2U)tOLU A. r). 233 R-A.ST z3TU bTr?LL-r ):rW TOnK-.!2. NLN%' YOJtg. Dear ir For your infor=ati-on and filcs I an enclosing a cas4e report v;hich be of i-.-i*6crcst. Yours sincerely.. Harold A. lib-a=son, D. aAA/nb ---------- v CL-.SE RLPO.r,.T 0:' PAT I E'.%-T J 61 f,'@ S Lr I'Z H I was called in consultation to see J o h n Sr-ith .bout ten days after 't',!r. Smith 1-..-Ld. received -iO T.-.icrograc-.s by outh i,-i a: hi-hly protected situation. :r . Smitli, although gitated ---.d concerned over his re'-at4-onshit)s in .-orlm- situazjons, el,,-tcd ve:-y -.,.-ell to hi-s-iriends, to me, a2nd to co.-=.unity probl.e=s n general. It appeared that i:-.ith had profound -,ui-lt I:ccl- n-s bec--use he had been retired as an of-@-i6er duri-n- the last ar ,xnd was dra-win- a pcnsi-on. Fis intense .16celin-s of guilt esulted :-ccc,-v3..-i- govcz-.-i.-.cnc r..o.,icy ro vh,;-cll '.Iic felt he as not c--t4-,-lcd. These lcelinc;s vere not cli=inated by his calis-@4h.c undcrst-@-nd4-=c-, -.hmt'l,.c had appeared before zL reti:.c?2--er,-. oard. A stron- of inade.@uac,- do=;-natati his present a felt -liat he wa.s not doi-.nc-,, as Cood a job as lie thou;,-!it ,&-.a hould even tliour!a thou,@ht -,-,all of by his colle-,,uc!:i -Lnd ror-ot,-o.-s2 '.-=d co.-:e rcadil-,r. In scvcz-al l@o,.i.-s of intcrv or a perio--' of t,.-;o days his a,,,i-,--tion could iiot be di---cc7-l3- inl:ed vitli a p--ychotic state i-,nmil lie said that hiz.slccl)lcss- ass' had '@@-ecn c.-.used by the FBI v.-ho had Z;L,.r.-cpLitiou!;ly been or in hi,, fooc! a@6. nig.',t to Ir-lccp i m 0 Tlicse leclin-gs of ii.-Lvinr, placed in his 2 c' ood had been piese.nt ior a-%. lcasc Aoi%-e r:ono@lis before he had eceived his thcr-lpcutic-dose of 70 r.-.icro,-,.-2.=s. lIe also dis- .:,.os--cl, -.h-.-, he 14,..ad zilao%-.ii 163.i--,arre I)c-l,.ayio-,- for nine tro.-iths bcfo.-c • that his wife thou:;!it lie needed c-cd,Acil attention. This lcd. • an outpouz-i-,,,@.o of -Ln i-iitcnse dc:3i__-,c oii Ilis p.-.rt to be puiii-sliod y the 2 for li4-s past co:-.duc-,. of zioicy fi-aud- u leii4@ly fro.-. -tlie governz:cnt '6ollo,,vi-i,.I; his rati'rc-,Tcrt by an Artly oard. Subsequent discussion Nvith the pa*6icrtt and an acco-- anying fr4end led to his agrcci-.-I-I to antcri-m- a Lcnt:Ll i.-isr-i- ution. Dif icreit hosDii:Lls r;erc discisscd. Ile chose orc nea=- is ho=ie and aop----,red to be reli-cvc--4 46-h:Lt so=e clecisiou Iiid can rade to t.-t'c@-a care of his px-oble-s. Accon,.panicd by Iiis riencl v.-ho shared the sar-e rooci -r.,ith him he -,.@ent to a ho.Lel for he ni-lit bcc=use the "ios-oitz@l ci-,osen v.,.-Ls distant n..-.d he co uld o,'.- be accepted at once. In the -3i-ddic of the iii-i@t v.-ithout ny vzarr-in- !,e plun;;ed head-f4-=-st throl,-h a 1:e.-tvy e-I.-Lss hattcrini; i-,. nrd fell to his death on the payc=cnz belor. 2 Inforl-a-6ion subse.-Luentl-,- recei"%,cd revealed that lie -"d di-scussed suicicic iz-e.Luentl,,? tl,,o previous -ca:- and o the bcs-. o-@' ry in,-@or=a-wion h.-.d been tallzcd out of suicide wicc. In -,iy opin@4.on 2la.r. .')niith h--d been for soz-a i=c wit'41 a vara-oi-d ty,-Ic of dczrcssive I-syc;--Osis ,which, Ithou,-', rcluczzntly rcco;;ni--cd by h;-s had ot rc,..ci,.-c'd a-@lc-uatc rcd2lcal Ca:.C. 6 is ty opiiiion, also, rL C,'.' - oi' m,,, c:@PCI-icncc v.-ith vi,,-ious a.; Qlzto:. y t).-Cs of -,bicc*S. t ?,. tll i . - - 1. _7 C4 0 , r),@ n - (- e- r) @, I ri rj I