.!6 LD A rt L 'DiVioim iA 2 r -i - -ir IT ito-rf a@- telephone' conve&satioa.@.!.. f th 2 0 vera- e Awt I ipn' Fr;ixlay -i 2 0 19 r BU&96ut@p the' ter.:propose 'aerie B@cf questime -.that can De p V.. Sentati z a .,of -.tAe co 0 mantio 2 repro v to, the writer 'theLt7 all he been clailred., e-- been'cleamd with mtion,l 2 f- ta-5 ! .@, t@b - Lk P' Lt-er-You:ld l@ e the - questions which2, a" bei'@'out put-@ @to in 'the - ino st.'gewral namier a 0 that' our in ere I 13iS the 2UBO'vf'chgrdt&Uin'l@onnectio@'with interrogatton@ap !,;i T; 6ei' out belo4'am .'q=iitions we 2 ik 1;0 %t" r would Me -to have asked of and if pc,,saib3a we should lUm to have ymw reprebent 2 slin,w ut: atrsasiag,@our.- of,, 4L)i','Das=ibb'in d:etail@ydu@"'interr 2 ogation vork;o Sir spe any.,@ I two, 2 I @l vith '@bat,,docribei or, L int arroga oted in 2 iiters.UBed @@e -a of ths interrogatio=. natm it-A. -'polio4.2@work-or. t CM 9 arrogati 2 ""A JB th hnnoeiib e3tPerien@e .@ z,m2=v, 2 .y -ind@ubether-ac 'oormootic" th'-'t'interrogatiots'or:.poli L 2 evor@ilsea" wi i; lworli."" Of &33 wnr.wor d:@ith "'6tthe 'aooalled''Ptrut 2 intwmgationo -or po4Fi VOrk? @kid ch' thGSQ ',bb all @ds' 1 ovi Wf "'A 7i 4 , i'@ 'i .; , - i,;. ,- 2 iN , " o ; @9,. i@ -.&) ,C t ),,,,,'D:La nO ai3 ice wq-*, 2 lntdrrosation obt&IA 4alit: L recent,177 :If what Ilave, ym' umd oomimuca vith int6rilogation, or po:Lico vo d<" 4i -t )dt-b o tb6 -,to ubm@-.c;anab3o'.-' t 2 ? '4- 'I@ . I,, -'i Ps 'on2y) 7 2 c;rchoin' and, anco 'in"@@ tho!.ubm qae 'had conaidarilble knmleKIC9 ionirag in the -tachni 'furthor- ir, ho hl=2elf IE &Mr of W thiz ofrico,p; @4 L9 L LI' 61 w wish to-take'&. r-iwwos "arv of is hot md4risivop "it would @bs' ioldnizes Abe ..Ontiro que If you o' tlii atiow' or to do C "Whil@ we'.dd not'. great jai VI ald ly@ap;iivciat4" h, 5 Z t All ,C t "ot%@ % ..y