In the- Course-- of the- o-r-ig;Lml Tss researl* an4L develoymeat programp the Project Reviev Comitted &nd Us'hed proceduwed and contr6lALund@6r wbich -TSS -was@au,'.borizeaL t6ii@@ certain These--. 3procedures exempt of Influencing bmcL-A behavior anai norme.1 procu:eemeatpractices and controls& Su-.h exreruuturea@ar-e made tmder the'project iesign--sti-o-n--@2ULTRA-and are axvLuboriia-ILn-ario-ii@.l@-s not to exceed tventy per cent of the amva3. research bud et tures on the same pq@@@@@henAstry Division c@a tbe-2 Wjjiw4ir'tg of b== bebavlor to fit MM? ii--:i- 'uadi *---ii-effectj_nomore baai ng-'.Drw edure -f or- tbess sensiti2v-e-areas'o-f activity, one el6aredL from ---Ifice @h@ki@the-accounts under this @i@Ne@t Oa-a-- the CoVtroiler's 0 v. yearly ba$ls*-Ce@reful,-records-are-raintained-ancl@th6re-is-ii6@@- that fund-4 have been in tzy The lri.-.pector General- sees no reason irby tbis- fUrdihtl4t@@- not be continued under- esent controls ancl aamwe "].oh" SD-In addition td2:Ui7tii@jor rellane alf -beaV-ilyLupon 'O'Lvlllan contractors., It ao relio -tecbni,ca'.k &n4 develqogpt and agencies of the militar.1 departmiit:3 an,&, .%'poll Ct'her-c;dvernment facilities auib as the In taa tbreo Fiical-Yea--"s 1954-1956 ITSS -tr=x@-fdrrc-a fu.Ado to @o other Goverrmant agencies 8 in suppor- or -r ,pe rp-iea 167 To Influencina nv--%An a* inf luenoi-.ig bw--,.n bebavior it@ Complex subjcot atik Yety difficult to dece.-ioe andovalu-ito iu tera@3 or 4 ZYF costs and Potential b4nefit t6761andestire o:,eraVgas.. Tho A&616@ field lnclud@@dicalj PhYr>iOI08;ical and PsYchOlO ai asi3ecto vbdle there-bas' been much speculatidh--Wt4@@7@tdt@@ little of a positive riat-are-iall j)cn@@t--tbe extent to ymch hw" behavior -can. Che:ideal DIv-lsi6bC bas 3.aWwbei be predatted., dlYt,@Ud A controlled 2 a program having and -no,,r-reacbed a Olt-t--" :in p--ogress where-a If the effort. -sbould-b so :it.-is b,,--Because -of. tb@i- seareit" positivo Im and moneyjq_@ng spehV-dh--ftir3,y basic. rese;@ and Wer of concrete results n@or c@ Ue4e-lt reo-uJLres an operational b -d I&@a. e-gainst -:Lt IL67helpful-to--exandne the operatid l@@ia.program I s de3itned to meet Ot"f. the @@or problem!3.13 tbatLOt 1*@6ve4 Interrogation techniclueso zetbods are used-tb !4t6X dd!m-WlmUv-ldualls reslst3&C]6 o Interrogation- 'but t-bere-iifa reliability of LbX6ii@i4 -tidthoas of lerescure@7d,@ress. or - tion obtainea@@he c]4ttiftL tortures, The use2 of-di4"r7"bgcbcmicals In this resgc-at. not new. so-,called '+iruth ser=o' bavebeen Wed- some'imes succossfu3Ay ba The approacb'being tal-en by i@@emitdl Divisidd@.le +.o useps hoobt@ii@@@2 to create vJLthin the -individuix a rental and ftoticnal situiti@@@ VLU release him fib@i-tba-ritotraint of se]Lf -contro:i@-@. itau-0-0 hi:@ to. cr- reveal irlfoim-atidd -i4ti3.lidgV:"40 afto BoUtea to the -@@6d%at of of fen@ive -int4tt@sottion- - techniT@@-the-devtl;@@ def6"iye-mep-sures lnterroge-tionst Nhowle-fte gatdecl in the for-a--r.,44-11 le-ad to cointor- meas,areaL@@@'@-.tttion of Agen,-,y personn,--l ancl wonda,vidd CO]2- 0 A&h^.y-tdtivltitso This Is v@nother doje-.ti-v-e---Of )ro&-"=* U@Se Of@PsYcb@Och@--mice-Is i47@@ actioa- ol>erations- 16--well -recqpized, tltboaz)i it ba thorou&V:70@* mi&t ti@-@ted. 2 Chezidi@@DlvJLsibd@ ine o'ojective of its prot,7= to be-06patea-to-'support or make-6qdb@--o- Dora pol-itical acti6a -2-7 operations --b@-incluad -in the are als d ivi@d I?ut perbaps, of aid to case in 14 total@- the atives id4tdd td-bc-t2O=d-*' C-irtain3.y@@@ ladih& to a bettt"derst AZt-of the iiorkin-gs:of the huwa mincl-is P-a essea- tial-@tlement of-inteuitenoe an&-&tVtbibtithsV7C6atributes-to tbe--pto4@@ .4 tioa of lium= tehavior or izkdt-"Ible-- its directi6ii--di@- OdbLtiol- is -Of *-So g -aa coiierete results h" been Thitt 2 -developed-"a arp PvaiXa@b.te procl%lc ts of tllem- d-C4@-@di-.creditUi--g an& dit;eblihg7g#Orialt-vbicbL- Pis 19 an c= 2 =a-i?CITAt tllo wo@miso, of a MA-aloura Of control-@b@@@i-on-S 0; the gubjcc%-Po -33 rubjddt@a-@ The 0-ther ]?'I'Oaucts a on* on a4- -total. of- IC2$ e, kr4ckout raterlal@ tte