6 January 1954 %IE'%10rtANDU:@l FOR: DIr-.F.CTOR, Cr-lrrRAL ID,TF.1,LIG'ZiNCE Deputy D:@rcctor (Plans) VIA SUBJECT Investic,-@ttion of Sensitive %,faterial produced by REFERENC2E \Icrr-o No. from Chicf, DD /Pi TS for DCI. dated Z7 Nove.-iber 1953, subjec Purcl-,ase of Sc:isitive Ataterial from the 1. .kttached 'iierewith is a report of t!ic2 trip to Z. a& e n --T t nd 7 Ic)53. In brief, tl-te report stalcs' that (a) T'tie report that thcr,!Glz@ 2 eld a s,.ock of 10 kilo-r;-.ms of the rrateriil i3 denied by com- -.trr officials. (b) They state that to clate they have produc-:d approxi- mately 40 ,rarr,.s of this rnaterial in all, a.-i-I t'.natl c4l %'.'le last 2 batch of 20 7-rar@ns, 10 %7ere shippcd to the U. S. And 10 re- rr n stock. ain.i -.1 (c) S=,all ainot,.nts of the rrater-al are bein- suppl;cd in s7lution to one psycliiatristi No otlier 2 n deliveries ies behind'the Iron Curt n are bein,2 r-n-de to count.- ai' ' and or could be, docs not the r.-iaterial is bein- produced behind the Iron Curtain 2today. will continue to maintain a small stock Llor free distribution to qtialificd users. Tl,lis will to follow all cxperirncnt--l work a.-id will discourage ncxv producers. (e) will-kcep the copy 0 6 of 5 copie's r inforiiscd of i,.Il future liroctuction and di stribtition. 2. The restilts of this invest!-ation as'well as ftfture information supplied by vill be subn-.il'tcd to the /@DSI for pro- ccssinc, -Lnd eveiitual dis,6ri'ouA':.on to the end that oth2er clen-.t--nts of the intelligence coi-t@n-iurity v-All be lzcpt informed. Attachment: (1) January 195,',) Distri'jution: I) C I - C o i 1 ,Ly ,v/ztttachrnent "SO -Cory #2w/.-ittacbment AD/CSI Copy -111 3 %,.,/at4achr@-ient 'tachment Copy 2 t. 4 wla C Co:)y95 -v,,/attachr.-ent -ics Copy 0 of 5 Cor