i'AA @fo 1955 3 0 2 -ast 3.9 55 '?4tOO' 'd aid ;4!T 2 .It Li Aoci ar o,:Ij 2 -in possib soon sLa. opwi I;H lea po;r 2 tho, elt A3 4iL D "4 '7 +T 1 v 0 4 I.. IL .is bhmaen V 2 Board of ih CIA inf or= d' ridl "'Diree 5 IAX t- IB had@rde f 41 rib,: Y4 A 4@, .'vhich prep=, ed- repoi-ti." vould;, ..O hou&t- Y.,v l@b RS--" inq. 2 ntd ri tk "'t'Z 4c 2 (--"i! .1 .. 1, . t.," All, It. -ci 4 fir low 7P@ rat- Z .4 6 N"r AA@ .t 17 April 1953' ay d st,7ted that al ed at h: 10 PI-1 @4 p@n -@oi@ind ou from t@ ,h WA- that ice is going +,o ver the tely,,2both f dical and inte genc me el eves have ci)mp -L e p Apparentl kcte access to this coverage and he 2 the possibilit:y exi-sts%Qe could lay.on requirements to t lested that the writer.,make an.appoint- me discuss the situation with 6im "d offer -hi ce as t iat re uirements we might have. This is a good idea in tha oet not have -the backgmund of in- 2 telligence wrk an w it would be highly advantageous if we could f' d u f s going to handle the inter- viewing of th y what they propose to covor in the if thaRJEWL-Zz sending top-level people to intervie 'V 2 o@nce@"able that they could do an excellent J it is ence Cathering for us. 3.ntell i F@ Hoi4ever, if the interviews are to be routine, -@nimaginative and aimed at nothing in particular, is -they would be 1conceivable of no# va@*je to us whatsoever.