Direr-tor of '.'@-acurLty 19 1:,Cjm:lr-t ciiior., '@ceurity ;!oacarch @'tziff De- ,,Yaty Dirccto of Projt-ct 2 Rt.-fcrL-n-a I:; to ro-)ort on I;ro,->3c-od t o-f !,:O.Icc Tl--.Is pr,3jccl. is ar. -,:7:)Iic-"t@-or, of ar.d I fac.,l t.@:a'ALO i-.,o s-.ould i.-i to finish on -icWal 30 Ls st@,ita-d In th2 ren r4. 4 2 al c:-cztion i:; f or rot %n in-iiv!Lll.-il c.@-n b:2 c:-,ntro!'Ld In'-o t: r., ".)Y facl ';4iat c=---tit bo eora -In t,',.2 Unt4.el rn a cli--4-al b.-t-,is @r c 1 & 0 k. t, @ - * - d ni -i=,-cr is to on -'-.is CZd2 cut wz @-Lve c-@: 0 r o c,-) a 3 a 1 1 t h a r a c n a:,. -d a 0 -T r a o;-.: o la-. a i 1.1 i s n r o j i 4 oo'u-i0in a f,-Il --er2=-r,2nt -nd -,bi:.@rt tiis act-t-;-it., 4-n e-.rci7 POS:3i'31e 24 Fobru,-trzr 1954 SU"@J=T: Lyse--zic Acid Diothylar-4:!e (ISD 25) ;S.' 1017 7' ir Iltij eitc/ 24 Fobrum-7 1954 SLTjzcTl L7--or;ic Acid Dicl-.h7L-L-aOo (LSD 25) (Source is In ear:Ly- r-acember 1953 source went to ur-.Os.-- or earning th,-3 =.our&t:'of L-cD 25 hdld in -sawock'by, for the P t ir ava:Llable on a prer-lusi7e and,tile puechase oe i basis. '-I the 2, Several =etiyips %,,,e re held wit 2 -.e officials. Present at.the an,-4 General cobwo-- =rr. c (Presider,'W): phar=- coioffical 2 %Director o all- on; Source perz 'r an t _-j ee =-zn., ha,-,g ng de.,l tifith thcm on acoua:Lited i;i'w-h tlte seteral occasio.-is !Ln the past. ,m3 then told th,,&. the d4-sco%,c-.'-.T of ,b,r 3 cn LSD. 2.r- b7 'th co---s to L%e at' - ti= of a n=- ru:io of de.-,-Zt--cats in the U. S. p .Overr,=mt and that there ,erc r3 of t-he pro-@',uction or a quantity of tho catoria3. in vh:-.ch thL- sourco v-as Sntorostcd. r=tlit:r., tho;@a wcro ruzor3 in tho United States to the effect that the had'producdd 10 lcl'Ao,-r=-i of this subztance. It -&,au then c.-cpla4-ncd th-.t-thv misvion was ono of pre-. cluzivo buyinc by the oource. 4. 314,.atod th,-t the had re"r produced t,!.4s r--terial q=-ilf-,ities e,7en rc=o2lely re,,.e=blino,'.ho 2@ L-Uoi:r.----3 which wer-a =entioned. Ho s,-,A-d th-.@ to date over a 'p@rt.o.-I of years, a total or abou-I., 4--O -Era=s of th4-s raterial had been produced im various batches. 'iho last batch, included in 2 total of 40 rra=s prc-duced to date, azou.-.t'cd to '4@O grar-z. Of these 20 gr,-i=, 10 gr--=3 rer-ained in stock and 10 r_".-ms had been sent to U 'ted SI-ates, Any, 2 of t@.is =teri-I ir!3.1 be =yt,!e "-,,-on to ','ie so,,=ce. ted that to the bes'w, of tzis belief,,, ass in the vvr3.d., and this r-oter,-al is not be;-ng prod,.iced r-my-.:Iiers -he P he t-m e certai--t-L,--t there @%vre no the Irra Cu.-tain veth t', knc-dled.,e., or ca=,.)-'-Iitv or produc4-n,rp, it e. L,.-e s a-.i"L, , ofrered to D.-odLce ar@, quan.ity of this =tcrial required by, the source i.,ith to beg4-n three weeks after placemc-..t, or --n o,-dor ard-.to cortinl-e.at the rate of2 1CO rra= per' week.* then state-d that tliis mter'Lal, when pmduced in sr.2-U '2 qu=tit4es,, L-i&ht cost In the ncieliborliood of '@100 to CO a grall. In -iie-d of this cos'-W, I-a -,oint-,d out that the r=or of a stock of -LtA 3.0 ],-iloEr,-L--ic was ridiculous vinco it i!as not tllal tl,.cy 'W=Ll- hava kept, a procitictton-li:io r.6ing %'Or the length of tl,.r-- required to produce such a large quantity 2 or ovpcn--iva material Lrtil they had Axll,7 detor---'Aned th@-.t a. co=,--reiil -c:ciated or collid be devolop,ed &Io.- '@t. ',hei;- '%,ol.a-v producticn'to date of 4,0 gi-@= ba2s provcd sufl,-c-'-cnt =aterl,-l for all cl,-nicc-.1 i--vest,,irat,'-cn3, ,,.nd it would @aye beei ridiculnur, to ha-.z produced a qaan'.ity =,i7 !:,-mdred g--cater. is e7.:)re s o. ced ap7-reciation and ad=ira- tion for the ,.ction of the s6urce !.n volr-ntecring to rem--.)%,e th4-s mrteridl,. from t$.io m2arket if ilk-, bad c.-,istad in t.',e q7mnt@-tl-,es meni. ticned. Hd mentioned on several cc-.azions thr-.4. he mrd o'liem oil '.he sorr.- t@-st, had di3COVO-A I iS Mee,-ial 2 %,h since it had been a source of =zny hea,-'P-che!i a-,id bother. Ue said tbo7 had no inten'&.-I@--Il of ever letlw-inc., this =a'%.e-.-ii-I fall -L&.,o Co--ni st h@z2lds. 0 a,.L.- e majay- co-,rei,@ all' Sder?fa@a a. d ,n Ala been rade'to t;:. 7arlo,.zz A---- r,'- c,-2@n d-jaim in the @as'k'f Vio itished to obta@Li i.-.f c t;- on on r--t--.-ial. Source e.-cpla:Lred a I '..h o uc;n I i ecould not pos--ib!7 -.-u--rantoe no further ap,-roachas w-Duld b-32 rade, he -ftoul-d -.dv-;-se i.-i",eres'6ed S, indiv-.'..duals. -1-ure p.-oduc- read to keep source infor-ed of all ftv tion b.7 4 s =ttrial and would let h.L-: kaow to whom chip=.,rts -omro r.-aclo. lie woulti aL-7o pz.Dz on any iri:or-ratiori wlilch Car..a to hin attent'Aon cc.-:ccr-.ilnZ activitl&cs behird *the Iran Cu.-Iain. or elcowlicre indica%-.iii- t)L.-tt it 2was bc!n., or invcclvi- a. An a tart; or this proecdaro z.,id o&' o3,re to c*o,-.rato by -he .,ii-1 shor'17- 'c3 asr%'e source to sup2ly a braz-',:dou-.i a.,&' paz".- O.' thIl.,3 :--ak"crial, includl-i- the'n=ea o'&' rer-,'-pientsA quaiti@'wicn iurzL4---hed ---id. dalw-cs of aid that at prescn&,. the only 2 of I.bl.-s r.atcrial go! 1; fr= .o a desticaticn be.-.L-,d tha Iron Ctzrlain are b--i-.ig s=,.- .-to for mny year3 has coo@-- ed wi clinical tes4v-inE of their products ard L"or v- lo=Z2; ti-n.-m has 'ceen ke;t- cL-I)pUed wl-@.h =:Liu' e, q,"-=til%lics ci* this =aterial. It al,6,ays bee,,i cent to 1,.i= -4n =-.ules cot' airO-n- a of the imlcri-U. ro sni;=rts of the d?--- =2.ateria3. h.?.-,e 'ct-er, t-0 him or to amyone beldnd the Iron Cu:-1.3.in. rcmt---bar.o.fr-,I.ar.d @7.Tet.-.cr other c-hi=en4.,s h,--d been to indiv'iduals b,-.-ah--'nd tl,.c -,-ran Cu2rta@--i --p-n7 'ycp-rz aLo, bulv was ce-&-lain that for the past few r@.ars o.-ii-y has r--ce4-yed sIL4.;=--nt3. -cc=t Ile tbouv$%t that M's to tot-n-Ied 100 ril5 I i gra=. - n. Sourco dincuo3cd uith' oL6or4@'. orficiain t,-o rci.a--ing tlicir an'@irz ntoclc of appro,-.ir,.atoly dcairability of hin pu 3.0 Cramz.of ttic ratorial. it wa3 dcc:&dod thab tho sour--c uvuld not -ial =d th,--t., fue@.h@%r--Orc., the purchaze t,hi3 mate. %Vlid contin,-,-a to =aint4m a -@-11 stcck vhich the-.r would cr,,nt:Lnue to dictrible-a to rep2utable I...nvcztiG-ator3 thrcr-,,-hout the free world At no cb&rfo. S=h actic-. ea the pa.-L C," z,,,@ould thus dis- cc---.@atitor -fro--t en'6-lering t.@is f-leldL,.nd producine ',.bis 2 =aterial. since it -ts difficult to sr..thesize a-,id vez7 expensiv-o to produce, it is ur.UkOI7 thzt a c=retitbr %-ould stzev .----iroductier. of the :,-,'nLIc clu-=titieu r;ecded for rece-,7ch il ors could ott,-in ILIL---Ir rwiLt-rc-=nts Cro-a at no ch-ar.Ze. In other w,)rds, b7, ---,intaim4-ng a -All stock it at no charze,@ v-11 -etain control of the. a -'-on aid ir4.11 ba aware of in4., in the =.--teri,,' of t',-, is irf c.-.alt-lion L,= be passed on to sour--ei. 'ih,-z was erti--el- a&-@--cable to and they th,,-,',6, a--Y- con.-,ection '-@--tweem the source2 3.2. Tre been a personal fr.Lend of .Vcv-r-'@ --q. and 4:@ for r----iy years a-.id c7..-,resc-ed con- 4- S fidence in all sl'.a'wq:rents -.-ad2e by t.@cm. Y,-ny of the stec----nw" vere crois-checl-id b7'q@-,cstions 'Po.-,ed to o4%-It!2r@. i'orricial.7 or-W,", r-mtio,ied ,.bcve., uu4- 2in no ea--a was tl-,ere disarree-_ent as to fact or figum. It las been su-Sested tlia'll ofrared 10 C. gra= for Va.-f--hase or a-.fc,-i that t:ncy offered 10 milligra=, -,,id' or ims =de7 in repor.14 that dn ar.- n i; rrd tra.,is=itting thi3 offer. 3@2 ,.Oil bct-,-ocn a kilorra.-@ /o,,a thou:3arid -ra:,.10) L-id a irL111Cam ConfL,o' (ano-tbou:y;,.ndtli of a Cr=) zl:k@t vcll ha,Tc "Lri-'-'*Io 13. Xt Zielt alzo be ci,-.Ii.&Iica.-It tlizt Ol 'ir-vi@ ed the --ou--ce to inrpl-ct. h4-ze thir, occazion for t'.ic firstt o "lor--all3y a pharmaceutical carufac"kurer wai-ild pl-,ar=ce,2ticr-I L ziever allow a kio-.iledecablc pcrzon th=uch their pl=', since cv'ea a C06sual ins;ecticri mirhlw reveal valuable trado scicrets.