"g @@ -250?- 5/.-L2/59 5/12/59 5/11/69- -75-90;-> 45 OC)O 00 gt2 1-@/59 9/23/26( 10525 09 - Itcl 0?, io,4oo-oo @lool j@-, 4.,z.-,@- 7 2 1 13 Ju-I 59 $5)'200.00 39,800-00 J-2 5 Aug 59 $15,6oo-.oo 2)t,200.00 8,600.00 #3 20 PuE; 59 $:L5, 2('00 - 00 Lo,)Ioo.oo Autil @i2 '.")t @9ept 59i l@g,ooo.oo 4 2)4 S,-pt, 5q, ',kl9,0','0-00 ...... 0 - 7 -7 ISI, S-?, IriATE - VOUCHER NO. 2-12 @,UBM17TED BY irG BY INDIVIDUA'&- 2 OF ACCOUNTING FCR ADVANCE FR M TO 5'E: Follow rpstructions on Neverse 2 ES THIS PERIOD: CASH 04 fqAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD I DESCRIPTION 7- ANOL;N@ 2 DATE 21 OUTSTANDING ADVANCES BEGINNING OF PERIOD N 1,5 PERIOD; r@R DESCRIPTION Nume 2 3z4 -.9) TOTAL EXPENSES 2 6 . REFUNDED HEAEWITH 7@, @-ONEY ORGEOI ERIOD (Attach listing) l@27. OUTSTANDING ADVANCES END OF P S. CASH ON HAND END OF PER:00 OR BALANCE DUE ADVANCEE T07AL ACCOUNTED FOR i4. 2 )TAL TO ACCOLJN7 FOR certify th t the exp APPROV :n@2itur;sd list I CER71FY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE A-1 E NATURE Of APPROVING OFFICER on any attachments war 4ncur a for official pur. OB41G.REF. NO. @CHARGE VAN ACCOUNT NO. 2 poses of a confidentia; nature, that pay-ent 0 credit therefor his not been receiv 2 this accounijng is true and correct. ad, and tha 2 t SIGNATURE OF PAYEE TE s I U-t WO F@@'ZING OFII@iCEPt CERTIFIED 2 DATE St NATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER SPAC BELOW FOR EX LUSIVE USE OF OFFICE OF FINANCE -- 2 67. 70 u 34-39 4 D- 4 50 51-54 71-80 DESCRIPTION ALL OTHER ACCO iiTS %3.33 . FA2N OSJZCT ST^TION 41 OBLIG. 49 CA COST CLASS AMOUNT .'3 ACCOUNT SYMBOL 2 28- CODE E RE F. N Z;: PPEARY, OCR GEWERAL x I -7 .......... -ER 61-66 !66.70 DFSCRIPTION A o F:U: -UE CREDIT 2 s DEDIT C'. 'R'P C 0 A CLIFID.R II - @VANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 "'CODE 2 "a r. NO. DATE .. .. ...... . IUA-,L REIfiEWED By ADA-,E IRREPARED OTALS Ff)P@@A 282 6 SOLETE .*.Viou-i- 4- 5 Ti@ST.R'@JCTIO.,%S @Lne or Section i. En-ter on line I 'he amount of cas,i on hand a"., the beginning of the period. 2. Enter or- line 2 the amount of outstanding advances made to third parties, brought forward from 2 the -orev-.'@.ous accounting period. Enler in this section the amount of each receip-t during the accounting period showing pertinent data, i.e., method or source of acquisition and applicable rate of exchange, if indigenous currency. T-' more s2pace is z-eq.-alred to explain receipts, prepare receipt form, number and attach hereto. Tr. every case, completely identify -',-he source of receipts. Enter on this line the amount to be accounted for w'.',,ich shall be the sum of amounts shown ,In 1, 2,- and 3. 2 Each amount listed in this secton shall be supported by a voucher'consist@-ng of either the receint obtained from the -ayee or 4-.n lieu thereof a certification explaining the lack of areceipt. If th; -.,itL7,oer of e-ii-tries exceeds the available space they -n2ay be co,.isolida@.ed as one entry in section 5 and supported by a listing of the individual entries on a separate sheet. Er@ter or, this line the amount of any -efunds of adiances by the advancee L-.sdcal@-ing whether by cash, check, or money order. Advances made to third partie2s @,,hich remain outstanding at the end of the accounting period shall be consolidated and the total er@'@erel" as a single amount on line supported by a ursements which are listing on a separate sheet. Final credit will not be given for disb 2 advances to be accounted for. Wnen accountings for adiances are obtained, list as expenses or re-@'UYds o-L cash, as appropriate. Er.-ter on this line the amount of cash on hand, or if the amount of the disbursements exceeds '.he amount adv--nced the balance due the ad-iancee s2.,iall 'be in parenthesis- i e. and- treated as P- minus amount in arriving at tne "Total Accounted For", 'Line 9. Re@-lecl@ on -tnis line the "To@wa'- Accounted For" which must agree with the amount sbowr- on line 4, "mo@.a"@ To '-Iccount For". 94 )-6 Vobro--A-,r 3.9r)'t et c,,Il. " @@ t, o2i"ct ei t-t-tt,O, by e@- p@, Y'-C.3.ta- tho i.,@@re by cltee-',r- to j w th-at tl)i!3 le-A d lii t-'tlo ov live 0 'bo i-l,,a 11 ill-ali :Lso@i'@ 3aow SUBM:TTED BY VOUCHER NO. (Finance use o ACCOUNTING BY INDIVIDUAL 'OR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING2 r FROM TO 2@960 Follow Instructions on Reverse I 2 DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS 3 . DATI DESCRIPTION 'I-OliT 1. CASH ON KANO BEGINNING OF PERIOD R-.C2E; DATE DESCRIPTIO NU.VE TOTAL C-XPENSES 3a. 2 T-ic.ECK GROER! 4. REFUNDED HEREWITH CASH ON HAND END'O2F PERIOD TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR TOTAL ACCOUN7ED FOR I CcR-i@FY FUNDS A AIOABLE APPROVED Z certify that the expenditures iisted hereon 2 eachments wera incurred for Offic-A.' Pur- OSLTGATION REFERENCE N ARGE 'K@LOTMENT NO. DATE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICER on any at 2 poses of a confident@s; nlture, that payment or credit therefor has not been received, and t@hal, 2 'in,4 this accounr 1.1 true and correct. DATE FAUtHORiZiNGOFFICER CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CRED@T 2 SIGNATURE OF PAYEE DATE SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER gap% 2 wow SPACE BELOW FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE D'IVISION PREPARED BY REVIEWED By 2 VOIJCH NO. 7-12 @-,i'ESCRIP'r[ON ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 3A.39 40-42 43 45-46 47. r2 54-57 58-67 70@ 71-80 2 6"6E '3 S7ATIO P PAY r,2'L" 53 ALLY4 OR, COST Tzb.@ N EXPEN AL /A m 2 t4 -N A @.r. NO. DA" AMnliNI 0. .... CODE N PER, CA@ GLFE ,"I IE R f@ 2.,57 ... .!. 2 --- 46:, ;;;!MCC I CK. No. OBJEC7 1.@ESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13,27 0 L I C,, Accl. No YR ACC7. %o.@ 2 FY S CODE ........ CLASS 01 V., EMP. No. TOTALS FO8RM 11 toiTlo%$. 61 U-C @@NSTRUCTIONS of other than 7J.S. Dollars were on hand, received, or disbursed during the accounting i. If funds, in the form Deriod, all! pertinent data, i.e., rate, method oZ acquisition, etc., must be shown. :f advances have been ,2-ade to third -carties, enter the total of such advances outstanding at the beg-@nn-Lng of the acco,,@-n'inc, period cr on 'line la. 2. l@@ more space is required to explain receipts, prepare receipt form, number and attach hereto. In every --ase, completely identify 'he source of recL-ipLs. 2 Attac.q a voucl,.er for each expenditure and assI.En a namberthereto innurer-l@cal sequence. T';Iie voucher may be the rece4.pt obtained from ',he pavee. 'ghen a receipt is not obtained, prepare a certificate and attach as a vc,4cher. When space on, form is not suffic2ient to list all vouchers prepare a '@-isting on P- separate sheet and enter the under Item 3. -If advances @.-o third parties are outstanding at the close of the ac--o-ant- I-ng period, attach an '@temized list and enter tlle total on line '@la. 4. credit will not be given or disbursements whicn are advances to be accounted for. When accounting for advances areobtained, list as expenditures or refund of cash, as appropriate. 5. Total receipts entered on the "Total to Acco=t For' must agree witk.. the total d'sburse@men-@s entered on tre line fo4llowing ""' @al Accounted For. @O VFURO-I'H'ySIOLOGIcAL I'tM'C'rIONS Of 'ME 1966 to November 30, 1961 Grant lyic(xiie $39,287.00 Costs - October 1, 1960 to '-O 1961 Salarie2s $14,580.17 Payroll Taxes and 740.25 Fiiployees' Ilospitati-zation and Benefits In.,;. 235.77 Laboratory Supplier, and Expense-------- -11,158-25 Travel 2 6,082.63 Otber Costs 18 404.18 @1,201.25-- .Allocation of G and A Exp 20 123 62 1 324.87 -eiis e s Overdraft (32,037.87) Deduct: Transfer bf Costs to Proj e c t low f/ 4,165.71-- Transfer bf Costs to Project 2.16 32,037.87 y -.iituros Treasurer ZO A@ititst 1963 loom" i'MO@ for t x O'V iz@ f'io 2 IL)4. all, 14 O 'C- for 2c-f a- tic, t @'t ri r in t Ask. to 2 tile for foz t! [,!Ie- tivo, t-co t',k9is EIVO O@l filo 1);l@ vlt%,,-,:@,i:@r,@ b,,r 14 Decerxiber 11)6Z oqe year 'LI gila@it-L-,.-E--,id 0 90 sti-pport our to id,@tl ac-.@ay@ tech-iiqu,@s. It wa3 s-Lil-)port vro-Lild relate to 1-)roj@@ct exp-.nees ipclirred 0111 aii(i altor I -P,-ccirber 11)61 -,-zid tl-i,-It a re,@)o@rt Nvoald be rc,i,.de2 tt eiid of tl-ie grii-it year. Please It @i,-ce,,3skry to tE@i2@ --Ii att- all activity OT-1 TIAS ap.(', sii@-ice tl-@is coincides with the coni. 2 of a o-j:,Int ye-.@.r, we I-i,-x(I that in acct)re@ance witl-L our agreement, of ft-,tncls in the ax-nol).nt (.)f 45 !is due and t Our c'4).ecR for -amount is er2.clo@iocl. Your Eii,@)l@ort in this irnportirit are,-t (,if rc-@s,-arch has been gre-q-tly M,,--y x@,re express trle ho@,,,c- tl--.ac in: the futurc ot-@-er ,.rea of may be (,I@,etern-iined to be of -.nixt-ual Your6 very truly, rikel. 94 It)-,-PORT FINANCI' L 0-c-i iiial r@iiclget $ 5 5, 2 2 21. 9 0 I Deceryiber 192 61 30 Nov,ei:ribar 19 62 Direct $IZI 8 10. Z6 131.15 of Dire@ctl,,,bor 0,1,3 r P, rA 4. @6'731' 53 R c, t $ 20. Of@o. 00 Li 67'1. 73 2 t@i93. 15 Re-@-.,@ir sard 407. q4 343. 35 offi.ea '@iiiprpllci 00 2 Tr,i,vel 3,454. 73 4, 092. 00 61. 54 Pz,,yroll 726. 67 To'@ia.1 Expi@7.rises 30, 658. 51 Total i'@ll 1:@rojeer' C@asts $54,z)31.45 Cost A unt cco Obligations Obligtktions Dqte Rem@%rks and Refereitees Incurred Liquidated 7 )3alwice ytivoice $5yo43,i.82 For SCievicel ?4 1,,ovea@ber 1961 - - - - - - - - - - 2 C, R T I r, Y C AT 1 O'kq 3 to L-ei:,eby iii-at tkis is -T-qvclice to is xith nlr-tcax @kprec- tLIZ@t a eckl".iled t@llis biu f.-q jr-k,@t t@orroct eacl ClAat thezoof yet bc-c@,i Ty-iado. 2 9!1 it i,3 C-or@l-fi-e-d t,41@xt tliit3 inv-clico to Subprojttct 2,@U