i@t IL I A.- =40PJaiDUK FOR 76 -ori 4','.SUBJECTI icitin 2 t .T ;'I 7. thTLt. CIA n sider 0 5te'd @.t. -proposal 'L- Ln8 etho dB ontacted' c it:Ln 9 "and,.obtaine&.Lt e@propos 4 Au&urt 19510 cc@p@r@-of the' @mposal-. A: them A-i privo Sal off ex@@: 1:Ltt.@d oji of 'a.rpee ally2, exploratorr..in;,ntLture.@and.:Lt :at$ of a,, ent'. active. J;Or,proviousv" -'termina@ted - proj e to wipplem cordingl@y':@"2i@nd,in -ti of -. th6 .@@ie oums'of =n similar n6ture...'.-,;Alr, VW 'I@,'requefftedi-,it I a re!c ommended.-thilt ..;by CIA4, 2 F. t:Thd'ori :Lnal@,propos v te -bdviaeci that@OTA.. 2 952 'inter'ott -ih.,aaoh,'ari'-e.Vlorstorr i a proposali'.ho-@evels uld'be cantactede 2 ti-At he'. wo ..-.progran-@,vhould: devfaop L i@' 4- 'L4 en bm ti Pages@' 2 oil,..Ii hio 'di of EUC:LT et 4,i t, .-"Pitt 6 5 A i 0. tt