<> <> <> <> SQBMITTCO BY v oucHcR No. (Finance us,- only) ACCOLINTING BY INDIVIDUAL PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FOR ADVANPV 'L 2 - I FR M 70' Fojjom Instructions on i@'everse 5. EXPENSES 'T2HIS PERIOD-. @t. ASII@ON 4A@St' SCOIN,%IING OF PERIOD ,UCH @VANCES BEGINNING OF PERIOD CE R DATE DESCRIPTION 2 AMOUNT Z. OUTSTANDING Ar IS -ERIOD: L4 3. RECEI?TS TH 7 DATE RECEIPT DESCR2IPTION U L NU@ASER ----------------- T- TOTAL EXPENSES 2 6. REFUNDED HEREWITH ASK 7 OUTS AN ING ADVANCES END OF PERIOD (Attach listing) N HAND END OF PERIOD OR BALANCE DUE ADVANCEE 2 4. TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILA APPROVED @z certify that the expepditures listed herec!17 2 BLE P" @'I StrNATi)Rg OF APPROVING OFFICER @on any attachments were incurred for off ciaj DOLIGAT16-N-REFER-@-4-CE N-O.-- CHARGE COST ACCT. NO. DATE A poses of a confidential nature, that pay-ent or, 2 dit therefor has not been re@*ived, and t h at is accounting 2 c, ir, is true and correct. DATE S I GNATVRE OF AUTHOR; Z I NG OFF I CER CERTIFIE FOR PAYVENT L)R CREDIT SIGNARURE OF PAYEE DATE 2 'SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER PACE BELO',V FOR EXCLIJSIVE USE OF CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS DIVISIADN 7 ;PREPARED BY REVIEVIED BY IVOUCHER N2O. 7.12 DESCRIPTION ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 3 4 - 3 9 47-52 58.67 68.?O 43 45 46 7i-aO 2 40-42 ROBLIG@. 53 54-57 ALLOT. 00 CCST DU@ STAR I ON F Py ar. N GE@IERAL ACCT, NO@ DATE AMOUNT 2 @EXPF:NO DESCRIPTION ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13.Z-7 CODE N 62-67 u PER.. 1'6'V-A CA LEDGER 2 Roo YR ACCT. NO. CK, NO. OBJE6CT ...... s c00 aOJ T NO . IFY EMP. NO. 6 14 F Olt.@4 282 7,@ 4'NPP!Ptt ii 15 - 1964 Apr Dear Here are sc)riie more goodiog. ng Oil eqi-lested aii accounti' r onii*s@ requested citt accou2iLitttiir)9v- re6i or I have wr.L.ttc-fi to the Utiiveli@@y Also, attached please fill ac;cou-,iting for the year 1963. pleas c give-.these t(*&. Illere is 0iio need for you to have copies to clut,%--,er up ycut--file-s-sincO I keep dtiplicate,s here. i 0,,ie of these days we will b6 completely orgaiiized and then we will go out of busiiiess, Best. 7-7) V-b) ry- Branch--2---@'-@T)-@@ Citego 2iteni Project Title-f,*r-rA-, - Cqpto Project Project Engineer- 13r6iich Project No-r.-7-@,, Contractor-, Contract 2 Tosk 'I'ype of Contrae't-gt Date Cornl)letion Purposc,: cue's iA tuc.'ti St@itus: J61@,o CA Li iti (t'tltri) a:md V.411 bo RF-CEIPT 0001032 treasiirer's check No. Receipt is herebi ae dra-,N.,ii on tit- - -1 --- -M IM -dated May 1, 1962, payabl6e- in the arnount, of $ 3 5, 00 9. 20. Date /0 -7777777777777- 9e NO: Cost Accoui2it Object Class Ottligation3 Obligatioiws Untiquidat(,,,d Date Reinarks and References Incurred Liquidated Bala-1,ice 0 6 p 19 6@ 1.2 AP ri 19(iz Ti LLI, i3lo@l 1 TSD/FASS Z - T,;D/RB 1,4 of p@-tyEtbls-l to b;3 fozv@@arded tn. 2 Z,,S poalible. it is fel.- iliis E 1, II A@.,11"LIN'r F. rii I Tt--@ ri i v t ravoice $35#009.zo )For AT IC"i'46 2 14 -.by ;Lg C-O ci 2 correct Y,,kt bcen trA-3do-,, 'ad v zith, L t 16 ArrU 196Z 8 95 is c-t 14-YULTI:LA ov-t i@n ef -AWOL (.'ONFIDENT:AL FUliDS POSTING VOUCHER DATE 2-6 VOUCHER NO. 7-12 -.,o@ci4ER No. 7-12 2 47-52 6 8 - 7 0 3 5 8- 6 7 7 I- 80 DESCRIPT@ON-ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS ii-33 4 9 2 A3 4 5 - 4 53 STA;130N 40-42 F OBLIG. 54-57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOUNT REF NO. NO. DATE l@ 2 PAY ACCT , ;33. CODE EXPCND V GENERAL DESCRIPTION- .. . . . . .. COD pER. - .. ...... E N CA@ LFDR2ER 62.67 NO. CXINO. onieclr C R 9 LI i T ADVANCE A.CCOUNTS 12-27 LJC- AA@,Y. N NO. 2 D YR@ACCT. ........ @@"l'b.;MIDJrCT No. s CODE: C,.Ass io EXPLANATION OF ENTRY 2 70TALS DATE PFiEPA14@ED BY DATE EVIEWED BY f-7 @TI!Fff!D COR NT OR CRED@T 1@NO OFFICER 10- .9,I) 9 USE PRVVIOUS EDITIOIIS. zg March 1962 MEMORANDUM FOR: TI-IE RECORD SUBJECT Project MKULTR,A, Subproject 95 1. The purpose of this Sul-)project is to support for an additioii.-il year the wor o -%,- 2 z-3 in the field of cross cultural tneanin,g systertis. Although this turidairental work i.s beirig carried out within an abstract coii- ceptual framework, its results can be directly relevant to Agency proble-iis i iL! @tie technical lu2pport of political -WOW activities. 2. Wlien this vroiect was proposed, it was anticipated that the work would take three years. The work has progressed very satisfactorily and, even though expanded in scope, has remained on schedvle. The secon2d aniiual progress report is 'll.ed. a t t a!-- 3. This project will be funded through -or security and cover purposes and the accounting for fu'nds expended in it qhi-11 conforrii to the establ:ished practices of that organization, It is not ar@t0icipated that any peryiianent equipkiient will be required for the project. Ild,,_d- unaer this PrOJect Y'OruD3-IY 4. Ty-avel furids exlse shall conforia to the reip-,b-,jrseable by 2 izaticia. accounting practicP-s.Of tb-at organ period of one Yevx 6,,,rrcm for a t of this I-sr 5- Tile total co$ is2'eatimted not to e-xeacd $50,)@-50-00- U-aexPel-L(led fu,-id,3@ amot)nting 3led b 3-1 e f)@pp to $)-5,11110.Pio and held to the 1-902 rcq@',E-'Bt- %Iheref(re) t.),ie ziet CO-St el tlle- I)rOject for the y--ar will be $35,,00')-P-0- Charges r,6a:Ltist Allotment 2i25-i390-3902. 2 alvcoval. All other 6. olti'S an Ageey covert OMRWW@-- - the project wl.U be condu(-,ted project Personnel are Lwc@fit-tiDg ,,n4 as e-n "adp-inic research-Pro&OA-!-@ ef Tsj)/Re,-.eF4rcli Branch APPROVT-D Foil OT@,,T,,IcAT6IO14 OF ELT@-iD31. Date-. Distribution-* original 011-'LY Apri I 2, 1962 Enclosed is co! - accounting whicli should 'Y 0 Lie attached to renewal, req NN'itli you Icist2 Wednesday. pi-ogress rc- We h(id sent you 0 C;opy of port on Joiiuciry 5, ]9t-2. The -costiler's- cher-k @@,ou wontoi4 sent should have ai@rived at its clestiiiotion today. Enclosure ,k7. Estimated Expended Obligated Balance Estimated Budget 1961 1961 l@)61 Bu(lgct 1961 1962 2,175.26 22p9l6.00 T'crsonnel.. 30,917.00 28,741.74 873.60 10022.40 1,036.00 Ret i reiiielit 1,896.00 - -- 188.68 120.32 2 i@8.oo l@orknicii I s COFIP - 309.00 Supplies Equip. 2,pooo.oo 537.03---- 1,08-5.00 377.97 2,'000.00 100000.00 69517.94 1,7oo.oo 1,782.06 3,000.00 Travel 79,000.00 8,210.25 2,300.00 (3,SlO.25) 10,730.00 -.-Lob 30000.00 2 S42.01 --- 457.99 4,000.00 Indirect Costs 8,268.00: 8,2,1@8.26 (.26) 2 6,580.00 266.08 .08) 450.00 63,390.00 56,14S.S9 5,085.00 2,159i4l 50, - 2 20IS9.41 Balance 1960 2t3l763O Travel Funds 643.09 5,119.80 s 119.80 R1equested 45 330.20 Tlii's is a true stateiflent of t).naiiciil s.tati.is as rel)orte(l, to us. Fe, bi-uary @im accoinitin-9 Jan. Dec. ig6i per.onnel.- Salaries 2@8 -?41.74 8?,3.6o ,I,Iorl,men's CoVe-.nsatiOn 188.68 Suppl.ies anti Equ!Pment l.6P-?-.03 2,542.01 2,66.08 Iii.sce-l.'Laneous Ir.direat 2A&,ir.. COsts Total l@@t e-q--,os for 1961 61,230-59 This- is a tri)-a sta@tq*Ak,(,f expended-and- obli.,mated funds of tn for 196:L 4 as slio-tni by' till- u@@'. Pr tl,-Il@O.V 0 -n (I I i ictc 77777 RF.CEIPT Receipt is hc-,reby acknowledged of the folloyn,xig chec,: Cashier's C[Leck No. Z-0647Z6, 51 1961, in tile drawn 01 0 a c to t ,t*a continuatiga of Eubprojeet No. 95, cultura't 8 @larch- 1961 UiL@Lr,4 FOR-. THI-@. E'L,'CO'RD Subproject 95 SU'A,JECT project @,W(ILT-Rti v@tlrpoo,& of this Sxxbprojeet is to support for un 04 Ir in t-hP- fiel.4 of areas cultural Althouqh this 2 -Itll, A-' V,,XK I .r, being carripd out v ttl 0 batraot co cOPt fra-newor'e,, its results-cun be directly rele'v@'ant to Ae4@,tioy yroblema in ancl the technical supportof pdlitical activities. 2. 'When thie project was propoeed, it was anticipated that the original vcrk votil(I take tbilee years. Tbe- planned vork is on to have-bc-.en very satic;faotory,--'Pho2. first schedule and the r(%.aul cLnnL,al progress report is attacbed. This project will t.-@ fmded throUCll th 3. r seciarity and cover purposes uid the acevanttng for fvrds onelide(I In-it shall ec)tvfoim to tte pi.%%@;tices of that OTgmlization. -It is tiot anticipated that any p,-@i.,-jangnt equilr@-icyit dill be required for the project. k. 2 T.-avel funds'expended rojeet Dn,-i liolmrl.ly Ul."Sl-,Bv-)i- -t,@@ Aail confol7A to the re imb -NNW accounting prue-tic0es of that organizratj.on. lilie total cost of this profvre-m for a periol of one year is eetix-Ftt@e-,d riot to exceed $63,390-,00 (,to l,udicatod In the bi:,.dC@,et attacheil. H(jwevor, at the preaortt tinhn. tho proj4z2ot vill *lily be for a V,-,rlcKI of four inout-he. The coat of this project for this p,-,ricdw,ill- not exceed $15,OW.00. charges s]-lovild be m&le against Allo'Lr-oent 1125-1390-3902.@ It-is ariticipat2ed that tha remailf..er of tb@-- fur@de for t-h@.--Ijroject year will be rtade aveLilal>ls-. from PY-162 notv-:,y vb,,--n available. 9 a-4 Pg-,,ney covert &"royal. All other- 2 project pereorms,-l are xmvitting exid the projoet vill be conducted ri-search progra-m. AMOV,-,D 1?0-1 OBLIC@,_q-illOli OF FLLqDs,. -T'-,'D/Research Branch Al@FRMFD Foa ADDI.LT-O,%,AL ODLICATIO74 01, FUPIDS-. (,Vt8,390-00 again-tit Allot-,w.@@nt 02 BP-sea D Date-- ks Prov,,r@las IlePOrt 5 Distr.l.bittion: Original Ox,-kly NC'>. Cost Accoujit Object Class Obligitions Obligations Uxiliquidated 6 Date ReAyiirks and Referezices incurrecl I,Jquidated Bala.,Icb 3 i'@u6Gi S@5 jr, t.@r4e 53 d,,Ited 13 Apri 9 2 to co@lrr !.!it Fed to c -@'r to coa 2 Chit-f I itfkTIFY TtAl FL,@,I'DS 'ARE AUTtl(.)R,ZiN(j Tl,',D/FArS 2 TSD/ftU ),r3 C,-a oil i 3, it Is th 4 r J t AUT@ XI Tilly 19,0,1 C41@ tl 14 T4 0 r4 0; C@' 00 1-3 (1) It ir, "aei,,4by t@'@RLt this io Invoice L@pplytF@2g to exib,-projk:@et Vo. 'j5 o:f ttlat r@erforipance is th,.it; serviizee &Lre l@eirie, in uccorcznee v;l-%'h iimtva-l ar.-reecents, tli@@-t a O-etailf,,d 2 t.li.:-3 layient,3 ct-;,d receipts is ori fil@.- in that bill io JiList n:ncl correct &pd tl,.it pksyvent thereof has iiot yAt beeti rcEAf@x. (2) It in hai-@--by ci--rtified t-bk2xt tliis invoice P,@,upl,tea to Bttl)Project 95 of cl;;I.y e@@xtproved, tir,.?k ttiat the project i's b--L@tig c@,I-rrie-d-ou@t in ,oitli tht-i ctf 13 A,-)ril 1953 frvna t,he Del to tale DD/Ap en,l exteia---@ion of this c.uttiority, I.n subEe,,,t),erat rtowc@x@anda. Date., COiNIFIDE.N'TiAL FUNDS POSTING VOUC,97R DATE 2- 6 @UCHRR NO. 7,12 5 8 - 67 7 t60 R ACCOUNTS 13-33 LLOT. OR A@NU-NT 'ALL 0-,HE 411, 4 2 OE 4 7 3' 45-46 F ACCT. N U N o CODE r7l AI @oll N.AL .......... R.1- A@ LEOG R 6' 67 ESCRIPTION- N CK:N CR ED I T ri N 13 2@7 P.O. NO. 2 LIO. ; ... T C @l CCT, NO F 2 D 'O' R A ADVANCE ACCOU TS ....... CODE r.F .3f.33 s n 9 v No. 2 ATION OF ENRY CER.TTFIED FOR PAYMEN7 OF CR E3A7E PREPARED By REVIEWED BY @5..ATLIRE Of CER-, I FY ING OFF ICER %C-A9) 10-59 606 use PP.EVIOUS DI Receipt iLq liereby 181li6l, d,,ted Treaemrer's Chtick l@i'o amouyit of $15,000-(O) dr -D6*ob palopinbil paiiiioxll puw- silot ytoy eailqo .1'e.wilqo s Izafqo junoz@ov Isoa Oq 95 t.@D b,, i.A 94 7 Ot. 04 AMIN, b- I 13 41kw CONSCIDENTIAL cUXDS 'POS-I ING VOUe@'.@r--R VOUCHER NO. 7-12 DATE 2-6 IVOUCHER No. 7-12 2 3- 1 4 7- 5 2 56-67 6 71-BO OESCRIPTION*ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 4.39 @43 45-46 ALLOT. OR COST UE STATION 40-42 F 2OSLIG. 53@ 54 5 7 AUOUNT ATE 2,5.33 CODE EXPE PAY REF. NO. ACCT. NO. D 2 N ....... pER . . . . . . . . . IGC= DESCRIPITION- Coll CA L 4102. ACC744CNO. C14DIT -27 N E YR CA' OBJECT ADVANCE ACCOUN7S 3 0 CODE, 2 CLASS X MCF. N EXPLANATION OF ENTRY TO-,ALS DATE PREP "'@D By 2DATE @REVIF-WF-D BY CERTIFIED FOR PAY@14EN'T OR CRED;T ?ATE SIGNATU,ZT OF CEFI-riFYING OFFICER FORM 6 (10-40; 606 USC PREV . . ............ A Ek- ,oC,a;i@3 W,4U&,tY 1, IS60 DYCU,@IN;R 3lis It I !L'he Crol-Ir,--Cultkmrdl G- -@ner&UtY Of 1,4"-fttng Systems 'ibe fir*t yz.,,.r of reaearch ur-d-,4r otir grtw. Y,,@ae hsta davoted puiriiatily to (,3) o5t;,,blishirg cct,-@@tacto &nd iii4kA.-,g for rollabc>ration In vaTic..,jo cour.ti-ies, (b) pr@-2@pariiig a list of r,,ubstantivea for olic,itil@.g qu@,-Itfiers In Iz..nguage to b-3 studic,-d, b-PA (c) collncttilg ar-%J. d,@@t-a f@)r Phase I (i,-ee belti@.i) In2 moc@t of the -ountrie3 in our ot r ,!r origjntkl ror a vaxiety of re,@ar-,one, to h2 given in thir. report, tNe n,,-uabr,-r of counti'lon I)Ordcl- y,:,tir@2g lii this pi-ojsct has tentat,'&Vely to nearly 90,le ta'tr-- odi@.Z'V-Al nwah-or,- to kk,?.r@dle this imrczase will rwuii@e a reirtikiely- ix,.c;reace In t-,Ueget 2 for tl@o e-ecomd an@@ thbYA y,@izzfi of the riyojt,,ct, approxiaiately $7,500 per yi-iar for e3q)nrtvioll (ree hudjet sc,,ctioq Progress to date n@ ay be suiiirr,,@,ri2,ed as follc-,-,r s: (1) U2sing groups of sub- ject@s bilingual in E-nolish L-@r,.d one of six other langu@iges b,-Ir%V. sturi'le@d In ctv-r pro- ject, c-n list of 200 Icultxyre-@coiiwon" subrtantives has been paired.to 100 terjna vihich 11-icat tlio crite.,ria of ease and of We,@nSlOtion ODt all (2) Elicitation of qualiflots of theme-substantives, tis stimuli in a modillied word-associatiori p,-ooedure,, fcorii 100 jtz,.ilor high school level inales has b2,gen accoraplir,.hnti In t)ie flo.'Ld for seven countries. (3) Cotnputc,,r axialysis of the fre,ltioncy/diversi+@-Y charactc-@ristics (,.he 11 measure) of the sample of qu,'-Iiflero ha's been for fivo of these countrica, end the fwV,,P2.T orderirg of qutilifj, era In teriv)s of 11 -,rid phl (tr,.e@f-,x of qualifier simil;@trity) has b@,-,en conc1ii4ed for four countries. (4) El!citp-tton of ctx-airion of)positos for there ordered qualifiers, to a total of iteable scales, lizin bodi-t accouplished in the field for four of these countries. (5) Collection of data from 200 witli each izcztle related dtractly to oveiy othc;-r rvc?.'.--, and fe-c-tor Atimlysis of theso dotv, orANNO has been coriip9leted -2- d the U. S control). AJthough it is too early to for ti@.,o cou.@,t@ 6n rer.@ort firm conelt-isions, (a) correlational analysis of the ord@@ring of qualifiers @ lir 2 (by.Li) as tre-iislated, is high (.81) L@OLVrooli nd t&.nglich and appears by inspection to be eqLL-ally ti.igli for other samples, and (b) the unrotated factors for mmmmww,-LAniLt English display obvious similarities. Since Phase I is by all odds th2e most c oic.%.plex and tii@-le-consuming of the three phases in this research, we feel that W&'arc just about on schedule %-i-ith regard to collr;cting and processing our data. However, to collect and tnalyse det-3 from the e;,,,ffaidc-d se2inple will req@-sire'th-- addition of another et),mputer assistant and sevet-al field ivorkers (to assist senior people In now countries). ----Selection of the, countries with x,-hich to riork follored the general criteria established in Fe 1960: that they should represe2nt "high cultures,' by deflnit:ion literate, possessed of a stabilized and rio.n-p,,%.tively-directed language and literature, of a recorded and generally known history, and of an edlicatio-.ial system ernployi.nq the indigenous language; that they provide a rioximur.,i Df divers2ity in bnth language and cullijrt- vyith a minimiil niunbcr of countries sai-iipled; that they he reasonably accessible r@elative to each other; that they have social scientists and institutions capable of c-ollaboratirig In the research. .-gordl,ngly ing2 six countri r the follovi. w io -study: A40oppoW,. ith the UNITFD STA-IT.S Aqrerv'i@g-as-a'coin-iiio77com,-"iwt"r"6'1@). These reseer s e lar,,,juages represented are given in the upper part of -Table 1. Thig sample offers six different major language firitilles (Pirino-Ugric, Japanese o-Tibetan Drav -and Indo-EuropezA:n) and a variety of cultures. @l=i t e April, 1960, and the remaining countries 2 0 In e&ch arrangerqerits for re@searcit cooperation %-icre obtained. Higt ii intorest In this project licis been expressed by social scientists from a number of additional countiles. Considering that one of our purposes is to develop cor,iparcible instrxiin2ents for measuring subjective culture, and also that adding to the number of particip@-iting couxitt lies does not add proportioii@-Ately to the expense and woi,k-load cf our own staff, @re have entered into ar-cangerients for cooperative @,ilth three addiuonal CO'untries, but under !a single senior monitor trained I responsible for collecting( data In riiade provisionzil art@an eni nts for three more where excellent 6 ervision IL ML* p i-is to-de-voiop 5 the resee-rcli c course of tits exteiididd car; c iiade by -3- for I.VSsible cooporatave resemch in tl,,d, e to date. VIith thO 2 np k_ Ix j, 6ii of ftvotable resPO _o rA "re has h 0 v-yh6te a-fli,st pliase data collecti2o-@% and '311 cow-itti am gt)[,.der rLA i v @vill de-lio n the dir 2 in t)@tsae iiid a i&-.j thoir visits t;lis larrch; -]NNW- 'h,ris L-oran a vla*iU@2@i plvf 0 c-,,i or ill tha ln,.41,1@-ituto dxuial tw, a year' end win be oiv6n full Jai.-.tritcU--ns bc-fore rettisi-cirig hmio. In o@sicti c-I thetao I&ot thra,- ep-ges provi- e,iolis for a g-tdduat&- st-u,-Joitt assigt;,r4nt vtilll be PFOGR-EfJ"3 014 PHA@,%g I i-"Lie steps in prepuirtg collecttri@,j &rA &AAlysi6.,@j di;td for F-h,te,,e I fall rithe-.r rptioally into seven stagois, These sl-i-ticim ;5re deecirabsd belUI4 T,-.bi.3 2 p@-ovi(l,3ES a gxap;lic su@wim-ni@y cd PC--,gross to e--@-its in c&ch country (areais 'tihoro rri-en@lemelits l@.zkva r&ot cc@4ripletcd a-@-o ojr"itteti fro.-A this table). Eacii of thet@o rtc-ges2 vii"LI h-- d,-4acribod in tz@ixas of fio,4%i z,.,r.,d/of computational and in tho order of t]-te,-tr completion. It vrill L,@a i)-oteA@ that Pliago I -)s se of iyifo2n-aation betvfean the fi-@ involvl veral e,,. id workcits tuid the cota- putatioitr,l crei-It sub rollcmring roco,-,mieiidatio2iis -oiade at search vf or, niade for sc@twces of CtLIttixally. neutral (i. e.r the cWtLtre- fair' or Icultiisal it.-iiverral') rttritilt. This resulted in a list of 200 selcietod stib- 2 c@tpativea as atimi.-III-3 tc> i>!!) used in the elicitation of mr,,di,fier asso-ciationo. analyges of the relevant languagesriere performed to provide a ' (.IeLm--riptit,,n, to idenufy the forms2 vihich ti-to L%.iodifter-su-bstz*,ritivo relation- ship,t.,@ot@ld t&,ke, to id-ontify the rogtileirizable morphological variatio'@'ns, and to ent,ibli@,,h coi@aptitildility with the I',,-tierican data (the so-cttllr-,d nouii-adjectave relationship). It %;-tas taken as axiortiatic that till field proc-e,.dure:.% would be re- @lic,itod CYClusi-%,ely In tho indigenous langu@,ge, vi-ithou-t reference tij tronrlation. li42.10 200-it@era list was -thr@,,n field-tested (in the Umited Statcis and %vith op'f@&K-ei's of each Ir@i-iguage, both to acquii-e asBure4J and uncontested end to imiiiediately eliiiiinate cny tonno %v2hic)i w(-,re diffuse, vrkgti-a or otherai-qe cidtiae-,boiind. Siriilar tests 1-1-11.1,,d,, ANAL V311trigu:kls In tliis cc)ulltry (DQtll J@ -1 a n.D tiv 0 v 7ho tr.--iiilltition critf.,rin for any laii-guage vias clitainated fior@i tli6a list tt) b-) iirod x-@ith all gioul)o. Kom The resultant list was then further pruned on the basis of variability, productive- ness and further intra-cultural cheeka of uniformity. A terminal list of 100 ite@ms was thus derived. These itc-,ms were of an order to yield a high diversity of n-iodifter- types in testing. A parallel study of American 2college subjects vias-conipleted at this time, which indicated that the for-iii of the st.im@-ilus Items did riot appear to be a crucial determinant of the quantity and character of the associations elicited. This stlidi,@ ei,lployed four distir@ct stiniulus--types-. nouns, pictures of simple objects, geo- metrical forms, and 2zero-types (i.e., no stimulus at all vias offered).' Only in the instance of the geo@nietrical foifns was there any pronottriced tendency for the associri- tions to differ in qudffier"tyPen have extr&o@L-dirti@,tily 1?,igh treitr@l@-tioti coinparatiillty for tlio ", o groups. AltliouiN;xi the coitipare-ble ct-wralt- 2 tions for tho ro"neanitr) arov-ps art-% still in piogress, a nidimea%,ary it-ispection of the ri@t@i data in hind i-nd-Lcates that ttie, sakme order of cortiparabtlity vfill L@ndoubtedly obtt2t-tn. This result is of considt-,rable importance; it both validates the procodues t-ga)nst C"Nrt-aiii cliticlsws and, more importantly,, substL-4ntiAtes th,-> liypotho-qized generality of syste2ms even at the level of selec-Live qualifior usage. tto _4- R A(, 0-f -Qq?-Iii@f I-e-rk Apli@ Av T'iti,a st@tge@ tnvolves The pioc"luios usc@2,,d to select the basic qualifier I.Ists for occh grotip "--n the popul-,,tion of qualifiers obt,,%Ined. It is, in riiany respr@,cts, the m, ozit er-ei-;ial of the Pliti,5e I nnalysi%i. The rclectioii crit,-%ria 2 raust hav,ep tli!!-As!)xid re3vilt, tho sol@,-ctlon of riiodificrj3 vfhtcli fully s&iuplo t.l'ie range of diTier,3ioiii C-Idploye,(I,I)y the pub)c--ts, .ind th4@,@refore, by irilplicati'L)nt noyelioliti@(U-istickilly coi-,IPIL@licnsivG- for th@--- language itself. -C FtLrtherrr@ore, it is of pai-almount Importance that all procedures b@- analytjc, re- producible tibIqU,itously, and independerit of ckiltvirtd dete-rminatts. Inforr t- 2 "Aan translations, dicttonaty-tc-tini;lations and @,Plosses do not ans%,,Yer these requtreinents.. After a nunit-,er of trials, the correl@it-.ton rrcosure p4i vias finally adopt @ed. 2 This metsure utilizes the character of the'cftstribution of the modifier responses to the substantive stloiult, alnd ind4---,.es the sinillai@ity of the-t distribuuon betwerin all modifier pat-.s. This procedure Is In raany rei;pects .@imilar to the operational definition er-qployed by some schools of linguistace, in atterapti.ng to &,rive art analytic criterion for t--teaning. The rre-aiiiaig of any given forbi, In this vicvf, becor,ies the paltem of d,i.stributioii of the possiblo envj,rordients in which the forni 2 appe4irs vilthin the, entira corpus. In the presesit study, the 100 lten, stimulus list beconies the corpus (i.e. , the poteiiti@al ervironirient solwco). race va!AldatJoi of this procedure was sought by exaininlpg the content of 2the qualifiers found to cortelato- highly in di-str@ibutJon* In Lie nie@iti, Items high distributional similarity were titose with high judged I semantic' siini- larity. Atti%ough lexical identity cannot be pcrf--ctly achieved, this procedure fulfils the --iforerrientto2tied requirements cloi;ely an,-i was, therefore, adopted. Additionkil evidcnce for the validity of the procedure was obtained In the subse- quent factoring of the palred adjective siroil,.vity measures discussed belovf, The procedure cis finally adopted correlates the distributional overlap of 2 each of the modifiers with its next higher H-ranking qualifier in ordc-.r. Lo%-il@-i- ranking qualifiers vtith Rhl coefficient positive correlations with preceding higher .ranking qualifter-s beyond the . 005 significance level are discarded. This process is contin2ued until 60-70 modifiers are selected 6k-the population is exhausted each selected inoklifir,,r being coi-.qpared witli all proviotisly retained riodific-l's. I'he selected modifiers constitute the sample of potentiii terms to be used in the construction of bi-pL2)laz@ scales. j@taq 1,;i FlicitatJon itga The aforementioned list of 60-70 selected qualifiers Is now submitted to tite field -%Yorker for the elicitation of opposites. I'he lists are submitted Ly the field viorkers to approximately 10 independent informants who are Judged linguisti- cally sophisticated In the Mother Tongue. Opposites are selected on the basis of tiraiii)-@,.Ity of judgrients. Vrhere identical majoi-ity antonyms do not occur, items are re-sul)niittf-,d to informants on a forced choice basis. fifty modifiers and their oppo,iites are s(,ught5 oii this basis. Those in excess of 50 are discarded on c!riteria of linguistic sli-.itlckrity, ambiguity or tnctppropritteness, where otherwise unanimity h,-%s been r@ctileved, but these discards are of Items in the lower- 11-rankincj*. -7- c,f the bi-Pol*r $CA- IOS thUE Obtan'@d a To LIPe--,Isfs th,3 fc@(-tcA-181 is unc@d In a P-3irezi-sarapie task, (scale-ageAlD@st- r-..ple of utbje-,ctl SC-ale analyals). Lho depityi of h LArsk hravo "on c@ulled out 2 ri:he. pralmif=y fc. in th'a ulliv_-d Litates M-l .04APIDy@-ad vatyir-O in tsia m-d4irtiv-3 of the2 L-,Lmtiolis Of Paixg of ti-to 50 rcalose adntd 3itza. T'rA.; focin co,-it f,cales V-.Aitb-in C-acl" rA the-. directt(4n Of tb.,J OP,'@O b f 200 C.,"-@CII cv-Lt-""- T' -=h 4,900 0@ fwm ei tot,!,@l 0 j @-i e-. @. -,itnt rc..'Icrt@-'d t!V@2 of @"f f Olt t@l O?otain by tkie ct!bject L@et--ifo:i@n every scale WI.,I OVC.,-Y Other rcole in the t,--,t*Ll 50 scales. AnalyLis of the d-at,% indicatgd thdt the cc,@rrelaitions V',@--twe0n thO noymal e and reverit---d ocdeti,rqffore high. Reliability c'iecks for t;le Am@,licall data showed 2 flat the reltzk?,,ilities for all vlldationri in ordorillrj of the coi)stitilelit Pair items vfere u-niforr@i viid high. TbP@se re@ylged L " o 73 tt,) r @-- 9 80. Mi@iou-gh tho c2ccrelrtione@ b-F,,,hteen co*,iditions in there, d6ta were high, it was felt eitions -- that in-,iolvlng a reve,.raal of the dirt,,ctioil of the thet o te of t-h- c('@n tly imr2 (ct,.vrtelatLCA'lr, b.,,-,tv4een cc,,@le-oppor .Jit;3-tolln,s -- was siLiLfficion ose for ortier B-A, Wrig t)etv4reen obts-W-i-,,O. for I>i-Polar ScalO ift OK@ief n v-Ath tli .84 and .89 after corrcction for attrjnuation) to "##-qTrant m-perlrrcittal control. COII-- ng coq 2 the txol,linq for t.'uizi o-,te vr-riz,,blo and dis,-,D-rdi trol of the second rerulted in s n t-3sk has been total judg-.tac--nt task to 2500 ttei-ar.. 11-d r-,W devision to 1'r--dul-' subt-aittsd to 0111@@@ing-cG,-iiplate-d til-2!re and lnlhe U3A. 14hp. re- of tm.,. DCCLlent V2(CLS con3id4@@red eesii:abit-" in vic@,-,Ii of the changed fotal,@it of Vile jiidg,-@iont foimr,, znd as imil Occasion for a secord croNB-validation of the ure. 'i'he shortened procedtwe Is also 2iiic;re desirable for field techniqut--s /. c ti , t@t-qn @@,nd C!@ctqAalAn Th4,, picceduxentilthiii this segment are critimly uniform aftd do not depend Up@.)n CU.ItLval L,@noi/or r@i(>t-pholoo,,ical variability. The scole-on-.scalo judgiacints are r@umi@i,-Irize@d In the forin of mOM-1 latlngo for ecch of the inter-scale coinpaiisons and ret2umcd, II iijoill -or atialY--is. i'liese rtietin ratings -,@re then factor-,analysed ciliary inti@r-conelations ba-tweeii a. c@@intrctd rAcekol, after ttio 2an Lited. T'r&c proportion othp-tc. have Yjoeil C07x'O of III') RCZ)le meatt laungs and all occcwntod for by each of the extrrcted factorr, iq insm-cted and 6decisionf, c,>iicorliili.g tlio nunih@---r of fr@ct(xg are iriade vyith regard to the number of factors "Ihicil contributi; '.o a metLrt(I)Vf%kl gtmffttly Of the total vcrit@nce. for o@itt%ogonal rot, -n of factors Is bing tentatlvely elriployed in Liis terypArt@-,l r-egmer.' Titto rotation rche@me was chosen t of Phase 1. b,or-ause 2of Its c-ripirically-verifir@@-I Z,,t@pt@oximation to "simple ouuctiirell criteria. Tl-.e techniqu@o terds to re@,iilqtxibuto v&-riance in e,4,- IUVO first frctors pioduc@ed by the f.;,c2@-nti-oid rielliods Erio.-@e evenly across the total battei-y of rotated factors. Tho ccii@-)plotcjd an--tlydiis oq the )6-a,-cic*n e,,,,ita indictitc-.s that t-.ufficient nitr,A-b@r,rs of ecaic4s viere r,,ru@,sent In t.tie reale-oii-scale taok to (Ltsplay at lei-.st three itctcrs. Ti@.o-re axe ieteittaft -ale as thc-ea crfi-qpoitent fp-ctors i..e. , thore EvaLluatlolt, ztpd 2bxtivity. T4ho ttn- rota ta'display obvious siriilzrit@,ts w tlierktlcrican. It is clear that the do-ta altialysed to d&tf,- replicate -@nd co"f rm Llie fi4idirigs of earlier L-ivesti-gatton@--,. In vic.@@2y of the f@vct that the procedures developed for tt,ie present Investigation v.,ere li-i all respects li@.(-,ependeiit of that earlier work, t'iese findiiigs are p6Aicxilarly (lrattfytng. T'iio enalyses rc,,rforraed t4:> date in Pi-lase I ih91so z,@tf@port in all rebpocts U%a pfciieted (jonereliti of the affective dirt-ensions of eiverse cultures. Phase 11,1@@rill Wtlated andthe U,SA early t'iiis spilng,, atid in several other c,@ountrios by this u f" the firft Ye, TaY@@la 3 $14,805.30 C,,Vvl thf-' OstJm4tOd the It fe-f til:,.g pr@ric--d v-ftx oj wljoh h,%ve not cta YOt N- ;.d Out- 110;@fkble *rao'ng t,@io first yo-i@@r K-zi C, na 0 c@xponroa ax-o the feos r-nd 2 "xi3o es f r k@s a tho h--@s rot h,"n uppliod to t'ie succood@,rt-i yo!"T@, 03tim,@Ltes of oxyondit,,wo. T4hlo 4 of the otlgkr,-!2tl t@rd m. vinod Lkteiot enumates fe,@.- tho @mri t@tjx(I years c-.f tho vlore'r t;-ie are gesIC!@iated by I+. t@ho total increase in requestc,,d f!I57,do Is t-@@) bo $17,772 for 2the rox-,ir-,Inire-3 u4o ye@nre of the contrc-@ct. 'Cnia C-C@v, t@,- ta'xe folION4jrrg V-ntiCir,,@3t,-,d O.V*Dditures: th,%t tlio snljrite@s of 2the t,,ao full-tirae contract red-by-$500 each, &it irlcreare vi@al 'I* quality of tpoi-r zclrvices td date and in keepixw of with tA'i-- general iA-,@rroov-os In for peroons of cornt.)arable ran-k. It is vlc-,o proposed t-hat the ral:,ry of th3 hrlf-tlme se@cretia-y be itkcik-,rased by $450 in vivw of the rok%P-OnLI'Abilities2 vrA character of this povittn.-i as it has been defir%.ed fir Regular sr@1M imrei-ses of $50 hrave bzen authorl,-wcd - - fit s @iork. yy all student assist*.-its ard have been no2ted --3 tzblo )% iii t,'xit It is p@.,oposcd ti@@@t &ti addittow-,il half-tin-te grad.u.ate r-ddc-d to th.-I, contract ftaraolii-iol in view of the increascdtiork loti< 201- the inroposcd assiata@nt, is a greduate st:Ltdent iiiajor in s O-xtenrive co@mputcr exp3riorv-e. tier ralary tAn an at;sintziixt is far I)clox@,r that,%vhtch she cou-Id expect If ornployed elrc---rthere. i .5 The In- a e 11 xp n es covering comp-znrtti(iii snd retirer-@iciit fuiids foller;ts the tote-.d increase in personnel salaries. ITe ca'Ac--llations a2xe *5 noted iii Table 4. - 'Pl@@@@rt,,,@,,,S, Q In vicay of the tn(;reased scop,-. of the project an Ft:"_ -If -.k.L _ addition,-@il reqLieBt for funds for paper, rairn.co stencils aixd the like a-rtioltn2ting to'@v@SOO for ercli oil ttio rem?witilng tvio ycers is made. This increase would cover the rLn-ce-saer-y coatlt for the extensive rubject forms anticipated to be needed. F-evc-ral additional a a sistants t-vill -Arcd iii -ii6- ncluded In t.sip invost-tgbtion saniple. -lo- fc4 ease TIIFJ IDCF 0 years reflects tw 2 for'c,t-ch of tA'10 retnuining . le size doubled a&mP I- 000 In tel@in tl, t @ s of the at$ will ,is 2 colCU14.,@tj-cpal COatfi- C@(Wit is Dntictp-,-Itc,,,d that tl'.s -ioncLI co ti, alrendy devolopod J62 rclativel)r taa,ll. It opzrntiort this W--roor,"3 -rd and efficteat 0 standr, ncrt ba gr,,:,t 11 use f iod ;j,, g fo2r procl-'r-s"-' le dpta ill the first Ye&e s per LNted to 1)0 thtis OrtiT'l llie t.t., car reinaining* ds for 6 ly allocatdd fur, f ti"O origtAAI $6,886 in e,)Ccoss T A B'-T -F, I t statils Field-center McvAitor Indo-l-@@laxopew, in progress U.S.A. blglifh 2 in progress Finnish Fi nrio-Uv, ic Japsmese in progress NW"* Japanese Canv@4lese St-o.o-Tibetan in progress 2 Kem.-a&-. pravidie-a in proaees Farsi Indo-luragei@v prkllti@ess senitic :Ln progress 2 3 mow advisemewit FlerLiJ.sh 1,'rench in provess Dutch- Irldo-Darope,,@n in prog-ress 2 PO'-tisli ln(lo-vur(yoean - advi@@ement rb iq n inlo-Furopeon adviseme-lit h indo-Luiope-an Now- a(lv2iseuieat advisement NCri ES. cli is morphological.].y tlle smlie, diffcrs OnlY *H:Ln(ii wi.1.1 be supplemented with Urdii vlii In -icril)t m,.d sccie items bf I-exic(xi, but presents a religio-cixltvx.-@1-1 conti'ast. .itrast yill hto wlien inct-h(->As for dc--aliug with *-V'fllis ra,,tiontil cc,, be su,-ppic:meiited by Pas terr,te-litei-e.t(-, equival t ti -been evo-.@.:d. Tlii@@ Pre5e@lit Conti-est is preli rcfers to sovert@,l differenf. 1-@,p@- of c-,ta-tu@, t-f text. 9 Ad I C,:! h,@x#r@b e r- 2 4 5 Usk MAN-" x work x NME: see text 3 Ito%, 'T $19,,167-CO k56-03 t co- 227,00 26XI-00 6P.2.09 637-09 10.000.00 ii,o76-85 00 3)003*62. 3,OW- 3,000-00- - 2,6123.k'O 795-57 l,n&,U-cc.t Coo-La 6,023-00 6,jbi@@3-36 ilig .59 6, It) - 0 0 $hk,293-'iO 685-30 ste -Batijrate yst:Ln@, 1/,i/62 i/]./61 I/i/61 -/ @31 6@' W61 2 C,67 8, 000-@ 7$500 8,0004 9-)O 6,000+ -7,5W 2 400 45-0+ t 2 ?,1450+ 2 11,00 400-- --- -- 1, @- ------- t 450-t 2, 2 2 2 1450+ 2,IV50@+ i,500 i,950+ 1.,500 i,500 3,, 500 I./2 tir i,500 $,30 c.iorical- heip, 25 1,896+ i@759 sto-ff 9. 66@ caj-@'ries of f -II 2 3w-+ 3D9+ 269 269 1.@ ra@L ries encl va 3., 500-@ 1,500+ 3"000 500 -- -qUPP3-ies i,ooo 500 etc 500 'teaeLl@s, p-,p,2@ 500 & t-,- 2 3)000 3,000 3-0,000 10,000 Travel% --- 1,000 ----5,(00 000+ 2 2,000 2,000 3,000+ r feei3,itic$ 122- 36,395 l@4, l@l@2 4'(, D 5 55, 2 5, "59 6,618 7@109 8,266 $5(, @i4o 4@63,39( 8,886 4 $ Fi, CZ6 lkd datc -L 13 i:!3 be c-Ita:egcil cost cenu:, A@lrlrcs*ee Feb. 21@, 1961 Mc,T.or,gndim to Attacheil I)Ioac;e find ,L COPI o@@-I -.-,'Pogress rc-I)oTt and net-I an iiiereqse of $8.7t-Tlw-over the or;lgipal est-inates b-kidget indicati.rar, for 1961 and 1962. 1 -tl7q a'Lco enclosiliga copy of II(-74612 "tAom@1--pt uas 5ent in accoxd,--nce I-j'ith 9imy instrti(.,tioil,,q ft' plpase e>- op pedite.t,id.s proposa-I ,Row,o can ke eve@iv -ldrig loVeV* cl (4,s rl C-1 el$ VI 1 1961 IUMORAliTO-1 FOR TM IC-CORD StWiECT: Extenrioa of ID(ULIRA 110. 95 No. 95 -ex-pirlrz 31 D@3ceTAber 1960 Is 0 -d in ^-xtelitic tire ortly ilutil the balarice or $10)321-00 io T,'iD/f@--uearch Branch Orig@ODI-Y C7' @"Oo 40 No. Cost Account Object Class Obligations Obligations Uril6iquidatcd Da'te r,,efriarks and Refel,clices Incui-red Lio-4tiiflated Balance it 7 t--,@v-5t 1,959 It 1.0 to Ollic-:r, '-,ccr., ro Irtc?r 20 1959- 5 v-ill 't@a for -rojLct., ft2.e- a DiVi, ri $5(?1500.00 ------------ - ----------------I------------- ----------------- (1) it i t;',iio.,if-; 1117vc)icc to Cul)-- t-!,at 2 ba""; not @,nt It ir. lif--r.21-vy t@'ll@it t-17110 in,.roiqa to r;,"Ibx)rojeet t-ho is lio. 95 a,@ ttily t.' 'L3 )53 tf) L,-,)IA,@ ;v@ntt tl.@e (>f t@410 i@a are,(, '0,'iFlDcNTIA! FUNDS PAVSTING VOUCIIER TF 2- 6 VOUCH@Zfi NO. 7- 12 7- I Z AccouNTS 13-3 47 5 2 59- 6 B- 7 20 71-80 DESCRIPTION-ALL 01'HE 40-42 45-46 OBLif.;. 54-57 ALLOT, LEDGER DUE -33 XPEND PAY REF. NO. 53 GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE AMOUNT CODE PER . ....... C-,, CA 2 PUR ORDER 14 L,Q ----T- c c T. N 0 .ACCT. iO. DESCRIPTiOt4'ADVANCE ACCOU.4TS 1 3- 27 ... AA 0VAN YR LEDGER K OBJECT DEBIT REIIIT 2 .... ........... .......... CODE CLASS 32, 33 PRCJCc-r wo FY T'@ J I I 4.- 4 -T- --7 ON 0 F 2ENTRY tEXPLA'gATI TOTAL$ CEPTiFiED FOR P EN7 OR CREDIT REP REVIEWED BY 2 T,-N-6 OFFICE* p FORM (10-AS) 2. , 606 USE 0..Evlous toi-rio.s2. 'al jt",Iy :L959 )-3 1:0 Lt %Ss/cc .1 TSS/u@ISB 2 - TSS/CD 0 J,,I-ly 59) 1 #tit- (4i4 I i won* ApplicLI-JL-liOT-1 ir, l@c!vSt)y i.@atlj,. tOI4 For a ,:xIvit in VI-io- V.Y.'Ouilt fraa 31 L9 7 IP L,060 to For l@or Oil To be by,. uncic.r -Ly t or@ tl'iir, re3erreli flrot, to obtv-111 to C,;-volc,;p,, o@-i 2 for to e@rPLy ilieoe to 'Clic -:A-tucty o@t" cor@.-iin critic,-,I Of CCV' CtOrLi 2 'u-0 COa@)tl-k'-Ct fo.- Cliff @eeiit --tt' vclliic-3 ],,old by c 2 in I en ,,II a c@ for li@-ze tn-c- 1)'Qtto.(-y) but dj@ff i.c,,ilt for i,@io@;t C@i@l I!2F;; C@,,@z@ess t-i-Aozf@ t-lli-ng,.iG "Ol' A@lic: L 1,--@ i@3 L,-Ce no rcfca-c--qcc )@o@t@-jklto Til c 2 o v,,i n vcccrl,,Icd 1--itoi-o.Llyp as i t i:5 by Itit- @@-ties 2 are lia- tl-.e 'I" it itot to cf :iii,to -ol@L for 2 o- -Z-o to c-v.-ci-rts c@.rid i)olavior, poll ticctl, of tl2iorofore, be useiltl. Teso'-Irc,@i for t,'i-iis L@raw i@'i to to a in bQt-"@ 2 U@;:L,),@ both biliLSua:L iio x-@till tilic der ',,ree of Cti'L'LcrcntinA fo--.2-mt; ill to the c,-i' c(@r,tain c%-Itical co@-iceptE;. D,@tailz3 of procediir@-- are Give'a in. 2 *Cctio@a 111. dojectivo@-,. Di t-.Ie firt@t PI,-tea, 'tlO doi-@Ctil'@tvtttioll O'i' ft to 'th(@, 2 bo-@'ii Cil'- rL,, i@ I(! be a con- @OU 'co 2 i.(,) ii.,- to @!o b@@ttc-.c jo7@j tl)c.,y r,.ro to us. 7 Jk IU rosearel-i ri-,ty pio-viox:, t, 1,-,%y of vu:@ltln8 objoctive viiIiA@--s uA(i belicl:o lield by 2 all I'Qll a* forqi;,u c@ervlce r-t by i-iore Srrolicit -I_nd vitil xiot for tl-ic, @-oiisitk%rity 2 eo,-,orv-crs -1.!Zlve dc@VCIO.N-ct" ctiulld oex@vc a5 a to if l@ii tj@.-2 pre@-,ciit s-tll(ly ciiy ec)viitrieE;) d2elibeiatel-Y to contin-u.zl to in@,icate @iie e33ciiti-,@,l of i,(,)ttld l@o4na to 2 o--t to trmis- for b.-, cl(-,vi..@cd fra:i ti@is 2 c-,-@i %t-c-L@rs @rs o-' the t;t,,. for lo@-ic of our cen be a pr)iat f-n t',Il 2 by i.1, --ct of (or-t'-@o-oilL,-I) faetol:L,6. !)Jl,4-:@--@iz---Y@ce :L7i on-a i)c rcpio@,c!ntc@el by tiie co @ny '2c;tiio il't oc. i,.no zi(i.jectival sc,:@les (04(,@e) etc.), of O-e 2 u be to @@!Lucture of t:@c i.e., iz-1 c@.-,.' peok)lc 2 differ,:!nt of L'@rii 'i@,ive ropc@.atcaly tk c4",.er a,@ouurL' for ti;o -tria- e:t2i c fictor, U'Ifl C4@Ll t',Ctil'ity ore f@ictor by selc@etti- Li 2 of Iflject-' La t.V scales rcl-,-.tively L'@ild lyare Ul tlio VL@ey ri2- v2zil-idity m-@d Is 195"( Plxo describ-,d booz of In Liio. 2 0--cc@a it II,-.s b'@,-c)l izged to trice the in -i',Iiat oc(,--or :Li (7).ur:Li,@; the to c;:@ ti c--t-;o o@@0: 'c,.-i-PIQ by t;:f-, t c A to 'LI 3" 'Liclo.@ Qf 0-ir i-(itorc@st iai 2 Gat of altc@@otr, -to -toy h, 2 seitly (YZ "X)y 1957), r@-0:00 2 tn,,'o both c,;z' 2 (2) f -J@@ t htlf o-"" o.,@i ice@@ for 2 D 00 (*93 o:r of r! i-, of' 2 -.a" is :Cor 0iola-3 2 iio ii,,)mi (3) T-e to 2 alt", factorivl, corrospoll- liot as 2 tn t' 'oy Ilir@ll fk -0 f itri3'c ctc)r (po2tei-icy a.-,d A secr-,id !@tii,@ly ut,,G C@oiie by O;aci f@.1-1crico@-ii cai"k-.ro1c,@ for (,-.j@oi 2 U@e et-iii- Socl.Al Cz;tx-icil. to If-, t-.cro2,,3-j ,Ol o:-? cc,-itiol:3 fitt;or i po@'6oiicy ti o:t -,@ro iik) t,:@,i @,o bo- ,.Oj -nJ.Etc@red 2 PJ i -i@ I t'L-1 i L(y@tQ.,r. A by 0 )@3 ,@cn c,,ncl a3 :Victo:r, tof;o"!@@x o:C -@ic tota.-I, vai@.t,-Lqce in car-ii C-oc!o OE aii(i tlzct-,c V-'I(l 'A@or C7,Y el-, of t'@'(- P,,:ta'ol to o oood to to i@,i-th ii),at we 2 -Zvi fac-,V-, it 13 -Llic@ t' ilv ro 'C.O cc,-3-,)Clro b fr"r 2 'Go r ,jlee cc, )-,tr. :Lv,@3 D. lil it to colec@t -t iet 2of ,!11,4 Vr@Qii -pi-oco---a to i-iore to jil3e thele l@'OLve ttl@;o i2-,ty2 of oL' co--iilo- o-' I-ft)"tcix a cpj' $.ii o@)!.y iii I.-,@r v3. c- 1 tl, to 7@jliel ot Of t) 77 3 mly 2@t;i,,;qificont ly -will :tll t'@Q @,irOOti.0.1 Of ry-lee-LIIC (to .16 "C,"' 2 for O 'oy in to x-y 2 -Its C)Ifl b,-11!@@@:@ ,,re @rad@--ud 3 c, riiii.5% a'Lly I)Ci -ei. 0.1 la bearae.,@ of 2 tr) O- -,--cry VY wry to if to ZC)I' a 2 cui--a clo.-,,er or w.;-ey, cA.,c-!,.ttory 13 to So:"t @L:3 UL x Ca V;@. r-.@? f cc 11. A ft,cLo.-o ;Dn-i-'iy@-.,Lc Orr U,,e .L6 t@@ 5 11'. A 13,tlot of -237 tr.tl* A c,@o rd r,7,1 r, ej f.') P2 L 1 17@ ,Z li; -41 @-I 2 t-4 .4 IN L r4 1* r-I r4 @l 2f-i :)Io ?,6@ <;.4 @pq C7 -iz 2 CA 5@4 C) r) e-i 2 tl rj q O 2 1 17 8 'r; C-3 0 t.) C; 0 "-q 0 "-d. ,I 2 r-f O P4 -ri (1) -,-i @.1, lt5 A.'@ 2 -4-4 :L4 r,l C) C-, (I 2 54. P r4 2 r-t, 0 -r@ 4,1 0 -I ci 2 Fl, ..-I r-I r4 @:1 :j :q 2 t5 4z tl -,5 ; ", 0 2 t7, 4'3 i.'@ -ri -LI . 4 @l., 40 ::i 2 4,5, r,_-i t, 4z Irl 40 ;-4 0 2 tf." j 6 6 cj 9 C.0 fro:i f,b) e@ICel@ for of crii..ico:L 2 ;@or. I) L or 9- k-t 2 to of ig,ic 2 tc@ i in C-L'fcc-L@s O- c,,orkcc:!)ts v,:@20A tile 2 tt-@"3t of i-n -tile L L 2 :ir@ t X fcr 2 4-111 ba :,LiD iriL]-I. bc 2 112 o:C be 2 ly ti@ C'f lor 2 E,@770 T Fo!" 1.,.. to C-,, bo tini@i:,ie 2 :Cor for X LA 1>@-. 2 d iii'c,'@i c-@ -Lo of CDl:,Jltry X 2t'@ie ecac:@@Tlt-i@3 to X. t'or 4 C) fo-,@ A iiiore ef-f.-icicrit, C--'-iort foxin af O.if-@erentit-k-I v"tl.l '@C@ i@@ill l@ncl:kieji c)@LLy a of tlio-oo titiilif iorz f-,tctor 2 J ril'@)jects iii:Ll be of Via to -o,@ to bt@ thcl, follo2iiil'IYr (2) V, -@R X'S --E X.CI@D C)i.' I'D io 1.@O@ 9,11 p etc.); bL).,.,:Lc av 2 b-Li@ c)ii it 1,111 0',! Cdroctly bc@c-it placo t'r@e Ul 2 c@-L-ti5ics x.,-II'L bc- For lilco to --t;,adies cr@i -CLie 2 oy' crin d t'at vo,@@CIS CO@-ti7lCF@,@ltiC@lls O'@ '@,TA-i-U '@iZe C,.(I(l !MT to V2@'As Izoriz crir :5a@- - of @Gtc- C-,,I juo ---t octs of irc, oce-t,@..r -@t2;cj i..,o ir!LL '.@fe do r@VC, i,,i@i-jor cratllned above. is reclu,@stod for a povio-I o-P tliree year,.,,, f to @o as uo 1)1.0-lieic) [-.LI c@vc",t 2 i@,it.tiexat oj-(,- r no-'- cii :@oroiC;i 01' 2 to li@-osca-b p:LLii,;$' -Lo be -L (C-Lo f).Ci y 6 iA to i)a oil oillq cv 1-4 i-4 a-4 Vs 111160 111161 I/i/cIp, 1366 3) @00 7,P!X,)O 2 (low 7i, 500 It, @oo 2, hoo 2jp @l.,oo @oset@roll Vfi 211100 2 1!00 I-,,500 J./2 t.1iae 1, T)O 2 :LI 500 il9 7 V) 2 Cy P-69 2 @io etc:* 1) ('00 500 3-0,C@-.0 10,003 3,000 5,000 1, M) 1 TJO 2, (>'@o 2,0@@ o I i l@ll tile t t PIty 'Y to t'1:0 of t)it3 2 Of for i,!,Il be lr!L ,ro iiot t;cctured tlio for tiip, 2 I ijopa to bo able to k@ir@a )V:d 1). t@", per.,@())Anel iT]. 5-,@ to be :Cor ".2)Y Ili@- --ico! vlo-,,C ix, ic -Lo 1-to.L-o -ciia eti-r@o- aiir col'.Lec'io2n atxd of b-ac' o-,i tie v,@,ri e,,)-I-turL,3 -ar of -U-,ie @'or t2ltc,, (6) A TOC@u-xl@ed to t-l-@e PrOJK-@,c Vcr 2 :Cor t@,al- choros @O etc*). y of of 9.t"rj s c)f cal- to -Lhe c@@C vzfl-@-ry IIyirolvea -@re r-ot 2 c;i Lill ll;l exec@uti've- -"or f.'or tile vario-@is for s'Lorl2nf@ both P-L'OJCC@t e.-at@t ,i-,IjL tr a t;@ e coun :to lie tAr 2 Vile co-r@@@.-.-@ for ._Z,t c):L,@ @l t, of cl,x c -ri 2 if, ti,@e 3@2 ralrl cl, I f f i t -@@:ts to be tc- 1,i-i 3 2 by oil Vtill. o-oo-ratio2.-i of will 1)") i,Cllttiii,@@ I -k"L,3 I-lot lrito t,(Ic-@, tot,-,,I,.,;. 2 sociqty@ if by tLx@;vril. ftile@.lay for t!",. 2 Imp, 1, to IZ..it-.C.icL,. t@_) 9r; - @Y'ip to tllc A t't;e I)Y Y,'--xclx co:C 2 for cac- -y, ,--o3to c; e ba,--,,@@,Ll o.,,i boarcl t@jid P."-- v(;.ry cc) f Q-.cc-nc-e for at it will 2 ia ec@Ll- t o-;i to ic, olici.Cile ,.cr ta:' k3 VI. OP :Lit;z@zc!- t I-ev2c -ties, PM(I o ct,.idled ;u'z; PO 2 Ai -E F@L ile to 'o-,,4 into -;f@3 foc c,,2 2 P.,.vi. cir :'ui @ta, be JA oi' Q0 bt-- -LA. b-% 2 to V's C4 C Q,@ Auft of -vie 6 )@. tQk" etc.) tr, t-"" 21 July 1959 l@-@40FAIMU14 FoR: W,(,*(RD foUBJ','@',CT project 14@IJL.TrvA, Subproject 95 of subi)roject 95 is to suvl)ort t@lli32 iiork Of The purpOE;e in ttle f io I'd Of 'Ll,ned in the at,i@e.ched letter of iropo6al- w-eaning systl-tcu as cA't- 2 couchc-d in very brovd termj, it inclxides Ulhile tlii$ Proposal is It iw , )Grtarice to the Apency ill cOrlvectiOn those areas of pare-Lio'd-I 2 vitq prob).t-,aL,3 i CLr,-l the suyj?ort Of political activities. 2. Iviis lropos,,%l a@rid tl)r,, verso-o-vr,,l to be In-vi-)lved in the 2 lro'ect bave been reviewed and evalx'Ktea by e@nd by a -ts in th panel of expel e vortidvlar field of investigation. It 'vras-- recoTLz,@i-rvdo-2d that the-proposal be-acce-pteti.-i igintiily received J,,@he I)ropozal for the At-,ericy end is conducting currertt r-egotiations vrith PODdi.ng t-h@@-@@-bis co7vort - s-tpycovtll to ll'S$/CD. ext,,@cts t-o-i4j@A-thd-deta:ilr, of his re.Aearch design 1-,e is able to dircliis tie project vlth ra.l)resenVittvc@s of Im/eD. Actuall9.v, few if L@ny changer, will be required Jlo direct t-Iie vork tov-ar-a pertinejxt Aeancy goalr.-. 2 Thir. project will be funded t@hr B@777 for socuri Y end cover purpo"- Lqnd the elce