Appri"tioit for it-ese-aroh Giwdt, to ---------------- ro Personality Thoory -4K:T@@@th- Di f f mg -21 Inv-*-sti- --b i&-Uii@@ n-.@ Colum ln3titutio Colle" Ph siolan3 and Surgeons I's Univers Co um 8 N6*inrkL2"ew Ydr Prinotrel Idits-3-t Authorized-Off M-16 w w arsonality-Theorl t h Dif f oren --in -fia-ti6ntd i Symptochs- 1. QPL@T 2 IV S@3 ItAttllkV --tb--tttt certain-83POO.t3. 0 The purpose otAht:@@Posed-ttudLo3 ii rL the personality 2 as% perfomsnce-a tolligence Sea 9 of:@iont groups diffe-ri-6g- p-rimr@ilvin overt symptoms, Two such studies are antA@iOd@t"@@Th"irs"ill be Wechsler SCOe63::Of-e-- Ole Of conversion hysteric2s,iand-will include COM- parisoa3 of comparable -subivroups obaracterit#d by-di.f f orent The--- second will o@-onsist of@:@@son of the subt"%-perforwnce of bIC grcUP3 Of Mt 2Miht::@ It is propo od--Ihat th*.,thrto--ma or s lity dijt"sions and their-i-ntor-relatiOn3htP$,' (as-formulated by be anal zed vithih an 2 and as d aoroas-the A@o ?or purposes of research, rsonality tl@oory@:qffatCt"-m@jor advantages-. I. Somo!aspootl--of th-e-tt@e-o" are i@ia-tel"nd-obJectiveli7@olfLdblo. -long@@o poin"f-Vii-i-,-thO-@thod-bl-tbich the theory 2. From'& v"l-y sp-soi4ie7ofWdti6ni doncern. 2 ing Ih"ndilidu-a-Vs be vlor* to- In order to major tht6tW@@b"nsid"r tiobs vestigatod, t::-@ f 3ummry of-%b2e theor no -The -si=ar based on dir'oot information iw and on Saunder-16- re-se4sftb mew- iograpby)o The thoo in oranda , (soo'bibl separate memoran2dum t 5aunaers tl) Acicording: to-th6@--t-hkb@t lndividual@@@x r ssed-ii@-t4@ftt-df three sion3. Th66 Plaxible-Xitt4@@@@ptable Uh"ceptable oontin 2 hereafter; be ref6i@"d::@@e E-I, F-H, and respec- tively. As the taiiitidual--dtVilOs ht--is d7#Uh--ths- task76f -Won.- oiling 2 7 Pe Ord0t)@- v-8 r I-o-u-vo nv i e6@@@ - and social doizn@i"hidh-t*quire hU@t@ffi@@his position on eacb@@t the three, b4tio-c-o-ntibu-&- the ex2tant to which the' indivi44-al--is7@ib a, to com onsate tor-th"i&i-tatii@@ adjustmorLt--impot*d-by bit-t"io-personaitti7iti4@Lturo,--- The tboory-f4ett*t:Mtu2la-to-s-tha"hs--ind"v d5ills-modifi4kti@i@f his basic' p-orsonali 11 as the ba'i"iti@iorA- r pa arn, as we 3#lV$$,' eire@-rof Got* y his performan2ce on veri-6us--subtests of th@@@ Wechsler Scalis. Th4s, his 6t6t6 on n subtest shows h3 position with re rd--to-thb::-E:-:!A:ime imate- 16" 100 on 98 this 7-k" 0 ra__ dicated b his orms His-Block esi score dotermihos-bi7s-plk6tmo&ton tWF.9-6ontinumm-,,modified 2 r -t-s - His porformance-onAh-4 Simi subto-3 Position score on the ?"re,- -"btesA@-@ified-@y his Flo-t-ur-o C2@@etion and Obj ot Arrat .@pment Assembly perf6rmahts- A@G 401*4 t@@d-dov4 oped a me hod--df arpr6ltth"bo dym6i6-structure of--- the ir 2 -@@h@ are -ba "P i":idual n OVM3 Of 3ubtO3,-w WformardO,--These f6i@@Ol@se, ta%*6::@her,-rep"sent the development-of 9 OTS-16',--Pg-. 2 .7 -liethod Since the studi4-"ill-test-different-hypotheses@-torlain-procodur63,fo-r- collooting andAt@"thUth4 dat-a-w-ill b-a-diffttd-"-fo" two investign- "twy.ore described first--- ti6d3,@Ptdced u -th slulte-s-ato-disou3saj later, i Those which-T I2 comon tblbo nder the- section davoted@Ao tb"i@Wm4At::6f-tYo---d4la. A. Thd7Cohvorsion St Cd--n-vorstoii:by,steries are 2 nstituts an excellent igr-oup ror an th"stiio*tiofl 3YMPtOM3 pr#3umeb Y-refloot essentia aspects of the-individual,"YrAm 0 structure A pi2lot stud -tdt6d-6"UcohVOrsi6n subjects, has--&l omp otedo and has th#or;tical formul-ations.---Thou@"he number Of 3ubjoot3-v43 re &-A r't:LO- ularly in th#::comport*o@@sed ca sub btained statistic I 3ignif tc-ent-f-i-n-d um or 0 r r "m *,-, The to bo 2 la pilot studt-ii--@@-in-the Append-it-o-f-this-propos&l-.-rt-s re-sults 3Ugg*3t th4-fOl ovin #SOS: 1, Prohounced-:-@fensor and moto*W sympto6s mill tC@@@hersoterist of pro-domUAntly 112,11 tvid@ls. 2. Sovdro and Ureq@ Zs @ad e"n aches wil"ocur more-often 2 in ortdddimntl (This does oat Include-migral-nes, e a different tto:§"ympt66). 3. Prodomi-na-atly:l@X"-Lndividuals mill -complairi of:-f~-and-li" 3POGif o-symp a prodomimntiy'-E'-eqws. -to--sym tom chotot. 4. Both--thb-l-ft-6nd-the-A U:@66titthii@l be related 3. Prodominantl* "I" and--- omihdntly witti-ld"oorom on p_rod___ "Em--3ubjeote tha!Pf lor 3&li"ll 2 d f in theiii7sipr6ssod-bymptoms, n accordA7no-o vith th@@atical-ex- -thoir@respoot ve on Gneiss @04 c ta t ldh" 8. Beheiv iorAlAif f iiioiide" 11 rao arit"?i -'IS"-- -d h- ooli@@Mlr @:11I,@ groups, thi@s pr*domiMMly am t o red ffer- ancOs@--dol)o@- to soms @-xtont--oii the-locatii@"-7th#@-ind on th#LY.."nd-A U-contirus.- Sam la, The sampl"117@i@iiA-of a- 100-3-ubje-oV3 p@@@flp"o - oal@-- , - - ;@ @ records docnal indicate and wwbave been diagnosed-as-conversion anticipated-that-the age rangi@-i@ill-not go balo* I"i@@4bo-ve-49 Years. and that mentalli::t*l@@ded -t@libisets will be ii6liided-@@ iaq.i-ft-O- oce ures 1. The occurrence of-tW-vari@6@s ulao@ wil be- determin first f6"ho-gr" @-*h4l 20 Woohglii@@li@ by -itt arent-sym compa ad*_ 30- Specific h,7pohQS,03 Pertaining to the ralati@6@hiW 3OTWOOD 3YMP 0=--- cholosi@per-sowlit -structure. theory ill bi--t83t6d. 4 Tho influence on Wechsler subtest-perform 'nos-of7p4NIation variables-suoh-as-age, asit educational and-sooio--Oconomio back- groundo, $2rid intalligs-Pi',o (as measured by thac@individ@lls norwl level#- in accordance-w@ith th"hoory) will b4-aMlyzsdp-- -ilcor and Rlaai_ne b@tiontd@@G ha v"een-soleotad beesus-i@--theiii::u th*-7@ing o,'-A--humberlof hypothese so-- omits 9 which too. Thf"Aio@@ihe3es-are-as follows: l@-@rsticeiij(,L--@prodomi&qntly "In lndividual-lb@o,@ 2 -I- 9, $a @sm n"wa @g Id 'tiondl,17 dominant, and tends toward withdr4ivG.L. -%PWORFAOWWhaS' -such subjfots__Igill be 2 more _cb6r&ot#riatio uld*f@: @oups.@@- rz> n 4*ontrest, th* 2 00 predominantly "E'- individti@l@71-- P@MaPtually doc3-inant, and environmentally 4-tnsi vov-tis- pro.- d4-o-ted-'w-f- that the m,4[greine patte'Alts wil"on3ig*, of subj4dt3-p -tw-th* 'E" category, iolpkt@"hat-the streasth of::th*-"I" -0- gl@ 2 0010POnent of th"ndividua"l personality, is-determinod-by the -formulae, will be a-sigAtttqkaUy diffd-r-e-kti4ti 2 r, g 4.@--With rwa@@@o -the- I?-Voont Mum, It Is prod-16-tid-thd, p4Aient3@will be predominantly "I'll individuals.-Th,&.'? cow on- sato4!fiubJ@ots2-in particular should tend t@WaM-ulcora us# of-tho-cont-inual-phy.Riological and a maintained-s- Theoratic.Ilyo low Bloc-k--D-4is-Ign 'Soores-@Lplue low-Simila.rities-perfor=nco should-be more tyg!;*! Of ulc-or sufferers-, since &,low-Similaritisi 23coro thdi cat tandenoy-toward repro.S3tOn, On the other t4nd, a hlgk itio sooricin a-low-liock-Do-tign record 2 points-t rol of emoti@Mliti and thtrefor-&--to 1033 need for're-pr#itio-0, v would::raprssen -indication-of-the f6t6@ti6li@o"lcer 2 oo.mire obiefly of RrOQqan4atly a subjects. Comp'-snsa-tj"t-f-a-o-tors,' t -pondihg to those s ated above to conno 2 -W- aorr@3 cti6h ith-prodoaAi,. grou natol* pg, will be studied for the ired@mihantl subjd*Ab:@@ 2 64 it i3-fu-rt or-hy thesiz#d that the atrangt@ of -tho- --or components of-the individ,ua-l's personality at -r--uc-ture presented-by the throo formula2e, will be a aitwicantl"iffor- antiatin factor. 7, It is a so antioipdtad that the quality of the adividuall 3001al-relationships will be relaied-to his psycho@@ 2 @ul@ li@rium-- and:@t@bly to his symptom choice as-woll.--Tborefor*l his dovoli-p-m-ei&il"g -the A.U conti!.-.,uum willialso-be studied. Approx2imtelj(:$"Icor and 50 migraine patients ar 7:antioipated._r sc@far 63- i 03"ith -a-vidon .po @ s llil 4-t- - t he groups will be limited tolt 2 OU-t CA@ of furthe:@ me-d lications The diagnoSO31will::@ba-modically do-- tomined.i Groups comparable w th respect to ago,, sox.--oducational-and ocio-sconomia 2 levels, and Intelligence (as measured-by=Ao@@l-lev_ois It is int-iotpeted that-subjects will-bo rettrioted-t :ill be u34rde- those betteen-th"9os of 15 and 49, and will_not include --the- retarded.: OTS-16@@Pg. 4 §2acif La--Procedures 1,, Th*-occurratice of::t a-Various rmulao-vi led fol withi"@oh--o-f -the upse 2 Z@-@ooourrence-of-t., I 0 3., Sp-qo If to the symptom"f -ulcers a4-m-i in;tom""ho theory will atested. Treatmea- Th"x@@ntal dtt"l -oons 3t a t a three-formulati cow ted f or "ob bar.-- subjw, and based on-"I" scores from the Wechsler s btostt@:::::-TviA derived-froto &Lthoo"-datermino Of various do @as of:76omo*n$Ati"-of-th4l@individualle basiolts no bsi to 1)rodu@@"hro* si#i@@@ 300--19-6-fo-r '"Oh sub act on each continuura* Th: 0 will-be lnterp-ro-to-d -as re- of the basio-dimensions-wittfi-a-the individual's rw conalit"2af I tiori. Th*-data will beamated- n-accordance withaboor-a at ons, on- tical-pre tingono"SAS,-(qht@Muere and Fisher's exac2t tests)t will be ppli 4 0 dtumine lbe,differeitial ili@@idence of-the variovvpa-rsqns cjrg@ tions within and-bitiiid@@@, In arAlyzirg-thC-t@lts for the 3tron 2th of the basidAendidd-@@to of the . difforences::in 16eation-of those :score distributions withi"nd b4l*ooo groups vill-b4-- Oiid" of-the t distrib@ution, o-r-i-to non- 2 parametrio -a a no Th influence a v a r Uo m@nc e@v I uos probably bd pria2to &rAlt;,4 of vari4neo tee Although undirtakedao-test-a th@@-(t@r v -hiob- 'on* - tollod-test" 9 are sometimes used), onl t*o-Uilod t4sto 2 will be amp to perimit the intorprot4ti4d-::4"ontra- t theoretical rs3ulA4 3. Period of tim A one-year projobt-i"ntioi 4o t3timted Budkol -tnd-2R searc Psyebometrist 33 stantf a *kg .000 Co-Priiaolpall I testigi U13callanoouo:i@ ....... 2 ooo Indirect C6it:@Allow'ancv:.,-@:i-@@1.770 T6u 03 5 ?O 7 OTS- Q211ificatio-is of mto"- WRqn li@l Room 6 4 Previous Work n t 3 re& A pilot study,- so on conver3iOM-hy;torics, h&3;boon-oompleted.---It 2 16 desoribed i" Ppo whiob follows. 7, Other Sourass a -tion2-, Support hiss eihg requested of othe ifdVhd4s r -16-P5g. 6 oTS- 6 4--Pilot, Study in -Personality ThsOrY with C4AVftti steelds Sampi sycho The sample consistbd2 uated at"V The subjects were dias as conversion hystorids by and their records neurological Pathology. The Sroup r..d In age frota 15 to 49.-w-itb a moon 4. mean- 10.44. There were 1-Um@e'l-e3@on"--foosl*3, Tney Bellevue Intelligeno"tALI# for-a I., Method The experimental dstt::@i@ted--d"h"areo f o tmulA:"* tfftined -f or -scores on the VI# 2 TtW-- *&oh subjeot on th4-U:tts of his Weighted data war* studied bb@tb::fVi@:::@group as a whole, and in;oomparlt6@@f-s-utgroups Since d@ifferent procedures *are p within it, 2 -followed in the A-wo---ty"0 arA li !150- and different resul Vero lo-b-ta-ined y tely prfa-tnt#-d--b4lb*f __@ere 3apara----- 1. The Pilot §i-U-l @--As 1:@mcedur 2 .la tbo attem t-to study-@@om-choid-*--- th"61loving-gm 1;p"" war* the subjeots 'Used for l-, Fainti drowsvnes@s, o@2nd g@knorelizedstatos o f... wealdiO@t"tbaking, and n&usea. Pairt7in ar 3. Head@o-has 4, and-spasmg, Vorkt-,- &ad-tu--mrness id--thoso 2 S. Pr.6noun-C" a -Ioj*@-t6""nts i-n--thCbead and:7@e-ron on. B. R6-"I-ts 1. Prdnou 3 to(03 rac ari3tio: of ---2qodo-mirantli and--war -"--igpi.ficently more 0 div'idualt:(a@.. dotik@d-b-y-tbe f ir3t fOrm'uU). A and nox%ml One-tallod tO3t3--of---@.stgWieshce were @-ise"h-an-dfre@ti6h7i" redlot-a-d advance, Othorwu*@ tgo-tailed tests were us.ei, Rap,)'rted "trends'' fell--- within the .10;t4 164413., 2 c.02 by Fish ii eiaot-tost-. 6 S 16t 7 once-of ibes* symp-,... levoO...did no-t@31'gnificantly--i-n-fluenco the cc-ourr 2 obtained between the toms, nor waro-an" ificent-4diffOrOncOs -th- compensated and uncom oups. Hogove;e a-tron4 in 0 dirootion-oflihgreased numbor3 f-=iiibjoots -in ti4@@n3atod groups, (IC and ECYj*"be-or-y-elf- 21 Iii-"yi@i@the formm]A"--sijbjeots 2 -with ;)ronqunced sensory symptoms, 1+. va3 not @A"he 3 cases in the @irou who suffo"4-from bysterica'. blind IV: dualt--In- their 10-C2a-- no compensated Ind This 3Ugg$3100 6 tioi%-oA-tb l'-g swirthor--s,tudy of -such subJtdt"f-*h<-)-m th@@@9F@Theso 9 ware a-ub-jeot3 awrdifteto their first -f 7 -b@@ t comins "El'-itidividuars a@coo@rding to he2 38cond;77AIV-o-f them co n" -fomula. . departing signif;i@=@@@@ olud#d as'll-indi4i