o w '6mor!lizdum 9 UNITED STATES G, 7ERNME T TO i Ciiiof, @ccurity liczc.,arcli Staff DATE: 29 Januar FROM I Cllicf3 Technical L@,ranch 2 SUDJECT: Rcierence is Pi,-ide to our discivssi-.on concerz-iin and his various in;erests, part:i -ii C osis. OPU,AF- 2 lir, -,,er on ..t- nunioer 01 subjecls. 2. Tli@ wriler has exaynined all the 'V t.En. inatl--ri.al, in de- t tail which you fon;arded in connection iTi 2 _h case Afi& and for your information,.tilis materi=l may into -- tliree calegories as follovis: Educat-ioiia'l I-'-atei:ial has i-Tritten c.):.tonsively in the fieleo@-- @e7c u' co ion, testill-" ci)ild I)sycholoCy, cclle-@e teacliinr., -rrentory traiii-in-, etc. Ifis2 techiiical writitics cover ri.-my ficla'-- aiad iti r;orieral they are wribten more or less in a lipopular" manner. 2) Pcpular l@ritin!@, - In this fielil tyas Piade a number of@ contribiati.o s@ o cor.7,icrcial inacazines alid conipal7i ra.[;azines.- In general, these lubjects are of the "popular" t-y_pe and have to do viith.stcli s2tandard items -as tolerance, how to get alonc itith people, how to relax., personality traits, etc. 3) li,)-pnosis rias 'be!@n =jtinr, on 2 liypnos-i s ect--- A very careful examinat on ofIM16 -viork lal!ls' -to revea3. anythir@g new fron, our point of view and his wri.tings in the fielcl of hypnosis in C;eneral Cali also be rec@arded e "POP.U r t%,np-,-- Tlio iter has rea In coruiection with 3) above, the writer very cai 2 -itteii rtianuserip rullinitttd full e the typewi b,, in conne-,ction i4i.tl@ possible TiLili- -)nosis. TliiE8-. it; vei-y similar to his tary uses of liyl oil b.)7,n-osis i-tliicli aT)i)en-rf-,r3 idowit- -d --NNW w hou[;hts are noL new P-i'NLL r-Ll)pears 2 to be soineiihat sensational, it is only because individuals vilio might read it are ro@,,,pprtieu Y VI familiar with the subject.. - iile Can2not in f act prove Pruch of liis PtiteiM. @ii6 'ter and his associat@s.-hill support most 'of. his allr 3.s of their gations and ideas on the ba'r." experimlhtation. On the basis of the riateri-Al at hwid., the wri.t.er feels that those in the Ti-al.@,o-nr, Division who -are interested in tliic; field should-be refel'@-ed to your Office for general discussions in these rw-tter's since your Staff has worlccd'in this fie,@d for over three years, is fard-li-ar with the literature and lias-worked i-iith and has continuously been in contact i-zitli professional consultants in hypnotispi. It is believed that your advice., and recornrtiendatioiis and assistance., should be considered before any outside Ar,,ency activity be undertaken in this direction, 6 cormli.ance with your request, -,qe have written for information and his views in the above m a rp 'Z@nd Iiis reply s7loulci be here in the imrnediate future. June 22, 1954 TI[E MILI'RA.RY AFPL@CATIO14 OF HYP14TIS@l TO: pill Coo@ FRO@l:@ I cboose two practiptl applications from rwy with which to il-lustrate .-PW propositi;A: to Z;wier's. rhe saref,,u ardine of the messages entrusted In deep hypnosis the subject, military or citilian, can be rj.veri :& message to be deliv'ei,ed to tay Colonel 2X iti Bcrlin. The Subject may then be sent to E-erlin on any perfectly routine assigiiment. The message will be pcrfectly safe aiid@'will be delivered tp the proper person because ti-ic siit-jpct. will have no inetnory wliatsoover 2 iii the walcinc, state as to the nature and conlents of the message. -3n be subject iiill lmve no b it: c. -arranged that the knowledr,e of ever havtng been hypnotized. n2o c . It enn be, -arranged fhat/oxie beside Colonel in Berlin can hypnotize the subject and recover the messaee. This hypnotic messenger, if I may-use the phrase has ijr my -wo very definite advantages over the ordinary op@l2iion at ].east 6 c i-ier. First he irill never imder any circumstance by a slip of 4e tongue dio;,tilr,,e the true nature of his mission for the very simple reason that he has nd conscious knoi-iledf;e of what that mis-Gion may be. Ile is mct.-rely going on a routine replacement in say th,@, 6 -y Adjutant General's Office. This will be his story and the stor which.he believes. d.1 J. C J 'OT -icl. informa 0 :tactics can pry it 3-oosr- for lie -,ini,)ly clors not h-vf-- i-t o cre L van if t2he encrw SLlSp-:.'CtS LliL, use of li@I)ncrti,sn. -in liin conv.,,riour, ni.nd. is stilj. sai'e for no one can hypi-i6t!,-,c hi.m c,%cc-I)t ',Iii.s nor. O Colonel %--in lta2rlin. @l poinl cut that tbis technique i? one which taii be denioiisLrated vn8@.r oxperimental conditioiis vhere you and vilien -rou wish alloiring amount of tire to train the subjects in questi.on. t 11 gen2ce tec)-inique to be used against A'specifj.c cot;r4p-,rin e onem ticular use of liypnotism would be '2L;cnts. ' This par Y moi,e coriplicated and more difficult thari tiie r@iillier simple case wliich I outlined in the preceding paragra'Ahs, but is, I assure yoii, quite practical. :1 wi2.: take a number of men 'I.1 establisli in th a - nd w.L cm throu-Ii tlie@ us,? of @2iynnotism the condition of split personality. Consciously they will be ardetit Go&munists, phanatical adherence to the party.line, i-eady and e.-Ll-,or to -subniit to any disci.pline which the party may prescribe. Unconsciously tiieyvrill be loyal Americans 2 just as grimley determined to thwart the ComTmitists at.e-;,---ry turn '3.n the road. These men acain will have no knowledf?,-e of anythinr,, that occurs in the hypnotic state7-1-lijl have no knowledtfe of ever having been hypno- 2 "I tized and can oiily'be h, -sotis .7pnotized by silsh -pex -as the ori.F,3.nal @op ..7rator may choose. Consciously the@r will associ:-:te witli the Com-unists ad learn all2. -Llie plaiis of the -organization. Clnce every month or at sticli time is advirab@'e -ttiey will be contacted by a' member of our intellit,ence depirtrnent, hypi-ioti,-,ed, ind as loyal Americans itill tell -.:Iiat they kno,,i. This sounds iinl-)elievable, but I assul-e, you,2 it will work. Once nrai.n the Your hypotbotical couii-uer -spy wi ..be placadin a ver-j difficiilt situation--amoiiriting at best to soc2@:11 ostracism, at i-yorst cri.mi.iial prosecution. II(-, -,rill not disclose his tuue role for the re@y simple r2eason that he can not. Con3ciously he is a Commmist and will not in a moment of weakness admit to his relatives or to his frierids 'that lie is anything but a -.Coni,-minist@. ik.-ain if'Lliroiirh some lealca.-,, , he is suspected of bein- an iiiformeer9 his true role is safely Ctiarded, loci,led in the unconscious.and im- -vious to all assults from the outside. pel t th oreticl iiotism to warfare and would poi.nt out that it i's''a The avera-e ps@chologist or even hir,,hly speciali.zed subject. Psycliintrist is-as at much of a loss here as would be the average 2 cheirist or pliyS3'.cist if called on to supervise a very, -.-Decialized project for w)ficti he had no partirular 'training. -:I' clai'n that 1. CM,'demonstrite all my particular content-ions to the'satisfa.ction of the government ar,,encies and request the opportunity so to do. Ih closint,,, may I 'Tvake. one very sj-Eni.fic,-mt point The Kussian literattire is hard to,!kt qiid carefully avoids aiiy meniion of thc- topic in question. Ttiose Rtis'sian articles which I havp- L--t-,i 61ble to f-at .1f,ave'no doubt a-bout the fact that tiie liussian is just-as conversive about-the field of hypnotism as are we. Respectfully submitted-, COIIY COPY Ullice J'@Lem 'kayid 0 UM UNITED STATES C VEILN ENT Iro Chief, 8ecurity'Re D search Staff ATE: 15 July 1954 FROM Chief2 Technical ];ranch SUBJECT: 2 feel that I. I have examined -proposals anal I should inake.: the fol3. a) The idea of a courier that@.has been h ot is Llpn 3-zq_d. -not new aQd I am absolutel@ cert 2 did not '@vent this idea. lie our el carrief. out ruch@-more complex problems than thisand in a general sense I will agree that it is fe4sible. Hoviever, there is no proof whatsoever t4at the hypno CAQa"b en by inother 2competent .e br k S@St bypnotis feels this is possible) mid the so- -no yet been subjected to en t actual fiel conditions (long travel, time, etQ..). b) As far as third-degree' tactics are concerned, e @w do hot know as yet 'vihat hapl)ens to an hypnotized individual-und&r the third-degree or plied with chemicals of various types. I'Ihether or not he will 2 disclose hypnotic material or indicate he possesses same has not been deterplined. l@gain this is a test that'we ho to carry o ' .pe ut in the future., as 7ou know. c) oposalthat a -subj2ect "will have Pr no ow e e -of ever hav-llig been hypnotized" is debatable. In regard to this, we are not yet certain -but ossibly through the use of subtle cheii-dcals andior a very careful cover, it might be done. It 2 :Ls conceivable it could be accomplis)ied if the sub- ject were not unduly suspicious,,extremely naive or very stupid but again this point is questionable. di proposal about using hypnotized DiCb7v:fdilbfi as counteraeents is also not new 'and 9 we, of course, have discussed this rwny times. Whether or not it can in fact be demonstrated we are not sure and it is hoped that the field tests we are 'working on may help us along these'lines. W- 14 zed Spec q t --Rdy of aroot doriyativoo and;in OSI recently cL can easily..I* k' -at-nresent f great "in- te re st:'.to UFI 2 rsonal Criond. t wit o rU tho n. tiie: dicir,@ q 0 nci IL.- 2ac(luriintecl "n th.@ib .4 our pers6niL r own pors &L tb 'tbl@ 2 utstanding ..rhomiEFt and pi3axTiloist.)! j@ lie is @ree,,,-Lided aa'-'perhaps the top iro- areb@ ';ys- 2 -r c.. sr-id',bbd its ,.,,d.eriviitive 8 dkL A r ':'thdt ;@h P t tn C io Ld bo ..:x-oute .'on him. 1 U! iw ;,,qpming o in- ,J 16 4t 47 di'L[ i 7n"rv(5u@tstxndin,.,, authorj.. b ta ti 's@stabolism-and buB d 0-.-very,.@ut ori 2 'an on icaline' 1.5 D., a@ d tic work,on. *.L an s @nti@nu@us 2 ;"@uotod, tl 'U eA- C,C ;hat. he',..c&Lld: e IL t@ 9 2 d to atid .10 W rk tLlotLg 2 bb'ihadldbu,e *Very"adv t S 0 r:-ip thinv, 0 cud, 2 it.t6 inof-rici W n= O tiozl* 2 fffled.;by -a statement'fro or) @u.r-l'ty@.-cou]4@notf iuthoriz xtraorclinliriiy t@u tin' ;zy,@@upo:r. I= id@ pe'raonl r 2 .-7arious" impo contac; tD 'fa se -b ",Tbo wri 2 'k of .'.these" '-'but",t ted'bi 11 ta'l-,o'smnua.1 'leiv6 lie e S iSt,'_On !be!@aLlf b2t ency v tar .,@eels';,'the.vor i-.the".LRT-ICrIOYE iiclividuliis,-.,!:"and 'or zations is 6f@ 2 -i .. ce=nt." eiven -,.to the ad van -.'that'ccn2siderk i= t d -A ,44 L -'prograz',ahd u"ld -6f tl(@,,As3ist 'lsum@ iaor of so@no -mmll k6y@ t6 wt to i &Iio 2 behal:f.,Qf r -oil a i on; or .1@o;e ' ,indiVid@a@ 2 e tell'; org,3.uiyatipn-,j p%cewov, ave., @ut! In 'regular -i t -7 -.ni aDove.@Tnen2tioned.':.=t@4 k@ i4 erred - o,, ou 0 ro. ,..:tour ton.@ con 2 at ti' et.-'5e@@ityproblbm, ELnd .Also r, tob@L n,Th' @"2 urf dars,@, erence.,,,O' 2"'O" @tr. v -I L fIt ip @.0 if "J A)'