl-LuNtd to emr tl4 L-4'@ 6 I D F%7i OD "'TIQI oil 1.0 J U, N I rat*$ ty, low JUN 1 9 E.NT'O 14 INVOICE August $)@1953 $7 102*26 ftAt-.An* PUftM ta*. 54 0 U NITED STATES GOVERNMENT Office Memorandtim '@o The Pecord DATE. 31 July 1953 PAOM §(JBJECT: -Paymen4- Schedule-for@@Ultra #9 ice: Serv' To Froject-. '@,,'.,al Auth: $20 889.00 7.78- $21@31, 2 -9,63, -;a t Pay: 4 139.26 6, .oo t t 33222 25 - 52-77@ :lb-ond.- -5,,222.25 278. 13.,9"6.900 elilrd: 3.,222.23 F'@-,ilrth: 5i222.2-5 00 q!:7 DRMT4W$M]06, 9 June 1953 W@4ORMUM FOR TIM RECORD -S' ,WECT-. Proji@tt @FKMTRA Subproject 9--. 1. Subproject 9 2 of@@ect-MKMTRA is designed to-continue-the support of, work unt i i 18 August 1954 under@it ce -110OWL-work is-concerned with the evaluation of- 2 Dr- 2 various - sternutatory agents-on-normal and schizodhrenic human beings@t In addition -his-program includes the study@@of narcotic-and other depressant -@6f 7pos@6ible benefit i-n-th treatr-ent of- 2 drugs and-those which mieht@- -bi6@ alcoholic--or schizophrenia:@_ is in,.restigatorls-facility at the rovides-an-almost-indi6pehsable @opportunity-for humafi fe-s@ting-of- drugs of@@.at2ional interest.--- 3. Th@@ti@4earcl"nd-fihdneial-proposal@f are attached. -sum requested-id-@$ZO 889.00---To-this- should be added-$417-78 which---- epre@enti@ a ryi@@@harge ta77bj67paid-tcL'ongi2mom 11 serve as a cu-@,-out-and-cover'fo -this-@@ grant. 4- not exceed $21.3o6o78 until the ex-.oiration-on the--above date. 2 -At,d 5@ Dr.' Oms been cleared through.TOP SECM possib'6e security precautions-with-regard to '6,lhis project-are being taken, Chemice4l Divisionp TSS@. 0 APFRO'i!!'.D: -1 Division, TSS e@mi it a MOGM4 --OBLIGATIOi-i PR(GRM APPROVED APPROV@D FOR AND BECC-14,fEIMED: OF FMW: Res@iarch-@@ @e earch Diree Date: -Date: 5 Attacbments: Proposal Statement of Cost-- original Only. To.- Res&arch Prg@posal-3 1953 1954 l.' Continue and comp3.ets the.cortarison -in norpils and schie of tho threshold of-various sternutatory age.,its, 2,, Continue and e*and the@@@@pressant drugs wuch may-rore----- adequately 3. Test ne,,; dru,*,s -Adch may be- benefi,-ial in al.%,oholies sehizoohrenics, OF COST Pfdjeet: Continue and cowlote-th(r- .@ompahoon in- norm-als and schizophrenics Of, the threshold of m-lous-sternutatory agents. Continue and (--xpand the study, o-j' deloressant -druis utich mav more-adequate'ly 2 control.thd naniacal psydbotic patient. Test nef drugs which ray-be--beneficial-in alcohou--s or schizophrenics.---- Feriod.- Au-.,wt I., 1953 throur,-h July- 31,-:L@54. A, Teehr"-'C&l Senior medical student $3,t 600 2 Mdical techidoia-.n ---3%oooo- Secretarial assistance -300, B,, Profess4-onal principal in-vestigator_______ 2j4oO* psy---hi4tftst-2-- eiectroenceb ra3>her ---2sooo. 0. Exoeri-mri@al Stipends for human experi,,nentation 4000 TOTAI@J-SALARM $15.,3oo. 22. Expen(ig:ole Sur)plies.- A. EM paoer., etc. 5w* B. Electronic supplies TOTAL- SUPPLIES-- 9000 3, Permnent2 Eqtd:)Men-.6 Recordin.a Polygrap4t- TOTAL, PST is 500#--@- 4. Trav C*- All' 4'quarterly resear^lh,'-d-6 r'en@e@ 6000, -fB* S-upervisoz7 trips ----2 50 trips, l@o nil 3 a, 390. 04- 0,',hi.-r pers,onn,,-J- 'Research coaferene- -'trips (2) 3004 & TOTAL., TR.,IVEL -- 1 290* $18,990.) Til.-,,titutioru--,.l Ov loef 'PAWN@M-1 1.,899, TOrrAL------ 0 020,889.00 5-22-53 De@@nt of Pnarw-colo87 -2o 1953 YzY Dr .Dear Drp. 'gnclos-d yoa dil nd a prooosed budlet f6r -d@03siblo co,itinl;L-,, oiw resoarch stuii62i irL as item!-.ed, are t--.Irea-in nlmber a-Ad@.these oa,,i be eleoor,%ted u,-:)on it t.)io'- Foimdal@,io@,i-so d-3oj,-o3o arent frot-i IDIR Presont -.,to O"xo ndituro #-hat we 2 --e Wi- have cui to fdibti@-thor,3ard dollars i ntl"xx. r,,,Ie d bilance frol t,.Io to koe,,) thio'rin ou--- account and ap.? 17 it a@;4@@he possible grsnt for 2 In 0"%"hor To--dsi thb@r@4@t-for t% 'ai @S his r 4e2liCOD,, I-nd tLe @4,, 0 aduco -tlia -of --@o. -Pg r t t Utl- iinotin,,, rlctiested -this a rto 5@17POOO. I discu-3sed this '@ilith one o,f' yoar r,,preser@va4wives roo6ptly- !.a i'lei-i "fork and 'no thou-ji@u &.hat this mi -.-ht biy7@@ie. 4t "st 3"PPort of our' basic research We wish to tha2nz and ho ?o tMt the -Board -jiU $00 lit 'Lu 0 o orit i n uth.*i r. f in-3-no jai i d for resoareb, Yours sin--ere 1-,ho De i.!* Do t7 the Depc,,r"V.-aent l@ -0= 7 -.- * TOW Tot it riontinue and complpte the 4oi3parison ia normls and sobizol-)IweniC3 us a 0 of the threshold of vario t raitatory 2 Cont2Lnus and e>-Tard the -study, of-depresse-nt -driD.,s .tdch my nore adeeuataljr co.-itrol the ra,n-t,.,oal psydiotic ratienb.- Lest druas -@ihich 74y,@@@ficial in alOD114D.ics-or ac9.qizophronies, 5-22-53 STATr.!- -r, rL --OF-C(r3T Proj3ctt Covi@.iniii ani oo,-T-,51-oto tho comiirlson in nor-.mlg &-id schizophrmics of the threshold of v.-riou3-901.er-,iAitatory, ac2entat ConbL,iu.,, and 67,-)aid the stucil of Coprossmt drupa i-eitch mar more adequately control 'Uha rmuacal psychotic patie,-tbo- Test now drug3 iihich r-ay be b,-nofioial in alco2holics or schi-.ophronles. ftriod: Augwt 1,,t 1953 tsrou@ah juiy--31@71954. 10, Salarle;3t A. Toobnical- Scra'or riedical 31.,udent $3j6oo'o iiiodice-2 t2c-@chal-.iaa 31000. Seer(,ta--ial 300, no P-.-a i -pal i-T]Vestie,.ator 2 3)6000 :lh D. 2)0000 si.@' 'Gets Sti.3end.s,, for h=-:Ln experimnta4v-ion boon 2 TOTAL, .3,, L A.P= 415,p3OO e-s F@Z(l pa-)o eta, 50010 -OIJOS B. Moc"L,.Ol 10 SA?. T C2.'.P A,? ILn- It m - I IWO L IL?l - 3p p L I :1 s- 900. Pecordin,t,,y 5oo t',IiT "41 v I p -5020--- TOTAL ,L@ FEM ,Ir, (4 Tr-av--It A., resoa.-ch-co 6006 4 qme S4,pervisor,,- trip3 50 tritia, l;'@0 -%Iles --""e7.Fo e'a 0 390., 0, Othor scienti-f-i-a porsonno Resea-rali coruerema tri,)3 @ (2) --- TIUV T2Ci'AL, v-,L 290 $18 00) (SUD.EOIAL 099 5, Ov 9 3.j 899 TM@ kTa @20,1889.oo 5-22-53 $0 3-273 9 February 1954 @E MAL-,ND bil F all obeifj, Chemical Division ATIENTION: @'taf fl es not interpoqe any 1. Chief 2 SO do Security Convrol, objection rrom-t@e-st6ndpoint of security to the publication@by Dr-, SW;M of the attached-@@tiole entitled 2. It is unde.-stood from *.he reference that the -"esearc'-q upon which thi3 paper is-based was completed 'mfcre Dr'@-OWImN@ -red on duty with this--Agency. ente 3. Dr-IIJRVMMK@it shou-Id not diselme his CI-P.-bonnection assignment, or-duties in connection with this public@.tion, lggw OP-t 1 Attacbment: Reo fiddreisce TSSIL&S 0 2 lop 19 JauuAI7 1931+ SU- 4COAl. TranomittaVo zn Pt to 'be cabiaitted Ta a att-tichect -is aco--,?-of ic -2nner 2 -for -wublication T-as vofz-covere4 in tble @paper vit-o completed before h '-ti s r.@ tted wil, A-viongly .oci. ti Tc.,,n2c -d t-n L a-te(lq pro -2 -t6tUttriipt-ir, ou'@.iitt-d for 7*ur perusal- Tals col@.v of t2i@@ 44 file$. che 6Zion, ClAef Ch@6t "ivie -ion, Fate-r iF tio 16V co - Orii;. & I D 2 c E4 3-63 13 J@@'@ -m- X7 --Olls Ilrootor of -toourity- L 2 CU.-,f i Cle-ara.,ico -to@iucat @-IM T --tc4 that It is a -covirt secuxi+,y granted T-'!Z; on ti-4o fouo@i inc@.ividual.- 2. D. '@-=010 4 es to-ulill-a i i r. %"i e,,ant to t-iroj--cl 2 de r zz-@. t,:,, ri la t !%-r 0 ',IC. 40 it-ir. req tod @t a cov, rt e?@ .ity cle, e-,qc a P---eess to i-OP 333-:rt v,-atiriol L, -3 @- r ii r. t ed T;As i:; a for of a c,:@v rt t c,,,,T. r I t yc' gra ",! 34,,ovrit-y r-.ffi vsa Office rot a 3- Ado at tL fact tli,,2xt r, rp.-,Zfe"rc-d to vt ,iETVo-iAtllizod L, Ifi Cff4t%,n %4 -n 'i -ze ,ecurilul2l ci c-,a- covert reaurity- in lilp*. on -Ir-53 fo4- ti.le ii!?o oC Lr. 2 -P -Won 9-@@ t int@)r f'] on a coriirt nor -@PR--n-,Iix I is f -iU2 t if tli-.'s -t la 4. It o Prr,.rco7l- o@ Od 3 T@, -so 7 orif- it Lt 2 29 Decemi3@er 1953 ion s,-curiy ciea=co -or Dr-.-4WM To@i) Sft, re t c ol@le rt el-e-3-11alica of tlh* n orcer *b@at TSS/CD 7-14,oorml ray uee -,rice 2 LT'@tk . in conrection wi' 1--a, s-n" poaitiol@l c,--@ a n8ed. ion la 2,) C em@@, a r 1953) -7= Tanu ary 4.,@ 1934 Dr. De,,r by 2 Enclos6d find two forms. Th@-ee should be filled out- -a soon-as IBM AW - @ 1, 1.111 Pend sent back to (tb-rough 2@oti) P- gosaible P-lease--give no,indication to, @6f 4ii6t re hi a de f6i"nt or assivmen- P-lly -bthi-ni tbis-@ nor that to 2 -in a opecial duty iEi ny - @vray lnvolv--d. Looldnz -forvard to seew you som-oti=-- coon and with-, beat holiday 4isbas t'o -you and youral I 6remia Sincerely your3i yi AZ