13,i No-vembpr 1,1, 1960 Accounti,ng of $9,500.00 Tot,il arnoo-nt rp-ceived: Disbursemf,,nts: Fsilo@4d,of 10 mgs. I%Iov. 1, 19581A!,'Z. - 31, 1959 $64500.00 Secretarl,@il and cle--lcal 1.455.99 Travel Expenses 313-32 @!isc. office suoplies and research initerials 500.3? Tel-,ohone toil calls --15-35 2rgq,-§ bax& Total d-isburse@ireilt$ to date $8,803-36 -P.80 -36 PalAnce held on ILA-A(I for fut@we-exT)enses $ This is a true-stater@ent of exnenses as re,r-tortod to us. 6 I.-he bava examin D-vi-"Ion September 19, 1960 Mr. Doo It has been one-year since the final payment of your grant In the omount- of $9,50-,0.0-0. @ At that time, you had agreed to Provide a fi-- I report. --Subsequent no 2 to that time, I verbally authorized two deloys Ithe svb-cftttsi6f! of thb rtM , the n- t lost of which vics- to be May 15 of this year. To dote we have received no report.- As Is required -of non-profit-funding institutions Itote, I formally relquest both an accounting of the funds received and the report agreed upon In our initial ormr@gemei-its for the grant. I feel that It Is fittin.9 for me to-emphosize that your delinquency in -reporting may be detrirrental In that the Board of Directors and the scientific advisers of the 2C40tiety have been informed of your schedule for reporting III PrOVI,ovs rreetimgs and must, of course, be given a progress report at our next mc-oting sched led for early November. I would urge you to-consfder the-consequences of further delay. Sincerely yours, 5 ExecutiV6-S40@" JUM:eb September is 1959 P@2 Dear -the Emlo3ed please find heok in the ;zount of $2,173.00 which I-ElPrOeents the f 3 t given to you for the sttu,:y of @"I "-A,ssi xxxxx March 2. 1939 Mlelose@ pioase find t in t 0=,Mt Of or the - $2.375.00 Wbl-.Cln reprosent@s -,4-ocond-quart- IY t crar.t give4i to yoll for tl,.a studv-of sal;@@P,@ce in F,ne. NovwAw 171 19S8 Door a amounl@ 12L2z2&Q2.*llll Atto4he@ is out check In t. four payments of 0 gr2gal from for the cottipletion of your stwy of i@T&FC@ rant of $9,5w. 00 Is- it is ocknowlodged that $3,OW.00 of the total 9 cnogr2o@hic,ond clerical - Th@ josisn-otod cm cv-@wpmotlon for st 2 -500.00 or @aitional ftmdi In the OmQunt Of $1 , 0- o available upm Y2Osjr revest at ASU mj O"ensotlon olt tonts be mod been further der, 'od,, these funds to your plmmfor r-%eoirch hcts r, 2a later date after ff under terfm designatea b@ the Executive be,adr4nlltefed bi th@@,sto ce,ceetVM FOrt CUMF FliNANCE DIVLSION VIA t TSS/Bu4jet Officer SUBJECT UKULTRA, Subproject No. 10, 14yotte #I Allotmeat 9.ZSOZ-7S-902 1. Invoicefleoveringthtabovesubprojoctisattachtdo---Pay- meat should be made as follows: Cas -oun 20 Please forward the check to Chief, TS$/Ch*mical Division through TSS/Budget O2fficer by Wednesday* 17 December 1958 2. Thloisailo4invoice, However.-stacieltisanticipatedthat additioaal funds wiU-bo@-aligated for this projtcto- the illes shoUI4 not be 'Closed,, 2 -Chief TC#S/Chemical Division Att-Achm-rate.. IravoAce St Cot-tifications i5 Otis & 2 TSS/FASB r 41904 is November 1959 i4XUORANDV)A IROR-. COMPTROLLER ATILNTION I rin4nco t)tvtstogk MXVLTRA,, Sul@projoct No,. 90 Undeg the authority granted tri tho mornorattdum dated a extonsloa of 13 April 1953 from the DCL to tt%o DD/A. Wid th rand&# Sibproj,4,ct 90-has tus au*ority 14 stabsequeat memo approved and $12 QQO. 00 of the overeall 14KULTIIA projei;t fwldo bas beost obllt*W to c6~ the subproje4ctle "y*qsesi-7Tble obuf f funds-should be charged to Allotm*,tt 9-25OZ-75-902. TSS-/Chtmicaj Divist*4 - Approved for Oblti-atton of Fundai I C:: 7v pppr", 3 Director Dat,l: ]DiUribuUm Orig It 2. --Addross*e RECEIPT of the'following: y, a6cknowledge receipt I hereb he amount Treasureits Check NA_, P58 dr,awa On 1 D ber 18, 19 , r 1,-5 th payabl to Oate. 10 1)*,c4=bor 1951 )AF-MORANDUM FOR'. CHIEF$ FINANCE DIVISION VIA SUBJECT UKULTRA -Sutprojttt No. 90, lgkv*ICO 01 Allotment 9-2$04-15.9oz- la"ICS il_coyeritks the ab*YG s%tbproject is att-ach4od. Pay- me4t aho%4d be inad4 aio follows,. Cashi 000. 00, I!blo to th2& TSS/Che teal Division- PIoas* forward the check to Chief m through TSS/Budget (>fil4cor by WedA*"Ayo I? December 1958 2-0- - This Is a ftna involce. H*we,@(er, al.aco it Is anucipsited t-hat- ad"onal fundewill obligated fi@"his pi-dject. the files should not be closed. 4 TSS/Chomical I)Ivtsloa Inv5oice Cortincaflon-i Orig & Z- Addressee I TSS/FAS V@. TSS/CD TSS/ Dec 1958) /V INVOICE $12,000.00 For Services ------------- CERTIFICATIONS hat this Is Invoice #1 applying to Sabproject 90 2 (1) It is hereby Certified t that poyforrnance is satisfactory, th't services are being of MKULTRA, a accomplished in accordance with mutual agre4tu* nts, that a detailed nda of the payments and-rocelpto 2is filed In TSS/CD. that this bill-7--- age is just and correct and that payment thoreof hat not yet been made. A TSS C em 1) IV on Date: '.It to hereby certified that this invoice applies to Subproject 90 under MKUITRA which was duly approved and that he- oject is being carried PT - out in accordance with the m-amora.nduin date 13 April 1953 frova the DCI to the DDIA, and the extension of this authorit in subsequent merroranda. 6 y R 0 e a@r c h@ -D- --f- t--t-o r@ ------------- Date: 'k 1,$ Novom'bot 1'959 ME.MORATIDUM jror-. -CO)APTROLLER ATTLNTIO',4 irimmco ]Dtytstoci UKUL.TRA* Subplroj*tt NO- 90 2 44t4d utdor the &,Ath*.-Itr grautod If), the MCMO]f&*d*M 13 AprU 1961 from the DCl to the DD/Ai &Ad tb* 4mt*nsloa of tug at%bottty l@ti subseq@fa#tlt m..2,kmor4a, as 5,4bproject 90 h&# Ota I 0 of the overau MR.ULTRA projett fu4d$ ap;,Tovei aek4 $U,, 000. 0 bas t@een obltgatea to tov*y the OubPrOJ*2Ctlg expenses This- obligattoo *-I iwws shout(I be cbarlied to Allotmeat 9-25OZ-75*')020 TSS/Chtxrdc*l idivition App"ved for Obltg,%tton of ftads: Direct-or 2Date: vistr itmtlon.- Orig & Z - Addreasto I - TSS/OC I TSS/FASB lr_TSS/CD TSS-1 is Nov 195 -,Sam. NIA "A Study Of th scieritist in th y 81 N,(Mmber 1959 DR WNovember 195;5 MEMORANDUM FOR: TliE RECORD SUBJECT )AKULTRA, Subproject 90 1. The title of this project is #'A Study of tbk6 Scientist in the The purposes of this 2project.are.(a) to produce a descriptive odet o cientisto who are likely to-come into specify m6thods and strategie a contact with Americans, and (b) to for evaluating and influencing such scientists The project is under- taken in response to reqxxi2rements for research support from Chief, aftached) and from the D-e-p-uVy--Chief, Staff for training materials. 2. Mr currefitly associated--@ has submitted to th @ol>osal (atta4:hed) for research which will s2atisfy these requirements.. 34 A ierant from- thelem r he t w-iU be made to Mr A an independent investigator. Cover for the grant will be- th interest in the psychological, sociological, cultura.1, and poutical-determinants of individuajo occupying critical roles within various societies. 4. F'undingandoupervision-ofthisproject.wiUbehandledby the the regular man- ner. Accounting for the funds expanded will be according to the pro- cedurto previously-establisled for-th elative to grants--to 2 unwitti@g agents. Any unused funds-ftftiiinintat the-conclusion-of-the project will be returned to the Agency._ It Is not anticipated that a-ay permanent equi eat vAU be acquired during the project. Ttt"l - funds wUlt6@"tou" for in manner -consistent with the established 2 practice -of th 5, The-total cost of thit@@ect for a period of one year com'- mencingINovemberl958wiU-be$12,000.-00. Charge"houldbe-mado------------ against &.Uotment -ZEOZ-75..902 TSS/Cheztiical Division Approved for Obligation of F'und a -@@search Director Date: ))ye Attachment, Research proposal iviemo fro Distribution: Original Only Estimated Cost for one year: I inveatigator's salary $ 6,5000 Principa see-rotary and clerIC4 3, 0004 2, 000. Consul9tants 500. Travel 12, 00@ Total-- 00 7.' r s ALNO 3sn 3@)3S n 2 I-VIIN3011NO) s is all I I SSVI)N n lYNN3141 -77= 2 f 7- !nq 4uaujujo3@ j*qi tol: (T it DUS 'iD3 S aao:)3S ONV-" ONiinos 4 0-3 11 ISS 31 IVNI31N]', -58-541 17 Septeriber 1958 riii.- Chief., Chemical-DivisiOni, TSS l@UM(if@,LIYJM F kTT &IT IriN SU'BJ2E(IT Requirement for-Research sUDPort cu herewith I.: Tn iocordance with-oui@@severa-I oral., si,,ussionsj reqaiests that y @fid4 A Dor 2 our OL -urdertake-the following researe @rojects.- It is imaterial-Vhether these are-undertaken solely @ithin the Agen- ay or appropriately cleared o.onsultttt@sources are utilized. 2. a. Given a model-or protioty-De. itizen, in accord- 2 an.,-a ,tith certai-n specifications,,- it ad that guidance be Drovided as regards-th6 r-,os@'. effective-way or vays in which re- Pressed and rationalized anti@regine motivations may be aroused tivated. The "sdecifications" of this 2 or, more p)roperly -re-ac MOial or Drototype aret (1) P@ge (2) Sex nale. (3) Family ---cl-iildren, possibly in university. (4) F@-ofession -- scientist. 2 (5) Status ---a professional "comer." (6) Polit'.oal-and- 1 Beliefs -- while in youth an idealist, perhaps idealist, who became criti- cally disillusioned a in eirly twenties. Sought escape and release in profession. As result of faniily respoti- sibilities and increasing professional prestige and status, has repressed and rationalized his doubts and opposition sen- timents. @low prefers to avoid any type of political involve- ment or perhaps even discussion, due to operation of his 8 internal "security" or a@nx-iety syst---Pi. b. Given, on t-he other hand, a riodellof a s noq a memb--r of the so-called "inner emigration,,"- the criteria of the "alienated" person (as-'dev what or can be developed for @spotting and ass ssi-ng as potential age2rt recruits -and how should their develop- perzons. ment b@ conducted. 3. The pur,,oose of the-above project.Q will be to shaxpen our sights - and metaods as res e o-sdotting -devel6iSo6yit and recruitment of selected types o Citizens. It is neces2sary to nrovide sharper t . -r- gLiida@r.ice, &qd a more isticated awareness of-certain key er exia __:@gainst tn for -oorsor@nel engaged in recruitment operatio4s. e4ii 4. It is recogni.zsd that you may desire to develop these require- n.ents orally and-at length. We will-be-glad-to -.Darticipato :Lp- further discussions and &uidance on-those-requests and provide such assistance as may be necessary. SUPPI,EHENT,KRY Mh'NORANDUM Octobtir-27, 1958 To Dr. Exe The Frcm: Re,. COFS t it) IS' igtd in Our - Oc4%ober-2-q) 2 Convers-r-tion of 1. telation3h,xp of' th -I.iaterview pro-o-bt to-tho-- proposed study The pro@*osed project-.i3 a now-concodiion, and not only was not contemp'lated but the cc In2 the course of that study much inits of tho oproi@@ Important idaterial WA3 collacted-whi@ch-could not be directly in c,%.rrying out-tti6--&I"ato of tlie Fou4dations and which could not yield its value if-it-woe6--lt@6-b6 used in 2 isolation. In conb4.nation with-othat-resourcesi bowever, the otherwise insights gleaned from the interviews can muppos-t-an-illumin-ating analysis and do.-gcription. A portrayal of-the-scientist' i using a role-m4Ddel analytic 8chame and a broad. ecologi, il orien*tation, goes far baj-ond @the inter- ViOW3 alOaO Could not foreq a sufficient basis for such a portrayal, though they cont@Ain data indispeiisabl.e to the Investigation. page 2 Thb ojoct was conceived as-"a 3tudv in@..i,nternat-tonal co-mmunii:ation" which would have a "service function*.for tho A-10 L LA The main ob,jectivea were .1) *to systetatize tbo informatio2n and ilapeesti6nt *hio'h A-'AOLrica (and cientists bring bacl,.- with both -about @@cientif ic ac,%ieie,:ent alid about the socl@.il ard political-enViroriliz-.it-in WbJC.1 0,AkO this po;3:siible, ard 2) Iffto disseminate-inform.-Ation on t! ie experience3 of c@ie"q amon-a the wider scientific corAuAity in thl"9..Couatry." (I.Otter frozn to mow Wel2'o to "forn A tuller e j atidate of *4he po%ttion'of tLl@) sciencas in 'the @w a-id.,to gatbor material (both from -@ad '@i-botit our-rinol) wbich would'b@ he@lpful in ms2@xi-zizing the valu@,,a IIrcim the-e--cbange-and-transiatim-prograns, Thus the report to the ill begin by destribing-our interview group in detail a--d analyzing thoir,-evaluatipo of the level of work i4mmiscience, distinguishing arong varioui specia2lties and ti-aos of vi@sits. 'Arhe,,i it ;,iill report on ob3-orvations concemitig ilia instittitional structure ot$OL research and develop,-zient fact'flltios -and-it will concludo with a consid'eration of the cor-munications aspects of-tho vi,9its, with emphasis on Imol3icationq for future exchanges or scientioto and translition@ of scientific inforwtion. 11. The Intervie'@4 T'.ie material collected necessarily extends beyond this report, howevereour I)iterviaw procodure was to begin by-explaining page 3. At on uh,,xtever otw Interests and asking the informant to COOL-me in the general aroaa seemed,most-significant to hi!m. Then it Was found-.Pos-qible,.by p@robing-witb2-caution,---to touch on all our areas-of-inter,ast without tending to limit-the-reavondont to routine cateqories or sterotyoed_roplies.. In this way we obtained not only a larga body of internally reliable-data amenable to internal. conk@,3risons, bvt a wea"Ath- of relatively'idiosyncratic lnsightst anecdote3g and coo.-zj@ints whlch waro bighly suggostive and wide 'ranging. 4-tio f oilow.In- li@5 -t-of questions i-g-sudgestive-bUt not 2 ox'naustive of the top ics w,-a ce-v ered c6nsi-ster,,tlyi (it is coplod from the "06helusion" section or@a ldng early me-.orAnd= I one detail in listed i-.i 9 -questions we hoped to learn mok-o about,) 1. Wh.%t about your visit struck'you as inor-t noteworthy or 2. What is your eval@uittion of iba lovol-ekl-lqork l@ @3clanco in your field? a, What were your opportuoities to obsorvo? 1, Your 2ltintrary? 2. Yot@ir speCiali'llie3? b. Conpa--Ison t?itii the tl.S,? 1.-.Comparison with othor countties known -to you? 3, How would you account for-the prosexit le 16ral of science? What fact2ora (social o.- other) affect scienco,lqvlwge-twiaral? In thi's ingtorce? points do yo@a thimic it %Z'u,,es a difference to tho cientiat tbk-*Ok. his society is what I t is? 2 are Itlie salient aspects lml,ill'is ciety? C' i2p wi A -tL'atl%mrn-d @iith that in b. 0 ,Arizona th Amorica ii other kitda of societies? What factors do yr,,a a.ly_d_oteroipe tho'cho'Lce of research pr-*ble@is I science? page of addiAlStration; basic-vs. applied; thoory and exp6riments, inforoal or de facto table of-organizAti0a; 9 organization of labs In toras of authorityt etc*; channels etc of-recognitio@.,t,, publication s. What kinds o.r people-are-most productive-in science? wb ?-(Socio- ldconomic recruitatht; tr-al-niiia-%Pure with y regpect to regirao and-4-.deology, factors inakiniz for prodiict- --ivity- in science.) 7. What were your conversat.,Lons with Hot; were yovr.convaroations difte a they might have- been if theas sciont4-nts had been thiie7t4tht@-)rparts in anotb-er cova-titry? (U.S., What kind o@ inforaation-do-you wish you had had boforo p u2 went, or did you find m-3st valuable to have b-ad? 9. St-.ice turitt, with w,iat sorts of poopl6 have you talked S',Iiat tier a tbloy int,@res-ted In?. W.iat did t-h'oy"mTt--s -Inq-airing abotit,P-' Wera any of your stafet,-,Ont$ sul,ijac@led to distortio@at e.g.,-in ti'le pro93? Why do you think thi3 hapwed? (SystemAtic fzctotSo-su4h as popular- fallacy or stereotype?) 10. What reco*fuen4@ations have you concorning fu-t2iite oxchanges? Wl,.o should be sont? Hbw can the value or such exchanga3 be it-xximizod? Risk minimlz-ed? 11. What do you thin'.< should V"ott@7about-th6 problems of exeh@ange of-scientific inf6mtiont (science aud-values: 6ocial conseqvsnces freedom of votumicationi, socurity@aystoma; of scienv-o;.resporsibility--Of scitnti,sts for .0olicy; science 2 and econo.%ica, and ae4iface and nationalistn -and war aid peace?) In addition to these topics it* collected personal data on eaeb responden4,., iucluding such thinga as hls comiiaud of languages and his travel experienGe5, ac well as the kind of biogrtp@.itcal. i-nformation ordinarily supplied from Who's Wbo and -In!@@rican Men of c-cienca. Na also sumarized all his published statemsnts on relevant topi*3, u3ing ttie Lea WY Ti,-Aes lhdax and the Zderl GuLde to Periodicals in -addition to our ge.,ieral collection of articlas, dia-rieq, and unpublished reports, which I mentioned in wl earlier note. page iiection or uaterial can bo utilized as a con- This co tributory rosoarce fo- a number-of inquirle3 ub iiqb range beyond the ivxodiate purpose for vbich they wore collect6d. 2 Thus there arO tetative plats at the Center to re-e=aine this material in cor4n-Dctior. with studies of t-ho-atalitudo.-q-- -of American scientiate.on crucial problems of co!-ittapor.Ary policy, and as a par-kk-or a Minute exa,.iination of. strengths in rose.-irch and-develop.-iotit it ia-platined to coil from the to per3o33nel and insteil4a4icA3 vbi-b nay-serve as-an adjuact to the *hard* inforoatioa gatherad fro-tu other sou2rces. In sttz.-,nary, the proposed project would subject theamma data to re-analysis in teruls of would be diff4,.cult to @,iiisvier without tb@s(A-x,.n'&que k-'-nd of data rrom d4-rect a.-id export obsorvat4-on, but which tiould be eqttally ditficu,4&t to deal with-fron th6st data-alone-s- It tw&ee advaf@fago of -3xistln6g while gathering ne'a material lnto;tx qaite different mode of analysis. P,7 III. Relal%ionst,.ip of the proposed study-to th-7 The second question you rai3-e6. was whather the advo-nv tages of carryin- o-,Pr tho project within the Ctnter woul@d be worth the additional expengo, I believe the larger invest- meat would be well justifiedt especi3lly becau0se of the unique opportunities for sharing of material and cross- d "ich ex,'st 'le-o' -fertilizati,'3r' of i cAg t the Con-@l-or nez;;ber,3 vilth wi%on I woul,d wory-, -nos are eng,-,p-6d i-@i t'@ie followl'@n2g @et-cldits: a ;scrieg of cress- Of eli-L6 8rouva- otudies in of science poliCY4 -Ago -MM@ t restarch and 2.0a. -in social "A t,,dy olr the proceso 15@ of cocrei-ve t to be 'tii'Lh a Very furtlizr in'Lervi2e,.-@-3 r,,.,. 2and'@@;ith Certain Thei,e are @,,any it ,;,4ou4t@d be for this project to be a paraal- lua'c.lo ol' the Csnterls proorali i-@-6 is not to a ea.crthwhil-C rs8nil-t. 1 15;"ll uoo iy-i data in any cAsal --nd@ r, -'Ln ti-,u@ch B@.-t I do believe th-nt, if ZqC@,'Uld b@a proposed, 18 November 1958 THE RECORD MEMORLANDUM FOR. SUBJECT A Study of the Scieatiat iA th ,o,,ed thi a Z 1, The attached prois gr:@l,,,ct t@hkroUALbtho- ic izatioh t'he Evelitli4@@@- wh'- ch organ conforeaces.the investitleator 2 La subseq@k@ ciatio- w@t@@ould be agreed that many of the advantages of allso 4 7 pay- obtained without the formal arrangement and ex4cqiisiv6"o'v'e'rSead meats. The grant is therefore made to Mrs f 2 1@@as an independent investiga'tor. The revised Estimate o Cc#st or one yoartherefore is: Investigator's salary $ 6, 5 Secretary and Clerical Assistance 3, 000. 221 000. Consaitants Travel - 500* Total $12, 000. 2, Payments to the investigator for salary and secretarial- Clerical expenses-will be made quarterly, The-JUnal installment pay-2 able upon delivery of an acceptable final reports , Travel and commit- ments for paid consultations must be authorized by the@@@@@ advance of obligations*- 3., Supervision for administrative purposes will be provided@by the Executive Secretar-ofth 2 ical super, i Will The y provided directly :[it to th and indirectly by Dr ff, who ged Plausible cover arrang t 1) 4i, Tha,priacipal ijayeatigator is not witt5ing of Agency interests but with an eye to future potential utilization of this individual a covert clearance has been requested. Distributions. Orig & Z - TSS/CD IS November 1954 MLRUOR"DTJU FOR-* THE RECORD t in the SUBJECT Study of the Scisttls 1. The attached r22&iilm&LI&@ 2Drojtct tkig4ih-tht th organ tatioli Ina iLnTq!.iupw t con on feroncvti the tnvesti ator I 2 of associatidn"wit could be agreed that m&ray-of the-advantages . b 0.@ :e-ment &ad a overh&ad pay- obtained without the formal &Trani Monte. Thegra2ntiotherefororn&d6t6ur a an independent 'investigator. The revised Estimate of Costs r oiie'year therefor-*- I#-: $6,500 Iny4stigator's salary Secretary and Clerical Assistance 3, 000. 20 000. cgneultauts Trayel ------ Total $12, 02000- Payments to the investjgator for salary and secretarialii@-7-- cleriw Woness wtU be made qua@,itterly. The final inat.&Ilznent pay- able upon delivery of an acceptable final report.@ Travel and commit--2--- went# for pajd consultations must be authorized by th advance of obligation#. 3 Supervision for adminis t@IY* plirposes will be provided by the Executive Se@cretar echnit'2al supervision will be provided dir"U-- t o th and Indirectly by Dr who r ged plausible cover-arra eats wit 4, The priacipal investigator is no@ witting of Agency 6interest, butv,@ltith an eye to future potential utilization of this iaaividual a covert clearaLuLco ha* been requested. ilia Distributioni OTIS k Z - TSS/CD M-n@V"" ui%f l@95?j NNW ri A ',3tudy of a.-,ieatist in ,,Iu:)i has bi3en g4@v@an to- amp b)r. it7,3storn vaa,ic@,,-3 -'-'ie3.da of th-a tlz3 tr@T" Wkdtll". cietti-3te 2 ctf tho tha rale.,tad t.ti--h coiarxtiric is of- th-a di-.@zw- slain hau b-cen with a--alreAin- t,,.eir its POI'-2ticql Y-3t. ol@tr md.arstanding of Aw,-,G of L-1 +,h@@@ th- @, co.,itoxt C)3.3 i,!,@iologl@cal Utic-e.1 2 economli@.-,g *tiler al foi-ets ei,@i t o t,!1,3 aa tlz-,e-o sci-.3"3 5 'r-.4.a -nrx bien r,3pl,,?.,:.ad b-.-, t,@a i-n i'4 a nArt of tha tmthp@ of buk i@ rt,3ainz to r-Isacribe in irletail the Pc-z@a of th-ILS stv6y i@,! -to z,.iarvL,. c)ttr r),Iotme of the imr in th'3 aspeoto og hi-s role Sinh a rzl'avilnt 2 'wit aholilt',i 'it -hcm3$ to a 2 T;iio hcA r-33,;r ct. to F.Zzb ',ad to eL-,3it 1, 2 t, Tha erain fO@' -ea.,Tan 9r-,@@,i all. p.%@-ta 13 of 2 yl--.sr3 old,, frc@,.i 'ihoD@.) c n-z of tha -t-3 iz T-. a, a 6 al -e-trgz, in e-A-@i4jicn io r 3 C- .zfipu;)'@Ltrh d r ports, T7' 0 2 pis p@, C6 2 10 T3 44 2 DJ. C, Ca (a +.i@ 1 .J rip 0 O 0:2 'J og bo grilff.-ell"IIY tO t t g wil- .nf an,-l ralw@'i've :Et to CC-"2n- be Zs D--l -IY3 ;Bar, no-i, C-@'en- -.1 2 -jell :t- -pica,. doi-r ani to e@a,@-alon L-1 a vtr,@.-t"r@'t OA, tl-e-- s-lc-@al ro'A,e :Lr@ thi3 9t:h TbiB 4' @@a an -.1rr-'@,e,-@@.,,ni an;- 3 P. hi3 a,-e se@ .13 i,3 of tli,,e conc3p@, of the Anal", 2 b-3 Yi,.,-ich 'I@,,hey ha-7@-, _4a the appiicc fili f role t,. 31@@vJ 3 I ba fc@rn-@r--d frm 7 ce-a list@--d on page will be 'tauei oar is ne;-ei--dj t) CaL--,i be 's3+,aol per@-p-or, on3,7 04@' LIWL tA 2 f.V 6:0 f 11 3 4.1 ARM, 18 November 1958 i4EmoRANDUM FOR,.,-- TIHE RECORD A Study Of tb6 Scientist In th L Thelattachod.P 'k #k 'a'#'Fo-cTa-fR.'--- La subsequent coaferenices'the investi ator L-ktIO6 wit could be agreed that rn.any-of the advantages O' assoc : a Ibm , obtained.,wit@hout tbe'formal arrange2rnent and exce s ve.-Ovoihaad pay- it meats. The-grant Is therefore madis t, c ependen investigator. Tbe-rovliitd Estimate of ZOG-ti -f4 i-6ris year therefore is: 2 $615001-.-''- ln*estigator's salav Secretary and Cletical Assistance 3l 000: 20 0000 Travel-- $00. 2 Total $Izl-ooo. Z. Payments to the investigator for salary and secretartill- clerical "p4nses will be made quarterly.. Ttka 1144 able upon delivery of an:act-eptable final report. Tra2vel roat vatate ;or- paid consultations must be authorit@ed by-tt, in advance' of obligations. 3. siapervision for admini$tLMLi(.* purposes will be provided by lool@@ 2 the Executive Setrata ef tha@@ Technit@at superXiIL2"IU'b PTQY!dcd directl CAAlLattant tot n inditattly by Dr wh ged 2 Y.)Iausible cover 4. The prlxxclpal Investigator It not witting of Agency interest, but with mA eye to future potential utilisation of this individual a covert ougsted. cleay&aco has been rt 2 T Distribution-. ORIS & Z - TS$/CD