Office Mei7iora UIIO UNITED STATES G&EI?NM EN Ir 0 1 Cliiefp Technical Branr--h DATE: 13 November 1953 FROM 9U.Djr-CT: Conference wi 2 -@@n bi self an T office in t Was hington D.C. Tii 6li -ov-cnber 1 53. gave the impression of 'tring -Lhe be@3t iniorm2ewa,w,ras@well as expressing the. fii!7liL-st decree of cooperation, of the five..euthoritles whom I ligve contdcted in behalf of ARTICHOKE. 3. "Truth Sei-ums" He quoted historical sources not general],-,r known, that described the obtm:ining of reliable and most important information from a --Zivil War taptured Confederate Officer through interrogation under chloroform anestliesia. Ilecent narcobmalysis of certain unwilline sub- jects hed succeeded ttirougli this ruse: -an ,exhaustivt- physical examination, inc-lvding the takina of blood for tests, finally assuring the subject that he showed evidence of an incipient fatal disease that could be everted only by an ediate-2intravenouiinjection. lischeintc@dtif mmented that pistols so Ta=ed-Hiid-le@e-n in German manu-. facture for it= y years. Chemicals otlier than teargas would in all probability have been 8 t d used. 11 tact' kowner/manaeer of a re- s c a &;4.0&Ld velo nt lab at Electric Fields Witil tlle PoLential of radar waves Or electrOin4gnetic fields, to effect'cbnfusion or Bleop, lie was unfamiliar. (. titam I r